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Will DePue 提交于 2023-05-07 16:29 . Result buffer cleanup (#40)
// --------------------- Instructions --------------------- //
// All have been vectorized, but not all have been optimized with shared memory.
// Soon: quantize to int8, possible int4.
// Tuning needed and more detailed benchmarking, but decent for now.
class Block {
constructor() {
this.name = "";
initialize(device) {
this.device = device;
this.pipelineCache = new Map();
this.boundBufferCache = new Map();
this.unboundBufferCache = new Map();
initBindGroup(layout, buffers, label = "") {
return this.device.createBindGroup({
entries: buffers.map((buffer, i) => ({
binding: i,
resource: { buffer },
initUniform(size, values) {
const key = `uniform_${values.map((v) => v[1].toString()).join(",")}`;
if (this.unboundBufferCache.has(key)) {
const buffer = this.unboundBufferCache.get(key).pop();
if (this.unboundBufferCache.get(key).length === 0) this.unboundBufferCache.delete(key);
return buffer;
const buffer = this.device.createBuffer({
size: size * 4,
usage: bufferUsageDict["uniform"],
mappedAtCreation: true,
const mappedRange = buffer.getMappedRange();
for (const value of values) {
if (value[1].constructor.name === "Float32Array") {
new Float32Array(mappedRange, value[0]).set(value[1]);
} else if (value[1].constructor.name === "Uint32Array") {
new Uint32Array(mappedRange, value[0]).set(value[1]);
if (!this.boundBufferCache.has(key)) this.boundBufferCache.set(key, []);
return buffer;
initResultBuffer(dims) {
const key = `result_${dims.join(",")}`;
if (this.unboundBufferCache.has(key)) {
const buffer = this.unboundBufferCache.get(key).pop();
if (this.unboundBufferCache.get(key).length === 0) this.unboundBufferCache.delete(key);
return buffer;
return this.initBuffer(["storage", "copy_from"], dims, key);
initBuffer(ops, dims, key = "") {
const buffer = this.device.createBuffer({
size: this.bufferSize(dims[0], dims[1] || 1, dims[2] || 1),
usage: ops.map((u) => bufferUsageDict[u]).reduce((a, b) => a | b),
if (!this.boundBufferCache.has(key)) this.boundBufferCache.set(key, []);
return buffer;
bufferSize(dimA, dimB = 1) {
const size = Math.ceil((dimA * dimB * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT) / 1) * 1;
if (size > this.device.limits.maxStorageBufferBindingSize) throw new Error("Buffer size exceeds GPU limit.");
return size;
// Could be removed with auto bind groups, currently initializing everytime so probably slowing things down.
initBindGroups() {
const bg = (types) =>
entries: types.map((entry, i) => ({
binding: i,
visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE,
buffer: { type: entry },
this.r_r_r_r_Layout = bg(["read-only-storage", "read-only-storage", "read-only-storage", "read-only-storage"]);
this.r_r_r_Layout = bg(["read-only-storage", "read-only-storage", "read-only-storage"]);
this.r_r_Layout = bg(["read-only-storage", "read-only-storage"]);
this.r_Layout = bg(["read-only-storage"]);
this.u_s_Layout = bg(["uniform", "storage"]);
this.u_s_s_s_Layout = bg(["uniform", "storage", "storage", "storage"]);
initPipeline(code, bindGroupLayouts, label = "", constants = {}) {
return this.device.createComputePipeline({
layout: this.device.createPipelineLayout({ bindGroupLayouts }),
compute: {
module: this.device.createShaderModule({ code }),
entryPoint: "main",
destroy() {
destroyPipelineCache() {
this.pipelineCache = null;
clearBufferCache() {
// delete all unbound buffers
this.unboundBufferCache.forEach((buffers) => buffers.map((buffer) => buffer.destroy()));
// set unbound buffers to bound buffers
this.unboundBufferCache = this.boundBufferCache;
// clear bound buffers
this.boundBufferCache = new Map();
destroyBuffers() {
this.unboundBufferCache.forEach((buffers) => buffers.map((buffer) => buffer.destroy()));
this.unboundBufferCache = new Map();
this.boundBufferCache.forEach((buffers) => buffers.map((buffer) => buffer.destroy()));
this.boundBufferCache = new Map();
class FastMatMulBlockClass extends Block {
constructor() {
this.name = "fastMatMul";
getPipeline(rows) {
const settings = rows % 4 !== 0 ? "withCheck" : "noCheck";
const pipelineCacheKey = `${this.name}_${settings}}`;
if (this.pipelineCache.has(pipelineCacheKey)) return this.pipelineCache.get(pipelineCacheKey);
const kernel = this.fastMatMul(settings);
const pipeline = this.initPipeline(kernel, [this.u_s_Layout, this.r_r_r_Layout], `${this.name}_Pipeline_${pipelineCacheKey}`);
this.pipelineCache.set(pipelineCacheKey, pipeline);
return pipeline;
newInstance(rows, cols, shared, inputBuffer, weightsBuffer, biasBuffer) {
if (cols % 8 !== 0) throw new Error("Cols must be divisible by 16."); // Is this not 8? Or is it 16?
