# Use a trained DenseFuse Net to generate fused images
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
from fusion_l1norm import L1_norm
from densefuse_net import DenseFuseNet
from utils import get_images, save_images, get_train_images, get_test_image_rgb
def generate(infrared_path, visible_path, model_path, model_pre_path, ssim_weight, index, IS_VIDEO, IS_RGB, type='addition', output_path=None):
_handler_video(infrared_path, visible_path, model_path, model_pre_path, ssim_weight, output_path=output_path)
if IS_RGB:
print('RGB - addition')
_handler_rgb(infrared_path, visible_path, model_path, model_pre_path, ssim_weight, index,
print('RGB - l1')
_handler_rgb_l1(infrared_path, visible_path, model_path, model_pre_path, ssim_weight, index,
if type == 'addition':
_handler(infrared_path, visible_path, model_path, model_pre_path, ssim_weight, index, output_path=output_path)
elif type == 'l1':
_handler_l1(infrared_path, visible_path, model_path, model_pre_path, ssim_weight, index, output_path=output_path)
def _handler(ir_path, vis_path, model_path, model_pre_path, ssim_weight, index, output_path=None):
ir_img = get_train_images(ir_path, flag=False)
vis_img = get_train_images(vis_path, flag=False)
# ir_img = get_train_images_rgb(ir_path, flag=False)
# vis_img = get_train_images_rgb(vis_path, flag=False)
dimension = ir_img.shape
ir_img = ir_img.reshape([1, dimension[0], dimension[1], dimension[2]])
vis_img = vis_img.reshape([1, dimension[0], dimension[1], dimension[2]])
ir_img = np.transpose(ir_img, (0, 2, 1, 3))
vis_img = np.transpose(vis_img, (0, 2, 1, 3))
print('img shape final:', ir_img.shape)
with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as sess:
infrared_field = tf.placeholder(
tf.float32, shape=ir_img.shape, name='content')
visible_field = tf.placeholder(
tf.float32, shape=ir_img.shape, name='style')
dfn = DenseFuseNet(model_pre_path)
output_image = dfn.transform_addition(infrared_field, visible_field)
# restore the trained model and run the style transferring
saver = tf.train.Saver()
saver.restore(sess, model_path)
output = sess.run(output_image, feed_dict={infrared_field: ir_img, visible_field: vis_img})
save_images(ir_path, output, output_path,
prefix='fused' + str(index), suffix='_densefuse_addition_'+str(ssim_weight))
def _handler_l1(ir_path, vis_path, model_path, model_pre_path, ssim_weight, index, output_path=None):
ir_img = get_train_images(ir_path, flag=False)
vis_img = get_train_images(vis_path, flag=False)
dimension = ir_img.shape
ir_img = ir_img.reshape([1, dimension[0], dimension[1], dimension[2]])
vis_img = vis_img.reshape([1, dimension[0], dimension[1], dimension[2]])
ir_img = np.transpose(ir_img, (0, 2, 1, 3))
vis_img = np.transpose(vis_img, (0, 2, 1, 3))
print('img shape final:', ir_img.shape)
with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as sess:
# build the dataflow graph
infrared_field = tf.placeholder(
tf.float32, shape=ir_img.shape, name='content')
visible_field = tf.placeholder(
tf.float32, shape=ir_img.shape, name='style')
dfn = DenseFuseNet(model_pre_path)
enc_ir = dfn.transform_encoder(infrared_field)
enc_vis = dfn.transform_encoder(visible_field)
target = tf.placeholder(
tf.float32, shape=enc_ir.shape, name='target')
output_image = dfn.transform_decoder(target)
# restore the trained model and run the style transferring
saver = tf.train.Saver()
saver.restore(sess, model_path)
enc_ir_temp, enc_vis_temp = sess.run([enc_ir, enc_vis], feed_dict={infrared_field: ir_img, visible_field: vis_img})
feature = L1_norm(enc_ir_temp, enc_vis_temp)
