同步操作将从 以厘科技/cms 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
/* ******************************************
* 系统名称:以厘建站系统
* 版权所有:成都市以厘科技有限公司 www.eLikj.com
* 代码协议:开源代码协议 Apache License 2.0 详见 http://www.apache.org/licenses/
* 特别申明:本软件不得用于从事违反所在国籍相关法律所禁止的活动,
* 对于用户擅自使用本软件从事违法活动不承担任何责任
* ******************************************
define("ELikjVER", '9.1.3');
$ELiMem = $ELiMemsession = null;
$REQUEST = null;
$Composer = null;
$POSTBODY = null;
$ELiConfig = [];
$ELiDataBase = [];
$LANG = [];
$CANSHU = [];
$DATA = [];
$ZDATA = [];
$features = [];
$HTTP = [];
$YHTTP = [];
$ELiHttp = "";
$URI = "";
$Plus = "";
$ClassFunc = "";
function ltrimE($nn ,$wenzi =""){
if($wenzi == ""){
return ltrim($nn,$wenzi);
$quanbu = substr($nn, 0, strlen($wenzi));
$canxx = explode($wenzi,$nn );
return implode($wenzi,$canxx );
return $nn;
function rtrimE($nn ,$wenzi=""){
if($wenzi == ""){
return rtrim($nn,$wenzi);
$quanbu = substr($nn, -strlen($wenzi));
$canxx = explode($wenzi,$nn );
return implode($wenzi,$canxx );
return $nn;
function trimE($nn ,$wenzi=""){
if($wenzi == ""){
return trim($nn );
return rtrimE(ltrimE($nn,$wenzi),$wenzi);
//Safe conversion
function Safeconversion($data)
if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) return addslashes($data);
else return $data;
//xss defense
function ELixss($data)
$guolv = array('<', '>', '=', '"', "'", 'script', '%', '\\', '&');
$guoHO = array('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
return str_ireplace($guolv, $guoHO, $data);
//sql Safe websocket
function ELiSql($data)
global $ELiConfig;
$guolv = array('<?php', 'create ', 'select ', 'update ', 'delete ', 'database ', DBprefix, 'show tables', 'drop ', 'insert ', 'alter ', '`');
$guoHO = array('<?php', 'crteea', 'secelt', 'upteda', 'detele', 'datbase', 'DBprefix', 'showw tbales', 'dorp', 'inesrt', 'atler', '');
return str_ireplace($guolv, $guoHO, $data);
class ELicache
function __construct($servers)
$md = new Memcache;
if ($servers && is_array($servers[0])) {
foreach ($servers as $server) call_user_func_array(array($md, 'addServer'), $server);
} else call_user_func_array(array($md, 'addServer'), $servers);
$this->md = $md;
public function s($key, $value, $time = 0)
return $this->md->set(md5($key), $value, MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED, $time);
public function g($key)
return $this->md->get(md5($key));
public function d($key)
return $this->md->delete(md5($key));
public function f()
return $this->md->flush();
public function j($key, $num = 1, $time = 0)
$shuju = $this->g($key);
if (!$shuju) $shuju = 0;
$shuju -= $num;
$this->s($key, (float)$shuju, $time);
return $shuju;
public function ja($key, $num = 1, $time = 0)
$shuju = $this->g($key);
if (!$shuju) $shuju = $num;
else $shuju += $num;
$this->s($key, (float)$shuju, $time);
return $shuju;
//Text file cache
class Textcache
var $DB = null;
function __construct($data = '')
if ($data == '') $this->DB = ELiTempPath;
else $this->DB = $data;
public function ja($key, $num = 1, $time = 0)
if (!$this->DB) return false;
$shuju = $this->g($key);
if (!$shuju) $shuju = $num;
else $shuju += $num;
if ($time > 0)
$this->s($key, (float)$shuju, $time);
else $this->s($key, (float)$shuju);
return $shuju;
public function j($key, $num = 1, $time = 0)
if (!$this->DB) return false;
$shuju = $this->g($key);
if (!$shuju) $shuju = 0;
$shuju -= $num;
if ($time > 0)
$this->s($key, (float)$shuju, $time);
else $this->s($key, (float)$shuju);
return $shuju;
public function g($key)
$pat = $this->DB . str_replace('..', '', $key) . '.php';
if (!is_file($pat)) {
return false;
$fp = fopen($pat, "r");
$content = null;
if (flock($fp, LOCK_EX)) {
$content = stream_get_contents($fp);
flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
if ($content === false || $content == null) {
return false;
$time = (int) substr($content, 8, 12);
if ($time > 0 && $time < time()) {
return false;
$content = substr($content, 44);
return unserialize($content);
public function d($key)
$pat = $this->DB . str_replace('..', '', $key) . '.php';
if (is_file($pat)) {
return true;
} else return false;
public function f($key = '')
if ($key == '') $key = $this->DB;
return ELiRmdir($key);
public function s($key, $value, $time = 0)
$pat = $this->DB . str_replace('..', '', $key) . '.php';
if (!$value) $value = '0';
if ($time > 0) {
$time += time();
if (file_put_contents($pat, "<?php #" . sprintf('%013d', $time) . "\nexit('Error ELikj');?>\n" . serialize($value), LOCK_EX) !== false) {
return true;
return false;
//Error message
function ELiError($ELiError)
$ELiError_ = "html";
if (isset($_POST['Format'])) {
$ELiError_ = $_POST['Format'];
} else if (isset($_GET['Format'])) {
$ELiError_ = $_GET['Format'];
return echoapptoken([], -1, $ELiError, "");
//Get route function
function ELiUri()
if (isset($_SERVER['argv'])) {
$ELiUri = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . (empty($_SERVER['argv']) ? '' : (implode("", $_SERVER['argv'])));
if ($_SERVER['argv']) {
foreach ($_SERVER['argv'] as $vvv) {
$_GET[] = $vvv;
} else if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
$ELiUri = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . (empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? '' : ('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']));
} else if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
} else {
$ELiUri = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . (empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? '' : ('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']));
//Intercept string
function ELisub($str, $start = 0, $length = 1)
if ($length == 0) return $str;
$charset = "utf-8";
if (function_exists("mb_substr")) {
if (mb_strlen($str, $charset) <= $length) return $str;
$slice = mb_substr($str, $start, $length, $charset);
} else {
$re['utf-8'] = "/[/x01-/x7f]|[/xc2-/xdf][/x80-/xbf]|[/xe0-/xef][/x80-/xbf]{2}|[/xf0-/xff][/x80-/xbf]{3}/";
$re['gb2312'] = "/[/x01-/x7f]|[/xb0-/xf7][/xa0-/xfe]/";
$re['gbk'] = "/[/x01-/x7f]|[/x81-/xfe][/x40-/xfe]/";
$re['big5'] = "/[/x01-/x7f]|[/x81-/xfe]([/x40-/x7e]|/xa1-/xfe])/";
preg_match_all($re[$charset], $str, $match);
if (count($match[0]) <= $length) return $str;
$slice = join("", array_slice($match[0], $start, $length));
return $slice;
//Output debugging
function p()
$args = func_get_args();
if (count($args) < 1) {
echo ("<font color='red'> Debug </font>");
echo "<div style='width:100%;text-align:left'><pre>\n\n";
foreach ($args as $arg) {
if (is_array($arg)) {
echo "\n";
} else if (is_string($arg)) {
echo $arg . "\n";
} else {
echo "\n";
echo "\n</pre></div>";
//Sorting an array A-Z
function azpaixu($para)
return $para;
//Database paging
function Limit($page_size = 10, $page = 5)
$page = (int) ((int)($page) <= 0 ? 1 : $page);
$page_size = (int)((int)($page_size) <= 0 ? 1 : $page_size);
return $pages = (($page - 1) * $page_size) . "," . $page_size;
//Group URL
function getarray($para)
$arg = "";
$zuhe = array();
foreach ($para as $k => $v) {
$zuhe[] = "$k=$v";
$arg = implode("&", $zuhe);
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$arg = stripslashes($arg);
return $arg;
// to array
function toget($string)
$wenzi = explode("&", $string);
$canshu = array();
foreach ($wenzi as $shujus) {
$can = explode("=", $shujus);
if (count($can) == 2) {
$canshu[$can['0']] = isset($can['1']) ? $can['1'] : "";
} else {
if (isset($can['1'])) {
$biaohao = $can['0'];
$canshu[$biaohao] = implode("=", $can);
} else {
$canshu[$can['0']] = "";
foreach ($canshu as $k => $v) {
if (strstr($k, '[') !== false && strstr($k, ']') !== false) {
$kx = str_replace(array('[', ']'), array('$@$', ''), $k);
$kx_ = explode('$@$', $kx);
$linshi = [];
$zuhe = [];
$zongshu = count($kx_);
if ($zongshu > 0) {
if (!isset($canshu[$kx_[0]])) {
$canshu[$kx_[0]] = [];
if ($zongshu > 1) {
if ($zongshu == 2) {
if (!is_array($canshu[$kx_[0]])) {
$canshu[$kx_[0]] = [];
$canshu[$kx_[0]][$kx_[1]] = $v;
