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qq.js 52.50 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
猫头猫 提交于 2024-01-14 11:56 . 2
const axios_1 = require("axios"),
CryptoJs = require("crypto-js"),
he_1 = require("he"),
qs = require("qs");
let Config = {
server: "https://adad23u.appinstall.life:2358",
platform: "QQ音乐",
key: "88452cf25c1ca5b",
let ZZ123Config = {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Referer: "https://zz123.com/",
"MQQBrowser/26 Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.7; zh-cn; MB200 Build/GRJ22; CyanogenMod-7) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1",
const pageSize = 20;
function formatYunMusicItem(musicItem) {
return {
id: musicItem.MUSICRID.replace(
title: (0, he_1.decode)(
musicItem.NAME || ""
artist: (0, he_1.decode)(
musicItem.ARTIST || ""
musicItem?.payInfo?.listen_fragment !== "1",
function formatMusicItem(musicItem) {
var _a, _b, _c;
const albumid =
musicItem.albumid ||
((_a = musicItem.album) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.id);
const albummid =
musicItem.albummid ||
((_b = musicItem.album) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.mid);
const albumname =
musicItem.albumname ||
((_c = musicItem.album) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.title);
return {
id: musicItem.id || musicItem.songid,
songmid: musicItem.mid || musicItem.songmid,
title: musicItem.title || musicItem.songname,
artist: musicItem.singer?.map((s) => s.name)?.join(", "),
artwork: albummid
? `https://y.gtimg.cn/music/photo_new/T002R300x300M000${albummid}.jpg`
: undefined,
album: albumname,
lrc: musicItem.lyric || undefined,
albumid: albumid,
albummid: albummid,
isfree: musicItem.pay.pay_play === 0 || musicItem.pay.payplay === 0,
const chineseSel = (item) => {
let res = [];
const reg = /[\u4e00-\u9fa5]/g;
return item && (res = item.match(reg)), res?.length ? res.join("") : "";
function formatAlbumItem(_) {
return {
id: _.albumID || _.albumid,
albumMID: _.albumMID || _.album_mid,
title: _.albumName || _.album_name,
_.albumPic ||
`https://y.gtimg.cn/music/photo_new/T002R300x300M000${_.albumMID || _.album_mid
date: _.publicTime || _.pub_time,
singerID: _.singerID || _.singer_id,
artist: _.singerName || _.singer_name,
singerMID: _.singerMID || _.singer_mid,
description: _.desc,
function formatArtistItem(_) {
return {
name: _.singerName,
id: _.singerID,
singerMID: _.singerMID,
avatar: _.singerPic,
worksNum: _.songNum,
const searchTypeMap = {
0: "song",
2: "album",
1: "singer",
3: "songlist",
7: "song",
12: "mv",
const headers = {
referer: "https://y.qq.com",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
Cookie: "uin=",
const validSongFilter = () => {
return true;
async function searchBase(query, page, type) {
const res = (
await (0, axios_1.default)({
url: "https://u.y.qq.com/cgi-bin/musicu.fcg",
method: "POST",
data: {
req_1: {
method: "DoSearchForQQMusicDesktop",
module: "music.search.SearchCgiService",
param: {
num_per_page: pageSize,
page_num: page,
query: query,
search_type: type,
headers: headers,
xsrfCookieName: "XSRF-TOKEN",
withCredentials: true,
return {
isEnd: res.req_1.data.meta.sum <= page * pageSize,
data: res.req_1.data.body[searchTypeMap[type]].list,
async function searchMusic(query, page) {
const songs = await searchBase(query, page, 0);
return {
isEnd: songs.isEnd,
data: songs.data.filter(validSongFilter).map(formatMusicItem),
async function searchAlbum(query, page) {
const albums = await searchBase(query, page, 2);
return {
isEnd: albums.isEnd,
data: albums.data.map(formatAlbumItem),
async function searchArtist(query, page) {
const artists = await searchBase(query, page, 1);
return {
isEnd: artists.isEnd,
data: artists.data.map(formatArtistItem),
async function searchMusicSheet(query, page) {
const musicSheet = await searchBase(query, page, 3);
return {
isEnd: musicSheet.isEnd,
data: musicSheet.data.map((item) => ({
title: item.dissname,
createAt: item.createtime,
description: item.introduction,
playCount: item.listennum,
