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CubicBezier.hpp 8.50 KB
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#include "Math.hpp"
#include "Utils.hpp"
#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include <map>
#include <numeric>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdio.h>
namespace odr
template<typename T, size_t Dim>
struct CubicBezier
CubicBezier() = default;
CubicBezier(std::array<Vec<T, Dim>, 4> control_points);
Vec<T, Dim> get(T t) const;
Vec<T, Dim> get_grad(T t) const;
T get_t(T arclen) const;
T get_length() const;
std::array<Vec<T, Dim>, 4> get_subcurve(T t_start, T t_end) const;
std::set<T> approximate_linear(T eps) const;
static std::array<Vec<T, Dim>, 4> get_control_points(const std::array<Vec<T, Dim>, 4> coefficients)
/* a + b*x + c*x^2 +d*x^3 */
const Vec<T, Dim>& a = coefficients[0];
const Vec<T, Dim>& b = coefficients[1];
const Vec<T, Dim>& c = coefficients[2];
const Vec<T, Dim>& d = coefficients[3];
std::array<Vec<T, Dim>, 4> ctrl_pts;
ctrl_pts[0] = a;
for (size_t dim = 0; dim < Dim; dim++)
ctrl_pts[1][dim] = (b[dim] / 3) + a[dim];
for (size_t dim = 0; dim < Dim; dim++)
ctrl_pts[2][dim] = (c[dim] / 3) + 2 * ctrl_pts[1][dim] - ctrl_pts[0][dim];
for (size_t dim = 0; dim < Dim; dim++)
ctrl_pts[3][dim] = d[dim] + 3 * ctrl_pts[2][dim] - 3 * ctrl_pts[1][dim] + ctrl_pts[0][dim];
return ctrl_pts;
static std::array<Vec<T, Dim>, 4> get_coefficients(const std::array<Vec<T, Dim>, 4> control_points)
const Vec<T, Dim>& pA = control_points[0];
const Vec<T, Dim>& pB = control_points[1];
const Vec<T, Dim>& pC = control_points[2];
const Vec<T, Dim>& pD = control_points[3];
std::array<Vec<T, Dim>, 4> coefficients;
coefficients[0] = pA;
for (size_t dim = 0; dim < Dim; dim++)
coefficients[1][dim] = 3 * pB[dim] - 3 * pA[dim];
for (size_t dim = 0; dim < Dim; dim++)
coefficients[2][dim] = 3 * pC[dim] - 6 * pB[dim] + 3 * pA[dim];
for (size_t dim = 0; dim < Dim; dim++)
coefficients[3][dim] = pD[dim] - 3 * pC[dim] + 3 * pB[dim] - pA[dim];
return coefficients;
T valid_length;
std::array<Vec<T, Dim>, 4> control_points;
std::map<T, T> arclen_t;
static const double LengthTolerance;
template<typename T, size_t Dim>
CubicBezier<T, Dim>::CubicBezier(std::array<Vec<T, Dim>, 4> control_points) : control_points(control_points)
const std::set<T> t_vals = this->approximate_linear(this->LengthTolerance);
if (t_vals.size() < 2)
throw std::runtime_error("expected at least two t values");
arclen_t[T(0)] = T(0);
T arclen(0);
for (auto t_val_iter = std::next(t_vals.begin()); t_val_iter != t_vals.end(); t_val_iter++)
const Vec<T, Dim> pt_prev = this->get(*std::prev(t_val_iter));
const Vec<T, Dim> pt = this->get(*t_val_iter);
arclen += euclDistance(pt, pt_prev);
this->arclen_t[arclen] = *t_val_iter;
this->valid_length = std::prev(this->arclen_t.end())->first;
template<typename T, size_t Dim>
Vec<T, Dim> CubicBezier<T, Dim>::get(T t) const
Vec<T, Dim> out_pt;
for (size_t dim = 0; dim < Dim; dim++)
out_pt[dim] = (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * control_points[0][dim] + 3 * t * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * control_points[1][dim] +
3 * t * t * (1 - t) * control_points[2][dim] + t * t * t * control_points[3][dim];
return out_pt;
template<typename T, size_t Dim>
T CubicBezier<T, Dim>::get_t(T arclen) const
if ((arclen - this->valid_length) > this->LengthTolerance || arclen < 0)
std::stringstream ss_err;
ss_err << "arclength " << arclen << " out of range; valid length: " << this->valid_length;
throw std::runtime_error(ss_err.str());
arclen = std::min<T>(arclen, this->valid_length);
auto arclen_t_iter = this->arclen_t.upper_bound(arclen);
if (arclen_t_iter != this->arclen_t.begin())
const T arcl_lower_bound = arclen_t_iter->first;
const T t_lower_bound = arclen_t_iter->second;
if (arclen == arcl_lower_bound)
return t_lower_bound;
