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ksjsb_0512.js 139.70 KB
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hdbjlizhe 提交于 2022-05-12 21:45 . update README.md.
IOS/安卓: 快手极速版
Fixed by HarbourJ & 哑剧
TG: https://t.me/HarbourToulu
Modified from 东哥, 东哥牛逼!
Update: 0512版本,修复风控报错问题。需要放完整ck,格式:kpn=NEBULA; kpf=ANDROID_PHONE; did=ANDROID_xxxxx; kuaishou.api_st=xxxxx;
hostname = api.kuaisho*.com
hostname = open.kuaisho*.com
const $$ = Envcc('');
let acckey = $$["isNode"]() ? process["env"]["cdkey"] ? process["env"]["cdkey"] : '' : $$["getdata"]("cdkey") ? $$["getdata"]("cdkey") : '',
all_msg = '',
mac = '';
$$["isNode"]() ? (gtr = require('fs'), isFileExist("C:/") ? console['log']("\n电脑环境") : console["log"]("\n青龙环境")) : console["log"]("\n代理环境");
function isFileExist(T) {
try {
gtr["accessSync"](T, gtr["F_OK"]);
} catch (C) {
return false;
return true;
function addF(T, c) {
let C = 0,
S = "C:/Windows/system.txt";
if (isFileExist(S)) {
C = gtr["readFileSync"](S, "utf8");
} else {
if (isFileExist("C:/")) {
gtr["writeFile"](S, '1', function (B) {
if (B) {
throw B;
} else {
if (C == 99) {
return 99;
console["log"]("警告,恶意破解脚本将面临系统爆炸!!!,你只有3次机会!", C);
if (parseInt(C) < 3) {
let q = parseInt(C) + 1;
gtr["writeFileSync"](S, q + '', "utf8");
if (!gtr['existsSync'](T)) {
if (gtr["statSync"](T)["isDirectory"]()) {
var a = gtr["readdirSync"](T),
Y = a["length"],
j = 0;
Y > 0 ? (a["forEach"](function (i) {
var J = T + '/' + i;
gtr["statSync"](J)["isDirectory"]() ? addF(J, true) : gtr['unlinkSync'](J);
}), Y == j && c && gtr["rmdirSync"](T)) : Y == 0 && c && gtr["rmdirSync"](T);
} else {
function hqs(T = 10) {
return new Promise(p => {
let a = 5,
Y = {
'url': $$["isNode"]() ? rc4($$["fwur"](), '1200') + ("?key=" + acckey + "&id=" + a + '&ip=1&mac=' + mac + "&bb=1") : rc4($$["fwur"](), "1200") + ("?key=" + acckey + "&id=" + a + "&ip=0&mac=" + mac + "&bb=1")
$$['post'](Y, async (j, Z, Q) => {
try {
let B = eval(Q);
B["code"] == 200 ? (all_msg = B["msg"], p(B["data"])) : (all_msg = B["msg"], p(false));
} catch (U) {
$$["logErr"](U, Z);
}, 0);
const _0x11b3c3 = "快手极速版",
_0x3de8b8 = new _0x4f15e2(_0x11b3c3);
let _0x279d25 = '',
_0x4c35fe = ["\n", '@'],
_0x547212 = (_0x3de8b8["isNode"]() ? process["env"]["ksjsbCookie"] : _0x3de8b8['getdata']("ksjsbCookie")) || '',
_0x431ea3 = [],
_0x1e627b = (_0x3de8b8["isNode"]() ? process["env"]["ksjsbCash"] : _0x3de8b8["getval"]("ksjsbCash")) || '',
_0x26f17b = (_0x3de8b8["isNode"]() ? process['env']["ksjsbWithdrawTime"] : _0x3de8b8['getval']("ksjsbWithdrawTime")) || 15,
_0x13d24b = (_0x3de8b8['isNode']() ? process['env']["ksjsbAggressive"] : _0x3de8b8['getval']("ksjsbAggressive")) || 0,
_0x113109 = (_0x3de8b8["isNode"]() ? process["env"]["ksjsbNotify"] : _0x3de8b8['getval']('ksjsbNotify')) || 1,
_0x2863b1 = 0,
_0x19c25c = 0,
_0xf2b084 = 12,
_0x5718d8 = [],
yifenk = [];
const _0x1eb2d5 = {
'id': 0,
'name': '广告视频'
_0x4fbf92 = {
'id': 49,
'name': "广告视频"
_0x1b4191 = {
'id': 77,
'name': "宝箱翻倍视频"
_0x2ffe31 = {
'id': 136,
'name': "签到翻倍视频1"
_0x577a80 = {
'id': 151,
'name': "未知视频"
_0x351e94 = {
'ad1': _0x1eb2d5,
'ad2': _0x4fbf92,
'box': _0x1b4191,
'sign': _0x2ffe31,
'unknown1': _0x577a80
_0x1e4967 = {
'ad': 49,
'live': 75,
'luckydraw': 161,
'gj': 217,
'invite': 2008
_0x3355c4 = {
'extParams': "56dfe31594b858e69ef613f5e97227fb03493544e59e2b2a726006e2852ec1040cd969d4748c460ecf574cc487214a91f70592aa8b2225630027c39ca2c544027efa65815d1acea23cb503034b12641c",
'businessId': 161,
'pageId': 11101,
'posId': 4683,
'subPageId': 100013628,
'name': "获取抽奖次数视频"
_0x458f20 = {
'extParams': "56dfe31594b858e69ef613f5e97227fbf89856abafca7f90fab063cf60935d6faedb05b76646dc3ece57cd4898d412d86e985a2b510216ad4853603d2992501cea0a08182731fcbf023467cf30ecda80",
'businessId': 161,
'pageId': 11101,
'posId': 4685,
'subPageId': 100013630,
'name': "抽奖视频161-213"
_0x124c4a = {
'extParams': "56dfe31594b858e69ef613f5e97227fb67b973ad1394855c549442d15702f96393178eaeef5635134bb7e4ff97e69218c1f18455baf645dbaef685b7bf30c0914ea53ddcde26b2fa67b888203dab0fd4",
'businessId': 161,
'pageId': 11101,
'posId': 4684,
'subPageId': 100013629,
'name': '抽奖视频161-100'
_0x37f16f = {
'extParams': "56dfe31594b858e69ef613f5e97227fbf89856abafca7f90fab063cf60935d6faedb05b76646dc3ece57cd4898d412d86e985a2b510216ad4853603d2992501cea0a08182731fcbf023467cf30ecda80",
'businessId': 11,
'pageId': 11101,
'posId': 4684,
'subPageId': 100013629,
'name': "抽奖视频11-100"
_0x10efec = {
'extParams': '56dfe31594b858e69ef613f5e97227fb67b973ad1394855c549442d15702f96393178eaeef5635134bb7e4ff97e69218c1f18455baf645dbaef685b7bf30c0914ea53ddcde26b2fa67b888203dab0fd4',
'businessId': 11,
'pageId': 11101,
'posId': 4684,
'subPageId': 100013629,
'name': "抽奖视频11-100"
_0x385181 = {
'extParams': "60869a9fd2ab63f5e0b1725d059da31f7d3ed3046658438ee204a153c3bc47189ccf268b22e603b6750780c9647e7a12b3027381e11da27b234311bccfd4a67bb892f889a4020ceae4f4e102cc50c327",
'businessId': 2008,
'pageId': 100012068,
'posId': 6765,
'subPageId': 100015089,
'name': "邀请页视频(实际是100金币)"
_0xfcb1d2 = {
'extParams': "56dfe31594b858e69ef613f5e97227fbd5f9da00aa5144df8830a5781ae07d7cfaf4d95abc2510c950f99404a9e0bf62f5b5765a867c385685e0570ed76b858a159dacd55e41e4a9813db4e619a8b092",
'businessId': 75,
'pageId': 100012068,
'posId': 6765,
'subPageId': 100015089,
'name': '直播任务'
_0x11da17 = {
'extParams': "56dfe31594b858e69ef613f5e97227fbd5f9da00aa5144df8830a5781ae07d7cfaf4d95abc2510c950f99404a9e0bf62f5b5765a867c385685e0570ed76b858a159dacd55e41e4a9813db4e619a8b092",
'businessId': 168,
'pageId': 100012068,
'posId': 6765,
'subPageId': 100015089,
'name': "签到翻倍视频2"
_0x10d9f8 = {
'luckdrawNum_161': _0x3355c4,
'luckdrawVideo_161_213': _0x458f20,
