同步操作将从 JakeYang/Paparazzi 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
#!/usr/bin/ocamlrun /usr/bin/ocaml
#load "unix.cma";;
#directory "+xml-light";;
#load "xml-light.cma";;
open Printf;;
open Scanf;;
let ask = fun text ->
printf "%s: " text;
flush stdout;
input_line stdin;;
type optional = Optional | Mandatory;;
let rec ask_param = fun text opt ->
match opt with
| Optional ->
printf " - %s (optional): " text; flush stdout;
input_line stdin;
| Mandatory ->
printf " - %s (mandatory): " text; flush stdout;
let res = input_line stdin in
if res = "" then ask_param text opt else res;
let quit_with_error = fun text err ->
printf "%s\n" text;
exit err;;
printf " ##########################\n";;
printf " ## Module Creator ##\n";;
printf " ##########################\n\n";;
printf "This program will help you to create a new module for Paparazzi\n";;
printf "All option are not accessible from this program,\n";
printf "see http://paparazzi.enac.fr/wiki/Modules for more information.\n";
(*printf "Please follow the instruction or pass a module xml file as intput\n\n";;*)
printf "Please follow the instruction\n\n";;
let name = ask "Enter your module name";;
if name = "" then quit_with_error "module name must not be empty. Leaving." 1;;
let dir = ask "Enter a module directory or leave blank if same as name";;
let desc = ask "Enter a short description of your module";;
let init_list = ref [];;
let periodic_list = ref [];;
let event_list = ref [];;
let datalink_list = ref [];;
let add_to_list = fun l a ->
l := !l @ [a];;
let ask_init = fun () ->
printf "Parameters for initialization function:\n";
let name = ask " - function name (mandatory)" in
add_to_list init_list name;
let ask_periodic = fun () ->
printf "Parameters for a periodic function:\n";
let name = ask_param "function name" Mandatory in
let freq = ask_param "call frequency" Mandatory in
let start = ask_param "start function" Optional in
let stop = ask_param "stop function" Optional in
let auto = ask_param "autorun flag [TRUE, FALSE, LOCK (default)]" Optional in
add_to_list periodic_list (name, freq, start, stop, auto);
let ask_event = fun () ->
printf "Parameters for an event function:\n";
let name = ask_param "function name" Mandatory in
add_to_list event_list name;
let ask_datalink = fun () ->
printf "Parameters for a datalink event callback:\n";
let msg = ask_param "message name" Mandatory in
let name = ask_param "callback function name" Mandatory in
add_to_list datalink_list (msg, name);
let show_module = fun () ->
printf "\nModule name: %s\n" name;
if dir <> "" then printf "Module directory: %s\n" dir;
if desc <> "" then printf "Module description: %s\n" desc;
List.iter (fun n -> printf "Init function: %s\n" n) !init_list;
List.iter (fun (n, f, start, stop, auto) ->
let _start = if start <> "" then " [ Start: "^start^" ] " else "" in
let _stop = if stop <> "" then " [ Stop: "^stop^" ] " else "" in
let _auto = if auto <> "" then " [ Auto: "^auto^" ] " else "" in
printf "Periodic function: %s at %s Hz%s%s%s\n" n f _start _stop _auto;
) !periodic_list;
List.iter (fun n -> printf "Event function: %s\n" n) !event_list;
List.iter (fun (m, n) -> printf "Datalink event: %s on message %s\n" n m) !datalink_list;
flush stdout;
let choices = [
("Initialization function", ask_init);
("Periodic function", ask_periodic);
("Event function", ask_event);
("Datalink event function", ask_datalink);
("Display the current state of your module", show_module);
("End process and create module", (fun () -> false));
("Cancel and leave program", (fun () -> quit_with_error "Cancel by operator. Leaving." 2))
let ask_choice = fun choices ->
printf "\nPlease select the type of function to add to your module:\n";
let rec display = fun i c ->
match c with
| (text, _) :: cl ->
printf "%d - %s\n" i text;
display (i+1) cl;
| [] -> ()
display 1 choices;
printf "Type number [1-%d]: " (List.length choices);
flush stdout;
let r = int_of_string (input_line stdin) in
let (_, f) = (Array.of_list choices).(r-1) in
f ()
with _ -> printf "Invalid entry\n"; true
while ask_choice choices do () done;;
let xml_of_name = fun n d ->
if d <> "" then [("name", n); ("dir", d)]
else [("name", n)];;
let header_file = name^".h";;
let code_file = name^".c";;
let xml_header_of_name = fun n ->
[Xml.Element ("header", [], [
Xml.Element ("file", [("name", n)], [])
let xml_of_description = fun d ->
let desc = Xml.Element ("description", [], [Xml.PCData d]) in
[Xml.Element ("doc", [], [desc])];;
let xml_of_init = fun l ->
List.map (fun n -> Xml.Element ("init", [("fun", n)], [])) l;;
let xml_of_peridic = fun l ->
List.map (fun (n, f, start, stop, auto) ->
let _start = if start <> "" then [("start", start)] else [] in
