import argparse
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, helpers
import json
from time import sleep
import requests
import platform
import datetime
import pytz
from datetime import timezone
import os
from sparrowcommon import stringtobool
from sparrowgps import GPSStatus
from wirelessengine import WirelessEngine, WirelessNetwork
from sparrowbluetooth import BluetoothDevice
from manuf import manuf
hasOUILookup = True
hasOUILookup = False
print("WARNING: Can't find import manuf. Mac address vendors will not be resolved.")
ouiLookupEngine = None
hostname = platform.node()
ecs_agent = {"hostname":hostname, "version":"1.0", "type":"sparrow"}
ecs_host = { "hostname": hostname, "host": hostname}
# ------------------ Global functions for agent HTTP requests ------------------------------
def makeGetRequest(url, waitTimeout=6):
# Not using a timeout can cause the request to hang indefinitely
response = requests.get(url, timeout=waitTimeout)
return -1, ""
if response.status_code != 200:
return response.status_code, ""
return response.status_code, htmlResponse
# ------------------ GPS requests ------------------------------
def requestRemoteGPS(remoteIP, remotePort):
url = "http://" + remoteIP + ":" + str(remotePort) + "/gps/status"
statusCode, responsestr = makeGetRequest(url)
if statusCode == 200:
gpsjson = json.loads(responsestr)
gpsStatus = GPSStatus()
gpsStatus.gpsInstalled = stringtobool(gpsjson['gpsinstalled'])
gpsStatus.gpsRunning = stringtobool(gpsjson['gpsrunning'])
gpsStatus.isValid = stringtobool(gpsjson['gpssynch'])
if gpsStatus.isValid:
# These won't be there if it's not synchronized
gpsStatus.latitude = float(gpsjson['gpspos']['latitude'])
gpsStatus.longitude = float(gpsjson['gpspos']['longitude'])
gpsStatus.altitude = float(gpsjson['gpspos']['altitude'])
gpsStatus.speed = float(gpsjson['gpspos']['speed'])
return 0, "", gpsStatus
return -2, "Error parsing remote agent response", None
return -1, "Error connecting to remote agent", None
# ------------------ WiFi scan requests ------------------------------
def requestRemoteInterfaces(remoteAgentIP, remoteAgentPort):
url = "http://" + remoteAgentIP + ":" + str(remoteAgentPort) + "/wireless/interfaces"
statusCode, responsestr = makeGetRequest(url)
if statusCode == 200:
interfaces = json.loads(responsestr)
retList = interfaces['interfaces']
return statusCode, retList
return statusCode, None
return statusCode, None
def requestRemoteNetworks(remoteIP, remotePort, remoteInterface, channelList=None):
url = "http://" + remoteIP + ":" + str(remotePort) + "/wireless/networks/" + remoteInterface
if (channelList is not None) and (len(channelList) > 0):
url += "?frequencies="
for curChannel in channelList:
url += str(curChannel) + ','
if url.endswith(','):
url = url[:-1]
# Pass a higher timeout since the scan may take a bit
statusCode, responsestr = makeGetRequest(url, 20)
if statusCode == 200:
networkjson = json.loads(responsestr)
wirelessNetworks = {}
for curNetDict in networkjson['networks']:
newNet = WirelessNetwork.createFromJsonDict(curNetDict)
wirelessNetworks[newNet.getKey()] = newNet
return networkjson['errCode'], networkjson['errString'], wirelessNetworks
return -2, "Error parsing remote agent response", None
return -1, "Error connecting to remote agent", None
# ---- Elastic Functions ---------------------
def create_wifi_index(es, index_name = "sparrowwifi"):
my_mapping = {
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"@timestamp": { "type":"date" },
"agent.hostname": { "type": "keyword" },
"agent.version": { "type": "keyword" },
"agent.type": { "type": "keyword" },
"ecs.version": { "type": "keyword" },
"event.dataset": { "type": "keyword" },
"event.kind": { "type": "keyword" },
"event.type": { "type": "keyword" },
"event.module": { "type": "keyword" },
"host.hostname": { "type": "keyword" },
"host.name": { "type": "keyword" },
"host.geo.location": { "type": "geo_point" },
"process.name": { "type": "keyword" },