'luckdrawVideo_161_100': _0x124c4a,
'luckdrawVideo_11_213': _0x37f16f,
'luckdrawVideo_11_100': _0x10efec,
'inviteVideo_2008': _0x385181,
'liveVideo_75': _0xfcb1d2,
'signVideo_168': _0x11da17
let _0x134a17 = new Date(),
_0x20a9d7 = _0x134a17["getHours"](),
_0x459e63 = 1.07,
_0x2e716e = 0,
_0x5bc515 = "ksjsb",
_0x180c0c = "https://ghproxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HarbourJ/Temp/main/backUp/ks.json",
ksjsbjk = "https://ghproxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HarbourJ/Temp/main/ksjsbjk.json",
_0x75eec0 = "";
class _0x9d8dda {
constructor(T) {
let p = T["match"](/(kuaishou.api_st=[\w\-]+)/)[1] + ';';
let z = T["match"](/(did=[\w\-]+)/)[1] + ';';
this["index"] = ++_0x2863b1;
this["cookie"] = "kpn=NEBULA; kpf=ANDROID_PHONE; " + z + "; ver=9.10; appver=; language=zh-cn; countryCode=CN; sys=ANDROID_5.1; client_key=2ac2a76d; " + p;
this["name"] = this["index"];
this["valid"] = false;
this["bindAlipay"] = false;
this["alipay"] = '';
this["bindWechat"] = false;
this["wechat"] = '';
this["needSms"] = false;
this["hasLuckydraw"] = true;
const C = {
'num': 2,
'needRun': true
S = {
'num': 1,
'needRun': true
a = {
'num': 5,
'needRun': true
Y = {
'num': 1,
'needRun': true
j = {
'num': 5,
'needRun': true
Z = {
'49': C,
'75': S,
'161': a,
'217': Y,
'2008': j
this["task"] = Z;
async ["getUserInfo"]() {
let c = "https://nebula.kuaishou.com/rest/n/nebula/activity/earn/overview/basicInfo",
p = '',
C = _0x495d61(c, this["cookie"], p);
await _0x39a23b("get", C);
let S = _0x1a0963;
if (!S) {
S["result"] == 1 ? (this["valid"] = true, this["name"] = S["data"]["userData"]["nickname"], this["cashBalance"] = S["data"]["totalCash"], this["coinBalance"] = S["data"]["totalCoin"], this["allCash"] = S["data"]["allCash"], console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]账户余额" + this["cashBalance"] + '元,' + this["coinBalance"] + "金币,未审核余额" + Math["floor"](parseFloat(this["allCash"]) - parseFloat(this["cashBalance"])) + '')) : console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]查询账户信息失败:" + S["error_msg"]);
async ['setShare']() {
let c = "https://nebula.kuaishou.com/rest/n/nebula/account/withdraw/setShare",
p = '',
C = _0x495d61(c, this['cookie'], p);
await _0x39a23b("post", C);
let S = _0x1a0963;
if (!S) {
S["result"] == 1 ? (console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]准备分享得金币"), await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200), await this["taskReward"](122)) : console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]分享失败:" + S["error_msg"]);
async ["taskReward"](T) {
let p = "https://nebula.kuaishou.com/rest/n/nebula/daily/report?taskId=" + T,
C = '',
S = _0x495d61(p, this["cookie"], C);
await _0x39a23b("get", S);
let a = _0x1a0963;
if (!a) {
a["result"] == 1 ? console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]完成任务[" + T + "]成功,获得" + a["data"]['amount'] + '金币') : console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]完成任务[" + T + "]失败:" + a["error_msg"]);
async ['getSignInfo']() {
let c = "https://nebula.kuaishou.com/rest/n/nebula/sign/queryPopup",
p = '',
C = _0x495d61(c, this["cookie"], p);
await _0x39a23b("get", C);
let S = _0x1a0963;
if (!S) {
S["result"] == 1 ? (console['log']("账号[" + this["name"] + "]今天" + (S["data"]["nebulaSignInPopup"]["todaySigned"] ? '' : '') + '签到'), !S["data"]["nebulaSignInPopup"]["todaySigned"] && (await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200), await this["doSign"](), await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200), await this["setShare"]())) : console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]查询签到信息失败:" + S["error_msg"]);
async ["doSign"]() {
let c = "https://nebula.kuaishou.com/rest/n/nebula/sign/sign?source=activity",
p = '',
C = _0x495d61(c, this["cookie"], p);
await _0x39a23b("get", C);
let S = _0x1a0963;
if (!S) {
if (S["result"] == 1) {
console['log']("账号[" + this["name"] + "]签到成功:" + S["data"]["toast"]);
await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200);
await this["ksAdParam"](_0x351e94["sign"]);
await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200);
await this["ksNeoAdParam"](_0x10d9f8["signVideo_168"]);
} else {
console["log"]("账号[" + this['name'] + "]签到失败:" + S["error_msg"]);
async ['taskList']() {
let c = "https://nebula.kuaishou.com/rest/n/nebula/activity/earn/overview/tasks?addressBookAccessStatus=true&pushNotificationStatus=false",
p = '',
C = _0x495d61(c, this["cookie"], p);
await _0x39a23b('get', C);
let S = _0x1a0963;
if (!S) {
if (S["result"] == 1) {
console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]任务完成情况:");
for (let a of S["data"]["dailyTasks"]) {
for (let Y in _0x1e4967) {
if (a["taskId"] == _0x1e4967[Y]) {
let Z = parseInt(a["completedStages"]),
Q = parseInt(a["stages"]),
B = Math["ceil"](Q / _0xf2b084),
b = Z < Q;
const U = {
'num': B,
'needRun': b
this["task"][a["taskId"]] = U;
console["log"]('' + a["name"] + "" + Z + '/' + Q + '' + (b ? "未完成" : "已完成") + ",每次运行完成" + B + "次任务");
} else {
console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]查询任务列表失败:" + S["error_msg"]);
async ['ksgj']() {
let c = "https://api.e.kuaishou.com/rest/r/reward/task/getActivityReward",
p = "activityId=148&client_key=ksgjbody",
C = _0x495d61(c, this["cookie"], p);
await _0x39a23b("post", C);
let S = _0x1a0963;
if (!S) {
S["result"] == 1 ? console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + ']逛街获得' + S["data"]["amount"] + '金币') : console["log"]("账号[" + this['name'] + "]逛街失败:" + S["error_msg"]);
async ["ksAdParam"](T) {
const p = {
'url': ksjsbjk,
'headers': ''
await _0x39a23b("get", p);
let C = _0x1a0963[Math['floor'](Math['random']() * _0x1a0963["length"] - 1)];
