* @plugindesc right-to-left language support for RMMV <RS_ArabicMessageSystem>
* @author biud436
* @param Message Mode
* @type select
* @desc this parameter sets up the text direction.
* default : arabic
* @default arabic
* @option Arabic Mode
* @value arabic
* @option Normal Mode
* @value normal
* @param Arabic Font
* @desc Choose your font that can indicate Arabic text from your system font folder.
* @default Simplified Arabic, Times New Roman, Segoe UI
* @param Font Size
* @type number
* @desc Specifies up the text size as integer type.
* (default : 28)
* @default 28
* @param Text Animation
* @param Text Wait Time
* @parent Text Animation
* @type number
* @desc Specify up the wait time for Arabic texts
* (1000 Millisecond = 1 Sec)
* @default 10
* @param Animated Text
* @parent Text Animation
* @type boolean
* @desc Set whether the text has animated.
* (Important : The performance may be lower in the mobile)
* @default false
* @on Enable
* @off Disable
* @param Binder
* @type note[]
* @desc Can run the scripts
* @default ["\" // YEP_MessageCore\\n if(Imported.YEP_MessageCore) {\\n\\n Window_Message.prototype.standardFontFace = function () {\\n return Window_Base.prototype.standardFontFace.call(this);\\n };\\n\\n var alias_Window_NameBox_initialize = Window_NameBox.prototype.initialize;\\n Window_NameBox.prototype.initialize = function(parentWindow) {\\n alias_Window_NameBox_initialize.call(this, parentWindow);\\n RS.ArabicMessageSystem.createArabicLayer.call(this);\\n RS.ArabicMessageSystem.defineProtoype(Window_NameBox);\\n };\\n\\n Window_NameBox.prototype.standardFontFace = function() {\\n return Window_Base.prototype.standardFontFace.call(this);\\n };\\n\\n Window_NameBox.prototype.refresh = function(text, position) {\\n this.show();\\n this._lastNameText = text;\\n this._text = Yanfly.Param.MSGNameBoxText + text;\\n this._position = position;\\n this.width = this.windowWidth();\\n this.createContents();\\n this.contents.clear();\\n RS.ArabicMessageSystem.createArabicLayer.call(this);\\n this.resetFontSettings();\\n this.changeTextColor(this.textColor(Yanfly.Param.MSGNameBoxColor));\\n var padding = eval(Yanfly.Param.MSGNameBoxPadding) / 2;\\n this.drawTextEx(this._text, padding, 0);\\n this._parentWindow.adjustWindowSettings();\\n this._parentWindow.updatePlacement();\\n this.adjustPositionX();\\n this.adjustPositionY();\\n this.open();\\n this.activate();\\n this._closeCounter = 4;\\n return '';\\n };\\n };\"","\" // YEP_EventMiniLabel\\n if(Imported.YEP_EventMiniLabel) {\\n RS.ArabicMessageSystem.defineInitialize(Window_EventMiniLabel);\\n Window_EventMiniLabel.prototype.textWidthEx = function(text) {\\n var temp = messageMode.slice(0);\\n messageMode = 'normal';\\n var result = Window_Base.prototype.drawTextEx.call(this, text, 0, this.contents.height);\\n messageMode = temp;\\n return result;\\n };\\n }\\n\"","\" // YEP_GabWindow\\n if(Imported.YEP_GabWindow) {\\n var alias_Window_Gab_initialize = Window_Gab.prototype.initialize;\\n Window_Gab.prototype.initialize = function(battle) {\\n alias_Window_Gab_initialize.call(this, battle);\\n RS.ArabicMessageSystem.createArabicLayer.call(this);\\n RS.ArabicMessageSystem.defineRefresh(Window_Gab);\\n RS.ArabicMessageSystem.defineProtoype(Window_Gab);\\n };\\n\\n Window_Gab.prototype.standardFontFace = function() {\\n return Window_Base.prototype.standardFontFace.call(this);\\n };\\n }\"","\" // YEP_ItemCore\\n if(Imported.YEP_ItemCore) {\\n var alias_Window_ItemActionCommand_initialize = Window_ItemActionCommand.prototype.initialize;\\n Window_ItemActionCommand.prototype.initialize = function(x, y) {\\n alias_Window_ItemActionCommand_initialize.call(this, x, y);\\n RS.ArabicMessageSystem.createArabicLayer.call(this);\\n };\\n Window_ItemActionCommand.prototype.drawAllItems = function() {\\n RS.ArabicMessageSystem.createArabicLayer.call(this);\\n var topIndex = this.topIndex();\\n for (var i = 0; i < this.maxPageItems(); i++) {\\n var index = topIndex + i;\\n if (index < this.maxItems()) {\\n this.drawItem(index);\\n }\\n }\\n };\\n }\"","\" // YEP_SaveCore\\n\\n if(Imported.YEP_SaveCore) {\\n\\n Window_Base.prototype.drawSvActor = function(actor, x, y) {\\n var filename = actor.battlerName();\\n var bitmap = ImageManager.loadSvActor(filename);\\n var pw = bitmap.width / 9;\\n var ph = bitmap.height / 6;\\n var sx = 0;\\n var sy = 0;\\n this.contents.RTLblt(bitmap, sx, sy, pw, ph, x - pw / 2, y - ph);\\n };\\n\\n Window_Base.prototype.textWidthEx = function(text) {\\n var temp = messageMode.slice(0);\\n messageMode = 'normal';\\n var result = this.drawTextEx.call(this, text, 0, this.contents.height);\\n messageMode = temp;\\n return result;\\n };\\n\\n var