const pipeline = this.getPipeline(rows);
const uniformBuffer = this.initUniform(4, [[0, new Uint32Array([rows, cols, Math.ceil(cols / 4), Math.ceil(shared / 4)])]]);
const resultBuffer = this.initResultBuffer([rows, cols]);
const opBindGroup = this.initBindGroup(this.u_s_Layout, [uniformBuffer, resultBuffer], `${this.name}_OpG`);
const inputBindGroup = this.initBindGroup(this.r_r_r_Layout, [inputBuffer, weightsBuffer, biasBuffer], `${this.name}_InputG`);
const workgroups = { x: wgSize(cols, 8 * 8), y: wgSize(rows, 4 * 8) };
return {
passes: [
flag: "compute",
groups: [opBindGroup, inputBindGroup],
fastMatMul(flag) {
const outputCode = {
withCheck: `
if (y * 4u + 0u < M) {
array_c[x * 2u + 0u + (y * 4u + 0u) * ND4] = sum00;
array_c[x * 2u + 1u + (y * 4u + 0u) * ND4] = sum10;
if (y * 4u + 1u < M) {
array_c[x * 2u + 0u + (y * 4u + 1u) * ND4] = sum01;
array_c[x * 2u + 1u + (y * 4u + 1u) * ND4] = sum11;
if (y * 4u + 2u < M) {
array_c[x * 2u + 0u + (y * 4u + 2u) * ND4] = sum02;
array_c[x * 2u + 1u + (y * 4u + 2u) * ND4] = sum12;
if (y * 4u + 3u < M) {
array_c[x * 2u + 0u + (y * 4u + 3u) * ND4] = sum03;
array_c[x * 2u + 1u + (y * 4u + 3u) * ND4] = sum13;
noCheck: `
array_c[x * 2u + 0u + (y * 4u + 0u) * ND4] = sum00;
array_c[x * 2u + 1u + (y * 4u + 0u) * ND4] = sum10;
array_c[x * 2u + 0u + (y * 4u + 1u) * ND4] = sum01;
array_c[x * 2u + 1u + (y * 4u + 1u) * ND4] = sum11;
array_c[x * 2u + 0u + (y * 4u + 2u) * ND4] = sum02;
array_c[x * 2u + 1u + (y * 4u + 2u) * ND4] = sum12;
array_c[x * 2u + 0u + (y * 4u + 3u) * ND4] = sum03;
array_c[x * 2u + 1u + (y * 4u + 3u) * ND4] = sum13;
return `
struct Meta {
M: u32,
N: u32,
ND4: u32,
KD4: u32,
@group(1) @binding(0) var<storage,read> array_a: array<vec4<f32>>;
@group(1) @binding(1) var<storage,read> array_b: array<vec4<f32>>;
@group(1) @binding(2) var<storage,read> array_bias: array<vec4<f32>>;
@group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> uniforms: Meta;
@group(0) @binding(1) var<storage,read_write> array_c: array<vec4<f32>>;
@compute @workgroup_size(8, 8)
fn main(@builtin(global_invocation_id) global_id: vec3<u32>) {
var M: u32 = uniforms.M;
var N: u32 = uniforms.N;
var ND4: u32 = uniforms.ND4;
var KD4: u32 = uniforms.KD4;
var x: u32 = global_id.x;
var y: u32 = global_id.y;
if (x * 8 >= N || y * 4 >= M) {
var sum00: vec4<f32> = vec4<f32>();
var sum01: vec4<f32> = vec4<f32>();
var sum02: vec4<f32> = vec4<f32>();
var sum03: vec4<f32> = vec4<f32>();
var sum10: vec4<f32> = vec4<f32>();
var sum11: vec4<f32> = vec4<f32>();
var sum12: vec4<f32> = vec4<f32>();
var sum13: vec4<f32> = vec4<f32>();
for(var k: u32 = 0u; k < KD4; k = k + 1u) {
var arow0: vec4<f32> = array_a[(y * 4u + 0u) * KD4 + k];
var arow1: vec4<f32> = array_a[(y * 4u + 1u) * KD4 + k];
var arow2: vec4<f32> = array_a[(y * 4u + 2u) * KD4 + k];
var arow3: vec4<f32> = array_a[(y * 4u + 3u) * KD4 + k];
var brow: vec4<f32>;
brow = array_b[(k * 4u + 0u) * ND4 + x * 2u + 0u];
sum00 = vec4<f32>(arow0.x) * brow + sum00;
sum01 = vec4<f32>(arow1.x) * brow + sum01;
sum02 = vec4<f32>(arow2.x) * brow + sum02;
sum03 = vec4<f32>(arow3.x) * brow + sum03;
brow = array_b[(k * 4u + 0u) * ND4 + x * 2u + 1u];
sum10 = vec4<f32>(arow0.x) * brow + sum10;
sum11 = vec4<f32>(arow1.x) * brow + sum11;
sum12 = vec4<f32>(arow2.x) * brow + sum12;
sum13 = vec4<f32>(arow3.x) * brow + sum13;
brow = array_b[(k * 4u + 1u) * ND4 + x * 2u + 0u];
sum00 = vec4<f32>(arow0.y) * brow + sum00;
sum01 = vec4<f32>(arow1.y) * brow + sum01;
sum02 = vec4<f32>(arow2.y) * brow + sum02;
sum03 = vec4<f32>(arow3.y) * brow + sum03;
brow = array_b[(k * 4u + 1u) * ND4 + x * 2u + 1u];
sum10 = vec4<f32>(arow0.y) * brow + sum10;
sum11 = vec4<f32>(arow1.y) * brow + sum11;