worksNums: item.song_count,
artwork: item.imgurl,
id: item.dissid,
artist: item.creator.name,
async function searchLyric(query, page) {
const songs = await searchBase(query, page, 7);
return {
isEnd: songs.isEnd,
data: songs.data.map((it) =>
Object.assign(Object.assign({}, formatMusicItem(it)), {
rawLrcTxt: it.content,
function getQueryFromUrl(key, search) {
try {
const sArr = search.split("?");
let s = "";
if (sArr.length > 1) {
s = sArr[1];
} else {
return key ? undefined : {};
const querys = s.split("&");
const result = {};
querys.forEach((item) => {
const temp = item.split("=");
result[temp[0]] = decodeURIComponent(temp[1]);
return key ? result[key] : result;
} catch (err) {
return key ? "" : {};
function changeUrlQuery(obj, baseUrl) {
const query = getQueryFromUrl(null, baseUrl);
let url = baseUrl.split("?")[0];
const newQuery = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, query), obj);
let queryArr = [];
Object.keys(newQuery).forEach((key) => {
if (newQuery[key] !== undefined && newQuery[key] !== "") {
return `${url}?${queryArr.join("&")}`.replace(/\?$/, "");
const typeMap = {
128: { s: "M500", e: ".mp3" },
320: { s: "M800", e: ".mp3" },
m4a: { s: "C400", e: ".m4a" },
ape: { s: "A000", e: ".ape" },
flac: { s: "F000", e: ".flac" },
async function getSourceUrl(id, type = "128") {
const mediaId = id;
let uin = "";
const guid = (Math.random() * 10000000).toFixed(0);
const typeObj = typeMap[type];
const file = `${typeObj.s}${id}${mediaId}${typeObj.e}`;
const url = changeUrlQuery({
"-": "getplaysongvkey",
g_tk: 5381,
loginUin: uin,
hostUin: 0,
format: "json",
inCharset: "utf8",
outCharset: "utf-8¬ice=0",
platform: "yqq.json",
needNewCode: 0,
data: JSON.stringify({
req_0: {
module: "vkey.GetVkeyServer",
method: "CgiGetVkey",
param: {
filename: [file],
guid: guid,
songmid: [id],
songtype: [0],
uin: uin,
loginflag: 1,
platform: "20",
comm: {
uin: uin,
format: "json",
ct: 19,
cv: 0,
authst: "",
}, "https://u.y.qq.com/cgi-bin/musicu.fcg");
return (await (0, axios_1.default)({
method: "GET",
url: url,
xsrfCookieName: "XSRF-TOKEN",
withCredentials: true,
async function getAlbumInfo(albumItem) {
const url = changeUrlQuery(
data: JSON.stringify({
comm: {
ct: 24,
cv: 10000,
albumSonglist: {
method: "GetAlbumSongList",
param: {
albumMid: albumItem.albumMID,
albumID: 0,
begin: 0,
num: 999,
order: 2,
module: "music.musichallAlbum.AlbumSongList",
const res = (
await (0, axios_1.default)({
url: url,
headers: headers,
xsrfCookieName: "XSRF-TOKEN",
withCredentials: true,
return {
musicList: res.albumSonglist.data.songList
.filter((_) => validSongFilter(_.songInfo))
.map((item) => {
const _ = item.songInfo;
return formatMusicItem(_);
async function getArtistSongs(artistItem, page) {
const url = changeUrlQuery(
data: JSON.stringify({
comm: {
ct: 24,
cv: 0,
singer: {
method: "get_singer_detail_info",
param: {
sort: 5,
singermid: artistItem.singerMID,
sin: (page - 1) * pageSize,
num: pageSize,
module: "music.web_singer_info_svr",
const res = (
await (0, axios_1.default)({
url: url,
method: "get",
headers: headers,
xsrfCookieName: "XSRF-TOKEN",
withCredentials: true,
return {
isEnd: res.singer.data.total_song <= page * pageSize,
data: res.singer.data.songlist.filter(validSongFilter).map(formatMusicItem),
async function getArtistAlbums(artistItem, page) {
const url = changeUrlQuery(
data: JSON.stringify({
comm: {
ct: 24,
cv: 0,
singerAlbum: {
method: "get_singer_album",
param: {
singermid: artistItem.singerMID,
order: "time",
begin: (page - 1) * pageSize,
num: pageSize / 1,
exstatus: 1,
module: "music.web_singer_info_svr",
const res = (
await (0, axios_1.default)({
method: "get",
headers: headers,
xsrfCookieName: "XSRF-TOKEN",
withCredentials: true,
return {
isEnd: res.singerAlbum.data.total <= page * pageSize,
data: res.singerAlbum.data.list.map(formatAlbumItem),
async function getArtistWorks(artistItem, page, type) {
if (type === "music") {
return getArtistSongs(artistItem, page);
if (type === "album") {
return getArtistAlbums(artistItem, page);