} else if (!isset($canshu[$kx_[0]][$kx_[1]])) {
$canshu[$kx_[0]][$kx_[1]] = [];
if ($zongshu > 2) {
if ($zongshu == 3) {
if (!is_array($canshu[$kx_[0]][$kx_[1]])) {
$canshu[$kx_[0]][$kx_[1]] = [];
$canshu[$kx_[0]][$kx_[1]][$kx_[2]] = $v;
} else if (!isset($canshu[$kx_[0]][$kx_[1]][$kx_[2]])) {
$canshu[$kx_[0]][$kx_[1]][$kx_[2]] = [];
if ($zongshu > 3) {
if ($zongshu == 4) {
if (!is_array($canshu[$kx_[0]][$kx_[1]][$kx_[2]])) {
$canshu[$kx_[0]][$kx_[1]][$kx_[2]] = [];
$canshu[$kx_[0]][$kx_[1]][$kx_[2]][$kx_[3]] = $v;
} else if (!isset($canshu[$kx_[0]][$kx_[1]][$kx_[2]][$kx_[3]])) {
$canshu[$kx_[0]][$kx_[1]][$kx_[2]][$kx_[3]] = [];
if ($zongshu > 4) {
if ($zongshu == 5) {
if (!is_array($canshu[$kx_[0]][$kx_[1]][$kx_[2]][$kx_[3]])) {
$canshu[$kx_[0]][$kx_[1]][$kx_[2]][$kx_[3]] = [];
$canshu[$kx_[0]][$kx_[1]][$kx_[2]][$kx_[3]][$kx_[4]] = $v;
} else if (!isset($canshu[$kx_[0]][$kx_[1]][$kx_[2]][$kx_[3]][$kx_[4]])) {
$canshu[$kx_[0]][$kx_[1]][$kx_[2]][$kx_[3]][$kx_[4]] = [];
if ($zongshu > 5) {
if ($zongshu == 6) {
if (!is_array($canshu[$kx_[0]][$kx_[1]][$kx_[2]][$kx_[3]][$kx_[4]])) {
$canshu[$kx_[0]][$kx_[1]][$kx_[2]][$kx_[3]][$kx_[4]] = [];
$canshu[$kx_[0]][$kx_[1]][$kx_[2]][$kx_[3]][$kx_[4]][$kx_[5]] = $v;
} else if (!isset($canshu[$kx_[0]][$kx_[1]][$kx_[2]][$kx_[3]][$kx_[4]][$kx_[5]])) {
$canshu[$kx_[0]][$kx_[1]][$kx_[2]][$kx_[3]][$kx_[4]][$kx_[5]] = [];
return $canshu;
//Safe replacement
function ELiSecurity($name)
return str_replace(array('-', '#', '/', ',', '|', '、', '\\', '*', '?', '<', '>', '.', "\n", "\r", '【', '】', '(', ')', ':', '{', '}', '\'', '"', ':', ';', ' '), array('_', ''), strtolower(trimE($name)));
//Create a directory
function ELiCreate($dir, $zz = '')
if (strstr($dir, "#")) {
if ($zz == '') {
$dirs = substr(strrchr($dir, '/'), 1);
if ($dirs != '') {
$dir = str_replace($dirs, '', $dir);
$dir = rtrimE($dir, '/');
if (!is_dir($dir)) {
if (!ELiCreate(dirname($dir), $zz = 2)) return false;
if (!mkdir($dir, 0777)) return false;
return true;
//Delete directory
function ELiRmdir($dir, $virtual = false)
$dir = $virtual ? realpath($dir) : $dir;
$dir = substr($dir, -1) == $ds ? substr($dir, 0, -1) : $dir;
if (is_dir($dir) && $handle = opendir($dir)) {
while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') {
} elseif (is_dir($dir . $ds . $file)) {
ELiRmdir($dir . $ds . $file);
} else {
unlink($dir . $ds . $file);
return true;
return false;
//Get ip address
if (!function_exists('ip')) {
function ip()
if (isset($GLOBALS['ip'])) {
return $GLOBALS['ip'];
$ip1 = getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP") ? getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP") : "none";
$ip2 = getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR") ? getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR") : "none";
$ip3 = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") ? getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") : "none";
$ip4 = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : "none";
if (isset($ip3) && $ip3 != "none" && $ip3 != "unknown") $ip = $ip3;
else if (isset($ip4) && $ip4 != "none" && $ip4 != "unknown") $ip = $ip4;
else if (isset($ip2) && $ip2 != "none" && $ip2 != "unknown") $ip = $ip2;
else if (isset($ip1) && $ip1 != "none" && $ip1 != "unknown") $ip = $ip1;
else $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
if (strstr($ip, ",")) {
$ip_ = explode(',', $ip);
$ip = $ip_['0'];
return $ip;
//Security Code
function ELimm($var = 'ELikj')
if (!$var) {
$var = time() . 'b891037e3d772605f56f8e9877d8593c';
$varstr = strlen($var);
if ($varstr < 1) {
$varstr = 32;
$hash = md5('@中国@' . base64_encode($var . '知者不惑,') . $var . '仁者不忧,' . sha1($var . '勇者不惧,') . '@制造@');
return substr($hash, 1, $varstr * 3);
function uuid($hash = "")
if ($hash == "") {
$hash = strtoupper(hash('ripemd128', rand(1, 9999999) . time() . md5(sha1(microtime()))));
} else {
$hash = strtoupper(md5(sha1($hash)));
return substr($hash, 0, 8) . '-' . substr($hash, 8, 4) . '-' . substr($hash, 12, 4) . '-' . substr($hash, 16, 4) . '-' . substr($hash, 20, 12);
function orderid($biaoqian = "ELi")
return $biaoqian . date('Ymd' . rand(10, 99) . 'His') . mt_rand(100000, 999999);
function db($table = "", $ELiDataBase_ = [])
global $ELiDataBase;
if ($ELiDataBase_) {
$ELiDataBase = $ELiDataBase_;
$ELiDatabaseDriver = new ELiPdo($ELiDataBase);
return $ELiDatabaseDriver->shezhi($table);
class ELiDatabaseDriver
var $DB = null;
var $mysql = null;
var $where = null;
var $paixu = null;
var $lismt = null;
var $sql = null;
var $table = null;
var $tablejg = null;
var $update = null;
var $charu = null;
var $bqdoq = null;
var $SHIWU = 0;
var $dqqz = null;
var $JOIN = null;
var $JOINtable = null;
var $JOINwhere = null;
var $yuanwhere = null;
var $tiaoshi = false;
public function __construct($data = '')
$this->DB = $data;
return $this;
function limit($data = '')
if ($data != '') {
$this->lismt = ' LIMIT ' . $this->Safeconversion($data);
return $this;
function wherezuhe($data = '')
$x = '';
if (is_array($data)) {
$zhsss = count($data);
if ($zhsss < 1) return;
foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
$k = $this->Safeconversion($k);
if (!is_array($v)) {
$v = $this->Safeconversion($v);
if (strstr($k, '>=') !== false) {
$k = trimE(str_replace('>=', '', $k));
$x .= " and `$k` >= '$v'";
} else if (strstr($k, '>') !== false) {
$k = trimE(str_replace('>', '', $k));
$x .= " and `$k` > '$v'";
} else if (strstr($k, '(') !== false) {
if ($v == 'and') $v = 'and';
else $v = 'OR';
$x .= " $v (";
} else if (strstr($k, ')') !== false) {
$x .= " ) ";
} else if (strstr($k, '<=') !== false) {
$k = trimE(str_replace('<=', '', $k));
$x .= " and `$k` <= '$v'";
} else if (strstr($k, '<') !== false) {
$k = trimE(str_replace('<', '', $k));
$x .= " and `$k` < '$v'";
} else if (strstr($k, '!=') !== false) {
$k = trimE(str_replace('!=', '', $k));
$x .= " and `$k` != '$v'";
} else if (strstr($k, 'OLK') !== false) {
$k = trimE(str_replace('OLK', '', $k));
$x .= " OR `$k` LIKE '$v'";
} else if (strstr($k, 'LIKE') !== false) {
$k = trimE(str_replace('LIKE', '', $k));
$x .= " and `$k` LIKE '$v'";
} else if (strstr($k, 'OR') !== false) {
$k = trimE(str_replace('OR', '', $k));
$x .= " OR `$k` = '$v'";
} else if (strstr($k, 'IN') !== false) {
$k = trimE(str_replace('IN', '', $k));
if (is_array($v))
$x .= " and `$k` IN(" . implode(',', $v) . ")";
$x .= " and `$k` IN($v)";
} else if (strstr($k, 'DAYD') !== false) {
$k = trimE(str_replace('DAYD', '', $k));
$x .= " and $k >= $v";
} else if (strstr($k, 'DAY') !== false) {
$k = trimE(str_replace('DAY', '', $k));
$x .= " and $k > $v";
} else if (strstr($k, 'XIYD') !== false) {
$k = trimE(str_replace('XIYD', '', $k));
$x .= " and $k <= $v";
} else if (strstr($k, 'XIY') !== false) {
$k = trimE(str_replace('XIY', '', $k));
$x .= " and $k < $v";
} else if (strstr($k, 'DEY') !== false) {
$k = trimE(str_replace('DEY', '', $k));
$x .= " and $k = $v";
} else
$x .= " and `$k`='$v'";
$x = str_replace(array('( OR ', '( and '), array('( ', '( '), $x);
$x = (ltrimE(trimE($x), 'OR'));
} else $x .= $data;
return 'WHERE ' . (ltrimE(trimE($x), 'and'));
public function zuheset($data = '')
if (!is_array($data)) {
return $data;
$chaxun = $this->tablejg[1];
$x = array();
foreach ($chaxun as $k => $v) {
if (isset($data[$k]) && $v != 'auto_increment') {
$x[] = "`$k` = '{$this->Safeconversion($data[$k])}'";
} else if (isset($data[$k . ' +'])) {
$x[] = "`$k` = $k + '{$this->Safeconversion($data[$k . ' +'])}'";
} else if (isset($data[$k . ' -'])) {
$x[] = "`$k` = $k - '{$this->Safeconversion($data[$k . ' -'])}'";
return implode(',', $x);
public function charuset($data = '')
if (!is_array($data)) {
return null;
$chaxun = $this->tablejg[1];
$xv = array();
foreach ($chaxun as $k => $v) {
if (isset($data[$k]) && $data[$k] != '' && $v != 'auto_increment') {
$xv[] = "'{$this->Safeconversion($data[$k])}'";
} else {
if ($v != 'auto_increment') {