output = sess.run(output_image, feed_dict={target: feature})
save_images(ir_path, output, output_path,
prefix='fused' + str(index), suffix='_densefuse_l1norm_'+str(ssim_weight))
def _handler_video(ir_path, vis_path, model_path, model_pre_path, ssim_weight, output_path=None):
infrared = ir_path[0]
img = get_train_images(infrared, flag=False)
img = img.reshape([1, img.shape[0], img.shape[1], img.shape[2]])
img = np.transpose(img, (0, 2, 1, 3))
print('img shape final:', img.shape)
num_imgs = len(ir_path)
with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as sess:
# build the dataflow graph
infrared_field = tf.placeholder(
tf.float32, shape=img.shape, name='content')
visible_field = tf.placeholder(
tf.float32, shape=img.shape, name='style')
dfn = DenseFuseNet(model_pre_path)
output_image = dfn.transform_addition(infrared_field, visible_field)
# restore the trained model and run the style transferring
saver = tf.train.Saver()
saver.restore(sess, model_path)
##################GET IMAGES###################################################################################
start_time = datetime.now()
for i in range(num_imgs):
print('image number:', i)
infrared = ir_path[i]
visible = vis_path[i]
ir_img = get_train_images(infrared, flag=False)
vis_img = get_train_images(visible, flag=False)
dimension = ir_img.shape
ir_img = ir_img.reshape([1, dimension[0], dimension[1], dimension[2]])
vis_img = vis_img.reshape([1, dimension[0], dimension[1], dimension[2]])
ir_img = np.transpose(ir_img, (0, 2, 1, 3))
vis_img = np.transpose(vis_img, (0, 2, 1, 3))
output = sess.run(output_image, feed_dict={infrared_field: ir_img, visible_field: vis_img})
save_images(infrared, output, output_path,
prefix='fused' + str(i), suffix='_addition_' + str(ssim_weight))
elapsed_time = datetime.now() - start_time
print('Dense block video==> elapsed time: %s' % (elapsed_time))
def _handler_rgb(ir_path, vis_path, model_path, model_pre_path, ssim_weight, index, output_path=None):
# ir_img = get_train_images(ir_path, flag=False)
# vis_img = get_train_images(vis_path, flag=False)
ir_img = get_test_image_rgb(ir_path, flag=False)
vis_img = get_test_image_rgb(vis_path, flag=False)
dimension = ir_img.shape
ir_img = ir_img.reshape([1, dimension[0], dimension[1], dimension[2]])
vis_img = vis_img.reshape([1, dimension[0], dimension[1], dimension[2]])
#ir_img = np.transpose(ir_img, (0, 2, 1, 3))
#vis_img = np.transpose(vis_img, (0, 2, 1, 3))
ir_img1 = ir_img[:, :, :, 0]
ir_img1 = ir_img1.reshape([1, dimension[0], dimension[1], 1])
ir_img2 = ir_img[:, :, :, 1]
ir_img2 = ir_img2.reshape([1, dimension[0], dimension[1], 1])
ir_img3 = ir_img[:, :, :, 2]
ir_img3 = ir_img3.reshape([1, dimension[0], dimension[1], 1])
vis_img1 = vis_img[:, :, :, 0]
vis_img1 = vis_img1.reshape([1, dimension[0], dimension[1], 1])
vis_img2 = vis_img[:, :, :, 1]
vis_img2 = vis_img2.reshape([1, dimension[0], dimension[1], 1])
vis_img3 = vis_img[:, :, :, 2]
vis_img3 = vis_img3.reshape([1, dimension[0], dimension[1], 1])
print('img shape final:', ir_img1.shape)
with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as sess:
infrared_field = tf.placeholder(
tf.float32, shape=ir_img1.shape, name='content')
visible_field = tf.placeholder(
tf.float32, shape=ir_img1.shape, name='style')
dfn = DenseFuseNet(model_pre_path)
output_image = dfn.transform_addition(infrared_field, visible_field)
# restore the trained model and run the style transferring
saver = tf.train.Saver()
saver.restore(sess, model_path)