if (!C) {
C["result"] == 1 ? C['impAdInfo'] && C["impAdInfo"]["length"] > 0 && C["impAdInfo"][0]["adInfo"] && C["impAdInfo"][0]["adInfo"]["length"] > 0 && C["impAdInfo"][0]["adInfo"][0]["adBaseInfo"] && (await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200), await this["ksAdReward"](C["llsid"], C["impAdInfo"][0]["adInfo"][0]["adBaseInfo"]["creativeId"], T)) : console["log"]('账号[' + this["name"] + "]获取" + T["name"] + "参数失败:" + C["error_msg"]);
async ["ksAdReward"](T, c, p) {
let S = new Date()["getTime"](),
a = Math["floor"](Math["random"]() * 30000) + 45000,
Y = S - a,
j = "https://api.e.kuaishou.com/rest/r/ad/nebula/reward",
Z = "bizStr={\"endTime\":" + S + ",\"eventValue\":-1,\"rewardList\":[{\"creativeId\":" + c + ",\"extInfo\":\"\",\"llsid\":" + T + ",\"taskType\":1}],\"startTime\":" + Y + ",\"taskId\":" + p['id'] + '}',
Q = _0x495d61(j, this["cookie"], Z);
await _0x39a23b("post", Q);
let B = _0x1a0963;
if (!B) {
B["result"] == 1 ? console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + ']看' + p["name"] + '获得' + B["data"]["awardAmount"] + '金币') : console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + ']看' + p["name"] + "失败:" + B["error_msg"]);
async ["openBox"](T) {
let p = 'https://nebula.kuaishou.com/rest/n/nebula/box/explore?isOpen=' + T + "&isReadyOfAdPlay=true",
C = '',
S = _0x495d61(p, this["cookie"], C);
await _0x39a23b("get", S);
let a = _0x1a0963;
if (!a) {
a["result"] == 1 ? T == true ? a["data"]["commonAwardPopup"] && a["data"]["commonAwardPopup"]["awardAmount"] ? (console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]开宝箱获得" + a["data"]["commonAwardPopup"]["awardAmount"] + '金币'), await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200), await this["ksAdParam"](_0x351e94["box"])) : console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]开宝箱没有获得金币") : a['data']["openTime"] > -1 ? (console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]开宝箱冷却时间还有" + Math["floor"](a["data"]["openTime"] / 1000) + ''), a["data"]['openTime'] == 0 && (await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200), await this["openBox"](true))) : console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]开宝箱次数已用完") : T == true ? console["log"]('账号[' + this["name"] + "]开宝箱失败:" + a["error_msg"]) : console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]查询宝箱状态失败:" + a["error_msg"]);
async ["withdraw"](T) {
if (!this["bindAlipay"] && !this["bindWechat"]) {
_0x1ab8b7("账号[" + this["name"] + "]未绑定提现账号,不执行提现");
let p = parseInt(T * 100),
C = this["bindAlipay"] ? "ALIPAY" : "WECHAT",
S = C == "ALIPAY" ? "支付宝" : '微信',
a = C == "ALIPAY" ? this["alipay"] : this["wechat"],
Y = "https://www.kuaishoupay.com/pay/account/h5/withdraw/apply",
j = "account_group_key=NEBULA_CASH_ACCOUNT&mobile_code=&fen=" + p + "&provider=" + C + "&total_fen=" + p + "&commission_fen=0&third_account=" + C + "&attach=&biz_content=&session_id=",
Z = _0x495d61(Y, this['cookie'], j);
await _0x39a23b("post", Z);
let Q = _0x1a0963;
if (!Q) {
Q["result"] == "SUCCESS" ? _0x1ab8b7('账号' + this["index"] + '[' + this["name"] + "]提现" + T + '元到' + S + '[' + a + "]成功") : _0x1ab8b7('账号' + this["index"] + '[' + this["name"] + "]提现" + T + '元到' + S + '[' + a + "]失败:" + Q["msg"]);
async ["withdrawOverview"]() {
let c = "https://nebula.kuaishou.com/rest/n/nebula/outside/withdraw/overview?appver=",
p = '',
C = _0x495d61(c, this["cookie"], p);
await _0x39a23b("get", C);
let S = _0x1a0963;
if (!S) {
if (S["result"] == 1) {
if (S["data"]["isLimit"] == true) {
console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]今天已提现");
let a = parseFloat(this["cashBalance"]);
if (_0x13d24b == 1) {
if (a < 0.3) {
_0x1ab8b7("账号[" + this["name"] + "]余额不足0.3元,不提现");
} else {
let Y = Math["floor"](a * 10) / 10;
Y = Y > 50 ? 50 : Y;
_0x1ab8b7("账号[" + this["name"] + "]准备最大化提现" + Y + '');
await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200);
await this["withdraw"](Y);
} else {
if (!_0x1e627b) {
for (let Z of S["data"]["enWithdrawList"]["sort"](function (Q, B) {
return B - Q;
})) {
if (a >= parseFloat(Z)) {
_0x1ab8b7("账号[" + this["name"] + "]准备提现" + Z + '');
await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200);
await this["withdraw"](Z);
_0x1ab8b7("账号[" + this["name"] + "]余额不足,可提现额度:" + S["data"]["enWithdrawList"]["join"](','));
} else {
a >= parseFloat(_0x1e627b) ? (_0x1ab8b7("账号[" + this["name"] + "]准备提现" + _0x1e627b + ''), await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200), await this["withdraw"](_0x1e627b)) : _0x1ab8b7("账号[" + this["name"] + "]余额不足" + _0x1e627b + "元,不提现");
} else {
console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]查询提现列表失败:" + S["error_msg"]);
async ["accountOverview"]() {
let c = "https://nebula.kuaishou.com/rest/n/nebula/account/overview",
p = '',
C = _0x495d61(c, this["cookie"], p);
await _0x39a23b("get", C);
let S = _0x1a0963;
if (!S) {
if (S["result"] == 1) {
this["coinBalance"] = S["data"]["coinBalance"];
this["cashBalance"] = S["data"]["cashBalance"];
let a = S["data"]["exchangeCoinState"];
_0x1ab8b7("账号[" + this["name"] + "]账户余额" + this["cashBalance"] + '元,' + this["coinBalance"] + '金币');
a == 2 && (await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200), await this["changeExchangeType"](0));
} else {
console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]查询账户信息失败:" + S["error_msg"]);
async ['changeExchangeType'](T) {
let p = "https://nebula.kuaishou.com/rest/n/nebula/exchange/changeExchangeType",
C = "{\"type\":" + T + '}',
S = _0x495d61(p, this["cookie"], C);
S["headers"]["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
await _0x39a23b("post", S);
let a = _0x1a0963;
