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pivotTable.go 33.52 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2016 - 2024 The excelize Authors. All rights reserved. Use of
// this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
// Package excelize providing a set of functions that allow you to write to and
// read from XLAM / XLSM / XLSX / XLTM / XLTX files. Supports reading and
// writing spreadsheet documents generated by Microsoft Excel™ 2007 and later.
// Supports complex components by high compatibility, and provided streaming
// API for generating or reading data from a worksheet with huge amounts of
// data. This library needs Go version 1.18 or later.
package excelize
import (
// PivotTableOptions directly maps the format settings of the pivot table.
// PivotTableStyleName: The built-in pivot table style names
// PivotStyleLight1 - PivotStyleLight28
// PivotStyleMedium1 - PivotStyleMedium28
// PivotStyleDark1 - PivotStyleDark28
type PivotTableOptions struct {
pivotTableXML string
pivotCacheXML string
pivotSheetName string
pivotDataRange string
namedDataRange bool
DataRange string
PivotTableRange string
Name string
Rows []PivotTableField
Columns []PivotTableField
Data []PivotTableField
Filter []PivotTableField
RowGrandTotals bool
ColGrandTotals bool
ShowDrill bool
UseAutoFormatting bool
PageOverThenDown bool
MergeItem bool
CompactData bool
ShowError bool
ShowRowHeaders bool
ShowColHeaders bool
ShowRowStripes bool
ShowColStripes bool
ShowLastColumn bool
FieldPrintTitles bool
ItemPrintTitles bool
PivotTableStyleName string
// PivotTableField directly maps the field settings of the pivot table.
// Name specifies the name of the data field. Maximum 255 characters
// are allowed in data field name, excess characters will be truncated.
// Subtotal specifies the aggregation function that applies to this data
// field. The default value is sum. The possible values for this attribute
// are:
// Average
// Count
// CountNums
// Max
// Min
// Product
// StdDev
// StdDevp
// Sum
// Var
// Varp
// NumFmt specifies the number format ID of the data field, this filed only
// accepts built-in number format ID and does not support custom number format
// expression currently.
type PivotTableField struct {
Compact bool
Data string
Name string
Outline bool
ShowAll bool
InsertBlankRow bool
Subtotal string
DefaultSubtotal bool
NumFmt int
// AddPivotTable provides the method to add pivot table by given pivot table
// options. Note that the same fields can not in Columns, Rows and Filter
// fields at the same time.
// For example, create a pivot table on the range reference Sheet1!G2:M34 with
// the range reference Sheet1!A1:E31 as the data source, summarize by sum for
// sales:
// package main
// import (
// "fmt"
// "math/rand"
// "github.com/xuri/excelize/v2"
// )
// func main() {
// f := excelize.NewFile()
// defer func() {
// if err := f.Close(); err != nil {
// fmt.Println(err)
// }
// }()
// // Create some data in a sheet
// month := []string{"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"}
// year := []int{2017, 2018, 2019}
// types := []string{"Meat", "Dairy", "Beverages", "Produce"}
// region := []string{"East", "West", "North", "South"}
// f.SetSheetRow("Sheet1", "A1", &[]string{"Month", "Year", "Type", "Sales", "Region"})
// for row := 2; row < 32; row++ {
// f.SetCellValue("Sheet1", fmt.Sprintf("A%d", row), month[rand.Intn(12)])
// f.SetCellValue("Sheet1", fmt.Sprintf("B%d", row), year[rand.Intn(3)])
// f.SetCellValue("Sheet1", fmt.Sprintf("C%d", row), types[rand.Intn(4)])
// f.SetCellValue("Sheet1", fmt.Sprintf("D%d", row), rand.Intn(5000))
// f.SetCellValue("Sheet1", fmt.Sprintf("E%d", row), region[rand.Intn(4)])
// }
// if err := f.AddPivotTable(&excelize.PivotTableOptions{
// DataRange: "Sheet1!A1:E31",
// PivotTableRange: "Sheet1!G2:M34",
// Rows: []excelize.PivotTableField{{Data: "Month", DefaultSubtotal: true}, {Data: "Year"}},
