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J2Cache —— Double Level Cache Framework base on Memory and Redis

J2Cache is a two-level cache framework for Java. The first level cache uses the memory cache framework and the second level cache uses Redis. Since a large number of cache reads cause the L2 network to become a bottleneck to the entire system, the goal of L1 is to reduce the number of reads to L2. This cache framework is mainly used in a clustered environment. Stand-alone can also be used to avoid memory data loss due to application restart.

We also provided Python version, Please refer to https://gitee.com/ld/Py3Cache

From 1.3.0, J2Cache supports two ways to notify the cache event, include JGroups and Redis PubSub. In cloud platforms may not be able to use JGroups's multicast mode, so you can choose Redis PubSub. For more details, please see configuration file description in j2cache.properties.

J2Cache two-level cache system architecture

L1: In-Process Memory Cache Framework(ehcache,caffeine)
L2: Redis Server

Since a large amount of cache reads causes network bandwidth to become a bottleneck in the overall system, the goal of L1 is to reduce the number of L2 reads

Data Flow

  1. Data reading -> L1 -> L2 -> DB

  2. Data writing

    1 Read latest data from the business system, updates L1 -> L2, and then broadcast clear event to all nodes in cluster 2 When received the clear event, clear corresponding data in memory

J2Cache settings

settings file located in core/resources directory, include:

  • ehcache.xml for ehcache 2.x
    ehcache3.xml for ehcache 3.x
  • j2cache.properties J2Cache settings, include redis configurations, connection pool, broadcast, serialization etc.
  • network.xml JGroups network settings, needed when setting j2cache.broadcast = jgroups

Those setting files must be placed in classpath , such as WEB-INF/classes

How to Test

  1. Install Redis
  2. Modify core/resource/j2cache.properties to use installed redis servers
  3. Open shell windows and execute command: mvn package -DskipTests=true
  4. Open multiple command line windows and running runtest.sh
  5. In > prompt type help to show command list




Refer to J2CacheCmd.java


  1. J2Cache scenarios?
    First, your application is running in cluster environment, J2Cache can effectively reduce the amount of data transfer between nodes
  2. Why j2cache api does not provide the validity of the cache settings
    Defining the validity period of the cached data in the program will cause the cache to be uncontrollable. Because it's difficult to find the source of the problem, it is impossible to check the validity of all the caches in J2Cache. Therefore, the validity period of all caches of J2Cache must be preset in the ehcache configuration

Projects using J2Cache

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