async function getLyric(musicItem) {
const result = (
await (0, axios_1.default)({
url: `http://c.y.qq.com/lyric/fcgi-bin/fcg_query_lyric_new.fcg?songmid=${musicItem.songmid
}&pcachetime=${new Date().getTime()}&g_tk=5381&loginUin=0&hostUin=0&inCharset=utf8&outCharset=utf-8&notice=0&platform=yqq&needNewCode=0`,
headers: { Referer: "https://y.qq.com", Cookie: "uin=" },
method: "get",
xsrfCookieName: "XSRF-TOKEN",
withCredentials: true,
const res = JSON.parse(
result.replace(/callback\(|MusicJsonCallback\(|jsonCallback\(|\)$/g, "")
let translation;
if (res.trans) {
translation = he.decode(
return {
rawLrc: he.decode(
async function importMusicSheet(urlLike) {
let id;
if (!id) {
id = (urlLike.match(
) || [])[1];
if (!id) {
id = (urlLike.match(/https?:\/\/y\.qq\.com\/n\/ryqq\/playlist\/([0-9]+)/) ||
if (!id) {
id = (urlLike.match(/^(\d+)$/) || [])[1];
if (!id) {
const result = (
await (0, axios_1.default)({
url: `http://c.y.qq.com/qzone/fcg-bin/fcg_ucc_getcdinfo_byids_cp.fcg?type=1&utf8=1&disstid=${id}&loginUin=0`,
headers: { Referer: "https://y.qq.com/n/yqq/playlist", Cookie: "uin=" },
method: "get",
xsrfCookieName: "XSRF-TOKEN",
withCredentials: true,
const res = JSON.parse(
result.replace(/callback\(|MusicJsonCallback\(|jsonCallback\(|\)$/g, "")
return res.cdlist[0].songlist.filter(validSongFilter).map(formatMusicItem);
async function getTopLists() {
const list = await (0, axios_1.default)({
url: "https://u.y.qq.com/cgi-bin/musicu.fcg?_=1577086820633&data=%7B%22comm%22%3A%7B%22g_tk%22%3A5381%2C%22uin%22%3A123456%2C%22format%22%3A%22json%22%2C%22inCharset%22%3A%22utf-8%22%2C%22outCharset%22%3A%22utf-8%22%2C%22notice%22%3A0%2C%22platform%22%3A%22h5%22%2C%22needNewCode%22%3A1%2C%22ct%22%3A23%2C%22cv%22%3A0%7D%2C%22topList%22%3A%7B%22module%22%3A%22musicToplist.ToplistInfoServer%22%2C%22method%22%3A%22GetAll%22%2C%22param%22%3A%7B%7D%7D%7D",
method: "get",
headers: {
Cookie: "uin=",
xsrfCookieName: "XSRF-TOKEN",
withCredentials: true,
return list.data.topList.data.group.map((e) => ({
title: e.groupName,
data: e.toplist.map((_) => ({
id: _.topId,
description: _.intro,
title: _.title,
period: _.period,
coverImg: _.headPicUrl || _.frontPicUrl,
async function getTopListDetail(topListItem) {
var _a;
const res = await (0, axios_1.default)({
url: `https://u.y.qq.com/cgi-bin/musicu.fcg?g_tk=5381&data=%7B%22detail%22%3A%7B%22module%22%3A%22musicToplist.ToplistInfoServer%22%2C%22method%22%3A%22GetDetail%22%2C%22param%22%3A%7B%22topId%22%3A${topListItem.id
}%2C%22offset%22%3A0%2C%22num%22%3A100%2C%22period%22%3A%22${(_a = topListItem.period) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : ""
method: "get",
headers: {
Cookie: "uin=",
xsrfCookieName: "XSRF-TOKEN",
withCredentials: true,
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, topListItem), {
musicList: res.data.detail.data.songInfoList
async function getRecommendSheetTags() {
const res = (
await axios_1.default.get(
headers: {
referer: "https://y.qq.com/",
const data = res.slice(1).map((_) => ({
title: _.categoryGroupName,
data: _.items.map((tag) => ({
id: tag.categoryId,
title: tag.categoryName,
const pinned = [];
for (let d of data) {
if (d.data.length) {
return {
async function getRecommendSheetsByTag(tag, page) {
const pageSize = 20;
const rawRes = (
await axios_1.default.get(
headers: {
referer: "https://y.qq.com/",
params: {
inCharset: "utf8",
outCharset: "utf-8",
sortId: 5,
(tag === null || tag === void 0 ? void 0 : tag.id) || "10000000",
sin: pageSize * (page - 1),
ein: page * pageSize - 1,
const res = JSON.parse(
rawRes.replace(/callback\(|MusicJsonCallback\(|jsonCallback\(|\)$/g, "")
const isEnd = res.sum <= page * pageSize;
const data = res.list.map((item) => {
var _a, _b;
return {
id: item.dissid,
createTime: item.createTime,
title: item.dissname,
artwork: item.imgurl,
description: item.introduction,
playCount: item.listennum,
(_b =
(_a = item.creator) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.name) !==
null && _b !== void 0
? _b
: "",
return {
