MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "clsForm"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Private m_Base As clsBaseControl
Private m_Name As String
Private m_Title As String
Private m_Geometry As String
Private m_WindowState As String
Private m_left As Long
Private m_Top As Long
Private m_Topmost As Boolean
Private m_Alpha As String
Private m_Resizable As Boolean
Private m_IconFile As String
Private m_IconEmbedding As Boolean
Private m_Protocol As String
Private m_Bindcommand As String
Private m_FrmPath As String '保存窗体所在目录
Private m_ScaleMode As Long
Private m_IconFilesInPath As String '在窗体所在目录下所有的图标文件,使用逗号分隔
Private m_StartupPosition As String
Const defaultIconName As String = "icon.gif" '如果存在此文件名,则自动做为窗体图标
'sCmdFunc: 输出参数,事件处理回调代码;
Public Sub toString(ByRef sOut As cStrBuilder, ByRef sCmdFunc As cStrBuilder, rel As Boolean, oop As Boolean, usettk As Boolean)
If m_StartupPosition = "Center" Then
CenterWindow sOut, oop
End If
If oop Then
sOut.Append " self.master.title(" & U(m_Title) & ")"
If m_StartupPosition = "Manual" Then '手工指定窗口初始位置
sOut.Append " self.master.geometry('" & m_Geometry & CoordinateOnStart() & "')"
ElseIf m_StartupPosition <> "Center" Then
sOut.Append " self.master.geometry('" & m_Geometry & "')"
End If
If Not m_Resizable Then sOut.Append " self.master.resizable(0,0)"
If Len(m_WindowState) > 0 And m_WindowState <> "'normal'" Then
sOut.Append " self.master.wm_state(" & m_WindowState & ")"
End If
If m_Topmost Then
sOut.Append " self.master.wait_visibility(self.master)"
sOut.Append " self.master.wm_attributes('-topmost', 1)"
End If
If Len(m_Alpha) Then
sOut.Append " self.master.wm_attributes('-alpha', " & m_Alpha & ")"
End If
sOut.Append " " & m_Name & " = Tk()"
sOut.Append " " & m_Name & ".title(" & U(m_Title) & ")"
If m_StartupPosition = "Manual" Then '手工指定窗口初始位置
sOut.Append " " & m_Name & ".geometry('" & m_Geometry & CoordinateOnStart() & "')"
ElseIf m_StartupPosition <> "Center" Then
sOut.Append " " & m_Name & ".geometry('" & m_Geometry & "')"
End If
If Not m_Resizable Then sOut.Append " " & m_Name & ".resizable(0,0)"
If Len(m_WindowState) > 0 And m_WindowState <> "'normal'" Then
sOut.Append " " & m_Name & ".wm_state(" & m_WindowState & ")"
End If
If m_Topmost Then
sOut.Append " " & m_Name & ".wait_visibility(" & m_Name & ")"
sOut.Append " " & m_Name & ".wm_attributes('-topmost', 1)"
End If
If Len(m_Alpha) Then
sOut.Append " " & m_Name & ".wm_attributes('-alpha', " & m_Alpha & ")"
End If
End If
ProcessIcon sOut, oop '处理窗体图标
ProcessBindCommand sOut, sCmdFunc, oop ' 处理bindcommand
ProcessProtocol sOut, sCmdFunc, oop '窗口消息拦截,如果有的话
If Not oop Then
sOut.Append " gComps['" & m_Name & "'] = " & m_Name & vbCrLf
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ProcessIcon(sOut As cStrBuilder, oop As Boolean)
Dim s As String, sBase64 As String
If Len(m_IconFile) = 0 Then Exit Sub
s = UCase(FileExt(m_IconFile))
If oop Then
If s = "GIF" And m_IconEmbedding Then
sBase64 = CreateIconBase64(Space(12)) '使用BASE64将GIF图片嵌入源码
If Len(sBase64) Then
sOut.Append " self.icondata = " & String(3, Chr(34)) & vbCrLf & sBase64 & String(3, Chr(34))
sOut.Append " self.iconimg = PhotoImage(data=self.icondata)"
sOut.Append " self.master.tk.call('wm', 'iconphoto', self.master._w, self.iconimg)"
End If
ElseIf Len(s) = 0 Or s = "ICO" Then '如果没有后缀名,则假定为ico格式
sOut.Append " self.master.iconbitmap(default=r'" & FileFullName(m_IconFile) & "')"
sOut.Append " self.iconimg = PhotoImage(file=r'" & FileFullName(m_IconFile) & "')"
sOut.Append " self.master.tk.call('wm', 'iconphoto', self.master._w, self.iconimg)"
