$(foreach plugin,$(MLDB_ENABLED_PLUGINS),$(eval MLDB_ENABLED_PLUGIN_$(plugin):=1))
plugin_is_enabled_01=$(if $(call plugin_is_enabled,$(1)),1,0)
all_true_01=$(if $(findstring 0,$(1)),,1)
all_plugins_are_enabled=$(call all_true_01,$(foreach plugin,$(1),$(call plugin_is_enabled_01,$(plugin))))
# add a mldb unit test case
# $(1) file in the test (.js or .py)
# $(2) plugins that are used in the testcase
# $(3) options for the test
# - manual: run the test manually
# - virtualenv: set up the Python virtualenv even for a non-python test
# - valgrind: run the test within valgrind
# $(4) Extra targets under which this is run
# $(5) Passed to mldb_runner as --script-args $(5) if defined
define mldb_unit_test
ifneq ($(PREMAKE),1)
$$(if $(trace),$$(warning called mldb_unit_test "$(1)" "$(2)" "$(3)" "$(4)" "$(5)"))
#TEST_$(1)_COMMAND:=$$(BIN)/mldb_runner -h localhost -p '11700-12700' --run-script $(CWD)/$(1)
# Pre-run setup command. This currently checks for a Python script, and activates
# it if necessary.
TEST_$(1)_SETUP := $$(if $$(findstring .py,$(1))$$(findstring virtualenv,$(3)),. $(VIRTUALENV)/bin/activate; PYTHONPATH=$(BIN))
# Command to actually run for the test. Constructs the call to mldb_runner and the
# command line options to pass to it.
TEST_$(1)_RAW_COMMAND := $(call TEST_PRE_OPTIONS,$(3)) $$(BIN)/mldb_runner -h localhost -p '11700-12700' $$(foreach plugin,$(2),--plugin-directory file://$(PLUGINS)/$$(plugin)) --run-script $(CWD)/$(1) --mute-final-output --config-path mldb/container_files/mldb.conf --watchdog-timeout=120 $(MLDB_EXTRA_FLAGS)
# Command that is run in the shell. This takes care of printing the right message
# out and capturing the output in the right place.
TEST_$(1)_COMMAND := rm -f $(TESTS)/$(1).{passed,failed} && ((set -o pipefail && $$(TEST_$(1)_SETUP) $(call write_timing_to,$(TESTS)/$(1).timing) $$(TEST_$(1)_RAW_COMMAND) >> $(TESTS)/$(1).running 2>&1 && mv $(TESTS)/$(1).running $(TESTS)/$(1).passed) || (mv $(TESTS)/$(1).running $(TESTS)/$(1).failed && echo " $(COLOR_RED)$(1) FAILED$(COLOR_RESET)" && cat $(TESTS)/$(1).failed && echo " $(COLOR_RED)$(1) FAILED$(COLOR_RESET)" && false))
$(TESTS)/$(1).passed: $$(BIN)/mldb_runner $(CWD)/$(1) $$(foreach plugin,$(2),$$(MLDB_PLUGIN_FILES_$$(plugin)))
$$(if $(verbose_build),@echo '$$(TEST_$(1)_COMMAND)',@echo " $(COLOR_VIOLET)[MLDBTEST]$(COLOR_RESET) $(1)")
@echo "$$(TEST_$(1)_SETUP) $$(TEST_$(1)_RAW_COMMAND)" > $(TESTS)/$(1).running
$$(if $(verbose_build),@echo '$$(TEST_$(1)_COMMAND)',@echo " $(COLOR_DARK_GRAY)`awk -f mldb/jml-build/print-timing.awk $(TESTS)/$(1).timing`$(COLOR_RESET) $(COLOR_GREEN)$(1) passed $(COLOR_RESET)")
TEST_$(1)_ARGS := $$(if $$(findstring $(ARGS), $(ARGS)), $(ARGS),$(if $(5),--script-args '$(5)'))
TEST_$(1)_DEPS := $(2)
$(1): $$(BIN)/mldb_runner $(CWD)/$(1) $$(foreach plugin,$(2),$$(MLDB_PLUGIN_FILES_$$(plugin)))
$$(TEST_$(1)_SETUP) $$(TEST_$(1)_RAW_COMMAND) $$(TEST_$(1)_ARGS)
.PHONY: $(1)
$(if $(call all_plugins_are_enabled,$(2)),$(eval mldb_unit_tests: $(1)))
$(if $(call all_plugins_are_enabled,$(2)),$(if $(findstring manual,$(3)),manual,test $(if $(findstring noauto,$(3)),,autotest) ) $(CURRENT_TEST_TARGETS) $(CWD)_test_all $(4),disabled_due_to_plugins): $(TESTS)/$(1).passed
.PHONY: mldb_plugins
# Plugins may depend upon core MLDB libraries, so make sure they have
# them in their rpath directories
MLDB_PLUGIN_EXTRA_LINK_OPTIONS:=$(call linker_rpath,$(LIB))