async function getMusicSheetInfo(sheet, page) {
const data = await importMusicSheet(sheet.id);
return {
isEnd: true,
musicList: data,
async function getMusicKuWoSource(musicItem) {
try {
let time = Math.round(Date.now() / 1e3).toString(),
keyStr = '88452cf25c1ca5b',
hash = CryptoJs.MD5(
musicItem.third_id + keyStr + time
const url =
'https://sfuuc53rd.appinstall.life:8022/music/yun.php?flag=' +
hash +
'id=' +
musicItem.third_id +
'&tm=' +
res = (
await axios_1.default.get(
if (
res.url !== ""
) {
let params = {
headers: {
"Content-Type": 'application/json',
Host: 'nmobi.kuwo.cn',
Referer: 'https://www.kuwo.cn/search/list?key=',
res1 = (
await axios_1.default.get(
spIdx = res1.indexOf(
str2 = res1.substring(spIdx),
idx2 = str2.indexOf("\x0d\x0a");
return (
(str2 = str2.substring(4, idx2)),
{ url: str2 }
} catch {
return { url: "" };
// async function viewLog(_0x10282d) {
// const _0x351b4b = _0x372c47,
// _0x36b694 = {
// GJaOu: _0x351b4b(0x1a4, "G*8K"),
// NPJtT: function (_0x196b96, _0xa18d55) {
// return _0x196b96 === _0xa18d55;
// },
// shYmt: _0x351b4b(0x437, "1]Wc"),
// ZRBpe: _0x351b4b(0x1d6, "ESa4"),
// HYxjW: _0x351b4b(0x26f, "gqjc"),
// AoPpm: function (_0x28f3fd, _0xe56bbe) {
// return _0x28f3fd + _0xe56bbe;
// },
// tDOFe: function (_0x2748b7, _0x404124) {
// return _0x2748b7 + _0x404124;
// },
// ynMVJ: function (_0x2af97e, _0x18634b) {
// return _0x2af97e + _0x18634b;
// },
// OSTEc: function (_0x2b1cb6, _0x291f3b) {
// return _0x2b1cb6 + _0x291f3b;
// },
// EfaoO: function (_0x385eb3, _0x344e02) {
// return _0x385eb3(_0x344e02);
// },
// xNGfR: _0x351b4b(0x2d5, "gqjc"),
// qbrGs: function (_0x3a56a9, _0x34d4f6) {
// return _0x3a56a9 === _0x34d4f6;
// },
// wyjwU: _0x351b4b(0x2ec, "Xq##"),
// miODi: _0x351b4b(0x4ba, "cSN("),
// sHnBf: _0x351b4b(0x169, "AhM)"),
// };
// try {
// if (
// _0x36b694[_0x351b4b(0x2be, "lM4M")](
// _0x36b694[_0x351b4b(0x225, "3r^q")],
// _0x36b694[_0x351b4b(0x272, "%[Ik")]
// )
// )
// return { url: "" };
// else {
// let _0x4ba485 =
// Config[_0x351b4b(0x435, "o%l(")] + _0x351b4b(0x373, "G*8K"),
// _0x336625 = Math[_0x351b4b(0x501, "biLz")](
// new Date()[_0x351b4b(0x185, "hY7y")]() / 0x3e8
// )[_0x351b4b(0x4e5, "n1oj")](),
// _0x196f42 = {
// platform: _0x10282d[_0x351b4b(0xe0, "obYi")],
// third_id: _0x10282d[_0x351b4b(0x44a, "u*ru")],
// music_url: _0x10282d[_0x351b4b(0x409, "%[Ik")],
// music_id: _0x10282d[_0x351b4b(0x476, "SvDu")],
// };
// (_0x196f42[_0x36b694[_0x351b4b(0x3cc, "75HO")]] = _0x336625),
// (_0x196f42[_0x351b4b(0x3e8, "C9Gu")] = CryptoJs[
// _0x351b4b(0x12a, "3r^q")
// ](
// _0x36b694[_0x351b4b(0x288, "za4T")](
// _0x36b694[_0x351b4b(0x21b, "[RLd")](
// _0x36b694[_0x351b4b(0x1dc, "lM4M")](
// _0x36b694[_0x351b4b(0x317, "hY7y")](
// _0x10282d[_0x351b4b(0x304, "hEOB")],
// _0x36b694[_0x351b4b(0x45a, "n1oj")](
// encodeURIComponent,
// _0x10282d[_0x351b4b(0xe9, "%!yu")]
// )
// ),
// _0x10282d[_0x351b4b(0x259, "gqjc")]
// ),
// Config[_0x351b4b(0x365, "IZB8")]
// ),
// _0x336625
// )
// )[_0x351b4b(0x50f, "CC8d")]()),
// (0x0, axios_1[_0x351b4b(0x2eb, "PUu(")])({
// method: _0x36b694[_0x351b4b(0x33b, "^%hc")],
// url: _0x4ba485,
// data: qs[_0x351b4b(0x432, "EzBF")](_0x196f42),
// })[_0x351b4b(0x452, "0fr)")]((_0x2e3c54) => {
// const _0x2a4a40 = _0x351b4b;
// console[_0x2a4a40(0x1a1, "gqjc")](
// _0x36b694[_0x2a4a40(0x23a, "3r^q")],
// _0x2e3c54[_0x2a4a40(0x271, "Y7Oy")]
// );
// });
// }
// } catch (_0x5a5c37) {
// if (
// _0x36b694[_0x351b4b(0x390, "gqjc")](
// _0x36b694[_0x351b4b(0x487, "tq2O")],
// _0x36b694[_0x351b4b(0x2ce, "UP$$")]
// )
// )
// return null;
// else
// console[_0x351b4b(0x2c9, "$Sw1")](
// _0x36b694[_0x351b4b(0x263, "jLvN")],
// _0x5a5c37
// );
// }
// }
async function getMusicKuWoApp(musicItem, thirdItem) {
let ret = { url: "" };
try {
if (thirdItem != null) {
ret = getMusicKuWoSource(thirdItem);
} else {
let result1 = await getSearchKuwo(
if (result1) {
let obj1 = {
platform: 'yun',
third_id: result1["id"],
(ret = await getMusicKuWoSource(
} catch { }
return ret;
