when deptno=10 then '十号部门'
when deptno=20 then '二十号部门'
when deptno=30 then '三十号部门'
else null
end from emp
select deptno ,decode(deptno,10,'十号部门',20,'二十号部门',30,'三十号部门') from emp
--2.给所有的10号部门员工加薪10% 20号部门的员工加薪20% 30号员工加薪30% ,其他部门加薪5%
select deptno,
when deptno=10 then sal*1.1
when deptno=20 then sal*1.2
when deptno=30 then sal*1.3
else sal*1.05
end 工资 from emp
--3.统计工资级别相应的数量(1600以下 C级,1600-3000 B级,3000以上 A级)
select a ,count(1)from (
case when sal<1600 then 'C级'
when sal between 1600 and 3000 then 'B级'
when sal>3000 then 'A级'
else null end a from emp) group by a
select deptno,
max(case when job='SALESMAN' then sal else null end )SALESMAN,
max(case when job='MANAGER' then sal else null end ) MANAGER,
max(case when job='CLERK' then sal else null end ) CLERK
from emp group by deptno
select * from (select job,sal,deptno from emp)
pivot(max(sal) for job in ('SALESMAN','MANAGER','CLERK'))
select deptno ,listagg(dname,'、') within group(order by deptno) from dept group by deptno
select listagg(ename,'、') within group(order by sal desc) ,deptno from emp group by deptno
--3.使用工资偏移计算环比 (sal-lastsal)/sal*100%
select to_char((sal-lag(sal,1,1)over(order by sal))/lag(sal,1,1)over(order by sal)*100,'999990.999')||'%' 环比 from emp
select * from (select sal,row_number()over(order by sal desc) a from emp) where a<4
select * from (select deptno,sal, row_number()over(partition by deptno order by sal desc) a from emp)
where a between 2 and 3
select * from (select ename,deptno,sal,avg(sal)over(order by sal),
row_number()over(partition by deptno order by sal desc) a from emp)
where a=1
select job,sal,sum(sal)over(partition by job order by sal) from emp
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