End If
If s = "GIF" And m_IconEmbedding Then
sBase64 = CreateIconBase64(Space(8))
If Len(sBase64) Then
sOut.Append " icondata = " & String(3, Chr(34)) & vbCrLf & sBase64 & String(3, Chr(34))
sOut.Append " iconimg = PhotoImage(data=icondata)"
sOut.Append " " & m_Name & ".tk.call('wm', 'iconphoto', " & m_Name & "._w, iconimg)"
End If
ElseIf Len(s) = 0 Or s = "ICO" Then '如果图标没有后缀名,则假定为ico格式
sOut.Append " " & m_Name & ".iconbitmap(default=r'" & FileFullName(m_IconFile) & "')"
sOut.Append " iconimg = PhotoImage(file=r'" & FileFullName(m_IconFile) & "')"
sOut.Append " " & m_Name & ".tk.call('wm', 'iconphoto', " & m_Name & "._w, iconimg)"
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ProcessBindCommand(sOut As cStrBuilder, sCmdFunc As cStrBuilder, oop As Boolean)
Dim i As Long, s() As String, sCmdName As String
If Len(m_Bindcommand) = 0 Then Exit Sub
s = Split(m_Bindcommand, ",")
For i = 0 To UBound(s)
s(i) = Trim(s(i))
If Left$(s(i), 1) = "<" And Right$(s(i), 1) = ">" Then
sCmdName = m_Name & "_" & Replace(Replace(Replace(s(i), "<", ""), ">", ""), "-", "_")
If oop Then
sOut.Append Space(8) & "self.master.bind('" & s(i) & "', self." & sCmdName & ")"
sCmdFunc.Append m_Base.CreateFuncDefOOP(sCmdName, "event")
If Right$(s(i), 3) >= "-a>" And Right$(s(i), 3) <= "-z>" Then
s(i) = Left(s(i), Len(s(i)) - 2) & UCase(Mid(s(i), Len(s(i)) - 1, 1)) & ">" '变大写
sOut.Append Space(8) & "self.master.bind('" & s(i) & "', self." & sCmdName & ")"
ElseIf Right$(s(i), 3) >= "-A>" And Right$(s(i), 3) <= "-Z>" Then
s(i) = Left(s(i), Len(s(i)) - 2) & LCase(Mid(s(i), Len(s(i)) - 1, 1)) & ">" '变小写
sOut.Append Space(8) & "self.master.bind('" & s(i) & "', self." & sCmdName & ")"
End If
sOut.Append Space(4) & m_Name & ".bind('" & s(i) & "', " & sCmdName & ")"
sCmdFunc.Append m_Base.CreateFuncDef(sCmdName, "event")
If Right(s(i), 3) >= "-a>" And Right(s(i), 3) <= "-z>" Then
s(i) = Left(s(i), Len(s(i)) - 2) & UCase(Mid(s(i), Len(s(i)) - 1, 1)) & ">" '对应字母变大写
sOut.Append Space(4) & m_Name & ".bind('" & s(i) & "', " & sCmdName & ")"
ElseIf Right(s(i), 3) >= "-A>" And Right(s(i), 3) <= "-Z>" Then
s(i) = Left(s(i), Len(s(i)) - 2) & LCase(Mid(s(i), Len(s(i)) - 1, 1)) & ">" '对应字母变小写
sOut.Append Space(4) & m_Name & ".bind('" & s(i) & "', " & sCmdName & ")"
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ProcessProtocol(sOut As cStrBuilder, sCmdFunc As cStrBuilder, oop As Boolean)
Dim sa() As String, i As Long, s As String
If Len(m_Protocol) = 0 Then Exit Sub
sa = Split(m_Protocol, ",")
If oop Then
For i = 0 To UBound(sa)
sOut.Append " self.master.protocol('" & sa(i) & "', self.EV_" & sa(i) & ")"
If sa(i) = "WM_DELETE_WINDOW" Then
s = " if askyesno(message='Are you sure to quit?'):" & vbCrLf & Space(12) & "self.master.destroy()"
sCmdFunc.Append m_Base.CreateFuncDefOOP("EV_" & sa(i), "event=None", s)
sCmdFunc.Append m_Base.CreateFuncDefOOP("EV_" & sa(i), "event=None")
End If
For i = 0 To UBound(sa)
sOut.Append " " & m_Name & ".protocol('" & sa(i) & "', EV_" & sa(i) & ")"
If sa(i) = "WM_DELETE_WINDOW" Then
s = " if askyesno(message='Are you sure to quit?'):" & vbCrLf & " gComps['" & m_Name & "'].destroy()"
sCmdFunc.Append m_Base.CreateFuncDef("EV_" & sa(i), "event=None", s)
sCmdFunc.Append m_Base.CreateFuncDef("EV_" & sa(i), "event=None")
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CenterWindow(sOut As cStrBuilder, oop As Boolean)
Dim W As String, H As String
W = Left$(m_Geometry, InStr(1, m_Geometry, "x") - 1)
H = Mid$(m_Geometry, InStr(1, m_Geometry, "x") + 1)
If oop Then
sOut.Append Space(8) & "# To center the window on the screen."