// Filter: []excelize.PivotTableField{{Data: "Region"}},
// Columns: []excelize.PivotTableField{{Data: "Type", DefaultSubtotal: true}},
// Data: []excelize.PivotTableField{{Data: "Sales", Name: "Summarize", Subtotal: "Sum"}},
// RowGrandTotals: true,
// ColGrandTotals: true,
// ShowDrill: true,
// ShowRowHeaders: true,
// ShowColHeaders: true,
// ShowLastColumn: true,
// }); err != nil {
// fmt.Println(err)
// }
// if err := f.SaveAs("Book1.xlsx"); err != nil {
// fmt.Println(err)
// }
// }
func (f *File) AddPivotTable(opts *PivotTableOptions) error {
// parameter validation
_, pivotTableSheetPath, err := f.parseFormatPivotTableSet(opts)
if err != nil {
return err
pivotTableID := f.countPivotTables() + 1
pivotCacheID := f.countPivotCache() + 1
sheetRelationshipsPivotTableXML := "../pivotTables/pivotTable" + strconv.Itoa(pivotTableID) + ".xml"
opts.pivotTableXML = strings.ReplaceAll(sheetRelationshipsPivotTableXML, "..", "xl")
opts.pivotCacheXML = "xl/pivotCache/pivotCacheDefinition" + strconv.Itoa(pivotCacheID) + ".xml"
if err = f.addPivotCache(opts); err != nil {
return err
// workbook pivot cache
workBookPivotCacheRID := f.addRels(f.getWorkbookRelsPath(), SourceRelationshipPivotCache, strings.TrimPrefix(opts.pivotCacheXML, "xl/"), "")
cacheID := f.addWorkbookPivotCache(workBookPivotCacheRID)
pivotCacheRels := "xl/pivotTables/_rels/pivotTable" + strconv.Itoa(pivotTableID) + ".xml.rels"
// rId not used
_ = f.addRels(pivotCacheRels, SourceRelationshipPivotCache, fmt.Sprintf("../pivotCache/pivotCacheDefinition%d.xml", pivotCacheID), "")
if err = f.addPivotTable(cacheID, pivotTableID, opts); err != nil {
return err
pivotTableSheetRels := "xl/worksheets/_rels/" + strings.TrimPrefix(pivotTableSheetPath, "xl/worksheets/") + ".rels"
f.addRels(pivotTableSheetRels, SourceRelationshipPivotTable, sheetRelationshipsPivotTableXML, "")
if err = f.addContentTypePart(pivotTableID, "pivotTable"); err != nil {
return err
return f.addContentTypePart(pivotCacheID, "pivotCache")
// parseFormatPivotTableSet provides a function to validate pivot table
// properties.
func (f *File) parseFormatPivotTableSet(opts *PivotTableOptions) (*xlsxWorksheet, string, error) {
if opts == nil {
return nil, "", ErrParameterRequired
pivotTableSheetName, _, err := f.adjustRange(opts.PivotTableRange)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", newPivotTableRangeError(err.Error())
if len(opts.Name) > MaxFieldLength {
return nil, "", ErrNameLength
opts.pivotSheetName = pivotTableSheetName
if err = f.getPivotTableDataRange(opts); err != nil {
return nil, "", err
dataSheetName, _, err := f.adjustRange(opts.pivotDataRange)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", newPivotTableDataRangeError(err.Error())
dataSheet, err := f.workSheetReader(dataSheetName)
if err != nil {
return dataSheet, "", err
pivotTableSheetPath, ok := f.getSheetXMLPath(pivotTableSheetName)
if !ok {
return dataSheet, pivotTableSheetPath, ErrSheetNotExist{pivotTableSheetName}
return dataSheet, pivotTableSheetPath, err
// adjustRange adjust range, for example: adjust Sheet1!$E$31:$A$1 to Sheet1!$A$1:$E$31
func (f *File) adjustRange(rangeStr string) (string, []int, error) {
if len(rangeStr) < 1 {
return "", []int{}, ErrParameterRequired
rng := strings.Split(rangeStr, "!")
if len(rng) != 2 {
return "", []int{}, ErrParameterInvalid
trimRng := strings.ReplaceAll(rng[1], "$", "")
coordinates, err := rangeRefToCoordinates(trimRng)
if err != nil {
return rng[0], []int{}, err
x1, y1, x2, y2 := coordinates[0], coordinates[1], coordinates[2], coordinates[3]
if x1 == x2 && y1 == y2 {
return rng[0], []int{}, ErrParameterInvalid
// Correct the range, such correct C1:B3 to B1:C3.
if x2 < x1 {
x1, x2 = x2, x1
if y2 < y1 {
y1, y2 = y2, y1
return rng[0], []int{x1, y1, x2, y2}, nil
// getTableFieldsOrder provides a function to get order list of pivot table
// fields.
