同步操作将从 连享会/did-倍分法 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
*! att_gt_helper v.0.2.0 Run att_gt in R's did package. 14apr2021 by Nick CH-K
prog def att_gt_helper, rclass
version 14
syntax varlist(min=3) [if] [in] [iweight], ///
[clearR replace panel_no idname(varname) xformla(string) allow_unbalanced_panel control_group(string) ///
anticipation(integer 0) alp(real 0.05) bootstrap_no cband_no biters(integer 1000) ///
clustervars(varlist max=2) est_method(string) pl cores(integer 1)]
* Convert binary options to their R-appropriate versions
* Restart the R session if desired
if "`clearR'" == "clearR" {
rcall, clear
* Make sure to get rid of old results lest we error here and refer back to them!
rcall: suppressWarnings(try(rm(CS_Model)))
return clear
local boot_TF = "TRUE"
if "`bootstrap_no'" == "bootstrap_no" {
local boot_TF = "FALSE"
foreach x in allow_unbalanced_panel pl {
local `x'_TF = "FALSE"
if "``x''" == "`x'" {
local `x'_TF = "TRUE"
foreach x in panel cband {
local `x'_TF = "TRUE"
if "``x'_no'" == "`x'_no" {
local `x'_TF = "FALSE"
if "`pl_TF'" == "TRUE" | `cores' != 1 {
display as error "{opt pl} and {opt cores} options are not currently functional and will be ignored."
* Defaults
if !inlist("`control_group'","","nevertreated","notyettreated") {
display as error "If {opt control_group} is specified it must be nevertreated or notyettreated."
exit 198
if "`control_group'" == "" {
local control_group = "nevertreated"
if !inlist("`est_method'", "", "dr", "ipw", "reg") {
display as error "If {opt est_method} is specified it must be dr, ipw, or reg."
if "`est_method'" != "" {
display as error "Custom estimation functions are not supported in this port."
display as error "If you can write one of those you can just use R."
exit 198
if "`est_method'" == "" {
local est_method = "dr"
* Get variable names
local yname = trim(word("`varlist'", 1))
local varlist = trim(stritrim(subinstr("`varlist'","`yname'","",1)))
local tname = trim(word("`varlist'",1))
local varlist = trim(stritrim(subinstr("`varlist'","`tname'","",1)))
local gname = trim(word("`varlist'",1))
local varlist = trim(stritrim(subinstr("`varlist'","`gname'","",1)))
* And construct control formula
if length("`xformla'") == 0 {
local xformla = "NULL"
if length("`varlist'") > 0 {
local xformla = subinstr("`varlist'"," ","+",.)
local xformla = "~`xformla'"
local clusters = "NULL"
if "`clustervars'" != "" {
if "`idname'" == "" {
display as error "idname must be specified to use clustervars."
local clus1 = trim(word("`clustervars'",1))
local clus2 = trim(word("`clustervars'",2))
if !(trim("`idname'") == "`clus1'") {
if "`clus2'" != "" & !(trim("`idname'") == "`clus2'"){
display as error "One of the clustering variables must be the variable specified in idname."
if length("`clus2'") == 0 {
local clusters = "'`clus1''"
else {
local clusters = "c('`clus1'','`clus2'')"
if "`boot_TF'" == "FALSE" {
display as error "Multiple clustering variables not allowed with {opt bootstrap_no}."
exit 198
* Deal with labels and variable conversion
foreach var in `yname' `tname' `gname' `clustervars' `idname' `weight' {
label values `var'
* Labeled controls
foreach var in `varlist' {
local has_label = ("`: value label `var''" != "")
if `has_label' == 1 {
tempvar temp1
tempvar temp2
decode `var', g(`temp1')
tostring `var', g(`temp2')
replace `temp1' = `temp2' if missing(`temp1')
drop `var'
rename `temp1' `var'
* Check if there was a problem
levelsof `var', l(lvls)
local nlevs = 0
foreach l in `lvls' {
local nlevs = `nlevs' + 1
if `nlevs' == 1 {
display as error "Variable `var' only has one value. There is probably something wrong with its value label."
if `nlevs' > 100 {
display as error "Variable `var' has more than 100 values. Is it perhaps a continuous variable with a value label?"
exit 134
* More variable names
local idname = "'`idname''"
if "`idname'" == "''" {
if "`panel_no'" == "" {
display as error "idname must be specified unless panel_no is selected."
exit 198
local idname = "NULL"
local weight = "'`weight''"
if "`weight'" == "''" {
local weight = "NULL"
* Run interactively so other functions can use
* the model output
* "dotter" turns R NA's into Stata NA's
noisily rcall: library(did); ///
d <- data.frame(st.data()); ///
dotter <- function(M) {; ///
if (sum(is.na(M)) > 0) M[is.na(M)] <- '.'; ///
return(M) ; ///
}; ///
err <- try(CS_Model <- att_gt(yname = '`yname'', ///
tname = '`tname'', ///
idname = `idname', ///
gname = '`gname'', ///
xformla = `xformla', ///
data = d, ///
panel = `panel_TF', ///
allow_unbalanced_panel = `allow_unbalanced_panel_TF', ///
control_group = '`control_group'', ///
anticipation = `anticipation', ///
weightsname = `weight', ///
alp = `alp', ///
bstrap = `boot_TF', ///
cband = `cband_TF', ///
biters = `biters', ///
clustervars = `clusters', ///
est_method = '`est_method'', ///
print_details = FALSE, ///
pl = `pl_TF', cores = `cores' )); ///
if (inherits(err, 'try-error')) { ///
error <- err[1] ///
} else { ///
cband_type <- ifelse(CS_Model[['DIDparams']][['bstrap']], ///
ifelse(CS_Model[['DIDparams']][['cband']], "Simult", "Pointwise"), ///
"Pointwise"); ///
cibot <- paste0(cband_type,'CI',100*(1-CS_Model[['alp']]),'_Bot'); ///
citop <- paste0(cband_type,'CI',100*(1-CS_Model[['alp']]),'_Top'); ///
table <- dotter(cbind(CS_Model[['group']], CS_Model[['t']], CS_Model[['att']], CS_Model[['se']], ///
CS_Model[['att']] - CS_Model[['c']]*CS_Model[['se']], ///
CS_Model[['att']] + CS_Model[['c']]*CS_Model[['se']])); ///
colnames(table) <- c('Group','Time','ATTgt','SE', cibot, citop); ///
if (nrow(table) > 50) { ///
write.csv(as.data.frame(table), 'temp_table_toobig.csv'); ///
rm(table) ; ///
}; ///
write.csv(as.data.frame(as.matrix(CS_Model[['V_analytical']])), 'temp_vcv_toobig.csv'); ///
critical_value <- CS_Model[['c']]; ///
rm(cibot, citop, cband_type) ///
return add
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