SHELL := /bin/bash
BASEDIR = $(shell pwd)
.PHONY: help
@grep -E '^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
.PHONY: api-docs
api-docs: ## gen-docs - gen swag doc
@swag init -g cmd/nocalhost-api/nocalhost-api.go
@echo "gen-docs done"
@echo "see docs by: http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html"
.PHONY: api
api: ## Build nocalhost-api
@bash ./scripts/build/api/build
.PHONY: api-docker
api-docker: ## Build nocalhost-api docker image
@bash ./scripts/build/api/docker
.PHONY: dep-docker
dep-docker: ## Build nocalhost-dep docker image
@bash ./scripts/build/dep/docker
.PHONY: dep-installer-job-docker
dep-installer-job-docker: ## Build dep-installer-job-docker docker image
@bash ./scripts/build/dep/installer-job
.PHONY: vpn-docker
vpn-docker: nhctl-linux ## Build vpn docker image
@bash ./scripts/build/vpn/docker
.PHONY: control-plane-docker
@bash ./scripts/build/control-plane/docker
.PHONY: envoy-docker
@bash ./scripts/build/envoy/docker
.PHONY: nhctl
nhctl: ## Build nhctl for current OS
@echo "WARNING: binary creates a current os executable."
@bash ./scripts/build/nhctl/binary
.PHONY: nhctl-cross
nhctl-cross: ## build executable for Linux and macOS and Windows
@bash ./scripts/build/nhctl/cross
.PHONY: nhctl-windows
nhctl-windows: ## build executable for Windows
@bash ./scripts/build/nhctl/windows
.PHONY: nhctl-osx
nhctl-osx: ## build executable for macOS
@bash ./scripts/build/nhctl/osx
.PHONY: nhctl-osx-arm64
nhctl-osx-arm64: ## build executable for M1
@bash ./scripts/build/nhctl/osx-arm64
.PHONY: nhctl-linux
nhctl-linux: ## build executable for Linux
@bash ./scripts/build/nhctl/linux
.PHONY: nhctl-linux-arm64
nhctl-linux-arm64: ## build executable for Linux arm64
@bash ./scripts/build/nhctl/linux-arm64
.PHONY: gotool
gotool: ## run go tool 'fmt' and 'vet'
gofmt -w .
go tool vet . | grep -v vendor;true
.PHONY: dep
dep: ## Get the dependencies
@go mod download
clean: ### Remove build dir
@rm -fr build
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