alias_Window_SaveInfo_initialize = Window_SaveInfo.prototype.initialize;\\n Window_SaveInfo.prototype.initialize = function(x, y, width, height, mode) {\\n alias_Window_SaveInfo_initialize.call(this, x, y, width, height, mode);\\n RS.ArabicMessageSystem.createArabicLayer.call(this);\\n };\\n\\n Window_SaveInfo.prototype.refresh = function() {\\n this.contents.clear();\\n RS.ArabicMessageSystem.createArabicLayer.call(this);\\n this.resetFontSettings();\\n var dy = 0;\\n dy = this.drawGameTitle(dy);\\n if (!this._valid) return this.drawInvalidText(dy);\\n this._saveContents = StorageManager.load(this.savefileId());\\n this.drawContents(dy);\\n };\\n\\n RS.ArabicMessageSystem.defineInitialize(Window_SaveConfirm);\\n\\n }\"","\"// Specify the symbol name\\nrtlWindowButtonSymbol = \\\"Right to Left\\\";\""]
* @help
* =============================================================================
* Please read this stuff before you begin using this plugin
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This plugin will rewrite everything that is required for Arabic so you will
* have to notice that it may occur the collision issue with another similar
* plugin when using this plugin. Please notice to me if it is not working
* due to the collision issue with another plugin. In that case, I'll react for
* your comment in some way (This plugin exists purely to help Arabic user or
* someone else)
* =============================================================================
* Text codes
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This text code is available to implement the left-to-right language.
* \LTR<Hello, World!>
* =============================================================================
* Plugin Commands
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This plugin command allows you to indicate by delaying the text in milliseconds
* and the text is displayed slowly at right to left.
* EnableArabicTextAnimation
* This plugin command allows you to immediately indicate the text without
* the delay.
* DisableArabicTextAnimation
* =============================================================================
* Compatibility List
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* These are some compatible plugin list that are showing up properly Arabic so
* if it does not have in this list, it may not work properly.
* Window_Help
* Window_Status
* Window_BattleLog
* Window_MapName
* Window_Message
* Window_Command
* Window_ScrollText
* Window_ChoiceList
* YEP_ItemCore >=1.26
* YEP_X_ItemUpgradeSlots >=1.07
* YEP_X_ItemDurability >=1.02
* YEP_MessageCore >=1.15
* YEP_X_ExtMesPack1 >=1.10
* YEP_EventMiniLabel
* YEP_GabWindow
* YEP_StatusMenuCore >=1.01a
* When used the Arabic texts into the custom window object that other people
* are made, It does not automatically change a text align direction. If you want
* to be used in another plugin, it must be bound all of required code for
* Arabic texts into it.
* If you have problems with other plugin after enabling this plugin,
* Point your web browser to http://biud436.tistory.com/62 and you'll be in
* contact with me.
* =============================================================================
* Change Log
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 2016.09.19 (v1.0.0) - First Release.
* 2016.09.19 (v1.0.1) - Fixed DrawIcon, DrawFace function.
* 2016.09.20 (v1.1.0) - Fixed Arabic text sturcture.
* 2016.09.21 (v1.1.1) - Fixed processNormalCharacter function.
* 2016.09.23 (v1.1.2) - Fixed the window classes that could be displaying
* the battle log and map name windows, which have used a drawTextEx function in Arabic.
* 2016.10.02 (v1.1.3) - Fixed the Arabic compatibility issues with the name box for YEP Message Core.
* 2016.10.23 (v1.1.4) : Fixed the bug that is not working in RMMV 1.3.2 or more.
* - Fixed the issue that the scrolling text is not working.
* - Fixed the issue that YEP Message Core is not working.
* 2016.10.24 (v1.1.5) - Fixed the renderCanvas function in Scroll Text
* 2016.11.26 (v1.1.6) - Added certain code to remove the texture from memory.
* 2017.01.06 (v1.1.7) :
* - Supported YEP_GabWindow plugin
* - Supported YEP_EventMiniLabel plugin
* - Fixed the processNormalCharacter method.
* 2017.05.05 (v1.1.8) - Fixed the issue that does not properly show up Arabic when using a choice window.
* 2017.06.03 (v1.1.9) - Fixed an issue that is incorrectly displayed a non-character word : !, @, #, $, dot.
* 2017.06.14 (v1.2.0) :
* - Added a new feature that can draw the text one by one.
* 2017.06.14 (v1.2.1) :
* - Fixed to appear the text slowly at the right to left.
* - Added plugin commands for animating text.
* - Fixed an incorrect text padding in command button.