func (f *File) getTableFieldsOrder(opts *PivotTableOptions) ([]string, error) {
var order []string
if err := f.getPivotTableDataRange(opts); err != nil {
return order, err
dataSheet, coordinates, err := f.adjustRange(opts.pivotDataRange)
if err != nil {
return order, newPivotTableDataRangeError(err.Error())
for col := coordinates[0]; col <= coordinates[2]; col++ {
coordinate, _ := CoordinatesToCellName(col, coordinates[1])
name, err := f.GetCellValue(dataSheet, coordinate)
if err != nil {
return order, err
if name == "" {
return order, ErrParameterInvalid
order = append(order, name)
return order, nil
// addPivotCache provides a function to create a pivot cache by given properties.
func (f *File) addPivotCache(opts *PivotTableOptions) error {
// validate data range
dataSheet, coordinates, err := f.adjustRange(opts.pivotDataRange)
if err != nil {
return newPivotTableDataRangeError(err.Error())
order, err := f.getTableFieldsOrder(opts)
if err != nil {
return newPivotTableDataRangeError(err.Error())
topLeftCell, _ := CoordinatesToCellName(coordinates[0], coordinates[1])
bottomRightCell, _ := CoordinatesToCellName(coordinates[2], coordinates[3])
pc := xlsxPivotCacheDefinition{
SaveData: false,
RefreshOnLoad: true,
CreatedVersion: pivotTableVersion,
RefreshedVersion: pivotTableRefreshedVersion,
MinRefreshableVersion: pivotTableVersion,
CacheSource: &xlsxCacheSource{
Type: "worksheet",
WorksheetSource: &xlsxWorksheetSource{
Ref: topLeftCell + ":" + bottomRightCell,
Sheet: dataSheet,
CacheFields: &xlsxCacheFields{},
if opts.namedDataRange {
pc.CacheSource.WorksheetSource = &xlsxWorksheetSource{Name: opts.DataRange}
for _, name := range order {
pc.CacheFields.CacheField = append(pc.CacheFields.CacheField, &xlsxCacheField{
Name: name,
SharedItems: &xlsxSharedItems{ContainsBlank: true, M: []xlsxMissing{{}}},
pc.CacheFields.Count = len(pc.CacheFields.CacheField)
pivotCache, err := xml.Marshal(pc)
f.saveFileList(opts.pivotCacheXML, pivotCache)
return err
// addPivotTable provides a function to create a pivot table by given pivot
// table ID and properties.
func (f *File) addPivotTable(cacheID, pivotTableID int, opts *PivotTableOptions) error {
// validate pivot table range
_, coordinates, err := f.adjustRange(opts.PivotTableRange)
if err != nil {
return newPivotTableRangeError(err.Error())
topLeftCell, _ := CoordinatesToCellName(coordinates[0], coordinates[1])
bottomRightCell, _ := CoordinatesToCellName(coordinates[2], coordinates[3])
pivotTableStyle := func() string {
if opts.PivotTableStyleName == "" {
return "PivotStyleLight16"
return opts.PivotTableStyleName
pt := xlsxPivotTableDefinition{
Name: opts.Name,
CacheID: cacheID,
RowGrandTotals: &opts.RowGrandTotals,
ColGrandTotals: &opts.ColGrandTotals,
UpdatedVersion: pivotTableRefreshedVersion,
MinRefreshableVersion: pivotTableVersion,
ShowDrill: &opts.ShowDrill,
UseAutoFormatting: &opts.UseAutoFormatting,
PageOverThenDown: &opts.PageOverThenDown,
MergeItem: &opts.MergeItem,
CreatedVersion: pivotTableVersion,
CompactData: &opts.CompactData,
ShowError: &opts.ShowError,
FieldPrintTitles: opts.FieldPrintTitles,
ItemPrintTitles: opts.ItemPrintTitles,
DataCaption: "Values",
Location: &xlsxLocation{
Ref: topLeftCell + ":" + bottomRightCell,
FirstDataCol: 1,
FirstDataRow: 1,
FirstHeaderRow: 1,
PivotFields: &xlsxPivotFields{},
RowItems: &xlsxRowItems{
Count: 1,
I: []*xlsxI{
[]*xlsxX{{}, {}},
ColItems: &xlsxColItems{
Count: 1,
I: []*xlsxI{{}},
PivotTableStyleInfo: &xlsxPivotTableStyleInfo{
Name: pivotTableStyle(),
ShowRowHeaders: opts.ShowRowHeaders,
ShowColHeaders: opts.ShowColHeaders,
ShowRowStripes: opts.ShowRowStripes,
ShowColStripes: opts.ShowColStripes,
ShowLastColumn: opts.ShowLastColumn,
if pt.Name == "" {
pt.Name = fmt.Sprintf("PivotTable%d", pivotTableID)
// pivot fields
_ = f.addPivotFields(&pt, opts)
// count pivot fields
pt.PivotFields.Count = len(pt.PivotFields.PivotField)
// data range has been checked
_ = f.addPivotRowFields(&pt, opts)
_ = f.addPivotColFields(&pt, opts)
_ = f.addPivotPageFields(&pt, opts)
_ = f.addPivotDataFields(&pt, opts)
pivotTable, err := xml.Marshal(pt)
f.saveFileList(opts.pivotTableXML, pivotTable)
return err
// addPivotRowFields provides a method to add row fields for pivot table by
// given pivot table options.