sum12 = vec4<f32>(arow2.y) * brow + sum12;
sum13 = vec4<f32>(arow3.y) * brow + sum13;
brow = array_b[(k * 4u + 2u) * ND4 + x * 2u + 0u];
sum00 = vec4<f32>(arow0.z) * brow + sum00;
sum01 = vec4<f32>(arow1.z) * brow + sum01;
sum02 = vec4<f32>(arow2.z) * brow + sum02;
sum03 = vec4<f32>(arow3.z) * brow + sum03;
brow = array_b[(k * 4u + 2u) * ND4 + x * 2u + 1u];
sum10 = vec4<f32>(arow0.z) * brow + sum10;
sum11 = vec4<f32>(arow1.z) * brow + sum11;
sum12 = vec4<f32>(arow2.z) * brow + sum12;
sum13 = vec4<f32>(arow3.z) * brow + sum13;
brow = array_b[(k * 4u + 3u) * ND4 + x * 2u + 0u];
sum00 = vec4<f32>(arow0.w) * brow + sum00;
sum01 = vec4<f32>(arow1.w) * brow + sum01;
sum02 = vec4<f32>(arow2.w) * brow + sum02;
sum03 = vec4<f32>(arow3.w) * brow + sum03;
brow = array_b[(k * 4u + 3u) * ND4 + x * 2u + 1u];
sum10 = vec4<f32>(arow0.w) * brow + sum10;
sum11 = vec4<f32>(arow1.w) * brow + sum11;
sum12 = vec4<f32>(arow2.w) * brow + sum12;
sum13 = vec4<f32>(arow3.w) * brow + sum13;
var array_bias_1: vec4<f32> = array_bias[x * 2u + 0u];
sum00 = sum00 + array_bias_1;
sum01 = sum01 + array_bias_1;
sum02 = sum02 + array_bias_1;
sum03 = sum03 + array_bias_1;
var array_bias_2: vec4<f32> = array_bias[x * 2u + 1u];
sum10 = sum10 + array_bias_2;
sum11 = sum11 + array_bias_2;
sum12 = sum12 + array_bias_2;
sum13 = sum13 + array_bias_2;
class ResidualBlockClass extends Block {
constructor() {
this.name = "residual";
getPipeline() {
const pipelineCacheKey = this.name; // No param optimization.
if (this.pipelineCache.has(pipelineCacheKey)) return this.pipelineCache.get(pipelineCacheKey);
const pipeline = this.initPipeline(this.elementWiseAdditionShader, [this.u_s_Layout, this.r_r_Layout], `${this.name}_Pipeline`);
this.pipelineCache.set(pipelineCacheKey, pipeline);
return pipeline;
newInstance(rows, cols, outputBuf, residualBuf) {
if (cols % 4 !== 0) throw new Error("Cols must be divisible by 4.");
const pipeline = this.getPipeline();
const uniformBuffer = this.initUniform(4, [[0, new Uint32Array([rows, Math.ceil(cols / 4)])]]);
const resultBuffer = this.initResultBuffer([rows, cols]);
const opBindGroup = this.initBindGroup(this.u_s_Layout, [uniformBuffer, resultBuffer], `${this.name}_OpG`);
const inputBindGroup = this.initBindGroup(this.r_r_Layout, [outputBuf, residualBuf], `${this.name}_InputG`);
const workgroups = { x: wgSize(cols, 32), y: wgSize(rows, 8), z: 1 };
return {
passes: [
flag: "compute",
groups: [opBindGroup, inputBindGroup],
elementWiseAdditionShader = `
struct Meta {
M: u32,
ND4: u32,
@group(1) @binding(0) var<storage, read> layer_out_array: array<vec4<f32>>;
@group(1) @binding(1) var<storage, read> residual_array: array<vec4<f32>>;
@group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> uniforms: Meta;
@group(0) @binding(1) var<storage, read_write> result_array: array<vec4<f32>>;
@compute @workgroup_size(8, 8)
fn main (@builtin(global_invocation_id) global_id: vec3<u32>) {
var col: u32 = global_id.x;
var row: u32 = global_id.y;
var ND4: u32 = uniforms.ND4;
var M: u32 = uniforms.M;
if (row >= M || col >= ND4) {
let index = row * ND4 + col;
result_array[index] = layer_out_array[index] + residual_array[index];
class LayerNormBlockClass extends Block {
constructor() {
this.name = "layerNorm";
getStatsPipeline(workgroups) {
const pipelineCacheKey = `${this.name}_stats_${workgroups}`;
if (this.pipelineCache.has(pipelineCacheKey)) return this.pipelineCache.get(pipelineCacheKey);
const pipeline = this.initPipeline(this.normStatsShader(workgroups), [this.u_s_Layout, this.r_Layout], `${this.name}_Pipeline_Stats`);
this.pipelineCache.set(pipelineCacheKey, pipeline);
return pipeline;
getNormPipeline() {
const pipelineCacheKey = `${this.name}_norm`; // No param optimization.