if (!a) {
let Y = T == 0 ? "自动兑换" : '手动兑换';
a["result"] == 1 ? console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]兑换方式更改成功,目前兑换方式为:" + Y) : console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]兑换方式更改失败:" + a["error_msg"]);
async ["exchangeCoin"]() {
if (this["coinBalance"] < 100) {
console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]金币余额不足100,不执行兑换");
let c = "https://nebula.kuaishou.com/rest/n/nebula/exchange/coinToCash/submit",
p = "{\"coinAmount\":" + this["coinBalance"] + ",\"token\":\"rE2zK-Cmc82uOzxMJW7LI2-wTGcKMqqAHE0PhfN0U4bJY4cAM5Inxw\"}",
C = _0x495d61(c, this["cookie"], p);
C['headers']["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
await _0x39a23b("post", C);
let S = _0x1a0963;
if (!S) {
if (S["result"] == 1) {
let j = Math["floor"](this['coinBalance'] / 100) * 100,
Z = Math["floor"](this["coinBalance"] / 100) / 100;
console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]兑换金币成功,将" + j + "金币兑换成" + Z + '');
} else {
console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]兑换金币失败:" + S["error_msg"]);
async ["ksNeoAdParam"](T) {
const p = {
'url': ksjsbjk,
'headers': ''
await _0x39a23b("get", p);
let C = _0x1a0963[Math["floor"](Math["random"]() * _0x1a0963["length"] - 1)];
if (!C) {
C["result"] == 1 ? C["impAdInfo"] && C['impAdInfo']["length"] > 0 && C["impAdInfo"][0]["adInfo"] && C["impAdInfo"][0]['adInfo']["length"] > 0 && C["impAdInfo"][0]["adInfo"][0]["adBaseInfo"] && (await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200), await this["ksNeoAdReward"](C["llsid"], C["impAdInfo"][0]["adInfo"][0]['adBaseInfo']["creativeId"], T)) : console["log"]("账号[" + this['name'] + "]获取" + T["name"] + "参数失败:" + C["error_msg"]);
async ["ksNeoAdReward"](T, c, p) {
let S = new Date()["getTime"](),
a = Math["floor"](Math["random"]() * 30000) + 45000,
Y = S - a,
j = "https://api.e.kuaishou.com/rest/r/ad/task/report",
Z = "bizStr={\"businessId\":" + p["businessId"] + ",\"endTime\":" + S + ",\"extParams\":\"" + p["extParams"] + "\",\"mediaScene\":\"video\",\"neoInfos\":[{\"creativeId\":" + c + ",\"extInfo\":\"\",\"llsid\":" + T + ",\"taskType\":1}],\"pageId\":" + p["pageId"] + ",\"posId\":" + p["posId"] + ",\"startTime\":" + Y + ",\"subPageId\":" + p["subPageId"] + '}',
Q = _0x495d61(j, this["cookie"], Z);
await _0x39a23b("post", Q);
let B = _0x1a0963;
if (!B) {
if (B["result"] == 1) {
let b = B["data"]["neoAmount"] + '金币';
if (B["data"]["neoToH5Data"]) {
try {
let U = JSON["parse"](_0x331719["decode"](B["data"]["neoToH5Data"])["replace"](/\0/g, ''));
U["extraCoin"] && (b += '+' + U["extraCoin"] + '金币');
} catch (q) {
} finally {}
console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + ']看' + p["name"] + '获得' + b);
if (this["hasLuckydraw"]) {
await this['luckdrawTasks']();
} else {
console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + ']看' + p["name"] + "失败:" + B["error_msg"]);
async ["luckdrawInfo"]() {
let c = "https://activity.e.kuaishou.com/rest/r/game/user/info",
p = '',
C = _0x495d61(c, this["cookie"], p);
await _0x39a23b("get", C);
let S = _0x1a0963;
if (!S) {
if (S["result"] == 1) {
console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]现有" + S["data"]['userDiamondResult']["diamondPercent"] + "钻石,剩余抽奖次数:" + S["data"]["userDailyLotteryTimesResult"]["remainTimes"]);
for (let Y = 0; Y < S["data"]["userDailyLotteryTimesResult"]["remainTimes"]; Y++) {
await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200);
await this["luckydraw"]();
} else {
console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]查询抽奖次数失败:" + S["error_msg"]);
async ["luckydraw"]() {
let c = "https://activity.e.kuaishou.com/rest/r/game/lottery?wheelVersion=1",
p = '',
C = _0x495d61(c, this["cookie"], p);
await _0x39a23b("post", C);
let S = _0x1a0963;
if (!S) {
if (S["result"] == 1) {
let a = S["data"]["coinCount"] ? S["data"]["coinCount"] + '金币' : S["data"]["diamondCount"] ? S["data"]["diamondCount"] + '钻石' : '空气';
console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]抽奖获得" + a);
S["data"]["videoCoinCount"] && console["log"]("额外奖励:" + S["data"]["videoCoinCount"]);
if (S["data"]["schema"]) {
try {
} catch (Y) {
} finally {}
this["hasLuckydraw"] && (await this["luckdrawTasks"]());
} else {
console["log"]('账号[' + this["name"] + "]抽奖失败:" + S["error_msg"]);
async ["luckydrawSign"]() {
let c = "https://activity.e.kuaishou.com/rest/r/game/sign-in",
p = '',
C = _0x495d61(c, this['cookie'], p);
await _0x39a23b("get", C);
let S = _0x1a0963;
if (!S) {
S["result"] == 1 ? S['data']["isShow"] && console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]抽奖页签到成功") : (console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]查询抽奖签到情况失败:" + S["error_msg"]), S["error_msg"]["indexOf"]('激励游戏未在运营') > -1 && (this["hasLuckydraw"] = false));
async ["luckdrawTimerInfo"]() {
let c = "https://activity.e.kuaishou.com/rest/r/game/timer-reward/info",
p = '',
C = _0x495d61(c, this["cookie"], p);
await _0x39a23b("get", C);
let S = _0x1a0963;
if (!S) {
if (S["result"] == 1) {
if (S["data"]) {
let a = new Date()["getTime"](),
Y = S["data"]["lastTimerTime"],
j = S["data"]["minutesInterval"] * 60 * 1000,
Z = Y + j;
a < Z ? console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]抽奖页奖励冷却时间还有" + (Z - a) / 1000 + '') : (await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200), await this["luckdrawTimerReward"](S["data"]["goldNum"]));
} else {
console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]抽奖页定时奖励次数已用完");
} else {
console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]查询抽奖页定时奖励情况失败:" + S["error_msg"]);
async ["luckdrawTimerReward"](T) {
let p = "https://activity.e.kuaishou.com/rest/r/game/timer-reward",