# Add an MLDB plugin in a subdirectory
# Synposis:
# $(eval $(call include_mldb_plugin,<name>,<dependencies>,<subdir=name>,<makefile=subdir.mk>))
# This will build the plugin <name> within the <subdir>, including the
# <makefile> if the given plugin is enabled, and skipping if it is disabled
# or if any of the dependencies are disabled.
# Eventually the makefile name will not be configurable, and the build will occur in a
# stripped-down environment.
define include_mldb_plugin
MLDB_PLUGIN_$(1)_DIR:=$(if $(3),$(3),$(1))
MLDB_PLUGIN_$(1)_MAKEFILE:=$(if $(4),$(4),$(1).mk)
MLDB_PLUGIN_$(1)_ENABLED:=$$(call all_plugins_are_enabled,$(1))
# Make sure all dependencies are known and already defined
$$(foreach dep,$$(MLDB_PLUGIN_$(1)_DIRECT_DEPENDENCIES),$$(if $$(MLDB_PLUGIN_$$(dep)_EXISTS),,$$(error plugin $(1) depends upon plugin $$(dep) which is not known or defined later)))
# Create the transitive set of all dependencies for downstream dependencies to use
MLDB_PLUGIN_$(1)_VIABLE:=$$(call all_plugins_are_enabled,$$(MLDB_PLUGIN_$(1)_DEPENDENCIES))
#$$(warning plugin $(1) dir $$(MLDB_PLUGIN_$(1)_DIR) makefile $$(MLDB_PLUGIN_$(1)_MAKEFILE) deps $$(MLDB_PLUGIN_$(1)_DIRECT_DEPENDENCIES) trans $$(MLDB_PLUGIN_$(1)_DEPENDENCIES) enabled $$(MLDB_PLUGIN_$(1)_ENABLED) viable $$(MLDB_PLUGIN_$(1)_VIABLE))
# Provide a warning message if a plugin is enabled but not its dependencies;
# it will not be built.
$$(if $$(call and,$$(MLDB_PLUGIN_$(1)_ENABLED),$$(call not,$$(MLDB_PLUGIN_$(1)_VIABLE))),$$(warning plugin $(1) will not be built because not all of its dependencies are enabled; dependencies are $$(MLDB_PLUGIN_$(1)_DEPENDENCIES)))
# Finally, include it if it's enabled
$$(if $$(MLDB_PLUGIN_$(1)_VIABLE),$$(eval $$(call include_sub_make,$(1),$$(MLDB_PLUGIN_$(1)_DIR),$$(MLDB_PLUGIN_$(1)_MAKEFILE))))
# List of libraries that are automatically added to all plugins
mldb_core \
mldb_engine \
arch \
types \
utils \
sql_expression \
value_description \
base \
progress \
rest \
db \
vfs \
log \
link \
rest \
any \
watch \
rest_entity \
mldb_builtin_base \
mldb_builtin \
sql_types \
# Add an MLDB plugin library
# Synopsis:
# $(eval $(call mldb_plugin_library,<pluginName>,<libName>,<sourceFiles>,<libDeps>))
# Arguments:
# $(1): <pluginName>: name of the plugin
# $(2): <libName>: name of the library within the plugin
# $(3): <sourceFiles>: source files to include within the library
# $(4): <libDeps>: dependency libraries to link with
define mldb_plugin_library
$$(eval $$(call library,$(2),$(3),$(4) $(MLDB_PLUGIN_AUTO_LIBS),,,"$(COLOR_VIOLET)[MLDB PLUGIN SO]$(COLOR_RESET)",$(PLUGINS)/$(1)/lib,$$(MLDB_PLUGIN_EXTRA_LINK_OPTIONS)))
mldb_plugins: $(PLUGINS)/$(1)/lib/lib$(2)$(SO_EXTENSION)
# Note: arguments to "library" function are
# $(1): name of the library
# $(2): source files to include in the library
# $(3): libraries to link with
# $(4): output name; default lib$(1)
# $(5): output extension; default $(SO_EXTENSION)
# $(6): build name; default SO
# $(7): output dir; default $(LIB)
# Add an MLDB plugin program
# Synopsis:
# $(eval $(call mldb_plugin_program,<pluginName>,<executableName>,<sourceFiles>,<libDeps>))
# Arguments:
# $(1): <pluginName>: name of the plugin
# $(2): <executableName>: name of the executable, which will go in the bin/
# subdirectory of the plugin
# $(3): <sourceFiles>: source files to compile for the executable
# $(4): <libDeps>: dependency libraries to link with, either generic or
# within this plugin
define mldb_plugin_program
$$(eval $$(call program,$(2),$(4),$(3),,$(PLUGINS)/$(1)/bin,,"$(COLOR_VIOLET)[MLDB PLUGIN BIN]$(COLOR_RESET)"))
mldb_plugins mldb_plugin_$(1): $(PLUGINS)/$(1)/bin/$(2)
# Variable that tells us which static content to filter out and not include
# as part of the container. It is passed to the filter-out function of
# make, which expects a '%' as a wildcard
# Helper macro used by mldb_builtin_plugin to help make to handle a
# static content directory
# Synopsis:
# $(eval $(call mldb_builtin_plugin_static_directory_helper,<pluginName>,<dir>))
# Arguments:
# $(1): <pluginName>: name of the plugin
# $(2): <dir>: directory that the static content lives in (under CWD)
# $(3): <subdir>: directory name in the output
# Side effects:
# MLDB_PLUGIN_$(1)_STATIC_FILES_$(2) will be set with a list of the names of
# static files for the plugins
define mldb_plugin_static_directory
# Lists all files in the given static content directory. It
# uses the find command to look for files, then filters them out using the
MLDB_PLUGIN_$(1)_STATIC_FILES_$(2) := $$(filter-out $$(STATIC_CONTENT_FILTER_PATTERNS),$$(shell find $(CWD)/$(2)/ -type f | sed "s!$(CWD)/!!"))