if (this.pipelineCache.has(pipelineCacheKey)) return this.pipelineCache.get(pipelineCacheKey);
const pipeline = this.initPipeline(this.normShader, [this.u_s_Layout, this.r_r_r_r_Layout], `${this.name}_Pipeline_Norm`);
this.pipelineCache.set(pipelineCacheKey, pipeline);
return pipeline;
newInstance(rows, cols, inputBuffer, gammaBuffer, betaBuffer) {
if (cols % 4 !== 0) throw new Error("Cols must be divisible by 4.");
const workgroupsX = cols > 4096 ? 256 : 64;
const statsPipeline = this.getStatsPipeline(workgroupsX);
const statsUniformBuffer = this.initUniform(4, [[0, new Uint32Array([cols])]]);
const statsResultBuffer = this.initResultBuffer([rows, 2]);
const statsBindGroup = this.initBindGroup(this.u_s_Layout, [statsUniformBuffer, statsResultBuffer], `${this.name}_BindGroup_stats`);
const statsInputBindGroup = this.initBindGroup(this.r_Layout, [inputBuffer], `${this.name}_InputG`);
const statsWorkgroups = { x: 1, y: wgSize(rows, 1), z: 1 };
const normPipeline = this.getNormPipeline();
const normUniformBuffer = this.initUniform(4, [[0, new Uint32Array([rows, Math.ceil(cols / 4)])]]);
const normResultBuffer = this.initResultBuffer([rows, cols]);
const normBindGroup = this.initBindGroup(this.u_s_Layout, [normUniformBuffer, normResultBuffer], `${this.name}_BindGroup_norm`);
const normInputBindGroup = this.initBindGroup(
[inputBuffer, gammaBuffer, betaBuffer, statsResultBuffer],
const normWorkgroups = { x: wgSize(cols, 32), y: wgSize(rows, 8), z: 1 };
return {
resultBuffer: normResultBuffer,
passes: [
flag: "compute",
pipeline: statsPipeline,
groups: [statsBindGroup, statsInputBindGroup],
workgroups: statsWorkgroups,
flag: "compute",
pipeline: normPipeline,
groups: [normBindGroup, normInputBindGroup],
workgroups: normWorkgroups,
// I'm pretty sure this breaks for col < workgroupSize? Needs testing.
normStatsShader = (wg_size) => `
struct Meta {
N: u32,
const wg_size: u32 = ${wg_size};
@group(1) @binding(0) var<storage, read> input_array: array<f32>;
@group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> uniforms: Meta;
@group(0) @binding(1) var<storage, read_write> result_array: array<f32>;
var<workgroup> row_mean: f32;
var<workgroup> op_buffer: array<f32, ${wg_size}>;
@compute @workgroup_size(${wg_size})
fn main (@builtin(global_invocation_id) global_id: vec3<u32>) {
let col: u32 = global_id.x;
let row: u32 = global_id.y;
let N: u32 = uniforms.N;
// Condense.
var threadSum: f32 = 0.0;
for (var i: u32 = col; i < N; i = i + wg_size) {
threadSum = threadSum + input_array[row * N + i];
op_buffer[col] = threadSum;
// Reduce to one value sum. Optimize with bit shifts.
for (var i: u32 = wg_size >> 1; i > 0; i = i >> 1) {
if (col < i) {
op_buffer[col] = op_buffer[col] + op_buffer[col + i];
if (col == 0) {
row_mean = op_buffer[0] / f32(N);
// Condense.
var threadVariance: f32 = 0.0;
for (var i: u32 = col; i < N; i = i + wg_size) {
threadVariance = threadVariance + pow(input_array[row * N + i] - row_mean, 2);
op_buffer[col] = threadVariance / f32(N);
for (var i: u32 = wg_size >> 1; i > 0; i = i >> 1) {
if (col < i) {
op_buffer[col] = op_buffer[col] + op_buffer[col + i];
var stdev: f32 = sqrt(op_buffer[0] + 1e-5);
if (col == 0) {
result_array[row * 2] = row_mean;
result_array[row * 2 + 1] = stdev;
normShader = `
struct Meta {
M: u32,
ND4: u32,
@group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> uniforms: Meta;
@group(0) @binding(1) var<storage, read_write> result_array: array<vec4<f32>>;
@group(1) @binding(0) var<storage, read> input_array: array<vec4<f32>>;
@group(1) @binding(1) var<storage, read> gamma_param: array<vec4<f32>>;
@group(1) @binding(2) var<storage, read> beta_param: array<vec4<f32>>;
@group(1) @binding(3) var<storage, read> stats_param: array<f32>;
@compute @workgroup_size(8, 8)
fn main (@builtin(global_invocation_id) global_id: vec3<u32>) {
var col: u32 = global_id.x;
var row: u32 = global_id.y;
var ND4: u32 = uniforms.ND4;
var M: u32 = uniforms.M;
if (row >= M || col >= ND4) {
let mean = stats_param[row * 2];
let stdev = stats_param[row * 2 + 1];
let output = (input_array[row * ND4 + col] - mean) / stdev;
let gamma = gamma_param[col];
let beta = beta_param[col];
let shift = gamma * output + beta;
result_array[row * ND4 + col] = shift;
class SoftmaxBlockClass extends Block {
constructor() {
this.name = "softmax";
getFusedPipeline(workgroups, transpose) {
const pipelineCacheKey = `${this.name}_fused_${workgroups}_${transpose}`;
if (this.pipelineCache.has(pipelineCacheKey)) return this.pipelineCache.get(pipelineCacheKey);
const pipeline = this.initPipeline(this.fusedShader(workgroups, transpose), [this.u_s_Layout, this.r_Layout], `${this.name}_Pipeline_Div`);
this.pipelineCache.set(pipelineCacheKey, pipeline);
return pipeline;
newInstance(rows, cols, inputBuffer, transpose = false) {
const workgroupsX = cols > 4096 ? 256 : 64;
const fusedPipeline = this.getFusedPipeline(workgroupsX, transpose);
const uniformBuffer = this.initUniform(4, [[0, new Uint32Array([rows, cols])]]);
const resultBuffer = this.initResultBuffer([rows, cols], `${this.name}_ResultBuffer_`);
const bindGroup = this.initBindGroup(this.u_s_Layout, [uniformBuffer, resultBuffer], `${this.name}_BindGroup_`);
const inputBindGroup = this.initBindGroup(this.r_Layout, [inputBuffer], `${this.name}_BindGroup__Input`);
const workgroups = { x: 1, y: wgSize(rows, 1), z: 1 };
return {
resultBuffer: resultBuffer,
passes: [
flag: "compute",
pipeline: fusedPipeline,
groups: [bindGroup, inputBindGroup],
workgroups: workgroups,
Possible improvements: Vectorization? Modify input buffer to coalesce better?