* 2017.07.13 (v1.2.2) :
* - When painting the normal text without processing a text code, Fixed an issue that is incorrectly displayed a non-character word : !, @, #, $, dot
* 2017.08.03 (v1.2.3) :
* - Fixed the bug that didn't show up a icon when using a text animation option.
* - Added a feature that can shows up texts fast.
* 2017.10.29 (v1.2.4) - Added the scripts binder.
* 2017.12.12 (v1.2.5) :
* - Fixed the bug of the swap code that changes the message mode as the normal mode when calculating the text width.
* - Added a feature that changes a text direction in the Game Option.
* - Added a feature that saves the config of the text direction as file.
var Imported = Imported || {};
Imported.RS_ArabicMessageSystem = '1.2.5';
var RS = RS || {};
RS.ArabicMessageSystem = RS.ArabicMessageSystem || {};
RS.ArabicMessageSystem.alias = RS.ArabicMessageSystem.alias || {};
function ArabicUtils() {
throw new Error("This is a static class")
(function () {
if(Utils.RPGMAKER_VERSION < '1.5.0') {
console.warn('Note that RS_ArabicMessageSystem plugin can use only in RMMV v1.5.0 or above.');
var parameters = $plugins.filter(function (i) {
return i.description.contains('<RS_ArabicMessageSystem>');
parameters = (parameters.length > 0) && parameters[0].parameters;
var messageMode = String(parameters["Message Mode"] || "arabic");
var arabicFont = String(parameters["Arabic Font"] || "Simplified Arabic, Times New Roman, Segoe UI");
var useFilters = false;
var rtlWindowButtonSymbol = "Right to Left";
RS.ArabicMessageSystem.Params = RS.ArabicMessageSystem.Params || {};
RS.ArabicMessageSystem.Params.fontSize = parseInt(parameters['Font Size'] || 28);
RS.ArabicMessageSystem.Params.textWaitTime = parseInt(parameters["Text Wait Time"] || 10);
RS.ArabicMessageSystem.Params.isAnimatedText = Boolean(parameters["Animated Text"] === 'true');
RS.ArabicMessageSystem.Params.bindScripts = (function () {
var src = parameters["Binder"];
var jsonParse = function (str) {
var retData = JSON.parse(str, function (k, v) {
try { return jsonParse(v); } catch (e) { return v; }
return retData;
var data = jsonParse(src);
var items = [];
if(data instanceof Array) {
return data;
return [];
// ArabicUtils
// http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/Scripts.txt
ArabicUtils.LEFT_TO_RIGHT_EMBEDDING = "\u202A";
ArabicUtils.RIGHT_TO_LEFT_EMBEDDING = "\u202B";
ArabicUtils.LEFT_TO_RIGHT_OVERRIDE = "\u202D";
ArabicUtils.RIGHT_TO_LEFT_OVERRIDE = "\u202E";
ArabicUtils.LEFT_TO_RIGHT_ISOLATE = "\u2066";
ArabicUtils.RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ISOLATE = "\u2067";
ArabicUtils.FIRST_STRONG_ISOLATE = "\u2068";
ArabicUtils.POP_DIRECTIONAL_ISOLATE = "\u2069";
ArabicUtils.isArabic = function (text) {
var pattern = /[\u0600-\u06FF\u0750-\u077F\u08A0-\u08FF\uFB50-\uFDFD\uFE70-\uFEFF\u10E600-\u10E7E\u1EE00-\u1EEFF]/;
return pattern.test(text);
ArabicUtils.makeText = function (text) {
return String(ArabicUtils.RIGHT_TO_LEFT_EMBEDDING + text);
// RS.ArabicMessageSystem
RS.ArabicMessageSystem.createArabicLayer = function () {
if(messageMode === "arabic" || navigator.language.match(/^ar/)) {
var canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');
if(canvas.dir !=='rtl') canvas.dir = 'rtl';
if(this._arabicTexts) {
this._windowContentsSprite.removeChild( this._arabicTexts );
this._arabicTexts = null;
this._arabicTexts = new ArabicFlipSprite();
this._arabicTexts._isMessageAracbic = true;
this._arabicTexts.pivot.x = this.contentsWidth();
this._arabicTexts.scale.x = -1;
this._arabicTexts.visible = true;
if(!(this instanceof Window_ScrollText)) {
this._windowContentsSprite.addChild( this._arabicTexts );
RS.ArabicMessageSystem.defineProtoype = function (className) {
// className.prototype.processNormalCharacter = Window_Base.prototype.processNormalCharacter;
// className.prototype.processEscapeCharacter = Window_Base.prototype.processEscapeCharacter;
// className.prototype.drawIcon = Window_Base.prototype.drawIcon;
// className.prototype.createArabicText = Window_Base.prototype.createArabicText;
// className.prototype.obtainLTRText = Window_Base.prototype.obtainLTRText;
// className.prototype.drawLeftToRightText = Window_Base.prototype.drawLeftToRightText;
RS.ArabicMessageSystem.defineInitialize = function (className) {
var aliasName = 'alias_%1_initialize'.format(className);
