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socialcalctableeditor.js 220.82 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Audrey Tang 提交于 2013-05-04 00:35 . * Various wheel and onunload tweaks
// SocialCalcTableEditor
// The code module of the SocialCalc package that displays a scrolling grid with panes
// and handles keyboard and mouse I/O.
// (c) Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010 Socialtext, Inc.
// All Rights Reserved.
EXHIBIT A. Common Public Attribution License Version 1.0.
The contents of this file are subject to the Common Public Attribution License Version 1.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
of the License at http://socialcalc.org. The License is based on the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 but
Sections 14 and 15 have been added to cover use of software over a computer network and provide for
limited attribution for the Original Developer. In addition, Exhibit A has been modified to be
consistent with Exhibit B.
Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and
limitations under the License.
The Original Code is SocialCalc JavaScript TableEditor.
The Original Developer is the Initial Developer.
The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Socialtext, Inc. All portions of the code written by
Socialtext, Inc., are Copyright (c) Socialtext, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Contributor: Dan Bricklin.
EXHIBIT B. Attribution Information
When the TableEditor is producing and/or controlling the display the Graphic Image must be
displayed on the screen visible to the user in a manner comparable to that in the
Original Code. The Attribution Phrase must be displayed as a "tooltip" or "hover-text" for
that image. The image must be linked to the Attribution URL so as to access that page
when clicked. If the user interface includes a prominent "about" display which includes
factual prominent attribution in a form similar to that in the "about" display included
with the Original Code, including Socialtext copyright notices and URLs, then the image
need not be linked to the Attribution URL but the "tool-tip" is still required.
Attribution Copyright Notice:
Copyright (C) 2010 Socialtext, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Attribution Phrase (not exceeding 10 words): SocialCalc
Attribution URL: http://www.socialcalc.org/xoattrib
Graphic Image: The contents of the sc-logo.gif file in the Original Code or
a suitable replacement from http://www.socialcalc.org/licenses specified as
being for SocialCalc.
Display of Attribution Information is required in Larger Works which are defined
in the CPAL as a work which combines Covered Code or portions thereof with code
not governed by the terms of the CPAL.
// Some of the other files in the SocialCalc package are licensed under
// different licenses. Please note the licenses of the modules you use.
// Code History:
// Initially coded by Dan Bricklin of Software Garden, Inc., for Socialtext, Inc.
// Based in part on the SocialCalc 1.1.0 code written in Perl.
// The SocialCalc 1.1.0 code was:
// Portions (c) Copyright 2005, 2006, 2007 Software Garden, Inc.
// All Rights Reserved.
// Portions (c) Copyright 2007 Socialtext, Inc.
// All Rights Reserved.
// The Perl SocialCalc started as modifications to the wikiCalc(R) program, version 1.0.
// wikiCalc 1.0 was written by Software Garden, Inc.
// Unless otherwise specified, referring to "SocialCalc" in comments refers to this
// JavaScript version of the code, not the SocialCalc Perl code.
See the comments in the main SocialCalc code module file of the SocialCalc package.
var SocialCalc;
if (!SocialCalc) { // created here, too, in case load order is wrong, but main routines are required
SocialCalc = {};
// *************************************
// Table Editor class:
// *************************************
// Constructor:
SocialCalc.TableEditor = function(context) {
var scc = SocialCalc.Constants;
// Properties:
this.context = context; // editing context
this.toplevel = null; // top level HTML element for this table editor
this.fullgrid = null; // rendered editing context
this.noEdit = false; // if true, disable all edit UI and make read-only
this.width = null;
this.tablewidth = null;
this.height = null;
this.tableheight = null;
this.inputBox = null;
this.inputEcho = null;
this.verticaltablecontrol = null;
this.horizontaltablecontrol = null;
this.logo = null;
this.cellhandles = null;
// Dynamic properties:
this.timeout = null; // if non-null, timer id for position calculations
this.busy = false; // true when executing command, calculating, etc.
this.ensureecell = false; // if true, ensure ecell is visible after timeout
this.deferredCommands = []; // commands to execute after busy, in form: {cmdstr: "cmds", saveundo: t/f}
this.gridposition = null; // screen coords of full grid
this.headposition = null; // screen coords of upper left of grid within header rows
this.firstscrollingrow = null; // row number of top row in last (the scrolling) pane
this.firstscrollingrowtop = null; // position of top row in last (the scrolling) pane
this.lastnonscrollingrow = null; // row number of last displayed row in last non-scrolling
// pane, or zero (for thumb position calculations)
this.lastvisiblerow = null; // used for paging down
this.firstscrollingcol = null; // column number of top col in last (the scrolling) pane
this.firstscrollingcolleft = null; // position of top col in last (the scrolling) pane
this.lastnonscrollingcol = null; // col number of last displayed column in last non-scrolling
// pane, or zero (for thumb position calculations)
this.lastvisiblecol = null; // used for paging right
this.rowpositions = []; // screen positions of the top of some rows
this.colpositions = []; // screen positions of the left side of some rows
this.rowheight = []; // size in pixels of each row when last checked, or null/undefined, for page up
this.colwidth = []; // size in pixels of each column when last checked, or null/undefined, for page left
this.ecell = null; // either null or {coord: c, row: r, col: c}
this.state = "start"; // the keyboard states: see EditorProcessKey
this.workingvalues = {}; // values used during keyboard editing, etc.
// Constants:
this.imageprefix = scc.defaultImagePrefix; // URL prefix for images (e.g., "/images/sc")
this.idPrefix = scc.defaultTableEditorIDPrefix;
this.pageUpDnAmount = scc.defaultPageUpDnAmount; // number of rows to move cursor on PgUp/PgDn keys (numeric)
// Callbacks
// recalcFunction: if present, function(editor) {...}, called to do a recalc
// Default (sheet.RecalcSheet) does all the right stuff.
this.recalcFunction = function(editor) {
if (editor.context.sheetobj.RecalcSheet) {
editor.context.sheetobj.RecalcSheet(SocialCalc.EditorSheetStatusCallback, editor);
else return null;
// ctrlkeyFunction: if present, function(editor, charname) {...}, called to handle ctrl-V, etc., at top level
// Returns true (pass through for continued processing) or false (stop processing this key).
this.ctrlkeyFunction = function(editor, charname) {
var ta, cell, position, cmd, sel, cliptext;
switch (charname) {
case "[ctrl-c]":
case "[ctrl-x]":
ta = editor.pasteTextarea;
ta.value = "";
cell=SocialCalc.GetEditorCellElement(editor, editor.ecell.row, editor.ecell.col);
if (cell) {
position = SocialCalc.GetElementPosition(cell.element);
ta.style.left = (position.left-1)+"px";
ta.style.top = (position.top-1)+"px";
if (editor.range.hasrange) {
sel = SocialCalc.crToCoord(editor.range.left, editor.range.top)+
":"+SocialCalc.crToCoord(editor.range.right, editor.range.bottom);
else {
sel = editor.ecell.coord;
// get what to copy to clipboard
cliptext = SocialCalc.ConvertSaveToOtherFormat(SocialCalc.CreateSheetSave(editor.context.sheetobj, sel), "tab");
if (charname == "[ctrl-c]" || editor.noEdit || editor.ECellReadonly()) { // if copy or cut but in no edit
cmd = "copy "+sel+" formulas";
else { // [ctrl-x]
cmd = "cut "+sel+" formulas";
editor.EditorScheduleSheetCommands(cmd, true, false); // queue up command to put on SocialCalc clipboard
ta.style.display = "block";
ta.value = cliptext; // must follow "block" setting for Webkit
window.setTimeout(function() {
var ta = editor.pasteTextarea;
ta.style.display = "none";
}, 200);
return true;
case "[ctrl-v]":
if (editor.noEdit || editor.ECellReadonly()) return true; // not if no edit
ta = editor.pasteTextarea;
ta.value = "";
cell=SocialCalc.GetEditorCellElement(editor, editor.ecell.row, editor.ecell.col);
if (cell) {
position = SocialCalc.GetElementPosition(cell.element);
ta.style.left = (position.left-1)+"px";
ta.style.top = (position.top-1)+"px";
ta.style.display = "block";
ta.value = ""; // must follow "block" setting for Webkit
window.setTimeout(function() {
var ta = editor.pasteTextarea;
var value = ta.value;
ta.style.display = "none";
var cmd = "";
var clipstr = SocialCalc.ConvertSaveToOtherFormat(SocialCalc.Clipboard.clipboard, "tab");
value = value.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n");
// pastes SocialCalc clipboard if did a Ctrl-C and contents still the same
// Webkit adds an extra blank line, so need to allow for that
if (value != clipstr && (value.length-clipstr.length!=1 || value.substring(0,value.length-1)!=clipstr)) {
cmd = "loadclipboard "+
SocialCalc.encodeForSave(SocialCalc.ConvertOtherFormatToSave(value, "tab")) + "\n";
var cr;
if (editor.range.hasrange) {
cr = SocialCalc.crToCoord(editor.range.left, editor.range.top);
else {
cr = editor.ecell.coord;
cmd += "paste "+cr+" formulas";
editor.EditorScheduleSheetCommands(cmd, true, false);
}, 200);
return true;
case "[ctrl-z]":
editor.EditorScheduleSheetCommands("undo", true, false);
return false;
case "[ctrl-s]": // !!!! temporary hack
if (!SocialCalc.Constants.AllowCtrlS) break;
function() {
var sheet = editor.context.sheetobj;
var cell = sheet.GetAssuredCell(editor.ecell.coord);
var ntvf = cell.nontextvalueformat ? sheet.valueformats[cell.nontextvalueformat-0] || "" : "";
var newntvf = window.prompt("Advanced Feature:\n\nCustom Numeric Format or Command", ntvf);
if (newntvf != null) { // not cancelled
if (newntvf.match(/^cmd:/)) {
cmd = newntvf.substring(4); // execute as command
else if (newntvf.match(/^edit:/)) {
cmd = newntvf.substring(5); // execute as command
if (SocialCalc.CtrlSEditor) {
else {
if (editor.range.hasrange) {
sel = SocialCalc.crToCoord(editor.range.left, editor.range.top)+
":"+SocialCalc.crToCoord(editor.range.right, editor.range.bottom);
else {
sel = editor.ecell.coord;
cmd = "set "+sel+" nontextvalueformat "+newntvf;
editor.EditorScheduleSheetCommands(cmd, true, false);
return false;
return true;
// Set sheet's status callback:
context.sheetobj.statuscallback = SocialCalc.EditorSheetStatusCallback;
context.sheetobj.statuscallbackparams = this; // this object: the table editor object
// StatusCallback: all values are called at appropriate times, add with unique name, delete when done
// Each value must be an object in the form of:
// func: function(editor, status, arg, params) {...},
// params: params value to call func with
// The values for status and arg are:
// all the SocialCalc RecalcSheet statuscallbacks, including:
// calccheckdone, calclist length
// calcorder, {coord: coord, total: celllist length, count: count}
// calcstep, {coord: coord, total: calclist length, count: count}
// calcfinished, time in milliseconds
// the command callbacks, like cmdstart and cmdend
// cmdendnorender
// calcstart, null
// moveecell, new ecell coord
// rangechange, "coord:coord" or "coord" or ""
// specialkey, keyname ("[esc]")
this.StatusCallback = {};
this.MoveECellCallback = {}; // all values are called with editor as arg; add with unique name, delete when done
this.RangeChangeCallback = {}; // all values are called with editor as arg; add with unique name, delete when done
this.SettingsCallbacks = {}; // See SocialCalc.SaveEditorSettings
// Set initial cursor
this.ecell = {coord: "A1", row: 1, col: 1};
context.highlights[this.ecell.coord] = "cursor";
// Initialize range data
// Range has at least hasrange (true/false).
// It may also have: anchorcoord, anchorrow, anchorcol, top, bottom, left, and right.
this.range = {hasrange: false};
// Initialize range2 data (used to show selections, such as for move)
// Range2 has at least hasrange (true/false).
// It may also have: top, bottom, left, and right.
this.range2 = {hasrange: false};
// Methods:
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.CreateTableEditor = function(width, height) {return SocialCalc.CreateTableEditor(this, width, height);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.ResizeTableEditor = function(width, height) {return SocialCalc.ResizeTableEditor(this, width, height);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.SaveEditorSettings = function() {return SocialCalc.SaveEditorSettings(this);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.LoadEditorSettings = function(str, flags) {return SocialCalc.LoadEditorSettings(this, str, flags);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.EditorRenderSheet = function() {SocialCalc.EditorRenderSheet(this);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.EditorScheduleSheetCommands = function(cmdstr, saveundo, ignorebusy) {SocialCalc.EditorScheduleSheetCommands(this, cmdstr, saveundo, ignorebusy);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.ScheduleSheetCommands = function(cmdstr, saveundo) {
this.context.sheetobj.ScheduleSheetCommands(cmdstr, saveundo);
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.SheetUndo = function() {
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.SheetRedo = function() {
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.EditorStepSet = function(status, arg) {SocialCalc.EditorStepSet(this, status, arg);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.GetStatuslineString = function(status, arg, params) {return SocialCalc.EditorGetStatuslineString(this, status, arg, params);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.EditorMouseRegister = function() {return SocialCalc.EditorMouseRegister(this);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.EditorMouseUnregister = function() {return SocialCalc.EditorMouseUnregister(this);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.EditorMouseRange = function(coord) {return SocialCalc.EditorMouseRange(this, coord);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.EditorProcessKey = function(ch, e) {return SocialCalc.EditorProcessKey(this, ch, e);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.EditorAddToInput = function(str, prefix) {return SocialCalc.EditorAddToInput(this, str, prefix);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.DisplayCellContents = function() {return SocialCalc.EditorDisplayCellContents(this);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.EditorSaveEdit = function(text) {return SocialCalc.EditorSaveEdit(this, text);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.EditorApplySetCommandsToRange = function(cmdline, type) {return SocialCalc.EditorApplySetCommandsToRange(this, cmdline, type);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.MoveECellWithKey = function(ch) {return SocialCalc.MoveECellWithKey(this, ch);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.MoveECell = function(newcell) {return SocialCalc.MoveECell(this, newcell);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.ReplaceCell = function(cell, row, col) {SocialCalc.ReplaceCell(this, cell, row, col);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.UpdateCellCSS = function(cell, row, col) {SocialCalc.UpdateCellCSS(this, cell, row, col);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.SetECellHeaders = function(selected) {SocialCalc.SetECellHeaders(this, selected);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.EnsureECellVisible = function() {SocialCalc.EnsureECellVisible(this);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.ECellReadonly = function(coord) {return SocialCalc.ECellReadonly(this, coord);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.RangeAnchor = function(coord) {SocialCalc.RangeAnchor(this, coord);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.RangeExtend = function(coord) {SocialCalc.RangeExtend(this, coord);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.RangeRemove = function() {SocialCalc.RangeRemove(this);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.Range2Remove = function() {SocialCalc.Range2Remove(this);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.FitToEditTable = function() {SocialCalc.FitToEditTable(this);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.CalculateEditorPositions = function() {SocialCalc.CalculateEditorPositions(this);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.ScheduleRender = function() {SocialCalc.ScheduleRender(this);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.DoRenderStep = function() {SocialCalc.DoRenderStep(this);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.SchedulePositionCalculations = function() {SocialCalc.SchedulePositionCalculations(this);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.DoPositionCalculations = function() {SocialCalc.DoPositionCalculations(this);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.CalculateRowPositions = function(panenum, positions, sizes) {return SocialCalc.CalculateRowPositions(this, panenum, positions, sizes);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.CalculateColPositions = function(panenum, positions, sizes) {return SocialCalc.CalculateColPositions(this, panenum, positions, sizes);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.ScrollRelative = function(vertical, amount) {SocialCalc.ScrollRelative(this, vertical, amount);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.ScrollRelativeBoth = function(vamount, hamount) {SocialCalc.ScrollRelativeBoth(this, vamount, hamount);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.PageRelative = function(vertical, direction) {SocialCalc.PageRelative(this, vertical, direction);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.LimitLastPanes = function() {SocialCalc.LimitLastPanes(this);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.ScrollTableUpOneRow = function() {return SocialCalc.ScrollTableUpOneRow(this);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.ScrollTableDownOneRow = function() {return SocialCalc.ScrollTableDownOneRow(this);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.ScrollTableLeftOneCol = function() {return SocialCalc.ScrollTableLeftOneCol(this);};
SocialCalc.TableEditor.prototype.ScrollTableRightOneCol = function() {return SocialCalc.ScrollTableRightOneCol(this);};
// Functions:
SocialCalc.CreateTableEditor = function(editor, width, height) {
var scc = SocialCalc.Constants;
var AssignID = SocialCalc.AssignID;
editor.toplevel = document.createElement("div");
editor.toplevel.style.position = "relative";
AssignID(editor, editor.toplevel, "toplevel");
editor.width = width;
editor.height = height;
editor.griddiv = document.createElement("div");
editor.tablewidth = Math.max(0, width - scc.defaultTableControlThickness);
editor.tableheight = Math.max(0, height - scc.defaultTableControlThickness);
editor.griddiv.style.width = editor.tablewidth+"px";
editor.griddiv.style.height = editor.tableheight+"px";
editor.griddiv.style.overflow = "hidden";
editor.griddiv.style.cursor = "default";
if (scc.cteGriddivClass) editor.griddiv.className = scc.cteGriddivClass;
AssignID(editor, editor.griddiv, "griddiv");
editor.verticaltablecontrol = new SocialCalc.TableControl(editor, true, editor.tableheight);
AssignID(editor, editor.verticaltablecontrol.main, "tablecontrolv");
editor.horizontaltablecontrol = new SocialCalc.TableControl(editor, false, editor.tablewidth);
AssignID(editor, editor.horizontaltablecontrol.main, "tablecontrolh");
var table, tbody, tr, td, img, anchor, ta;
table = document.createElement("table");
editor.layouttable = table;
table.cellSpacing = 0;
table.cellPadding = 0;
AssignID(editor, table, "layouttable");
tbody = document.createElement("tbody");
tr = document.createElement("tr");
td = document.createElement("td");
td = document.createElement("td");
tr = document.createElement("tr");
td = document.createElement("td");
td = document.createElement("td"); // logo display: Required by CPAL License for this code!
td.style.background="url("+editor.imageprefix+"logo.gif) no-repeat center center";
td.innerHTML = "<div style='cursor:pointer;font-size:1px;'><img src='"+editor.imageprefix+"1x1.gif' border='0' width='18' height='18'></div>";
editor.logo = td;
AssignID(editor, editor.logo, "logo");
SocialCalc.TooltipRegister(td.firstChild.firstChild, "SocialCalc", null, editor.toplevel);
if (!editor.noEdit) {
editor.inputEcho = new SocialCalc.InputEcho(editor);
AssignID(editor, editor.inputEcho.main, "inputecho");
editor.cellhandles = new SocialCalc.CellHandles(editor);
ta = document.createElement("textarea"); // used for ctrl-c/ctrl-v where an invisible text area is needed
SocialCalc.setStyles(ta, "display:none;position:absolute;height:1px;width:1px;opacity:0;filter:alpha(opacity=0);");
ta.value = "";
editor.pasteTextarea = ta;
AssignID(editor, editor.pasteTextarea, "pastetextarea");
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Safari\//) &&!navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrome\//)) { // special code for Safari 5 change
window.removeEventListener('beforepaste', SocialCalc.SafariPasteFunction, false);
window.addEventListener('beforepaste', SocialCalc.SafariPasteFunction, false);
window.removeEventListener('beforecopy', SocialCalc.SafariPasteFunction, false);
window.addEventListener('beforecopy', SocialCalc.SafariPasteFunction, false);
window.removeEventListener('beforecut', SocialCalc.SafariPasteFunction, false);
window.addEventListener('beforecut', SocialCalc.SafariPasteFunction, false);
SocialCalc.MouseWheelRegister(editor.toplevel, {WheelMove: SocialCalc.EditorProcessMouseWheel, editor: editor});
// do status reporting things
SocialCalc.EditorSheetStatusCallback(null, "startup", null, editor);
// done
return editor.toplevel;
// Special code needed for change that occurred with Safari 5 that made paste not work for some reason
SocialCalc.SafariPasteFunction = function(e) {
// SocialCalc.ResizeTableEditor(editor, width, height)
// Move things around as appropriate and resize
SocialCalc.ResizeTableEditor = function(editor, width, height) {
var scc = SocialCalc.Constants;
editor.width = width;
editor.height = height;
editor.toplevel.style.width = width+"px";
editor.toplevel.style.height = height+"px";
editor.tablewidth = Math.max(0, width - scc.defaultTableControlThickness);
editor.tableheight = Math.max(0, height - scc.defaultTableControlThickness);
editor.verticaltablecontrol.main.style.height = editor.tableheight + "px";
editor.horizontaltablecontrol.main.style.width = editor.tablewidth + "px";
// str = SaveEditorSettings(editor)
// Returns a string representation of the pane settings, etc.
// The format is:
// version:1.0
// rowpane:panenumber:firstnum:lastnum
// colpane:panenumber:firstnum:lastnum
// ecell:coord -- if set
// range:anchorcoord:top:bottom:left:right -- if set
// You can add additional values to be saved by using editor.SettingsCallbacks:
// editor.SettingsCallbacks["item-name"] = {save: savefunction, load: loadfunction}
// where savefunction(editor, "item-name") returns a string with the new lines to be added to the saved settings
// which include the trailing newlines, and loadfunction(editor, "item-name", line, flags) is given the line to process
// without the trailing newlines.
SocialCalc.SaveEditorSettings = function(editor) {
var i, setting;
var context = editor.context;
var range = editor.range;
var result = "";
result += "version:1.0\n";
for (i=0; i<context.rowpanes.length; i++) {
result += "rowpane:"+i+":"+context.rowpanes[i].first+":"+context.rowpanes[i].last+"\n";
for (i=0; i<context.colpanes.length; i++) {
result += "colpane:"+i+":"+context.colpanes[i].first+":"+context.colpanes[i].last+"\n";
if (editor.ecell) {
result += "ecell:"+editor.ecell.coord+"\n";
if (range.hasrange) {
result += "range:"+range.anchorcoord+":"+range.top+":"+range.bottom+":"+range.left+":"+range.right+"\n";
for (setting in editor.SettingsCallbacks) {
result += editor.SettingsCallbacks[setting].save(editor, setting);
return result;
// LoadEditorSettings(editor, str, flags)
// Sets the editor settings based on str. See SocialCalc.SaveEditorSettings for more details.
// Unrecognized lines are ignored.
SocialCalc.LoadEditorSettings = function(editor, str, flags) {
var lines=str.split(/\r\n|\n/);
var parts=[];
var line, i, cr, row, col, coord, setting;
var context = editor.context;
var highlights, range;
context.rowpanes = [{first: 1, last: 1}]; // reset to start
context.colpanes = [{first: 1, last: 1}];
editor.ecell = null;
editor.range = {hasrange: false};
editor.range2 = {hasrange: false};
range = editor.range;
context.highlights = {};
highlights = context.highlights;
for (i=0; i<lines.length; i++) {
parts = line.split(":");
setting = parts[0];
switch (setting) {
case "version":
case "rowpane":
context.rowpanes[parts[1]-0] = {first: parts[2]-0, last: parts[3]-0};
case "colpane":
context.colpanes[parts[1]-0] = {first: parts[2]-0, last: parts[3]-0};
case "ecell":
editor.ecell = SocialCalc.coordToCr(parts[1]);
editor.ecell.coord = parts[1];
highlights[parts[1]] = "cursor";
case "range":
range.hasrange = true;
range.anchorcoord = parts[1];
cr = SocialCalc.coordToCr(range.anchorcoord);
range.anchorrow = cr.row;
range.anchorcol = cr.col;
range.top = parts[2]-0;
range.bottom = parts[3]-0;
range.left = parts[4]-0;
range.right = parts[5]-0;
for (row=range.top; row<=range.bottom; row++) {
for (col=range.left; col<=range.right; col++) {
coord = SocialCalc.crToCoord(col, row);
if (highlights[coord]!="cursor") {
highlights[coord] = "range";
if (editor.SettingsCallbacks[setting]) {
editor.SettingsCallbacks[setting].load(editor, setting, line, flags);
// EditorRenderSheet(editor)
// Renders the sheet and updates editor.fullgrid.