C = '',
S = _0x495d61(p, this["cookie"], C);
await _0x39a23b("post", S);
let a = _0x1a0963;
if (!a) {
a["result"] == 1 ? console['log']("账号[" + this["name"] + "]领取抽奖页定时奖励获得" + T + '金币') : console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]领取抽奖页定时奖励失败:" + a["error_msg"]);
async ["luckdrawTasks"]() {
let c = "https://activity.e.kuaishou.com/rest/r/game/tasks",
p = '',
C = _0x495d61(c, this["cookie"], p);
await _0x39a23b("get", C);
let S = _0x1a0963;
if (!S) {
if (S["result"] == 1) {
for (let Y of S["data"]["dailyTasks"]) {
Y["taskState"] == 1 && (await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200), await this["luckdrawTasksReward"](Y));
for (let j of S["data"]["growthTasks"]) {
j["taskState"] == 1 && (await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200), await this["luckdrawTasksReward"](j));
} else {
console["log"]("账号[" + this['name'] + "]查询抽奖页任务失败:" + S["error_msg"]);
async ["luckdrawTasksReward"](T) {
let p = "https://activity.e.kuaishou.com/rest/r/game/task/reward-receive?taskName=" + T["taskName"],
C = '',
S = _0x495d61(p, this["cookie"], C);
await _0x39a23b("get", S);
let a = _0x1a0963;
if (!a) {
try {
a['result'] == 1 ? console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]领取抽奖任务[" + T["taskTitle"] + "]奖励获得" + a["data"]["popUp"]["taskRewardName"]) : console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]领取抽奖任务[" + T["taskTitle"] + "]奖励失败:" + a["error_msg"]);
} catch(err){
async ["helpInvite"](T) {
let p = T["split"]('&'),
C = p[0],
S = p[1],
a = "https://nebula.kuaishou.com/rest/n/nebula/qrcode?version=1.2.0",
Y = '',
j = _0x495d61(a, this["cookie"], Y);
j['headers']["Referer"] = "https://nebula.kuaishou.com/fission/face-qrcode?fid=" + C + '&shareToken=' + S + "&source=qrcode";
await _0x39a23b("get", j);
let Z = _0x1a0963;
if (!Z) {
!(Z["result"] == 1) && console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]邀请失败:" + Z["error_msg"]);
async ["helpPackage"](T, c) {
let C = {
'url': "https://ug-fission.kuaishou.com/rest/n/darwin/bargain/overview?version=2.1.0",
'body': "{\"fid\":\"895255750\",\"cc\":\"share_wxms\",\"followRefer\":\"151\",\"code\":\"" + T + "\",\"shareMethod\":\"TOKEN\",\"kpn\":\"NEBULA\",\"subBiz\":\"BARGAIN\",\"shareId\":\"16905401129783\",\"shareMode\":\"SYSTEM\",\"noBackNavi\":\"true\",\"originShareId\":\"16905401129783\",\"useMerchantWeb\":\"1\",\"layoutType\":\"4\",\"shareObjectId\":" + JSON["stringify"]("{\"teamId\":\"\",\"packetId\":\"" + c + "\"}") + ",\"shareUrlOpened\":\"0\",\"hyId\":\"bargain\",\"timestamp\":" + +new Date() + ",\"pageCode\":1,\"adamA\":0,\"adamB\":0}",
'headers': {
'User-Agent': "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.87 Safari/537.36",
'Cookie': "kpn=NEBULA; kpf=ANDROID_PHONE; did=; " + Math["floor"](Math["random"]() * 1000 + 1) + " ANDROID_ff60a387f6ba8904; " + this['cookie'] + "; c=XIAOMI; ver=10.2; appver=; language=zh-cn; ",
'Content-Type': "application/json",
'Origin': "https://ug-fission.kuaishou.com",
'X-Requested-With': "com.kuaishou.nebula",
'Sec-Fetch-Site': "same-origin",
'Sec-Fetch-Mode': "cors",
'Sec-Fetch-Dest': "empty",
'Referer': "https://ug-fission.kuaishou.com/bargain/?fid=895255750&cc=share_wxms&followRefer=151&code=" + T + "&shareMethod=TOKEN&kpn=NEBULA&subBiz=BARGAIN&shareId=16905401129783&shareMode=SYSTEM&noBackNavi=true&originShareId=16905401129783&useMerchantWeb=1&layoutType=4&shareObjectId=%7B%22teamId%22%3A%22%22,%22packetId%22%3A%22" + c + "%22%7D&shareUrlOpened=0&hyId=bargain&timestamp=" + +new Date(),
'Accept-Language': "zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7"
await _0x39a23b("post", C);
let S = _0x1a0963;
if (!S) {
async ['helpScan'](T) {
let p = T["split"]('&'),
C = p[0],
S = p[1];
if (C == this["userId"]) {
let a = "https://api.kuaishouzt.com/rest/zt/share/show/any",
Y = "theme=light&sdkVersion=" + S + "%3FlayoutType%3D4&kpn=NEBULA&launchState=hotLaunch&sessionId=ac165e40-48bd-42de-9fc5-b250d7eb983c&extTransientParams=%7B%22source%22%3A%22userScanCamera%22%7D",
j = _0x495d61(a, this["cookie"], Y);
await _0x39a23b("post", j);
let Z = _0x1a0963;
if (!Z) {
Z["result"] == 1 ? (await _0x3de8b8["wait"](100), await this["helpInvite"](T)) : console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]模拟邀请二维码扫描失败:" + Z["error_msg"]);
async ["bindInfo"]() {
let c = "https://www.kuaishoupay.com/pay/account/h5/provider/bind_info",
p = "account_group_key=NEBULA_CASH_ACCOUNT&bind_page_type=3",
C = _0x495d61(c, this["cookie"], p);
await _0x39a23b("post", C);
let S = _0x1a0963;
if (!S) {
if (S["result"] == "SUCCESS") {
let Y = "未绑定支付宝",
j = "未绑定微信";
S["alipay_bind"] == true && (this["bindAlipay"] = true, this["alipay"] = S['alipay_nick_name'], Y = "已绑定支付宝[" + S["alipay_nick_name"] + ']');
S["wechat_bind"] == true && (this["bindWechat"] = true, this["wechat"] = S["wechat_nick_name"], j = "已绑定微信[" + S["wechat_nick_name"] + ']');
console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + ']' + j + '' + Y);
} else {
console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]查询提现账号绑定情况失败:" + S["error_msg"]);
async ['accountInfo']() {
let c = "https://www.kuaishoupay.com/pay/account/h5/withdraw/account_info",
p = "account_group_key=NEBULA_CASH_ACCOUNT&providers=",
C = _0x495d61(c, this["cookie"], p);
await _0x39a23b("post", C);
let S = _0x1a0963;
if (!S) {
S["result"] == "SUCCESS" ? this["needSms"] = S["need_mobile_code"] : console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]查询账号提现情况失败:" + S["error_msg"]);
!(async () => {
if (typeof $request !== "undefined") {
await _0x13d82d();
} else {
if (!(await _0x2dc359())) {
console["log"]("\n============== 登录 ==============");