RS.ArabicMessageSystem.alias[aliasName] = className.prototype.initialize;
className.prototype.initialize = function() {
RS.ArabicMessageSystem.defineInitialize2 = function (className, initializer) {
var aliasName = 'alias_%1_initialize'.format(className);
RS.ArabicMessageSystem.alias[aliasName] = className.prototype.initialize;
className.prototype.initialize = initializer.bind(className.prototype);
RS.ArabicMessageSystem.defineRefresh = function (className) {
var aliasRefresh = 'alias_%1_refresh'.format(className);
RS.ArabicMessageSystem.alias[aliasRefresh] = className.prototype.refresh;
className.prototype.refresh = function() {
RS.ArabicMessageSystem.defineAlias = function (className) {
var aliasRefresh = 'alias_%1_refresh'.format(className);
RS.ArabicMessageSystem.alias[aliasRefresh] = className.prototype.refresh;
return RS.ArabicMessageSystem.alias[aliasRefresh];
// Bitmap
var alias_Bitmap_drawText = Bitmap.prototype.drawText;
Bitmap.prototype.drawText = function(text, x, y, maxWidth, lineHeight, align) {
var isArabic = ArabicUtils.isArabic(text);
if(isArabic) {
var retText = ArabicUtils.makeText(text);
alias_Bitmap_drawText.call(this, retText, x, y, maxWidth, lineHeight, align);
} else {
alias_Bitmap_drawText.call(this, text, x, y, maxWidth, lineHeight, align);
Bitmap.prototype.RTLblt = function(source, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh) {
dw = dw || sw;
dh = dh || sh;
if (sx >= 0 && sy >= 0 && sw > 0 && sh > 0 && dw > 0 && dh > 0 &&
sx + sw <= source.width && sy + sh <= source.height) {
this._context.setTransform(-1, 0, 0, 1, sw, 0);
this._context.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
this._context.drawImage(source._canvas, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh);
this._context.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
// RS.ArabicFlipFilter
RS.ArabicFlipFilter = function () {
var defaultVertexSrc = [
'attribute vec2 aVertexPosition;',
'attribute vec2 aTextureCoord;',
'uniform mat3 projectionMatrix;',
'varying vec2 vTextureCoord;',
'void main(void)',
'gl_Position = vec4((projectionMatrix * vec3(aVertexPosition, 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0);',
'vTextureCoord = aTextureCoord;',
'} '
var fragmentSrc = [
'uniform mediump float;',
'varying vec2 vTextureCoord;',
'uniform sampler2D uSampler;',
'uniform vec2 offset;',
'uniform float dir;',
'void main(void)',
' vec2 flip = vec4(vTextureCoord, 0.0, 0.0).xy;',
' if(dir == 1.0) {',
' flip.y = 1.0 - flip.y;',
' } else if(dir == 2.0) {',
' flip.x = 1.0 - flip.x;',
' }',
' gl_FragColor = texture2D(uSampler, flip + offset);',
'} '
PIXI.Filter.call( this, defaultVertexSrc, fragmentSrc );
this.uniforms.dir = 2;
this.uniforms.offset = {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0};
RS.ArabicFlipFilter.prototype = Object.create( PIXI.Filter.prototype );
RS.ArabicFlipFilter.prototype.constructor = RS.ArabicFlipFilter;
Object.defineProperties(RS.ArabicFlipFilter.prototype, {
direction: {
get: function() {
return this.uniforms.dir;
set: function(value) {
this.uniforms.dir = value;
offsetX: {
get: function() {
return this.uniforms.offset.x;
set: function(value) {
this.uniforms.offset.x = 1 / value;;
// ArabicFlipSprite
function ArabicFlipSprite() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
ArabicFlipSprite.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype);
ArabicFlipSprite.prototype.constructor = ArabicFlipSprite;
ArabicFlipSprite.prototype.initialize = function (bitmap) {
this._offset = new Point();
Sprite.prototype.initialize.call(this, bitmap);
this._isMessageAracbic = false;
if(Graphics.isWebGL()) {
this.filters = [Sprite.voidFilter];
ArabicFlipSprite.prototype.createAracbicFilter = function () {
if(Graphics.isWebGL()) {
this._arabicFlipFilter = new RS.ArabicFlipFilter();
this._arabicFlipFilter.dir = 2;
this.filters = [this._arabicFlipFilter];
this.filterArea = new PIXI.Rectangle(this.x, this.y, Graphics.boxWidth, Graphics.boxHeight);
ArabicFlipSprite.prototype._refresh = function() {
var frameX = Math.floor(this._frame.x);
var frameY = Math.floor(this._frame.y);
var frameW = Math.floor(this._frame.width);
var frameH = Math.floor(this._frame.height);
var bitmapW = this._bitmap ? this._bitmap.width : 0;
var bitmapH = this._bitmap ? this._bitmap.height : 0;
var realX = frameX.clamp(0, bitmapW);