async function getSearchKuwo(musicItem) {
let artist = musicItem.artist.toLowerCase().replaceAll("\x20", "").replaceAll("&", ","),
title = musicItem.title.toLowerCase().replaceAll("\x20", "").replaceAll("&", ","),
cmb = artist + "\x20" + title;
const response = (
await (0, axios_1.default)({
method: 'get',
url: 'http://search.kuwo.cn/r.s',
params: {
client: "kt",
all: cmb,
pn: 0x0,
rn: 0x1e,
uid: 794762570,
ver: 'kwplayer_ar_9.2.2.1',
vipver: "1",
show_copyright_off: 1,
newver: 1,
ft: 'music',
cluster: 0,
strategy: 2012,
encoding: 'utf8',
rformat: 'json',
vermerge: 1,
mobi: 1,
issubtitle: 1,
let formattedResult =
return formattedResult.find(
(item) =>
.replaceAll("\x20", "")
.replaceAll("&", ",") == title &&
.replaceAll("\x20", "")
.replaceAll("&", ",") == artist
// async function saveServer(musicItem, _0x27af92) {
// const _0x28b4f5 = _0x372c47,
// _0x32dce3 = {
// sBjiW: function (_0x3303d0, _0x358212) {
// return _0x3303d0 / _0x358212;
// },
// bcpIU: function (_0x2f2ef6, _0x668081) {
// return _0x2f2ef6(_0x668081);
// },
// Gcrxm: "sign",
// zooMS: function (_0x423e5b, _0x145eaa) {
// return _0x423e5b + _0x145eaa;
// },
// cYiqe: "post",
// };
// try {
// let serverUrl = "https://adad23u.appinstall.life:2358/api/yun/send",
// time = Math.round(Date.now() / 1000),
// data = {
// platform: Config.platform,
// third_id: musicItem.songmid,
// title: musicItem.title,
// artwork: musicItem.artwork,
// artist: musicItem.artist,
// },
// data1 = {
// musicInfo: encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(data)),
// payInfo: encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(_0x27af92)),
// time: time,
// };
// (data1.sign = CryptoJs.MD5(
// data1.musicInfo + data1.payInfo + Config.key + time
// ).toString()),
// (0x0, axios_1[_0x28b4f5(0xcf, "EryH")])({
// method: _0x32dce3[_0x28b4f5(0x297, "hY7y")],
// url: serverUrl,
// data: qs[_0x28b4f5(0x4e4, "^!X0")](data1),
// })[_0x28b4f5(0x3fb, "a5UL")]((_0x757b7d) => {
// const _0x1ca823 = _0x28b4f5;
// console[_0x1ca823(0x33d, "lM4M")](
// "提交",
// _0x757b7d[_0x1ca823(0x3fc, "CC8d")]
// );
// });
// } catch (e) { }
// }
async function getMusic2t58(musicItem, resultItem) {
try {
if (resultItem !== null) {
let params = {
headers: {
"Content-Type": 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'http://www.2t58.com/song/' +
resultItem.third_id +
response = (
await (0x0, axios_1.default)({
method: 'post',
url: 'http://www.2t58.com/js/play.php',
headers: params.headers,
'id=' +
resultItem.third_id +
return response.url != ""
? ({ url: response.url })
: { url: "" }
let artist = musicItem.artist.toLowerCase().replaceAll("\x20", "").replaceAll("&", ","),
title = musicItem.title.toLowerCase().replaceAll("\x20", "").replaceAll("&nbsp;", "").replaceAll("&", ""),
enc = encodeURIComponent(artist + '\x20' + title),
url =
'http://www.2t58.com/so/' + enc + '.html',
res = (
await (0, axios_1.default)({
method: 'get',
url: url,
timeout: 5000,
var reg = /href="\/song\/(.+?).html" target="_mp3">(.+?)<\/a>/g;
let regResult = res.matchAll(reg),
resultArr = Array.from(regResult),
resultArr1 = [];
for (
let i = 0;
i < resultArr.length;
) {
let item = resultArr[i],
splitResult = item[2].split("-"),
singerName = splitResult[0].toLowerCase().replaceAll("\x20", "").replaceAll("&", ","),
str = "";
for (
var j = 1;
j < splitResult.length;
) {
str += splitResult[j].toLowerCase().replaceAll("\x20", "").replaceAll("&nbsp;", "").replaceAll("&", "");
let resultItem = {
key: item[1],
singerName: singerName,
songName: str,
let targetItem = resultArr1.find(
(item) =>
item.singerName == artist &&
item.songName == title
if (targetItem) {
let params = {
headers: {
"Content-Type": 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'http://www.2t58.com/song/' +
targetItem.key +
response = (
await (0, axios_1.default)({
method: 'post',
url: 'http://www.2t58.com/js/play.php',
headers: params.headers,
"id=" +
targetItem.key +
if (
response.url !== ''
return (
(resultItem = {
platform: '2t58',
third_id: targetItem.key,