sOut.Append Space(8) & "ws = self.master.winfo_screenwidth()"
sOut.Append Space(8) & "hs = self.master.winfo_screenheight()"
sOut.Append Space(8) & "x = (ws / 2) - (" & W & " / 2)"
sOut.Append Space(8) & "y = (hs / 2) - (" & H & " / 2)"
sOut.Append Space(8) & "self.master.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (" & W & "," & H & ",x,y))"
sOut.Append Space(4) & "# To center the window on the screen."
sOut.Append Space(4) & "ws = top.winfo_screenwidth()"
sOut.Append Space(4) & "hs = top.winfo_screenheight()"
sOut.Append Space(4) & "x = (ws / 2) - (" & W & " / 2)"
sOut.Append Space(4) & "y = (hs / 2) - (" & H & " / 2)"
sOut.Append Space(4) & "top.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (" & W & "," & H & ",x,y))"
End If
End Sub
Private Function CreateIconBase64(sPrexSpace As String) As String
Dim sIconFile As String, abContent() As Byte
CreateIconBase64 = ""
If Len(m_IconFile) <= 0 Then Exit Function
sIconFile = IIf(InStr(1, m_IconFile, "\") Or InStr(1, m_IconFile, "/"), "", m_FrmPath) & m_IconFile
On Error GoTo DirErr
If Dir(sIconFile) = "" Then
MsgBox L_F("l_msgFileNotExist", "File '{0}' not exist!", sIconFile), vbInformation
Exit Function
End If
If ReadFileBinaryContent(sIconFile, abContent) = 0 Then
MsgBox L_F("l_msgReadFileError", "Error in Reading File {0}.", sIconFile), vbInformation
Exit Function
End If
Base64Encode abContent, CreateIconBase64, sPrexSpace
Exit Function
MsgBox L_F("l_msgFileNotExist", "File '{0}' not exist!", sIconFile), vbInformation
End Function
'创建对象后要马上调用这个函数初始化各参数, 窗体大小以像素为单位
Public Sub InitConfig(o As Object, nWidth As Long, nHeight As Long, dMethods As Dictionary)
Dim s As String, cAttr As String, cValue As String, sa() As String, i As Long, idx As Long
m_Base.SetVbWidgetInstance o
On Error Resume Next
s = o.FileNames(1)
If Err.Number = 0 And Len(s) Then
m_FrmPath = PathName(s)
m_FrmPath = ""
End If
On Error GoTo 0
m_Name = o.Properties("Name")
m_Title = o.Properties("Caption")
m_Geometry = nWidth & "x" & nHeight
m_WindowState = IIf(o.Properties("WindowState") = vbMaximized, "'zoomed'", IIf(o.Properties("WindowState") = vbMinimized, "'iconic'", "'normal'"))
m_Resizable = IIf(o.Properties("MaxButton"), True, False)
m_left = m_Base.toPixelX(o.Properties("Left"))
m_Top = m_Base.toPixelY(o.Properties("Top"))
m_IconEmbedding = True
m_Protocol = ""
If InStr(1, m_IconFilesInPath, ",") <= 0 Then
m_IconFile = m_IconFilesInPath
m_IconFile = ""
'如果有一个命名为 icon.gif 的图像文件,则自动选择此文件
sa = Split(m_IconFilesInPath, ",")
For i = 0 To UBound(sa)
s = sa(i)
If (Len(s) > Len(defaultIconName)) And (Right(LCase(s), Len(defaultIconName)) = defaultIconName) Then
m_IconFile = s
Exit For
End If
End If
m_Bindcommand = ""
m_Topmost = False
m_Alpha = ""
If o.Properties("StartUpPosition") = 1 Or o.Properties("StartUpPosition") = 2 Then
m_StartupPosition = "Center"
ElseIf o.Properties("StartUpPosition") = 0 Then
m_StartupPosition = "Manual"
m_StartupPosition = "Default"
End If
s = Trim(o.Properties("Tag"))
If Len(s) Then
sa = Split(s, "@")
If UCase(sa(0)) = "P" Then
For i = 1 To UBound(sa)
s = sa(i)