func (f *File) addPivotRowFields(pt *xlsxPivotTableDefinition, opts *PivotTableOptions) error {
// row fields
rowFieldsIndex, err := f.getPivotFieldsIndex(opts.Rows, opts)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, fieldIdx := range rowFieldsIndex {
if pt.RowFields == nil {
pt.RowFields = &xlsxRowFields{}
pt.RowFields.Field = append(pt.RowFields.Field, &xlsxField{
X: fieldIdx,
// count row fields
if pt.RowFields != nil {
pt.RowFields.Count = len(pt.RowFields.Field)
return err
// addPivotPageFields provides a method to add page fields for pivot table by
// given pivot table options.
func (f *File) addPivotPageFields(pt *xlsxPivotTableDefinition, opts *PivotTableOptions) error {
// page fields
pageFieldsIndex, err := f.getPivotFieldsIndex(opts.Filter, opts)
if err != nil {
return err
pageFieldsName := f.getPivotTableFieldsName(opts.Filter)
for idx, pageField := range pageFieldsIndex {
if pt.PageFields == nil {
pt.PageFields = &xlsxPageFields{}
pt.PageFields.PageField = append(pt.PageFields.PageField, &xlsxPageField{
Name: pageFieldsName[idx],
Fld: pageField,
// count page fields
if pt.PageFields != nil {
pt.PageFields.Count = len(pt.PageFields.PageField)
return err
// addPivotDataFields provides a method to add data fields for pivot table by
// given pivot table options.
func (f *File) addPivotDataFields(pt *xlsxPivotTableDefinition, opts *PivotTableOptions) error {
// data fields
dataFieldsIndex, err := f.getPivotFieldsIndex(opts.Data, opts)
if err != nil {
return err
dataFieldsSubtotals := f.getPivotTableFieldsSubtotal(opts.Data)
dataFieldsName := f.getPivotTableFieldsName(opts.Data)
dataFieldsNumFmtID := f.getPivotTableFieldsNumFmtID(opts.Data)
for idx, dataField := range dataFieldsIndex {
if pt.DataFields == nil {
pt.DataFields = &xlsxDataFields{}
pt.DataFields.DataField = append(pt.DataFields.DataField, &xlsxDataField{
Name: dataFieldsName[idx],
Fld: dataField,
Subtotal: dataFieldsSubtotals[idx],
NumFmtID: dataFieldsNumFmtID[idx],
// count data fields
if pt.DataFields != nil {
pt.DataFields.Count = len(pt.DataFields.DataField)
return err
// inPivotTableField provides a method to check if an element is present in
// pivot table fields list, and return the index of its location, otherwise
// return -1.
func inPivotTableField(a []PivotTableField, x string) int {
for idx, n := range a {
if x == n.Data {
return idx
return -1
// addPivotColFields create pivot column fields by given pivot table
// definition and option.
func (f *File) addPivotColFields(pt *xlsxPivotTableDefinition, opts *PivotTableOptions) error {
if len(opts.Columns) == 0 {
if len(opts.Data) <= 1 {
return nil
pt.ColFields = &xlsxColFields{}
// in order to create pivot table in case there is no input from Columns
pt.ColFields.Count = 1
pt.ColFields.Field = append(pt.ColFields.Field, &xlsxField{
X: -2,
return nil
pt.ColFields = &xlsxColFields{}
// col fields
colFieldsIndex, err := f.getPivotFieldsIndex(opts.Columns, opts)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, fieldIdx := range colFieldsIndex {
pt.ColFields.Field = append(pt.ColFields.Field, &xlsxField{
X: fieldIdx,
// in order to create pivot in case there is many Columns and Data
if len(opts.Data) > 1 {
pt.ColFields.Field = append(pt.ColFields.Field, &xlsxField{
X: -2,
// count col fields
pt.ColFields.Count = len(pt.ColFields.Field)
return err
// addPivotFields create pivot fields based on the column order of the first
// row in the data region by given pivot table definition and option.