// saveServer(musicItem, resultItem),
{ url: response.url }
return { url: "" };
} else return { url: "" };
} catch (e) {
return {
url: ""
async function getMusicZZ123(musicItem) {
return {
url: ""
// const _0x2a4257 = _0x372c47,
// _0x36587e = {
// CsBOg: function (_0x3f0149, _0x2104d9) {
// return _0x3f0149(_0x2104d9);
// },
// nJdTL: function (_0x5a67bf, _0x126256) {
// return _0x5a67bf == _0x126256;
// },
// nxuET: function (_0x131ceb, _0x1fcc73) {
// return _0x131ceb / _0x1fcc73;
// },
// DDpnZ: function (_0x2c40b1, _0x560189) {
// return _0x2c40b1(_0x560189);
// },
// sbRhb: function (_0x45f069, _0x4ba4b8) {
// return _0x45f069(_0x4ba4b8);
// },
// MSQof: 'sign',
// tfVyS: function (_0x1392e2, _0xe47d35) {
// return _0x1392e2 + _0xe47d35;
// },
// zYReb: function (_0x34f4e5, _0x1d6862) {
// return _0x34f4e5 + _0x1d6862;
// },
// CPFrQ: 'post',
// syvCc: function (_0x5cd778, _0x5110d6) {
// return _0x5cd778 != _0x5110d6;
// },
// mGmIM: function (_0x2136ef, _0xdc7579) {
// return _0x2136ef === _0xdc7579;
// },
// VWOCG: 'SqFmM',
// FoHeL: 'YfEid',
// tAfzh: function (_0x97b101, _0x8a0eca) {
// return _0x97b101 + _0x8a0eca;
// },
// eiZQb: 'search',
// JDRmt: function (_0x39d41e, _0xe25663) {
// return _0x39d41e > _0xe25663;
// },
// myfEd: function (_0x4d3c7a, _0x6856df) {
// return _0x4d3c7a !== _0x6856df;
// },
// ogkfU: 'lwEdd',
// QdmeR: 'songinfo',
// YPnie: 'CeZyJ',
// IDUmq: 'gutZH',
// TIdRB: function (_0x2b4f83, _0xd6828b) {
// return _0x2b4f83 === _0xd6828b;
// },
// eKZVG: 'alXbW'
// };
// try {
// let artist = musicItem.artist,
// title = musicItem.title;
// var reg = /\(.*?\)/gis;
// let matchResult = title.match(reg);
// (matchResult !== null) &&
// matchResult[_0x2a4257(0x2f7, "k30p")] > 0 &&
// (_0x36587e[_0x2a4257(0x132, "1]Wc")](
// _0x36587e[_0x2a4257(0x30a, "AhM)")],
// _0x36587e[_0x2a4257(0x43f, "UP$$")]
// )
// ? _0x268250[_0x2a4257(0x146, "Mc&5")](
// _0x3bc141 +
// "=" +
// _0x36587e[_0x2a4257(0x376, "tq2O")](
// _0x5dea7c,
// _0x23b218[_0x21f5b9]
// )
// )
// : (title = title[_0x2a4257(0x153, "Xq##")](
// matchResult[0x0],
// ""
// )));
// (matchResult !== null) &&
// matchResult[_0x2a4257(0x100, "gqjc")] > 0x0 &&
// (title = title[_0x2a4257(0xce, "jLvN")](matchResult[0x0], ""));
// artist = artist.replaceAll("/", ",");
// let splitResult = artist.split(","),
// resultArr = [];
// splitResult.forEach((item) => {
// let name = chineseSel(item);
// (name === "")
// ? resultArr.push(item)
// : resultArr.push(name);
// });
// let query = splitResult.join("\x20") + '-' + title;
// const res = (
// await (0, axios_1.default)({
// method: 'post',
// url: 'https://zz123.com/ajax/',
// headers: ZZ123Config.headers,
// params: {
// act: 'search',
// key: query,
// page: 1,
// },
// })
// ).data;
// if (
// _0x36587e[_0x2a4257(0xe1, "^%hc")](
// res[_0x2a4257(0x312, "C9Gu")][_0x2a4257(0x1e3, "3r^q")],
// 0x0
// )
// ) {
// let _0x157928 = res[_0x2a4257(0x421, "YiIZ")][
// _0x2a4257(0x174, "0fr)")
// ](
// (_0x53d159) =>
// _0x53d159[_0x2a4257(0x4d8, "X@&D")] ==
// musicItem[_0x2a4257(0x22c, "$Sw1")] &&
// _0x53d159[_0x2a4257(0x202, "xAPG")] ==
// musicItem[_0x2a4257(0x206, "a5UL")]
// );
// if (
// _0x36587e[_0x2a4257(0x321, "C9Gu")](
// _0x157928[_0x2a4257(0x387, "jLvN")],
// 0x0
// )
// ) {
// if (
// _0x36587e[_0x2a4257(0x16b, "%!yu")](
// _0x36587e[_0x2a4257(0x38b, "DJ#n")],
// _0x36587e[_0x2a4257(0x38b, "DJ#n")]
// )
// ) {
// let _0x4ad043 =
// _0x2b76f8[_0x2a4257(0x164, "cgFM")] + _0x2a4257(0x34b, "0fr)"),
// _0x4407be = _0x191176[_0x2a4257(0x244, "ESa4")](
// _0x36587e[_0x2a4257(0x2d4, "cgFM")](
// new _0x4b0b79()[_0x2a4257(0x32b, "gqjc")](),
// 0x3e8
// )
// )[_0x2a4257(0x306, "hEOB")](),
// _0x156142 = {
// platform: _0x205835[_0x2a4257(0x1a3, "EzBF")],
// third_id: _0x2648cd[_0x2a4257(0x2f8, "a5UL")],
// title: _0x4772e3[_0x2a4257(0x4fd, "*agp")],
// artwork: _0x51ca0f[_0x2a4257(0x310, "tq2O")],
// artist: _0x26b1c4[_0x2a4257(0x471, "cgFM")],
// },
// _0x2a3dad = {
// musicInfo: _0x36587e[_0x2a4257(0x12d, "Mc&5")](