idx = InStr(2, s, "=")
If idx > 0 Then '有值
cAttr = Left$(s, idx - 1)
cValue = Mid$(s, idx + 1)
Select Case cAttr
Case "topmost"
m_Topmost = IIf((cValue = "0" Or UCase(cValue) = "FALSE"), False, True)
Case "alpha"
m_Alpha = cValue
Case "icon"
m_IconFile = cValue
Case "iconembedding"
m_IconEmbedding = IIf((cValue = "0" Or UCase(cValue) = "FALSE"), False, True)
Case "bindcommand"
m_Bindcommand = cValue
Case "protocol"
m_Protocol = cValue
End Select
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Function GetAttrValueList(sAttr As String, ByRef sa() As String) As Long
GetAttrValueList = 1
If sAttr = "resizable" Or sAttr = "iconembedding" Or sAttr = "topmost" Then
sa = Split("1,0", ",")
ElseIf sAttr = "windowstate" Then
sa = Split("'normal','iconic','zoomed'", ",")
ElseIf sAttr = "icon" And Len(m_IconFilesInPath) > 0 Then
sa = Split(m_IconFilesInPath, ",")
GetAttrValueList = 2
ElseIf sAttr = "protocol" Then
sa = Split("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", ",")
GetAttrValueList = 2
ElseIf sAttr = "alpha" Then
sa = Split("0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0", ",")
GetAttrValueList = 2
ElseIf sAttr = "position" Then
sa = Split("Default,Center,Manual", ",")
GetAttrValueList = 0
End If
End Function
Public Function hasAttribute(sAttr As String) As Boolean
hasAttribute = m_Base.hasAttribute(sAttr)
End Function
Public Function GetAttrCurrentValue(sAttr As String) As String
GetAttrCurrentValue = m_Base.GetAttrCurrentValue(sAttr)
End Function
Public Function Tips(sAttr As String) As String
Tips = sAttr & vbCrLf
Select Case sAttr:
Case "title"
Tips = Tips & L("l_TipFrmTitle", "Title of Form.")
Case "geometry"
Tips = Tips & L("l_TipFrmGeometry", "Geometry of Form(width x height), unit is pixel.")
Case "left"
Tips = Tips & L("l_TipFrmLeft", "Coordinate of Form on startup, unit is pixel.")
Case "top"
Tips = Tips & L("l_TipFrmTop", "Coordinate of Form on startup, unit is pixel.")
Case "resizable"
Tips = Tips & L("l_TipFrmResizable", "Form is resizable or not, They are 1/0.")
Case "windowstate"
Tips = Tips & L("l_TipFrmState", "window state of Form on startup. 'iconic':minimized, 'zoomed':maximized, 'normal': normal.")
Case "topmost"
Tips = Tips & L("l_TipFrmTopmost", "Specifies whether this is a topmost window (displays above all other windows).")
Case "alpha"
Tips = Tips & L("l_TipFrmAlpha", "Specifies the alpha transparency level of the toplevel. It accepts a value from 0.0 (fully transparent) to 1.0 (opaque).")
Case "icon"
Tips = Tips & L("l_TipFrmIcon", "Icon file of Form, supports ico,gif,ppm,pgm.")
Case "iconembedding"
Tips = Tips & L("l_TipFrmIconEmbedding", "Is icon embedding in source code or not, suports gif only.")
Case "bindcommand"
Tips = Tips & L("l_TipBindCommand", "Used to attach events binding to a widget. for example:<Control-C>,<F8>,<Alt-A>.")
Case "protocol"
Tips = Tips & L("l_TipFrmProtocol", "Process window events, for example 'WM_DELETE_WINDOW', separate events using comma like 'WM_DELETE_WINDOW,WM_SAVE'.")
Case "position"
Tips = Tips & L("l_TipFrmPosition", "The Startup position of Window.")