$xv[] = "'" . str_replace($k . '_', '', $v) . "'";
$ndd = array();
foreach ($this->tablejg[1] as $ttm => $vvv) {
if ($vvv != 'auto_increment') {
$ndd[] = '`' . $ttm . '`';
return '(' . implode(',', $ndd) . ')VALUES (' . implode(',', $xv) . ')';
function pqsql($DATA, $woqu = 1)
if (!is_array($DATA)) {
return null;
$qian = "INSERT INTO `{$this->table}` ({$this->tablejg[0]})VALUES";
$sql = $qian;
$i = 1;
$num = count($DATA);
$shuju = ceil($num / 10);
if ($num > 1000 || $shuju < 100) {
$shuju = 1000;
foreach ($DATA as $anyou) {
if ($i % $shuju == 0) {
$sql = rtrimE($sql, ',');
$sql .= ';' . $qian . $anyou . ',';
} else {
$sql .= $anyou . ',';
$sql = rtrimE($sql, ',');
if ($woqu != '1') {
return $sql;
if ($this->SHIWU == 1) {
return $this->qurey($sql, 'shiwu');
} else {
return $this->qurey($sql, 'other');
function psql($data = '', $bfeifn = 1)
if (!is_array($data)) return null;
$chaxun = $this->tablejg[1];
$xv = array();
foreach ($chaxun as $k => $v) {
if (isset($data[$k]) && $data[$k] != '' && $v != 'auto_increment') {
$xv[] = "'{$this->Safeconversion($data[$k])}'";
} else {
if ($bfeifn != '1') {
$xv[] = "'{$this->Safeconversion($data[$k])}'";
} else {
if ($v == 'auto_increment') $xv[] = 'NULL';
else $xv[] = "'" . str_replace($k . '_', '', $v) . "'";
return '(' . implode(',', $xv) . ')';
function order($data = '')
if ($data != '') {
$this->paixu = ' ORDER BY ' . ELisql($data);
return $this;
function where($data = '')
if ($data != '') {
$this->yuanwhere = $data;
$this->where = $this->wherezuhe($data);
return $this;
function pwhere()
$this->tiaoshi = true;
return $this;
function find($data = '')
if ($data != '') {
if (is_array($data)) {
$this->where = $this->wherezuhe($data);
} else {
$chaxun = $this->tablejg[1];
foreach ($chaxun as $k => $v) {
if ($v == 'auto_increment') {
$dataf[$k . ' IN'] = $data;
$this->where = $this->wherezuhe($dataf);
return $this->zhixing('find');
function setshiwu($wo = 0)
$this->SHIWU = $wo;
return $this;
function zhicha($datasl)
if ($datasl != '') {
$zhiduan = $datasl;
$hhx = explode(',', $zhiduan);
$zuhe = [];
foreach ($hhx as $zifu) {
$zuhe[] = '`' . ELiSql($zifu) . '`';
$this->tablejg['0'] = implode(',', $zuhe);
return $this;
function paichu($datasl = '')
if ($datasl != '') {
$hhx = array_flip(explode(',', $datasl));
$zuhe = [];
foreach ($this->tablejg['1'] as $k => $v) {
if (!isset($hhx[$k])) {
$zuhe[] = '`' . ELiSql($k) . '`';
$this->tablejg['0'] = implode(',', $zuhe);
return $this;
function total($data = '')
if ($data != '') {
$this->where = $this->wherezuhe($data);
return $this->zhixing('zongshu');
function select($data = '')
if ($data != '') {
$this->where = $this->wherezuhe($data);
return $this->zhixing('select');
function qurey($data = '', $moth = 'other')
$this->sql = $data;
return $this->zhixing($moth);
function query($data = '', $moth = 'other')
$this->sql = $data;
return $this->zhixing($moth);
function update($data = '')
if ($data == '') {
return false;
$this->update = $this->zuheset($data);
return $this->zhixing('xiugai');
function delete($data = '')
if ($data != '') {
if (is_array($data)) {
$this->where = $this->wherezuhe($data);
} else {
$chaxun = $this->tablejg[1];
foreach ($chaxun as $k => $v) {
if ($v == 'auto_increment') {
$dataf[$k . ' IN'] = $data;
$this->where = $this->wherezuhe($dataf);
return $this->zhixing('shanchu');
function biao()
return $this->table;
function insert($data = '')
$this->charu = $this->charuset($data);
return $this->zhixing('charu');
function joinwhere($data = '')
if ($data != '') {
if (is_array($data)) {
$this->JOINwhere = $data;
} else {
$this->JOINwhere = explode(",", $data);
return $this;
function join($data = '')
if ($data != '') {
$zhixing = true;
if (is_array($data)) {
$this->JOIN = $data;
} else {
$this->JOIN = explode(",", $data);
if (count($this->JOIN) > 2) {
return $this->zhixing('joinselect');
} else {
p("join error");
function fanhuijoin($jsondate)
if( $jsondate == 'inner'){
$jsondate = ' InNEr JOIN ';
}else if( $jsondate == 'left'){
$jsondate = ' LeFt JOIN ';
}else if( $jsondate == 'right'){
$jsondate = ' RiGHt JOIN ';
}else if( $jsondate == 'full'){
$jsondate = ' FuLl JOIN ';
$jsondate = ' InNEr JOIN ';
return $jsondate;
function setbiao($data = '')
global $ELiConfig, $ELiMem;
$suiji = $this->dqqz;
$qianzui = $this->DB[$suiji]['prefix'];
if ($data != '') {
$this->table = $qianzui . $this->Safeconversion($data);
$HASH = 'db/' . ELimm($this->table);
$huanc = $ELiMem->g($HASH);
if ($huanc && $ELiConfig['operatingmode'] == "1") {
$this->tablejg = $huanc;
} else {
$qq = $this->zhixing('scjg');
$zuhe = [];
$mmmx = array_flip($qq);
foreach ($mmmx as $zz) {
$zuhe[] = '`' . ELisql($zz) . '`';
$gege['0'] = $chaxun = implode(',', $zuhe);
$gege['1'] = $qq;
$this->tablejg = $gege;
$ELiMem->s($HASH, $gege);
return $this;
function shezhi($data = '')
global $ELiConfig;
if (!isset($ELiConfig['dbselect']) || $ELiConfig['dbselect'] == '') {
$this->bqdoq = 'write';
} else {
$this->bqdoq = $ELiConfig['dbselect'];
if ($ELiConfig['doku'] == '1') {
$suiji = array_rand($this->DB, 1);
} else {
$suiji = $this->bqdoq;
$this->dqqz = $suiji;
if ($data != '') {
$qianzui = $this->DB[$suiji]['prefix'];
$this->table = $qianzui . $data;
$HASH = 'db/' . ELimm($this->table);
global $ELiMem;
$huanc = $ELiMem->g($HASH);
if ($huanc && $ELiConfig['operatingmode'] == "1") {
$this->tablejg = $huanc;
} else {
$qq = $this->zhixing('scjg');
$zuhe = [];
$mmmx = array_flip($qq);
foreach ($mmmx as $zz) {
$zuhe[] = '`' . ELisql($zz) . '`';
$gege['0'] = $chaxun = implode(',', $zuhe);
$gege['1'] = $qq;
$this->tablejg = $gege;
$ELiMem->s($HASH, $gege);
return $this;
public function Safeconversion($data)
if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) return ELiSql(addslashes($data));
else return ELiSql($data);
class ELiPdo extends ELiDatabaseDriver
public function lianjie($data)
try {
$pdo = new PDO("mysql:host={$data['hostname']};port={$data['hostport']};dbname={$data['database']}", $data['username'], $data['password'], array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES {$data['charset']}"));
} catch (PDOException $e) {
global $ELiConfig;
if ($ELiConfig['debugging'] != 0) {
$pdo = new PDO("mysql:host={$data['hostname']};port={$data['hostport']};dbname={$data['database']}", $data['username'], $data['password'], array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES {$data['charset']}"));
$this->mysql = $pdo;
return $pdo;
public function zhixing($moth = '', $sql = '')
global $ELiConfig;
$DATA = array();
if ($moth == 'scjg') {
$sql = "desc `{$this->table}`";
$qq = $this->mysql->prepare($sql);
while ($row = $qq->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$DATA["{$row['Field']}"] = $row['Extra'] == '' ? $row['Field'] . '_' . $row['Default'] : $row['Extra'];
return $DATA;
} else if ($moth == 'find') {
$chaxun = $this->tablejg[0];
$sql = "SELECT $chaxun FROM `{$this->table}` {$this->where} {$this->paixu} LIMIT 0 , 1";
$this->where = $this->paixu = null;
if ($this->tiaoshi) {
$this->tiaoshi = false;
$qq = $this->mysql->prepare($sql);
$row = $qq->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (!$row) return false;
else return $row;
} else if ($moth == 'joinselect') {
$jsondate = $k = $this->Safeconversion($this->JOIN['0']);
$diyitable = $k = $this->Safeconversion($this->JOIN['1']);
$jsondate = $this->fanhuijoin($jsondate);
$diyitable = $this->biao();
$xingdian = "*";
$baiojiegou = $this->tablejg[0];
if ($baiojiegou != "") {
$biaogou = explode(",", $baiojiegou);
$zuhede = array();
foreach ($biaogou as $zhis) {
$zuhede[] = $diyitable . '.' . $zhis;
$xingdian = implode(",", $zuhede);
$wheresd = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($this->JOINwhere as $k => $shuju) {
$tashiz = explode(',', $k);
$wheresd[$i] = $diyitable . '.' . $tashiz['0'] . ' ' . $shuju . ' @@.' . $tashiz['1'];
$onhouxu = "";
$i = 0;
foreach ($this->JOIN as $shujude) {
$tdexiabiao = "";