// Sets event handlers.
SocialCalc.EditorRenderSheet = function(editor) {
editor.fullgrid = editor.context.RenderSheet(editor.fullgrid);
if (editor.ecell) editor.SetECellHeaders("selected");
SocialCalc.AssignID(editor, editor.fullgrid, "fullgrid"); // give it an id
// EditorScheduleSheetCommands(editor, cmdstr, saveundo, ignorebusy)
SocialCalc.EditorScheduleSheetCommands = function(editor, cmdstr, saveundo, ignorebusy) {
if (editor.state!="start" && !ignorebusy) { // ignore commands if editing a cell
if (editor.busy && !ignorebusy) { // hold off on commands if doing one
editor.deferredCommands.push({cmdstr: cmdstr, saveundo: saveundo});
switch (cmdstr) {
case "recalc":
case "redisplay":
editor.context.sheetobj.ScheduleSheetCommands(cmdstr, false);
case "undo":
case "redo":
editor.context.sheetobj.ScheduleSheetCommands(cmdstr, saveundo);
// EditorSheetStatusCallback(recalcdata, status, arg, editor)
// Called during recalc, executing commands, etc.
SocialCalc.EditorSheetStatusCallback = function(recalcdata, status, arg, editor) {
var f, cell, dcmd;
var sheetobj = editor.context.sheetobj;
var signalstatus = function(s) {
for (f in editor.StatusCallback) {
if (editor.StatusCallback[f].func) {
editor.StatusCallback[f].func(editor, s, arg, editor.StatusCallback[f].params);
switch (status) {
case "startup":
case "cmdstart":
editor.busy = true;
sheetobj.celldisplayneeded = "";
case "cmdextension":
case "cmdend":
if (sheetobj.changedrendervalues) {
sheetobj.changedrendervalues = false;
if (sheetobj.celldisplayneeded && !sheetobj.renderneeded) {
cr = SocialCalc.coordToCr(sheetobj.celldisplayneeded);
cell = SocialCalc.GetEditorCellElement(editor, cr.row, cr.col);
editor.ReplaceCell(cell, cr.row, cr.col);
if (editor.deferredCommands.length) {
dcmd = editor.deferredCommands.shift();
editor.EditorScheduleSheetCommands(dcmd.cmdstr, dcmd.saveundo, true);
if (sheetobj.attribs.needsrecalc &&
(sheetobj.attribs.recalc!="off" || sheetobj.recalconce)
&& editor.recalcFunction) {
sheetobj.renderneeded = false; // recalc will force a render
if (sheetobj.recalconce) delete sheetobj.recalconce; // only do once
else {
if (sheetobj.renderneeded) {
sheetobj.renderneeded = false;
else {
editor.SchedulePositionCalculations(); // just in case command changed positions
// editor.busy = false;
// signalstatus("cmdendnorender");
// Handle hidden column.
if (sheetobj.hiddencolrow == "col") {
var col = editor.ecell.col;
while (sheetobj.colattribs.hide[SocialCalc.rcColname(col)] == "yes") {
var coord = SocialCalc.crToCoord(col, editor.ecell.row);
sheetobj.hiddencolrow = "";
// Handle hidden row.
if (sheetobj.hiddencolrow == "row") {
var row = editor.ecell.row;
while (sheetobj.rowattribs.hide[row] == "yes") {
var coord = SocialCalc.crToCoord(editor.ecell.col, row);
sheetobj.hiddencolrow = "";
case "calcstart":
editor.busy = true;
case "calccheckdone":
case "calcorder":
case "calcstep":
case "calcloading":
case "calcserverfunc":
case "calcfinished":
case "schedrender":
editor.busy = true; // in case got here without cmd or recalc
case "renderdone":
case "schedposcalc":
editor.busy = true; // in case got here without cmd or recalc
case "doneposcalc":
if (editor.deferredCommands.length) {
dcmd = editor.deferredCommands.shift();
editor.EditorScheduleSheetCommands(dcmd.cmdstr, dcmd.saveundo, true);
else {
editor.busy = false;
if (editor.state=="start") editor.DisplayCellContents(); // make sure up to date
addmsg("Unknown status: "+status);
// str = SocialCalc.EditorGetStatuslineString(editor, status, arg, params)
// Assumes params is an object where it can use "calculating" and "command"
// to keep track of state.
// Returns string for status line.
SocialCalc.EditorGetStatuslineString = function(editor, status, arg, params) {
var scc = SocialCalc.Constants;
var sstr, progress, coord, circ, r, c, cell, sum, ele;
progress = "";
switch (status) {
case "moveecell":
case "rangechange":
case "startup":
case "cmdstart":
params.command = true;
document.body.style.cursor = "progress";
editor.griddiv.style.cursor = "progress";
progress = scc.s_statusline_executing;
case "cmdextension":
progress = "Command Extension: "+arg;
case "cmdend":
params.command = false;
case "schedrender":
progress = scc.s_statusline_displaying;
case "renderdone":
progress = " ";
case "schedposcalc":
progress = scc.s_statusline_displaying;
case "cmdendnorender":
case "doneposcalc":
document.body.style.cursor = "default";
editor.griddiv.style.cursor = "default";
case "calcorder":
progress = scc.s_statusline_ordering+Math.floor(100*arg.count/(arg.total||1))+"%";
case "calcstep":
progress = scc.s_statusline_calculating+Math.floor(100*arg.count/(arg.total||1))+"%";
case "calcloading":
progress = scc.s_statusline_calculatingls+": "+arg.sheetname;
case "calcserverfunc":
progress = scc.s_statusline_calculating+Math.floor(100*arg.count/(arg.total||1))+"%, "+scc.s_statusline_doingserverfunc+arg.funcname+scc.s_statusline_incell+arg.coord;
case "calcstart":
params.calculating = true;
document.body.style.cursor = "progress";
editor.griddiv.style.cursor = "progress"; // griddiv has an explicit cursor style
progress = scc.s_statusline_calcstart;
case "calccheckdone":
case "calcfinished":
params.calculating = false;
progress = status;
if (!progress && params.calculating) {
progress = scc.s_statusline_calculating;
// if there is a range, calculate sum (not during busy times)
if (!params.calculating && !params.command && !progress && editor.range.hasrange
&& (editor.range.left!=editor.range.right || editor.range.top!=editor.range.bottom)) {
sum = 0;
for (r=editor.range.top; r <= editor.range.bottom; r++) {
for (c=editor.range.left; c <= editor.range.right; c++) {
cell = editor.context.sheetobj.cells[SocialCalc.crToCoord(c, r)];
if (!cell) continue;
if (cell.valuetype && cell.valuetype.charAt(0)=="n") {
sum += cell.datavalue-0;
sum = SocialCalc.FormatNumber.formatNumberWithFormat(sum, "[,]General", "");
coord = SocialCalc.crToCoord(editor.range.left, editor.range.top) + ":" +
SocialCalc.crToCoord(editor.range.right, editor.range.bottom);
progress = coord + " (" + (editor.range.right-editor.range.left+1) + "x" + (editor.range.bottom-editor.range.top+1) +
") "+scc.s_statusline_sum+"=" + sum + " " + progress;
sstr = editor.ecell.coord+" &nbsp; "+progress;
if (!params.calculating && editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.needsrecalc=="yes") {
sstr += ' &nbsp; '+scc.s_statusline_recalcneeded;
circ = editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.circularreferencecell;
if (circ) {
circ = circ.replace(/\|/, " referenced by ");
sstr += ' &nbsp; '+scc.s_statusline_circref + circ + '</span>';
return sstr;
// Mouse stuff
SocialCalc.EditorMouseInfo = {
// The registeredElements array is used to identify editor grid in which the mouse is doing things.
// One item for each active editor, each an object with:
// .element, .editor
registeredElements: [],
editor: null, // editor being processed (between mousedown and mouseup)
element: null, // element being processed
ignore: false, // if true, mousedowns are ignored
mousedowncoord: "", // coord where mouse went down for drag range
mouselastcoord: "", // coord where mouse last was during drag
mouseresizecol: "", // col being resized
mouseresizeclientx: null, // where resize started
mouseresizedisplay: null // element tracking new size
// EditorMouseRegister(editor)
SocialCalc.EditorMouseRegister = function(editor) {
var mouseinfo = SocialCalc.EditorMouseInfo;
var element = editor.fullgrid;
var i;
for (i=0; i<mouseinfo.registeredElements.length; i++) {
if (mouseinfo.registeredElements[i].editor == editor) {
if (mouseinfo.registeredElements[i].element == element) {
return; // already set - don't do it again
if (i<mouseinfo.registeredElements.length) {
mouseinfo.registeredElements[i].element = element;
else {
mouseinfo.registeredElements.push({element: element, editor: editor});
if (element.addEventListener) { // DOM Level 2 -- Firefox, et al
element.addEventListener("mousedown", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorMouseDown, false);
element.addEventListener("dblclick", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorDblClick, false);
else if (element.attachEvent) { // IE 5+
element.attachEvent("onmousedown", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorMouseDown);
element.attachEvent("ondblclick", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorDblClick);
else { // don't handle this
throw "Browser not supported";
mouseinfo.ignore = false; // just in case
// EditorMouseUnregister(editor)
SocialCalc.EditorMouseUnregister = function(editor) {
var mouseinfo = SocialCalc.EditorMouseInfo;
var element = editor.fullgrid;
var i, oldelement;
for (i=0; i<mouseinfo.registeredElements.length; i++) {
if (mouseinfo.registeredElements[i].editor == editor) {
if (i<mouseinfo.registeredElements.length) {
oldelement = mouseinfo.registeredElements[i].element; // remove old handlers
if (oldelement.removeEventListener) { // DOM Level 2
oldelement.removeEventListener("mousedown", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorMouseDown, false);
oldelement.removeEventListener("dblclick", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorDblClick, false);
else if (oldelement.detachEvent) { // IE
oldelement.detachEvent("onmousedown", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorMouseDown);
oldelement.detachEvent("ondblclick", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorDblClick);
mouseinfo.registeredElements.splice(i, 1);
SocialCalc.ProcessEditorMouseDown = function(e) {
var editor, result, coord, textarea, wval, range;
var event = e || window.event;
var mouseinfo = SocialCalc.EditorMouseInfo;
var ele = event.target || event.srcElement; // source object is often within what we want
var mobj;
if (mouseinfo.ignore) return; // ignore this
for (mobj=null; !mobj && ele; ele=ele.parentNode) { // go up tree looking for one of our elements
mobj = SocialCalc.LookupElement(ele, mouseinfo.registeredElements);
if (!mobj) {
mouseinfo.editor = null;
return; // not one of our elements
editor = mobj.editor;
mouseinfo.element = ele;
range = editor.range;
var pos = SocialCalc.GetElementPositionWithScroll(editor.toplevel);
var clientX = event.clientX - pos.left;
var clientY = event.clientY - pos.top;
result = SocialCalc.GridMousePosition(editor, clientX, clientY);
if (!result) return; // not on a cell or col header
mouseinfo.editor = editor; // remember for later
if (result.rowheader && result.rowtounhide) {
SocialCalc.ProcessEditorRowsizeMouseDown(e, ele, result);
if (result.colheader && result.coltoresize) { // col header - do drag resize
SocialCalc.ProcessEditorColsizeMouseDown(e, ele, result);
if (!result.coord) return; // not us
if (!range.hasrange) {
if (e.shiftKey)
coord = editor.MoveECell(result.coord);
if (range.hasrange) {
if (e.shiftKey)
mouseinfo.mousedowncoord = coord; // remember if starting drag range select
mouseinfo.mouselastcoord = coord;
if (editor.state!="start" && editor.inputBox) editor.inputBox.element.focus();
// Event code from JavaScript, Flanagan, 5th Edition, pg. 422
if (document.addEventListener) { // DOM Level 2 -- Firefox, et al
document.addEventListener("mousemove", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorMouseMove, true); // capture everywhere
document.addEventListener("mouseup", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorMouseUp, true); // capture everywhere
else if (ele.attachEvent) { // IE 5+
ele.attachEvent("onmousemove", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorMouseMove);
ele.attachEvent("onmouseup", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorMouseUp);
ele.attachEvent("onlosecapture", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorMouseUp);
if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); // DOM Level 2
else event.cancelBubble = true; // IE 5+
if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); // DOM Level 2
else event.returnValue = false; // IE 5+
SocialCalc.EditorMouseRange = function(editor, coord) {
var inputtext, wval;
var range = editor.range;
switch (editor.state) { // editing a cell - shouldn't get here if no inputBox
case "input":
inputtext = editor.inputBox.GetText();
wval = editor.workingvalues;
if (("(+-*/,:!&<>=^".indexOf(inputtext.slice(-1))>=0 && inputtext.slice(0,1)=="=") ||
(inputtext == "=")) {
wval.partialexpr = inputtext;
if (wval.partialexpr) { // if in pointing operation
if (coord) {
if (range.hasrange) {
editor.inputBox.SetText(wval.partialexpr + SocialCalc.crToCoord(range.left, range.top) + ":" +
SocialCalc.crToCoord(range.right, range.bottom));
else {
editor.inputBox.SetText(wval.partialexpr + coord);
else { // not in point -- done editing
editor.state = "start";
case "inputboxdirect":
editor.state = "start";
SocialCalc.ProcessEditorMouseMove = function(e) {
var editor, element, result, coord, now, textarea, sheetobj, cellobj, wval;
var event = e || window.event;
var mouseinfo = SocialCalc.EditorMouseInfo;
editor = mouseinfo.editor;
if (!editor) return; // not us, ignore
if (mouseinfo.ignore) return; // ignore this
element = mouseinfo.element;
var pos = SocialCalc.GetElementPositionWithScroll(editor.toplevel);
var clientX = event.clientX - pos.left;
var clientY = event.clientY - pos.top;
result = SocialCalc.GridMousePosition(editor, clientX, clientY); // get cell with move
if (!result) return;
if (result && !result.coord) {
SocialCalc.SetDragAutoRepeat(editor, result);
SocialCalc.SetDragAutoRepeat(editor, null); // stop repeating if it was
if (!result.coord) return;
if (result.coord!=mouseinfo.mouselastcoord) {
if (!e.shiftKey && !editor.range.hasrange) {
mouseinfo.mouselastcoord = result.coord;
if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); // DOM Level 2
else event.cancelBubble = true; // IE 5+
if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); // DOM Level 2
else event.returnValue = false; // IE 5+
SocialCalc.ProcessEditorMouseUp = function(e) {
var editor, element, result, coord, now, textarea, sheetobj, cellobj, wval;
var event = e || window.event;
var mouseinfo = SocialCalc.EditorMouseInfo;
editor = mouseinfo.editor;
if (!editor) return; // not us, ignore
if (mouseinfo.ignore) return; // ignore this
element = mouseinfo.element;
var pos = SocialCalc.GetElementPositionWithScroll(editor.toplevel);
var clientX = event.clientX - pos.left;
var clientY = event.clientY - pos.top;
result = SocialCalc.GridMousePosition(editor, clientX, clientY); // get cell with up
SocialCalc.SetDragAutoRepeat(editor, null); // stop repeating if it was
if (!result) return;
if (!result.coord) result.coord = editor.ecell.coord;
if (editor.range.hasrange) {
else if (result.coord && result.coord!=mouseinfo.mousedowncoord) {
if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); // DOM Level 2
else event.cancelBubble = true; // IE 5+
if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); // DOM Level 2
else event.returnValue = false; // IE 5+
if (document.removeEventListener) { // DOM Level 2
document.removeEventListener("mousemove", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorMouseMove, true);
document.removeEventListener("mouseup", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorMouseUp, true);
else if (element.detachEvent) { // IE
element.detachEvent("onlosecapture", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorMouseUp);
element.detachEvent("onmouseup", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorMouseUp);
element.detachEvent("onmousemove", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorMouseMove);
mouseinfo.editor = null;
return false;
SocialCalc.ProcessEditorColsizeMouseDown = function(e, ele, result) {
var event = e || window.event;
var mouseinfo = SocialCalc.EditorMouseInfo;
var editor = mouseinfo.editor;
var pos = SocialCalc.GetElementPositionWithScroll(editor.toplevel);
var clientX = event.clientX - pos.left;
mouseinfo.mouseresizecolnum = result.coltoresize; // remember col being resized
mouseinfo.mouseresizecol = SocialCalc.rcColname(result.coltoresize);
mouseinfo.mousedownclientx = clientX;
mouseinfo.mousecoltounhide = result.coltounhide;
if (!mouseinfo.mousecoltounhide) {
var sizedisplay = document.createElement("div");
mouseinfo.mouseresizedisplay = sizedisplay;
sizedisplay.style.width = "auto";
sizedisplay.style.position = "absolute";
sizedisplay.style.zIndex = 100;
sizedisplay.style.top = editor.headposition.top+"px";
sizedisplay.style.left = editor.colpositions[result.coltoresize]+"px";
sizedisplay.innerHTML = '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td style="height:100px;'+
'border:1px dashed black;background-color:white;width:' +
(editor.context.colwidth[mouseinfo.mouseresizecolnum]-2) + 'px;">&nbsp;</td>'+
'<td><div style="font-size:small;color:white;background-color:gray;padding:4px;">'+
editor.context.colwidth[mouseinfo.mouseresizecolnum] + '</div></td></tr></table>';
SocialCalc.setStyles(sizedisplay.firstChild.lastChild.firstChild.childNodes[0], "filter:alpha(opacity=85);opacity:.85;"); // so no warning msg with Firefox about filter
// Event code from JavaScript, Flanagan, 5th Edition, pg. 422
if (document.addEventListener) { // DOM Level 2 -- Firefox, et al
document.addEventListener("mousemove", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorColsizeMouseMove, true); // capture everywhere
document.addEventListener("mouseup", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorColsizeMouseUp, true); // capture everywhere
else if (editor.toplevel.attachEvent) { // IE 5+
editor.toplevel.attachEvent("onmousemove", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorColsizeMouseMove);
editor.toplevel.attachEvent("onmouseup", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorColsizeMouseUp);
editor.toplevel.attachEvent("onlosecapture", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorColsizeMouseUp);
if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); // DOM Level 2
else event.cancelBubble = true; // IE 5+
if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); // DOM Level 2
else event.returnValue = false; // IE 5+
SocialCalc.ProcessEditorColsizeMouseMove = function(e) {
var event = e || window.event;
var mouseinfo = SocialCalc.EditorMouseInfo;
var editor = mouseinfo.editor;
if (!editor) return; // not us, ignore
if (!mouseinfo.mousecoltounhide) {
var pos = SocialCalc.GetElementPositionWithScroll(editor.toplevel);
var clientX = event.clientX - pos.left;
var newsize = (editor.context.colwidth[mouseinfo.mouseresizecolnum]-0) + (clientX - mouseinfo.mousedownclientx);
if (newsize < SocialCalc.Constants.defaultMinimumColWidth) newsize = SocialCalc.Constants.defaultMinimumColWidth;
var sizedisplay = mouseinfo.mouseresizedisplay;
// sizedisplay.firstChild.lastChild.firstChild.childNodes[1].firstChild.innerHTML = newsize+"";
// sizedisplay.firstChild.lastChild.firstChild.childNodes[0].firstChild.style.width = (newsize-2)+"px";
sizedisplay.innerHTML = '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td style="height:100px;'+
'border:1px dashed black;background-color:white;width:' + (newsize-2) + 'px;">&nbsp;</td>'+
'<td><div style="font-size:small;color:white;background-color:gray;padding:4px;">'+
newsize + '</div></td></tr></table>';
SocialCalc.setStyles(sizedisplay.firstChild.lastChild.firstChild.childNodes[0], "filter:alpha(opacity=85);opacity:.85;"); // so no warning msg with Firefox about filter
if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); // DOM Level 2
else event.cancelBubble = true; // IE 5+
if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); // DOM Level 2
else event.returnValue = false; // IE 5+
SocialCalc.ProcessEditorColsizeMouseUp = function(e) {
var event = e || window.event;
var mouseinfo = SocialCalc.EditorMouseInfo;
var editor = mouseinfo.editor;
if (!editor) return; // not us, ignore
element = mouseinfo.element;
var pos = SocialCalc.GetElementPositionWithScroll(editor.toplevel);
var clientX = event.clientX - pos.left;
if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); // DOM Level 2
else event.cancelBubble = true; // IE 5+
if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); // DOM Level 2
else event.returnValue = false; // IE 5+
if (document.removeEventListener) { // DOM Level 2
document.removeEventListener("mousemove", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorColsizeMouseMove, true);
document.removeEventListener("mouseup", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorColsizeMouseUp, true);
else if (editor.toplevel.detachEvent) { // IE
editor.toplevel.detachEvent("onlosecapture", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorColsizeMouseUp);
editor.toplevel.detachEvent("onmouseup", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorColsizeMouseUp);
editor.toplevel.detachEvent("onmousemove", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorColsizeMouseMove);
if (mouseinfo.mousecoltounhide) {
editor.EditorScheduleSheetCommands("set "+SocialCalc.rcColname(mouseinfo.mousecoltounhide)+" hide", true, false);
if (editor.ecell && editor.ecell.col == mouseinfo.mousecoltounhide+1) {
editor.MoveECell(SocialCalc.crToCoord(mouseinfo.mousecoltounhide, editor.ecell.row));
else {
var newsize = (editor.context.colwidth[mouseinfo.mouseresizecolnum]-0) + (clientX - mouseinfo.mousedownclientx);
if (newsize < SocialCalc.Constants.defaultMinimumColWidth) newsize = SocialCalc.Constants.defaultMinimumColWidth;
editor.EditorScheduleSheetCommands("set "+mouseinfo.mouseresizecol+" width "+newsize, true, false);
if (editor.timeout) window.clearTimeout(editor.timeout);
editor.timeout = window.setTimeout(SocialCalc.FinishColsize, 1); // wait - Firefox 2 has a bug otherwise with next mousedown
return false;
SocialCalc.FinishColsize = function() {
var mouseinfo = SocialCalc.EditorMouseInfo;
var editor = mouseinfo.editor;
if (!editor) return;
mouseinfo.mouseresizedisplay = null;
// editor.FitToEditTable();
// editor.EditorRenderSheet();
// editor.SchedulePositionCalculations();
mouseinfo.editor = null;
SocialCalc.ProcessEditorRowsizeMouseDown = function(e, ele, result) {
var event = e || window.event;
var mouseinfo = SocialCalc.EditorMouseInfo;
var editor = mouseinfo.editor;
var pos = SocialCalc.GetElementPositionWithScroll(editor.toplevel);
var clientX = event.clientX - pos.left;
mouseinfo.mouserowtounhide = result.rowtounhide;
// Event code from JavaScript, Flanagan, 5th Edition, pg. 422
if (document.addEventListener) { // DOM Level 2 -- Firefox, et al
document.addEventListener("mousemove", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorRowsizeMouseMove, true); // capture everywhere
document.addEventListener("mouseup", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorRowsizeMouseUp, true); // capture everywhere
else if (editor.toplevel.attachEvent) { // IE 5+
editor.toplevel.attachEvent("onmousemove", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorRowsizeMouseMove);
editor.toplevel.attachEvent("onmouseup", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorRowsizeMouseUp);
editor.toplevel.attachEvent("onlosecapture", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorRowsizeMouseUp);
if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); // DOM Level 2
else event.cancelBubble = true; // IE 5+
if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); // DOM Level 2
else event.returnValue = false; // IE 5+
SocialCalc.ProcessEditorRowsizeMouseMove = function(e) {
var event = e || window.event;
var mouseinfo = SocialCalc.EditorMouseInfo;
var editor = mouseinfo.editor;
if (!editor) return; // not us, ignore
if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); // DOM Level 2
else event.cancelBubble = true; // IE 5+
if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); // DOM Level 2
else event.returnValue = false; // IE 5+
SocialCalc.ProcessEditorRowsizeMouseUp = function(e) {
var event = e || window.event;
var mouseinfo = SocialCalc.EditorMouseInfo;
var editor = mouseinfo.editor;
if (!editor) return; // not us, ignore
element = mouseinfo.element;
var pos = SocialCalc.GetElementPositionWithScroll(editor.toplevel);
var clientX = event.clientX - pos.left;
if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); // DOM Level 2
else event.cancelBubble = true; // IE 5+
if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); // DOM Level 2
else event.returnValue = false; // IE 5+
if (document.removeEventListener) { // DOM Level 2
document.removeEventListener("mousemove", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorRowsizeMouseMove, true);
document.removeEventListener("mouseup", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorRowsizeMouseUp, true);
else if (editor.toplevel.detachEvent) { // IE
editor.toplevel.detachEvent("onlosecapture", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorRowsizeMouseUp);
editor.toplevel.detachEvent("onmouseup", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorRowsizeMouseUp);
editor.toplevel.detachEvent("onmousemove", SocialCalc.ProcessEditorRowsizeMouseMove);
if (mouseinfo.mouserowtounhide) {
editor.EditorScheduleSheetCommands("set "+mouseinfo.mouserowtounhide+" hide", true, false);
return false;
// Handle auto-repeat of dragging the cursor into the borders of the sheet
SocialCalc.AutoRepeatInfo = {
timer: null, // timer object for repeating
mouseinfo: null, // result from SocialCalc.GridMousePosition
repeatinterval: 1000, // milliseconds to wait between repeats
editor: null, // editor object to use when it repeats
repeatcallback: null // used instead of default when repeating (e.g., for cellhandles)
// called as: repeatcallback(newcoord, direction)
// Control auto-repeat. If mouseinfo==null, cancel.
