'use strict'
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const process = require('process');
const child_process = require('child_process');
const GitHubApi = require("github");
const ghauth = require('ghauth');
const parser = require('properties-parser');
const gcal = require('google-calendar');
const googleAuth = require('google-auth-wrapper');
const gdriveWrapper = require('google-drive-wrapper');
const meetingGroup = process.argv[2] || 'tsc';
const authOptions = { configName: 'iojs-tools', scopes: [ 'user', 'repo' ] };
const repos = [];
let githubOrg = 'nodejs';
const github = new GitHubApi({
ghauth(authOptions, (err, authData) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
// first authenticate to google and github
googleAuth.execute('./', 'client_secret', (googleAuthToken, google) => {
type: "token",
token: authData.token
// ok all authenticated
// read in the configuration for the meeting
const invited = fs.readFileSync(path.join('templates',
'invited_' +
const observers = fs.readFileSync(path.join('templates',
'observers_' +
const baseMeetingInfo = fs.readFileSync(path.join('templates',
'meeting_base_' +
const meetingProperties = parser.parse(baseMeetingInfo);
var meetingGroupForTag = meetingGroup;
if (meetingProperties.AGENDA_TAG) {
meetingGroupForTag = meetingProperties.AGENDA_TAG.replace('-agenda', '');
if (meetingProperties.GITHUB_ORG) {
githubOrg = meetingProperties.GITHUB_ORG.replace(/"/g, '');
// find the next meeting instance in the google calendar. We assume 1 meeting
// in the next week
const calendar = google.calendar('v3');
auth: googleAuthToken,
calendarId: meetingProperties.CALENDAR_ID.replace(/"/g, ''),
timeMin: (new Date()).toISOString(),
timeMax: (new Date(Date.now() + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)).toISOString(),
singleEvents: true,
q: meetingProperties.CALENDAR_FILTER.replace(/"/g, '').replace(/ /g, '.'),
}, (err, response) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
const events = response.items;
if (events.length == 0) {
console.log('Could not find calendar event');
} else {
// extract the time and complete the meeting info for make-node-meeting
const meetingTime = (new Date(events[0].start.dateTime)).toISOString();
const meetingInfo = baseMeetingInfo.toString() +
'MEETING_TIME="' + meetingTime + '"\n' +
invited +
'\n' +
'### Observers/Guests\n' +
observers +
'.make-node-meeting/' + meetingGroupForTag + '.sh'),
// generate the meeting issue content with make-node-meeting
var newIssue = child_process.spawnSync(
path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules/make-node-meeting/make-node-meeting.sh'),
[ meetingGroupForTag ]).stdout.toString();
// parse out the title
const issueLines = newIssue.split('\n');
const title = issueLines[1];
newIssue = issueLines.splice(4).join('\n');
// create the minutes document
const agendaInfo = child_process.spawnSync(
meetingGroupForTag + '-agenda', githubOrg]).stdout.toString();
let minutesDoc = fs.readFileSync(path.join('templates',
'minutes_base_' +
minutesDoc = minutesDoc.replace('$TITLE$', title);
minutesDoc = minutesDoc.replace('$AGENDA_CONTENT$', agendaInfo);
minutesDoc = minutesDoc.replace('$INVITED$', invited);
minutesDoc = minutesDoc.replace('$OBSERVERS$', observers);
const minutesDocName = path.join(__dirname, 'minutes_temp.txt');
fs.writeFileSync( minutesDocName, minutesDoc);
// upload the minutes doc
const wrapper = new gdriveWrapper(googleAuthToken, google, 'dummy' );
wrapper.getMetaForFilename('/nodejs-meetings', function(err, parentMeta) {
if (err !== null) {
console.log('Directory called "nodejs-meetings" does not exist, exiting');
wrapper.uploadFile(title, minutesDocName,
{ parent: parentMeta.id,
compress: false,
encrypt: false,
convert: true,
mimeType: 'application/vnd.google-apps.document' },
function(err, meta) {
if (err !== null) {
console.log('Failed to upload minutes file');
} else {
// create the issue in github
newIssue = newIssue.toString().replace(
/\* \*\*Minutes Google Doc\*\*: <>/,
'* Minutes Google Doc: <https://docs.google.com/document/d/' + meta.id + '/edit>');
newIssue = newIssue.replace(/\* _Previous Minutes Google Doc: <>_/,'');
let issueLabel = (meetingProperties.ISSUE_LABEL || '').replace(/"/g, '');
owner: meetingProperties.USER.replace(/"/g, ''),
repo: meetingProperties.REPO.replace(/"/g, ''),
title: title,
body: newIssue,
assignee: "mhdawson",
labels: issueLabel ? [issueLabel] : undefined
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