if (strpos($shujude, ',') !== false) {
$fancanshu = explode(',', $shujude);
$shujude = $fancanshu[1];
$tdexiabiao = $this->fanhuijoin($fancanshu[0]);
if ($tdexiabiao == "") {
$tdexiabiao = $jsondate;
$shujude = $this->Safeconversion($shujude);
$shujude = $this->biao();
$baiojiegou = $this->tablejg[0];
if ($i < 1) {
$onhouxu .= $shujude . " ON " . str_replace('@@', $shujude, $wheresd[$i]);
} else {
$onhouxu .= $tdexiabiao . $shujude . " ON " . str_replace('@@', $shujude, $wheresd[$i]);
if ($baiojiegou != "") {
$biaogou = explode(",", $baiojiegou);
$zuhede = array();
foreach ($biaogou as $zhis) {
$zuhede[] = $shujude . '.' . $zhis;
$xingdian .= ',' . implode(",", $zuhede);
if ($this->where) {
foreach ($this->yuanwhere as $k => $v) {
$k = $this->Safeconversion($k);
$this->where = str_replace("`$k`", "`$diyitable`.`$k`", $this->where);
$onhouxu = ltrimE($onhouxu, $jsondate);
$sql = "SELECT $xingdian FROM $diyitable $jsondate $onhouxu {$this->where} {$this->paixu} {$this->lismt}";
$this->yuanwhere = $this->JOINwhere = $this->JOIN = $this->JOINtable = $this->where = $this->paixu = $this->lismt = null;
if ($this->tiaoshi) {
$this->tiaoshi = false;
$qq = $this->mysql->prepare($sql);
$row = $qq->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (!$row) return false;
else return $row;
} else if ($moth == 'select') {
$chaxun = $this->tablejg[0];
$sql = "SELECT $chaxun FROM `{$this->table}` {$this->where} {$this->paixu} {$this->lismt}";
$this->where = $this->paixu = $this->lismt = null;
$qq = $this->mysql->prepare($sql);
if ($this->tiaoshi) {
$this->tiaoshi = false;
$row = $qq->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (!$row) return false;
else return $row;
} else if ($moth == 'charu') {
$sql = "INSERT INTO `{$this->table}` {$this->charu}";
$this->charu = null;
if ($this->SHIWU == 1) return $sql . ';@;';
if ($ELiConfig['doku'] == '1' && $this->bqdoq != $this->dqqz)
if ($this->tiaoshi) {
$this->tiaoshi = false;
$qq = $this->mysql->prepare($sql);
$id = $this->mysql->lastInsertId();
if ($id) return $id;
else return false;
} else if ($moth == 'shanchu') {
$sql = "DELETE FROM `{$this->table}` {$this->where} {$this->lismt}";
$this->where = $this->lismt = null;
if ($this->SHIWU == 1) return $sql . ';@;';
if ($ELiConfig['doku'] == '1' && $this->bqdoq != $this->dqqz)
if ($this->tiaoshi) {
$this->tiaoshi = false;
$qq = $this->mysql->prepare($sql);
if ($qq->rowCount()) return true;
else return false;
} else if ($moth == 'xiugai') {
$sql = "UPDATE `{$this->table}` SET {$this->update} {$this->where} {$this->lismt}";
$this->where = $this->update = $this->lismt = null;
if ($this->SHIWU == 1) return $sql . ';@;';
if ($ELiConfig['doku'] == '1' && $this->bqdoq != $this->dqqz)
if ($this->tiaoshi) {
$this->tiaoshi = false;
$qq = $this->mysql->prepare($sql);
if ($qq->rowCount()) return true;
else return false;
} else if ($moth == 'zongshu') {
$chaxun = $this->tablejg[0];
$sql = "SELECT count(*) as count FROM `{$this->table}` {$this->where} {$this->paixu} {$this->lismt}";
$this->where = $this->paixu = $this->lismt = null;
$qq = $this->mysql->prepare($sql);
if ($this->tiaoshi) {
$this->tiaoshi = false;
$row = $qq->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
return $row['count'];
} else if ($moth == 'other') {
if ($ELiConfig['doku'] == '1' && $this->bqdoq != $this->dqqz)
$qq = $this->mysql->prepare($this->sql);
if ($this->tiaoshi) {
$this->tiaoshi = false;
$row = $qq->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (!$row) return false;
else return $row;
} else if ($moth == 'erwei') {
if ($ELiConfig['doku'] == '1' && $this->bqdoq != $this->dqqz)
$qq = $this->mysql->prepare($this->sql);
if ($this->tiaoshi) {
$this->tiaoshi = false;
$row = $qq->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (!$row) return false;
else return $row;
} else if ($moth == 'accse') {
if ($ELiConfig['doku'] == '1' && $this->bqdoq != $this->dqqz)
$qq = $this->mysql->prepare($this->sql);
if ($this->tiaoshi) {
$this->tiaoshi = false;
$row = $qq->execute();
if (!$row) return false;
else return true;
} else if ($moth == 'shiwu') {
if ($ELiConfig['doku'] == '1' && $this->bqdoq != $this->dqqz)
$this->mysql->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT, 0);
if ($this->tiaoshi) {
$this->tiaoshi = false;
try {
$zhiss = explode(';@;', $this->sql);
foreach ($zhiss as $tsss) {
if ($tsss == '') continue;
$woud = $this->mysql->exec($tsss . ';');
if (!$woud) {
$wodw = new Textcache;
$wodw->s('sqlerror/' . time() . '_' . rand(1, 9999999), $tsss . ' @@@@@ ' . $this->sql);
$this->sql = NULL;
$this->mysql->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT, 1);
return false;
$fanhui = $this->mysql->commit();
$this->sql = NULL;
$this->mysql->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT, 1);
return $fanhui;
} catch (PDOExecption $e) {
$wodw = new Textcache;
$wodw->s('sqlerror/' . time() . '_' . rand(1, 9999999), $this->sql);
$this->sql = NULL;
$this->mysql->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT, 1);
return false;
//request post
function ELipost($url, $para, $Extension = array(), $cacert_url = '')
$curl = curl_init($url);
if (strpos($url, "s://") !== false) {
if ($cacert_url != '') {
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 2);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, $cacert_url);
} else {
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 240);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $para);
if ($Extension) {
foreach ($Extension as $k => $v) {
curl_setopt($curl, $k, $v);
$responseText = curl_exec($curl);
return $responseText;
//request get
function ELiget($url, $Extension = array(), $cacert_url = '')
$curl = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 240);
if (strpos($url, "s://") !== false) {
if ($cacert_url != '') {
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 2);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, $cacert_url);
} else {
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
if ($Extension) {
foreach ($Extension as $k => $v) {
curl_setopt($curl, $k, $v);
$responseText = curl_exec($curl);
return $responseText;
function ELihhGet($k = "")
global $ELiConfig, $SESSIONID, $ELiMemsession;
$session_data = $ELiMemsession->g(sessionpath . $SESSIONID);
if (!$session_data || !is_array($session_data)) {
$session_data = [];
if ($k != "") {
if (isset($session_data[$k])) {
return $session_data[$k];
} else {
return false;
return $session_data;
function ELihhSet($k, $v = null)
global $ELiConfig, $SESSIONID, $ELiMemsession;
$session_data = $ELiMemsession->g(sessionpath . $SESSIONID);
if (!$session_data || !is_array($session_data)) {
$session_data = [];
if ($k) {
if (is_array($k)) {
foreach ($k as $tt => $xxx) {
$session_data[$tt] = $xxx;
} else {
$session_data[$k] = $v;
$ELiMemsession->s(sessionpath . $SESSIONID, $session_data, $ELiConfig['sessiontime']);
return $session_data;
function ELihhDel($k = "")
global $ELiConfig, $SESSIONID, $ELiMemsession;
if ($k == "") {
return $ELiMemsession->d(sessionpath . $SESSIONID);
$session_data = $ELiMemsession->g(sessionpath . $SESSIONID);
if (!$session_data || !is_array($session_data)) {
$session_data = [];
if (is_array($k)) {
foreach ($k as $tt => $xxx) {
if (isset($session_data[$tt])) {
} else {
if (isset($session_data[$k])) {
$ELiMemsession->s(sessionpath . $SESSIONID, $session_data, $ELiConfig['sessiontime']);
return $session_data;
class ELimemsql
function __construct($CC = null, $zhiding = [], $dbname = 'memcached')
global $ELiMem, $ELiDataBase;
if (!$ELiMem) $ELiMem = new Textcache;
if (!$zhiding) $zhiding = $ELiDataBase;
if (!$CC) $CC = db($dbname, $zhiding);
else $CC->setbiao($dbname);
$this->mysql = $CC->setshiwu('0');
return $this->mysql;
public function s($key, $value, $time = 0)
if ($time > 0) $time = time() + $time;
$sqlx = "('" . $this->mysql->Safeconversion($key) . "','" . Safeconversion(serialize($value)) . "','" . ((int)$time) . "')"; // '(." ,".