SocialCalc.SetDragAutoRepeat = function(editor, mouseinfo, callback) {
var repeatinfo = SocialCalc.AutoRepeatInfo;
var coord, direction;
repeatinfo.repeatcallback = callback; // null in regular case
if (!mouseinfo) { // cancel
if (repeatinfo.timer) { // If was repeating, stop
window.clearTimeout(repeatinfo.timer); // cancel timer
repeatinfo.timer = null;
repeatinfo.mouseinfo = null;
return; // done
repeatinfo.editor = editor;
if (repeatinfo.mouseinfo) { // check for change while repeating
if (mouseinfo.rowheader || mouseinfo.rowfooter) {
if (mouseinfo.row != repeatinfo.mouseinfo.row) { // changed row while dragging sidewards
coord = SocialCalc.crToCoord(editor.ecell.col, mouseinfo.row); // change to it
if (repeatinfo.repeatcallback) {
if (mouseinfo.row < repeatinfo.mouseinfo.row) {
direction = "left";
else if (mouseinfo.row > repeatinfo.mouseinfo.row) {
direction = "right";
else {
direction = "";
repeatinfo.repeatcallback(coord, direction);
else {
else if (mouseinfo.colheader || mouseinfo.colfooter) {
if (mouseinfo.col != repeatinfo.mouseinfo.col) { // changed col while dragging vertically
coord = SocialCalc.crToCoord(mouseinfo.col, editor.ecell.row); // change to it
if (repeatinfo.repeatcallback) {
if (mouseinfo.row < repeatinfo.mouseinfo.row) {
direction = "left";
else if (mouseinfo.row > repeatinfo.mouseinfo.row) {
direction = "right";
else {
direction = "";
repeatinfo.repeatcallback(coord, direction);
else {
repeatinfo.mouseinfo = mouseinfo;
if (mouseinfo.distance < 5) repeatinfo.repeatinterval = 333;
else if (mouseinfo.distance < 10) repeatinfo.repeatinterval = 250;
else if (mouseinfo.distance < 25) repeatinfo.repeatinterval = 100;
else if (mouseinfo.distance < 35) repeatinfo.repeatinterval = 75;
else { // too far - stop repeating
if (repeatinfo.timer) { // if repeating, cancel it
window.clearTimeout(repeatinfo.timer); // cancel timer
repeatinfo.timer = null;
if (!repeatinfo.timer) { // start if not already running
repeatinfo.timer = window.setTimeout(SocialCalc.DragAutoRepeat, repeatinfo.repeatinterval);
// DragAutoRepeat()
SocialCalc.DragAutoRepeat = function() {
var repeatinfo = SocialCalc.AutoRepeatInfo;
var mouseinfo = repeatinfo.mouseinfo;
var direction, coord, cr;
if (mouseinfo.rowheader) direction = "left";
else if (mouseinfo.rowfooter) direction = "right";
else if (mouseinfo.colheader) direction = "up";
else if (mouseinfo.colfooter) direction = "down";
if (repeatinfo.repeatcallback) {
cr = SocialCalc.coordToCr(repeatinfo.editor.ecell.coord);
if (direction == "left" && cr.col > 1) cr.col--;
else if (direction == "right") cr.col++;
else if (direction == "up" && cr.row > 1) cr.row--;
else if (direction == "down") cr.row++;
coord = SocialCalc.crToCoord(cr.col, cr.row);
repeatinfo.repeatcallback(coord, direction);
else {
coord = repeatinfo.editor.MoveECellWithKey("[a"+direction+"]shifted");
if (coord) repeatinfo.editor.EditorMouseRange(coord);
repeatinfo.timer = window.setTimeout(SocialCalc.DragAutoRepeat, repeatinfo.repeatinterval);
// Handling Clicking
SocialCalc.ProcessEditorDblClick = function(e) {
var editor, result, coord, textarea, wval, range;
var event = e || window.event;
var mouseinfo = SocialCalc.EditorMouseInfo;
var ele = event.target || event.srcElement; // source object is often within what we want
var mobj;
if (mouseinfo.ignore) return; // ignore this
for (mobj=null; !mobj && ele; ele=ele.parentNode) { // go up tree looking for one of our elements
mobj = SocialCalc.LookupElement(ele, mouseinfo.registeredElements);
if (!mobj) {
mouseinfo.editor = null;
return; // not one of our elements
editor = mobj.editor;
var pos = SocialCalc.GetElementPositionWithScroll(editor.toplevel);
var clientX = event.clientX - pos.left;
var clientY = event.clientY - pos.top;
result = SocialCalc.GridMousePosition(editor, clientX, clientY);
if (!result || !result.coord) return; // not within cell area - ignore
mouseinfo.editor = editor; // remember for later
mouseinfo.element = ele;
range = editor.range;
sheetobj = editor.context.sheetobj;
switch (editor.state) {
case "start":
case "input":
if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); // DOM Level 2
else event.cancelBubble = true; // IE 5+
if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); // DOM Level 2
else event.returnValue = false; // IE 5+
SocialCalc.EditorOpenCellEdit = function(editor) {
var wval;
if (!editor.ecell) return true; // no ecell
if (!editor.inputBox) return true; // no input box, so no editing (happens on noEdit)
if (editor.inputBox.element.disabled) return true; // multi-line: ignore
editor.state = "inputboxdirect";
wval = editor.workingvalues;
wval.partialexpr = "";
wval.ecoord = editor.ecell.coord;
wval.erow = editor.ecell.row;
wval.ecol = editor.ecell.col;
SocialCalc.EditorProcessKey = function(editor, ch, e) {
var result, cell, cellobj, valueinfo, fch, coord, inputtext, f;
var sheetobj = editor.context.sheetobj;
var wval = editor.workingvalues;
var range = editor.range;
if (typeof ch != "string") ch = "";
switch (editor.state) {
case "start":
if (e.shiftKey && ch.substr(0,2)=="[a") {
ch = ch + "shifted";
if (ch=="[enter]") ch = "[adown]";
if (ch=="[tab]") ch = e.shiftKey ? "[aleft]" : "[aright]";
if (ch.substr(0,2)=="[a" || ch.substr(0,3)=="[pg" || ch=="[home]") {
result = editor.MoveECellWithKey(ch);
return !result;
if (ch=="[del]" || ch=="[backspace]") {
if (!editor.noEdit && !editor.ECellReadonly()) {
editor.EditorApplySetCommandsToRange("empty", "");
if (ch=="[esc]") {
if (range.hasrange) {
for (f in editor.StatusCallback) {
editor.StatusCallback[f].func(editor, "specialkey", ch, editor.StatusCallback[f].params);
return false;
if (ch=="[f2]") {
if (editor.noEdit || editor.ECellReadonly()) return true;
return false;
if ((ch.length>1 && ch.substr(0,1)=="[") || ch.length==0) { // some control key
if (editor.ctrlkeyFunction && ch.length>0) {
return editor.ctrlkeyFunction(editor, ch);
else {
return true;
if (!editor.ecell) return true; // no ecell
if (!editor.inputBox) return true; // no inputBox so no editing
if (editor.ECellReadonly()) return true;
editor.inputBox.element.disabled = false; // make sure editable
editor.state = "input";
wval.partialexpr = "";
wval.ecoord = editor.ecell.coord;
wval.erow = editor.ecell.row;
wval.ecol = editor.ecell.col;
case "input":
inputtext = editor.inputBox.GetText(); // should not get here if no inputBox
if (editor.inputBox.skipOne) return false; // ignore a key already handled
if (ch=="[esc]" || ch=="[enter]" || ch=="[tab]" || (ch && ch.substr(0,2)=="[a")) {
if (("(+-*/,:!&<>=^".indexOf(inputtext.slice(-1))>=0 && inputtext.slice(0,1)=="=") ||
(inputtext == "=")) {
wval.partialexpr = inputtext;
if (wval.partialexpr) { // if in pointing operation
if (e.shiftKey && ch.substr(0,2)=="[a") {
ch = ch + "shifted";
coord = editor.MoveECellWithKey(ch);
if (coord) {
if (range.hasrange) {
editor.inputBox.SetText(wval.partialexpr + SocialCalc.crToCoord(range.left, range.top) + ":" +
SocialCalc.crToCoord(range.right, range.bottom));
else {
editor.inputBox.SetText(wval.partialexpr + coord);
return false;
editor.state = "start";
if (ch != "[esc]") {
if (editor.ecell.coord != wval.ecoord) {
if (ch=="[enter]") ch = "[adown]";
if (ch=="[tab]") ch = e.shiftKey ? "[aleft]" : "[aright]";
if (ch.substr(0,2)=="[a") {
else {
if (wval.partialexpr && ch=="[backspace]") {
wval.partialexpr = "";
editor.inputBox.ShowInputBox(true); // make sure it's moved back if necessary
return false;
if (ch=="[f2]") return false;
if (range.hasrange) {
if (wval.partialexpr) {
editor.inputBox.ShowInputBox(true); // make sure it's moved back if necessary
wval.partialexpr = ""; // not pointing
return true;
case "inputboxdirect":
inputtext = editor.inputBox.GetText(); // should not get here if no inputBox
if (ch=="[esc]" || ch=="[enter]" || ch=="[tab]") {
editor.state = "start";
if (ch == "[esc]") {
else {
if (editor.ecell.coord != wval.ecoord) {
if (ch=="[enter]") ch = "[adown]";
if (ch=="[tab]") ch = e.shiftKey ? "[aleft]" : "[aright]";
if (ch.substr(0,2)=="[a") {
if (ch=="[f2]") return false;
return true;
case "skip-and-start":
editor.state = "start";
return false;
return true;
return false;
SocialCalc.EditorAddToInput = function(editor, str, prefix) {
var wval = editor.workingvalues;
if (editor.noEdit || editor.ECellReadonly()) return;
switch (editor.state) {
case "start":
editor.state = "input";
editor.inputBox.element.disabled = false; // make sure editable and overwrite old
wval.partialexpr = "";
wval.ecoord = editor.ecell.coord;
wval.erow = editor.ecell.row;
wval.ecol = editor.ecell.col;
case "input":
case "inputboxdirect":
if (wval.partialexpr) {
wval.partialexpr = "";
SocialCalc.EditorDisplayCellContents = function(editor) {
if (editor.inputBox) editor.inputBox.DisplayCellContents();
SocialCalc.EditorSaveEdit = function(editor, text) {
var result, cell, valueinfo, fch, type, value, oldvalue, cmdline;
var sheetobj = editor.context.sheetobj;
var wval = editor.workingvalues;
type = "text t";
value = typeof text == "string" ? text : editor.inputBox.GetText(); // either explicit or from input box
oldvalue = SocialCalc.GetCellContents(sheetobj, wval.ecoord)+"";
if (value == oldvalue) { // no change
fch = value.charAt(0);
if (fch=="=" && value.indexOf("\n")==-1) {
type = "formula";
value = value.substring(1);
else if (fch=="'") {
type = "text t";
value = value.substring(1);
valueinfo = SocialCalc.DetermineValueType(value); // determine type again
if (valueinfo.type.charAt(0)=="t") {
type = "text "+valueinfo.type;
else if (value.length==0) {
type = "empty";
else {
valueinfo = SocialCalc.DetermineValueType(value);
if (valueinfo.type=="n" && value==(valueinfo.value+"")) { // see if don't need "constant"
type = "value n";
else if (valueinfo.type.charAt(0)=="t") {
type = "text "+valueinfo.type;
else if (valueinfo.type=="") {
type = "text t";
else {
type = "constant "+valueinfo.type+" "+valueinfo.value;
if (type.charAt(0)=="t") { // text
value = SocialCalc.encodeForSave(value); // newlines, :, and \ are escaped
cmdline = "set "+wval.ecoord+" "+type+" "+value;
editor.EditorScheduleSheetCommands(cmdline, true, false);
// SocialCalc.EditorApplySetCommandsToRange(editor, cmd)
// Takes ecell or range and does a "set" command with cmd.
SocialCalc.EditorApplySetCommandsToRange = function(editor, cmd) {
var cell, row, col, line, errortext;
var sheetobj = editor.context.sheetobj;
var ecell = editor.ecell;
var range = editor.range;
if (range.hasrange) {
coord = SocialCalc.crToCoord(range.left, range.top)+":"+SocialCalc.crToCoord(range.right, range.bottom);
line = "set "+coord+" "+cmd;
errortext = editor.EditorScheduleSheetCommands(line, true, false);
else {
line = "set "+ecell.coord+" "+cmd;
errortext = editor.EditorScheduleSheetCommands(line, true, false);
SocialCalc.EditorProcessMouseWheel = function(event, delta, mousewheelinfo, wobj) {
if (wobj.functionobj.editor.busy) return; // ignore if busy
if (delta > 0) {
wobj.functionobj.editor.ScrollRelative(true, Math.floor(-delta * 1.5));
if (delta < 0) {
wobj.functionobj.editor.ScrollRelative(true, Math.ceil(-delta * 1.5));
// GridMousePosition(editor, clientX, clientY)
// Returns an object with row and col numbers and coord (spans handled for coords),
// and rowheader/colheader true if in header (where coord will be undefined).
// If in colheader, will return coltoresize if on appropriate place in col header.
// Also, there is rowfooter (on right) and colfooter (on bottom).
// In row/col header/footer, returns "distance" as pixels over the edge.
SocialCalc.GridMousePosition = function(editor, clientX, clientY) {
var row, col, colpane;
var result = {};
for (row=1; row<editor.rowpositions.length; row++) {
if (!editor.rowheight[row]) continue; // not rendered yet -- may be above or below us
if (editor.rowpositions[row]+editor.rowheight[row]>clientY) {
for (col=1; col<editor.colpositions.length; col++) {
if (!editor.colwidth[col]) continue;
if (editor.colpositions[col]+editor.colwidth[col]>clientX) {
result.row = row;
result.col = col;
if (editor.headposition) {
if (clientX < editor.headposition.left && clientX >= editor.gridposition.left) {
result.rowheader = true;
result.distance = editor.headposition.left - clientX;
result.rowtounhide = "";
// Handle unhide row.
if (unhide = editor.context.rowunhidetop[row]) {
pos = SocialCalc.GetElementPosition(unhide);
if (clientX >= pos.left && clientX < pos.left+unhide.offsetWidth && clientY >= pos.top && clientY < pos.top+unhide.offsetHeight) {
result.rowtounhide = row+1;
if (unhide = editor.context.rowunhidebottom[row]) {
pos = SocialCalc.GetElementPosition(unhide);
if (clientX >= pos.left && clientX < pos.left+unhide.offsetWidth && clientY >= pos.top && clientY < pos.top+unhide.offsetHeight) {
result.rowtounhide = row-1;
return result;
else if (clientY < editor.headposition.top && clientY > editor.gridposition.top) { // > because of sizing row
result.colheader = true;
result.distance = editor.headposition.top - clientY;
result.coltoresize = col-(editor.colpositions[col]+editor.colwidth[col]/2>clientX?1:0) || 1;
// Handle unhide column.
if (unhide = editor.context.colunhideleft[col]) {
pos = SocialCalc.GetElementPosition(unhide);
if (clientX >= pos.left && clientX < pos.left+unhide.offsetWidth && clientY >= pos.top && clientY < pos.top+unhide.offsetHeight) {
result.coltounhide = col+1;
if (unhide = editor.context.colunhideright[col]) {
pos = SocialCalc.GetElementPosition(unhide);
if (clientX >= pos.left && clientX < pos.left+unhide.offsetWidth && clientY >= pos.top && clientY < pos.top+unhide.offsetHeight) {
result.coltounhide = col-1;
for (colpane=0; colpane<editor.context.colpanes.length; colpane++) {
if (result.coltoresize >= editor.context.colpanes[colpane].first &&
result.coltoresize <= editor.context.colpanes[colpane].last) { // visible column
return result;
delete result.coltoresize;
return result;
else if (clientX >= editor.verticaltablecontrol.controlborder) {
result.rowfooter = true;
result.distance = clientX - editor.verticaltablecontrol.controlborder;
return result;
else if (clientY >= editor.horizontaltablecontrol.controlborder) {
result.colfooter = true;
result.distance = clientY - editor.horizontaltablecontrol.controlborder;
return result;
else if (clientX < editor.gridposition.left) {
result.rowheader = true;
result.distance = editor.headposition.left - clientX;
return result;
else if (clientY <= editor.gridposition.top) {
result.colheader = true;
result.distance = editor.headposition.top - clientY;
return result;
else {
result.coord = SocialCalc.crToCoord(result.col, result.row);
if (editor.context.cellskip[result.coord]) { // handle skipped cells
result.coord = editor.context.cellskip[result.coord];
return result;
return null;
// GetEditorCellElement(editor, row, col)
// Returns an object with element, the table cell element in the DOM that corresponds to row and column,
// as well as rowpane and colpane, the panes with the cell.
// If no such element, then returns null;
SocialCalc.GetEditorCellElement = function(editor, row, col) {
var rowpane, colpane, c, coord;
var rowindex = 0;
var colindex = 0;
for (rowpane=0; rowpane<editor.context.rowpanes.length; rowpane++) {
if (row >= editor.context.rowpanes[rowpane].first && row <= editor.context.rowpanes[rowpane].last) {
for (colpane=0; colpane<editor.context.colpanes.length; colpane++) {
if (col >= editor.context.colpanes[colpane].first && col <= editor.context.colpanes[colpane].last) {
rowindex += row - editor.context.rowpanes[rowpane].first + 2;
for (c=editor.context.colpanes[colpane].first; c<=col; c++) {
if (!coord || !editor.context.CoordInPane(coord, rowpane, colpane)) // don't count col-spanned cells
return {
element: editor.griddiv.firstChild.lastChild.childNodes[rowindex].childNodes[colindex],
rowpane: rowpane, colpane: colpane};
for (c=editor.context.colpanes[colpane].first; c<=editor.context.colpanes[colpane].last; c++) {
if (!coord || !editor.context.CoordInPane(coord, rowpane, colpane)) // don't count col-spanned cells
colindex += 1;
rowindex += editor.context.rowpanes[rowpane].last - editor.context.rowpanes[rowpane].first + 1 + 1;
return null;
// cellcoord = MoveECellWithKey(editor, ch)
// Processes an arrow key, etc., moving the edit cell.
// If not a movement key, returns null.
SocialCalc.MoveECellWithKey = function(editor, ch) {
var coord, row, col, cell;
var shifted = false;
var delta = 1;
if (!editor.ecell) {
return null;
if (ch.slice(-7)=="shifted") {
ch = ch.slice(0,-7);
shifted = true;
row = editor.ecell.row;
col = editor.ecell.col;
cell = editor.context.sheetobj.cells[editor.ecell.coord];
switch (ch) {
case "[adown]":
row += (cell && cell.rowspan) || 1;
case "[aup]":
delta = -1;
case "[pgdn]":
row += editor.pageUpDnAmount - 1 + ((cell && cell.rowspan) || 1);
case "[pgup]":
row -= editor.pageUpDnAmount;
delta = -1;
case "[aright]":
col += (cell && cell.colspan) || 1;
case "[aleft]":
delta = -1;
case "[home]":
row = 1;
col = 1;
return null;
// Adjust against usermax col and row.
if (editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.usermaxcol) col = Math.min(editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.usermaxcol, col);
if (editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.usermaxrow) row = Math.min(editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.usermaxrow, row);
// Handle hidden column.
while (editor.context.sheetobj.colattribs.hide[SocialCalc.rcColname(col)] == "yes") {
col += delta;
if (col < 1) {
delta = -delta;
col = 1;
// Handle hidden row.
while (editor.context.sheetobj.rowattribs.hide[row] == "yes") {
row += delta;
if (row < 1) {
delta = -delta;
row = 1;
if (!editor.range.hasrange) {
if (shifted)
coord = editor.MoveECell(SocialCalc.crToCoord(col, row));
if (editor.range.hasrange) {
if (shifted)
return coord;
// cellcoord = MoveECell(editor, newecell)
// Takes a coordinate and returns the new edit cell coordinate (which may be
// different if newecell is covered by a span).
SocialCalc.MoveECell = function(editor, newcell) {
var cell, f;
var highlights = editor.context.highlights;
// adjust against user max col/row
var ecell = SocialCalc.coordToCr(newcell);
if (editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.usermaxcol && ecell.col > editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.usermaxcol)
ecell.col = editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.usermaxcol;
if (editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.usermaxrow && ecell.row > editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.usermaxrow)
ecell.row = editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.usermaxrow;
newcell = SocialCalc.crToCoord(ecell.col, ecell.row);
if (editor.ecell) {
if (editor.ecell.coord==newcell) return newcell; // already there - don't do anything and don't tell anybody
cell=SocialCalc.GetEditorCellElement(editor, editor.ecell.row, editor.ecell.col);
delete highlights[editor.ecell.coord];
if (editor.range2.hasrange &&
editor.ecell.row>=editor.range2.top && editor.ecell.row<=editor.range2.bottom &&
editor.ecell.col>=editor.range2.left && editor.ecell.col<=editor.range2.right) {
highlights[editor.ecell.coord] = "range2";
editor.UpdateCellCSS(cell, editor.ecell.row, editor.ecell.col);
editor.SetECellHeaders(""); // set to regular col/rowname styles
newcell = editor.context.cellskip[newcell] || newcell;
editor.ecell = SocialCalc.coordToCr(newcell);
editor.ecell.coord = newcell;
cell=SocialCalc.GetEditorCellElement(editor, editor.ecell.row, editor.ecell.col);
highlights[newcell] = "cursor";
for (f in editor.MoveECellCallback) { // let others know
editor.UpdateCellCSS(cell, editor.ecell.row, editor.ecell.col);
for (f in editor.StatusCallback) { // let status line, etc., know
editor.StatusCallback[f].func(editor, "moveecell", newcell, editor.StatusCallback[f].params);
if (editor.busy) {
editor.ensureecell = true; // wait for when not busy
else {
editor.ensureecell = false;
return newcell;
SocialCalc.EnsureECellVisible = function(editor) {
var vamount = 0;
var hamount = 0;
if (editor.ecell.row > editor.lastnonscrollingrow) {
if (editor.ecell.row < editor.firstscrollingrow) {
vamount = editor.ecell.row - editor.firstscrollingrow;
else if (editor.ecell.row > editor.lastvisiblerow) {
vamount = editor.ecell.row - editor.lastvisiblerow;
if (editor.ecell.col > editor.lastnonscrollingcol) {
if (editor.ecell.col < editor.firstscrollingcol) {
hamount = editor.ecell.col - editor.firstscrollingcol;
else if (editor.ecell.col > editor.lastvisiblecol) {
hamount = editor.ecell.col- editor.lastvisiblecol;
if (vamount!=0 || hamount!=0) {
editor.ScrollRelativeBoth(vamount, hamount);
else {
SocialCalc.ReplaceCell = function(editor, cell, row, col) {
var newelement, a;
if (!cell) return;
newelement = editor.context.RenderCell(row, col, cell.rowpane, cell.colpane, true, null);
if (newelement) {
// Don't use a real element and replaceChild, which seems to have focus issues with IE, Firefox, and speed issues
cell.element.innerHTML = newelement.innerHTML;
cell.element.style.cssText = "";
cell.element.className = newelement.className;
for (a in newelement.style) {
if (newelement.style[a]!="cssText")
cell.element.style[a] = newelement.style[a];
SocialCalc.UpdateCellCSS = function(editor, cell, row, col) {
var newelement, a;
if (!cell) return;
newelement = editor.context.RenderCell(row, col, cell.rowpane, cell.colpane, true, null);
if (newelement) {
cell.element.style.cssText = "";
cell.element.className = newelement.className;
for (a in newelement.style) {
if (newelement.style[a]!="cssText")
cell.element.style[a] = newelement.style[a];
SocialCalc.SetECellHeaders = function(editor, selected) {
var ecell = editor.ecell;
var context = editor.context;
var rowpane, colpane, first, last;
var rowindex = 0;
var colindex = 0;
var headercell;
if (!ecell) return;
// Handle ecell on a hidden column/row.
while (context.sheetobj.colattribs.hide[SocialCalc.rcColname(ecell.col)] == "yes") {
while (context.sheetobj.rowattribs.hide[ecell.row] == "yes") {
ecell.coord = SocialCalc.crToCoord(ecell.col, ecell.row);
for (rowpane=0; rowpane<context.rowpanes.length; rowpane++) {
first = context.rowpanes[rowpane].first;
last = context.rowpanes[rowpane].last;
if (ecell.row >= first && ecell.row <= last) {
headercell = editor.fullgrid.childNodes[1].childNodes[2+rowindex+ecell.row-first].childNodes[0];
if (headercell) {
if (context.classnames) headercell.className=context.classnames[selected+"rowname"];
if (context.explicitStyles) headercell.style.cssText=context.explicitStyles[selected+"rowname"];
headercell.style.verticalAlign="top"; // to get around Safari making top of centered row number be
// considered top of row (and can't get <row> position in Safari)
rowindex += last - first + 1 + 1;
for (colpane=0; colpane<context.colpanes.length; colpane++) {
first = context.colpanes[colpane].first;
last = context.colpanes[colpane].last;
if (ecell.col >= first && ecell.col <= last) {
headercell = editor.fullgrid.childNodes[1].childNodes[1].childNodes[1+colindex+ecell.col-first];
if (headercell) {
if (context.classnames) headercell.className=context.classnames[selected+"colname"];
if (context.explicitStyles) headercell.style.cssText=context.explicitStyles[selected+"colname"];
colindex += last - first + 1 + 1;
// ECellReadonly(editor, ecoord)
// Returns true if ecoord is readonly (or ecell if missing).