"wifi.ssid": { "type": "keyword" },
"wifi.mac_addr": { "type": "keyword" },
"wifi.mac_vendor": { "type": "keyword" },
"wifi.mode": { "type": "keyword" },
"wifi.security": { "type": "keyword" },
"wifi.privacy": { "type": "keyword" },
"wifi.cipher": { "type": "keyword" },
"wifi.channel_key": { "type": "keyword" },
"wifi.frequency": { "type": "double" },
"wifi.center_frequency_hz": { "type": "double" },
"wifi.bandwidth": { "type": "double" },
"wifi.geo.location": { "type": "geo_point" },
"wifi.strongest_signal.location": { "type": "geo_point" }
create_index = es.indices.create(index = index_name, body = my_mapping, ignore=400)
# mapping_index = es.indices.put_mapping(index = index_name, doc_type = "en", body = my_mapping)
if 'status' in create_index.keys() and create_index['status'] == 400:
if create_index['error']['root_cause'][0]['type'] != 'resource_already_exists_exception' and not ('already exists as alias' in create_index['error']['root_cause'][0]['reason']):
errString = create_index['error']['root_cause'][0]['type'] + ": " + create_index['error']['root_cause'][0]['reason']
raise Exception(errString)
def create_bluetooth_index(es, index_name = "sparrowbt"):
my_mapping = {
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"@timestamp": { "type":"date" },
"agent.hostname": { "type": "keyword" },
"agent.version": { "type": "keyword" },
"agent.type": { "type": "keyword" },
"ecs.version": { "type": "keyword" },
"event.dataset": { "type": "keyword" },
"event.kind": { "type": "keyword" },
"event.type": { "type": "keyword" },
"event.module": { "type": "keyword" },
"host.hostname": { "type": "keyword" },
"host.name": { "type": "keyword" },
"host.geo.location": { "type": "geo_point" },
"process.name": { "type": "keyword" },
"bluetooth.uuid": { "type": "keyword" },
"bluetooth.company": { "type": "keyword" },
"bluetooth.manufacturer": { "type": "keyword" },
"bluetooth.type": { "type": "keyword" },
"bluetooth.geo.location": { "type": "geo_point" },
"bluetooth.strongest_signal.location": { "type": "geo_point" }
create_index = es.indices.create(index = index_name, body = my_mapping, ignore=400)
# mapping_index = es.indices.put_mapping(index = index_name, doc_type = "en", body = my_mapping)
if 'status' in create_index.keys() and create_index['status'] == 400:
if create_index['error']['root_cause'][0]['type'] != 'resource_already_exists_exception' and not ('already exists as alias' in create_index['error']['root_cause'][0]['reason']):
errString = create_index['error']['root_cause'][0]['type'] + ": " + create_index['error']['root_cause'][0]['reason']
raise Exception(errString)
def writeDataToIndex(es, es_index, entries, es_doc_type='_doc'):
es_entries = []
for doc in entries:
entry = {"_index": es_index,
"_type": es_doc_type,
"_source": doc }
helpers.bulk(es, es_entries, refresh=True, request_timeout=60)
except Exception as e:
# This can happen if the server is restarted or the connection becomes unavilable
# ------------------- Bluetooth routines ------------------------------------
def startRemoteBluetoothDiscoveryScan(agentIP, agentPort, ubertooth):
if ubertooth:
# Promiscuous
url = "http://" + agentIP + ":" + str(agentPort) + "/bluetooth/discoverystartp"
# Advertisements only
url = "http://" + agentIP + ":" + str(agentPort) + "/bluetooth/discoverystarta"
statusCode, responsestr = makeGetRequest(url)
if statusCode == 200:
responsedict = json.loads(responsestr)
errcode = responsedict['errcode']
errmsg = responsedict['errmsg']
return errcode, errmsg
return -1, 'Error parsing response'
return -2, 'Bad response from agent [' + str(statusCode) + ']'
def stopRemoteBluetoothDiscoveryScan(agentIP, agentPort):
url = "http://" + agentIP + ":" + str(agentPort) + "/bluetooth/discoverystop"
statusCode, responsestr = makeGetRequest(url)
if statusCode == 200:
responsedict = json.loads(responsestr)
errcode = responsedict['errcode']
errmsg = responsedict['errmsg']
return errcode, errmsg