const T arcl_upper_bound = std::next(arclen_t_iter)->first;
const T t_upper_bound = std::next(arclen_t_iter)->second;
const T seg_arc_len = arcl_upper_bound - arcl_lower_bound;
const T seg_t_len = t_upper_bound - t_lower_bound;
return t_lower_bound + ((arclen - arcl_lower_bound) / seg_arc_len) * seg_t_len;
template<typename T, size_t Dim>
T CubicBezier<T, Dim>::get_length() const
return std::prev(arclen_t.end())->first;
template<typename T, size_t Dim>
Vec<T, Dim> CubicBezier<T, Dim>::get_grad(T t) const
std::array<Vec<T, Dim>, 4> coefficients = this->get_coefficients(this->control_points);
Vec<T, Dim> grad;
for (size_t dim = 0; dim < Dim; dim++)
grad[dim] = coefficients[1][dim] + 2 * coefficients[2][dim] * t + 3 * coefficients[3][dim] * t * t;
return grad;
template<typename T, size_t Dim>
std::array<Vec<T, Dim>, 4> CubicBezier<T, Dim>::get_subcurve(T t_start, T t_end) const
/* modified get(T t) allowing different t values for segments */
auto f_cubic_t123 = [](const T& t1, const T& t2, const T& t3, const std::array<Vec<T, Dim>, 4>& ctrl_pts) -> Vec<T, Dim>
Vec<T, Dim> out;
for (size_t dim = 0; dim < Dim; dim++)
out[dim] =
(1 - t3) *
((1 - t2) * ((1 - t1) * ctrl_pts[0][dim] + t1 * ctrl_pts[1][dim]) + t2 * ((1 - t1) * ctrl_pts[1][dim] + t1 * ctrl_pts[2][dim])) +
t3 * ((1 - t2) * ((1 - t1) * ctrl_pts[1][dim] + t1 * ctrl_pts[2][dim]) + t2 * ((1 - t1) * ctrl_pts[2][dim] + t1 * ctrl_pts[3][dim]));
return out;
std::array<Vec<T, Dim>, 4> ctrl_pts_sub;
ctrl_pts_sub[0] = f_cubic_t123(t_start, t_start, t_start, control_points);
ctrl_pts_sub[1] = f_cubic_t123(t_start, t_start, t_end, control_points);
ctrl_pts_sub[2] = f_cubic_t123(t_start, t_end, t_end, control_points);
ctrl_pts_sub[3] = f_cubic_t123(t_end, t_end, t_end, control_points);
return ctrl_pts_sub;
template<typename T, size_t Dim>
std::set<T> CubicBezier<T, Dim>::approximate_linear(T eps) const
/* approximate cubic bezier by splitting into quadratic ones */
std::array<Vec<T, Dim>, 4> coefficients = this->get_coefficients(this->control_points);
const T seg_size = std::pow(0.5 * eps / ((1.0 / 54.0) * norm(coefficients[3])), (1.0 / 3.0));
std::vector<std::array<T, 2>> seg_intervals;
for (T t = 0; t < 1; t += seg_size)
seg_intervals.push_back({t, std::min<T>(t + seg_size, 1)});
if (T(1) - (seg_intervals.back().at(1)) < 1e-6)
seg_intervals.back().at(1) = T(1);
seg_intervals.push_back({seg_intervals.back().at(1), T(1)});
std::vector<T> t_vals{0};
for (const std::array<T, 2>& seg_intrvl : seg_intervals)
/* get sub-cubic bezier for interval */
const double& t0 = seg_intrvl.at(0);
const double& t1 = seg_intrvl.at(1);
const std::array<Vec<T, Dim>, 4> c_pts_sub = this->get_subcurve(t0, t1);
/* approximate sub-cubic bezier by two quadratic ones */
Vec<T, Dim> pB_quad_0;
for (size_t dim = 0; dim < Dim; dim++)
pB_quad_0[dim] = (1.0 - 0.75) * c_pts_sub[0][dim] + 0.75 * c_pts_sub[1][dim];
Vec<T, Dim> pB_quad_1;
for (size_t dim = 0; dim < Dim; dim++)
pB_quad_1[dim] = (1.0 - 0.75) * c_pts_sub[3][dim] + 0.75 * c_pts_sub[2][dim];
Vec<T, Dim> pM_quad;
for (size_t dim = 0; dim < Dim; dim++)
pM_quad[dim] = (1.0 - 0.5) * pB_quad_0[dim] + 0.5 * pB_quad_1[dim];
/* linear approximate the two quadratic bezier */
for (const double& p_sub : approximate_linear_quad_bezier<T, Dim>({c_pts_sub[0], pB_quad_0, pM_quad}, 0.5 * eps))
t_vals.push_back(t0 + p_sub * (t1 - t0) * 0.5);
for (const double& p_sub : approximate_linear_quad_bezier<T, Dim>({pM_quad, pB_quad_1, c_pts_sub[3]}, 0.5 * eps))
t_vals.push_back(t0 + (t1 - t0) * 0.5 + p_sub * (t1 - t0) * 0.5);
return std::set<T>(t_vals.begin(), t_vals.end());
template<typename T, size_t Dim>
const double CubicBezier<T, Dim>::LengthTolerance = 1e-2;
typedef CubicBezier<double, 2> CubicBezier2D;
typedef CubicBezier<double, 1> CubicBezier1D;
} // namespace odr
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