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redis_commands.h 13.67 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
#include "common.h"
#include "library.h"
#include "cluster_library.h"
/* Pick a random slot, any slot (for stuff like publish/subscribe) */
#define CMD_RAND_SLOT(slot) \
if(slot) *slot = rand() % REDIS_CLUSTER_MOD
/* Macro for setting the slot if we've been asked to */
#define CMD_SET_SLOT(slot,key,key_len) \
if (slot) *slot = cluster_hash_key(key,key_len);
/* Simple container so we can push subscribe context out */
typedef struct subscribeContext {
char *kw;
int argc;
zend_fcall_info cb;
zend_fcall_info_cache cb_cache;
} subscribeContext;
/* Construct a raw command */
int redis_build_raw_cmd(zval *z_args, int argc, char **cmd, int *cmd_len);
/* Construct a script command */
smart_string *redis_build_script_cmd(smart_string *cmd, int argc, zval *z_args);
/* Redis command generics. Many commands share common prototypes meaning that
* we can write one function to handle all of them. For example, there are
* many COMMAND key value commands, or COMMAND key commands. */
int redis_empty_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_opt_str_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock, char *kw,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_str_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_key_long_val_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_key_long_str_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_kv_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_key_str_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_key_key_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_key_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_key_long_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_long_long_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_key_long_long_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_key_str_str_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_key_dbl_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_key_varval_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_key_val_arr_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_key_str_arr_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_blocking_pop_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
/* Construct SCAN and similar commands, as well as check iterator */
int redis_scan_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
REDIS_SCAN_TYPE type, char **cmd, int *cmd_len);
typedef int (*zrange_cb)(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *,char**,int*,int*,short*,void**);
int redis_zrange_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, int *withscores, short *slot,
void **ctx);
int redis_zrangebyscore_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, int *withscores, short *slot,
void **ctx);
int redis_zinter_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_subscribe_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_unsubscribe_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_zrangebylex_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_gen_zlex_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_eval_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_flush_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_xrange_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_georadius_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_georadiusbymember_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
/* Commands which need a unique construction mechanism. This is either because
* they don't share a signature with any other command, or because there is
* specific processing we do (e.g. verifying subarguments) that make them
* unique */
int redis_set_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_brpoplpush_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_incr_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_decr_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_hincrby_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_hincrbyfloat_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_hmget_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_hmset_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_hstrlen_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_bitop_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_bitcount_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_bitpos_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_pfcount_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_pfadd_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_pfmerge_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_auth_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_setbit_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_linsert_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_lrem_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_smove_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_hset_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_hsetnx_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_srandmember_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx, short *have_count);
int redis_zincrby_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_sort_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
int *using_store, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_hdel_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_zadd_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_object_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
REDIS_REPLY_TYPE *rtype, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot,
void **ctx);
int redis_exists_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_del_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_unlink_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_watch_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_sinter_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_sinterstore_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_sunion_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_sunionstore_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_sdiff_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_sdiffstore_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_command_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_fmt_scan_cmd(char **cmd, REDIS_SCAN_TYPE type, char *key, int key_len,
long it, char *pat, int pat_len, long count);
int redis_geodist_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_migrate_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_xadd_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_xclaim_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_xpending_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_xack_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_xgroup_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_xinfo_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_xread_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_xreadgroup_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_xtrim_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_sentinel_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
int redis_sentinel_str_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, RedisSock *redis_sock,
char *kw, char **cmd, int *cmd_len, short *slot, void **ctx);
/* Commands that don't communicate with Redis at all (such as getOption,
* setOption, _prefix, _serialize, etc). These can be handled in one place
* with the method of grabbing our RedisSock* object in different ways
* depending if this is a Redis object or a RedisCluster object. */
void redis_getoption_handler(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS,
RedisSock *redis_sock, redisCluster *c);
void redis_setoption_handler(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS,
RedisSock *redis_sock, redisCluster *c);
void redis_prefix_handler(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS,
RedisSock *redis_sock);
void redis_serialize_handler(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS,
RedisSock *redis_sock);
void redis_unserialize_handler(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS,
RedisSock *redis_sock, zend_class_entry *ex);
/* vim: set tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4: */
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