return -1, 'Error parsing response'
return -2, 'Bad response from agent [' + str(statusCode) + ']'
def getRemoteBluetoothRunningServices(agentIP, agentPort):
url = "http://" + agentIP + ":" + str(agentPort) + "/bluetooth/running"
statusCode, responsestr = makeGetRequest(url)
if statusCode == 200:
responsedict = json.loads(responsestr)
errcode = responsedict['errcode']
errmsg = responsedict['errmsg']
hasBluetooth = responsedict['hasbluetooth']
hasUbertooth = responsedict['hasubertooth']
spectrumScanRunning = responsedict['spectrumscanrunning']
discoveryScanRunning = responsedict['discoveryscanrunning']
return errcode, errmsg, hasBluetooth, hasUbertooth, spectrumScanRunning, discoveryScanRunning
return -1, 'Error parsing response', False, False, False, False
return -2, 'Bad response from agent [' + str(statusCode) + ']', False, False, False, False
def clearRemoteBluetoothDeviceList(agentIP, agentPort):
url = "http://" + agentIP + ":" + str(agentPort) + "/bluetooth/discoveryclear"
statusCode, responsestr = makeGetRequest(url)
if statusCode == 200:
responsedict = json.loads(responsestr)
errcode = responsedict['errcode']
errmsg = responsedict['errmsg']
return errcode, errmsg
return -1, 'Error parsing response'
return -2, 'Bad response from agent [' + str(statusCode) + ']'
def getRemoteBluetoothDiscoveryStatus(agentIP, agentPort):
url = "http://" + agentIP + ":" + str(agentPort) + "/bluetooth/discoverystatus"
statusCode, responsestr = makeGetRequest(url)
if statusCode == 200:
responsedict = json.loads(responsestr)
errcode = responsedict['errcode']
errmsg = responsedict['errmsg']
tmpDeviceData = responsedict['devices']
devices = {}
for curDevice in tmpDeviceData:
newdevice = BluetoothDevice()
devices[newdevice.macAddress] = newdevice
return errcode, errmsg, devices
return -1, 'Error parsing response', None
return -2, 'Bad response from agent [' + str(statusCode) + ']', None
# ------------------- Object Parsing -----------------------------
def getOUIDB():
ouidb = None
if hasOUILookup:
if os.path.isfile('manuf'):
# We have the file but let's not update it every time we run the app.
# every 90 days should be plenty
last_modified_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime('manuf'))
now = datetime.datetime.now()
age = now - last_modified_date
if age.days > 90:
updateflag = True
updateflag = False
# We don't have the file, let's get it
updateflag = True
ouidb = manuf.MacParser(update=updateflag)
if updateflag:
print("WARNING: Unable to update mac address vendor database. Continuing with old database.")
ouidb = manuf.MacParser(update=False)
print("WARNING: Unable to open the mac address vendor database. Disabling lookup.")
ouidb = None
ouidb = None
return ouidb
def get_bluetooth_dict(btDevice):
dictjson = {}
dictjson['uuid'] = btDevice.uuid
# Make mac address kibana searchable
dictjson['address'] = btDevice.macAddress.replace(":", "_")
if len(btDevice.name) == 0:
dictjson['name'] = btDevice.macAddress.replace(":", "_")
dictjson['address_is_name'] = True
dictjson['name'] = btDevice.name
dictjson['address_is_name'] = False
# This is required to search for names with spaces, dashes, or colons since Kibana won't allow them to
# be used in wildcard search criteria
elastic_searchable_name = btDevice.name.replace("-", "^").replace(":", "%").replace(" ", "_")
dictjson['searchable_name'] = elastic_searchable_name
if elastic_searchable_name == btDevice.name:
dictjson['searchable_matches_name'] = True
dictjson['searchable_matches_name'] = False
dictjson['company'] = btDevice.company
dictjson['manufacturer'] = btDevice.manufacturer
dictjson['bluetooth_description'] = btDevice.bluetoothDescription
if btDevice.btType == 1:
dictjson['type'] = "Classic"
dictjson['type'] = "BT LE"
dictjson['rssi'] = btDevice.rssi
dictjson['tx_power'] = btDevice.txPower
dictjson['tx_power_valid'] = btDevice.txPowerValid
dictjson['ibeacon_range'] = btDevice.iBeaconRange
if btDevice.gps.isValid and (btDevice.gps.latitude != 0.0 or btDevice.gps.longitude != 0.0):