func (f *File) addPivotFields(pt *xlsxPivotTableDefinition, opts *PivotTableOptions) error {
order, err := f.getTableFieldsOrder(opts)
if err != nil {
return err
x := 0
for _, name := range order {
if inPivotTableField(opts.Rows, name) != -1 {
rowOptions, ok := f.getPivotTableFieldOptions(name, opts.Rows)
var items []*xlsxItem
if !ok || !rowOptions.DefaultSubtotal {
items = append(items, &xlsxItem{X: &x})
} else {
items = append(items, &xlsxItem{T: "default"})
pt.PivotFields.PivotField = append(pt.PivotFields.PivotField, &xlsxPivotField{
Name: f.getPivotTableFieldName(name, opts.Rows),
Axis: "axisRow",
DataField: inPivotTableField(opts.Data, name) != -1,
Compact: &rowOptions.Compact,
Outline: &rowOptions.Outline,
ShowAll: rowOptions.ShowAll,
InsertBlankRow: rowOptions.InsertBlankRow,
DefaultSubtotal: &rowOptions.DefaultSubtotal,
Items: &xlsxItems{
Count: len(items),
Item: items,
if inPivotTableField(opts.Filter, name) != -1 {
pt.PivotFields.PivotField = append(pt.PivotFields.PivotField, &xlsxPivotField{
Axis: "axisPage",
DataField: inPivotTableField(opts.Data, name) != -1,
Name: f.getPivotTableFieldName(name, opts.Columns),
Items: &xlsxItems{
Count: 1,
Item: []*xlsxItem{
{T: "default"},
if inPivotTableField(opts.Columns, name) != -1 {
columnOptions, ok := f.getPivotTableFieldOptions(name, opts.Columns)
var items []*xlsxItem
if !ok || !columnOptions.DefaultSubtotal {
items = append(items, &xlsxItem{X: &x})
} else {
items = append(items, &xlsxItem{T: "default"})
pt.PivotFields.PivotField = append(pt.PivotFields.PivotField, &xlsxPivotField{
Name: f.getPivotTableFieldName(name, opts.Columns),
Axis: "axisCol",
DataField: inPivotTableField(opts.Data, name) != -1,
Compact: &columnOptions.Compact,
Outline: &columnOptions.Outline,
ShowAll: columnOptions.ShowAll,
InsertBlankRow: columnOptions.InsertBlankRow,
DefaultSubtotal: &columnOptions.DefaultSubtotal,
Items: &xlsxItems{
Count: len(items),
Item: items,
if inPivotTableField(opts.Data, name) != -1 {
pt.PivotFields.PivotField = append(pt.PivotFields.PivotField, &xlsxPivotField{
DataField: true,
pt.PivotFields.PivotField = append(pt.PivotFields.PivotField, &xlsxPivotField{})
return err
// countPivotTables provides a function to get pivot table files count storage
// in the folder xl/pivotTables.
func (f *File) countPivotTables() int {
count := 0
f.Pkg.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool {
if strings.Contains(k.(string), "xl/pivotTables/pivotTable") {
return true
return count
// countPivotCache provides a function to get pivot table cache definition files
// count storage in the folder xl/pivotCache.
func (f *File) countPivotCache() int {
count := 0
f.Pkg.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool {
if strings.Contains(k.(string), "xl/pivotCache/pivotCacheDefinition") {
return true
return count
// getPivotFieldsIndex convert the column of the first row in the data region
// to a sequential index by given fields and pivot option.
func (f *File) getPivotFieldsIndex(fields []PivotTableField, opts *PivotTableOptions) ([]int, error) {
var pivotFieldsIndex []int
orders, err := f.getTableFieldsOrder(opts)
if err != nil {
return pivotFieldsIndex, err
for _, field := range fields {
if pos := inStrSlice(orders, field.Data, true); pos != -1 {
pivotFieldsIndex = append(pivotFieldsIndex, pos)
return pivotFieldsIndex, nil
// getPivotTableFieldsSubtotal prepare fields subtotal by given pivot table fields.
func (f *File) getPivotTableFieldsSubtotal(fields []PivotTableField) []string {
field := make([]string, len(fields))
enums := []string{"average", "count", "countNums", "max", "min", "product", "stdDev", "stdDevp", "sum", "var", "varp"}
inEnums := func(enums []string, val string) string {
for _, enum := range enums {
if strings.EqualFold(enum, val) {
return enum
return "sum"
for idx, fld := range fields {
field[idx] = inEnums(enums, fld.Subtotal)
return field
// getPivotTableFieldsName prepare fields name list by given pivot table
// fields.