fusedShader(wg_size, transpose) {
const outputIndex = transpose ? "i * uniforms.M + row" : "row * N + i";
return `
struct Meta {
M: u32,
N: u32,
const minFloat: f32 = -3.402823e+38f;
const wg_size: u32 = ${wg_size};
@group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> uniforms: Meta;
@group(0) @binding(1) var<storage, read_write> result_array: array<f32>;
@group(1) @binding(0) var<storage, read> input_array: array<f32>;
var<workgroup> max_row: f32;
var<workgroup> sum_row: f32;
var<workgroup> op_buffer: array<f32, ${wg_size}>;
@compute @workgroup_size(${wg_size})
fn main (@builtin(global_invocation_id) global_id: vec3<u32>) {
let col: u32 = global_id.x;
let row: u32 = global_id.y;
let N: u32 = uniforms.N;
// Condense into 256 col max.
var thread_max = minFloat;
for (var i: u32 = col; i < N; i = i + wg_size) {
thread_max = max(thread_max, input_array[row * N + i]);
if (col < N) {
op_buffer[col] = thread_max;
// Reduce to one value max. Optimize with bit shifts.
var reductionSize: u32 = min(N, wg_size);
for (var i: u32 = reductionSize >> 1; i > 0; i = reductionSize >> 1) {
reductionSize = i + (reductionSize & 1); // Ensure odd numbers are rounded up.
if (col < i) {
op_buffer[col] = max(op_buffer[col], op_buffer[col + reductionSize]);
if (col == 0) {
max_row = op_buffer[0];
var threadSum: f32 = 0.0;
for (var i: u32 = col; i < N; i = i + wg_size) {
threadSum = threadSum + exp(input_array[row * N + i] - max_row);
op_buffer[col] = threadSum;
for (var i: u32 = wg_size >> 1; i > 0; i = i >> 1) {
if (col < i) {
op_buffer[col] = op_buffer[col] + op_buffer[col + i];
if (col == 0) {
sum_row = op_buffer[0];
for (var i: u32 = col; i < N; i = i + wg_size) {
result_array[${outputIndex}] = exp(input_array[row * N + i] - max_row) / sum_row;
class GeluBlockClass extends Block {
constructor() {
this.name = "gelu";
getPipeline() {
const pipelineCacheKey = this.name; // No param optimization.
if (this.pipelineCache.has(pipelineCacheKey)) return this.pipelineCache.get(pipelineCacheKey);
const pipeline = this.initPipeline(this.GELUShader, [this.u_s_Layout, this.r_Layout], `${this.name}_Pipeline`);
this.pipelineCache.set(pipelineCacheKey, pipeline);
return pipeline;
newInstance(rows, cols, inputBuf) {
if (cols % 4 !== 0) throw new Error("Cols must be divisible by 4.");
const pipeline = this.getPipeline();
const uniformBuffer = this.initUniform(4, [[0, new Uint32Array([rows, Math.ceil(cols / 4)])]]);
const resultBuffer = this.initResultBuffer([rows, cols]);
const opBindGroup = this.initBindGroup(this.u_s_Layout, [uniformBuffer, resultBuffer], `${this.name}_OpG`);
const inputBindGroup = this.initBindGroup(this.r_Layout, [inputBuf], `${this.name}_InputG`);
const workgroups = { x: wgSize(cols, 32), y: wgSize(rows, 8), z: 1 };
return {
passes: [
flag: "compute",
groups: [opBindGroup, inputBindGroup],
GELUShader = `
struct Meta {
M: u32,
ND4: u32,
const LOW_THRESHOLD: vec4<f32> = vec4<f32>(-10.0);
const HIGH_THRESHOLD: vec4<f32> = vec4<f32>(10.0);
const ZERO: vec4<f32> = vec4<f32>(0.0);
const HALF: vec4<f32> = vec4<f32>(0.5);
const SQRPI: vec4<f32> = vec4<f32>(0.7978845608);
const COEFF: vec4<f32> = vec4<f32>(0.044715);
fn gelu_vec4(x: vec4<f32>) -> vec4<f32> {
let x_cubed: vec4<f32> = pow(x, vec4<f32>(3.0));
let cdf_approx: vec4<f32> = HALF * (vec4<f32>(1.0) + tanh(SQRPI * (x + COEFF * x_cubed)));
let result: vec4<f32> = x * cdf_approx;
let lt_mask: vec4<bool> = x < LOW_THRESHOLD;
let gt_mask: vec4<bool> = x > HIGH_THRESHOLD;
return select(select(result, ZERO, lt_mask), x, gt_mask);
@group(1) @binding(0) var<storage,read> array_matrix: array<vec4<f32>>;
@group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> uniforms: Meta;
@group(0) @binding(1) var<storage,read_write> array_output: array<vec4<f32>>;
@compute @workgroup_size(8, 8)
fn main (@builtin(global_invocation_id) global_id: vec3<u32>) {
var col: u32 = global_id.x;
var row: u32 = global_id.y;
var ND4: u32 = uniforms.ND4;
var M: u32 = uniforms.M;
if (row >= M || col >= ND4) {
array_output[row * ND4 + col] = gelu_vec4(array_matrix[row * ND4 + col]);
class EmbedBlockClass extends Block {
constructor() {
this.name = "embed";
staticLoad(embdOutputBuffer, posEmbdOutputBuffer, embdBuffers, posEmbdBuffer, idx, seq_length, n_embd, vocab_chunk_size) {
// Can build a cache later.