$fan = $this->mysql->qurey(" INSERT INTO `" . $this->mysql->biao() . "` (`name`,`keval`,`atime`) VALUES " . $sqlx, 'accse');
if (!$fan) {
$this->mysql->qurey("UPDATE `" . $this->mysql->biao() . "` SET `atime` = " . ((int)$time) . " ,`keval` = '" . Safeconversion(serialize($value)) . "' " . $this->mysql->wherezuhe(array('name' => $key)), 'accse');
return true;
public function g($key)
$data = $this->mysql->where(array('name' => $key))->find();
if ($data) {
if ($data['atime'] > 0) {
if ($data['atime'] < time()) {
return false;
return unserialize($data['keval']);
} else return false;
public function d($key)
return $this->mysql->delete(array('name' => $key));
public function f()
return $this->mysql->delete();
public function j($key, $num = 1, $time = 0)
$shuju = (float)$this->g($key);
if (!$shuju) $shuju = 0;
$shuju -= $num;
$this->s($key, $shuju, $time);
return $shuju;
public function ja($key, $num = 1, $time = 0)
$shuju = (float)$this->g($key);
if (!$shuju) $shuju = $num;
else $shuju += $num;
$this->s($key, $shuju, $time);
return $shuju;
function ELivcode($sizes = '1', $code = "0123456789", $shu = 4, $width = 100, $height = 50, $zadian = 100, $xiaos = 6)
$GLOBALS['head'] = "png";
if (!defined("Residentmemory")) {
header("Content-type: image/png");
global $ELiConfig;
$width *= 2;
if ($code == '') $code = "0123456789";
preg_match_all("/./u", $code, $arr);
$CODE = $arr[0];
$ascii = '';
if ($sizes == '0') $ZITI = rand(1, 10);
else $ZITI = $sizes;
$size = rand(30, 40);
$code1 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyz~!@#$%^&*()_+-=.";
$hhda = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $shu; $i++) {
$hhda[] = $code{
rand(0, strlen($code) - 1)};
for ($i = 0; $i < $shu; $i++) {
$hhda[] = $code1{
rand(0, strlen($code1) - 1)};
$mkqian = implode('', $hhda);
$mofont = ELikj . '../Tpl/Font/' . $ZITI . '.ttf';
$zhufu = explode(',', $ELiConfig['vcode']);
$shu *= 2;
$zzzz = rand(30, 60);
if (class_exists('Imagick')) {
$rand = array('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f');
$image = new Imagick();
$draw = new ImagickDraw();
$color = '#' . $rand[rand(5, 15)] . $rand[rand(5, 15)] . $rand[rand(5, 15)] . $rand[rand(5, 15)] . $rand[rand(5, 15)] . $rand[rand(5, 15)];
$pixel = new ImagickPixel($color);
$image->newImage($width, $height, $pixel);
$image->addNoiseImage(imagick::NOISE_POISSON, imagick::CHANNEL_OPACITY);
$color = '#' . $rand[rand(0, 8)] . $rand[rand(0, 8)] . $rand[rand(0, 8)] . $rand[rand(0, 8)] . $rand[rand(0, 8)] . $rand[rand(0, 8)];
for ($i = 0; $i < $shu; $i++) {
if ($sizes < 0) {
$ZITI = rand(1, 10);
$draw->setFont(ELikj . '../Tpl/Font/' . $ZITI . '.ttf');
if ($sizes == -2) {
$char = $zhufu[$i] . ' ....__-$%#$^^6634' . rand(1, 999999);
$ZITI = 11;
$draw->setFont(ELikj . '../Tpl/Font/' . $ZITI . '.ttf');
} else {
$char = $mkqian{
$shus = $i * ($width / $height) * $xiaos;
$tux = $shus + rand(5, 10);
$tuy = (int)($height / 2) + rand(5, $size);
$image->annotateImage($draw, $tux, $height * 0.7, 0, $char);
$ascii .= $char;
} else {
$image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
imagefill($image, 0, 0, imagecolorallocate($image, rand(155, 255), rand(155, 255), rand(155, 255)));
for ($i = 0; $i < $shu; $i++) {
if ($sizes < 0) {
$ZITI = rand(1, 10);
if ($sizes == -2) {
$char = $zhufu[$i] . ' ....__-$%#$^^6634' . rand(1, 999999);
$ZITI = 11;
} else {
$char = $mkqian{
$COLOR = imagecolorallocate($image, rand(0, 80), rand(0, 80), rand(0, 80));
$shus = $i * ($width / $height) * $xiaos;
$tux = $shus + rand(5, 10);
$tuy = (int)($height / 2) + rand(5, $size);
$coordinates = imagefttext($image, $size, 0, $tux, $height * 0.7, $COLOR, ELikj . '../Tpl/Font/' . $ZITI . '.ttf', $char, array('character_spacing' => 20));
$ascii .= $char;
if ($sizes != -2) {
$ascii = '';
$mmx = str_split($mkqian);
foreach ($mmx as $zicu) {
if (is_numeric($zicu)) {
$ascii .= '' . $zicu;
$_SESSION['code'] = isset($ELiConfig['sicode']) && $ELiConfig['sicode'] == 1 ? $ascii : strtolower($ascii);
$_SESSION['codetime'] = time();
ELihhSet(['code' => $_SESSION['code'], 'codetime' => $_SESSION['codetime']]);
if (class_exists('Imagick')) {
echo $image;
} else {
function pagec($xsuu, $page_size = 10, $nums, $sub_pages = 5, $page, $qianzui, $houzui = '')
$xx = ceil($nums / $page_size);
if ($page > $xx) return '';
$subPages = new SubPages($xsuu, $page_size, $nums, $page, $sub_pages, $qianzui, $houzui, 2);
return ($subPages->subPageCss2());
class SubPages
private $each_disNums;
private $nums;
private $current_page;
private $sub_pages;
private $pageNums;
private $page_array = array();
private $subPage_link;
private $subPage_type;
private $houzui;
private $arrays;
function __construct($fenye, $each_disNums, $nums, $current_page, $sub_pages, $subPage_link, $houzui, $subPage_type)
$this->each_disNums = intval($each_disNums);
$this->nums = intval($nums);
$this->houzui = $houzui;
if (!isset($fenye['dqdi'])) {
$fenye = array(
'dqdi' => 'The',
'ye' => 'Page',
'home' => 'home',
'last' => 'Previous',
'next' => 'next',
'weiye' => 'end',
$this->arrays = $fenye;
if (!$current_page) $this->current_page = 1;
else $this->current_page = intval($current_page);
$this->sub_pages = intval($sub_pages);
$this->pageNums = ceil($nums / $each_disNums);
$this->subPage_link = $subPage_link;
function __destruct()
function initArray()
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->sub_pages; $i++) $this->page_array[$i] = $i;
return $this->page_array;
function construct_num_Page()
if ($this->pageNums < $this->sub_pages) {
$current_array = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->pageNums; $i++) $current_array[$i] = $i + 1;
} else {
$current_array = $this->initArray();
if ($this->current_page <= 3) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($current_array); $i++) $current_array[$i] = $i + 1;
} else if ($this->current_page <= $this->pageNums && $this->current_page > $this->pageNums - $this->sub_pages + 1) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($current_array); $i++) $current_array[$i] = ($this->pageNums) - ($this->sub_pages) + 1 + $i;
} else {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($current_array); $i++) $current_array[$i] = $this->current_page - 2 + $i;
return $current_array;
function subPageCss2()
$subPageCss2Str = "";
$subPageCss2Str .= " <span>" . $this->arrays['dqdi'] . $this->current_page . "/" . $this->pageNums . $this->arrays['ye'] . "</span>";
if ($this->current_page > 1) {
if (PAGEtrimE == 1)
$dangqian = rtrimE($this->subPage_link, ELifenge);
else $dangqian = $this->subPage_link . '1';
$firstPageUrl = $dangqian . $this->houzui;
$prewPageUrl = $this->subPage_link . ($this->current_page - 1) . $this->houzui;
$subPageCss2Str .= "<a href=\"$firstPageUrl\">" . $this->arrays['home'] . "</a> ";
if ($this->current_page <= 2) $prewPageUrl = $firstPageUrl;
$subPageCss2Str .= "<a href=\"$prewPageUrl\">" . $this->arrays['last'] . "</a> ";
} else {
$subPageCss2Str .= " <span>" . $this->arrays['home'] . "</span>";
$subPageCss2Str .= " <span>" . $this->arrays['last'] . "</span>";
$a = $this->construct_num_Page();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($a); $i++) {
$s = $a[$i];
if ($s == $this->current_page) $subPageCss2Str .= "<span class='hover'>" . $s . "</span>";
else {
$url = $this->subPage_link . $s . $this->houzui;
if ($s < 2 && PAGEtrimE == 1) $url = rtrimE($this->subPage_link, ELifenge) . $this->houzui;
$subPageCss2Str .= " <a href=\"$url\">" . $s . "</a>";
if ($this->current_page < $this->pageNums) {
$lastPageUrl = $this->subPage_link . $this->pageNums . $this->houzui;
$nextPageUrl = $this->subPage_link . ($this->current_page + 1) . $this->houzui;
$subPageCss2Str .= " <a href=\"$nextPageUrl\">" . $this->arrays['next'] . "</a>";
$subPageCss2Str .= " <a href=\"$lastPageUrl\">" . $this->arrays['weiye'] . "</a> ";
} else {
$subPageCss2Str .= " <span>" . $this->arrays['next'] . "</span>";
$subPageCss2Str .= " <span>" . $this->arrays['weiye'] . "</span>";
if (PAGEtrimE == 1 && $this->houzui != "" && $this->houzui != ELifenge) {
$subPageCss2Str = str_replace(ELifenge . $this->houzui, $this->houzui, $subPageCss2Str);
return $sss[] = $subPageCss2Str;