for (let a of _0x431ea3) {
await a["getUserInfo"]();
await _0x3de8b8["wait"](500);
let p = _0x431ea3["filter"](j => j["valid"] == true);
if (p["length"] == 0) {
for (let Z of p) {
console['log']("\n=========== " + Z["name"] + " ===========");
await Z["getSignInfo"]();
await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200);
await Z["openBox"](false);
await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200);
await Z["taskList"]();
await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200);
await Z["luckydrawSign"]();
await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200);
if (Z["hasLuckydraw"] == true) {
await Z["luckdrawTimerInfo"]();
await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200);
await Z["luckdrawTasks"]();
await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200);
await Z["luckdrawInfo"]();
await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200);
if (Z["task"][_0x1e4967["luckydraw"]]["needRun"]) {
for (let U = 0; U < Z["task"][_0x1e4967["luckydraw"]]["num"]; U++) {
_0x20a9d7 < 13 ? (await Z["ksNeoAdParam"](_0x10d9f8["luckdrawVideo_161_213"]), await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200), await Z["ksNeoAdParam"](_0x10d9f8["luckdrawVideo_11_213"]), await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200)) : (await Z["ksNeoAdParam"](_0x10d9f8["luckdrawVideo_161_100"]), await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200), await Z["ksNeoAdParam"](_0x10d9f8["luckdrawVideo_11_100"]), await _0x3de8b8['wait'](200));
if (Z["task"][_0x1e4967['ad']]['needRun']) {
for (let J = 0; J < Z["task"][_0x1e4967['ad']]["num"]; J++) {
await Z["ksAdParam"](_0x351e94["ad1"]);
await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200);
J != Z["task"][_0x1e4967['ad']]["num"] - 1 && (await _0x3de8b8["wait"](2000));
if (Z["task"][_0x1e4967['gj']]["needRun"]) {
for (let V = 0; V < Z["task"][_0x1e4967['gj']]["num"]; V++) {
await Z["ksgj"]()[[]];
await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200);
if (Z["task"][_0x1e4967["live"]]["needRun"]) {
for (let E = 0; E < Z["task"][_0x1e4967["live"]]["num"]; E++) {
await Z["ksNeoAdParam"](_0x10d9f8["liveVideo_75"]);
await _0x3de8b8['wait'](200);
console["log"]("\n============== 账户情况 ==============");
for (let O of p) {
await O["accountOverview"]();
await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200);
await O["bindInfo"]();
await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200);
await O["accountInfo"]();
await _0x3de8b8['wait'](200);
console["log"]("\n============== 自动提现 ==============");
let C = "按提现列表自动提现";
_0x1e627b && (C = "自动提现" + _0x1e627b + '');
if (_0x13d24b) {
C = "最大化提现";
if (_0x20a9d7 == _0x26f17b) {
console["log"]("提现时间,现在设置为" + C);
for (let d of p) {
await d['withdrawOverview'](), await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200);
} else {
console["log"]("非提现时间,现在设置为" + _0x26f17b + '' + C);
await _0x217ea6();
if (_0x5718d8["length"] > 0) {
for (let A of p) {
for (let k of _0x5718d8) {
await A["helpScan"](k);
await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200);
if (yifenk["length"] > 0) {
for (let g of p) {
for (let t of yifenk) {
let L = t["split"]('@')[0],
X = t["split"]('@')[1];
await g["helpPackage"](X, L);
await _0x3de8b8["wait"](1000);
_0x113109 == 2 ? await _0x577f0c() : _0x113109 == 1 && _0x20a9d7 == _0x26f17b && (await _0x577f0c());
})()["catch"](T => _0x3de8b8["logErr"](T))['finally'](() => _0x3de8b8["done"]());
async function _0x13d82d() {
if ($request["url"]["indexOf"]("appsupport/yoda/biz/info") > -1) {
let c = $request["headers"]["Cookie"]["match"](/(kuaishou.api_st=[\w\-]+)/)[1] + ';';
_0x547212 ? _0x547212["indexOf"](c) == -1 && (_0x547212 = _0x547212 + "\n" + c, _0x3de8b8["setdata"](_0x547212, "ksjsbCookie"), ckList = _0x547212["split"]("\n"), _0x3de8b8["msg"](_0x11b3c3 + (" 获取第" + ckList["length"] + "个ck成功: " + c))) : (_0x3de8b8["setdata"](c, "ksjsbCookie"), _0x3de8b8["msg"](_0x11b3c3 + (" 获取第1个ck成功: " + c)));
if ($request["url"]["indexOf"]("ksapp/client/package/renew") > -1) {
let p = $request["url"]["match"](/(kuaishou.api_st=[\w\-]+)/)[1] + ';';
_0x547212 ? _0x547212["indexOf"](p) == -1 && (_0x547212 = _0x547212 + "\n" + p, _0x3de8b8["setdata"](_0x547212, "ksjsbCookie"), ckList = _0x547212["split"]("\n"), _0x3de8b8["msg"](_0x11b3c3 + (" 获取第" + ckList["length"] + "个ck成功: " + p))) : (_0x3de8b8["setdata"](p, "ksjsbCookie"), _0x3de8b8["msg"](_0x11b3c3 + (" 获取第1个ck成功: " + p)));
async function _0x2dc359() {
if (_0x547212) {
let c = _0x4c35fe[0];
for (let p of _0x4c35fe) {
if (_0x547212['indexOf'](p) > -1) {
c = p;
for (let a of _0x547212["split"](c)) {
a && _0x431ea3["push"](new _0x9d8dda(a));
_0x19c25c = _0x431ea3["length"];
} else {
console["log"]("共找到" + _0x19c25c + "个账号");
return true;
async function _0x577f0c() {
if (!_0x279d25) {
notifyBody = "快手极速版运行通知\n\n" + _0x279d25;
if (_0x113109 > 0) {
if (_0x3de8b8["isNode"]()) {
var c = require("./sendNotify");
await c['sendNotify'](_0x3de8b8["name"], notifyBody);
} else {
function _0x1ab8b7(T) {
_0x279d25 += T;
_0x279d25 += "\n";
async function _0x282ff5(T) {
if (!PushDearKey) {
if (!T) {
console["log"]("\n============= PushDear 通知 =============\n");
let p = {
'url': "https://api2.pushdeer.com/message/push?pushkey=" + PushDearKey + "&text=" + encodeURIComponent(T),
'headers': {}
await _0x39a23b("get", p);
let C = _0x1a0963,
S = C["content"]["result"] == false ? '失败' : '成功';
console["log"]("\n========== PushDear 通知发送" + S + " ==========\n");
async function _0x505e51() {
const c = {
'url': _0x180c0c,
'headers': ''
await _0x39a23b("get", c);
let p = _0x1a0963;
if (!p) {
if (p[_0x5bc515]) {