SocialCalc.ECellReadonly = function(editor, ecoord) {
if (!ecoord && editor.ecell) {
ecoord = editor.ecell.coord;
if (!ecoord) return false;
var cell = editor.context.sheetobj.cells[ecoord];
return cell && cell.readonly;
// RangeAnchor(editor, ecoord)
// Sets the anchor of a range to ecoord (or ecell if missing).
SocialCalc.RangeAnchor = function(editor, ecoord) {
if (editor.range.hasrange) {
// RangeExtend(editor, ecoord)
// Sets the other corner of the range to ecoord or, if missing, ecell.
SocialCalc.RangeExtend = function(editor, ecoord) {
var a, cell, cr, coord, row, col, f;
var highlights = editor.context.highlights;
var range = editor.range;
var range2 = editor.range2;
var ecell;
if (ecoord) {
ecell = SocialCalc.coordToCr(ecoord);
ecell.coord = ecoord;
else ecell = editor.ecell;
if (!ecell) return; // just in case
if (!range.hasrange) { // called without RangeAnchor...
range.anchorcoord = ecell.coord;
range.anchorrow = ecell.row;
range.top = ecell.row;
range.bottom = ecell.row;
range.anchorcol = ecell.col;
range.left = ecell.col;
range.right = ecell.col;
range.hasrange = true;
if (range.anchorrow < ecell.row) {
range.top = range.anchorrow;
range.bottom = ecell.row;
else {
range.top = ecell.row;
range.bottom = range.anchorrow;
if (range.anchorcol < ecell.col) {
range.left = range.anchorcol;
range.right = ecell.col;
else {
range.left = ecell.col;
range.right = range.anchorcol;
for (coord in highlights) {
switch (highlights[coord]) {
case "range":
highlights[coord] = "unrange";
case "range2":
highlights[coord] = "unrange2";
for (row=range.top; row<=range.bottom; row++) {
for (col=range.left; col<=range.right; col++) {
coord = SocialCalc.crToCoord(col, row);
switch (highlights[coord]) {
case "unrange":
highlights[coord] = "range";
case "cursor":
case "unrange2":
highlights[coord] = "newrange";
for (row=range2.top; range2.hasrange && row<=range2.bottom; row++) {
for (col=range2.left; col<=range2.right; col++) {
coord = SocialCalc.crToCoord(col, row);
switch (highlights[coord]) {
case "unrange2":
highlights[coord] = "range2";
case "range":
case "newrange":
case "cursor":
highlights[coord] = "newrange2";
for (coord in highlights) {
switch (highlights[coord]) {
case "unrange":
delete highlights[coord];
case "newrange":
highlights[coord] = "range";
case "newrange2":
highlights[coord] = "range2";
case "range":
case "range2":
case "cursor":
cr = SocialCalc.coordToCr(coord);
cell = SocialCalc.GetEditorCellElement(editor, cr.row, cr.col);
editor.UpdateCellCSS(cell, cr.row, cr.col);
for (f in editor.RangeChangeCallback) { // let others know
// create range/coord string and do status callback
coord = SocialCalc.crToCoord(editor.range.left, editor.range.top);
if (editor.range.left!=editor.range.right || editor.range.top!=editor.range.bottom) { // more than one cell
coord += ":" + SocialCalc.crToCoord(editor.range.right, editor.range.bottom);
for (f in editor.StatusCallback) {
editor.StatusCallback[f].func(editor, "rangechange", coord, editor.StatusCallback[f].params);
// RangeRemove(editor)
// Turns off the range.
SocialCalc.RangeRemove = function(editor) {
var cell, cr, coord, row, col, f;
var highlights = editor.context.highlights;
var range = editor.range;
var range2 = editor.range2;
if (!range.hasrange && !range2.hasrange) return;
for (row=range2.top; range2.hasrange && row<=range2.bottom; row++) {
for (col=range2.left; col<=range2.right; col++) {
coord = SocialCalc.crToCoord(col, row);
switch (highlights[coord]) {
case "range":
highlights[coord] = "newrange2";
case "range2":
case "cursor":
highlights[coord] = "newrange2";
for (coord in highlights) {
switch (highlights[coord]) {
case "range":
delete highlights[coord];
case "newrange2":
highlights[coord] = "range2";
case "cursor":
cr = SocialCalc.coordToCr(coord);
cell=SocialCalc.GetEditorCellElement(editor, cr.row, cr.col);
editor.UpdateCellCSS(cell, cr.row, cr.col);
range.hasrange = false;
for (f in editor.RangeChangeCallback) { // let others know
for (f in editor.StatusCallback) {
editor.StatusCallback[f].func(editor, "rangechange", "", editor.StatusCallback[f].params);
// Range2Remove(editor)
// Turns off the range2.
SocialCalc.Range2Remove = function(editor) {
var cell, cr, coord, row, col, f;
var highlights = editor.context.highlights;
var range2 = editor.range2;
if (!range2.hasrange) return;
for (coord in highlights) {
switch (highlights[coord]) {
case "range2":
delete highlights[coord];
case "range":
case "cursor":
cr = SocialCalc.coordToCr(coord);
cell=SocialCalc.GetEditorCellElement(editor, cr.row, cr.col);
editor.UpdateCellCSS(cell, cr.row, cr.col);
range2.hasrange = false;
// FitToEditTable(editor)
// Figure out (through column width declarations and approximation of pixels per row)
// how many rendered rows and columns you need to be at least a little larger than
// the editor's editing area.
SocialCalc.FitToEditTable = function(editor) {
var colnum, colname, colwidth, totalwidth, totalrows, rownum, rowpane, needed;
var context=editor.context;
var sheetobj=context.sheetobj;
var sheetcolattribs=sheetobj.colattribs;
// Calculate column width data
totalwidth=context.showRCHeaders ? context.rownamewidth-0 : 0;
for (colpane=0; colpane<context.colpanes.length-1; colpane++) { // Get width of all but last pane
for (colnum=context.colpanes[colpane].first; colnum<=context.colpanes[colpane].last; colnum++) {
if (sheetobj.colattribs.hide[colname] != "yes") {
colwidth = sheetobj.colattribs.width[colname] || sheetobj.attribs.defaultcolwidth || SocialCalc.Constants.defaultColWidth;
if (colwidth=="blank" || colwidth=="auto") colwidth="";
totalwidth+=(colwidth && ((colwidth-0)>0)) ? (colwidth-0) : 10;
for (colnum=context.colpanes[colpane].first; colnum<=10000; colnum++) { //!!! max for safety, but makes that col max!!!
if (sheetobj.colattribs.hide[colname] != "yes") {
colwidth = sheetobj.colattribs.width[colname] || sheetobj.attribs.defaultcolwidth || SocialCalc.Constants.defaultColWidth;
if (colwidth=="blank" || colwidth=="auto") colwidth="";
totalwidth+=(colwidth && ((colwidth-0)>0)) ? (colwidth-0) : 10;
if (totalwidth > editor.tablewidth) break;
context.colpanes[colpane].last = context.sheetobj.attribs.usermaxcol || colnum;
// Calculate row height data
totalrows=context.showRCHeaders ? 1 : 0;
for (rowpane=0; rowpane<context.rowpanes.length-1; rowpane++) { // count all panes but last one
totalrows += context.rowpanes[rowpane].last - context.rowpanes[rowpane].first + 1;
for (rownum=context.rowpanes[rowpane].first; rownum<=context.rowpanes[rowpane].last; rownum++) {
if (sheetobj.rowattribs.hide[rownum] == "yes") {
needed = editor.tableheight - totalrows * context.pixelsPerRow; // estimate amount needed
context.rowpanes[rowpane].last = context.sheetobj.attribs.usermaxrow || context.rowpanes[rowpane].first + Math.floor(needed / context.pixelsPerRow) + 1;
// CalculateEditorPositions(editor)
// Calculate the screen positions and other values of various editing elements
// These values change and need to be recomputed when the pane first/last or cell contents change,
// as well as new column widths, etc.
// Note: Only call this after the grid has been rendered! You may have to wait for a timeout...
SocialCalc.CalculateEditorPositions = function(editor) {
var rowpane, colpane, i;
editor.gridposition = SocialCalc.GetElementPosition(editor.griddiv);
var element = editor.griddiv.firstChild.lastChild.childNodes[1].childNodes[0]; // 2nd tr 1st td
editor.headposition = SocialCalc.GetElementPosition(element);
editor.headposition.left += element.offsetWidth;
editor.headposition.top += element.offsetHeight;
editor.rowpositions = [];
for (rowpane=0; rowpane<editor.context.rowpanes.length; rowpane++) {
editor.CalculateRowPositions(rowpane, editor.rowpositions, editor.rowheight);
for (i=0; i<editor.rowpositions.length; i++) {
if (editor.rowpositions[i]>editor.gridposition.top+editor.tableheight) break;
editor.lastvisiblerow = i-1;
editor.colpositions = [];
for (colpane=0; colpane<editor.context.colpanes.length; colpane++) {
editor.CalculateColPositions(colpane, editor.colpositions, editor.colwidth);
for (i=0; i<editor.colpositions.length; i++) {
if (editor.colpositions[i]>editor.gridposition.left+editor.tablewidth) break;
editor.lastvisiblecol = i-1;
editor.firstscrollingrow = editor.context.rowpanes[editor.context.rowpanes.length-1].first;
while (editor.context.sheetobj.rowattribs.hide[editor.firstscrollingrow] == "yes") {
editor.firstscrollingrowtop = editor.rowpositions[editor.firstscrollingrow] || editor.headposition.top;
editor.lastnonscrollingrow = editor.context.rowpanes.length-1 > 0 ?
editor.context.rowpanes[editor.context.rowpanes.length-2].last : 0;
editor.firstscrollingcol = editor.context.colpanes[editor.context.colpanes.length-1].first;
while (editor.context.sheetobj.colattribs.hide[SocialCalc.rcColname(editor.firstscrollingcol)] == "yes") {
editor.firstscrollingcolleft = editor.colpositions[editor.firstscrollingcol] || editor.headposition.left;
editor.lastnonscrollingcol = editor.context.colpanes.length-1 > 0 ?
editor.context.colpanes[editor.context.colpanes.length-2].last : 0;
// Now do the table controls
// ScheduleRender(editor)
// Do a series of timeouts to render the sheet, wait for background layout and
// rendering by the browser, and then update editor visuals, sliders, etc.
SocialCalc.ScheduleRender = function(editor) {
if (editor.timeout) window.clearTimeout(editor.timeout); // in case called more than once, just use latest
SocialCalc.EditorSheetStatusCallback(null, "schedrender", null, editor);
editor.timeout = window.setTimeout(function() { SocialCalc.DoRenderStep(editor); }, 1);
// DoRenderStep(editor)
SocialCalc.DoRenderStep = function(editor) {
editor.timeout = null;
SocialCalc.EditorSheetStatusCallback(null, "renderdone", null, editor);
SocialCalc.EditorSheetStatusCallback(null, "schedposcalc", null, editor);
editor.timeout = window.setTimeout(function() { SocialCalc.DoPositionCalculations(editor); }, 1);
// SocialCalc.SchedulePositionCalculations(editor)
SocialCalc.SchedulePositionCalculations = function(editor) {
SocialCalc.EditorSheetStatusCallback(null, "schedposcalc", null, editor);
editor.timeout = window.setTimeout(function() { SocialCalc.DoPositionCalculations(editor); }, 1);
// DoPositionCalculations(editor)
// Update editor visuals, sliders, etc.
// Note: Only call this after the DOM objects have been modified and rendered!
SocialCalc.DoPositionCalculations = function(editor) {
editor.timeout = null;
SocialCalc.EditorSheetStatusCallback(null, "doneposcalc", null, editor);
if (editor.ensureecell && editor.ecell && !editor.deferredCommands.length) { // don't do if deferred cmd to execute
editor.ensureecell = false;
editor.EnsureECellVisible(); // this could cause another redisplay
//!!! Need to now check to see if this positioned controls out of the editing area
//!!! (such as when there is a large wrapped cell and it pushes the pane boundary too far down).
SocialCalc.CalculateRowPositions = function(editor, panenum, positions, sizes) {
var toprow, rowpane, rownum, offset, trowobj, cellposition;
var context=editor.context;
var sheetobj=context.sheetobj;
var tbodyobj;
if (!context.showRCHeaders) throw("Needs showRCHeaders=true");
// Calculate start of this pane as row in this table:
toprow = 2;
for (rowpane=0; rowpane<panenum; rowpane++) {
toprow += context.rowpanes[rowpane].last - context.rowpanes[rowpane].first + 2; // skip pane and spacing row
offset = 0;
for (rownum=context.rowpanes[rowpane].first; rownum<=context.rowpanes[rowpane].last; rownum++) {
trowobj = tbodyobj.childNodes[toprow+offset];
cellposition = SocialCalc.GetElementPosition(trowobj.firstChild);
// Safari has problem: If a cell in the row is high, cell 1 is centered and it returns top of centered part
// but if you get position of row element, it always returns the same value (not the row's)
// So we require row number to be vertical aligned to top
if (!positions[rownum]) {
positions[rownum] = cellposition.top; // first one takes precedence
sizes[rownum] = trowobj.firstChild.offsetHeight;
SocialCalc.CalculateColPositions = function(editor, panenum, positions, sizes) {
var leftcol, colpane, colnum, offset, trowobj, cellposition;
var context=editor.context;
var sheetobj=context.sheetobj;
var tbodyobj;
if (!context.showRCHeaders) throw("Needs showRCHeaders=true");
// Calculate start of this pane as column in this table:
leftcol = 1;
for (colpane=0; colpane<panenum; colpane++) {
leftcol += context.colpanes[colpane].last - context.colpanes[colpane].first + 2; // skip pane and spacing col
trowobj = tbodyobj.childNodes[1]; // get heading row, which has all columns
offset = 0;
for (colnum=context.colpanes[colpane].first; colnum<=context.colpanes[colpane].last; colnum++) {
cellposition = SocialCalc.GetElementPosition(trowobj.childNodes[leftcol+offset]);
if (!positions[colnum]) {
positions[colnum] = cellposition.left; // first one takes precedence
if (trowobj.childNodes[leftcol+offset]) {
sizes[colnum] = trowobj.childNodes[leftcol+offset].offsetWidth;
// ScrollRelative(editor, vertical, amount)
// If vertical true, scrolls up(-)/down(+), else left(-)/right(+)
SocialCalc.ScrollRelative = function(editor, vertical, amount) {
if (vertical) {
editor.ScrollRelativeBoth(amount, 0);
else {
editor.ScrollRelativeBoth(0, amount);
// ScrollRelativeBoth(editor, vamount, hamount)
// Does both with one render
SocialCalc.ScrollRelativeBoth = function(editor, vamount, hamount) {
var context=editor.context;
var dv = vamount > 0 ? 1 : -1, dh = hamount > 0 ? 1 : -1;
var vplen=context.rowpanes.length;
var vlimit = vplen>1 ? context.rowpanes[vplen-2].last+1 : 1; // don't scroll past here
if (context.rowpanes[vplen-1].first+vamount < vlimit) { // limit amount
vamount = (-context.rowpanes[vplen-1].first) + vlimit;
var hplen=context.colpanes.length;
var hlimit = hplen>1 ? context.colpanes[hplen-2].last+1 : 1; // don't scroll past here
if (context.colpanes[hplen-1].first+hamount < hlimit) { // limit amount
hamount = (-context.colpanes[hplen-1].first) + hlimit;
// Handle hidden column by finding a next one that's not hidden.
while (context.sheetobj.colattribs.hide[SocialCalc.rcColname(context.colpanes[hplen-1].first+hamount)] == "yes") {
hamount += dh;
if (hamount < 1) {
hamount = 0;
// Handle hidden row by finding a next one that's not hidden.
while (context.sheetobj.rowattribs.hide[context.rowpanes[vplen-1].first+vamount] == "yes") {
vamount += dv;
if (vamount < 1) {
vamount = 0;
if ((vamount==1 || vamount==-1) && hamount==0) { // special case quick scrolls
if (vamount==1) {
else {
if (editor.ecell) editor.SetECellHeaders("selected");
// Do a gross move and render
if (vamount!=0 || hamount!=0) {
context.rowpanes[vplen-1].first += vamount;
context.rowpanes[vplen-1].last += vamount;
context.colpanes[hplen-1].first += hamount;
context.colpanes[hplen-1].last += hamount;
// PageRelative(editor, vertical, direction)
// If vertical true, pages up(direction is -)/down(+), else left(-)/right(+)
SocialCalc.PageRelative = function(editor, vertical, direction) {
var context=editor.context;
var panes=vertical ? "rowpanes" : "colpanes";
var lastpane=context[panes][context[panes].length-1];
var lastvisible=vertical ? "lastvisiblerow" : "lastvisiblecol";
var sizearray=vertical ? editor.rowheight : editor.colwidth;
var defaultsize=vertical ? SocialCalc.Constants.defaultAssumedRowHeight : SocialCalc.Constants.defaultColWidth;
var size, newfirst, totalsize, current;
if (direction > 0) { // down/right
newfirst = editor[lastvisible];
if (newfirst == lastpane.first) newfirst += 1; // move at least one
else {
if (vertical) { // calculate amount to scroll
totalsize = editor.tableheight - (editor.firstscrollingrowtop - editor.gridposition.top);
else {
totalsize = editor.tablewidth - (editor.firstscrollingcolleft - editor.gridposition.left);
totalsize -= sizearray[editor[lastvisible]] > 0 ? sizearray[editor[lastvisible]] : defaultsize;
for (newfirst=lastpane.first-1; newfirst>0; newfirst--) {
size = sizearray[newfirst] > 0 ? sizearray[newfirst] : defaultsize;
if (totalsize < size) break;
totalsize -= size;
current = lastpane.first;
if (newfirst >= current) newfirst = current-1; // move at least 1
if (newfirst < 1) newfirst = 1;
lastpane.first = newfirst;
lastpane.last = newfirst+1;
// LimitLastPanes(editor)
// Makes sure that the "first" of the last panes isn't before the last of the previous pane
SocialCalc.LimitLastPanes = function(editor) {
var context=editor.context;
var plen;
plen = context.rowpanes.length;
if (plen>1 && context.rowpanes[plen-1].first <= context.rowpanes[plen-2].last)
context.rowpanes[plen-1].first = context.rowpanes[plen-2].last+1;
if (context.sheetobj.attribs.usermaxrow && context.rowpanes[plen-1].first > context.sheetobj.attribs.usermaxrow)
context.rowpanes[plen-1].first = context.sheetobj.attribs.usermaxrow;
plen = context.colpanes.length;
if (plen>1 && context.colpanes[plen-1].first <= context.colpanes[plen-2].last)
context.colpanes[plen-1].first = context.colpanes[plen-2].last+1;
if (context.sheetobj.attribs.usermaxcol && context.colpanes[plen-1].first > context.sheetobj.attribs.usermaxcol)
context.colpanes[plen-1].first = context.sheetobj.attribs.usermaxcol;
SocialCalc.ScrollTableUpOneRow = function(editor) {
var toprow, rowpane, rownum, colnum, colpane, cell, oldrownum, maxspan, newbottomrow, newrow, oldchild, bottomrownum;
var rowneedsrefresh={};
var context=editor.context;
var sheetobj=context.sheetobj;
var tableobj=editor.fullgrid;
var tbodyobj;
toprow = context.showRCHeaders ? 2 : 1;
for (rowpane=0; rowpane<context.rowpanes.length-1; rowpane++) {
toprow += context.rowpanes[rowpane].last - context.rowpanes[rowpane].first + 2; // skip pane and spacing row
// abort if scrolling beyond user max row
if (context.sheetobj.attribs.usermaxrow && (context.sheetobj.attribs.usermaxrow - context.rowpanes[rowpane].first < 1)) {
return tableobj;
context.CalculateColWidthData(); // Just in case, since normally done in RenderSheet
if (!context.sheetobj.attribs.usermaxrow || context.rowpanes[rowpane].last != context.sheetobj.attribs.usermaxrow) {
newbottomrow = context.RenderRow(context.rowpanes[rowpane].last, rowpane);
// if scrolled off a row with starting rowspans, replace rows for the largest rowspan
maxrowspan = 1;
oldrownum=context.rowpanes[rowpane].first - 1;
for (colpane=0; colpane<context.colpanes.length; colpane++) {
for (colnum=context.colpanes[colpane].first; colnum<=context.colpanes[colpane].last; colnum++) {
coord=SocialCalc.crToCoord(colnum, oldrownum);
if (context.cellskip[coord]) continue;
if (cell && cell.rowspan>maxrowspan) maxrowspan=cell.rowspan;
if (maxrowspan>1) {
for (rownum=1; rownum<maxrowspan; rownum++) {
if (rownum+oldrownum >= context.rowpanes[rowpane].last) break;
newrow=context.RenderRow(rownum+oldrownum, rowpane);
// if added a row that includes rowspans from above, update the size of those to include new row
for (colpane=0; colpane<context.colpanes.length; colpane++) {
for (colnum=context.colpanes[colpane].first; colnum<=context.colpanes[colpane].last; colnum++) {
coord=context.cellskip[SocialCalc.crToCoord(colnum, bottomrownum)];
if (!coord) continue; // only look at spanned cells
if (rownum==context.rowpanes[rowpane].last ||
rownum<context.rowpanes[rowpane].first) continue; // this row (colspan) or starts above pane
if (cell && cell.rowspan>1) rowneedsrefresh[rownum]=true; // remember row num to update
for (rownum in rowneedsrefresh) {
newrow=context.RenderRow(rownum, rowpane);
return tableobj;
SocialCalc.ScrollTableDownOneRow = function(editor) {
var toprow, rowpane, rownum, colnum, colpane, cell, newrownum, maxspan, newbottomrow, newrow, oldchild, bottomrownum;
var rowneedsrefresh={};
var context=editor.context;
var sheetobj=context.sheetobj;
var tableobj=editor.fullgrid;
var tbodyobj;
toprow = context.showRCHeaders ? 2 : 1;
for (rowpane=0; rowpane<context.rowpanes.length-1; rowpane++) {
toprow += context.rowpanes[rowpane].last - context.rowpanes[rowpane].first + 2; // skip pane and spacing row
if (!context.sheetobj.attribs.usermaxrow) {
context.CalculateColWidthData(); // Just in case, since normally done in RenderSheet
newrow = context.RenderRow(context.rowpanes[rowpane].first, rowpane);
tbodyobj.insertBefore(newrow, tbodyobj.childNodes[toprow]);
// if inserted a row with starting rowspans, replace rows for the largest rowspan
maxrowspan = 1;
for (colpane=0; colpane<context.colpanes.length; colpane++) {
for (colnum=context.colpanes[colpane].first; colnum<=context.colpanes[colpane].last; colnum++) {
coord=SocialCalc.crToCoord(colnum, newrownum);
if (context.cellskip[coord]) continue;
if (cell && cell.rowspan>maxrowspan) maxrowspan=cell.rowspan;
if (maxrowspan>1) {
for (rownum=1; rownum<maxrowspan; rownum++) {
if (rownum+newrownum > context.rowpanes[rowpane].last) break;
newrow=context.RenderRow(rownum+newrownum, rowpane);
// if last row now includes rowspans or rowspans from above, update the size of those to remove deleted row
for (colpane=0; colpane<context.colpanes.length; colpane++) {
for (colnum=context.colpanes[colpane].first; colnum<=context.colpanes[colpane].last; colnum++) {
coord=SocialCalc.crToCoord(colnum, bottomrownum);
if (cell && cell.rowspan>1) {
rowneedsrefresh[bottomrownum]=true; // need to update this row
coord=context.cellskip[SocialCalc.crToCoord(colnum, bottomrownum)];
if (!coord) continue; // only look at spanned cells
if (rownum==bottomrownum ||
rownum<context.rowpanes[rowpane].first) continue; // this row (colspan) or starts above pane
if (cell && cell.rowspan>1) rowneedsrefresh[rownum]=true; // remember row num to update
for (rownum in rowneedsrefresh) {
newrow=context.RenderRow(rownum, rowpane);
return tableobj;
// *************************************
// InputBox class:
// This class deals with the text box for editing cell contents.
