l.explore = new Object();
l.explore.list = [{
name: "Shuttle",
id: "shuttle",
pos: [0,0],
bought: true,
vis: true,
des: "Home sweet home"
name: "North",
id: "north",
pos: [0,2],
time: 5,
visprereq: {explore: ["shuttle"]},
des: "Explore the area around you to the north.",
log: "After going to the north I discovered a large, sweeping plain. Will explore more later"
name: "South",
id: "south",
pos: [0,-2],
time: 5,
visprereq: {explore: ["shuttle"]},
des: "Explore the area around you to the south",
log: "It looks like a desert down there... there won't be much water, unfortunately"
name: "East",
id: "east",
pos: [2,0],
time: 5,
visprereq: {explore: ["shuttle"]},
des: "Explore the area around you to the east",
log: "Hiked to the east, found a lake! Plenty of water now."
name: "West",
id: "west",
pos: [-2,0],
time: 5,
visprereq: {explore: ["shuttle"]},
des: "Explore the area around you to the west",
log: "Went to the west, didn't find much. It appears there's a desert down south and a forest to the west."
id: "forest",
pos: [-4,-1],
time: 20,
visprereq: {explore: ["west"]},
des: "Go exploring in the forest",
log: "I found a bunch of trees to chop down. Well, what did I expect from a forest."
name: "Deep forest",
id: "deepforest",
pos: [-7,-2],
time: 50,
visprereq: {explore: ["forest"]},
cost: [{id: "water", val: 100}],
des: "Explore deeper in the forest",
log: "I found even more trees to chop down. Well, what did I expect from more forest?"
id: "jungle",
pos: [-11,-3],
time: 400,
visprereq: {explore: ["deepforest"]},
cost: [{id: "water", val: 800}],
des: "Go exploring in the jungle",
log: "Out here, there are some massive trees that I could use for wood."
name: "Plains",
id: "plains",
pos: [1,4],
time: 25,
cost: [{id: "water", val: 100}],
visprereq: {explore: ["north"]},
des: "A massive plain lies this way, stretching to the horizon",
log: "The plain extends onwards... I'm out of water and have to go back. Maybe next time."
name: "More plains",
id: "plainscen",
pos: [3,7],
time: 125,
cost: [{id: "water", val: 800}],
get: [{id: "rawmeat", val: 2}],
visprereq: {explore: ["plains"]},
des: "There are some weird animals on the horizon. Perhaps you could hunt them...?",
log: "I caught some weird animal. The meat seems edible-ish."
name: "North western plain",
id: "plainsnw",
pos: [-1,11],
time: 400,
cost: [{id: "water", val: 1200}],
visprereq: {explore: ["plainscen"]},
des: "See if there's an end to this unending plain.",
log: "Ah-ha! The plain gives way to... sea. Tough luck, time for me to go back."
id: "desert",
pos: [-1,-4],
time: 20,
cost: [{id: "water", val: 250}],
get: [{id: "water", val: 20}],
visprereq: {explore: ["south"]},
des: "Go exploring in the desert",
log: "Nothing to see in the desert except cactus and an oasis, got some water back."
name: "Deep desert",
id: "deepdesert",
pos: [0,-7],
time: 200,
cost: [{id: "water", val: 2000}],
visprereq: {explore: ["desert"]},
des: "Go exploring deep into the desert",
log: "There's a lot of shiny stuff in the ground around here."
id: "mines",
pos: [1,-10],
time: 200,
cost: [{id: "water", val: 2500}],
visprereq: {workshop: ["woodpick"]},
des: "Set up a mine here in the shiny stuff",
log: "Ready to mine!"
name: "Mountains",
id: "mountains1",
pos: [-5,-5],
time: 500,
cost: [{id: "water", val: 2000}],
visprereq: {explore: ["desert","deepforest"]},
des: "Go exploring the mountains",
log: "Climbed a mountain. There are so many more though!"
name: "Mountains",
id: "mountains2",
pos: [-6,-6],
time: 800,
cost: [{id: "water", val: 2200}],
visprereq: {explore: ["mountains1"]},
des: "Go exploring the mountain chain",
log: "Climbed another few mountains. The going is getting rough, heading back."
name: "Mountains",
id: "mountains3",
pos: [-5,-7],
time: 1000,
cost: [{id: "water", val: 2500}],
visprereq: {explore: ["mountains2"]},
des: "Go exploring the mountain range",
log: "Climbed another few mountains. Found a massive cave. I can see lots of black on the walls but it's too dark"
name: "Caves",
id: "coalcave",
pos: [-5,-8],
time: 500,
cost: [{id: "water", val: 2000}],
visprereq: {explore: ["mountains3"]},
des: "Explore the caves a bit more",
log: "WOAH, there's coal! I'd better get ready to mine this coal"
name: "Mountains",
id: "mountains4",
pos: [-6,-8],
time: 1250,
cost: [{id: "water", val: 3000}],
visprereq: {explore: ["mountains3"]},
des: "Go exploring the mountains",
log: "Climbed another bunch of mountains."