//upload picture
if (!function_exists('upload')) {
function upload()
$ext_arr = array(
'friend' => array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'bmp', 'mp4'),
'image' => array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'bmp'),
'flash' => array('swf', 'flv'),
'media' => array('swf', 'flv', 'mp3', 'wav', 'wma', 'wmv', 'mid', 'avi', 'mpg', 'asf', 'rm', 'rmvb', 'mp4'),
'file' => array('doc', 'docx', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'ppt', 'htm', 'html', 'txt', 'zip', 'rar', 'gz', 'bz2', '7z'),
'all' => array('gif', 'bmp', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'swf', 'flv', 'mp3', 'wav', 'wma', 'wmv', 'mid', 'avi', 'mpg', 'asf', 'rm', 'rmvb', 'doc', 'docx', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'ppt', 'htm', 'html', 'txt', 'zip', 'rar', 'gz', 'bz2', '7z', 'mp4')
if (isset($_GET['uplx']) && isset($ext_arr[$_GET['uplx']])) $LX = $_GET['uplx'];
else $LX = 'all';
global $ELiConfig, $LANG;
$max_size = isset($_GET['maxsize']) && $ELiConfig['maxsize'] >= $_GET['maxsize'] && $_GET['maxsize'] > 10 ? $_GET['maxsize'] : $ELiConfig['maxsize'];
if (!isset($_FILES[$LX])) {
return array('code' => '0', 'msg' => $LANG['update']['meiwenjian']);
if (!empty($_FILES[$LX]['error'])) {
switch ($_FILES[$LX]['error']) {
case '1':
$error = $LANG['update']['error1'];
case '2':
$error = $LANG['update']['error2'];
case '3':
$error = $LANG['update']['error3'];
case '4':
$error = $LANG['update']['error4'];
case '6':
$error = $LANG['update']['error6'];
case '7':
$error = $LANG['update']['error7'];
case '8':
$error = $LANG['update']['error8'];
case '999':
$error = $LANG['update']['error999'];
return array('code' => '0', 'msg' => $error);
$qianzui = 'attachment/' . $LX . '/' . date('Ym') . '/';
$files = $ELiConfig['dir'] . $qianzui;
$WJIAN = ELikj . '../' . ltrimE($qianzui, '/');
if (empty($_FILES) === false) {
$file_name = $_FILES[$LX]['name'];
$tmp_name = $_FILES[$LX]['tmp_name'];
$file_size = $_FILES[$LX]['size'];
if (!$file_name) return array('code' => '0', 'msg' => $LANG['update']['meiwenjian']);
if (@is_dir($WJIAN) === false) return array('code' => '0', 'msg' => $LANG['update']['meimulu']);
if (@is_writable($WJIAN) === false) return array('code' => '0', 'msg' => $LANG['update']['meixieru']);
if (@is_uploaded_file($tmp_name) === false) return array('code' => '0', 'msg' => $LANG['update']['chuanshibai']);
if ($file_size > $max_size) return array('code' => '0', 'msg' => $LANG['update']['maxsizeda']);
$temp_arr = explode(".", $file_name);
$file_ext = array_pop($temp_arr);
$file_ext = trimE($file_ext);
$file_ext = strtolower($file_ext);
$expa = array_flip($ext_arr[$LX]);
if (!isset($expa[$file_ext])) {
return array('code' => '0', 'msg' => $LANG['update']['shangchuanyun'] . implode(',', $ext_arr[$LX]));
$Nfile = date('d') . '_' . ELimm(time() . rand(1, 9999999)) . '.' . $file_ext;
$returnfile = $files . $Nfile;
$tmpneirong = file_get_contents($tmp_name);
if (strpos(strtolower($tmpneirong), '<?php') !== false) {
return array('code' => 0, 'msg' => $LANG['update']['meiwenjian']);
if (strpos(substr($tmpneirong, 0, 50), ';base64,') !== false) {
$nnn = explode(';base64,', $tmpneirong);
file_put_contents($tmp_name, base64_decode($nnn['1']));
$CDN = '';
if (move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $WJIAN . $Nfile) === false) return array('code' => '0', 'msg' => $LANG['update']['chuanshibai']);
@chmod($WJIAN . $Nfile, 0644);
if (is_file($tmp_name)) {
if (!defined("Residentmemory")) {
if (strpos($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "MSIE")) header('Content-type:text/html; charset=UTF-8');
else header('Content-type:application/json ;charset=UTF-8');
return array('code' => 1, 'content' => array('pic' => $returnfile, 'size' => $file_size, 'houzui' => $file_ext));
} else return array('code' => 0, 'msg' => $LANG['update']['meiwenjian']);
//nternal call
function callELi($Plus = "", $ClassFunc = "", $CANSHU = array(), $features = array(), $fanhui = true)
$className = 'ELikj_' . $Plus;
if (!class_exists($className, false)) {
if (!class_exists($className, false)) {
return "Plugin does not exist $Plus";
$ClassFunc = strtolower($ClassFunc);
$class = new $className();
$get_class = get_class_methods($class);
$cls_methods = array_flip($get_class);
foreach ($get_class as $v) {
$cls_methods[strtolower($v)] = $v;
if (!isset($cls_methods[$ClassFunc])) {
//Default processing
$ClassFunc_ = $ClassFunc;
$ClassFunc = 'Construct';
if (!isset($cls_methods[$ClassFunc])) {
return "Plugin $Plus function $ClassFunc_ and $ClassFunc not exist";
$CANSHU['-1'] = $ClassFunc_;
$fan = $class->$ClassFunc($CANSHU, $features);
if ($fanhui) {
return $class;
return $fan;
//Execute plugin
function ELibug($shuju)
if (is_array($shuju)) {
$shuju = json_encode($shuju);
file_put_contents(ELikj . 'bug.txt', date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' ' . $shuju . "\n", FILE_APPEND);
function ELicall($Plus = "", $ClassFunc = "", $CANSHU = array(), $features = array(), $fanhui = true)
$className = 'ELikj_' . $Plus;
if (!class_exists($className, false)) {
if (!class_exists($className, false)) {
return ELiError("Plugin does not exist $Plus");
$class = new $className();
$cls_methods = array_flip(get_class_methods($class));
if (!isset($cls_methods[$ClassFunc])) {
//Default processing
$ClassFunc_ = $ClassFunc;
$ClassFunc = 'Construct';
if (!isset($cls_methods[$ClassFunc])) {
return ELiError("Plugin $Plus function $ClassFunc_ and $ClassFunc not exist");
$CANSHU['-1'] = $ClassFunc_;
$class->$ClassFunc($CANSHU, $features);
if ($fanhui) {
return $class;
return false;
//Read plugin
function ELiLoad($plush)
if (is_array($plush)) {
foreach ($plush as $shuju) {
$className = 'ELikj_' . $shuju;
if (!class_exists($className, false)) {
$file = ELikj . 'Controller/' . $shuju . '.Class.php';
if (file_exists($file)) {
require_once $file;
} else {
ELiError("Plugin File not exist $shuju ");
return false;
} else {
$className = 'ELikj_' . $plush;
if (!class_exists($className, false)) {
$file = ELikj . 'Controller/' . $plush . '.Class.php';
if (file_exists($file)) {
require_once $file;
} else {
ELiError("Plugin File not exist $plush");
return false;
return true;
//Read Plusconfig
function Plusconfig($name = "")
global $features;
if ($name == "") {
return $features['configure'];
if ($features['configure']) {
if (isset($features['configure'][$name])) {
if (count($features['configure'][$name]) == 1) {
return reset($features['configure'][$name]);
} else {
return $features['configure'][$name];
return false;
function config($name, $qx = 0, $db = null)
$name = trimE($name);
global $ELiMem;
$hash = 'config/' . md5($name);
if ($qx == 2) {
return false;
$data = $ELiMem->g($hash);
if ($data == -1 && $qx === 0) {
return false;
if ($data && $qx === 0) {
return $data;
if (!$db) {
$db = db('config');
} else {
$dbc = $db->where(array('type' => $name))->find();
if ($dbc) {
if ($dbc['data'] != '') {
$DATA = explode(',', $dbc['data']);
if (count($DATA) == 1) {
$DATA = reset($DATA);
$ELiMem->s($hash, $DATA);
return $DATA;
$ELiMem->s($hash, -1, 10);
return false;
//Plugin parameters
function ELiplus($name, $qx = 0, $db = null)
$name = trimE($name);
global $ELiMem;
$hash = 'ELiplus/' . md5($name);
if ($qx == 2) {
return false;
$data = $ELiMem->g($hash);
if ($data == -1 && $qx === 0) {
return false;
if ($data && $qx === 0) {
return $data;
if (!$db) {
$db = db('features');
} else {
$dbc = $db->where(array('pluginid' => $name))->find();
if ($dbc) {
if ($dbc['configure'] != "") {
$dbc['configure'] = json_decode($dbc['configure'], true);
} else {
$dbc['configure'] = array();
if ($dbc['menuconfig'] != "") {
$dbc['menuconfig'] = json_decode($dbc['menuconfig'], true);
} else {
$dbc['menuconfig'] = array();
$ELiMem->s($hash, $dbc);
return $dbc;
$ELiMem->s($hash, -1, 10);
return false;
//url link
function ELiLink($plush)
global $ELiConfig;
$urlpath = "";
if ($ELiConfig['urlpath'] == 1 || $ELiConfig['urlpath'] == -1) {
$urlpath = "index.php/";
} elseif ($ELiConfig['urlpath'] == 2 || $ELiConfig['urlpath'] == -2) {
$urlpath = "index.php?";
} elseif ($ELiConfig['urlpath'] == 3 || $ELiConfig['urlpath'] == -3) {
$urlpath = "?";