var realY = frameY.clamp(0, bitmapH);
var realW = (frameW - realX + frameX).clamp(0, bitmapW - realX);
var realH = (frameH - realY + frameY).clamp(0, bitmapH - realY);
this._realFrame.x = realX;
this._realFrame.y = realY;
this._realFrame.width = realW;
this._realFrame.height = realH;
if(this._isMessageAracbic) {
this.pivot.x = frameW - frameX - realX;
} else {
this.pivot.x = frameX - realX;
this.pivot.y = frameY - realY;
if (realW > 0 && realH > 0) {
if (this._needsTint()) {
this._createTinter(realW, realH);
this._executeTint(realX, realY, realW, realH);
this.texture.baseTexture = this._tintTexture;
this.texture.frame = new Rectangle(0, 0, realW, realH);
} else {
if (this._bitmap) {
this.texture.baseTexture = this._bitmap.baseTexture;
this.texture.frame = this._realFrame;
} else if (this._bitmap) {
this.texture.frame = Rectangle.emptyRectangle;
} else {
//TODO: remove this
this.texture.baseTexture.width = Math.max(this.texture.baseTexture.width, this._frame.x + this._frame.width);
this.texture.baseTexture.height = Math.max(this.texture.baseTexture.height, this._frame.y + this._frame.height);
this.texture.frame = this._frame;
Object.defineProperties(ArabicFlipSprite.prototype, {
'offsetX': {
get: function () {
if(this._arabicFlipFilter) {
return this._arabicFlipFilter.offsetX;
set: function (value) {
if(this._arabicFlipFilter) {
this._arabicFlipFilter.offsetX = value;
// ArabicTextContainer
function ArabicTextContainer() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
ArabicTextContainer.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype);
ArabicTextContainer.prototype.constructor = ArabicTextContainer;
ArabicTextContainer.prototype.initialize = function (bitmap) {
Sprite.prototype.initialize.call(this, bitmap);
this.on('next', this.next, this);
var alias_ArabicTextContainer_destroy = ArabicTextContainer.prototype.destroy;
ArabicTextContainer.prototype.destroy = function () {
this.off('next', this.next, this);
ArabicTextContainer.prototype.next = function (child) {
if(!this.children) return false;
if(child) {
var index = this.getChildIndex(child);
var id = index + 1;
var nextChild = this.children[id];
if(nextChild !== undefined && nextChild instanceof ArabicTextSprite) {
} else {
nextChild = this.children[++id];
while(nextChild !== undefined && nextChild instanceof Sprite) {
nextChild = this.children[++id];
// AtabicTextSprite
function ArabicTextSprite() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
ArabicTextSprite.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype);
ArabicTextSprite.prototype.constructor = ArabicTextSprite;
ArabicTextSprite.prototype.initialize = function (bitmap) {
Sprite.prototype.initialize.call(this, bitmap);
ArabicTextSprite.prototype.initMembers = function () {
// when concating the text
this._isStarted = false;
this._isFinished = false;
this._finishedText = ArabicUtils.RIGHT_TO_LEFT_EMBEDDING;
this._text = [];
this._tx = 0;
this._ty = 0;
this._tMaxWidth = 0;
this._tLineHeight = 0;
this._tAlign = "left";
this._maxTextLength = 0;
this._iTextNumber = 0;
this.visible = false;
ArabicTextSprite.prototype.update = function () {
ArabicTextSprite.prototype.updateContaingText = function () {
if(this._isStarted && performance.now() - this._deltaTime >= RS.ArabicMessageSystem.Params.textWaitTime) {
this._deltaTime = performance.now();
ArabicTextSprite.prototype.textWidth = function (text) {
return this.bitmap.measureTextWidth(text);
* Dealing with a text animation.
* TODO: This will have to be changed on later because a poor performance.
* and so there is a bug that is not performed the render method of a last child.
* @method updateTextAnimation
ArabicTextSprite.prototype.updateTextAnimation = function () {
var deltaX = 0;
// Don't need to always increase (So if the text is already drawn, don't need it)
if(!this._isFinished) this._iTextNumber++;
if(this._iTextNumber >= this._maxTextLength && !this._isFinished) {
this._iTextNumber = this._maxTextLength;
this._isFinished = true;
if(this.parent) {
// Sometimes it is causing a bug at this code.
this.parent.emit('next', this);
// Try putting the text until a last text index.
if(this._text[this._iTextNumber] !== undefined) {
this._finishedText += this._text[this._iTextNumber];
// We first compute the size between a first character and the last character.