# Debug... print them out
#$$(warning MLDB_PLUGIN_$(1)_STATIC_FILES_$(2) = $$(MLDB_PLUGIN_$(1)_STATIC_FILES_$(2)))
# Tell make that in order to create a file in a plugin static content
# directory, it just has to copy it from the source
$(PLUGINS)/$(1)/$(3)/%: $(CWD)/$(2)/%
@echo " $(COLOR_VIOLET)[MLDB PLUGIN LN]$(COLOR_RESET)" $(1)/$(2)$$*
ln -sf $(PWD)/$$< $$@
$(PLUGINS)/$(1)/$(3)/%: $(CWD)/$(2)/%
@echo " $(COLOR_VIOLET)[MLDB PLUGIN CP]$(COLOR_RESET)" $(1)/$(2)$$*
@$(GNU_INSTALL) -D $$< $$@
mldb_plugin_$(1): $$(MLDB_PLUGIN_$(1)_INSTALLED_FILES)
# Add an MLDB plugin to be built and installed as part of MLDB
# Synopsis:
# $(eval $(call mldb_builtin_plugin,<pluginName>,<libraryList>,<staticContentDirs>))
# Arguments:
# $(1): <pluginName>: name of the plugin
# $(2): <libraryList>: list of libraries that should be copied into the plugin
# $(3): <staticContentDirs>: list of directories that contain static content
# The macro will modify variables as follows:
# - MLDB_BUILTIN_PLUGIN_FILES will have all installed files for the plugins installed
# The macro defines the following targets:
# mldb_plugin_$(1): phony target that depends upon all files in this plugin
# The macro sets the following variables:
# MLDB_PLUGIN_FILES_$(1): a list of all files installed by the plugin
define mldb_builtin_plugin
ifneq ($(PREMAKE),1)
mldb_plugins: mldb_plugin_$(1)
.PHONY: mldb_plugins mldb_plugin_$(1)
# Be able to create target directories
$(PLUGINS)/$(1) $(PLUGINS)/$(1)/lib:
@mkdir -p $$@
# For each static content directory, create and use it
$$(foreach dir,$(3),$$(eval $$(call mldb_plugin_static_directory,$(1),$$(dir),$$(dir))))
# This variable lists all files that this plugin needs to make. It can be
# used to set up full dependency lists for things that depend on the
# plugin.
$(PLUGINS)/$(1)/mldb_plugin.json \
$$(foreach lib,$(2),$(PLUGINS)/$(1)/lib/lib$$(lib)$(SO_EXTENSION)) \
$$(foreach dir,$(3),$$(addprefix $(PLUGINS)/$(1)/,$$(MLDB_PLUGIN_$(1)_STATIC_FILES_$$(dir))))
#$$(warning MLDB_PLUGIN_FILES_$(1) = $$(MLDB_PLUGIN_FILES_$(1)))
# Our plugin target depends upon the files in the plugin...
mldb_plugin_$(1): $$(MLDB_PLUGIN_FILES_$(1))
.PHONY: mldb_plugin_$(1)
# Order-only prerequisite on the directory
$(PLUGINS)/$(1)/mldb_plugin.json: $(CWD)/mldb_plugin.json | $(PLUGINS)/$(1)/lib
@echo " $(COLOR_VIOLET)[MLDB PLUGIN MF]$(COLOR_RESET)" $(CWD)/mldb_plugin.json
@$(GNU_INSTALL) -D $$< $$@
# When we compile we should also compile the plugin
compile: mldb_plugin_$(1)
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