同步操作将从 深海鱼(北京)科技有限公司-开源组织/探针 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
* nProbe - a Netflow v5/v9/IPFIX probe for IPv4/v6
* Copyright (C) 2002-2010 Luca Deri <deri@ntop.org>
* http://www.ntop.org/
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
/* ********************************** */
#define LONG_SNAPLEN 1600
#define MAX_NUM_PLUGINS 24
extern V9V10TemplateElementId* getPluginTemplate(char* template_name);
extern int checkPluginExport(V9V10TemplateElementId *theTemplate, int direction,
FlowHashBucket *theFlow, char *outBuffer,
u_int* outBufferBegin, u_int* outBufferMax);
extern int checkPluginPrint(V9V10TemplateElementId *theTemplate, int direction,
FlowHashBucket *bkt, char *line_buffer, u_int line_buffer_len);
typedef V9V10TemplateElementId* (*PluginConf)(void);
extern void discardBucket(FlowHashBucket *myBucket);
extern void* dequeueBucketToExport(void*);
typedef void (*PluginInitFctn)(int argc, char *argv[]);
typedef void (*PluginTermFctn)(void);
typedef void (*PluginFctn)(FlowHashBucket*, void*);
typedef void (*PluginPacketFctn)(u_char new_bucket, void*, FlowHashBucket*,
u_short proto, u_char isFragment,
u_short numPkts, u_char tos,
u_short vlanId, struct ether_header *ehdr,
IpAddress *src, u_short sport,
IpAddress *dst, u_short dport,
u_int len, u_int8_t flags, u_int8_t icmpType, struct icmp_hdr *icmpPkt,
u_short numMplsLabels,
char *fingerprint,
const struct pcap_pkthdr *h, const u_char *p,
u_char *payload, int payloadLen);
typedef V9V10TemplateElementId* (*PluginGetPluginTemplateFctn)(char* template_name);
typedef int (*PluginCheckPluginExportFctn)(void*, V9V10TemplateElementId *theTemplate, int direction,
FlowHashBucket *theFlow, char *outBuffer,
u_int* outBufferBegin, u_int* outBufferMax);
typedef int (*PluginCheckPluginPrintFctn)(void*, V9V10TemplateElementId *theTemplate, int direction,
FlowHashBucket *theFlow, char *line_buffer, u_int line_buffer_len);
typedef void (*PluginSetupFctn)(void);
typedef void (*PluginHelpFctn)(void);
typedef struct pluginInfo {
char *nprobe_revision, *name, *version, *descr, *author;
u_char always_enabled, enabled;
PluginInitFctn initFctn;
PluginTermFctn termFctn;
PluginConf pluginFlowConf;
PluginFctn deleteFlowFctn;
u_char call_packetFlowFctn_for_each_packet;
PluginPacketFctn packetFlowFctn;
PluginGetPluginTemplateFctn getPluginTemplateFctn;
PluginCheckPluginExportFctn checkPluginExportFctn;
PluginCheckPluginPrintFctn checkPluginPrintFctn;
PluginSetupFctn setupFctn;
PluginHelpFctn helpFctn;
} PluginInfo;
extern PluginInfo* PluginEntryFctn(void);
/* ********************************** */
extern char* _intoa(IpAddress addr, char* buf, u_short bufLen);
extern char* _intoaV4(unsigned int addr, char* buf, u_short bufLen);
extern char* formatTraffic(float numBits, int bits, char *buf);
extern char* formatPackets(float numPkts, char *buf);
extern u_char ttlPredictor(u_char x);
extern char* proto2name(u_int8_t proto);
extern void load_mappings(void);
extern void unload_mappings(void);
extern void setPayload(FlowHashBucket *bkt, const struct pcap_pkthdr *h,
u_char *payload, int payloadLen, int direction);
extern void updateApplLatency(u_short proto, FlowHashBucket *bkt,
int direction, struct timeval *stamp,
u_int8_t icmpType, u_int8_t icmpCode);
extern void updateTcpFlags(FlowHashBucket *bkt, int direction,
struct timeval *stamp, u_int8_t flags,
char *fingerprint);
extern int cmpIpAddress(IpAddress *src, IpAddress *dst);
extern void printICMPflags(u_int32_t flags, char *icmpBuf, int icmpBufLen);
extern void printFlow(FlowHashBucket *theFlow, int direction);
extern int isFlowExpired(FlowHashBucket *myBucket, time_t theTime);
extern int isFlowExpiredSinceTooLong(FlowHashBucket *myBucket, time_t theTime);
extern void printBucket(FlowHashBucket *myBucket);
extern void walkHash(u_int32_t hash_idx, int flushHash);
extern void purgeBucket(FlowHashBucket *myBucket);
/* nprobe.c or nprobe_mod.c */
extern void queueBucketToExport(FlowHashBucket *myBucket);
/* plugin.c */
extern u_short num_plugins_enabled;
extern void initPlugins(int argc, char* argv[]);
extern void termPlugins(void);
extern void pluginCallback(u_char callbackType, FlowHashBucket* bucket,
u_short proto, u_char isFragment,
u_short numPkts, u_char tos,
u_short vlanId, struct ether_header *ehdr,
IpAddress *src, u_short sport,
IpAddress *dst, u_short dport,
u_int len, u_int8_t flags, u_int8_t icmpType, struct icmp_hdr *icmpPkt,
u_short numMplsLabels,
char *fingerprint,
const struct pcap_pkthdr *h, const u_char *p,
u_char *payload, int payloadLen);
extern void buildActivePluginsList(V9V10TemplateElementId *template_element_list[]);
extern void printMetadata(FILE *file);
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