output1 = sess.run(output_image, feed_dict={infrared_field: ir_img1, visible_field: vis_img1})
output2 = sess.run(output_image, feed_dict={infrared_field: ir_img2, visible_field: vis_img2})
output3 = sess.run(output_image, feed_dict={infrared_field: ir_img3, visible_field: vis_img3})
output1 = output1.reshape([1, dimension[0], dimension[1]])
output2 = output2.reshape([1, dimension[0], dimension[1]])
output3 = output3.reshape([1, dimension[0], dimension[1]])
output = np.stack((output1, output2, output3), axis=-1)
#output = np.transpose(output, (0, 2, 1, 3))
save_images(ir_path, output, output_path,
prefix='fused' + str(index), suffix='_densefuse_addition_'+str(ssim_weight))
def _handler_rgb_l1(ir_path, vis_path, model_path, model_pre_path, ssim_weight, index, output_path=None):
# ir_img = get_train_images(ir_path, flag=False)
# vis_img = get_train_images(vis_path, flag=False)
ir_img = get_test_image_rgb(ir_path, flag=False)
vis_img = get_test_image_rgb(vis_path, flag=False)
dimension = ir_img.shape
ir_img = ir_img.reshape([1, dimension[0], dimension[1], dimension[2]])
vis_img = vis_img.reshape([1, dimension[0], dimension[1], dimension[2]])
#ir_img = np.transpose(ir_img, (0, 2, 1, 3))
#vis_img = np.transpose(vis_img, (0, 2, 1, 3))
ir_img1 = ir_img[:, :, :, 0]
ir_img1 = ir_img1.reshape([1, dimension[0], dimension[1], 1])
ir_img2 = ir_img[:, :, :, 1]
ir_img2 = ir_img2.reshape([1, dimension[0], dimension[1], 1])
ir_img3 = ir_img[:, :, :, 2]
ir_img3 = ir_img3.reshape([1, dimension[0], dimension[1], 1])
vis_img1 = vis_img[:, :, :, 0]
vis_img1 = vis_img1.reshape([1, dimension[0], dimension[1], 1])
vis_img2 = vis_img[:, :, :, 1]
vis_img2 = vis_img2.reshape([1, dimension[0], dimension[1], 1])
vis_img3 = vis_img[:, :, :, 2]
vis_img3 = vis_img3.reshape([1, dimension[0], dimension[1], 1])
print('img shape final:', ir_img1.shape)
with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as sess:
infrared_field = tf.placeholder(
tf.float32, shape=ir_img1.shape, name='content')
visible_field = tf.placeholder(
tf.float32, shape=ir_img1.shape, name='style')
dfn = DenseFuseNet(model_pre_path)
enc_ir = dfn.transform_encoder(infrared_field)
enc_vis = dfn.transform_encoder(visible_field)
target = tf.placeholder(
tf.float32, shape=enc_ir.shape, name='target')
output_image = dfn.transform_decoder(target)
# restore the trained model and run the style transferring
saver = tf.train.Saver()
saver.restore(sess, model_path)
enc_ir_temp, enc_vis_temp = sess.run([enc_ir, enc_vis], feed_dict={infrared_field: ir_img1, visible_field: vis_img1})
feature = L1_norm(enc_ir_temp, enc_vis_temp)
output1 = sess.run(output_image, feed_dict={target: feature})
enc_ir_temp, enc_vis_temp = sess.run([enc_ir, enc_vis], feed_dict={infrared_field: ir_img2, visible_field: vis_img2})
feature = L1_norm(enc_ir_temp, enc_vis_temp)
output2 = sess.run(output_image, feed_dict={target: feature})
enc_ir_temp, enc_vis_temp = sess.run([enc_ir, enc_vis], feed_dict={infrared_field: ir_img3, visible_field: vis_img3})
feature = L1_norm(enc_ir_temp, enc_vis_temp)
output3 = sess.run(output_image, feed_dict={target: feature})
output1 = output1.reshape([1, dimension[0], dimension[1]])
output2 = output2.reshape([1, dimension[0], dimension[1]])
output3 = output3.reshape([1, dimension[0], dimension[1]])
output = np.stack((output1, output2, output3), axis=-1)
#output = np.transpose(output, (0, 2, 1, 3))
save_images(ir_path, output, output_path,
prefix='fused' + str(index), suffix='_densefuse_l1norm_'+str(ssim_weight))
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