deltaX = this.textWidth(this._text) - this.textWidth(this._finishedText);
if(this._isFinished) {
this.bitmap.drawText(this._text, this._tx, this._ty, this._tMaxWidth, this._tLineHeight, this._tAlign);
} else {
this.bitmap.drawText(this._finishedText, this._tx + deltaX, this._ty, this._tMaxWidth, this._tLineHeight, this._tAlign);
if(!this.visible) {
this.visible = true;
ArabicTextSprite.prototype.startTextAnimation = function (text, x, y, maxWidth, lineHeight, align) {
this._text = text;
this._maxTextLength = text.length;
this._tx = x;
this._ty = y;
this._tMaxWidth = maxWidth;
this._tLineHeight = lineHeight;
this._tAlign = align || 'left';
this.on('startTextAnimation', this.onStarted, this);
ArabicTextSprite.prototype.onStarted = function () {
this._isStarted = true;
this._deltaTime = performance.now();
this.off('startTextAnimation', this.onStarted, this);
// Window_Base
var alias_Window_Base_standardFontFace = Window_Base.prototype.standardFontFace;
Window_Base.prototype.standardFontFace = function() {
if (messageMode === "arabic" || navigator.language.match(/^ar/)) {
return arabicFont;
} else {
return alias_Window_Base_standardFontFace.call(this);
Window_Base.prototype.createArabicText = function (text, x, y, maxWidth, lineHeight, align) {
// Initialize
if(ArabicUtils.isArabic(text)) {
text = ArabicUtils.makeText(text);
var maxHeight = lineHeight + Math.floor(lineHeight * 0.5);
var bitmap = new Bitmap(maxWidth, maxHeight);
var sprite = new Sprite(bitmap);
var yPad = Math.round(this.contents.fontSize * 0.09);
// Set by copying the text properties
bitmap.fontFace = this.contents.fontFace;
bitmap.fontSize = this.contents.fontSize;
bitmap.fontItalic = this.contents.fontItalic;
bitmap.textColor = this.contents.textColor;
bitmap.outlineColor = this.contents.outlineColor;
bitmap.outlineWidth = this.contents.outlineWidth;
sprite.bitmap.drawText(text, 0, yPad, maxWidth, lineHeight, align);
// Set Flip Text
sprite.x = x;
sprite.y = y;
sprite.pivot.x = maxWidth / 2;
sprite.scale.x = -1;
// Add Child
if(this._arabicTexts) this._arabicTexts.addChild(sprite);
Window_Base.prototype.processNormalCharacter = function(textState) {
var szCompositionText = textState.text.slice(textState.index++).split('\n');
var szValidText = szCompositionText[0];
var szResultText = '';
var szWhitespace = "";
szResultText = szValidText.split('\x1b')[0];
textState.index += szResultText.length - 1;
// Draw Text
var c = szResultText;
var w = this.textWidth(c);
if(messageMode === "arabic") {
this.createArabicText(c, textState.x, textState.y, w * 2, textState.height);
} else {
this.contents.drawText(c, textState.x, textState.y, w * 2, textState.height);
textState.x += w;
var alias_Window_Base_processEscapeCharacter = Window_Base.prototype.processEscapeCharacter;
Window_Base.prototype.processEscapeCharacter = function(code, textState) {
switch (code) {
case 'LTR':
if(messageMode === "arabic") {
this.drawLeftToRightText( this.obtainLTRText(textState), textState );
alias_Window_Base_processEscapeCharacter.call(this, code, textState);
Window_Base.prototype.obtainLTRText = function(textState) {
var arr = /^<(.+)>/.exec(textState.text.slice(textState.index));
if (arr) {
textState.index += arr[0].length;
return String(arr[1]);
} else {
return '';
Window_Base.prototype.drawLeftToRightText = function (text, textState) {
var c = ArabicUtils.LEFT_TO_RIGHT_EMBEDDING + text;
var w = this.textWidth(c);
this.createArabicText(c, textState.x, textState.y, w * 2, textState.height);
textState.x += w;
var alias_Window_Base_drawIcon = Window_Base.prototype.drawIcon;
Window_Base.prototype.drawIcon = function(iconIndex, x, y) {
if(messageMode === "arabic" && this._arabicTexts) {
var bitmap = ImageManager.loadSystem('IconSet');
var pw = Window_Base._iconWidth;
var ph = Window_Base._iconHeight;
var sx = iconIndex % 16 * pw;
var sy = Math.floor(iconIndex / 16) * ph;
var tempBitmap = new Bitmap(pw, ph);
var sprite = new Sprite(tempBitmap);
sprite.x = x;
sprite.y = y;
sprite.pivot.x = pw - 2;
sprite.scale.x = -1;
sprite.bitmap.blt(bitmap, sx, sy, pw, ph, 0, 0);
} else {
alias_Window_Base_drawIcon.call(this, iconIndex, x, y);
// Window_Message
var alias_Window_Message_initialize = Window_Message.prototype.initialize;
Window_Message.prototype.initialize = function() {
Window_Message.prototype._createAllParts = function() {
this._windowSpriteContainer = new PIXI.Container();
this._windowBackSprite = new Sprite();
this._windowCursorSprite = new Sprite();
this._windowFrameSprite = new Sprite();
this._windowContentsSprite = new ArabicFlipSprite();
this._downArrowSprite = new Sprite();
this._upArrowSprite = new Sprite();
this._windowPauseSignSprite = new Sprite();
this._windowBackSprite.bitmap = new Bitmap(1, 1);
this._windowBackSprite.alpha = 192 / 255;
Window_Message.prototype.standardFontSize = function() {