const embdCopyCommands = Array(seq_length)
.map((_, i) => {
const chunkOffset = Math.floor(idx[i] / vocab_chunk_size);
const chunkIdx = idx[i] % vocab_chunk_size;
return {
flag: "copy",
src: embdBuffers[chunkOffset],
srcOffset: this.bufferSize(n_embd) * chunkIdx,
dst: embdOutputBuffer,
dstOffset: this.bufferSize(n_embd) * i,
size: this.bufferSize(n_embd),
// Also can be cached.
const posCopyCommand = {
flag: "copy",
src: posEmbdBuffer,
srcOffset: 0,
dst: posEmbdOutputBuffer,
dstOffset: 0,
size: this.bufferSize(seq_length, n_embd),
return {
passes: [...embdCopyCommands, posCopyCommand],
newInstance(idx, seq_length, n_embd, vocab_chunk_size, embdBuffers, posEmbdBuffer, ResidualBlock) {
const embdOutputBuffer = this.initBuffer(["storage", "copy_to"], [seq_length, n_embd]);
const posEmbdOutputBuffer = this.initBuffer(["storage", "copy_to"], [seq_length, n_embd]);
// Can build a cache later.
const embdCopyCommands = Array(seq_length)
.map((_, i) => {
const chunkOffset = Math.floor(idx[i] / vocab_chunk_size);
const chunkIdx = idx[i] % vocab_chunk_size;
return {
flag: "copy",
src: embdBuffers[chunkOffset],
srcOffset: this.bufferSize(n_embd) * chunkIdx,
dst: embdOutputBuffer,
dstOffset: this.bufferSize(n_embd) * i,
size: this.bufferSize(n_embd),
// Also can be cached.
const posCopyCommand = {
flag: "copy",
src: posEmbdBuffer,
srcOffset: 0,
dst: posEmbdOutputBuffer,
dstOffset: 0,
size: this.bufferSize(seq_length, n_embd),
const { resultBuffer: residualResult, passes: residualPasses } = ResidualBlock.newInstance(seq_length, n_embd, embdOutputBuffer, posEmbdOutputBuffer);
return {
resultBuffer: residualResult,
passes: [...embdCopyCommands, posCopyCommand, ...residualPasses],
class DeEmbedBlockClass extends Block {
constructor() {
this.name = "deembed";
getPipeline() {
const pipelineCacheKey = this.name; // No param optimization.
if (this.pipelineCache.has(pipelineCacheKey)) return this.pipelineCache.get(pipelineCacheKey);
const pipeline = this.initPipeline(this.deEmbedShader, [this.u_s_Layout, this.r_r_Layout], `${this.name}_Pipeline`);
this.pipelineCache.set(pipelineCacheKey, pipeline);
return pipeline;
newInstance(n_embd, vocab_size, padded_vocab_size, seq_length, vocab_chunk_size, embedBuffer, deEmbeddingsBuffers) {
const deEmbedPipeline = this.getPipeline();
const slicedEmbedOutputBuffer = this.initBuffer(["storage", "copy_to"], [n_embd]);
const deEmbedOutputBuffer = this.initBuffer(["map_read", "copy_to"], [vocab_size]);
const sliceEmbedCopyCommand = {
flag: "copy",
src: embedBuffer,
srcOffset: this.bufferSize(seq_length - 1, n_embd),
dst: slicedEmbedOutputBuffer,
dstOffset: 0,
size: this.bufferSize(1, n_embd),
const deEmbedPasses = deEmbeddingsBuffers.flatMap((embdBuffer, i) => {
// Some future optimizations where we can assume that vocab_size is consistent.