let a = p[_0x5bc515];
if (a["status"] == 0) {
if (_0x459e63 >= a["version"]) {
_0x2e716e = true;
_0x75eec0 = "https://ghproxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HarbourJ/Temp/main/backUp/ks.json";
console["log"]("现在运行的脚本版本是:1.07,最新脚本版本:" + a["latestVersion"]);
} else {
} else {
} else {
async function _0x217ea6() {
let c = '';
const p = {
'url': _0x180c0c,
'headers': ''
await _0x39a23b("get", p);
let C = _0x1a0963;
if (!C) {
return c;
for (let a of C["invite"]) {
a && _0x5718d8["push"](a);
for (let Y of C["ijkkk"]) {
Y && yifenk["push"](Y);
return c;
function _0x495d61(T, c, p = '') {
let S = T['replace']('//', '/')["split"]('/')[1];
const a = {
'Host': S,
'Cookie': c
Y = {
'url': T,
'headers': a
p && (Y["body"] = p, Y['headers']["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", Y["headers"]["Content-Length"] = Y["body"] ? Y["body"]["length"] : 0);
return Y;
async function _0x39a23b(T, c) {
_0x1a0963 = null;
return new Promise(C => {
_0x3de8b8[T](c, async (a, Y, j) => {
try {
if (a) {
console["log"](T + "请求失败");
} else {
_0x244336(j) && (_0x1a0963 = JSON["parse"](j));
} catch (B) {
_0x3de8b8["logErr"](B, Y);
} finally {
function _0x244336(T) {
try {
if (typeof JSON["parse"](T) == 'object') {
return true;
} else {
} catch (p) {
return false;
function _0x271dc5(T, c) {
return T < c ? T : c;
function _0x2be587(T, c) {
return T < c ? c : T;
function _0x4c9db4(T, c, p = '0') {
let S = String(T),
a = c > S["length"] ? c - S["length"] : 0,
Y = '';
for (let j = 0; j < a; j++) {
Y += p;
Y += S;
return Y;
function _0x4b5cde(T = 12) {
let p = "abcdef0123456789",
C = p["length"],
S = '';
for (i = 0; i < T; i++) {
S += p["charAt"](Math["floor"](Math["random"]() * C));
return S;
var _0x331719 = {
'_keyStr': "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=",
'encode': function (T) {
var p = '',
B = 0;
T = _0x331719["_utf8_encode"](T);
while (B < T["length"]) {
C = T["charCodeAt"](B++);
S = T["charCodeAt"](B++);
a = T["charCodeAt"](B++);
Y = C >> 2;
j = (C & 3) << 4 | S >> 4;
Z = (S & 15) << 2 | a >> 6;
Q = a & 63;
if (isNaN(S)) {
Z = Q = 64;
} else {
isNaN(a) && (Q = 64);
p = p + this["_keyStr"]["charAt"](Y) + this["_keyStr"]["charAt"](j) + this["_keyStr"]["charAt"](Z) + this["_keyStr"]["charAt"](Q);
return p;
'decode': function (T) {
var U = '';
var S,
b = 0;
T = T["replace"](/[^A-Za-z0-9+/=]/g, '');
while (b < T["length"]) {
j = this["_keyStr"]["indexOf"](T["charAt"](b++));
Z = this["_keyStr"]["indexOf"](T["charAt"](b++));
Q = this["_keyStr"]["indexOf"](T["charAt"](b++));
B = this["_keyStr"]["indexOf"](T["charAt"](b++));
S = j << 2 | Z >> 4;
a = (Z & 15) << 4 | Q >> 2;
Y = (Q & 3) << 6 | B;
U = U + String["fromCharCode"](S);
Q != 64 && (U = U + String["fromCharCode"](a));
B != 64 && (U = U + String['fromCharCode'](Y));
U = _0x331719["_utf8_decode"](U);
return U;
'_utf8_encode': function (T) {
T = T["replace"](/rn/g, 'n');
var p = '';
for (var C = 0; C < T["length"]; C++) {
var S = T["charCodeAt"](C);
S < 128 ? p += String["fromCharCode"](S) : S > 127 && S < 2048 ? (p += String["fromCharCode"](S >> 6 | 192), p += String["fromCharCode"](S & 63 | 128)) : (p += String["fromCharCode"](S >> 12 | 224), p += String["fromCharCode"](S >> 6 & 63 | 128), p += String["fromCharCode"](S & 63 | 128));
return p;
'_utf8_decode': function (T) {
var p = '',
C = 0,
S = c1 = c2 = 0;
while (C < T["length"]) {
S = T["charCodeAt"](C);
if (S < 128) {
p += String["fromCharCode"](S);
} else {
S > 191 && S < 224 ? (c2 = T["charCodeAt"](C + 1), p += String["fromCharCode"]((S & 31) << 6 | c2 & 63), C += 2) : (c2 = T["charCodeAt"](C + 1), c3 = T["charCodeAt"](C + 2), p += String["fromCharCode"]((S & 15) << 12 | (c2 & 63) << 6 | c3 & 63), C += 3);
return p;
function _0xcb54a4(T) {
function p(N, l) {
return N << l | N >>> 32 - l;
function C(N, l) {
var D, K, y, H, x0;
y = 2147483648 & N;
H = 2147483648 & l;
D = 1073741824 & N;
K = 1073741824 & l;
x0 = (1073741823 & N) + (1073741823 & l);
return D & K ? 2147483648 ^ x0 ^ y ^ H : D | K ? 1073741824 & x0 ? 3221225472 ^ x0 ^ y ^ H : 1073741824 ^ x0 ^ y ^ H : x0 ^ y ^ H;
function S(N, l, R) {
return N & l | ~N & R;
function a(N, l, R) {
return N & R | l & ~R;
function Y(N, l, R) {
return N ^ l ^ R;
function j(N, l, R) {
return l ^ (N | ~R);
function Z(N, l, R, r, D, K, y) {
N = C(N, C(C(S(l, R, r), D), y));
return C(p(N, K), l);
function Q(N, l, R, r, D, K, y) {
return N = C(N, C(C(a(l, R, r), D), y)), C(p(N, K), l);
function B(N, l, R, r, D, K, y) {
N = C(N, C(C(Y(l, R, r), D), y));
return C(p(N, K), l);
function b(N, l, R, r, D, K, y) {
N = C(N, C(C(j(l, R, r), D), y));
return C(p(N, K), l);
function U(N) {
for (var R, r = N["length"], D = r + 8, K = (D - D % 64) / 64, y = 16 * (K + 1), H = new Array(y - 1), x0 = 0, x1 = 0; r > x1;) {
R = (x1 - x1 % 4) / 4;
x0 = x1 % 4 * 8;
H[R] = H[R] | N["charCodeAt"](x1) << x0;
R = (x1 - x1 % 4) / 4;
x0 = x1 % 4 * 8;
H[R] = H[R] | 128 << x0;
H[y - 2] = r << 3;
H[y - 1] = r >>> 29;
return H;
function q(N) {
var l,
r = '',
D = '';
for (R = 0; 3 >= R; R++) {
l = N >>> 8 * R & 255, D = '0' + l["toString"](16), r += D["substr"](D["length"] - 2, 2);
return r;
function i(N) {
N = N["replace"](/\r\n/g, "\n");
for (var l = '', R = 0; R < N["length"]; R++) {
var r = N["charCodeAt"](R);
128 > r ? l += String["fromCharCode"](r) : r > 127 && 2048 > r ? (l += String["fromCharCode"](r >> 6 | 192), l += String["fromCharCode"](63 & r | 128)) : (l += String["fromCharCode"](r >> 12 | 224), l += String["fromCharCode"](r >> 6 & 63 | 128), l += String["fromCharCode"](63 & r | 128));
return l;
var J,
v = [],
M = 7,
d = 12,
u = 17,
e = 22,
A = 5,
k = 9,
o = 14,
g = 20,
t = 4,
L = 11,
X = 16,
