follow_imports = "slient"
strict_optional = true
warn_return_any = true
warn_no_return = true
# TODO warn_unused_ignores = true
warn_redundant_casts = true
warn_incomplete_stub = true
# TODO disallow_untyped_calls = true
check_untyped_defs = true
# Allow bare generics like np.ndarray
disallow_any_generics = false
no_implicit_optional = true
# TODO disallow_incomplete_defs = true
# TODO disallow_subclassing_any = true
warn_unused_configs = true
show_error_codes = true
show_column_numbers = true
ignore_missing_imports = true
# NOTE: Do not grow the exclude list. Edit .lintrunner.toml instead
exclude = [
# NOTE: Avoid adding overrides unless for exceptional cases. Prefer inline ignores.
# If you must ignore error for the whole file, consider adapting the example
# `# mypy: disable-error-code="misc,arg-type,type-arg"`
# and put this comment on the top of the file.
module = [
ignore_errors = true
# NOTE: Do not create an exclude list. Edit .lintrunner.toml instead
target-version = ["py38", "py39", "py310", "py311"]
# NOTE: Do not create an exclude list. Edit .lintrunner.toml instead
profile = "black"
# This list is for vscode. Add new disables in pyproject_pylint.toml for lintrunner and CI.
# Exclude patterns should be modified in .lintrunner.toml
disable = [
"use-dict-literal", # Dict literals are sometimes preferable when creating kwargs
# NOTE: Do not create an exclude list. Edit .lintrunner.toml instead
target-version = "py38"
select = [
"B", # flake8-bugbear
"C4", # flake8-comprehensions
"E", # pycodestyle
"F", # Pyflakes
"G", # flake8-logging-format
"ISC", # flake8-implicit-str-concat
"N", # pep8-naming
"NPY", # modern numpy
"RUF", # Ruff-specific rules
"SIM", # flake8-simplify
"TID252", # Relative imports
"UP", # pyupgrade
"W", # pycodestyle
"YTT", # flake8-2020
# NOTE: Refrain from growing the ignore list unless for exceptional cases.
# Always include a comment to explain why.
ignore = [
"E501", # Line length controlled by black
"N803", # Argument casing
"N806", # Relax: Variable name in function should be lowercase
"N999", # Module names
"NPY002", # np.random.Generator may not be preferred in all cases
"SIM102", # We don't perfer always combining if branches
"SIM108", # We don't encourage ternary operators
"SIM114", # Don't combine if branches for debugability
"SIM116", # Don't use dict lookup to replace if-else
ignore-init-module-imports = true
unfixable = [
"SIM112", # Envvars should not be modified
# Disallow all relative imports.
ban-relative-imports = "all"
# NOTE: Refrain from growing the ignore list unless for exceptional cases.
# Prefer inline ignores with `noqa: xxx`.
# Eventually this list should become empty.
"**/*_test*" = ["N802"] # Function casing
"onnx/backend/test/case/**" = ["N802"] # Function casing
"onnx/reference/ops/**" = ["N801"] # Class casing
"onnx/reference/ops/_op_list.py" = ["F401"]
"onnx/__init__.py" = ["F401"]
"onnx/reference/__init__.py" = ["F401"]
"onnx/reference/ops/__init__.py" = ["F401"]
"onnx/reference/ops/aionnxml/_op_list.py" = ["F401"]
"onnx/reference/ops/aionnxml/__init__.py" = ["F401"]
"onnx/reference/ops/aionnx_preview_training/__init__.py" = ["F401"]
"onnx/reference/ops/aionnx_preview_training/_op_list.py" = ["F401"]
"onnx/reference/ops/experimental/__init__.py" = ["F401"]
"onnx/test/reference_evaluator_test.py"= ["C408"] # dict(...) -> { ... }
"onnx/onnx_cpp2py_export/defs.pyi" = ["N802"]
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