const uniformBuffer = this.initUniform(4, [[0, new Uint32Array([vocab_chunk_size, Math.ceil(vocab_chunk_size / 4), Math.ceil(n_embd / 4)])]]);
const resultBuffer = this.initResultBuffer([vocab_chunk_size]);
const opBindGroup = this.initBindGroup(this.u_s_Layout, [uniformBuffer, resultBuffer], `${this.name}_OpG`);
const inputBindGroup = this.initBindGroup(this.r_r_Layout, [slicedEmbedOutputBuffer, embdBuffer], `${this.name}_InputG`);
const workgroups = { x: wgSize(vocab_chunk_size, 32), y: 1, z: 1 };
return [
flag: "compute",
pipeline: deEmbedPipeline,
groups: [opBindGroup, inputBindGroup],
flag: "copy",
src: resultBuffer,
srcOffset: 0,
dst: deEmbedOutputBuffer,
dstOffset: i * this.bufferSize(vocab_chunk_size),
size: i == deEmbeddingsBuffers.length - 1 ? this.bufferSize(vocab_chunk_size - (padded_vocab_size - vocab_size)) : this.bufferSize(vocab_chunk_size),
return {
resultBuffer: deEmbedOutputBuffer,
passes: [sliceEmbedCopyCommand, ...deEmbedPasses],
deEmbedShader = `
struct Meta {
N: u32,
ND4: u32,
KD4: u32,
@group(1) @binding(0) var<storage,read> embed_vector: array<vec4<f32>>;
@group(1) @binding(1) var<storage,read> deembed_matrix: array<vec4<f32>>;
@group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> uniforms: Meta;
@group(0) @binding(1) var<storage,read_write> array_output: array<vec4<f32>>;
@compute @workgroup_size(4)
fn main(@builtin(global_invocation_id) global_id: vec3<u32>) {
var N: u32 = uniforms.N;
var ND4: u32 = uniforms.ND4;
var KD4: u32 = uniforms.KD4;
var colD8: u32 = global_id.x;
if (colD8 * 8 >= N) {
var sum00: vec4<f32> = vec4<f32>();
var sum10: vec4<f32> = vec4<f32>();
for(var k: u32 = 0u; k < KD4; k = k + 1u) {
var arow0: vec4<f32> = embed_vector[k];
var brow: vec4<f32>;
brow = deembed_matrix[(k * 4u + 0u) * ND4 + colD8 * 2u + 0u];
sum00 = vec4<f32>(arow0.x) * brow + sum00;
brow = deembed_matrix[(k * 4u + 0u) * ND4 + colD8 * 2u + 1u];
sum10 = vec4<f32>(arow0.x) * brow + sum10;
brow = deembed_matrix[(k * 4u + 1u) * ND4 + colD8 * 2u + 0u];
sum00 = vec4<f32>(arow0.y) * brow + sum00;
brow = deembed_matrix[(k * 4u + 1u) * ND4 + colD8 * 2u + 1u];
sum10 = vec4<f32>(arow0.y) * brow + sum10;
brow = deembed_matrix[(k * 4u + 2u) * ND4 + colD8 * 2u + 0u];
sum00 = vec4<f32>(arow0.z) * brow + sum00;
brow = deembed_matrix[(k * 4u + 2u) * ND4 + colD8 * 2u + 1u];
sum10 = vec4<f32>(arow0.z) * brow + sum10;
brow = deembed_matrix[(k * 4u + 3u) * ND4 + colD8 * 2u + 0u];
sum00 = vec4<f32>(arow0.w) * brow + sum00;
brow = deembed_matrix[(k * 4u + 3u) * ND4 + colD8 * 2u + 1u];
sum10 = vec4<f32>(arow0.w) * brow + sum10;
if (colD8 * 8u + 0u < N) {
array_output[colD8 * 2u + 0u] = sum00;
if (colD8 * 8u + 4u < N) {
array_output[colD8 * 2u + 1u] = sum10;
class AttentionBlockClass extends Block {
constructor() {
this.name = "attention";
getNewAttentionWeightsPipeline() {
const pipelineCacheKey = `${this.name}_weights_fused`; // No param optimization.
if (this.pipelineCache.has(pipelineCacheKey)) return this.pipelineCache.get(pipelineCacheKey);
const pipeline = this.initPipeline(this.fusedWeightsShader, [this.u_s_Layout, this.r_r_Layout], `${this.name}_Pipeline_AttWeights`);
this.pipelineCache.set(pipelineCacheKey, pipeline);
return pipeline;
getNewAttentionValuesPipeline() {
const pipelineCacheKey = `${this.name}_values_fused`; // No param optimization.
if (this.pipelineCache.has(pipelineCacheKey)) return this.pipelineCache.get(pipelineCacheKey);
const pipeline = this.initPipeline(this.newAttentionValuesShader, [this.u_s_Layout, this.r_r_Layout], `${this.name}_Pipeline_AttValues`);
this.pipelineCache.set(pipelineCacheKey, pipeline);
return pipeline;
getFormatQPipeline() {
const pipelineCacheKey = `${this.name}_format_q`; // No param optimization.
if (this.pipelineCache.has(pipelineCacheKey)) return this.pipelineCache.get(pipelineCacheKey);
const pipeline = this.initPipeline(this.formatQShader, [this.u_s_Layout, this.r_Layout], `${this.name}_Pipeline_formatQ`);
this.pipelineCache.set(pipelineCacheKey, pipeline);
return pipeline;
) {
const { resultBuffer: QResultBuffer, passes: QMLPPasses } = FastMatMulBlock.newInstance(
const { resultBuffer: KResultBuffer, passes: KMLPPasses } = FastMatMulBlock.newInstance(
const { resultBuffer: VResultBuffer, passes: VMLPPasses } = FastMatMulBlock.newInstance(
const formatQPipeline = this.getFormatQPipeline();
const formatQUniformBuffer = this.initUniform(4, [[0, new Uint32Array([seq_length, n_embd, head_size])]]);
const formatQResultBuffer = this.initResultBuffer([seq_length * n_head, head_size]);
const formatQBindGroup = this.initBindGroup(this.u_s_Layout, [formatQUniformBuffer, formatQResultBuffer]);
const formatQInputBindGroup = this.initBindGroup(this.r_Layout, [QResultBuffer], `${this.name}_formatQInputG`);
const formatQWorkgroups = { x: wgSize(n_embd, 8), y: wgSize(seq_length, 8), z: 1 };
const attentionWeightsPipeline = this.getNewAttentionWeightsPipeline();
const attentionWeightsUniformBuffer = this.initUniform(8, [
[0, new Uint32Array([seq_length * n_head, seq_length, n_embd / 4, head_size / 4])],