wifi_geo = {}
wifi_geo_location = {}
wifi_geo_location ['lat'] = str(btDevice.gps.latitude)
wifi_geo_location ['lon'] = str(btDevice.gps.longitude)
wifi_geo['location'] = wifi_geo_location
wifi_geo['altitude'] = str(btDevice.gps.altitude)
wifi_geo['speed'] = str(btDevice.gps.speed)
dictjson['geo'] = wifi_geo
return dictjson
def get_wireless_dict(wirelessNetwork):
wifi_details = {}
# Make mac address kibana searchable
wifi_details['mac_addr'] = wirelessNetwork.macAddr.replace(":", "_")
if ouiLookupEngine:
wifi_details['mac_vendor'] = ouiLookupEngine.get_manuf(wirelessNetwork.macAddr)
wifi_details['ssid'] = wirelessNetwork.ssid
# This is required to search for names with spaces, dashes, or colons since Kibana won't allow them to
# be used in wildcard search criteria
elastic_searchable_name = wirelessNetwork.ssid.replace("-", "^").replace(":", "%").replace(" ", "_")
wifi_details['searchable_ssid'] = elastic_searchable_name
if elastic_searchable_name == wirelessNetwork.ssid:
wifi_details['searchable_matches_ssid'] = True
wifi_details['searchable_matches_ssid'] = False
wifi_details['mode'] = wirelessNetwork.mode
wifi_details['security'] = wirelessNetwork.security
wifi_details['privacy'] = wirelessNetwork.privacy
wifi_details['cipher'] = wirelessNetwork.cipher
wifi_details['frequency'] = wirelessNetwork.frequency
wifi_details['center_frequency_hz'] = float(wirelessNetwork.frequency) * 1e6
wifi_details['channel'] = wirelessNetwork.channel
wifi_details['channel_key'] = str(wirelessNetwork.channel)
wifi_details['secondary_channel'] = wirelessNetwork.secondaryChannel
wifi_details['secondary_channel_location'] = wirelessNetwork.secondaryChannelLocation
wifi_details['third_channel'] = wirelessNetwork.thirdChannel
wifi_details['signal'] = wirelessNetwork.signal
wifi_details['signal_strength'] = WirelessEngine.getSignalQualityFromDB0To5(wirelessNetwork.signal)
wifi_details['station_count'] = wirelessNetwork.stationcount
wifi_details['utilization'] = wirelessNetwork.utilization
wifi_details['bandwidth'] = wirelessNetwork.bandwidth
wifi_details['first_seen'] = str(wirelessNetwork.firstSeen)
wifi_details['last_seen'] = str(wirelessNetwork.lastSeen)
if wirelessNetwork.gps.isValid and (wirelessNetwork.gps.latitude != 0.0 or wirelessNetwork.gps.longitude != 0.0):
wifi_geo = {}
wifi_geo_location = {}
wifi_geo_location ['lat'] = str(wirelessNetwork.gps.latitude)
wifi_geo_location ['lon'] = str(wirelessNetwork.gps.longitude)
wifi_geo['location'] = wifi_geo_location
wifi_geo['altitude'] = str(wirelessNetwork.gps.altitude)
wifi_geo['speed'] = str(wirelessNetwork.gps.speed)
wifi_details['geo'] = wifi_geo
if wirelessNetwork.strongestgps.isValid:
wifi_geo = {}
wifi_geo_location = {}
wifi_geo_location ['lat'] = str(wirelessNetwork.strongestgps.latitude)
wifi_geo_location ['lon'] = str(wirelessNetwork.strongestgps.longitude)
wifi_geo['location'] = wifi_geo_location
wifi_geo['altitude'] = str(wirelessNetwork.strongestgps.altitude)
wifi_geo['speed'] = str(wirelessNetwork.strongestgps.speed)
wifi_details['strongest_signal'] = wifi_geo
return wifi_details
def addWirelessData(wirelessArray, wirelessNetwork, timestamp, hour_utc, day_of_week_utc, hour_local, day_of_week_local):
ecs_event = {"kind":"event", "module": "sparrow", "type":"info", "dataset": "sparrow.wifi"}
ecs = {}
ecs["@timestamp"] = timestamp
ecs['tags'] = ['sparrow', 'wifi']
ecs['ecs'] = { 'version': '1.5' }
ecs['message'] = wirelessNetwork.ssid + ' access point detected'
ecs['process'] = {"name": "sparrow-wifi"}
ecs['host'] = ecs_host
ecs['agent'] = ecs_agent
ecs['event'] = ecs_event
ecs['wifi'] = get_wireless_dict(wirelessNetwork)
ecs['wifi']['is_primary_channel'] = True
ecs['wifi']['hour_utc'] = hour_utc
ecs['wifi']['day_of_week_utc'] = day_of_week_utc
ecs['wifi']['hour_local'] = hour_local
ecs['wifi']['day_of_week_local'] = day_of_week_local
if 'geo' in ecs['wifi']:
ecs['host']['geo'] = ecs['wifi']['geo']