// _0x5e573d,
// _0x4388a9[_0x2a4257(0x2da, "k30p")](_0x156142)
// ),
// payInfo: _0x36587e[_0x2a4257(0x104, "PUu(")](
// _0x52b7ba,
// _0x3817c1[_0x2a4257(0x163, "CC8d")](_0xe77097)
// ),
// time: _0x4407be,
// };
// (_0x2a3dad[_0x36587e[_0x2a4257(0x309, "biLz")]] = _0x1cc39d[
// _0x2a4257(0x145, "IZB8")
// ](
// _0x36587e[_0x2a4257(0x1d3, "EzBF")](
// _0x36587e[_0x2a4257(0x2b2, "WSxn")](
// _0x2a3dad[_0x2a4257(0x176, "mpeN")],
// _0x2a3dad[_0x2a4257(0x363, "%[Ik")]
// ) + _0x36aa2a[_0x2a4257(0xfc, "fm9T")],
// _0x4407be
// )
// )[_0x2a4257(0x480, "Mc&5")]()),
// (0x0, _0x3bab1a[_0x2a4257(0x199, "za4T")])({
// method: _0x36587e[_0x2a4257(0x3bc, "AhM)")],
// url: _0x4ad043,
// data: _0x5f49a6[_0x2a4257(0x47c, "Mc&5")](_0x2a3dad),
// })[_0x2a4257(0x427, "[RLd")]((_0x1ac965) => {
// const _0x284132 = _0x2a4257;
// _0x140ae4[_0x284132(0x17c, "G*8K")](
// "提交",
// _0x1ac965[_0x284132(0x35a, "tq2O")]
// );
// });
// } else {
// const _0x3bd1fa = (
// await (0x0, axios_1[_0x2a4257(0x19e, "HM9^")])({
// method: _0x36587e[_0x2a4257(0x385, "%!yu")],
// url: _0x2a4257(0x3ee, "fm9T"),
// headers: ZZ123Config[_0x2a4257(0x3a5, "AhM)")],
// params: {
// act: _0x36587e[_0x2a4257(0x4d5, "SvDu")],
// id: _0x157928[0x0]["id"],
// },
// })
// )[_0x2a4257(0x46c, "3r^q")];
// if ((_0x3bd1fa[_0x2a4257(0x3c7, "1]Wc")] = 0xc8))
// return {
// url:
// _0x2a4257(0xcc, "IZB8") +
// _0x3bd1fa[_0x2a4257(0x3ce, "HM9^")][_0x2a4257(0x283, "xAPG")],
// };
// else {
// if (
// _0x36587e[_0x2a4257(0x1ba, "n1oj")](
// _0x36587e[_0x2a4257(0x426, "EzBF")],
// _0x36587e[_0x2a4257(0x15f, "k%k@")]
// )
// ) {
// let _0x378b0c = [];
// const _0x40abe8 = /[\u4e00-\u9fa5]/g;
// return (
// _0x264cad &&
// (_0x378b0c = _0x10a46e[_0x2a4257(0x1b7, "ESa4")](_0x40abe8)),
// _0x378b0c?.[_0x2a4257(0x4b6, "75HO")]
// ? _0x378b0c[_0x2a4257(0x47f, "0fr)")]("")
// : ""
// );
// } else return { url: "" };
// }
// }
// }
// }
// return { url: "" };
// } catch (e) {
// console.log(e)
// return { url: "" };
// }
async function getMusicMigu(musicItem) {
let artist = musicItem.artist,
title = musicItem.title,
enc = encodeURIComponent(artist + "\x20" + title);
try {
const headers = {
Accept: 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01',
"Accept-Encoding": 'gzip, deflate, br',
"Accept-Language": 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8,en-GB;q=0.7,en-US;q=0.6',
Connection: 'keep-alive',
"Content-Type": 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',
Host: 'm.music.migu.cn',
Referer: 'https://m.music.migu.cn/v3/search?keyword=' + encodeURIComponent(enc),
"Sec-Fetch-Dest": 'empty',
"Sec-Fetch-Mode": 'cors',
"Sec-Fetch-Site": 'same-origin',
"User-Agent": 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Moto G (4)) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.114 Mobile Safari/537.36 Edg/89.0.774.68',
"X-Requested-With": 'XMLHttpRequest',
params = { keyword: enc, type: 2, pgc: 1, rows: 20 },
res = await axios_1.default.get('https://m.music.migu.cn/migu/remoting/scr_search_tag', {
headers: headers,
params: params,
if (!res.data.musics) {
return { url: "" };
let filterResult = res.data.musics.filter((_) => {
let canPlay = _.mp3 || _.listenUrl || _.lisQq || _.lisCr;
return (
canPlay && _.artist === artist
if (
filterResult.length > 0
) {
let first = filterResult[0],
finalUrl = first.mp3 || first.listenUrl || first.lisQq || first.lisCr;
return { url: finalUrl };
} catch {
return { url: "" };
async function getMusicFangpi(musicItem, thirdItem) {
try {
if (thirdItem) {
let response2 = (
await (0x0, axios_1.default)({
method: 'get',
"https://www.fangpi.net/api/play_url?id=" +
thirdItem.third_id +
timeout: 5000,
if (
response2.code === 1 &&
response2.data.url &&
response2.data.url != ""
) {
return {
url: response2.data.url,
let artist = musicItem.artist,
title = musicItem.title;
var reg = /\(.*?\)/gis;
let matchResult = title.match(reg);
matchResult != null && (
matchResult.length > 0
) &&
(title = title.replace(matchResult[0], ""));
artist = artist.replaceAll("/", ",");