name: "Mountains",
id: "mountains5",
pos: [-7,-10],
time: 1600,
cost: [{id: "water", val: 3400}],
visprereq: {explore: ["mountains4"]},
des: "Go exploring the mountains",
log: "Climbed another bunch of mountains; seems to be nothing much ahead except taller and taller mountains"
name: "Mountains",
id: "mountains6",
pos: [-7,-12],
time: 2000,
cost: [{id: "water", val: 4000}],
visprereq: {explore: ["mountains5"]},
des: "Go exploring the mountains",
log: "Climbed a massive mountain today. The path is so well worn from me travelling so much"
name: "Mountains",
id: "mountains7",
pos: [-8,-12],
time: 2800,
cost: [{id: "water", val: 5000}],
visprereq: {explore: ["mountains6"]},
des: "Go exploring the mountains",
log: "Another mountain, another day"
name: "Mountains",
id: "mountains8",
pos: [-8,-13],
time: 3200,
cost: [{id: "water", val: 6000}],
visprereq: {explore: ["mountains7"]},
des: "Go exploring the mountains",
log: "Found another cave today"
name: "Mountains",
id: "people",
pos: [-10,-15],
time: 3500,
cost: [{id: "water", val: 7000}],
visprereq: {explore: ["mountains8"]},
des: "Go exploring the mountains"
name: "Caves",
id: "lavacave1",
pos: [-9,-13],
time: 1000,
cost: [{id: "water", val: 2000}],
visprereq: {explore: ["mountains8"]},
des: "Go exploring into the cave system",
log: "The cave goes on and on..."
name: "Caves",
id: "lavacave2",
pos: [-10,-12],
time: 1200,
cost: [{id: "water", val: 3000}],
visprereq: {explore: ["mountains8"]},
des: "Go exploring deep into the cave system",
log: "WOAH, found a lava pool here! The heat here is blistering."
name: "Fishery",
id: "nearlake",
pos: [3,1],
time: 5,
visprereq: {explore: ["east"], res: ["iron"]},
des: "Search for fishing places around the lake",
log: "Found a fishing place! Time to set up"
l.explore.setup = function(){
for (var i in this.list){
if (!this.list[i].name){this.list[i].name=this.list[i].id.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.list[i].id.slice(1);};
if (this.list[i].bought==undefined){this.list[i].bought = false;};
if (this.list[i].cost==undefined){this.list[i].cost = [];};
if (this.list[i].vis==undefined){this.list[i].vis = false;};
if (this.list[i].visprereq==undefined){this.list[i].visprereq = {explore: []};};
if (this.list[i].prereq==undefined){this.list[i].prereq = this.list[i].visprereq.explore;};
if (this.list[i].connect==undefined){this.list[i].connect = this.list[i].visprereq.explore;};
this.list[i].basetime = this.list[i].time;
if (this.list[i].settime == undefined){
this.list[i].settime = function(){
this.time = this.basetime/l.explore.globalspeedboost;
this.list[i].calccosts = function(){
for (var j in this.cost){
this.cost[j].mul = this.cost[j].getmul();
if (this.cost[j].id == "water"){
this.cost[j].val = this.cost[j].baseval * this.cost[j].mul * l.explore.globalwatercostpercentage;
} else {
this.cost[j].val = this.cost[j].baseval * this.cost[j].mul;
if (this.list[i].cost){
for (var j in this.list[i].cost){
this.list[i].cost[j].baseval = this.list[i].cost[j].val;
this.list[i].cost[j].name = l.res.get(this.list[i].cost[j].id).name;
this.list[i].cost[j].col = l.res.get(this.list[i].cost[j].id).col;
if (this.list[i].cost[j].mul==undefined){this.list[i].cost[j].mul = 1};
if (this.list[i].cost[j].getmul==undefined){
this.list[i].cost[j].getmul = function(){return 1}
if (this.list[i].get){
for (var j in this.list[i].get){
this.list[i].get[j].name = l.res.get(this.list[i].get[j].id).name;
this.list[i].get[j].col = l.res.get(this.list[i].get[j].id).col;
if (this.list[i].get[j].mul==undefined){this.list[i].get[j].mul = 1};
this.list[i].checkprereq = function(){
if (!this.vis){
var allgood = true;
if (this.visprereq.explore){
for (var j in this.visprereq.explore){
if (l.explore.get(this.visprereq.explore[j]).bought==false){
allgood = false;
if (this.visprereq.res){
for (var j in this.visprereq.res){
if (l.res.get(this.visprereq.res[j]).num==0){
