Fetch the repository succeeded.
This action will force synchronization from kzeng/powerful-form, which will overwrite any changes that you have made since you forked the repository, and can not be recovered!!!
Synchronous operation will process in the background and will refresh the page when finishing processing. Please be patient.
* Application requirement checker script.
* In order to run this script use the following console command:
* php requirements.php
* In order to run this script from the web, you should copy it to the web root.
* If you are using Linux you can create a hard link instead, using the following command:
* ln requirements.php ../requirements.php
// you may need to adjust this path to the correct Yii framework path
$frameworkPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/vendor/yiisoft/yii2';
if (!is_dir($frameworkPath)) {
echo '<h1>Error</h1>';
echo '<p><strong>The path to yii framework seems to be incorrect.</strong></p>';
echo '<p>You need to install Yii framework via composer or adjust the framework path in file <abbr title="' . __FILE__ . '">' . basename(__FILE__) . '</abbr>.</p>';
echo '<p>Please refer to the <abbr title="' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/README.md">README</abbr> on how to install Yii.</p>';
require_once($frameworkPath . '/requirements/YiiRequirementChecker.php');
$requirementsChecker = new YiiRequirementChecker();
$gdMemo = $imagickMemo = 'Either GD PHP extension with FreeType support or ImageMagick PHP extension with PNG support is required for image CAPTCHA.';
$gdOK = $imagickOK = false;
if (extension_loaded('imagick')) {
$imagick = new Imagick();
$imagickFormats = $imagick->queryFormats('PNG');
if (in_array('PNG', $imagickFormats)) {
$imagickOK = true;
} else {
$imagickMemo = 'Imagick extension should be installed with PNG support in order to be used for image CAPTCHA.';
if (extension_loaded('gd')) {
$gdInfo = gd_info();
if (!empty($gdInfo['FreeType Support'])) {
$gdOK = true;
} else {
$gdMemo = 'GD extension should be installed with FreeType support in order to be used for image CAPTCHA.';
* Adjust requirements according to your application specifics.
$requirements = array(
// Database :
'name' => 'PDO extension',
'mandatory' => true,
'condition' => extension_loaded('pdo'),
'by' => 'All DB-related classes',
'name' => 'PDO SQLite extension',
'mandatory' => false,
'condition' => extension_loaded('pdo_sqlite'),
'by' => 'All DB-related classes',
'memo' => 'Required for SQLite database.',
'name' => 'PDO MySQL extension',
'mandatory' => false,
'condition' => extension_loaded('pdo_mysql'),
'by' => 'All DB-related classes',
'memo' => 'Required for MySQL database.',
'name' => 'PDO PostgreSQL extension',
'mandatory' => false,
'condition' => extension_loaded('pdo_pgsql'),
'by' => 'All DB-related classes',
'memo' => 'Required for PostgreSQL database.',
// Cache :
'name' => 'Memcache extension',
'mandatory' => false,
'condition' => extension_loaded('memcache') || extension_loaded('memcached'),
'by' => '<a href="http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/yii-caching-memcache.html">MemCache</a>',
'memo' => extension_loaded('memcached') ? 'To use memcached set <a href="http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/yii-caching-memcache.html#$useMemcached-detail">MemCache::useMemcached</a> to <code>true</code>.' : ''
'name' => 'APC extension',
'mandatory' => false,
'condition' => extension_loaded('apc'),
'by' => '<a href="http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/yii-caching-apccache.html">ApcCache</a>',
'name' => 'GD PHP extension with FreeType support',
'mandatory' => false,
'condition' => $gdOK,
'by' => '<a href="http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/yii-captcha-captcha.html">Captcha</a>',
'memo' => $gdMemo,
'name' => 'ImageMagick PHP extension with PNG support',
'mandatory' => false,
'condition' => $imagickOK,
'by' => '<a href="http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/yii-captcha-captcha.html">Captcha</a>',
'memo' => $imagickMemo,
// PHP ini :
'phpExposePhp' => array(
'name' => 'Expose PHP',
'mandatory' => false,
'condition' => $requirementsChecker->checkPhpIniOff("expose_php"),
'by' => 'Security reasons',
'memo' => '"expose_php" should be disabled at php.ini',
'phpAllowUrlInclude' => array(
'name' => 'PHP allow url include',
'mandatory' => false,
'condition' => $requirementsChecker->checkPhpIniOff("allow_url_include"),
'by' => 'Security reasons',
'memo' => '"allow_url_include" should be disabled at php.ini',
'phpSmtp' => array(
'name' => 'PHP mail SMTP',
'mandatory' => false,
'condition' => strlen(ini_get('SMTP')) > 0,
'by' => 'Email sending',
'memo' => 'PHP mail SMTP server required',
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