基于.Net 8.0、Uni-App开发,支持可视化布局的小程序商城系统,前后端分离,支持分布式部署,跨平台运行,拥有分销、代理、团购、拼团、秒杀、直播、优惠券、自定义表单等众多营销功能,拥有完整SKU、下单、售后、物流流程。支持一套代码编译发布微信小程序版、H5版、Android版、iOS版、支付宝小程序版、字节跳动小程序版、QQ小程序版等共10个平台。
This Getting Started guide is a series of tutorials that shows device developers how to start working with Azure RTOS.
Azure RTOS GUIX Studio provides a complete, embedded graphical user interface (GUI) library and design environment, facilitating the creation and maintenance of all graphical elements needed by your device. http://docs.microsoft.com/azure/rtos/guix
Azure RTOS FileX is a high-performance, FAT-compatible file system that’s fully integrated with Azure RTOS ThreadX http://docs.microsoft.com/azure/rtos/filex
Azure RTOS NetX Duo is an advanced, industrial-grade TCP/IP network stack designed specifically for deeply embedded real-time and IoT applications https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/rtos/netx-duo
Azure RTOS ThreadX is an advanced real-time operating system (RTOS) designed specifically for deeply embedded applications. docs.microsoft.com/azure/rtos/threadx
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️ nanoFramework Interpreter, CLR, HAL, PAL and reference target boards https://www.nanoframework.net