allgood = false;
if (this.visprereq.workshop){
for (var j in this.visprereq.workshop){
if (!l.workshop.get(this.visprereq.workshop[j]).bought){
allgood = false;
if (allgood){this.vis = true;};
this.list[i].buy = function(){
l.explore.curbuy = this.id;
l.explore.unlockall = function(){
for (var i in this.list){
this.list[i].vis = true;
l.explore.updateall = function(){
l.explore.calcallcosts = function(){
for (var i in this.list){
l.explore.checkallprereq = function(){
for (var i in this.list){
l.explore.setalltimes = function(){
for (var i in this.list){
x = l.explore.get(id);
if (!x.bought){
l.explore.explored = function(id){
l.explore.get(id).bought = true;
l.jobs.cur = null;
var item = l.explore.get(id);
if (item.log){
} else {
l.log("I explored "+item.name+" today.");
//set size of the thing
l.explore.setsize = function(){
var minx, miny, maxx, maxy;
minx = miny = maxx = maxy = 0;
for (var i in this.list){
if (this.list[i].vis){
if (this.list[i].pos[0]>maxx){maxx=this.list[i].pos[0]};
if (this.list[i].pos[0]<minx){minx=this.list[i].pos[0]};
if (this.list[i].pos[1]>maxy){maxy=this.list[i].pos[1]};
if (this.list[i].pos[1]<miny){miny=this.list[i].pos[1]};
this.size = [minx, miny, maxx, maxy];
l.explore.ctop = function(x){//ctop is coordinates to position, eg. INPUT: [0,0] OUTPUT [325,400]
return [24*(x[0]-this.size[0])+24, 24*(this.size[3]-x[1])+24]
l.explore.draw = function(){
document.getElementById("maingame").innerHTML = "<div id='explorebox'></div>";
l.explore.drawinside = function(){
x = document.getElementById("explorebox");
x.innerHTML = "";
for (var i in this.list){
if (this.list[i].vis){
var pos = l.explore.ctop(this.list[i].pos);
x.innerHTML+="<div class='exploreico' id='exploreplace"+this.list[i].id+"' style='left:"+pos[0]+"px; top:"+pos[1]+"px' onclick='l.explore.explore(\""+this.list[i].id+"\")'></div>";
y = document.getElementById("exploreplace"+this.list[i].id);
if (this.list[i].bought){
y.innerHTML = "<div class='exploretooltip'><div class='explorelocname'>"+this.list[i].name+"</div><div class='explored'>Explored</div><div>"+this.list[i].des+"</div></div>";
y.innerHTML += "<object data='icons/"+this.list[i].id+".ico' width='16px' height='16px'></object>";
y.className += " explorebought";
} else {
costgrid = "";
for (var j in this.list[i].cost){
costgrid += "<div class='exploreitemcostitem'>"+this.list[i].cost[j].name+": "+l.display(this.list[i].cost[j].val)+"</div>";
y.innerHTML = "<div class='exploretooltip'><div class='explorelocname'>"+this.list[i].name+"</div><div class='exploretime'>Time: "+l.display(this.list[i].time)+"</div>"+costgrid+this.list[i].des+"</div></div>";
l.explore.get = function(name){
for (var i in this.list){
if (this.list[i].id == name){
return this.list[i];
return undefined;
l.explore.globalspeedboost = 1;
l.explore.globalwatercostpercentage = 1;
l.explore.calcglobalwatercost = function(){
var gc = 1;
//do stuff here
if (l.workshop.get("woodhatchet").bought){gc+=0.1};
if (l.workshop.get("meatballmain").bought){gc+=0.2};
if (l.workshop.get("meatballsnack").bought){gc+=0.2};
if (l.workshop.get("salamimain").bought){gc+=0.2};
if (l.workshop.get("salamisnack").bought){gc+=0.2};
return gc;
l.explore.calcglobalspeedboost = function(){
var sb = 1;
//do stuff here
if (l.workshop.get("walkingstick").bought){sb+=0.5};
if (l.workshop.get("walkingstick2").bought){sb+=0.5};
if (l.workshop.get("walkingstick3").bought){sb+=0.5};
if (l.workshop.get("walkingstick4").bought){sb+=0.5};
if (l.workshop.get("woodhatchet").bought){sb+=0.5};
if (l.workshop.get("meatballmain").bought){sb+=0.3};
if (l.workshop.get("salamimain").bought){sb+=1};
if (l.workshop.get("ironstick").bought){sb+=2};
return sb;
l.explore.setglobals = function(){
this.globalspeedboost = this.calcglobalspeedboost();
this.globalwatercostpercentage = 1/this.calcglobalwatercost();
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