func (f *File) getPivotTableFieldsName(fields []PivotTableField) []string {
field := make([]string, len(fields))
for idx, fld := range fields {
if len(fld.Name) > MaxFieldLength {
field[idx] = fld.Name[:MaxFieldLength]
field[idx] = fld.Name
return field
// getPivotTableFieldName prepare field name by given pivot table fields.
func (f *File) getPivotTableFieldName(name string, fields []PivotTableField) string {
fieldsName := f.getPivotTableFieldsName(fields)
for idx, field := range fields {
if field.Data == name {
return fieldsName[idx]
return ""
// getPivotTableFieldsNumFmtID prepare fields number format ID by given pivot
// table fields.
func (f *File) getPivotTableFieldsNumFmtID(fields []PivotTableField) []int {
field := make([]int, len(fields))
for idx, fld := range fields {
if _, ok := builtInNumFmt[fld.NumFmt]; ok {
field[idx] = fld.NumFmt
if (27 <= fld.NumFmt && fld.NumFmt <= 36) || (50 <= fld.NumFmt && fld.NumFmt <= 81) {
field[idx] = fld.NumFmt
return field
// getPivotTableFieldOptions return options for specific field by given field name.
func (f *File) getPivotTableFieldOptions(name string, fields []PivotTableField) (options PivotTableField, ok bool) {
for _, field := range fields {
if field.Data == name {
options, ok = field, true
// addWorkbookPivotCache add the association ID of the pivot cache in workbook.xml.
func (f *File) addWorkbookPivotCache(RID int) int {
wb, _ := f.workbookReader()
if wb.PivotCaches == nil {
wb.PivotCaches = &xlsxPivotCaches{}
cacheID := 1
for _, pivotCache := range wb.PivotCaches.PivotCache {
if pivotCache.CacheID > cacheID {
cacheID = pivotCache.CacheID
wb.PivotCaches.PivotCache = append(wb.PivotCaches.PivotCache, xlsxPivotCache{
CacheID: cacheID,
RID: fmt.Sprintf("rId%d", RID),
return cacheID
// GetPivotTables returns all pivot table definitions in a worksheet by given
// worksheet name.
func (f *File) GetPivotTables(sheet string) ([]PivotTableOptions, error) {
var pivotTables []PivotTableOptions
name, ok := f.getSheetXMLPath(sheet)
if !ok {
return pivotTables, ErrSheetNotExist{sheet}
rels := "xl/worksheets/_rels/" + strings.TrimPrefix(name, "xl/worksheets/") + ".rels"
sheetRels, err := f.relsReader(rels)
if err != nil {
return pivotTables, err
if sheetRels == nil {
sheetRels = &xlsxRelationships{}
for _, v := range sheetRels.Relationships {
if v.Type == SourceRelationshipPivotTable {
pivotTableXML := strings.ReplaceAll(v.Target, "..", "xl")
pivotCacheRels := "xl/pivotTables/_rels/" + filepath.Base(v.Target) + ".rels"
pivotTable, err := f.getPivotTable(sheet, pivotTableXML, pivotCacheRels)
if err != nil {
return pivotTables, err
pivotTables = append(pivotTables, pivotTable)
return pivotTables, nil
// getPivotTableDataRange checking given if data range is a cell reference or
// named reference (defined name or table name), and set pivot table data range.
func (f *File) getPivotTableDataRange(opts *PivotTableOptions) error {
if opts.DataRange == "" {
return newPivotTableDataRangeError(ErrParameterRequired.Error())
if opts.pivotDataRange != "" {
return nil
if strings.Contains(opts.DataRange, "!") {
opts.pivotDataRange = opts.DataRange
return nil
tbls, err := f.getTables()
if err != nil {
return err
for sheetName, tables := range tbls {
for _, table := range tables {
if table.Name == opts.DataRange {
opts.pivotDataRange, opts.namedDataRange = fmt.Sprintf("%s!%s", sheetName, table.Range), true
return err
if !opts.namedDataRange {
opts.pivotDataRange = f.getDefinedNameRefTo(opts.DataRange, opts.pivotSheetName)
if opts.pivotDataRange != "" {
opts.namedDataRange = true
return nil
return newPivotTableDataRangeError(ErrParameterInvalid.Error())
// getPivotTable provides a function to get a pivot table definition by given
// worksheet name, pivot table XML path and pivot cache relationship XML path.