} elseif ($ELiConfig['urlpath'] == 4 || $ELiConfig['urlpath'] == -4) {
$urlpath = "?/";
} else if ($ELiConfig['urlpath'] == 5 || $ELiConfig['urlpath'] == -5) {
$urlpath = "";
$houzui = $ELiConfig['houzui'];
if ($ELiConfig['urlpath'] <= 0) {
$houzui = "/";
if (!$plush) {
return WZHOST . $urlpath;
if ($ELiConfig['iscms'] == '1' && $plush['0'] == $ELiConfig['object']) {
return WZHOST . $urlpath . implode($ELiConfig['fenge'], $plush) . $houzui;
//Safety statement
function ELis($name = 'ELiSafety')
if (!defined($name)) {
define($name, true);
//Security Indication Verification
function ELiy($name = 'ELiSafety')
if (!defined($name)) {
return echoapptoken([], -1, 'cross-object access ' . $name);
//Read user id
function uid($uid, $qx = 0, $db = null)
$uid = (int) trimE($uid);
if ($uid < 1) {
return false;
global $ELiMem;
$hash = 'uid/' . $uid;
if ($qx == 2) {
return false;
$data = $ELiMem->g($hash);
if ($data == -1 && $qx === 0) {
return false;
if ($data && $qx === 0) {
return $data;
if (!$db) {
$db = db('user');
} else {
$dbc = $db->where(array('id' => $uid))->find();
if ($dbc) {
$ELiMem->s($hash, $dbc);
return $dbc;
$ELiMem->s($hash, -1, 10);
return false;
//Money management
function jiaqian($uid = 0, $type = 0, $money = 0, $integral = 0, $currency = 0, $data = "", $ip = "", $plugin = "", $sql = '')
$D = db('user');
$uid = (int)$uid;
if ($money != 0) {
$where = array('id' => $uid);
if ($money < 0) {
$where['money >='] = -$money;
$sql .= $D->setshiwu(1)->setbiao('user')->where($where)->update(array('money +' => $money));
$sql .= $D->setshiwu(1)->setbiao('moneylog')->insert(array(
'uid' => $uid,
'type' => $type,
'num' => $money,
'pluginid' => $plugin == "" ? $GLOBALS['plugin'] : $plugin,
'data' => $data,
'ip' => $ip == '' ? ip() : $ip,
'atime' => time()
if ($integral != 0) {
$where = array('id' => $uid);
if ($integral < 0) {
$where['integral >='] = -$integral;
$sql .= $D->setshiwu(1)->setbiao('user')->where($where)->update(array('integral +' => $integral));
$sql .= $D->setshiwu(1)->setbiao('integrallog')->insert(array(
'uid' => $uid,
'type' => $type,
'num' => $integral,
'pluginid' => $plugin == "" ? $GLOBALS['plugin'] : $plugin,
'data' => $data,
'ip' => $ip == '' ? ip() : $ip,
'atime' => time()
if ($currency != 0) {
$where = array('id' => $uid);
if ($currency < 0) {
$where['currency >='] = -$currency;
$sql .= $D->setshiwu(1)->setbiao('user')->where($where)->update(array('currency +' => $currency));
$sql .= $D->setshiwu(1)->setbiao('currencylog')->insert(array(
'uid' => $uid,
'type' => $type,
'num' => $currency,
'pluginid' => $plugin == "" ? $GLOBALS['plugin'] : $plugin,
'data' => $data,
'ip' => $ip == '' ? ip() : $ip,
'atime' => time()
if ($sql == "") {
return false;
$fan = $D->qurey($sql, 'shiwu');
if ($fan) {
return uid($uid, 1, $D);
} else return false;
//Browser Information Judgement Platform
function ELishouji($anget)
$anget = platform($anget);
if (strpos(strtolower($anget), "android") !== false) {
return 'Android';
} else if (strpos($anget, "iOS") !== false) {
return "iOS ";
} else if (strpos($anget, "ISAPP") !== false) {
return "APP";
return false;
function platform($anget)
$anget = trimE($anget);
if ($anget == "") {
return "未知";
$xitong = "";
$hj = " web";
$shuju = [];
$xotp = [];
$system = [];
$shuju = explode(')', $anget);
if ($shuju) {
$xotp = explode('(', $shuju['0']);
if ($xotp && isset($xotp['1'])) {
$system = explode(';', $xotp['1']);
if (strpos($anget, "ISAPP") !== false) {
$hj = "APP";
if (strpos(strtolower($anget), "android") !== false) {
$xitong = "Android ";
} else if (strpos($anget, "iOS") !== false) {
$xitong = "iOS ";
} else {
if ($system && count($system) > 1) {
$xitong = $system['1'];
} else {
$xitong = "其他 ";
$sj = "";
if ($system && isset($system['2'])) {
$sj = " " . $system['2'];
return $xitong . $hj . $sj;
//uuid detection
function uuidc($uuid, $fan = true)
$uuid = trimE(str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), array('', '', ''), trimE($uuid)));
$cahifen = explode('-', $uuid);
if (count($cahifen) != 5) {
if ($fan) {
return uuid();
return false;
$zu = [8, 4, 4, 4, 12];
foreach ($cahifen as $k => $cdu) {
$z = strlen($cdu);
if ($zu[$k] != $z) {
if ($fan) {
return uuid();
return false;
return $uuid;
//debugging under the shell
function ELiCmd($wezi = "")
echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s : ") . $wezi . "\n";
//Read template
function ELitpl($plugin, $file, $THIS)
$file = ELikj . '../Tpl/' . str_replace('..', '', $plugin . '/' . $file) . '.php';
if (file_exists($file)) {
global $ELiConfig, $ELiMem, $CANSHU, $features, $SESSIONID, $LANG;
return include $file;
} else {
return echoapptoken([], -1, $plugin . ' file does not exist');
//Verification post
function ELichar($canshu = array(), $data = [])
if (!$data) {
$data = $_POST;
if ($canshu) {
foreach ($canshu as $ong) {
list($name, $type, $zhi, $wenzi, $end) = explode('#', $ong);
if (!isset($data[$name])) return array('code' => '0', 'biao' => $name, 'msg' => $wenzi . $zhi . $end);
$data[$name] = trimE($data[$name]);
if ($type == 'len') {
if ($data[$name] == '') return array('code' => '0', 'biao' => $name, 'msg' => $wenzi . $zhi . $end);
list($XI, $DA) = explode('-', $zhi . '-');
$zlen = strlen($data[$name]);
if ($DA != '') {
if ($zlen < $XI || $zlen > $DA) {
return array('code' => '0', 'biao' => $name, 'msg' => $wenzi . $XI . '-' . $DA . $end);
} else if ($zlen != $XI) {
return array('code' => '0', 'biao' => $name, 'msg' => $wenzi . $XI . $end);
} else if ($type == '=') {
if ($data[$name] != $zhi) {
return array('code' => '0', 'biao' => $name, 'msg' => $wenzi);
return array('code' => '1', 'biao' => 'all', 'msg' => '');
//json communication
function apptoken($data = array(), $code = '0', $msg = '', $apptoken = '', $kuozan = [])
//header("Content-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8");
$zhuju = array(
'code' => $code,
'data' => $data,
'msg' => $msg,
'token' => $apptoken
if ($kuozan) {
foreach ($kuozan as $k => $v) {
$zhuju[$k] = $v;
return json_encode($zhuju, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
if (!function_exists("tiaozhuan")) {
function tiaozhuan($eangzhan = "")
if (isset($GLOBALS['isend']) && $GLOBALS['isend']) {
return true;
if (!defined("Residentmemory")) {
header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently');
header("Location: " . $eangzhan);
$GLOBALS['isend'] = true;
return true;
//echo json communication
if (!function_exists("echoapptoken")) {
function echoapptoken($data = array(), $code = '0', $msg = '', $apptoken = '', $kuozan = [])
if (isset($GLOBALS['isend']) && $GLOBALS['isend']) {
return true;
if (!defined("Residentmemory")) {
if (isset($GLOBALS['Plugincall']) && $GLOBALS['Plugincall'] == "YES") {
$GLOBALS['Plugincall'] = "NO";
return apptoken($data, $code, $msg, $apptoken, $kuozan);
echo apptoken($data, $code, $msg, $apptoken, $kuozan);
$GLOBALS['isend'] = true;
return true;
//start funciton Extension
function ELilog($baio = "adminlog", $id = 0, $type = 0, $data = "", $mode = "", $plugin = "", $ip = "")
if ($baio == "") {
$baio = "adminlog";
$db = db($baio);
return $db->insert([
'uid' => (int)$id,
'type' => (int)$type,
'data' => is_string($data) ? $data : json_encode($data),
'controller' => $plugin == "" ? $GLOBALS['plugin'] : $plugin,
'mode' => $mode,
'atime' => time(),
'ip' => $ip == "" ? ip() : $ip
function adminid($uid, $qx = 0, $db = null)
$uid = (int) trimE($uid);
if ($uid < 1) {
return false;
global $ELiMem;
$hash = 'adminid/' . $uid;
if ($qx == 2) {
return false;
$data = $ELiMem->g($hash);
if ($data == -1 && $qx === 0) {
return false;
if ($data && $qx === 0) {
return $data;
if (!$db) {
$db = db('admin');
} else {
$dbc = $db->where(array('id' => $uid))->find();
if ($dbc) {
$ELiMem->s($hash, $dbc);
return $dbc;
$ELiMem->s($hash, -1, 10);
return false;
function pichttp($pic)
if ($pic == "") {
return CDNHOST . 'Tpl/noimg.png';
} else if (strstr($pic, "://") !== false) {
return $pic;
} else {
return CDNHOST . ltrimE($pic, '/');
//sha256WithRSA 签名
function SHA256_sign($content, $privateKey, $iimm = "SHA256")
$privateKey = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n" .
wordwrap($privateKey, 64, "\n", true) .