// It mainly controls a user input box for typed content and is used to interact with
// the keyboard code, etc.
// You can use this inside a formula bar control of some sort.
// You create this after you have created a table editor object (but not necessarily
// done the CreateTableEditor method).
// When the user starts typing text, or double-clicks on a cell, this object
// comes into play.
// The element given when this is first constructed should be an input HTMLElement or
// something that acts like one. Check the code here to see what is done to it.
// *************************************
SocialCalc.InputBox = function(element, editor) {
if (!element) return; // invoked without enough data to work
this.element = element; // the input element associated with this InputBox
this.editor = editor; // the TableEditor this belongs to
this.inputEcho = null;
editor.inputBox = this;
element.onmousedown = SocialCalc.InputBoxOnMouseDown;
editor.MoveECellCallback.formulabar = function(e){
if (e.state!="start") return; // if not in normal keyboard mode don't replace formula bar
// Methods:
SocialCalc.InputBox.prototype.DisplayCellContents = function(coord) {SocialCalc.InputBoxDisplayCellContents(this, coord);};
SocialCalc.InputBox.prototype.ShowInputBox = function(show) {this.editor.inputEcho.ShowInputEcho(show);};
SocialCalc.InputBox.prototype.GetText = function() {return this.element.value;};
SocialCalc.InputBox.prototype.SetText = function(newtext) {
if (!this.element) return;
SocialCalc.InputBox.prototype.Focus = function() {SocialCalc.InputBoxFocus(this);};
SocialCalc.InputBox.prototype.Blur = function() {return this.element.blur();};
SocialCalc.InputBox.prototype.Select = function(t) {
if (!this.element) return;
switch (t) {
case "end":
if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) {
/* IE 4+ - Safer than setting .selectionEnd as it also works for Textareas. */
try {
var range = document.selection.createRange().duplicate();
catch (e) {
if (this.element.selectionStart!=undefined) {
} else if (this.element.selectionStart!=undefined) {
// Functions:
// SocialCalc.InputBoxDisplayCellContents(inputbox, coord)
// Sets input box to the contents of the specified cell (or ecell if null).
SocialCalc.InputBoxDisplayCellContents = function(inputbox, coord) {
var scc = SocialCalc.Constants;
if (!inputbox) return;
if (!coord) coord = inputbox.editor.ecell.coord;
var text = SocialCalc.GetCellContents(inputbox.editor.context.sheetobj, coord);
if (text.indexOf("\n")!=-1) {
text = scc.s_inputboxdisplaymultilinetext;
inputbox.element.disabled = true;
else if (inputbox.editor.ECellReadonly()) {
inputbox.element.disabled = true;
else {
inputbox.element.disabled = false;
// SocialCalc.InputBoxFocus(inputbox)
// Call this to have the input box get the focus and respond to keystrokes
// but still pass them off to SocialCalc.ProcessKey.
SocialCalc.InputBoxFocus = function(inputbox) {
if (!inputbox) return;
var editor = inputbox.editor;
editor.state = "input";
var wval = editor.workingvalues;
wval.partialexpr = "";
wval.ecoord = editor.ecell.coord;
wval.erow = editor.ecell.row;
wval.ecol = editor.ecell.col;
// SocialCalc.InputBoxOnMouseDown(e)
// This is called when the input box gets the focus. It then responds to keystrokes
// and pass them off to SocialCalc.ProcessKey, but in a different editing state.
SocialCalc.InputBoxOnMouseDown = function(e) {
var editor = SocialCalc.Keyboard.focusTable; // get TableEditor doing keyboard stuff
if (!editor) return true; // we're not handling it -- let browser do default
var wval = editor.workingvalues;
switch (editor.state) {
case "start":
wval.partialexpr = "";
wval.ecoord = editor.ecell.coord;
wval.erow = editor.ecell.row;
wval.ecol = editor.ecell.col;
case "input":
wval.partialexpr = ""; // make sure not pointing
SocialCalc.KeyboardFocus(); // may have come here from outside of grid
case "inputboxdirect":
// *************************************
// InputEcho class:
// This object creates and controls an element that echos what's in the InputBox during editing
// It is draggable.
// *************************************
SocialCalc.InputEcho = function(editor) {
var scc = SocialCalc.Constants;
this.editor = editor; // the TableEditor this belongs to
this.text = ""; // current value of what is displayed
this.interval = null; // timer handle
this.container = null; // element containing main echo as well as prompt line
this.main = null; // main echo area
this.prompt = null;
this.functionbox = null; // function chooser dialog
this.container = document.createElement("div");
SocialCalc.setStyles(this.container, "display:none;position:absolute;zIndex:10;");
this.main = document.createElement("div");
if (scc.defaultInputEchoClass) this.main.className = scc.defaultInputEchoClass;
if (scc.defaultInputEchoStyle) SocialCalc.setStyles(this.main, scc.defaultInputEchoStyle);
this.main.innerHTML = "&nbsp;";
this.prompt = document.createElement("div");
if (scc.defaultInputEchoPromptClass) this.prompt.className = scc.defaultInputEchoPromptClass;
if (scc.defaultInputEchoPromptStyle) SocialCalc.setStyles(this.prompt, scc.defaultInputEchoPromptStyle);
this.prompt.innerHTML = "";
SocialCalc.DragRegister(this.main, true, true,
{MouseDown: SocialCalc.DragFunctionStart,
MouseMove: SocialCalc.DragFunctionPosition,
MouseUp: SocialCalc.DragFunctionPosition,
Disabled: null, positionobj: this.container},
// Methods:
SocialCalc.InputEcho.prototype.ShowInputEcho = function(show) {return SocialCalc.ShowInputEcho(this, show);};
SocialCalc.InputEcho.prototype.SetText = function(str) {return SocialCalc.SetInputEchoText(this, str);};
// Functions:
SocialCalc.ShowInputEcho = function(inputecho, show) {
var cell, position;
var editor = inputecho.editor;
if (!editor) return;
if (show) {
cell=SocialCalc.GetEditorCellElement(editor, editor.ecell.row, editor.ecell.col);
if (cell) {
position = SocialCalc.GetElementPosition(cell.element);
inputecho.container.style.left = (position.left-1)+"px";
inputecho.container.style.top = (position.top-1)+"px";
inputecho.container.style.display = "block";
if (inputecho.interval) window.clearInterval(inputecho.interval); // just in case
inputecho.interval = window.setInterval(SocialCalc.InputEchoHeartbeat, 50);
else {
if (inputecho.interval) window.clearInterval(inputecho.interval);
inputecho.container.style.display = "none";
SocialCalc.SetInputEchoText = function(inputecho, str) {
var scc = SocialCalc.Constants;
var fname, fstr;
var newstr = SocialCalc.special_chars(str);
newstr = newstr.replace(/\n/g,"<br>");
if (inputecho.text != newstr) {
inputecho.main.innerHTML = newstr;
inputecho.text = newstr;
var parts = str.match(/.*[\+\-\*\/\&\^\<\>\=\,\(]([A-Za-z][A-Za-z][\w\.]*?)\([^\)]*$/);
if (str.charAt(0)=="=" && parts) {
fname = parts[1].toUpperCase();
if (SocialCalc.Formula.FunctionList[fname]) {
SocialCalc.Formula.FillFunctionInfo(); // make sure filled
fstr = SocialCalc.special_chars(fname+"("+SocialCalc.Formula.FunctionArgString(fname)+")");
else {
fstr = scc.ietUnknownFunction+fname;
if (inputecho.prompt.innerHTML != fstr) {
inputecho.prompt.innerHTML = fstr;
inputecho.prompt.style.display = "block";
else if (inputecho.prompt.style.display != "none") {
inputecho.prompt.innerHTML = "";
inputecho.prompt.style.display = "none";
SocialCalc.InputEchoHeartbeat = function() {
var editor = SocialCalc.Keyboard.focusTable; // get TableEditor doing keyboard stuff
if (!editor) return true; // we're not handling it -- let browser do default
SocialCalc.InputEchoMouseDown = function(e) {
var event = e || window.event;
var editor = SocialCalc.Keyboard.focusTable; // get TableEditor doing keyboard stuff
if (!editor) return true; // we're not handling it -- let browser do default
// if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); // DOM Level 2
// else event.cancelBubble = true; // IE 5+
// if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); // DOM Level 2
// else event.returnValue = false; // IE 5+
// return false;
// *************************************
// CellHandles class:
// This object creates and controls the elements around the cursor cell for dragging, etc.
// *************************************
SocialCalc.CellHandles = function(editor) {
var scc = SocialCalc.Constants;
var functions;
if (editor.noEdit) return; // leave us with nothing
this.editor = editor; // the TableEditor this belongs to
this.noCursorSuffix = false;
this.movedmouse = false; // used to detect no-op
this.draghandle = document.createElement("div");
SocialCalc.setStyles(this.draghandle, "display:none;position:absolute;zIndex:8;border:1px solid white;width:4px;height:4px;fontSize:1px;backgroundColor:#0E93D8;cursor:default;");
this.draghandle.innerHTML = '&nbsp;';
SocialCalc.AssignID(editor, this.draghandle, "draghandle");
var imagetype = "png";
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE 6\.0/)) {
imagetype = "gif";
this.dragpalette = document.createElement("div");
SocialCalc.setStyles(this.dragpalette, "display:none;position:absolute;zIndex:8;width:90px;height:90px;fontSize:1px;textAlign:center;cursor:default;"+
this.dragpalette.innerHTML = '&nbsp;';
SocialCalc.AssignID(editor, this.dragpalette, "dragpalette");
this.dragtooltip = document.createElement("div");
SocialCalc.setStyles(this.dragtooltip, "display:none;position:absolute;zIndex:9;border:1px solid black;width:100px;height:auto;fontSize:10px;backgroundColor:#FFFFFF;");
this.dragtooltip.innerHTML = '&nbsp;';
SocialCalc.AssignID(editor, this.dragtooltip, "dragtooltip");
this.fillinghandle = document.createElement("div");
SocialCalc.setStyles(this.fillinghandle, "display:none;position:absolute;zIndex:9;border:1px solid black;width:auto;height:14px;fontSize:10px;backgroundColor:#FFFFFF;");
this.fillinghandle.innerHTML = '&nbsp;';
SocialCalc.AssignID(editor, this.fillinghandle, "fillinghandle");
if (this.draghandle.addEventListener) { // DOM Level 2 -- Firefox, et al
this.draghandle.addEventListener("mousemove", SocialCalc.CellHandlesMouseMoveOnHandle, false);
this.dragpalette.addEventListener("mousedown", SocialCalc.CellHandlesMouseDown, false);
this.dragpalette.addEventListener("mousemove", SocialCalc.CellHandlesMouseMoveOnHandle, false);
else if (this.draghandle.attachEvent) { // IE 5+
this.draghandle.attachEvent("onmousemove", SocialCalc.CellHandlesMouseMoveOnHandle);
this.dragpalette.attachEvent("onmousedown", SocialCalc.CellHandlesMouseDown);
this.dragpalette.attachEvent("onmousemove", SocialCalc.CellHandlesMouseMoveOnHandle);
else { // don't handle this
throw "Browser not supported";
// Methods:
SocialCalc.CellHandles.prototype.ShowCellHandles = function(show, moveshow) {return SocialCalc.ShowCellHandles(this, show, moveshow);};
// Functions:
SocialCalc.ShowCellHandles = function(cellhandles, show, moveshow) {
var cell, cell2, position, position2;
var editor = cellhandles.editor;
var doshow = false;
var row, col;
var colinc = 1, rowinc = 1;
if (!editor) return;
do { // a block that can you can "break" out of easily
if (!show) break;
row = editor.ecell.row;
col = editor.ecell.col;
if (editor.state != "start") break;
if (row >= editor.lastvisiblerow) break;
if (col >= editor.lastvisiblecol) break;
if (row < editor.firstscrollingrow) break;
if (col < editor.firstscrollingcol) break;
// Go beyond one column if hidden.
while (editor.context.sheetobj.colattribs.hide[SocialCalc.rcColname(col+colinc)] == "yes") {
// Go beyond one row if hidden.
while (editor.context.sheetobj.rowattribs.hide[row+rowinc] == "yes") {
// Check colspan and rowspan.
cell = editor.context.sheetobj.cells[SocialCalc.crToCoord(col+colinc-1, row+rowinc-1)];
if (typeof cell != "undefined") {
colinc += (cell.colspan || 1) - 1;
rowinc += (cell.rowspan || 1) - 1;
if (editor.rowpositions[row+rowinc]+20>editor.horizontaltablecontrol.controlborder) {
if (editor.rowpositions[row+rowinc]-10<editor.headposition.top) {
if (editor.colpositions[col+colinc]+20>editor.verticaltablecontrol.controlborder) {
if (editor.colpositions[col+colinc]-30<editor.headposition.left) {
cellhandles.draghandle.style.left = (editor.colpositions[col+colinc]-1)+"px";
cellhandles.draghandle.style.top = (editor.rowpositions[row+rowinc]-1)+"px";
cellhandles.draghandle.style.display = "block";
if (moveshow) {
cellhandles.draghandle.style.display = "none";
cellhandles.dragpalette.style.left = (editor.colpositions[col+colinc]-45)+"px";
cellhandles.dragpalette.style.top = (editor.rowpositions[row+rowinc]-45)+"px";
cellhandles.dragpalette.style.display = "block";
cellhandles.dragtooltip.style.left = (editor.colpositions[col+colinc]-45)+"px";
cellhandles.dragtooltip.style.top = (editor.rowpositions[row+rowinc]+45)+"px";
cellhandles.dragtooltip.style.display = "none";
doshow = true;
while (false); // only do once
if (!doshow) {
cellhandles.draghandle.style.display = "none";
if (!moveshow) {
cellhandles.dragpalette.style.display = "none";
cellhandles.dragtooltip.style.display = "none";
SocialCalc.CellHandlesMouseMoveOnHandle = function(e) {
var scc = SocialCalc.Constants;
var event = e || window.event;
var target = event.target || event.srcElement
var editor = SocialCalc.Keyboard.focusTable; // get TableEditor doing keyboard stuff
if (!editor) return true; // we're not handling it -- let browser do default
var cellhandles = editor.cellhandles;
if (!cellhandles.editor) return true; // no handles
var pos = SocialCalc.GetElementPositionWithScroll(editor.toplevel);
var clientX = event.clientX - pos.left;
var clientY = event.clientY - pos.top;
if (!editor.cellhandles.mouseDown) {
editor.cellhandles.ShowCellHandles(true, true); // show move handles, too
if (target == cellhandles.dragpalette) {
var whichhandle = SocialCalc.SegmentDivHit([scc.CH_radius1, scc.CH_radius2], editor.cellhandles.dragpalette, clientX, clientY);
if (whichhandle==0) { // off of active part of palette
if (cellhandles.tooltipstimer) {
cellhandles.tooltipstimer = null;
cellhandles.tooltipswhichhandle = whichhandle;
cellhandles.tooltipstimer = window.setTimeout(SocialCalc.CellHandlesTooltipsTimeout, 700);
if (cellhandles.timer) {
cellhandles.timer = null;
cellhandles.timer = window.setTimeout(SocialCalc.CellHandlesHoverTimeout, 3000);
// whichsegment = SocialCalc.SegmentDivHit(segtable, divWithMouseHit, x, y)
// Takes segtable = [upperleft quadrant, upperright, bottomright, bottomleft]
// where each quadrant is either:
// 0 = ignore hits here
// number = return this value
// array = a new segtable for this subquadrant
// Alternatively, segtable can be:
// [radius 1, radius 2] and it returns 0 if no hit,
// -1, -2, -3, -4 for inner quadrants, and +1...+4 for outer quadrants
SocialCalc.SegmentDivHit = function(segtable, divWithMouseHit, x, y) {
var width = divWithMouseHit.offsetWidth;
var height = divWithMouseHit.offsetHeight;
var left = divWithMouseHit.offsetLeft;
var top = divWithMouseHit.offsetTop;
var v = 0;
var table = segtable;
var len = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x-left-(width/2.0-.5), 2)+Math.pow(y-top-(height/2.0-.5), 2));
if (table.length==2) { // type 2 segtable
if (x >= left && x < left+width/2 && y >= top && y < top+height/2) { // upper left
if (len <= segtable[0]) v = -1;
else if (len <= segtable[1]) v = 1;
if (x >= left+width/2 && x < left+width && y >= top && y < top+height/2) { // upper right
if (len <= segtable[0]) v = -2;
else if (len <= segtable[1]) v = 2;
if (x >= left+width/2 && x < left+width && y >= top+height/2 && y < top+height) { // bottom right
if (len <= segtable[0]) v = -3;
else if (len <= segtable[1]) v = 3;
if (x >= left && x < left+width/2 && y >= top+height/2 && y < top+height) { // bottom right
if (len <= segtable[0]) v = -4;
else if (len <= segtable[1]) v = 4;
return v;
while (true) {
if (x >= left && x < left+width/2 && y >= top && y < top+height/2) { // upper left
quadrant += "1";
v = table[0];
if (typeof v == "number") {
table = v;
width = width/2;
height = height/2;
if (x >= left+width/2 && x < left+width && y >= top && y < top+height/2) { // upper right
quadrant += "2";
v = table[1];
if (typeof v == "number") {
table = v;
width = width/2;
left = left+width;
height = height/2;
if (x >= left+width/2 && x < left+width && y >= top+height/2 && y < top+height) { // bottom right
quadrant += "3";
v = table[2];
if (typeof v == "number") {
table = v;
width = width/2;
left = left + width;
height = height/2;
top = top + height;
if (x >= left && x < left+width/2 && y >= top+height/2 && y < top+height) { // bottom right
quadrant += "4";
v = table[3];
if (typeof v == "number") {
table = v;
width = width/2;
height = height/2;
top = top + height;
return 0; // didn't match
//addmsg((x-divWithMouseHit.offsetLeft)+","+(y-divWithMouseHit.offsetTop)+"="+quadrant+" "+v);
return v;
SocialCalc.CellHandlesHoverTimeout = function() {
editor = SocialCalc.Keyboard.focusTable; // get TableEditor doing keyboard stuff
if (!editor) return true; // we're not handling it -- let browser do default
var cellhandles = editor.cellhandles;
if (cellhandles.timer) {
cellhandles.timer = null;
if (cellhandles.tooltipstimer) {
cellhandles.tooltipstimer = null;
editor.cellhandles.ShowCellHandles(true, false); // hide move handles
SocialCalc.CellHandlesTooltipsTimeout = function() {
editor = SocialCalc.Keyboard.focusTable; // get TableEditor doing keyboard stuff
if (!editor) return true; // we're not handling it -- let browser do default
var cellhandles = editor.cellhandles;
if (cellhandles.tooltipstimer) {
cellhandles.tooltipstimer = null;
var whichhandle = cellhandles.tooltipswhichhandle;
if (whichhandle==0) { // off of active part of palette
if (whichhandle==-3) {
cellhandles.dragtooltip.innerHTML = scc.s_CHfillAllTooltip;
else if (whichhandle==3) {
cellhandles.dragtooltip.innerHTML = scc.s_CHfillContentsTooltip;
else if (whichhandle==-2) {
cellhandles.dragtooltip.innerHTML = scc.s_CHmovePasteAllTooltip;
else if (whichhandle==-4) {
cellhandles.dragtooltip.innerHTML = scc.s_CHmoveInsertAllTooltip;
else if (whichhandle==2) {
cellhandles.dragtooltip.innerHTML = scc.s_CHmovePasteContentsTooltip;
else if (whichhandle==4) {
cellhandles.dragtooltip.innerHTML = scc.s_CHmoveInsertContentsTooltip;
else {
cellhandles.dragtooltip.innerHTML = "&nbsp;";
cellhandles.dragtooltip.style.display = "none";
cellhandles.dragtooltip.style.display = "block";
SocialCalc.CellHandlesMouseDown = function(e) {
var scc = SocialCalc.Constants;
var editor, result, coord, textarea, wval, range;
var event = e || window.event;
var mouseinfo = SocialCalc.EditorMouseInfo;
editor = SocialCalc.Keyboard.focusTable; // get TableEditor doing keyboard stuff
if (!editor) return true; // we're not handling it -- let browser do default
if (editor.busy) return; // don't do anything when busy (is this correct?)