Case Else:
Tips = Tips & L("l_TipUnknown", "Unknown Attribute")
End Select
End Function
Private Function AutoDetectIconFile() As String
Dim sOut As New cStrBuilder, s As String
m_IconFilesInPath = ""
If Len(m_FrmPath) Then
s = Join(SearchFiles(m_FrmPath, "*.ico", True), ",")
If Len(s) Then sOut.Append s
s = Join(SearchFiles(m_FrmPath, "*.gif", True), ",")
If Len(s) Then sOut.Append s
s = Join(SearchFiles(m_FrmPath, "*.ppm", True), ",")
If Len(s) Then sOut.Append s
s = Join(SearchFiles(m_FrmPath, "*.pgm", True), ",")
If Len(s) Then sOut.Append s
m_IconFilesInPath = sOut.toString(",")
End If
End Function
Private Function CoordinateOnStart() As String
CoordinateOnStart = IIf(m_left >= 0, "+" & CStr(m_left), CStr(m_left))
CoordinateOnStart = CoordinateOnStart & IIf(m_Top >= 0, "+" & CStr(m_Top), CStr(m_Top))
End Function
Public Function Allitems() As Collection
Dim re As Collection
Set re = New Collection
re.Add "geometry|" & m_Geometry & "|1"
re.Add "title|" & m_Title & "|1"
re.Add "left|" & m_left & "|1"
re.Add "top|" & m_Top & "|1"
re.Add "resizable|" & IIf(m_Resizable, 1, 0) & "|1"
re.Add "windowstate|" & m_WindowState & "|1"
re.Add IIf(m_Topmost, "topmost|1|1", "topmost||0")
re.Add IIf(m_Alpha <> "", "alpha|" & m_Alpha & "|1", "alpha||0")
re.Add "position|" & m_StartupPosition & "|1"
re.Add "icon|" & m_IconFile & "|1"
re.Add "iconembedding|" & IIf(m_IconEmbedding, 1, 0) & "|1"
re.Add IIf(m_Bindcommand <> "", "bindcommand|" & m_Bindcommand & "|1", "bindcommand||0")
re.Add IIf(m_Protocol <> "", "protocol|" & m_Protocol & "|1", "protocol||0")
Set Allitems = re
End Function
Public Sub SetConfig(sAttrs As String)
Dim sa() As String, i As Long
m_Title = ""
m_Resizable = True
m_WindowState = ""
m_Topmost = False
m_Alpha = ""
m_IconFile = ""
m_IconEmbedding = False
m_Bindcommand = ""
m_Protocol = ""
m_StartupPosition = ""
m_left = 0
m_Top = 0
sa = Split(sAttrs, "|")
For i = 0 To UBound(sa) - 1 Step 2
SetSingleConfig sa(i) & "|" & sa(i + 1)
End Sub
Public Sub SetSingleConfig(sAttr As String)
Dim sa() As String
sa = Split(sAttr, "|")
'Debug.Assert (UBound(sa) Mod 1 = 0)
If UBound(sa) >= 1 Then
Select Case sa(0)
Case "title"
m_Title = UnQuote(Trim(sa(1)))
Case "geometry"
m_Geometry = UnQuote(Trim(sa(1)))
Case "left"
m_left = C2Lng(Trim(sa(1)))
Case "top"
m_Top = C2Lng(Trim(sa(1)))
Case "resizable"
m_Resizable = IIf(Trim(sa(1)) = "1", True, False)
Case "windowstate"
m_WindowState = Trim(sa(1))
Case "topmost"
m_Topmost = IIf(Trim(sa(1)) = "1", True, False)
Case "alpha"
m_Alpha = Trim(sa(1))
Case "icon"
m_IconFile = UnQuote(Trim(sa(1)))
Case "iconembedding"
m_IconEmbedding = IIf(Trim(sa(1)) = "1", True, False)
Case "bindcommand"
m_Bindcommand = Trim(Replace(Replace(Replace(sa(1), Chr(34), ""), "'", ""), " ", ""))
Case "protocol"
m_Protocol = Trim(Replace(Replace(Replace(sa(1), Chr(34), ""), "'", ""), " ", ""))
Case "position"
m_StartupPosition = Trim(sa(1))
End Select
End If
End Sub
Private Function C2Lng(sV As String) As Long
On Error Resume Next
C2Lng = CLng(sV)
End Function
Public Property Get Parent() As String
Parent = ""
End Property
Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = m_Name
End Property
Public Property Let Name(s As String)
m_Name = s
End Property
Public Function SetWidgetType(sType As String, sStyleName As String)
'm_Base.ctlType = sType
'm_Base.StyleName = sStyleName
End Function
Public Property Get EnableOutByMainForm() As Boolean
EnableOutByMainForm = True
End Property
Public Property Let EnableOutByMainForm(bEnable As Boolean)
'm_CanbeOutByMainForm = bEnable
End Property
Public Property Get Description() As String
Description = L("l_DescForm", "Main Form.")
End Property
Public Property Let ScaleMode(nV As Long)
m_ScaleMode = nV
End Property
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m_Base = New clsBaseControl
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set m_Base = Nothing
End Sub
Public Function Serializer(vSer As clsSerialization)
'vSer.Serializer m_Base
End Function
Public Function Deserializer(vSer As clsSerialization)
'vSer.Deserializer m_Base
End Function
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