arkui-linux is arkui branch for adapte linux. provides arkui GUI framework to supports arkui application
ArkUI framework | ArkUI开发框架
We provide a series of app samples to help you quickly get familiar with the APIs and app development process of the OpenHarmony SDKs. | 为帮助开发者快速熟悉OpenHarmony SDK所提供的API和应用开发流程,我们提供了一系列的应用示例
arkui-linux is arkui branch for adapte linux. provides arkui GUI framework to supports arkui application
ft_mmi module provides intput event process, and pass to application. it provids traditional input methods, such as key, touch, keyboard, and mouse inputs.
ft_engine is contains modules window display and window management, providing the core capabilities of the Windows engine
ft_multimedia providing media (image, audio, media...) framework for FangTian.
this repository provides glfw, skia modules for ft_engine
HiSysEvent provides event logging APIs for OpenHarmony to record important information of key processes during system running, helping you locate faults. In addition, you can upload the log data to the cloud for big data analytics.
arkui-linux is arkui branch for adapte linux. provides arkui GUI framework to supports arkui application