var cellhandles = editor.cellhandles;
cellhandles.movedmouse = false; // detect no-op
var pos = SocialCalc.GetElementPositionWithScroll(editor.toplevel);
var clientX = event.clientX - pos.left;
var clientY = event.clientY - pos.top;
if (cellhandles.timer) { // cancel timer
cellhandles.timer = null;
if (cellhandles.tooltipstimer) {
cellhandles.tooltipstimer = null;
cellhandles.dragtooltip.innerHTML = "&nbsp;";
cellhandles.dragtooltip.style.display = "none";
range = editor.range;
var whichhandle = SocialCalc.SegmentDivHit([scc.CH_radius1, scc.CH_radius2], editor.cellhandles.dragpalette, clientX, clientY);
if (whichhandle==1 || whichhandle==-1 || whichhandle==0) {
cellhandles.ShowCellHandles(true, false); // hide move handles
mouseinfo.ignore = true; // stop other code from looking at the mouse
if (whichhandle==-3) {
cellhandles.dragtype = "Fill";
// mouseinfo.element = editor.cellhandles.fillhandle;
cellhandles.noCursorSuffix = false;
else if (whichhandle==3) {
cellhandles.dragtype = "FillC";
// mouseinfo.element = editor.cellhandles.fillhandle;
cellhandles.noCursorSuffix = false;
else if (whichhandle==-2) {
cellhandles.dragtype = "Move";
// mouseinfo.element = editor.cellhandles.movehandle1;
cellhandles.noCursorSuffix = true;
else if (whichhandle==-4) {
cellhandles.dragtype = "MoveI";
// mouseinfo.element = editor.cellhandles.movehandle2;
cellhandles.noCursorSuffix = false;
else if (whichhandle==2) {
cellhandles.dragtype = "MoveC";
// mouseinfo.element = editor.cellhandles.movehandle1;
cellhandles.noCursorSuffix = true;
else if (whichhandle==4) {
cellhandles.dragtype = "MoveIC";
// mouseinfo.element = editor.cellhandles.movehandle2;
cellhandles.noCursorSuffix = false;
cellhandles.filltype = null;
switch (cellhandles.dragtype) {
case "Fill":
case "FillC":
if (!range.hasrange) {
case "Move":
case "MoveI":
case "MoveC":
case "MoveIC":
if (!range.hasrange) {
editor.range2.top = editor.range.top;
editor.range2.right = editor.range.right;
editor.range2.bottom = editor.range.bottom;
editor.range2.left = editor.range.left;
editor.range2.hasrange = true;
return; // not for us
cellhandles.fillinghandle.style.left = (clientX)+"px";
cellhandles.fillinghandle.style.top = (clientY - 17)+"px";
cellhandles.fillinghandle.innerHTML = scc.s_CHindicatorOperationLookup[cellhandles.dragtype]+
(scc.s_CHindicatorDirectionLookup[editor.cellhandles.filltype] || "");
cellhandles.fillinghandle.style.display = "block";
cellhandles.ShowCellHandles(true, false); // hide move handles
cellhandles.mouseDown = true;
mouseinfo.editor = editor; // remember for later
coord = editor.ecell.coord; // start with cell with handles
cellhandles.startingcoord = coord;
cellhandles.startingX = clientX;
cellhandles.startingY = clientY;
mouseinfo.mouselastcoord = coord;
if (document.addEventListener) { // DOM Level 2 -- Firefox, et al
document.addEventListener("mousemove", SocialCalc.CellHandlesMouseMove, true); // capture everywhere
document.addEventListener("mouseup", SocialCalc.CellHandlesMouseUp, true); // capture everywhere
else if (cellhandles.draghandle.attachEvent) { // IE 5+
cellhandles.draghandle.attachEvent("onmousemove", SocialCalc.CellHandlesMouseMove);
cellhandles.draghandle.attachEvent("onmouseup", SocialCalc.CellHandlesMouseUp);
cellhandles.draghandle.attachEvent("onlosecapture", SocialCalc.CellHandlesMouseUp);
if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); // DOM Level 2
else event.cancelBubble = true; // IE 5+
if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); // DOM Level 2
else event.returnValue = false; // IE 5+
SocialCalc.CellHandlesMouseMove = function(e) {
var scc = SocialCalc.Constants;
var editor, element, result, coord, now, textarea, sheetobj, cellobj, wval;
var crstart, crend, cr, c, r;
var event = e || window.event;
var mouseinfo = SocialCalc.EditorMouseInfo;
editor = mouseinfo.editor;
if (!editor) return; // not us, ignore
var cellhandles = editor.cellhandles;
element = mouseinfo.element;
var pos = SocialCalc.GetElementPositionWithScroll(editor.toplevel);
var clientX = event.clientX - pos.left;
var clientY = event.clientY - pos.top;
result = SocialCalc.GridMousePosition(editor, clientX, clientY); // get cell with move
if (!result) return;
if (result && !result.coord) {
SocialCalc.SetDragAutoRepeat(editor, result, SocialCalc.CellHandlesDragAutoRepeat);
SocialCalc.SetDragAutoRepeat(editor, null); // stop repeating if it was
if (!result.coord) return;
crstart = SocialCalc.coordToCr(editor.cellhandles.startingcoord);
crend = SocialCalc.coordToCr(result.coord);
cellhandles.movedmouse = true; // did move, so not no-op
switch (cellhandles.dragtype) {
case "Fill":
case "FillC":
if (result.coord == cellhandles.startingcoord) { // reset when come back
cellhandles.filltype = null;
cellhandles.startingX = clientX;
cellhandles.startingY = clientY;
else {
if (cellhandles.filltype) { // moving and have already determined filltype
if (cellhandles.filltype=="Down") { // coerse to that
crend.col = crstart.col;
if (crend.row < crstart.row) crend.row = crstart.row;
else {
crend.row = crstart.row;
if (crend.col < crstart.col) crend.col = crstart.col;
else {
if (Math.abs(clientY - cellhandles.startingY) > 10) {
cellhandles.filltype = "Down";
else if (Math.abs(clientX - cellhandles.startingX) > 10) {
cellhandles.filltype = "Right";
crend.col = crstart.col; // until decide, leave it at start
crend.row = crstart.row;
result.coord = SocialCalc.crToCoord(crend.col, crend.row);
if (result.coord!=mouseinfo.mouselastcoord) {
case "Move":
case "MoveC":
if (result.coord!=mouseinfo.mouselastcoord) {
c = editor.range2.right - editor.range2.left + result.col;
r = editor.range2.bottom - editor.range2.top + result.row;
editor.RangeAnchor(SocialCalc.crToCoord(c, r));
case "MoveI":
case "MoveIC":
if (result.coord == cellhandles.startingcoord) { // reset when come back
cellhandles.filltype = null;
cellhandles.startingX = clientX;
cellhandles.startingY = clientY;
else {
if (cellhandles.filltype) { // moving and have already determined filltype
if (cellhandles.filltype=="Vertical") { // coerse to that
crend.col = editor.range2.left;
if (crend.row>=editor.range2.top && crend.row<=editor.range2.bottom+1) crend.row = editor.range2.bottom+2;
else {
crend.row = editor.range2.top;
if (crend.col>=editor.range2.left && crend.col<=editor.range2.right+1) crend.col = editor.range2.right+2;
else {
if (Math.abs(clientY - cellhandles.startingY) > 10) {
cellhandles.filltype = "Vertical";
else if (Math.abs(clientX - cellhandles.startingX) > 10) {
cellhandles.filltype = "Horizontal";
crend.col = crstart.col; // until decide, leave it at start
crend.row = crstart.row;
result.coord = SocialCalc.crToCoord(crend.col, crend.row);
if (result.coord!=mouseinfo.mouselastcoord) {
if (!cellhandles.filltype) { // no fill type
else {
c = editor.range2.right - editor.range2.left + crend.col;
r = editor.range2.bottom - editor.range2.top + crend.row;
editor.RangeAnchor(SocialCalc.crToCoord(c, r));
cellhandles.fillinghandle.style.left = clientX+"px";
cellhandles.fillinghandle.style.top = (clientY - 17)+"px";
cellhandles.fillinghandle.innerHTML = scc.s_CHindicatorOperationLookup[cellhandles.dragtype]+
(scc.s_CHindicatorDirectionLookup[editor.cellhandles.filltype] || "");
cellhandles.fillinghandle.style.display = "block";
mouseinfo.mouselastcoord = result.coord;
if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); // DOM Level 2
else event.cancelBubble = true; // IE 5+
if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); // DOM Level 2
else event.returnValue = false; // IE 5+
SocialCalc.CellHandlesDragAutoRepeat = function(coord, direction) {
var mouseinfo = SocialCalc.EditorMouseInfo;
var editor = mouseinfo.editor;
if (!editor) return; // not us, ignore
var cellhandles = editor.cellhandles;
var crstart = SocialCalc.coordToCr(editor.cellhandles.startingcoord);
var crend = SocialCalc.coordToCr(coord);
var newcoord, c, r;
var vscroll = 0;
var hscroll = 0;
if (direction == "left") hscroll = -1;
else if (direction == "right") hscroll = 1;
else if (direction == "up") vscroll = -1;
else if (direction == "down") vscroll = 1;
editor.ScrollRelativeBoth(vscroll, hscroll);
switch (cellhandles.dragtype) {
case "Fill":
case "FillC":
if (cellhandles.filltype) { // moving and have already determined filltype
if (cellhandles.filltype=="Down") { // coerse to that
crend.col = crstart.col;
if (crend.row < crstart.row) crend.row = crstart.row;
else {
crend.row = crstart.row;
if (crend.col < crstart.col) crend.col = crstart.col;
else {
crend.col = crstart.col; // until decide, leave it at start
crend.row = crstart.row;
newcoord = SocialCalc.crToCoord(crend.col, crend.row);
if (newcoord!=mouseinfo.mouselastcoord) {
case "Move":
case "MoveC":
if (coord!=mouseinfo.mouselastcoord) {
c = editor.range2.right - editor.range2.left + editor.ecell.col;
r = editor.range2.bottom - editor.range2.top + editor.ecell.row;
editor.RangeAnchor(SocialCalc.crToCoord(c, r));
case "MoveI":
case "MoveIC":
if (cellhandles.filltype) { // moving and have already determined filltype
if (cellhandles.filltype=="Vertical") { // coerse to that
crend.col = editor.range2.left;
if (crend.row>=editor.range2.top && crend.row<=editor.range2.bottom+1) crend.row = editor.range2.bottom+2;
else {
crend.row = editor.range2.top;
if (crend.col>=editor.range2.left && crend.col<=editor.range2.right+1) crend.col = editor.range2.right+2;
else {
crend.col = crstart.col; // until decide, leave it at start
crend.row = crstart.row;
newcoord = SocialCalc.crToCoord(crend.col, crend.row);
if (newcoord!=mouseinfo.mouselastcoord) {
c = editor.range2.right - editor.range2.left + crend.col;
r = editor.range2.bottom - editor.range2.top + crend.row;
editor.RangeAnchor(SocialCalc.crToCoord(c, r));
mouseinfo.mouselastcoord = newcoord;
SocialCalc.CellHandlesMouseUp = function(e) {
var editor, element, result, coord, now, textarea, sheetobj, cellobj, wval, cstr, cmdtype, cmdtype2;
var crstart, crend;
var sizec, sizer, deltac, deltar;
var event = e || window.event;
var mouseinfo = SocialCalc.EditorMouseInfo;
editor = mouseinfo.editor;
if (!editor) return; // not us, ignore
var cellhandles = editor.cellhandles;
element = mouseinfo.element;
mouseinfo.ignore = false;
var pos = SocialCalc.GetElementPositionWithScroll(editor.toplevel);
var clientX = event.clientX - pos.left;
var clientY = event.clientY - pos.top;
result = SocialCalc.GridMousePosition(editor, clientX, clientY); // get cell with up
SocialCalc.SetDragAutoRepeat(editor, null); // stop repeating if it was
cellhandles.mouseDown = false;
cellhandles.noCursorSuffix = false;
cellhandles.fillinghandle.style.display = "none";
if (!result) result = {};
if (!result.coord) result.coord = editor.ecell.coord;
switch (cellhandles.dragtype) {
case "Fill":
case "Move":
case "MoveI":
cmdtype2 = " all";
case "FillC":
case "MoveC":
case "MoveIC":
cmdtype2 = " formulas";
if (!cellhandles.movedmouse) { // didn't move: just leave one cell selected
cellhandles.dragtype = "Nothing";
switch (cellhandles.dragtype) {
case "Nothing":
case "Fill":
case "FillC":
crstart = SocialCalc.coordToCr(cellhandles.startingcoord);
crend = SocialCalc.coordToCr(result.coord);
if (cellhandles.filltype) {
if (cellhandles.filltype=="Down") {
crend.col = crstart.col;
else {
crend.row = crstart.row;
result.coord = SocialCalc.crToCoord(crend.col, crend.row);
if (editor.cellhandles.filltype=="Right") {
cmdtype = "right";
else {
cmdtype = "down";
cstr = "fill"+cmdtype+" "+SocialCalc.crToCoord(editor.range.left, editor.range.top)+
":"+SocialCalc.crToCoord(editor.range.right, editor.range.bottom)+cmdtype2;
editor.EditorScheduleSheetCommands(cstr, true, false);
case "Move":
case "MoveC":
editor.context.cursorsuffix = "";
cstr = "movepaste "+
SocialCalc.crToCoord(editor.range2.left, editor.range2.top) + ":" +
SocialCalc.crToCoord(editor.range2.right, editor.range2.bottom)
+" "+editor.ecell.coord+cmdtype2;
editor.EditorScheduleSheetCommands(cstr, true, false);
case "MoveI":
case "MoveIC":
editor.context.cursorsuffix = "";
sizec = editor.range2.right - editor.range2.left;
sizer = editor.range2.bottom - editor.range2.top;
deltac = editor.ecell.col - editor.range2.left;
deltar = editor.ecell.row - editor.range2.top;
cstr = "moveinsert "+
SocialCalc.crToCoord(editor.range2.left, editor.range2.top) + ":" +
SocialCalc.crToCoord(editor.range2.right, editor.range2.bottom)
+" "+editor.ecell.coord+cmdtype2;
editor.EditorScheduleSheetCommands(cstr, true, false);
if (editor.cellhandles.filltype==" Horizontal" && deltac > 0) {
editor.MoveECell(SocialCalc.crToCoord(editor.ecell.col-sizec-1, editor.ecell.row));
else if (editor.cellhandles.filltype==" Vertical" && deltar > 0) {
editor.MoveECell(SocialCalc.crToCoord(editor.ecell.col, editor.ecell.row-sizer-1));
editor.RangeAnchor(SocialCalc.crToCoord(editor.ecell.col+sizec, editor.ecell.row+sizer));
if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); // DOM Level 2
else event.cancelBubble = true; // IE 5+
if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); // DOM Level 2
else event.returnValue = false; // IE 5+
if (document.removeEventListener) { // DOM Level 2
document.removeEventListener("mousemove", SocialCalc.CellHandlesMouseMove, true);
document.removeEventListener("mouseup", SocialCalc.CellHandlesMouseUp, true);
else if (cellhandles.draghandle.detachEvent) { // IE
cellhandles.draghandle.detachEvent("onlosecapture", SocialCalc.CellHandlesMouseUp);
cellhandles.draghandle.detachEvent("onmouseup", SocialCalc.CellHandlesMouseUp);
cellhandles.draghandle.detachEvent("onmousemove", SocialCalc.CellHandlesMouseMove);
mouseinfo.editor = null;
return false;
// *************************************
// TableControl class:
// This class deals with the horizontal and verical scrollbars and pane sliders.
// +--------------+
// | Endcap |
// +- - - - - - - +
// | |
// +--------------+
// | Pane Slider |
// +--------------+
// | |
// | Less Button |
// | |
// +--------------+
// | Scroll Area |
// | |
// | |
// +--------------+
// | Thumb |
// +--------------+
// | |
// +--------------+
// | |
// | More Button |
// | |
// +--------------+
// *************************************
SocialCalc.TableControl = function(editor, vertical, size) {
var scc = SocialCalc.Constants;
this.editor = editor; // the TableEditor this belongs to
this.vertical = vertical; // true if vertical control, false if horizontal
this.size = size; // length in pixels
this.main = null; // main element containing all the others
this.endcap = null; // the area at the top/left between the end and the pane slider
this.paneslider = null; // the slider to adjust the pane split
this.lessbutton = null; // the top/left scroll button
this.morebutton = null; // the bottom/right scroll button
this.scrollarea = null; // the area between the scroll buttons
this.thumb = null; // the sliding thing in the scrollarea
// computed position values:
this.controlborder = null; // left or top screen position for vertical or horizontal control
this.endcapstart = null; // top or left screen position for vertical or horizontal control
this.panesliderstart = null;
this.lessbuttonstart = null;
this.morebuttonstart = null;
this.scrollareastart = null;
this.scrollareaend = null;
this.scrollareasize = null;
this.thumbpos = null;
// constants:
this.controlthickness = scc.defaultTableControlThickness; // other dimension of complete control in pixels
this.sliderthickness = scc.defaultTCSliderThickness;
this.buttonthickness = scc.defaultTCButtonThickness;
this.thumbthickness = scc.defaultTCThumbThickness;
this.minscrollingpanesize = this.buttonthickness+this.buttonthickness+this.thumbthickness+20; // the 20 is to leave a little space
// Methods:
SocialCalc.TableControl.prototype.CreateTableControl = function() {return SocialCalc.CreateTableControl(this);};
SocialCalc.TableControl.prototype.PositionTableControlElements = function() {SocialCalc.PositionTableControlElements(this);};
SocialCalc.TableControl.prototype.ComputeTableControlPositions = function() {SocialCalc.ComputeTableControlPositions(this);};
// Functions:
SocialCalc.CreateTableControl = function(control) {
var s, functions, params;
var AssignID = SocialCalc.AssignID;
var setStyles = SocialCalc.setStyles;
var scc = SocialCalc.Constants;
var TooltipRegister = function(element, etype, vh) {
if (scc["s_"+etype+"Tooltip"+vh]) {
SocialCalc.TooltipRegister(element, scc["s_"+etype+"Tooltip"+vh], null, control.editor.toplevel);
var imageprefix = control.editor.imageprefix;
var vh = control.vertical ? "v" : "h";
control.main = document.createElement("div");
s = control.main.style;
s.height = (control.vertical ? control.size : control.controlthickness)+"px";
s.width = (control.vertical ? control.controlthickness : control.size)+"px";
s.zIndex = 0;
setStyles(control.main, scc.TCmainStyle);
if (scc.TCmainClass) control.main.className = scc.TCmainClass;
control.main.style.display="none"; // wait for layout
control.endcap = document.createElement("div");
s = control.endcap.style;
s.height = control.controlthickness+"px";
s.width = control.controlthickness+"px";
s.zIndex = 1;
s.overflow = "hidden"; // IE will make the DIV at least font-size height...so use this
s.position = "absolute";
setStyles(control.endcap, scc.TCendcapStyle);
if (scc.TCendcapClass) control.endcap.className = scc.TCendcapClass;
AssignID(control.editor, control.endcap, "endcap"+vh);
control.paneslider = document.createElement("div");
s = control.paneslider.style;
s.height = (control.vertical ? control.sliderthickness : control.controlthickness)+"px";
s.overflow = "hidden"; // IE will make the DIV at least font-size height...so use this
s.width = (control.vertical ? control.controlthickness : control.sliderthickness)+"px";
s.position = "absolute";
s[control.vertical?"top":"left"] = "4px";
s.zIndex = 3;
setStyles(control.paneslider, scc.TCpanesliderStyle);
if (scc.TCpanesliderClass) control.paneslider.className = scc.TCpanesliderClass;
AssignID(control.editor, control.paneslider, "paneslider"+vh);
TooltipRegister(control.paneslider, "paneslider", vh);
functions = {MouseDown:SocialCalc.TCPSDragFunctionStart,
MouseMove: SocialCalc.TCPSDragFunctionMove,
MouseUp: SocialCalc.TCPSDragFunctionStop,
Disabled: function() {return control.editor.busy;}};
functions.control = control; // make sure this is there
SocialCalc.DragRegister(control.paneslider, control.vertical, !control.vertical, functions, control.editor.toplevel);
control.lessbutton = document.createElement("div");
s = control.lessbutton.style;
s.height = (control.vertical ? control.buttonthickness : control.controlthickness)+"px";
s.width = (control.vertical ? control.controlthickness : control.buttonthickness)+"px";
s.zIndex = 2;
s.overflow = "hidden"; // IE will make the DIV at least font-size height...so use this
s.position = "absolute";
setStyles(control.lessbutton, scc.TClessbuttonStyle);
if (scc.TClessbuttonClass) control.lessbutton.className = scc.TClessbuttonClass;
AssignID(control.editor, control.lessbutton, "lessbutton"+vh);
params = {repeatwait:scc.TClessbuttonRepeatWait, repeatinterval:scc.TClessbuttonRepeatInterval,
normalstyle: "backgroundImage:url("+imageprefix+"less-"+vh+"n.gif);",
downstyle: "backgroundImage:url("+imageprefix+"less-"+vh+"d.gif);",
hoverstyle: "backgroundImage:url("+imageprefix+"less-"+vh+"h.gif);"};
functions = {MouseDown:function(){if(!control.editor.busy) control.editor.ScrollRelative(control.vertical, -1);},
Repeat:function(){if(!control.editor.busy) control.editor.ScrollRelative(control.vertical, -1);},
Disabled: function() {return control.editor.busy;}};
SocialCalc.ButtonRegister(control.editor, control.lessbutton, params, functions);
control.morebutton = document.createElement("div");
s = control.morebutton.style;
s.height = (control.vertical ? control.buttonthickness : control.controlthickness)+"px";
s.width = (control.vertical ? control.controlthickness : control.buttonthickness)+"px";
s.zIndex = 2;
s.overflow = "hidden"; // IE will make the DIV at least font-size height...so use this
s.position = "absolute";
setStyles(control.morebutton, scc.TCmorebuttonStyle);
if (scc.TCmorebuttonClass) control.morebutton.className = scc.TCmorebuttonClass;
AssignID(control.editor, control.morebutton, "morebutton"+vh);
params = {repeatwait:scc.TCmorebuttonRepeatWait, repeatinterval:scc.TCmorebuttonRepeatInterval,
normalstyle: "backgroundImage:url("+imageprefix+"more-"+vh+"n.gif);",
downstyle: "backgroundImage:url("+imageprefix+"more-"+vh+"d.gif);",
hoverstyle: "backgroundImage:url("+imageprefix+"more-"+vh+"h.gif);"};
functions = {MouseDown:function(){if(!control.editor.busy) control.editor.ScrollRelative(control.vertical, +1);},
Repeat:function(){if(!control.editor.busy) control.editor.ScrollRelative(control.vertical, +1);},
Disabled: function() {return control.editor.busy;}};
SocialCalc.ButtonRegister(control.editor, control.morebutton, params, functions);
control.scrollarea = document.createElement("div");
s = control.scrollarea.style;
s.height = control.controlthickness+"px";
s.width = control.controlthickness+"px";
s.zIndex = 1;
s.overflow = "hidden"; // IE will make the DIV at least font-size height...so use this
s.position = "absolute";
setStyles(control.scrollarea, scc.TCscrollareaStyle);
if (scc.TCscrollareaClass) control.scrollarea.className = scc.TCscrollareaClass;
AssignID(control.editor, control.scrollarea, "scrollarea"+vh);
params = {repeatwait:scc.TCscrollareaRepeatWait, repeatinterval:scc.TCscrollareaRepeatWait};
functions = {MouseDown:SocialCalc.ScrollAreaClick, Repeat:SocialCalc.ScrollAreaClick,
Disabled: function() {return control.editor.busy;}};
functions.control = control;
SocialCalc.ButtonRegister(control.editor, control.scrollarea, params, functions);
control.thumb = document.createElement("div");
s = control.thumb.style;
s.height = (control.vertical ? control.thumbthickness : control.controlthickness)+"px";
s.width = (control.vertical ? control.controlthickness : control.thumbthickness)+"px";
s.zIndex = 2;
s.overflow = "hidden"; // IE will make the DIV at least font-size height...so use this
s.position = "absolute";
setStyles(control.thumb, scc.TCthumbStyle);
if (scc.TCthumbClass) control.thumb.className = scc.TCthumbClass;
AssignID(control.editor, control.thumb, "thumb"+vh);
functions = {MouseDown:SocialCalc.TCTDragFunctionStart,
MouseMove: SocialCalc.TCTDragFunctionMove,
MouseUp: SocialCalc.TCTDragFunctionStop,
Disabled: function() {return control.editor.busy;}};
functions.control = control; // make sure this is there
SocialCalc.DragRegister(control.thumb, control.vertical, !control.vertical, functions, control.editor.toplevel);
params = {normalstyle: "backgroundImage:url("+imageprefix+"thumb-"+vh+"n.gif)", name:"Thumb",
downstyle: "backgroundImage:url("+imageprefix+"thumb-"+vh+"d.gif)",
hoverstyle: "backgroundImage:url("+imageprefix+"thumb-"+vh+"h.gif)"};
SocialCalc.ButtonRegister(control.editor, control.thumb, params, null); // give it button-like visual behavior
return control.main;
// ScrollAreaClick - Button function to process pageup/down clicks
SocialCalc.ScrollAreaClick = function(e, buttoninfo, bobj) {
var control = bobj.functionobj.control;
var pos = SocialCalc.GetElementPositionWithScroll(control.editor.toplevel);
var clickpos = control.vertical ? buttoninfo.clientY-pos.top : buttoninfo.clientX-pos.left;
if (control.editor.busy) { // ignore if busy - wait for next repeat
control.editor.PageRelative(control.vertical, clickpos > control.thumbpos ? 1 : -1);
// PositionTableControlElements
SocialCalc.PositionTableControlElements = function(control) {
var border, realend, thumbpos;
var editor = control.editor;
if (control.vertical) {
border = control.controlborder+"px";
control.endcap.style.top = control.endcapstart+"px";
control.endcap.style.left = border;
control.paneslider.style.top = control.panesliderstart+"px";
control.paneslider.style.left = border
control.lessbutton.style.top = control.lessbuttonstart+"px";
control.lessbutton.style.left = border;
control.morebutton.style.top = control.morebuttonstart+"px";
control.morebutton.style.left = border;
control.scrollarea.style.top = control.scrollareastart+"px";
control.scrollarea.style.left = border;
control.scrollarea.style.height = control.scrollareasize+"px";
realend = Math.max(editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.lastrow, editor.firstscrollingrow+1);
thumbpos = ((editor.firstscrollingrow-(editor.lastnonscrollingrow+1))*(control.scrollareasize-3*control.thumbthickness))/
thumbpos = Math.floor(thumbpos);
control.thumb.style.top = thumbpos+"px";
control.thumb.style.left = border;
else {
border = control.controlborder+"px";
control.endcap.style.left = control.endcapstart+"px";
control.endcap.style.top = border;
control.paneslider.style.left = control.panesliderstart+"px";
control.paneslider.style.top = border
control.lessbutton.style.left = control.lessbuttonstart+"px";
control.lessbutton.style.top = border;
control.morebutton.style.left = control.morebuttonstart+"px";
control.morebutton.style.top = border;
control.scrollarea.style.left = control.scrollareastart+"px";
control.scrollarea.style.top = border;
control.scrollarea.style.width = control.scrollareasize+"px";
realend = Math.max(editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.lastcol, editor.firstscrollingcol+1);
thumbpos = ((editor.firstscrollingcol-(editor.lastnonscrollingcol+1))*(control.scrollareasize-control.thumbthickness))/
thumbpos = Math.floor(thumbpos);
control.thumb.style.left = thumbpos+"px";
control.thumb.style.top = border;
control.thumbpos = thumbpos;
// ComputeTableControlPositions
// This routine computes the screen positions and other values needed for laying out
// the table control elements.