func (f *File) getPivotTable(sheet, pivotTableXML, pivotCacheRels string) (PivotTableOptions, error) {
var opts PivotTableOptions
rels, err := f.relsReader(pivotCacheRels)
if err != nil {
return opts, err
var pivotCacheXML string
for _, v := range rels.Relationships {
if v.Type == SourceRelationshipPivotCache {
pivotCacheXML = strings.ReplaceAll(v.Target, "..", "xl")
pc, err := f.pivotCacheReader(pivotCacheXML)
if err != nil {
return opts, err
pt, err := f.pivotTableReader(pivotTableXML)
if err != nil {
return opts, err
opts = PivotTableOptions{
pivotTableXML: pivotTableXML,
pivotCacheXML: pivotCacheXML,
pivotSheetName: sheet,
DataRange: fmt.Sprintf("%s!%s", pc.CacheSource.WorksheetSource.Sheet, pc.CacheSource.WorksheetSource.Ref),
PivotTableRange: fmt.Sprintf("%s!%s", sheet, pt.Location.Ref),
Name: pt.Name,
FieldPrintTitles: pt.FieldPrintTitles,
ItemPrintTitles: pt.ItemPrintTitles,
if pc.CacheSource.WorksheetSource.Name != "" {
opts.DataRange = pc.CacheSource.WorksheetSource.Name
_ = f.getPivotTableDataRange(&opts)
fields := []string{"RowGrandTotals", "ColGrandTotals", "ShowDrill", "UseAutoFormatting", "PageOverThenDown", "MergeItem", "CompactData", "ShowError"}
immutable, mutable := reflect.ValueOf(*pt), reflect.ValueOf(&opts).Elem()
for _, field := range fields {
immutableField := immutable.FieldByName(field)
if immutableField.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !immutableField.IsNil() && immutableField.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Bool {
if si := pt.PivotTableStyleInfo; si != nil {
opts.ShowRowHeaders = si.ShowRowHeaders
opts.ShowColHeaders = si.ShowColHeaders
opts.ShowRowStripes = si.ShowRowStripes
opts.ShowColStripes = si.ShowColStripes
opts.ShowLastColumn = si.ShowLastColumn
opts.PivotTableStyleName = si.Name
order, err := f.getTableFieldsOrder(&opts)
if err != nil {
return opts, err
f.extractPivotTableFields(order, pt, &opts)
return opts, err
// pivotTableReader provides a function to get the pointer to the structure
// after deserialization of xl/pivotTables/pivotTable%d.xml.
func (f *File) pivotTableReader(path string) (*xlsxPivotTableDefinition, error) {
content, ok := f.Pkg.Load(path)
pivotTable := &xlsxPivotTableDefinition{}
if ok && content != nil {
if err := f.xmlNewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(namespaceStrictToTransitional(content.([]byte)))).
Decode(pivotTable); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return nil, err
return pivotTable, nil
// pivotCacheReader provides a function to get the pointer to the structure
// after deserialization of xl/pivotCache/pivotCacheDefinition%d.xml.
func (f *File) pivotCacheReader(path string) (*xlsxPivotCacheDefinition, error) {
content, ok := f.Pkg.Load(path)
pivotCache := &xlsxPivotCacheDefinition{}
if ok && content != nil {
if err := f.xmlNewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(namespaceStrictToTransitional(content.([]byte)))).
Decode(pivotCache); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return nil, err
return pivotCache, nil
// extractPivotTableFields provides a function to extract all pivot table fields
// settings by given pivot table fields.
func (f *File) extractPivotTableFields(order []string, pt *xlsxPivotTableDefinition, opts *PivotTableOptions) {
for fieldIdx, field := range pt.PivotFields.PivotField {
if field.Axis == "axisRow" {
opts.Rows = append(opts.Rows, extractPivotTableField(order[fieldIdx], field))
if field.Axis == "axisCol" {
opts.Columns = append(opts.Columns, extractPivotTableField(order[fieldIdx], field))
if field.Axis == "axisPage" {
opts.Filter = append(opts.Filter, extractPivotTableField(order[fieldIdx], field))
if pt.DataFields != nil {
for _, field := range pt.DataFields.DataField {
opts.Data = append(opts.Data, PivotTableField{
Data: order[field.Fld],
Name: field.Name,
Subtotal: cases.Title(language.English).String(field.Subtotal),
NumFmt: field.NumFmtID,
// extractPivotTableField provides a function to extract pivot table field
// settings by given pivot table fields.