# If the wireless network has secondary/third channels, lets add them
# so that in ES we can actually show SSIDs for every channel they're on.
if wirelessNetwork.secondaryChannel > 0:
wirelessNetwork.frequency = WirelessEngine.getFrequencyForChannel(wirelessNetwork.secondaryChannel)
wirelessNetwork.channel= wirelessNetwork.secondaryChannel
ecs['wifi'] = get_wireless_dict(wirelessNetwork)
ecs['wifi']['is_primary_channel'] = False
ecs['wifi']['hour_utc'] = hour_utc
ecs['wifi']['day_of_week_utc'] = day_of_week_utc
ecs['wifi']['hour_local'] = hour_local
ecs['wifi']['day_of_week_local'] = day_of_week_local
if wirelessNetwork.thirdChannel > 0:
wirelessNetwork.frequency = WirelessEngine.getFrequencyForChannel(wirelessNetwork.thirdChannel)
wirelessNetwork.channel= wirelessNetwork.thirdChannel
ecs['wifi'] = get_wireless_dict(wirelessNetwork)
ecs['wifi']['is_primary_channel'] = False
ecs['wifi']['hour_utc'] = hour_utc
ecs['wifi']['day_of_week_utc'] = day_of_week_utc
ecs['wifi']['hour_local'] = hour_local
ecs['wifi']['day_of_week_local'] = day_of_week_local
return wirelessArray
def addBluetoothData(bluetoothArray, btDevice, timestamp, hour_utc, day_of_week_utc, hour_local, day_of_week_local):
ecs_event = {"kind":"event", "module": "sparrow", "type":"info", "dataset": "sparrow.bluetooth"}
ecs = {}
ecs["@timestamp"] = timestamp
ecs['tags'] = ['sparrow', 'bluetooth']
ecs['ecs'] = { 'version': '1.5' }
if len(btDevice.name) > 0:
ecs['message'] = btDevice.name + ' (' + btDevice.macAddress + ') bluetooth device detected'
ecs['message'] = btDevice.macAddress + ' bluetooth device detected'
ecs['process'] = {"name": "sparrow-wifi"}
ecs['host'] = ecs_host
ecs['agent'] = ecs_agent
ecs['event'] = ecs_event
ecs['bluetooth'] = get_bluetooth_dict(btDevice)
ecs['bluetooth']['hour_utc'] = hour_utc
ecs['bluetooth']['day_of_week_utc'] = day_of_week_utc
ecs['bluetooth']['hour_local'] = hour_local
ecs['bluetooth']['day_of_week_local'] = day_of_week_local
if 'geo' in ecs['bluetooth']:
ecs['host']['geo'] = ecs['bluetooth']['geo']
return bluetoothArray
def getDayOfWeekName(day_of_week_num):
# Note: The returned number differs from C++. Here 0=Monday
# With tm_wday, 0=Sunday
if day_of_week_num == 0:
day_of_week = "Monday"
elif day_of_week_num == 1:
day_of_week = "Tuesday"
elif day_of_week_num == 2:
day_of_week = "Wednesday"
elif day_of_week_num == 3:
day_of_week = "Thursday"
elif day_of_week_num == 4:
day_of_week = "Friday"
elif day_of_week_num == 5:
day_of_week = "Saturday"
elif day_of_week_num == 6:
day_of_week = "Sunday"
day_of_week = ""
return day_of_week
# ----------------- Main -----------------------------
if __name__ == '__main__':
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Sparrow-wifi Agent/ElasticSearch Bridge')
argparser.add_argument('--elasticserver', help="ElasticSearch server URL. Ex: https://user:secret@mysererver.somedomain.com:9200", default='', required=True)
argparser.add_argument('--wifiindex', help="ElasticSearch index to write wifi networks to", default='', required=True)
argparser.add_argument('--scandelay', help='How frequently to rescan for networks. Default is every 15 seconds.', default=15, required=False)
argparser.add_argument('--sparrowagent', help="Sparrow agent IP", default='', required=False)
argparser.add_argument('--wifiinterface', help="Specific IP interface on agent to use. Default: Query and use the first one.", default='', required=False)
argparser.add_argument('--sparrowport', help='Port Sparrow agent server listens on', default=8020, required=False)
argparser.add_argument('--btindex', help="ElasticSearch index to write bluetooth results to. Setting this enabled Bluetooth scanning.", default='', required=False)
args = argparser.parse_args()
if len(args.btindex) > 0:
bluetoothEnabled = True
bluetoothIndex = args.btindex
bluetoothEnabled = False
# For now no Ubertooth options.
ubertooth = False
ouiLookupEngine = getOUIDB()
if ouiLookupEngine is None:
print("WARNING: Can't find vendor lookup database. Mac address vendors will not be resolved.")
server = args.elasticserver
wifi_index = args.wifiindex
remoteAgentIP = args.sparrowagent
remoteAgentPort = args.sparrowport
scanDelay = args.scandelay
es = Elasticsearch([server])
except Exception as e:
# Create indices if needed
create_wifi_index(es, wifi_index)
create_bluetooth_index(es, bluetoothIndex)
# Get remote wireless interfaces
if len(args.wifiinterface) > 0:
remoteInterface = args.wifiinterface
statusCode, retList = requestRemoteInterfaces(remoteAgentIP, remoteAgentPort)
if retList is None:
print("ERROR: Unable to retrieve any wireless interfaces on the agent.")
remoteInterface = retList[0]
print("Running Sparrow/Elastic bridge using remote wireless interface " + remoteInterface + "...")
if bluetoothEnabled:
errcode, errmsg = startRemoteBluetoothDiscoveryScan(remoteAgentIP, remoteAgentPort, ubertooth)
if errcode != 0:
print("Bluetooth ERROR: " + errmsg)
while True:
retCode, errString, wirelessNetworks = requestRemoteNetworks(remoteAgentIP, remoteAgentPort, remoteInterface)
# Get timestamp and UTC info
dt_utc = datetime.datetime.now(pytz.timezone("UTC"))
timestamp = str(dt_utc)
timestamp = timestamp.replace("+00:00", "Z")
timestamp = timestamp.replace(" ", "T")
hour_utc = dt_utc.hour
day_of_week_utc = getDayOfWeekName(dt_utc.weekday())
# Get local info
dt_local = dt_utc.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).astimezone(tz=None)
hour_local = dt_local.hour
day_of_week_local = getDayOfWeekName(dt_local.weekday())
if retCode == 0:
wirelessArray = []
for curKey in wirelessNetworks.keys():
wirelessArray = addWirelessData(wirelessArray, wirelessNetworks[curKey], timestamp, hour_utc, day_of_week_utc, hour_local, day_of_week_local)
writeDataToIndex(es, wifi_index, wirelessArray)
print("WIFI WARNING: " + errString)
if bluetoothEnabled:
# Check that everything's running okay. There have been instances where bluehydra has died on the agent side
errcode, errmsg, hasBluetooth, hasUbertooth, spectrumScanRunning, discoveryScanRunning = getRemoteBluetoothRunningServices(remoteAgentIP, remoteAgentPort)
if discoveryScanRunning:
errcode, errmsg, btDevices = getRemoteBluetoothDiscoveryStatus(remoteAgentIP, remoteAgentPort)
if (errcode == 0) and (btDevices is not None) and (len(btDevices) > 0):
errcode, errmsg = clearRemoteBluetoothDeviceList(remoteAgentIP, remoteAgentPort)
bluetoothArray = []
for curKey in btDevices.keys():
bluetoothArray = addBluetoothData(bluetoothArray, btDevices[curKey], timestamp, hour_utc, day_of_week_utc, hour_local, day_of_week_local)
writeDataToIndex(es, bluetoothIndex, bluetoothArray)
if errcode != 0:
print("Bluetooth WARNING: " + errmsg)
# Let's reset our remote list
errcode, errmsg = clearRemoteBluetoothDeviceList(remoteAgentIP, remoteAgentPort)
# Try to restart it.
errcode, errmsg = startRemoteBluetoothDiscoveryScan(remoteAgentIP, remoteAgentPort, ubertooth)
if errcode != 0:
print("Bluetooth is down and we got an error attempting to restart it. ERROR: " + errmsg)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Can do cleanup here if necessary
if bluetoothEnabled:
stopRemoteBluetoothDiscoveryScan(remoteAgentIP, remoteAgentPort)
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