return RS.ArabicMessageSystem.Params.fontSize;
var alias_Window_Message_newPage = Window_Message.prototype.newPage;
Window_Message.prototype.newPage = function(textState) {
if(messageMode === "arabic" || navigator.language.match(/^ar/)) {
if(this._arabicTexts) {
this._arabicTexts = null;
this._windowContentsSprite.pivot.x = this.contentsWidth();
this._windowContentsSprite.scale.x = -1;
this._windowContentsSprite._isMessageAracbic = true;
document.querySelector('canvas').dir = 'rtl';
this._arabicTexts = new ArabicTextContainer();
this._arabicTexts.visible = true;
this._windowContentsSprite.addChild( this._arabicTexts );
this._arabicPause = false;
this.on('arabicPause', this.onArabicPause, this);
} else {
this._windowContentsSprite.pivot.x = 0;
this._windowContentsSprite.scale.x = 1;
alias_Window_Message_newPage.call(this, textState);
Window_Message.prototype.createArabicText = function (text, x, y, maxWidth, lineHeight, align) {
// Initialize
text = ArabicUtils.makeText(text);
var maxHeight = lineHeight + Math.floor(lineHeight * 0.5);
var bitmap = new Bitmap(maxWidth, maxHeight);
var isAnimatedText = RS.ArabicMessageSystem.Params.isAnimatedText && !this._showFast;
var sprite = (isAnimatedText === true) ? new ArabicTextSprite(bitmap) : new Sprite(bitmap);
var yPad = Math.round(this.contents.fontSize * 0.09);
// Set by copying the text properties
bitmap.fontFace = this.contents.fontFace;
bitmap.fontSize = this.contents.fontSize;
bitmap.fontItalic = this.contents.fontItalic;
bitmap.textColor = this.contents.textColor;
bitmap.outlineColor = this.contents.outlineColor;
bitmap.outlineWidth = this.contents.outlineWidth;
// Set Flip Text
sprite.x = x;
sprite.y = y;
sprite.pivot.x = maxWidth / 2;
sprite.scale.x = -1;
if(isAnimatedText) {
sprite.startTextAnimation(text, 0, yPad, maxWidth, lineHeight, align);
} else {
sprite.bitmap.drawText(text, 0, yPad, maxWidth, lineHeight, align);
// Add Child
if(this._arabicTexts) this._arabicTexts.addChild(sprite);
var alias_Window_Message_processNormalCharacter = Window_Message.prototype.processNormalCharacter;
Window_Message.prototype.processNormalCharacter = function(textState) {
alias_Window_Message_processNormalCharacter.call(this, textState);
if(!this._showFast) {
Window_Message.prototype.onArabicPause = function () {
this._arabicPause = true;
this.off('arabicPause', this.onArabicPause, this);
var alias_Window_Message_drawIcon = Window_Message.prototype.drawIcon;
Window_Message.prototype.drawIcon = function(iconIndex, x, y) {
if(messageMode === "arabic") {
var bitmap = ImageManager.loadSystem('IconSet');
var pw = Window_Base._iconWidth;
var ph = Window_Base._iconHeight;
var sx = iconIndex % 16 * pw;
var sy = Math.floor(iconIndex / 16) * ph;
var tempBitmap = new Bitmap(pw, ph);
var isAnimatedText = RS.ArabicMessageSystem.Params.isAnimatedText;
var sprite = new Sprite(tempBitmap);
sprite.x = x;
sprite.y = y;
sprite.pivot.x = pw - 2;
sprite.scale.x = -1;
setTimeout(function() {
sprite.bitmap.blt(bitmap, sx, sy, pw, ph, 0, 0);
}, 0);
if(this._arabicTexts) this._arabicTexts.addChild(sprite);
} else {
alias_Window_Message_drawIcon.call(this, iconIndex, x, y);
var alias_Window_Message_drawFace = Window_Message.prototype.drawFace;
Window_Message.prototype.drawFace = function(faceName, faceIndex, x, y, width, height) {
if(messageMode === "arabic") {
width = width || Window_Base._faceWidth;
height = height || Window_Base._faceHeight;
var bitmap = ImageManager.loadFace(faceName);
var pw = Window_Base._faceWidth;
var ph = Window_Base._faceHeight;
var sw = Math.min(width, pw);
var sh = Math.min(height, ph);
var dx = Math.floor(x + Math.max(width - pw, 0) / 2);
var dy = Math.floor(y + Math.max(height - ph, 0) / 2);
var sx = faceIndex % 4 * pw + (pw - sw) / 2;
var sy = Math.floor(faceIndex / 4) * ph + (ph - sh) / 2;
this.contents.RTLblt(bitmap, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy);
} else {
alias_Window_Message_drawFace.call(this, faceName, faceIndex, x, y, width, height);
var alias_Window_Message_onEndOfText = Window_Message.prototype.onEndOfText;
Window_Message.prototype.onEndOfText = function() {
var isAnimatedText = RS.ArabicMessageSystem.Params.isAnimatedText;
if(isAnimatedText) {
var startChild = this._arabicTexts.children[0];
if(this._arabicTexts && this._arabicTexts.children[0]) {
// Window_Command
var alias_Window_Command_drawItem = Window_Command.prototype.drawItem;
Window_Command.prototype.drawItem = function(index) {
if(messageMode !== "arabic") {
return alias_Window_Command_drawItem.call(this, index);
var rect = this.itemRectForText(index);
var align = this.itemTextAlign();
if(align !== 'center' && align !== 'right') {
var x = rect.x + rect.width - this.textWidth(this.commandName(index));
} else {
var x = rect.x;
this.drawText(this.commandName(index), x, rect.y, rect.width, align);
// Define Classes
