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王泓 提交于 2022-01-11 16:40 . init from cppcheck 1.9
Source: cppcheck
Section: devel
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Joachim Reichel <reichel@debian.org>
Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12), dh-sequence-python3, dpkg-dev (>= 1.15.7~),
xsltproc, docbook-xsl, docbook-xml, cmake,libtinyxml2-dev (>= 6.2.0+dfsg),
libpcre3-dev, qt5-qmake, qtbase5-dev, qtbase5-dev-tools, qttools5-dev,
libqt5charts5-dev, gdb, dh-python, python3-all
Standards-Version: 4.5.0
Rules-Requires-Root: no
Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/p/cppcheck/wiki/Home/
Package: cppcheck
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, ${python3:Depends}, python3-pygments
Suggests: cppcheck-gui
Description: tool for static C/C++ code analysis (CLI)
Cppcheck is a command-line tool that tries to detect bugs that your
C/C++ compiler doesn't see. It is versatile, and can check non-standard
code including various compiler extensions, inline assembly code, etc.
Its internal preprocessor can handle includes, macros, and several
preprocessor commands. While Cppcheck is highly configurable,
you can start using it just by giving it a path to the source code.
It includes checks for:
* pointers to out-of-scope auto variables;
* assignment of auto variables to an effective parameter of a function;
* out-of-bounds errors in arrays and STL;
* missing class constructors;
* variables not initialized by a constructor;
* use of memset, memcpy, etcetera on a class;
* non-virtual destructors for base classes;
* operator= not returning a constant reference to itself;
* use of deprecated functions (mktemp, gets, scanf);
* exceptions thrown in destructors;
* memory leaks in class or function variables;
* C-style pointer cast in C++ code;
* redundant if;
* misuse of the strtol or sprintf functions;
* unsigned division or division by zero;
* unused functions and struct members;
* passing parameters by value;
* misuse of signed char variables;
* unusual pointer arithmetic (such as "abc" + 'd');
* dereferenced null pointers;
* incomplete statements;
* misuse of iterators when iterating through a container;
* dereferencing of erased iterators;
* use of invalidated vector iterators/pointers;
This package contains the command-line interface for cppcheck.
Package: cppcheck-gui
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, cppcheck (= ${binary:Version})
Suggests: python3, clang
Description: tool for static C/C++ code analysis (GUI)
Cppcheck is a command-line tool that tries to detect bugs that your
C/C++ compiler doesn't see. It is versatile, and can check non-standard
code including various compiler extensions, inline assembly code, etc.
Its internal preprocessor can handle includes, macros, and several
preprocessor commands. While Cppcheck is highly configurable,
you can start using it just by giving it a path to the source code.
It includes checks for:
* pointers to out-of-scope auto variables;
* assignment of auto variables to an effective parameter of a function;
* out-of-bounds errors in arrays and STL;
* missing class constructors;
* variables not initialized by a constructor;
* use of memset, memcpy, etcetera on a class;
* non-virtual destructors for base classes;
* operator= not returning a constant reference to itself;
* use of deprecated functions (mktemp, gets, scanf);
* exceptions thrown in destructors;
* memory leaks in class or function variables;
* C-style pointer cast in C++ code;
* redundant if;
* misuse of the strtol or sprintf functions;
* unsigned division or division by zero;
* unused functions and struct members;
* passing parameters by value;
* misuse of signed char variables;
* unusual pointer arithmetic (such as "abc" + 'd');
* dereferenced null pointers;
* incomplete statements;
* misuse of iterators when iterating through a container;
* dereferencing of erased iterators;
* use of invalidated vector iterators/pointers
This package contains the graphical user interface for cppcheck.
马建仓 AI 助手


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