SocialCalc.ComputeTableControlPositions = function(control) {
var editor = control.editor;
if (!editor.gridposition || !editor.headposition) throw("Can't compute table control positions before editor positions");
if (control.vertical) {
control.controlborder = editor.gridposition.left+editor.tablewidth; // border=left position
control.endcapstart = editor.gridposition.top; // start=top position
control.panesliderstart = editor.firstscrollingrowtop-control.sliderthickness;
control.lessbuttonstart = editor.firstscrollingrowtop-1;
control.morebuttonstart = editor.gridposition.top+editor.tableheight-control.buttonthickness;
control.scrollareastart = editor.firstscrollingrowtop-1+control.buttonthickness;
control.scrollareaend = control.morebuttonstart-1;
control.scrollareasize = control.scrollareaend-control.scrollareastart+1;
else {
control.controlborder = editor.gridposition.top+editor.tableheight; // border=top position
control.endcapstart = editor.gridposition.left; // start=left position
control.panesliderstart = editor.firstscrollingcolleft-control.sliderthickness;
control.lessbuttonstart = editor.firstscrollingcolleft-1;
control.morebuttonstart = editor.gridposition.left+editor.tablewidth-control.buttonthickness;
control.scrollareastart = editor.firstscrollingcolleft-1+control.buttonthickness;
control.scrollareaend = control.morebuttonstart-1;
control.scrollareasize = control.scrollareaend-control.scrollareastart+1;
////// TCPS - TableControl Pan Slider methods
// TCPSDragFunctionStart(event, draginfo, dobj)
// TableControlPaneSlider function for starting drag
SocialCalc.TCPSDragFunctionStart = function(event, draginfo, dobj) {
var editor = dobj.functionobj.control.editor;
var scc = SocialCalc.Constants;
SocialCalc.DragFunctionStart(event, draginfo, dobj);
draginfo.trackingline = document.createElement("div");
draginfo.trackingline.style.height = dobj.vertical ? scc.TCPStrackinglineThickness :
draginfo.trackingline.style.width = dobj.vertical ?
(editor.tablewidth-(editor.headposition.left-editor.gridposition.left))+"px" : scc.TCPStrackinglineThickness;
if (scc.TCPStrackinglineClass) draginfo.trackingline.className = scc.TCPStrackinglineClass;
SocialCalc.setStyles(draginfo.trackingline, scc.TCPStrackinglineStyle);
if (dobj.vertical) {
row = SocialCalc.Lookup(draginfo.clientY+dobj.functionobj.control.sliderthickness, editor.rowpositions);
draginfo.trackingline.style.top = (editor.rowpositions[row] || editor.headposition.top)+"px";
draginfo.trackingline.style.left = editor.headposition.left+"px";
if (editor.context.rowpanes.length-1) { // has 2 already
editor.context.SetRowPaneFirstLast(1, editor.context.rowpanes[0].last+1, editor.context.rowpanes[0].last+1);
else {
col = SocialCalc.Lookup(draginfo.clientX+dobj.functionobj.control.sliderthickness, editor.colpositions);
draginfo.trackingline.style.top = editor.headposition.top+"px";
draginfo.trackingline.style.left = (editor.colpositions[col] || editor.headposition.left)+"px";
if (editor.context.colpanes.length-1) { // has 2 already
editor.context.SetColPaneFirstLast(1, editor.context.colpanes[0].last+1, editor.context.colpanes[0].last+1);
// TCPSDragFunctionMove(event, draginfo, dobj)
SocialCalc.TCPSDragFunctionMove = function(event, draginfo, dobj) {
var row, col, max, min;
var control = dobj.functionobj.control;
var sliderthickness = control.sliderthickness;
var editor = control.editor;
if (dobj.vertical) {
max = control.morebuttonstart - control.minscrollingpanesize - draginfo.offsetY; // restrict movement
if (draginfo.clientY > max) draginfo.clientY = max;
min = editor.headposition.top - sliderthickness - draginfo.offsetY;
if (draginfo.clientY < min) draginfo.clientY = min;
row = SocialCalc.Lookup(draginfo.clientY+sliderthickness, editor.rowpositions);
// Handle hidden row.
while (editor.context.sheetobj.rowattribs.hide[row] == "yes") {
draginfo.trackingline.style.top = (editor.rowpositions[row] || editor.headposition.top)+"px";
else {
max = control.morebuttonstart - control.minscrollingpanesize - draginfo.offsetX;
if (draginfo.clientX > max) draginfo.clientX = max;
min = editor.headposition.left - sliderthickness - draginfo.offsetX;
if (draginfo.clientX < min) draginfo.clientX = min;
col = SocialCalc.Lookup(draginfo.clientX+sliderthickness, editor.colpositions);
// Handle hidden column.
while (editor.context.sheetobj.colattribs.hide[SocialCalc.rcColname(col)] == "yes") {
draginfo.trackingline.style.left = (editor.colpositions[col] || editor.headposition.left)+"px";
SocialCalc.DragFunctionPosition(event, draginfo, dobj);
// TCPSDragFunctionStop(event, draginfo, dobj)
SocialCalc.TCPSDragFunctionStop = function(event, draginfo, dobj) {
var row, col, max, min, dc;
var control = dobj.functionobj.control;
var sliderthickness = control.sliderthickness;
var editor = control.editor;
if (dobj.vertical) {
max = control.morebuttonstart - control.minscrollingpanesize - draginfo.offsetY; // restrict movement
if (draginfo.clientY > max) draginfo.clientY = max;
min = editor.headposition.top - sliderthickness - draginfo.offsetY;
if (draginfo.clientY < min) draginfo.clientY = min;
row = SocialCalc.Lookup(draginfo.clientY+sliderthickness, editor.rowpositions);
if (row>editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.lastrow) row=editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.lastrow; // can't extend sheet here
// Handle hidden row.
while (editor.context.sheetobj.rowattribs.hide[row] == "yes") {
if (!row || row<=editor.context.rowpanes[0].first) { // set to no panes, leaving first pane settings
if (editor.context.rowpanes.length>1) editor.context.rowpanes.length = 1;
else if (editor.context.rowpanes.length-1) { // has 2 already
if (!editor.timeout) { // not waiting for position calc (so positions could be wrong)
editor.context.SetRowPaneFirstLast(0, editor.context.rowpanes[0].first, row-1);
editor.context.SetRowPaneFirstLast(1, row, row);
else {
editor.context.SetRowPaneFirstLast(0, editor.context.rowpanes[0].first, row-1);
editor.context.SetRowPaneFirstLast(1, row, row);
else {
max = control.morebuttonstart - control.minscrollingpanesize - draginfo.offsetX;
if (draginfo.clientX > max) draginfo.clientX = max;
min = editor.headposition.left - sliderthickness - draginfo.offsetX;
if (draginfo.clientX < min) draginfo.clientX = min;
col = SocialCalc.Lookup(draginfo.clientX+sliderthickness, editor.colpositions);
if (col>editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.lastcol) col=editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.lastcol; // can't extend sheet here
// Handle hidden column.
while (editor.context.sheetobj.colattribs.hide[SocialCalc.rcColname(col)] == "yes") {
if (!col || col<=editor.context.colpanes[0].first) { // set to no panes, leaving first pane settings
if (editor.context.colpanes.length>1) editor.context.colpanes.length = 1;
else if (editor.context.colpanes.length-1) { // has 2 already
if (!editor.timeout) { // not waiting for position calc (so positions could be wrong)
editor.context.SetColPaneFirstLast(0, editor.context.colpanes[0].first, col-1);
editor.context.SetColPaneFirstLast(1, col, col);
else {
editor.context.SetColPaneFirstLast(0, editor.context.colpanes[0].first, col-1);
editor.context.SetColPaneFirstLast(1, col, col);
////// TCT - TableControl Thumb methods
//!!!! Note: Need to make start use same code as move/stop for determining row/col, since stop will set that
//!!!! Note: Need to make start/move/stop use positioning code that corresponds closer to
//!!!! ComputeTableControlPositions calculations.
// TCTDragFunctionStart(event, draginfo, dobj)
// TableControlThumb function for starting drag
SocialCalc.TCTDragFunctionStart = function(event, draginfo, dobj) {
var rowpane, colpane, row, col;
var control = dobj.functionobj.control;
var editor = control.editor;
var scc = SocialCalc.Constants;
SocialCalc.DragFunctionStart(event, draginfo, dobj);
if (draginfo.thumbstatus) { // get rid of old one if mouseup was out of window
if (draginfo.thumbstatus.rowmsgele) draginfo.thumbstatus.rowmsgele = null;
if (draginfo.thumbstatus.rowpreviewele) draginfo.thumbstatus.rowpreviewele = null;
draginfo.thumbstatus = null;
draginfo.thumbstatus = document.createElement("div");
if (dobj.vertical) {
if (scc.TCTDFSthumbstatusvClass) draginfo.thumbstatus.className = scc.TCTDFSthumbstatusvClass;
SocialCalc.setStyles(draginfo.thumbstatus, scc.TCTDFSthumbstatusvStyle);
draginfo.thumbstatus.style.top = (draginfo.clientY+scc.TCTDFStopOffsetv)+"px";
draginfo.thumbstatus.style.left = (control.controlborder-10-(editor.tablewidth/2))+"px";
draginfo.thumbstatus.style.width = (editor.tablewidth/2)+"px";
draginfo.thumbcontext = new SocialCalc.RenderContext(editor.context.sheetobj);
draginfo.thumbcontext.showGrid = true;
draginfo.thumbcontext.rowpanes = [{first: 1, last: 1}];
var pane = editor.context.colpanes[editor.context.colpanes.length-1];
draginfo.thumbcontext.colpanes = [{first: pane.first, last: pane.last}];
draginfo.thumbstatus.innerHTML = '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top" style="'+
scc.TCTDFSthumbstatusrownumStyle+'" class="'+scc.TCTDFSthumbstatusrownumClass+
'"><div>msg</div></td><td valign="top"><div style="overflow:hidden;">preview</div></td></tr></table>';
draginfo.thumbstatus.rowmsgele = draginfo.thumbstatus.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild;
draginfo.thumbstatus.rowpreviewele = draginfo.thumbstatus.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[1].firstChild;
SocialCalc.TCTDragFunctionRowSetStatus(draginfo, editor, editor.firstscrollingrow || 1);
else {
if (scc.TCTDFSthumbstatushClass) draginfo.thumbstatus.className = scc.TCTDFSthumbstatushClass;
SocialCalc.setStyles(draginfo.thumbstatus, scc.TCTDFSthumbstatushStyle);
draginfo.thumbstatus.style.top = (control.controlborder+scc.TCTDFStopOffseth)+"px";
draginfo.thumbstatus.style.left = (draginfo.clientX+scc.TCTDFSleftOffseth)+"px";
draginfo.thumbstatus.innerHTML = scc.s_TCTDFthumbstatusPrefixh+SocialCalc.rcColname(editor.firstscrollingcol);
// SocialCalc.TCTDragFunctionRowSetStatus(draginfo, editor, row)
// Render partial row
SocialCalc.TCTDragFunctionRowSetStatus = function(draginfo, editor, row) {
var scc = SocialCalc.Constants;
var msg = scc.s_TCTDFthumbstatusPrefixv+row+" ";
draginfo.thumbstatus.rowmsgele.innerHTML = msg;
draginfo.thumbcontext.rowpanes = [{first: row, last: row}];
draginfo.thumbrowshown = row;
var ele = draginfo.thumbcontext.RenderSheet(draginfo.thumbstatus.rowpreviewele.firstChild, {type: "html"});
// TCTDragFunctionMove(event, draginfo, dobj)
SocialCalc.TCTDragFunctionMove = function(event, draginfo, dobj) {
var first, msg;
var control = dobj.functionobj.control;
var thumbthickness = control.thumbthickness;
var editor = control.editor;
var scc = SocialCalc.Constants;
if (dobj.vertical) {
if (draginfo.clientY > control.scrollareaend - draginfo.offsetY - control.thumbthickness + 2)
draginfo.clientY = control.scrollareaend - draginfo.offsetY - control.thumbthickness + 2;
if (draginfo.clientY < control.scrollareastart - draginfo.offsetY - 1)
draginfo.clientY = control.scrollareastart - draginfo.offsetY - 1;
draginfo.thumbstatus.style.top = draginfo.clientY+"px";
first =
* (editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.lastrow-editor.lastnonscrollingrow)
+ editor.lastnonscrollingrow + 1;
first = Math.floor(first);
if (first <= editor.lastnonscrollingrow) first = editor.lastnonscrollingrow + 1;
if (first > editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.lastrow) first = editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.lastrow;
// msg = scc.s_TCTDFthumbstatusPrefixv+first;
if (first != draginfo.thumbrowshown) {
SocialCalc.TCTDragFunctionRowSetStatus(draginfo, editor, first);
else {
if (draginfo.clientX > control.scrollareaend - draginfo.offsetX - control.thumbthickness + 2)
draginfo.clientX = control.scrollareaend - draginfo.offsetX - control.thumbthickness + 2;
if (draginfo.clientX < control.scrollareastart - draginfo.offsetX - 1)
draginfo.clientX = control.scrollareastart - draginfo.offsetX - 1;
draginfo.thumbstatus.style.left = draginfo.clientX+"px";
first =
* (editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.lastcol-editor.lastnonscrollingcol)
+ editor.lastnonscrollingcol + 1;
first = Math.floor(first);
if (first <= editor.lastnonscrollingcol) first = editor.lastnonscrollingcol + 1;
if (first > editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.lastcol) first = editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.lastcol;
msg = scc.s_TCTDFthumbstatusPrefixh+SocialCalc.rcColname(first);
draginfo.thumbstatus.innerHTML = msg;
SocialCalc.DragFunctionPosition(event, draginfo, dobj);
// TCTDragFunctionStop(event, draginfo, dobj)
SocialCalc.TCTDragFunctionStop = function(event, draginfo, dobj) {
var first;
var control = dobj.functionobj.control;
var editor = control.editor;
if (dobj.vertical) {
first =
* (editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.lastrow-editor.lastnonscrollingrow)
+ editor.lastnonscrollingrow + 1;
first = Math.floor(first);
if (first <= editor.lastnonscrollingrow) first = editor.lastnonscrollingrow + 1;
if (first > editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.lastrow) first = editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.lastrow;
editor.context.SetRowPaneFirstLast(editor.context.rowpanes.length-1, first, first+1);
else {
first =
* (editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.lastcol-editor.lastnonscrollingcol)
+ editor.lastnonscrollingcol + 1;
first = Math.floor(first);
if (first <= editor.lastnonscrollingcol) first = editor.lastnonscrollingcol + 1;
if (first > editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.lastcol) first = editor.context.sheetobj.attribs.lastcol;
editor.context.SetColPaneFirstLast(editor.context.colpanes.length-1, first, first+1);
if (draginfo.thumbstatus.rowmsgele) draginfo.thumbstatus.rowmsgele = null;
if (draginfo.thumbstatus.rowpreviewele) draginfo.thumbstatus.rowpreviewele = null;
draginfo.thumbstatus = null;
// *************************************
// Dragging functions:
// *************************************
SocialCalc.DragInfo = {
// There is only one of these -- no "new" is done.
// Only one dragging operation can be active at a time.
// The registeredElements array is used to decide which item to drag.
// One item for each draggable thing, each an object with:
// .element, .vertical, .horizontal, .functionobj, .parent
registeredElements: [],
// Items used during a drag
draggingElement: null, // item being processed (.element is the actual element)
startX: 0,
startY: 0,
startZ: 0,
clientX: 0, // modifyable version to restrict movement
clientY: 0,
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 0,
relativeOffset: {left:0,top:0} // retrieved at drag start
// DragRegister(element, vertical, horizontal, functionobj, parent) - make element draggable
// The functionobj defaults to moving the element contrained only by vertical and horizontal settings.
SocialCalc.DragRegister = function(element, vertical, horizontal, functionobj, parent) {
var draginfo = SocialCalc.DragInfo;
if (!functionobj) {
functionobj = {MouseDown: SocialCalc.DragFunctionStart, MouseMove: SocialCalc.DragFunctionPosition,
MouseUp: SocialCalc.DragFunctionPosition,
Disabled: null};
{element: element, vertical: vertical, horizontal: horizontal, functionobj: functionobj, parent: parent}
if (element.addEventListener) { // DOM Level 2 -- Firefox, et al
element.addEventListener("mousedown", SocialCalc.DragMouseDown, false);
else if (element.attachEvent) { // IE 5+
element.attachEvent("onmousedown", SocialCalc.DragMouseDown);
else { // don't handle this
throw SocialCalc.Constants.s_BrowserNotSupported;
// DragUnregister(element) - remove object from list
SocialCalc.DragUnregister = function(element) {
var draginfo = SocialCalc.DragInfo;
var i;
if (!element) return;
for (i=0; i<draginfo.registeredElements.length; i++) {
if (draginfo.registeredElements[i].element == element) {
if (element.removeEventListener) { // DOM Level 2 -- Firefox, et al
element.removeEventListener("mousedown", SocialCalc.DragMouseDown, false);
else { // IE 5+
element.detachEvent("onmousedown", SocialCalc.DragMouseDown);
return; // ignore if not in list
// DragMouseDown(event)
SocialCalc.DragMouseDown = function(event) {
var e = event || window.event;
var draginfo = SocialCalc.DragInfo;
var dobj = SocialCalc.LookupElement(e.target || e.srcElement, draginfo.registeredElements);
if (!dobj) return;
if (dobj && dobj.functionobj && dobj.functionobj.Disabled) {
if (dobj.functionobj.Disabled(e, draginfo, dobj)) {
draginfo.draggingElement = dobj;
if (dobj.parent) {
draginfo.relativeOffset = SocialCalc.GetElementPositionWithScroll(dobj.parent);
draginfo.clientX = e.clientX - draginfo.relativeOffset.left;
draginfo.clientY = e.clientY - draginfo.relativeOffset.top;
draginfo.startX = draginfo.clientX;
draginfo.startY = draginfo.clientY;
draginfo.startZ = dobj.element.style.zIndex;
draginfo.offsetX = 0;
draginfo.offsetY = 0;
dobj.element.style.zIndex = "100";
// Event code from JavaScript, Flanagan, 5th Edition, pg. 422
if (document.addEventListener) { // DOM Level 2 -- Firefox, et al
document.addEventListener("mousemove", SocialCalc.DragMouseMove, true); // capture everywhere
document.addEventListener("mouseup", SocialCalc.DragMouseUp, true);
else if (dobj.element.attachEvent) { // IE 5+
dobj.element.attachEvent("onmousemove", SocialCalc.DragMouseMove);
dobj.element.attachEvent("onmouseup", SocialCalc.DragMouseUp);
dobj.element.attachEvent("onlosecapture", SocialCalc.DragMouseUp);
if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); // DOM Level 2
else e.cancelBubble = true; // IE 5+
if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); // DOM Level 2
else e.returnValue = false; // IE 5+
if (dobj && dobj.functionobj && dobj.functionobj.MouseDown) dobj.functionobj.MouseDown(e, draginfo, dobj);
return false;
// DragMouseMove(event)
SocialCalc.DragMouseMove = function(event) {
var e = event || window.event;
var draginfo = SocialCalc.DragInfo;
var dobj = draginfo.draggingElement;
draginfo.clientX = e.clientX - draginfo.relativeOffset.left;
draginfo.clientY = e.clientY - draginfo.relativeOffset.top;
if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); // DOM Level 2
else e.cancelBubble = true; // IE 5+
if (dobj && dobj.functionobj && dobj.functionobj.MouseMove) dobj.functionobj.MouseMove(e, draginfo, dobj);
return false;
// DragMouseUp(event)
SocialCalc.DragMouseUp = function(event) {
var e = event || window.event;
var draginfo = SocialCalc.DragInfo;
var dobj = draginfo.draggingElement;
draginfo.clientX = e.clientX - draginfo.relativeOffset.left;
draginfo.clientY = e.clientY - draginfo.relativeOffset.top;
dobj.element.style.zIndex = draginfo.startZ;
if (dobj && dobj.functionobj && dobj.functionobj.MouseUp) dobj.functionobj.MouseUp(e, draginfo, dobj);
if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); // DOM Level 2
else e.cancelBubble = true; // IE 5+
if (document.removeEventListener) { // DOM Level 2
document.removeEventListener("mousemove", SocialCalc.DragMouseMove, true);
document.removeEventListener("mouseup", SocialCalc.DragMouseUp, true);
// Note: In old (1.5?) versions of Firefox, this causes the browser to skip the MouseUp for
// the button code. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=174320
// Firefox 1.5 is <1% share (http://marketshare.hitslink.com/report.aspx?qprid=7)
else if (dobj.element.detachEvent) { // IE
dobj.element.detachEvent("onlosecapture", SocialCalc.DragMouseUp);
dobj.element.detachEvent("onmouseup", SocialCalc.DragMouseUp);
dobj.element.detachEvent("onmousemove", SocialCalc.DragMouseMove);
draginfo.draggingElement = null;
return false;
// DragFunctionStart(event, draginfo, dobj)
SocialCalc.DragFunctionStart = function(event, draginfo, dobj) {
var element = dobj.functionobj.positionobj || dobj.element;
draginfo.offsetY = parseInt(element.style.top) - draginfo.clientY;
draginfo.offsetX = parseInt(element.style.left) - draginfo.clientX;
// DragFunctionPosition(event, draginfo, dobj)
SocialCalc.DragFunctionPosition = function(event, draginfo, dobj) {
var element = dobj.functionobj.positionobj || dobj.element;
if (dobj.vertical) element.style.top = (draginfo.clientY + draginfo.offsetY)+"px";
if (dobj.horizontal) element.style.left = (draginfo.clientX + draginfo.offsetX)+"px";
// *************************************
// Tooltip functions:
// *************************************
SocialCalc.TooltipInfo = {
// There is only one of these -- no "new" is done.
