同步操作将从 连享会/did-倍分法 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
*! didsetup v.0.2.0 install rcall, github and R packages for did. 14apr2021 by Nick CH-K
prog def didsetup
version 14
syntax [anything], [go]
local worked = 1
if "`go'" == "" {
display as text "{txt}This function will set up the proper packages ({res}github{txt} and{res} rcall{txt} in Stata)
display as text "necessary to use R in Stata."
display as text "These are both installed from GitHub and are not maintained by StataCorp or me."
local url1 = `""https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1536867X19830891""'
display as text "For more information on github and rcall, see {browse " `"`url1'"' ":the Stata Journal publication by Haghish}."
display as text ""
display as text "This will also install all of the R packages that did can use."
display as text ""
display as text "Finally, this setup requires that R is ALREADY installed on your machine."
local urlR = `""https://www.r-project.org/""'
display as text "R can be installed at {browse " `"`urlR'"' ":R-Project.org}. Do that first if it's not already installed."
display as error "You will likely see a lot of flashing windows as R calls open and close, "
display as error "both when this function and other did functions run. That is expected."
display as error "If you are sensitive to flashing lights you may want to look away."
display as text "Do you want to continue? Type Y or Yes to continue, and anything else to quit."
display _request(start)
local st = lower("$start")
if !inlist("`st'","y","yes") {
di "Exiting..."
display as text "Should setup check for updated versions of packages?"
display as text "Type Y or yes to check for updates, and anything else to only install packages if they are completely missing."
display _request(upd)
local st = lower("$upd")
else {
local st = "y"
if "`anything'" == "" {
local repo = "https://cloud.r-project.org"
else {
local repo = "`anything'"
if inlist("`st'","y","yes") {
net install github, from("https://haghish.github.io/github/") replace
github install haghish/rcall, stable
capture rcall_check, rversion(4.0)
if _rc > 0 {
display as error "did requires R version 4.0 or higher. Install the newest version of R from R-project.org."
exit 198
display as error "rcall has been installed. rcall will now be used to install R packages."
display as text "If errors occur, please see {help rcall} or the rcall website for troubleshooting:"
display as text "http://www.haghish.com/packages/Rcall.php"
display as text "Errors may arise if rcall cannot find your R installation,"
display as text "or if you do not have write permission to your R folder."
display as text "Or you may want to check {help didsetup} for instructions on manual package installation."
display as text "(the last option may be a good idea if installation seems to hang for a long time)"
foreach pkg in "did" "rmarkdown" "plm" "here" "knitr" "BMisc" "Matrix" "pbapply" "ggplot2" "ggpubr" "DRDID" "generics" "broom" {
rcall: if(!("`pkg'" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) {install.packages('`pkg'', repos = '`repo'', dependencies = TRUE)} else { update.packages('`pkg'', repos = '`repo'', dependencies = TRUE)}
capture rcall: library(`pkg')
if _rc > 0 {
display as error "Package `pkg' failed to install. Try rcall: install.packages('`pkg'') to try again, and maybe get a more detailed error message as to why it didn't work."
else {
* Check if github is installed and if not, install it
capture which github
if _rc > 0 {
net install github, from("https://haghish.github.io/github/")
* Check if rcall is installed and if not, install it
capture which rcall
if _rc > 0 {
github install haghish/rcall, stable
display as error "rcall has been installed. rcall will now be used to install R packages."
display "If errors occur, please see {help rcall} or the rcall website for troubleshooting:"
display as text "http://www.haghish.com/packages/Rcall.php"
display as text "Errors may arise if rcall cannot find your R installation,"
display as text "or if you do not have write permission to your R folder."
display as text "Or you may want to check {help didsetup} for instructions on manual package installation."
display as text "(the last option may be a good idea if installation seems to hang for a long time)"
* Use install.packages because install_github can get strange with dependencies
foreach pkg in "did" "rmarkdown" "plm" "here" "knitr" "BMisc" "Matrix" "pbapply" "ggplot2" "ggpubr" "DRDID" "generics" "broom" {
display "Installing the R package `pkg'"
rcall: if(!("`pkg'" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) {install.packages('`pkg'', repos = '`repo'', dependencies = TRUE)}
capture rcall: library(`pkg')
if _rc > 0 {
display as error "Package `pkg' failed to install. Try rcall: install.packages('`pkg'') to try again, and maybe get a more detailed error message as to why it didn't work."
if `worked' == 1 {
display as text "You're good to go! Everything is installed."
display as text "You may want to rerun didsetup regularly to get updated versions of packages."
display as text "If things start breaking that should work fine, try {cmd: rcall clear} or restarting Stata."
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