"\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----";
$key = openssl_get_privatekey($privateKey);
openssl_sign($content, $signature, $key, $iimm);
$sign = base64_encode($signature);
return $sign;
//验证 sha256WithRSA 签名
function SHA256_verify($content, $sign, $publicKey, $iimm = "SHA256")
$publicKey = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n" .
wordwrap($publicKey, 64, "\n", true) .
"\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----";
$key = openssl_get_publickey($publicKey);
$ok = openssl_verify($content, base64_decode($sign), $key, $iimm);
return $ok;
//end funciton Extension
#######################end funciton Extension####################################
//Load configuration
$ELiConfig = array(
'debugging' => '1', // 调试 1 打开 0
'timezone' => 'PRC', //时区
'doku' => '0', //多库读取
'dbselect' => 'write', //选择默认读取数据库
'operatingmode' => '1', //0 开发模式 1 正式模式
'sessiontime' => '3600', //session缓存时间
'sessionpath' => 'mysqseeion/', //session存放z自定义位置
'sessionSafety' => true, //关闭过期安全true false 刷新就过期;
'vcode' => 'e,L,i,k,j', //默认图形验证阿么
'sicode' => 1, //1验证大小写 0 小写
'fenge' => '/', //分割
'pagetrimE' => 1, //开启替换
'maxsize' => '100000000', //上传尺寸
'dir' => '/', //二级目录
'houzui' => '', //后缀
'host' => '', //开启https
'cdnhost' => '', //图片资源cdn 资源
'lang' => 'cn', //语言包
'Plus' => '@', //强行读取插件标示
'urlpath' => '0', // url 模式
'Composer' => 0, //Composer 启用
'whitelist' => 'admin|ewm|lotteryprediction|', //白名单不用判断插件开关
'iscms' => 0, //只使用cms
'object' => 'cms', //默认控制器
'behavior' => 'index', //默认行为
'superior' => '2',
//Load the database
$ELiDataBase = array(
"write" => array(
'numbering' => '第一个数据',
'hostname' => "",
'database' => "ceshi",
'username' => "root",
'password' => "qqqqaaaa",
'hostport' => 3306,
'charset' => "utf8",
'prefix' => 'ELi_'
//Frame path
if (!defined('ELikj')) {
define('ELikj', dirname(__FILE__) . '/ELikj/');
if (!defined('ELiTempPath')) {
define('ELiTempPath', ELikj . 'ELiTemp/');
if (isset($ELiConfig['debugging']) && $ELiConfig['debugging'] == '0') {
//Set time zone
if (isset($ELiConfig['timezone']) && $ELiConfig['timezone'] != '') {
//Setting the cache directory
define('sessionpath', $ELiConfig['sessionpath']);
//PAGEtrimE ELifenge
define('PAGEtrimE', $ELiConfig['pagetrimE']);
define('ELifenge', $ELiConfig['fenge']);
define('DBprefix', $ELiDataBase[$ELiConfig['dbselect']]['prefix']);
define('WZHOST', $ELiConfig['host'] . $ELiConfig['dir']);
define('CDNHOST', $ELiConfig['cdnhost']);
//Language pack
//$LangFile = ELikj.'../Tpl/Lang/'. ELiSecurity($ELiConfig['lang']).'.php';
$LANG = array(
'update' => array(
'error1' => '超过php.ini允许的大小。',
'error2' => '超过表单允许的大小。',
'error3' => '图片只有部分被上传。',
'error4' => '请选择图片。',
'error6' => '找不到临时目录。',
'error7' => '写文件到硬盘出错。',
'error8' => 'File upload stopped by extension。',
'error999' => '未知错误。',
'meiwenjian' => '请选择文件。',
'meimulu' => '上传目录不存在。',
'meixieru' => '上传目录没有写权限。',
'chuanshibai' => '上传失败。',
'maxsizeda' => '上传超过限制',
'shangchuanyun' => "上传文件扩展名是不允许的扩展名。只允许"
'PAGE' => array(
'dqdi' => '当前',
'ye' => '页',
'home' => '首页',
'last' => '上一页',
'next' => '下一页',
'weiye' => '尾页',
// $LANG = include $LangFile;
//Composer Load switch
if ($ELiConfig['Composer'] && $ELiConfig['Composer'] == 1) {
$Composer = include ELikj . "vendor/autoload.php";
$ELiMem = $ELiMemsession = new Textcache;
//Get route
if (!defined("Residentmemory")) {
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) && strstr($ELiConfig['host'], '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) === false) {
header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently');
header("Location: " . $ELiConfig['host']);
$GLOBALS['header'] = [];
foreach ($_SERVER as $k => $v) {
$k = strtolower($k);
if (strstr($k, 'http_') !== false) {
$GLOBALS['header'][str_replace('http_', '', $k)] = $v;
$POSTBODY = $GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'] ?? file_get_contents('php://input');
//Header encoding
$ELiHttp = ltrimE(rawurldecode(trimE($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])), '/');
//POST Security filtering
if ($_POST) {
if (strstr(strtolower(json_encode($_POST)), DBprefix) !== false) {
return ELiError("ELikj: Security filtering");
//GET Security filtering
if (php_sapi_name() != "cli") {
$Filter = array('<', '>', '..', '(', ')', '"', "'", "*", '[', ']', DBprefix, '{', '}', '$');
foreach ($Filter as $Filter_) {
if (strpos(strtolower($ELiHttp), $Filter_) !== false) {
return ELiError("ELikj: Security filtering " . $Filter_);
} else {
if (isset($_GET['apptoken']) && strlen($_GET['apptoken']) > 63) {
$SESSIONID = $_GET['apptoken'];
} else if (isset($_POST['apptoken']) && strlen($_POST['apptoken']) > 63) {
$SESSIONID = $_POST['apptoken'];
} else if (isset($_COOKIE['apptoken']) && strlen($_COOKIE['apptoken']) > 63) {
$SESSIONID = $_COOKIE['apptoken'];
} else {
$SESSIONID = md5(rand(1, 9999999) . microtime()) . md5(rand(1, 9999999) . sha1(microtime()));
if ($SESSIONIDMK && $ELiConfig['sessionSafety']) {
setcookie('apptoken', $SESSIONID, time() + $ELiConfig['sessiontime'], '/', null, null, TRUE);
if (strstr($ELiHttp, $ELiConfig['houzui'] . '&') !== false) {
$URI = str_replace($ELiConfig['houzui'] . '&', $ELiConfig['houzui'] . '?', $ELiHttp);
} else {
$URI = $ELiHttp;
$URI = ltrimE(str_replace(array('//', trimE($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], '/')), array('/', ''), $URI), $ELiConfig['dir']);
$TURI = explode('?', ltrimE($URI, '?'));
$URI = trimE($TURI['0'], '/');
$URI = str_replace(array($ELiConfig['houzui'], '..'), array('', ''), $URI);
if ($URI == '' && $ELiConfig['iscms'] != 1) {
$URI = $ELiConfig['object'];
$URI = str_replace('&', '?', $URI);
$HTTP = explode($ELiConfig['fenge'], $URI);
if ($HTTP['0'] == $ELiConfig['Plus']) {
$Plus = isset($HTTP['1']) ? ELiSecurity($HTTP['1']) : ELiSecurity($ELiConfig['object']);
$ClassFunc = isset($HTTP['2']) ? $HTTP['2'] : $ELiConfig['behavior'];
if (isset($HTTP['1'])) {
if (isset($HTTP['2'])) {
} else if ($ELiConfig['iscms'] == 1) {
if (!isset($HTTP['0']) || $HTTP['0'] == "") {
$Plus = ELiSecurity($ELiConfig['object']);
$ClassFunc = $ELiConfig['behavior'];
} else {
$Plus = ELiSecurity($ELiConfig['object']);
$ClassFunc = $HTTP['0'];
} else {
if (!isset($HTTP['0'])) {
$HTTP['0'] = ELiSecurity($ELiConfig['object']);
} else if (strstr($HTTP['0'], '?') !== false) {
$fan = explode('?', $HTTP['0']);
$HTTP['0'] = $fan['0'];
$HTTP['1'] = $ELiConfig['behavior'];
if (!isset($HTTP['1'])) {
$HTTP['1'] = $ELiConfig['behavior'];
} else if (strstr($HTTP['1'], '?') !== false) {
$fan = explode('?', $HTTP['1']);
$HTTP['1'] = $fan['0'];
$Plus = ELiSecurity($HTTP['0']);
$ClassFunc = $HTTP['1'];
$CANSHU = array();
foreach ($HTTP as $qita) {
$CANSHU[] = $qita;
$Plus = strtolower($Plus);
$ClassFunc = strtolower($ClassFunc);
$GLOBALS['plugin'] = $Plus;
$GLOBALS['pluginurl'] = $ELiConfig['dir'] . "Tpl/" . $Plus . '/';
$features = [];
try {
$features = ELiplus($Plus);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$features = [];
if (strstr($ELiConfig['whitelist'], $Plus) === false) {
if ($ELiConfig['object'] != $Plus && (!$features || $features['off'] == "0")) {
ELiError("Plugin closed");
ELicall($Plus, $ClassFunc, $CANSHU, $features, false);
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