func extractPivotTableField(data string, fld *xlsxPivotField) PivotTableField {
pivotTableField := PivotTableField{
Data: data,
ShowAll: fld.ShowAll,
InsertBlankRow: fld.InsertBlankRow,
fields := []string{"Compact", "Name", "Outline", "Subtotal", "DefaultSubtotal"}
immutable, mutable := reflect.ValueOf(*fld), reflect.ValueOf(&pivotTableField).Elem()
for _, field := range fields {
immutableField := immutable.FieldByName(field)
if immutableField.Kind() == reflect.String {
if immutableField.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !immutableField.IsNil() && immutableField.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Bool {
return pivotTableField
// genPivotCacheDefinitionID generates a unique pivot table cache definition ID.
func (f *File) genPivotCacheDefinitionID() int {
var (
ID int
decodeExtLst = new(decodeExtLst)
decodeX14PivotCacheDefinition = new(decodeX14PivotCacheDefinition)
f.Pkg.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool {
if strings.Contains(k.(string), "xl/pivotCache/pivotCacheDefinition") {
pc, err := f.pivotCacheReader(k.(string))
if err != nil {
return true
if pc.ExtLst != nil {
_ = f.xmlNewDecoder(strings.NewReader("<extLst>" + pc.ExtLst.Ext + "</extLst>")).Decode(decodeExtLst)
for _, ext := range decodeExtLst.Ext {
if ext.URI == ExtURIPivotCacheDefinition {
_ = f.xmlNewDecoder(strings.NewReader(ext.Content)).Decode(decodeX14PivotCacheDefinition)
if ID < decodeX14PivotCacheDefinition.PivotCacheID {
ID = decodeX14PivotCacheDefinition.PivotCacheID
return true
return ID + 1
// deleteWorkbookPivotCache remove workbook pivot cache and pivot cache
// relationships.
func (f *File) deleteWorkbookPivotCache(opt PivotTableOptions) error {
rID, err := f.deleteWorkbookRels(SourceRelationshipPivotCache, strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(opt.pivotCacheXML, "/"), "xl/"))
if err != nil {
return err
wb, err := f.workbookReader()
if err != nil {
return err
if wb.PivotCaches != nil {
for i, pivotCache := range wb.PivotCaches.PivotCache {
if pivotCache.RID == rID {
wb.PivotCaches.PivotCache = append(wb.PivotCaches.PivotCache[:i], wb.PivotCaches.PivotCache[i+1:]...)
if len(wb.PivotCaches.PivotCache) == 0 {
wb.PivotCaches = nil
return err
// DeletePivotTable delete a pivot table by giving the worksheet name and pivot
// table name. Note that this function does not clean cell values in the pivot
// table range.
func (f *File) DeletePivotTable(sheet, name string) error {
sheetXML, ok := f.getSheetXMLPath(sheet)
if !ok {
return ErrSheetNotExist{sheet}
rels := "xl/worksheets/_rels/" + strings.TrimPrefix(sheetXML, "xl/worksheets/") + ".rels"
sheetRels, err := f.relsReader(rels)
if err != nil {
return err
if sheetRels == nil {
sheetRels = &xlsxRelationships{}
opts, err := f.GetPivotTables(sheet)
if err != nil {
return err
pivotTableCaches := map[string]int{}
pivotTables, _ := f.getPivotTables()
for _, sheetPivotTables := range pivotTables {
for _, sheetPivotTable := range sheetPivotTables {
for _, v := range sheetRels.Relationships {
for _, opt := range opts {
if v.Type == SourceRelationshipPivotTable {
pivotTableXML := strings.ReplaceAll(v.Target, "..", "xl")
if opt.Name == name && opt.pivotTableXML == pivotTableXML {
if pivotTableCaches[opt.pivotCacheXML] == 1 {
err = f.deleteWorkbookPivotCache(opt)
f.deleteSheetRelationships(sheet, v.ID)
return err
return newNoExistTableError(name)
// getPivotTables provides a function to get all pivot tables in a workbook.
func (f *File) getPivotTables() (map[string][]PivotTableOptions, error) {
pivotTables := map[string][]PivotTableOptions{}
for _, sheetName := range f.GetSheetList() {
pts, err := f.GetPivotTables(sheetName)
e := ErrSheetNotExist{sheetName}
if err != nil && err.Error() != newNotWorksheetError(sheetName).Error() && err.Error() != e.Error() {
return pivotTables, err
pivotTables[sheetName] = append(pivotTables[sheetName], pts...)
return pivotTables, nil
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