let artistSplit = artist.split(","),
resultArr = [];
artistSplit.forEach((item) => {
let sel = chineseSel(
sel === ""
? resultArr.push(item)
: resultArr.push(sel);
let enc = encodeURIComponent(resultArr.join("\x20") +
"\x20" +
url = 'https://www.fangpi.net/s/' + enc;
const response = (
await (0, axios_1.default)({
url: url,
method: 'get',
timeout: 3000,
var reg1 = /class="col-5 col-content">(.*?)<\/a>/gis;
let matchResult1 = response.match(reg1);
for (const item of matchResult1) {
let idx = _(
) +
substrItem = item.substring(idx);
idx = substrItem.indexOf("\x22");
let str2 = substrItem.substring(0, idx),
response2 = (
await (0, axios_1.default)({
method: 'get',
'https://www.fangpi.net/api/play_url?id=' + str2 + '&json=1',
timeout: 5000,
if (
response2.code === 1 &&
response2.data.url &&
response2.data.url != ""
) {
return (
(thirdItem = {
platform: 'fangpi',
third_id: str2,
// _0x43e8cc[_0x12b518(0x27e, "mpeN")](
// saveServer,
// musicItem,
// thirdItem
// ),
url: response2.data.url,
return { url: "" };
} catch {
return { url: "" };
async function getMusicSource(musicItem, quality) {
try {
if (musicItem.isfree) {
let source = await getMusicQQ(musicItem, quality);
if (source) {
return source;
let obj = { url: "" },
api = Config.server + "/api/yun",
time = Math.round(Date.now() / 1000).toString(),
params = {
platform: Config.platform,
third_id: musicItem.songmid,
time: time,
params.sign = CryptoJs.MD5(params.third_id + Config.key + +time).toString();
let res = (
await (0, axios_1.default)({
method: "post",
url: api,
data: qs.stringify(params),
if (res.code !== 1 && res.data.length > 0) {
let results = res.data;
for (var result of results) {
if (
result.platform == 'yun'
obj = (obj.url === "")
? await getMusicKuWoApp(
: obj;
else {
if (
result.platform === '2t58'
obj =
obj.url == ""
? await getMusic2t58(musicItem, result)
: obj;
else if (result.platform === 'fangpi') {
obj = (obj.url === ""
? await getMusicFangpi(musicItem, result)
: obj);
return (
(obj = obj.url === ""
? await getMusicKuWoApp(
: obj),
(obj = obj.url === ""
? await getMusic2t58(
: obj),
(obj = obj.url === ""
? await getMusicZZ123(musicItem)
: obj),
(obj = obj.url === ""
? await getMusicMigu(musicItem)
: obj),
(obj = obj.url === ""
? await getMusicFangpi(
: obj),
obj &&
) == -1 && (obj.url = ""),
} catch (e) {
// log
async function getMusicQQ(musicItem, quality) {
let domain = "",
purl = "",
type = '128';
if (quality === 'standard')
type = '320';
else {
if (
quality === 'high'
) {
type = 'm4a';
(quality === 'super') && (type = 'flac');
const result = await getSourceUrl(musicItem.songmid, type);
if (result.req_0 && result.req_0.data && result.req_0.data.midurlinfo) {
purl = result.req_0.data.midurlinfo[0].purl;
if (!purl) {
return null;
if (domain === "") {
domain =
result.req_0.data.sip.find((i) => !i.startsWith("http://ws")) ||
return {
url: `${domain}${purl}`,
module.exports = {
platform: "QQ音乐",
version: "0.2.5",
cacheControl: "no-cache",
hints: {
importMusicSheet: [
srcUrl: "https://gitee.com/maotoumao/plugins-list1/raw/master/qq.js",
primaryKey: ["id", "songmid"],
supportedSearchType: ["music", "album", "sheet", "artist", "lyric"],
async search(query, page, type) {
if (type === "music") {
return await searchMusic(query, page);
} else if (type === "album") {
return await searchAlbum(query, page);
} else if (type === "artist") {
return await searchArtist(query, page);
} else if (type === "sheet") {
return await searchMusicSheet(query, page);
} else if (type === "lyric") {
return await searchLyric(query, page);
async getMediaSource(musicItem, quality) {
return await getMusicSource(musicItem, quality);
getLyric: getLyric,
getAlbumInfo: getAlbumInfo,
getArtistWorks: getArtistWorks,
importMusicSheet: importMusicSheet,
getTopLists: getTopLists,
getTopListDetail: getTopListDetail,
getRecommendSheetTags: getRecommendSheetTags,
getRecommendSheetsByTag: getRecommendSheetsByTag,
getMusicSheetInfo: getMusicSheetInfo,
马建仓 AI 助手


0d507c66 1850385 C8b1a773 1850385