[16, new Float32Array([attentionDotProductScale])],
const attentionWeightsResultBuffer = this.initResultBuffer([seq_length * n_head, seq_length]);
const attentionWeightsBindGroup = this.initBindGroup(
[attentionWeightsUniformBuffer, attentionWeightsResultBuffer],
const attentionWeightsInputBindGroup = this.initBindGroup(this.r_r_Layout, [formatQResultBuffer, KResultBuffer], `${this.name}_AttentionWeightsInputG`);
const attentionWeightsWorkgroups = { x: wgSize(seq_length, 8), y: wgSize(seq_length * n_head, 8), z: 1 };
const { resultBuffer: softmaxOutputBuffer, passes: softmaxPasses } = SoftmaxBlock.newInstance(
seq_length * n_head,
const attentionValuesPipeline = this.getNewAttentionValuesPipeline();
const attentionValuesUniformBuffer = this.initUniform(4, [[0, new Uint32Array([seq_length, n_embd / 4, head_size / 4])]]);
const attentionValuesResultBuffer = this.initResultBuffer([seq_length, n_embd]);
const attentionValuesBindGroup = this.initBindGroup(this.u_s_Layout, [attentionValuesUniformBuffer, attentionValuesResultBuffer]);
const attentionValuesInputBindGroup = this.initBindGroup(this.r_r_Layout, [softmaxOutputBuffer, VResultBuffer], `${this.name}_AttentionValuesInputG`);
const attentionValuesWorkgroups = { x: wgSize(n_embd, 32), y: wgSize(seq_length, 8), z: 1 };
const { resultBuffer: linearMLPResult, passes: linearMLPPasses } = FastMatMulBlock.newInstance(
return {
resultBuffer: linearMLPResult,
passes: [
flag: "compute",
pipeline: formatQPipeline,
groups: [formatQBindGroup, formatQInputBindGroup],
workgroups: formatQWorkgroups,
flag: "compute",
pipeline: attentionWeightsPipeline,
groups: [attentionWeightsBindGroup, attentionWeightsInputBindGroup],
workgroups: attentionWeightsWorkgroups,
flag: "compute",
pipeline: attentionValuesPipeline,
groups: [attentionValuesBindGroup, attentionValuesInputBindGroup],
workgroups: attentionValuesWorkgroups,
formatQShader = `
struct Meta {
M: u32,
N: u32,
HSize: u32,
@group(1) @binding(0) var<storage, read> input_array: array<f32>;
@group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> uniforms: Meta;
@group(0) @binding(1) var<storage, read_write> result_array: array<f32>;
var<workgroup> tile: array<array<f32, 8>, 8>;
@compute @workgroup_size(8, 8)
fn main (@builtin(local_invocation_id) local_id: vec3<u32>, @builtin(workgroup_id) workgroup_id: vec3<u32>) {
let col: u32 = workgroup_id.x * 8 + local_id.x;
let row: u32 = workgroup_id.y * 8 + local_id.y;
let N: u32 = uniforms.N;
let M: u32 = uniforms.M;
// Load a tile from input_array to shared memory tile
if (row < M && col < N) {
tile[local_id.y][local_id.x] = input_array[row * N + col];
workgroupBarrier(); // Ensure all threads have finished writing to the shared memory before proceeding
let HSize: u32 = uniforms.HSize;
let xOffset: u32 = col % HSize;
let yOffset: u32 = row * HSize + (col / HSize) * HSize * M;
// Write the tile to result_array
if (row < M && col < N) {
result_array[yOffset + xOffset] = tile[local_id.y][local_id.x];
// Sequence length invariant, no padding needed.
fusedWeightsShader = `
struct Meta {
M: u32, // seq_length * n_heads
N: u32, // seq_length
ED4: u32, // hsize * n_heads
HD4: u32,
attentionScale: f32,
@group(1) @binding(0) var<storage, read> query_array: array<vec4<f32>>;
@group(1) @binding(1) var<storage, read> key_array: array<vec4<f32>>;
@group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> uniforms: Meta;
@group(0) @binding(1) var<storage, read_write> result_array: array<f32>;
@compute @workgroup_size(8, 8)
fn main (@builtin(global_invocation_id) global_id: vec3<u32>) {
let col: u32 = global_id.x;
let row: u32 = global_id.y;
let N: u32 = uniforms.N;
let HD4: u32 = uniforms.HD4;
if (row >= uniforms.M || col >= N) {
let head: u32 = row / N;
var sum: f32 = 0.0;
for (var i: u32 = 0; i < HD4; i = i + 1) {
sum = sum + dot(query_array[row * HD4 + i], key_array[col * uniforms.ED4 + i + head * HD4]);
// Causal attention step.
let rowMask: u32 = row % N;
let causalMask: bool = (col <= rowMask);
result_array[row * N + col] = select(-1e9, sum * uniforms.attentionScale, causalMask);
newAttentionValuesShader = `
struct Meta {
M: u32,
ND4: u32,
HD4: u32,
@group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> uniforms: Meta;
@group(0) @binding(1) var<storage, read_write> result_array: array<vec4<f32>>;
@group(1) @binding(0) var<storage, read> weights_array: array<f32>;
@group(1) @binding(1) var<storage, read> values_array: array<vec4<f32>>;
@compute @workgroup_size(8, 8)
fn main (@builtin(global_invocation_id) global_id: vec3<u32>) {
var col: u32 = global_id.x;
var row: u32 = global_id.y;
var M: u32 = uniforms.M;
var ND4: u32 = uniforms.ND4;
var HD4: u32 = uniforms.HD4;
if (row >= M || col >= ND4) {
let head: u32 = col / HD4;
var sum: vec4<f32> = vec4<f32>(0.0);
for (var i: u32 = 0; i < M; i = i + 1) {
var weight = weights_array[row * M + i + head * M * M]; // weights is M * M
sum = sum + values_array[i * ND4 + col] * weight;
result_array[row * ND4 + col] = sum;
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