let _stop = if stop <> "" then [("stop", stop)] else [] in
let _auto = if auto <> "" then [("autorun", auto)] else [] in
Xml.Element ("periodic", List.flatten [
[("fun", n)]; [("freq", f)]; _start; _stop; _auto],
) l;;
let xml_of_event = fun l ->
List.map (fun n -> Xml.Element ("event", [("fun", n)], [])) l;;
let xml_of_datalink = fun l ->
List.map (fun (m, n) -> Xml.Element ("datalink", [("message", m); ("fun", n)], [])) l;;
let xml_makefile_of_name = fun n ->
[Xml.Element ("makefile", [], [
Xml.Element ("file", [("name", n)], [])
let module_xml = Xml.Element ("module", xml_of_name name dir, List.flatten [
xml_of_description desc;
xml_header_of_name header_file;
xml_of_init !init_list;
xml_of_peridic !periodic_list;
xml_of_event !event_list;
xml_of_datalink !datalink_list;
xml_makefile_of_name code_file]);;
let (//) = Filename.concat;;
let dir_name = if dir = "" then name else dir;;
let xml_name = "conf/modules" // name^".xml";;
let header_name = "sw/airborne/modules"// dir_name // name^".h";;
let code_name = "sw/airborne/modules" // dir_name // name^".c";;
let test_filename = fun () ->
let ask_confirm = ref false in
let disp_msg = fun f c ->
printf "File %s already exists\n" f;
c := true;
if Sys.file_exists xml_name then disp_msg xml_name ask_confirm;
if Sys.file_exists header_name then disp_msg header_name ask_confirm;
if Sys.file_exists code_name then disp_msg code_name ask_confirm;
if !ask_confirm then begin
if String.lowercase (ask "Confirm erasing files ? [y,N]") <> "y"
then quit_with_error "Not erasing existing files. Leaving" 1
let write_module_xml = fun out ->
fprintf out "<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM \"module.dtd\">\n\n";
fprintf out "%s\n\n" (Xml.to_string_fmt module_xml);;
let write_license = fun out ->
fprintf out " * paparazzi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n";
fprintf out " * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n";
fprintf out " * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)\n";
fprintf out " * any later version.\n";
fprintf out " *\n";
fprintf out " * paparazzi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n";
fprintf out " * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n";
fprintf out " * GNU General Public License for more details.\n";
fprintf out " *\n";
fprintf out " * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n";
fprintf out " * along with paparazzi; see the file COPYING. If not, write to\n";
fprintf out " * the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,\n";
fprintf out " * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\n";;
let write_copyright = fun out author gpl ->
fprintf out "/*\n";
fprintf out " * Copyright (C) %s\n" author;
fprintf out " *\n";
fprintf out " * This file is part of paparazzi\n\n";
if gpl then write_license out;
fprintf out " *\n";
fprintf out " */\n";;
let write_header = fun out author gpl ->
write_copyright out author gpl;
fprintf out "\n#ifndef %s_H" (String.uppercase name);
fprintf out "\n#define %s_H\n\n" (String.uppercase name);
List.iter (fun f -> fprintf out "// extern void %s;\n" f) !init_list;
List.iter (fun (f,_,_,_,_) -> fprintf out "// extern void %s;\n" f) !periodic_list;
List.iter (fun f -> fprintf out "// extern void %s;\n" f) !event_list;
List.iter (fun (_,f) -> fprintf out "// extern void %s;\n" f) !datalink_list;
fprintf out "\n#endif\n\n";;
let write_code = fun out author gpl ->
write_copyright out author gpl;
fprintf out "\n#include \"modules/%s/%s.h\"\n\n" dir_name name;
List.iter (fun f -> fprintf out "// void %s {}\n" f) !init_list;
List.iter (fun (f,_,_,_,_) -> fprintf out "// void %s {}\n" f) !periodic_list;
List.iter (fun f -> fprintf out "// void %s {}\n" f) !event_list;
List.iter (fun (_,f) -> fprintf out "// void %s {}\n" f) !datalink_list;
fprintf out "\n\n";;
print_newline ();;
test_filename ();;
print_newline ();;
let author = ask "Author name";;
let gpl = ask "Do you want to use GPLv2 license ? [Y,n]";;
let gpl = String.lowercase (gpl) = "y" || gpl = "";;
printf "Creating file %s ... " xml_name;;
let xml_out = open_out xml_name in
write_module_xml xml_out;
close_out xml_out;
printf "[done]\n";
with _ -> printf "[fail]\n";
flush stdout;;
Sys.command (sprintf "mkdir -p %s" ("sw/airborne/modules" // dir_name));;
printf "Creating file %s ... " header_name;;
let h_out = open_out header_name in
write_header h_out author gpl;
close_out h_out;
printf "[done]\n";
with _ -> printf "[fail]\n";
flush stdout;;
printf "Creating file %s ... " code_name;;
let c_out = open_out code_name in
write_code c_out author gpl;
close_out c_out;
printf "[done]\n";
with _ -> printf "[fail]\n";
flush stdout;;
printf "\nModule %s created\n" name;;
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