RS.ArabicMessageSystem.defineInitialize2(Window_Help, function (numLines) {
var aliasName = 'alias_%1_initialize'.format(Window_Help);
RS.ArabicMessageSystem.alias[aliasName].call(this, numLines);
// Script Binder
RS.ArabicMessageSystem.Params.bindScripts.forEach(function (el) {
try {
} catch (e) {
// Window_ScrollText
var alias_Window_ScrollText_initialize = Window_ScrollText.prototype.initialize;
Window_ScrollText.prototype.initialize = function() {
var self = this;
var gl = Graphics._renderer.gl;
// Create RenderTexture
self._renderTexture = PIXI.RenderTexture.create(self.width,
// Create RenderTarget
if(Graphics.isWebGL()) {
self._renderTarget = new PIXI.RenderTarget(gl, self.width,
} else {
self._renderTarget = new PIXI.CanvasRenderTarget(self.width, self.height);
// Create Sprite
self._renderSprite = new Sprite();
var alias_Window_ScrollText_standardFontFace = Window_ScrollText.prototype.standardFontFace;
Window_ScrollText.prototype.standardFontFace = function() {
if (messageMode === "arabic" || navigator.language.match(/^ar/)) {
return arabicFont;
} else {
return alias_Window_Base_standardFontFace.call(this);
var alias_Window_ScrollText_update = Window_ScrollText.prototype.update;
Window_ScrollText.prototype.update = function () {
if(this._arabicTexts && this._arabicTexts.visible) {
this._arabicTexts.pivot.y = this.origin.y;
var alias_Window_ScrollText_destroy = Window_ScrollText.prototype.destroy;
Window_ScrollText.prototype.destroy = function (options) {
if(alias_Window_ScrollText_destroy) alias_Window_ScrollText_destroy.call(this, options);
if( this._renderTexture ) this._renderTexture.destroy({ destroyBase: true });
if( this._renderSprite ) this._renderSprite.destroy({ children: true });
if( this._renderTarget ) this._renderTarget.destroy();
this._renderTexture = null;
this._renderSprite = null;
this._renderTarget = null;
var alias_Window_ScrollText_renderCanvas = Window_ScrollText.prototype.renderCanvas;
Window_ScrollText.prototype.renderCanvas = function (renderer) {
if (!this.visible || !this.renderable) {
var layers = this.children;
for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++)
if(this._arabicTexts && this._arabicTexts.parent !== this) {
for (var i = 0; i <this._arabicTexts.children.length; i++ ) {
var child = this._arabicTexts.children[i];
if(child) renderer.plugins.sprite.render(child);
Window_ScrollText.prototype.renderWebGL = function (renderer) {
if(!this.visible || !this.renderable) {
for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; ++i) {
var child = this.children[i];
if(child.visible) renderer.render(child, this._renderTexture);
if(this._arabicTexts.visible) renderer.render(this._arabicTexts, this._renderTexture);
if(this._arabicTexts.visible) {
this._renderSprite.texture = this._renderTexture;
// Window_ChoiceList
var alias_Window_ChoiceList_initialize = Window_ChoiceList.prototype.initialize;
Window_ChoiceList.prototype.initialize = function(messageWindow) {
alias_Window_ChoiceList_initialize.call(this, messageWindow);
if(messageMode === "arabic") {
Window_ChoiceList.prototype.textWidthEx = function(text) {
var temp = messageMode.slice(0);
messageMode = 'normal';
var ret = Window_Base.prototype.drawTextEx.call(this, text, 0, this.contents.height);
messageMode = temp;
return ret;
Window_ChoiceList.prototype.refresh = function() {
if (this.contents) {
if(messageMode === "arabic") {
// ConfigManager
Object.defineProperty(ConfigManager, "rtlText", {
get: function () {
return messageMode === "arabic";
set: function (value) {
messageMode = value === true ? "arabic" : "normal";
ConfigManager.rtlText = messageMode === "arabic";
var alias_makeData = ConfigManager.makeData;
ConfigManager.makeData = function() {
var config = alias_makeData.call(this);
config.rtlText = ConfigManager.rtlText;
return config;
var alias_applyData = ConfigManager.applyData;
ConfigManager.applyData = function(config) {
alias_applyData.call(this, config);
var value = config.rtlText;
if (value !== undefined) {
this.rtlText = value;
} else {
if(messageMode === "arabic") {
this.rtlText = true;
} else {
this.rtlText = false;
// Window_Options
var alias_addVolumeOptions = Window_Options.prototype.addGeneralOptions;
Window_Options.prototype.addGeneralOptions = function() {
this.addCommand(rtlWindowButtonSymbol, 'rtlText');
// Game_Interpreter
var alias_Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand;
Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function(command, args) {
alias_Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand.call(this, command, args);
if(command === "DisableArabicTextAnimation") {
RS.ArabicMessageSystem.Params.isAnimatedText = false;
if(command === "EnableArabicTextAnimation") {
RS.ArabicMessageSystem.Params.isAnimatedText = true;
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。