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Tina 提交于 2024-08-22 23:02 . shopping wishlist story
C:\Users\tingt\miniconda3\envs\Hackathon\python.exe "C:\Users\tingt\PycharmProjects\Hackathon\happyteamlangchain\happyteamlangchain\shopping wishlist.py"
User Story
Jira type: Story
Title: Allow users to create and track wish lists on the retail website
As a frequent online shopper, I want to be able to easily create and track my wish lists on the retail website so that I can save products I'm interested in for later purchase and easily share my lists with friends and family.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. User can create a new wish list on the website.
2. User can add products to the wish list from product pages.
3. User can view and edit their wish list from their account dashboard.
4. User can easily share their wish list with friends and family via email or social media.
5. User can mark items as purchased or remove them from the wish list.
6. User can track the availability and price changes of items on their wish list.
7. User receives notifications for price drops or items going out of stock on their wish list.
8. User can sort and filter the items in their wish list based on various criteria.
9. User can set privacy settings for their wish list to control who can view and edit it.
Additional context:
- The wish list feature should be easily accessible and intuitive to use for all users.
- The wish list should be integrated with the website's existing user account system for seamless user experience.
- The wish list should have a clean and visually appealing design to enhance user engagement.
- The website should have clear instructions and tooltips to guide users on how to use the wish list feature effectively.
### Tasks Breakdown for Development
**Task 1: Design Wish List UI/UX**
- **What:** Create wireframes and high-fidelity designs for the wish list feature, including the creation, viewing, and editing interfaces.
- **How:** Collaborate with the design team to develop mockups and gather feedback from stakeholders.
- **Why:** To ensure the wish list feature is visually appealing and user-friendly, enhancing user engagement.
- **Acceptance Criteria:**
- Wireframes and designs are created and approved by stakeholders.
- Design aligns with existing website aesthetics.
- Accessibility standards are met.
**Task 2: Implement Wish List Creation Functionality**
- **What:** Develop the backend functionality for users to create new wish lists.
- **How:** Build an API endpoint that allows users to create a wish list and store it in the database.
- **Why:** To enable users to save products they are interested in for later purchase.
- **Acceptance Criteria:**
- Users can successfully create a new wish list.
- The wish list is stored in the database and associated with the user’s account.
**Task 3: Add Products to Wish List**
- **What:** Implement functionality to allow users to add products to their wish lists from product pages.
- **How:** Modify product page components to include an "Add to Wish List" button that triggers an API call.
- **Why:** To provide a seamless shopping experience where users can save items of interest.
- **Acceptance Criteria:**
- Users can add products to their wish list from the product page.
- The wish list is updated in real-time to reflect added items.
**Task 4: User Account Dashboard Integration**
- **What:** Enable users to view and edit their wish lists from their account dashboard.
- **How:** Create a dashboard section dedicated to wish lists and integrate it with the existing user account system.
- **Why:** To allow users to manage their wish lists easily.
- **Acceptance Criteria:**
- Users can view all their wish lists on the dashboard.
- Users can edit the title or description of their wish lists.
**Task 5: Implement Sharing Functionality**
- **What:** Add functionality for users to share their wish lists via email or social media.
- **How:** Create shareable links and integrate sharing options into the wish list interface.
- **Why:** To allow users to share their interests with friends and family for gift ideas or collaborative shopping.
- **Acceptance Criteria:**
- Users can share wish lists via email and social media platforms.
- Shared lists are viewable by recipients without requiring them to log in.
**Task 6: Mark Items as Purchased or Remove**
- **What:** Implement functionality for users to mark items as purchased or remove them from their wish lists.
- **How:** Add options to the wish list interface for marking items and updating the database accordingly.
- **Why:** To help users keep track of their purchases and declutter their wish lists.
- **Acceptance Criteria:**
- Users can mark items as purchased, and they are visually updated on the list.
- Users can remove items from the wish list, and the changes are reflected in the database.
**Task 7: Track Availability and Price Changes**
- **What:** Develop a system to track the availability and price changes of items on the wish list.
- **How:** Create background jobs that check product availability and prices at scheduled intervals.
- **Why:** To notify users about price drops and stock changes, enhancing their shopping experience.
- **Acceptance Criteria:**
- The system successfully tracks availability and price changes.
- Notifications are sent to users when there are significant changes.
**Task 8: Notifications for Price Drops and Out of Stock**
- **What:** Implement a notification system for users regarding price drops or out-of-stock items.
- **How:** Use email or in-app notifications to alert users about changes.
- **Why:** To keep users informed and encourage them to make purchases promptly.
- **Acceptance Criteria:**
- Users receive timely notifications for price drops and stock changes.
- Notifications can be managed in user preferences.
**Task 9: Sorting and Filtering Options**
- **What:** Add sorting and filtering options to the wish list interface.
- **How:** Implement UI elements that allow users to sort by price, date added, or category.
- **Why:** To help users easily navigate through their wish lists and find items quickly.
- **Acceptance Criteria:**
- Users can sort and filter items effectively.
- Sorting and filtering options work seamlessly across different devices.
**Task 10: Privacy Settings for Wish Lists**
- **What:** Create privacy settings that allow users to control who can view and edit their wish lists.
- **How:** Implement access control settings in the wish list management interface.
- **Why:** To give users control over their wish lists and enhance security.
- **Acceptance Criteria:**
- Users can set their wish lists to private or share with specific individuals.
- Changes in privacy settings are reflected in the user interface.
### Test Scope and Test Cases
**Test Scope:**
- Verify the functionality of the wish list feature including creation, editing, sharing, tracking, and notifications.
- Ensure the user interface is intuitive and aligns with design specifications.
- Test for performance and security, particularly around user privacy settings.
**Test Case 1: Wish List Creation**
- **Objective:** Validate that users can create a wish list successfully.
- **Steps:**
1. Log into the user account.
2. Navigate to the wish list section.
3. Click on "Create New Wish List."
4. Enter a name and description.
5. Submit the form.
- **Expected Result:** A new wish list is created and appears in the user's account dashboard.
**Test Case 2: Adding Products to Wish List**
- **Objective:** Ensure users can add products to their wish lists.
- **Steps:**
1. Go to a product page.
2. Click on "Add to Wish List."
3. Select the desired wish list or create a new one.
- **Expected Result:** The product is added to the specified wish list, and the list is updated in real-time.
**Test Case 3: Sharing Wish List**
- **Objective:** Confirm that users can share their wish lists via email and social media.
- **Steps:**
1. Open a wish list.
2. Click on the "Share" button.
3. Choose email or social media.
4. Enter the recipient's details.
5. Send the wish list.
- **Expected Result:** The recipient receives the wish list link via email or social media.
**Test Case 4: Notifications for Price Drops**
- **Objective:** Test that users receive notifications for price drops.
- **Steps:**
1. Add an item to the wish list.
2. Simulate a price drop for that item.
3. Wait for the notification interval.
- **Expected Result:** The user receives a notification about the price drop.
**Test Case 5: Privacy Settings Functionality**
- **Objective:** Validate that privacy settings work correctly.
- **Steps:**
1. Open the wish list settings.
2. Change the privacy setting to "Private."
3. Attempt to access the wish list from a different account.
- **Expected Result:** The wish list is not accessible from the other account.
This breakdown provides a structured approach to developing and testing the wish list feature, ensuring all user needs are met while maintaining quality throughout the process.
Process finished with exit code 0
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