// Only one tooltip operation can be active at a time.
// The registeredElements array is used to identify items.
// One item for each element with a tooltip, each an object with:
// .element, .tiptext, .functionobj, .parent
// Currently .functionobj can only contain .offsetx and .offsety.
// If present they are used instead of the default ones.
registeredElements: [],
registered: false, // if true, an event handler has been registered for this functionality
// Items used during hover over an element
tooltipElement: null, // item being processed (.element is the actual element)
timer: null, // timer object waiting to see if holding over element
popupElement: null, // tooltip element being displayed
clientX: 0, // modifyable version to restrict movement
clientY: 0,
offsetX: SocialCalc.Constants.TooltipOffsetX, // modifyable version to allow positioning
offsetY: SocialCalc.Constants.TooltipOffsetY
// TooltipRegister(element, tiptext, functionobj, parent) - make element have a tooltip
SocialCalc.TooltipRegister = function(element, tiptext, functionobj, parent) {
var tooltipinfo = SocialCalc.TooltipInfo;
{element: element, tiptext: tiptext, functionobj: functionobj, parent: parent}
if (tooltipinfo.registered) return; // only need to add event listener once
if (document.addEventListener) { // DOM Level 2 -- Firefox, et al
document.addEventListener("mousemove", SocialCalc.TooltipMouseMove, false);
else if (document.attachEvent) { // IE 5+
document.attachEvent("onmousemove", SocialCalc.TooltipMouseMove);
else { // don't handle this
throw SocialCalc.Constants.s_BrowserNotSupported;
tooltipinfo.registered = true; // remember
// TooltipMouseMove(event)
SocialCalc.TooltipMouseMove = function(event) {
var e = event || window.event;
var tooltipinfo = SocialCalc.TooltipInfo;
tooltipinfo.clientX = e.clientX;
tooltipinfo.clientY = e.clientY;
var tobj = SocialCalc.LookupElement(e.target || e.srcElement, tooltipinfo.registeredElements);
if (tooltipinfo.timer) { // waiting to see if holding still: didn't hold still
window.clearTimeout(tooltipinfo.timer); // cancel timer
tooltipinfo.timer = null;
if (tooltipinfo.popupElement) { // currently displaying a tip: hide it
tooltipinfo.tooltipElement = tobj || null;
if (!tobj || SocialCalc.ButtonInfo.buttonDown) return; // if not an object with a tip or a "button" is down, ignore
tooltipinfo.timer = window.setTimeout(SocialCalc.TooltipWaitDone, 700);
if (tooltipinfo.tooltipElement.element.addEventListener) { // Register event for mouse down which cancels tooltip stuff
tooltipinfo.tooltipElement.element.addEventListener("mousedown", SocialCalc.TooltipMouseDown, false);
else if (tooltipinfo.tooltipElement.element.attachEvent) { // IE
tooltipinfo.tooltipElement.element.attachEvent("onmousedown", SocialCalc.TooltipMouseDown);
// TooltipMouseDown(event)
SocialCalc.TooltipMouseDown = function(event) {
var e = event || window.event;
var tooltipinfo = SocialCalc.TooltipInfo;
if (tooltipinfo.timer) {
window.clearTimeout(tooltipinfo.timer); // cancel timer
tooltipinfo.timer = null;
if (tooltipinfo.popupElement) { // currently displaying a tip: hide it
if (tooltipinfo.tooltipElement) {
if (tooltipinfo.tooltipElement.element.removeEventListener) { // DOM Level 2 -- Firefox, et al
tooltipinfo.tooltipElement.element.removeEventListener("mousedown", SocialCalc.TooltipMouseDown, false);
else if (tooltipinfo.tooltipElement.element.attachEvent) { // IE 5+
tooltipinfo.tooltipElement.element.detachEvent("onmousedown", SocialCalc.TooltipMouseDown);
tooltipinfo.tooltipElement = null;
// TooltipDisplay(tobj)
SocialCalc.TooltipDisplay = function(tobj) {
var tooltipinfo = SocialCalc.TooltipInfo;
var scc = SocialCalc.Constants;
var offsetX = (tobj.functionobj && ((typeof tobj.functionobj.offsetx) == "number")) ?
tobj.functionobj.offsetx : tooltipinfo.offsetX;
var offsetY = (tobj.functionobj && ((typeof tobj.functionobj.offsety) == "number")) ?
tobj.functionobj.offsety : tooltipinfo.offsetY;
var viewport = SocialCalc.GetViewportInfo();
var pos = SocialCalc.GetElementPositionWithScroll(tobj.parent);
tooltipinfo.popupElement = document.createElement("div");
if (scc.TDpopupElementClass) tooltipinfo.popupElement.className = scc.TDpopupElementClass;
SocialCalc.setStyles(tooltipinfo.popupElement, scc.TDpopupElementStyle);
tooltipinfo.popupElement.innerHTML = tobj.tiptext;
if (tooltipinfo.clientX > viewport.width/2) { // on right side of screen
tooltipinfo.popupElement.style.bottom = (pos.height - tooltipinfo.clientY + offsetY + pos.top)+"px";
tooltipinfo.popupElement.style.right = (pos.width - tooltipinfo.clientX + offsetX + pos.left)+"px";
else { // on left side of screen
tooltipinfo.popupElement.style.bottom = (pos.height - tooltipinfo.clientY + offsetY + pos.top)+"px";
tooltipinfo.popupElement.style.left = (tooltipinfo.clientX + offsetX - pos.left)+"px";
if (tooltipinfo.clientY < 50) { // make sure fits on screen if nothing above grid
tooltipinfo.popupElement.style.bottom = (pos.height - tooltipinfo.clientY + offsetY - 50 + pos.top)+"px";
// TooltipHide()
SocialCalc.TooltipHide = function() {
var tooltipinfo = SocialCalc.TooltipInfo;
if (tooltipinfo.popupElement) {
tooltipinfo.popupElement = null;
// TooltipWaitDone()
SocialCalc.TooltipWaitDone = function() {
var tooltipinfo = SocialCalc.TooltipInfo;
tooltipinfo.timer = null;
// *************************************
// Button functions:
// *************************************
SocialCalc.ButtonInfo = {
// There is only one of these -- no "new" is done.
// Only one button operation can be active at a time.
// The registeredElements array is used to identify items.
// One item for each clickable element, each an object with:
// .element, .normalstyle, .hoverstyle, .downstyle, .repeatinterval, .functionobj, .editor
// .functionobj is an object with optional function objects for:
// mouseover, mouseout, mousedown, repeatinterval, mouseup, disabled
registeredElements: [],
// Items used during hover over an element, clicking, repeating, etc.
buttonElement: null, // item being processed, hover or down (.element is the actual element)
doingHover: false, // true if mouse is over one of our elements
buttonDown: false, // true if button down and buttonElement not null
timer: null, // timer object for repeating
// Used while processing an event
relativeOffset: null,
clientX: 0,
clientY: 0
// ButtonRegister(editor, element, paramobj, functionobj) - make element clickable
// The arguments (other than editor and element) may be null (meaning no change for style and no repeat)
// The paramobj has the optional normalstyle, hoverstyle, downstyle, repeatwait, repeatinterval settings
SocialCalc.ButtonRegister = function(editor, element, paramobj, functionobj) {
var buttoninfo = SocialCalc.ButtonInfo;
if (!paramobj) paramobj = {};
{name: paramobj.name, element: element, editor: editor,
normalstyle: paramobj.normalstyle, hoverstyle: paramobj.hoverstyle, downstyle: paramobj.downstyle,
repeatwait: paramobj.repeatwait, repeatinterval: paramobj.repeatinterval, functionobj: functionobj}
if (element.addEventListener) { // DOM Level 2 -- Firefox, et al
element.addEventListener("mousedown", SocialCalc.ButtonMouseDown, false);
element.addEventListener("mouseover", SocialCalc.ButtonMouseOver, false);
element.addEventListener("mouseout", SocialCalc.ButtonMouseOut, false);
else if (element.attachEvent) { // IE 5+
element.attachEvent("onmousedown", SocialCalc.ButtonMouseDown);
element.attachEvent("onmouseover", SocialCalc.ButtonMouseOver);
element.attachEvent("onmouseout", SocialCalc.ButtonMouseOut);
else { // don't handle this
throw SocialCalc.Constants.s_BrowserNotSupported;
// ButtonMouseOver(event)
SocialCalc.ButtonMouseOver = function(event) {
var e = event || window.event;
var buttoninfo = SocialCalc.ButtonInfo;
var bobj = SocialCalc.LookupElement(e.target || e.srcElement, buttoninfo.registeredElements);
if (!bobj) return;
if (buttoninfo.buttonDown) {
if (buttoninfo.buttonElement==bobj) {
buttoninfo.doingHover = true; // keep track whether we are on the pressed button or not
if (buttoninfo.buttonElement &&
buttoninfo.buttonElement!=bobj && buttoninfo.doingHover) { // moved to a new one, undo hover there
SocialCalc.setStyles(buttoninfo.buttonElement.element, buttoninfo.buttonElement.normalstyle);
buttoninfo.buttonElement = bobj; // remember this one is hovering
buttoninfo.doingHover = true;
SocialCalc.setStyles(bobj.element, bobj.hoverstyle); // set style (if provided)
if (bobj && bobj.functionobj && bobj.functionobj.MouseOver) bobj.functionobj.MouseOver(e, buttoninfo, bobj);
// ButtonMouseOut(event)
SocialCalc.ButtonMouseOut = function(event) {
var e = event || window.event;
var buttoninfo = SocialCalc.ButtonInfo;
if (buttoninfo.buttonDown) {
buttoninfo.doingHover = false; // keep track of overs and outs
var bobj = SocialCalc.LookupElement(e.target || e.srcElement, buttoninfo.registeredElements);
if (buttoninfo.doingHover) { // if there was a hover, undo it
if (buttoninfo.buttonElement)
SocialCalc.setStyles(buttoninfo.buttonElement.element, buttoninfo.buttonElement.normalstyle);
buttoninfo.buttonElement = null;
buttoninfo.doingHover = false;
if (bobj && bobj.functionobj && bobj.functionobj.MouseOut) bobj.functionobj.MouseOut(e, buttoninfo, bobj);
// ButtonMouseDown(event)
SocialCalc.ButtonMouseDown = function(event) {
var e = event || window.event;
var buttoninfo = SocialCalc.ButtonInfo;
var viewportinfo = SocialCalc.GetViewportInfo();
var bobj = SocialCalc.LookupElement(e.target || e.srcElement, buttoninfo.registeredElements);
if (!bobj) return; // not one of our elements
if (bobj && bobj.functionobj && bobj.functionobj.Disabled) {
if (bobj.functionobj.Disabled(e, buttoninfo, bobj)) {
buttoninfo.buttonElement = bobj;
buttoninfo.buttonDown = true;
SocialCalc.setStyles(bobj.element, buttoninfo.buttonElement.downstyle);
// Register event handler for mouse up
// Event code from JavaScript, Flanagan, 5th Edition, pg. 422
if (document.addEventListener) { // DOM Level 2 -- Firefox, et al
document.addEventListener("mouseup", SocialCalc.ButtonMouseUp, true); // capture everywhere
else if (bobj.element.attachEvent) { // IE 5+
bobj.element.attachEvent("onmouseup", SocialCalc.ButtonMouseUp);
bobj.element.attachEvent("onlosecapture", SocialCalc.ButtonMouseUp);
if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); // DOM Level 2
else e.cancelBubble = true; // IE 5+
if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); // DOM Level 2
else e.returnValue = false; // IE 5+
buttoninfo.relativeOffset = SocialCalc.GetElementPositionWithScroll(bobj.editor.toplevel);
buttoninfo.clientX = e.clientX - buttoninfo.relativeOffset.left;
buttoninfo.clientY = e.clientY - buttoninfo.relativeOffset.top;
if (bobj && bobj.functionobj && bobj.functionobj.MouseDown) bobj.functionobj.MouseDown(e, buttoninfo, bobj);
if (bobj.repeatwait) { // if a repeat wait is set, then starting waiting for first repetition
buttoninfo.timer = window.setTimeout(SocialCalc.ButtonRepeat, bobj.repeatwait);
// ButtonMouseUp(event)
SocialCalc.ButtonMouseUp = function(event) {
var e = event || window.event;
var buttoninfo = SocialCalc.ButtonInfo;
var bobj = buttoninfo.buttonElement;
if (buttoninfo.timer) { // if repeating, cancel it
window.clearTimeout(buttoninfo.timer); // cancel timer
buttoninfo.timer = null;
if (!buttoninfo.buttonDown) return; // already did this (e.g., in IE, releaseCapture fires losecapture)
if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); // DOM Level 2
else e.cancelBubble = true; // IE 5+
if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); // DOM Level 2
else e.returnValue = false; // IE 5+
if (document.removeEventListener) { // DOM Level 2
document.removeEventListener("mouseup", SocialCalc.ButtonMouseUp, true);
else if (document.detachEvent) { // IE
bobj.element.detachEvent("onlosecapture", SocialCalc.ButtonMouseUp);
bobj.element.detachEvent("onmouseup", SocialCalc.ButtonMouseUp);
if (buttoninfo.buttonElement.downstyle) {
if (buttoninfo.doingHover)
SocialCalc.setStyles(bobj.element, buttoninfo.buttonElement.hoverstyle);
SocialCalc.setStyles(bobj.element, buttoninfo.buttonElement.normalstyle);
buttoninfo.buttonDown = false;
if (bobj && bobj.functionobj && bobj.functionobj.MouseUp) bobj.functionobj.MouseUp(e, buttoninfo, bobj);
// ButtonRepeat()
SocialCalc.ButtonRepeat = function() {
var buttoninfo = SocialCalc.ButtonInfo;
var bobj = buttoninfo.buttonElement;
if (!bobj) return;
if (bobj && bobj.functionobj && bobj.functionobj.Repeat) bobj.functionobj.Repeat(null, buttoninfo, bobj);
buttoninfo.timer = window.setTimeout(SocialCalc.ButtonRepeat, bobj.repeatinterval || 100);
// *************************************
// MouseWheel functions:
// *************************************
SocialCalc.MouseWheelInfo = {
// There is only one of these -- no "new" is done.
// The mousewheel only affects the one area the mouse pointer is over
// The registeredElements array is used to identify items.
// One item for each element to respond to the mousewheel, each an object with:
// .element, .functionobj
registeredElements: []
// MouseWheelRegister(element, functionobj) - make element respond to mousewheel
SocialCalc.MouseWheelRegister = function(element, functionobj) {
var mousewheelinfo = SocialCalc.MouseWheelInfo;
{element: element, functionobj: functionobj}
if (element.addEventListener) { // DOM Level 2 -- Firefox, et al
element.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", SocialCalc.ProcessMouseWheel, false);
element.addEventListener("mousewheel", SocialCalc.ProcessMouseWheel, false); // Opera needs this
else if (element.attachEvent) { // IE 5+
element.attachEvent("onmousewheel", SocialCalc.ProcessMouseWheel);
else { // don't handle this
throw SocialCalc.Constants.s_BrowserNotSupported;
SocialCalc.ProcessMouseWheel = function(e) {
var event = e || window.event;
var delta;
if (SocialCalc.Keyboard.passThru) return; // ignore
var mousewheelinfo = SocialCalc.MouseWheelInfo;
var ele = event.target || event.srcElement; // source object is often within what we want
var wobj;
for (wobj=null; !wobj && ele; ele=ele.parentNode) { // go up tree looking for one of our elements
wobj = SocialCalc.LookupElement(ele, mousewheelinfo.registeredElements);
if (!wobj) return; // not one of our elements
if (event.wheelDelta) {
delta = event.wheelDelta/120;
else delta = -event.detail/3;
if (!delta) delta = 0;
if (wobj.functionobj && wobj.functionobj.WheelMove) wobj.functionobj.WheelMove(event, delta, mousewheelinfo, wobj);
if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault();
event.returnValue = false;
// *************************************
// Keyboard functions:
// For more information about keyboard handling, see: http://unixpapa.com/js/key.html
// *************************************
SocialCalc.keyboardTables = {
specialKeysCommon: {
8: "[backspace]", 9: "[tab]", 13: "[enter]", 25: "[tab]", 27: "[esc]", 33: "[pgup]", 34: "[pgdn]",
35: "[end]", 36: "[home]", 37: "[aleft]", 38: "[aup]", 39: "[aright]", 40: "[adown]", 45: "[ins]",
46: "[del]", 113: "[f2]"
specialKeysIE: {
8: "[backspace]", 9: "[tab]", 13: "[enter]", 25: "[tab]", 27: "[esc]", 33: "[pgup]", 34: "[pgdn]",
35: "[end]", 36: "[home]", 37: "[aleft]", 38: "[aup]", 39: "[aright]", 40: "[adown]", 45: "[ins]",
46: "[del]", 113: "[f2]"
controlKeysIE: {
67: "[ctrl-c]",
83: "[ctrl-s]",
86: "[ctrl-v]",
88: "[ctrl-x]",
90: "[ctrl-z]"
specialKeysOpera: {
8: "[backspace]", 9: "[tab]", 13: "[enter]", 25: "[tab]", 27: "[esc]", 33: "[pgup]", 34: "[pgdn]",
35: "[end]", 36: "[home]", 37: "[aleft]", 38: "[aup]", 39: "[aright]", 40: "[adown]",
45: "[ins]", // issues with releases before 9.5 - same as "-" ("-" changed in 9.5)
46: "[del]", // issues with releases before 9.5 - same as "." ("." changed in 9.5)
113: "[f2]"
controlKeysOpera: {
67: "[ctrl-c]",
83: "[ctrl-s]",
86: "[ctrl-v]",
88: "[ctrl-x]",
90: "[ctrl-z]"
specialKeysSafari: {
8: "[backspace]", 9: "[tab]", 13: "[enter]", 25: "[tab]", 27: "[esc]", 63232: "[aup]", 63233: "[adown]",
63234: "[aleft]", 63235: "[aright]", 63272: "[del]", 63273: "[home]", 63275: "[end]", 63276: "[pgup]",
63277: "[pgdn]", 63237: "[f2]"
controlKeysSafari: {
99: "[ctrl-c]",
115: "[ctrl-s]",
118: "[ctrl-v]",
120: "[ctrl-x]",
122: "[ctrl-z]"
ignoreKeysSafari: {
63236: "[f1]", 63238: "[f3]", 63239: "[f4]", 63240: "[f5]", 63241: "[f6]", 63242: "[f7]",
63243: "[f8]", 63244: "[f9]", 63245: "[f10]", 63246: "[f11]", 63247: "[f12]", 63289: "[numlock]"
specialKeysFirefox: {
8: "[backspace]", 9: "[tab]", 13: "[enter]", 25: "[tab]", 27: "[esc]", 33: "[pgup]", 34: "[pgdn]",
35: "[end]", 36: "[home]", 37: "[aleft]", 38: "[aup]", 39: "[aright]", 40: "[adown]", 45: "[ins]",
46: "[del]", 113: "[f2]"
controlKeysFirefox: {
99: "[ctrl-c]",
115: "[ctrl-s]",
118: "[ctrl-v]",
120: "[ctrl-x]",
122: "[ctrl-z]"
ignoreKeysFirefox: {
16: "[shift]", 17: "[ctrl]", 18: "[alt]", 20: "[capslock]", 19: "[pause]", 44: "[printscreen]",
91: "[windows]", 92: "[windows]", 112: "[f1]", 114: "[f3]", 115: "[f4]", 116: "[f5]",
117: "[f6]", 118: "[f7]", 119: "[f8]", 120: "[f9]", 121: "[f10]", 122: "[f11]", 123: "[f12]",
144: "[numlock]", 145: "[scrolllock]", 224: "[cmd]"
SocialCalc.Keyboard = {
areListener: false, // if true, we have been installed as a listener for keyboard events
focusTable: null, // the table editor object that gets keystrokes or null
passThru: null, // if not null, control element with focus to pass keyboard events to (has blur method), or "true"
didProcessKey: false, // did SocialCalc.ProcessKey in keydown
statusFromProcessKey: false, // the status from the keydown SocialCalc.ProcessKey
repeatingKeyPress: false, // some browsers (Opera, Gecko Mac) repeat special keys as KeyPress not KeyDown
chForProcessKey: "" // remember so can do repeat in those cases
SocialCalc.KeyboardSetFocus = function(editor) {
SocialCalc.Keyboard.focusTable = editor;
if (!SocialCalc.Keyboard.areListener) {
document.onkeydown = SocialCalc.ProcessKeyDown;
document.onkeypress = SocialCalc.ProcessKeyPress;
SocialCalc.Keyboard.areListener = true;
if (SocialCalc.Keyboard.passThru) {
if (SocialCalc.Keyboard.passThru.blur) {
SocialCalc.Keyboard.passThru = null;
SocialCalc.KeyboardFocus = function() {
SocialCalc.Keyboard.passThru = null;
SocialCalc.ProcessKeyDown = function(e) {
var kt = SocialCalc.keyboardTables;
kt.didProcessKey = false; // always start false
kt.statusFromProcessKey = false;
kt.repeatingKeyPress = false;
var ch="";
var status=true;
if (SocialCalc.Keyboard.passThru) return; // ignore
e = e || window.event;
if (e.which==undefined) { // IE
ch = kt.specialKeysCommon[e.keyCode];
if (!ch) {
if (e.ctrlKey) {
if (!ch)
return true;
status = SocialCalc.ProcessKey(ch, e);
if (!status) {
if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
e.returnValue = false;
else {
ch = kt.specialKeysCommon[e.keyCode];
if (!ch) {
// return true;
if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) {
ch=kt.controlKeysIE[e.keyCode]; // this works here
if (!ch)
return true;
status = SocialCalc.ProcessKey(ch, e); // process the key
kt.didProcessKey = true; // remember what happened
kt.statusFromProcessKey = status;
kt.chForProcessKey = ch;
return status;
SocialCalc.ProcessKeyPress = function(e) {
var kt = SocialCalc.keyboardTables;
var ch="";
e = e || window.event;
if (SocialCalc.Keyboard.passThru) return; // ignore
if (kt.didProcessKey) { // already processed this key
if (kt.repeatingKeyPress) {
return SocialCalc.ProcessKey(kt.chForProcessKey, e); // process the same key as on KeyDown
else {
kt.repeatingKeyPress = true; // see if get another KeyPress before KeyDown
return kt.statusFromProcessKey; // do what it said to do
if (e.which==undefined) { // IE
// Note: Esc and Enter will come through here, too, if not stopped at KeyDown
ch=String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode); // convert to a character (special chars handled at ev1)
else { // not IE
if (!e.which)
return false; // ignore - special key
if (e.charCode==undefined) { // Opera
if (e.which!=0) { // character
if (e.which<32 || e.which==144) { // special char (144 is numlock)
ch = kt.specialKeysOpera[e.which];
if (ch) {
return true;
else {
if (e.ctrlKey) {
else {
ch = String.fromCharCode(e.which);
else { // special char
return true;
else if (e.keyCode==0 && e.charCode==0) { // OLPC Fn key or something
return; // ignore
else if (e.keyCode==e.charCode) { // Safari
ch = kt.specialKeysSafari[e.keyCode];
if (!ch) {
if (kt.ignoreKeysSafari[e.keyCode]) // pass this through
return true;
if (e.metaKey) {
else {
ch = String.fromCharCode(e.which);
else { // Firefox
if (kt.specialKeysFirefox[e.keyCode]) {
return true;
ch = String.fromCharCode(e.which);
if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) {
ch = kt.controlKeysFirefox[e.which];
var status = SocialCalc.ProcessKey(ch, e);
if (!status) {
if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
e.returnValue = false;
return status;
// status = SocialCalc.ProcessKey(ch, e)
// Take a key representation as a character string and dispatch to appropriate routine
SocialCalc.ProcessKey = function (ch, e) {
var ft = SocialCalc.Keyboard.focusTable;
if (!ft) return true; // we're not handling it -- let browser do default
return ft.EditorProcessKey(ch, e);
马建仓 AI 助手