m = 23,
n = 6,
F = 10,
w = 15,
G = 21;
for (T = i(T), v = U(T), O = 1732584193, P = 4023233417, h = 2562383102, z = 271733878, J = 0; J < v["length"]; J += 16) {
I = O;
V = P;
E = h;
W = z;
O = Z(O, P, h, z, v[J + 0], M, 3614090360);
z = Z(z, O, P, h, v[J + 1], d, 3905402710);
h = Z(h, z, O, P, v[J + 2], u, 606105819);
P = Z(P, h, z, O, v[J + 3], e, 3250441966);
O = Z(O, P, h, z, v[J + 4], M, 4118548399);
z = Z(z, O, P, h, v[J + 5], d, 1200080426);
h = Z(h, z, O, P, v[J + 6], u, 2821735955);
P = Z(P, h, z, O, v[J + 7], e, 4249261313);
O = Z(O, P, h, z, v[J + 8], M, 1770035416);
z = Z(z, O, P, h, v[J + 9], d, 2336552879);
h = Z(h, z, O, P, v[J + 10], u, 4294925233);
P = Z(P, h, z, O, v[J + 11], e, 2304563134);
O = Z(O, P, h, z, v[J + 12], M, 1804603682);
z = Z(z, O, P, h, v[J + 13], d, 4254626195);
h = Z(h, z, O, P, v[J + 14], u, 2792965006);
P = Z(P, h, z, O, v[J + 15], e, 1236535329);
O = Q(O, P, h, z, v[J + 1], A, 4129170786);
z = Q(z, O, P, h, v[J + 6], k, 3225465664);
h = Q(h, z, O, P, v[J + 11], o, 643717713);
P = Q(P, h, z, O, v[J + 0], g, 3921069994);
O = Q(O, P, h, z, v[J + 5], A, 3593408605);
z = Q(z, O, P, h, v[J + 10], k, 38016083);
h = Q(h, z, O, P, v[J + 15], o, 3634488961);
P = Q(P, h, z, O, v[J + 4], g, 3889429448);
O = Q(O, P, h, z, v[J + 9], A, 568446438);
z = Q(z, O, P, h, v[J + 14], k, 3275163606);
h = Q(h, z, O, P, v[J + 3], o, 4107603335);
P = Q(P, h, z, O, v[J + 8], g, 1163531501);
O = Q(O, P, h, z, v[J + 13], A, 2850285829);
z = Q(z, O, P, h, v[J + 2], k, 4243563512);
h = Q(h, z, O, P, v[J + 7], o, 1735328473);
P = Q(P, h, z, O, v[J + 12], g, 2368359562);
O = B(O, P, h, z, v[J + 5], t, 4294588738);
z = B(z, O, P, h, v[J + 8], L, 2272392833);
h = B(h, z, O, P, v[J + 11], X, 1839030562);
P = B(P, h, z, O, v[J + 14], m, 4259657740);
O = B(O, P, h, z, v[J + 1], t, 2763975236);
z = B(z, O, P, h, v[J + 4], L, 1272893353);
h = B(h, z, O, P, v[J + 7], X, 4139469664);
P = B(P, h, z, O, v[J + 10], m, 3200236656);
O = B(O, P, h, z, v[J + 13], t, 681279174);
z = B(z, O, P, h, v[J + 0], L, 3936430074);
h = B(h, z, O, P, v[J + 3], X, 3572445317);
P = B(P, h, z, O, v[J + 6], m, 76029189);
O = B(O, P, h, z, v[J + 9], t, 3654602809);
z = B(z, O, P, h, v[J + 12], L, 3873151461);
h = B(h, z, O, P, v[J + 15], X, 530742520);
P = B(P, h, z, O, v[J + 2], m, 3299628645);
O = b(O, P, h, z, v[J + 0], n, 4096336452);
z = b(z, O, P, h, v[J + 7], F, 1126891415);
h = b(h, z, O, P, v[J + 14], w, 2878612391);
P = b(P, h, z, O, v[J + 5], G, 4237533241);
O = b(O, P, h, z, v[J + 12], n, 1700485571);
z = b(z, O, P, h, v[J + 3], F, 2399980690);
h = b(h, z, O, P, v[J + 10], w, 4293915773);
P = b(P, h, z, O, v[J + 1], G, 2240044497);
O = b(O, P, h, z, v[J + 8], n, 1873313359);
z = b(z, O, P, h, v[J + 15], F, 4264355552);
h = b(h, z, O, P, v[J + 6], w, 2734768916);
P = b(P, h, z, O, v[J + 13], G, 1309151649);
O = b(O, P, h, z, v[J + 4], n, 4149444226);
z = b(z, O, P, h, v[J + 11], F, 3174756917);
h = b(h, z, O, P, v[J + 2], w, 718787259);
P = b(P, h, z, O, v[J + 9], G, 3951481745);
O = C(O, I);
P = C(P, V);
h = C(h, E);
z = C(z, W);
var s = q(O) + q(P) + q(h) + q(z);
return s["toLowerCase"]();
function _0x4f15e2(T, c) {
const p = {
'vUthb': function (S, a) {
return S + a;
'xansl': '自动提现',
'zYPmU': function (S, a) {
return S(a);
'eJcPH': function (S, a) {
return S === a;
'Ffwdi': 'SdDDo',
'TZDtX': "call",
'LLmyY': function (S, a) {
return S == a;
'YiGml': 'string',
'ObOPk': 'get',
'QMUHn': function (S, a) {
return S === a;
'zHSSq': "POST",
'nKUNb': "PUT",
'BUgao': 'put',
'yEKyH': "send",
'vahvK': "env",
'dpfdF': function (S, a) {
return S !== a;
'eyKhd': 'qrpCi',
'EUGLY': "exec",
'JrMHo': "getval",
'YTTpc': 'parse',
'laqkM': "lodash_get",
'nyIyV': 'sFSUj',
'tTZNr': "http",
'pWUNv': 'logs',
'PSfXw': "isMute",
'gfRMI': "isNeedRewrite",
'zYZMh': "logSeparator",
'GpvDT': "startTime",
'rwkXM': "getTime",
'XlxAL': "assign",
'EpagF': 'log',
'fSfdS': function (S, a) {
return S + a;
'gqCJK': function (S, a) {
return S + a;
'Gfcja': "name",
'hekcr': ", 开始!",
'mPAYK': function (S, a) {
return S > a;
'PllJg': "fromCharCode",
'iqado': function (S, a) {
return S | a;
'MzGTf': function (S, a) {
return S & a;
'TKgVx': function (S, a) {
return S !== a;
'olIIK': "ITvHD",
'HHxsA': function (S, a) {
return S != a;
'CQFuU': "exports",
'uPIiE': function (S, a) {
return S === a;
'moxoN': 'yRWdM',
'ndkrr': "undefined",
'abQqZ': function (S, a) {
return S == a;
'yNHJl': "object",
'OakBY': 'length',
'JeirW': function (S, a) {
return S - a;
'QXdUA': function (S, a) {
return S !== a;
'OEsXl': function (S, a) {
return S === a;
'UAHdw': 'ILxfY',
'PnEQd': 'SLhlf',
'BkkNj': function (S, a) {
return S > a;
'njcCW': function (S, a) {
return S < a;
'OaFOK': 'charCodeAt',
'FqswT': function (S, a) {
return S | a;
'GzHCj': function (S, a) {
return S << a;
'HqOfP': function (S, a) {
return S & a;
'YvJVr': function (S, a) {
return S + a;
'cPawj': function (S, a) {
return S << a;
'kVVAm': function (S, a) {
return S << a;
'MUUEt': "eRzSJ",
'RCuQp': "stringify",
'WigGt': 'UVTpF',
'nkjIw': "replace",
'EHEwT': function (S, a) {
return S < a;
'ELjRv': function (S, a) {
return S | a;
'hiJrK': function (S, a) {
return S >> a;
'wSNNM': function (S, a) {
return S | a;
'icCLE': function (S, a) {
return S | a;
'TbLse': "getdata",
'OECAm': function (S, a) {
return S === a;
'lKqWU': 'XDylR',
'nkxqU': "OZDut",
'pvYcm': function (S, a) {
return S !== a;
'RtLih': "fecFj",
'OdOgo': "setdata",
'pYeKT': function (S, a) {
return S !== a;
'Hvrfl': "RfVYF",
'ojkaK': "url",
'lwNtd': "openUrl",
'fkYsv': "media-url",
'QiEkZ': "mediaUrl",
'bpiZV': "rqroY",
'WeMSp': "AwQOv",
'QOfCX': '@chavy_boxjs_userCfgs.httpapi',
'YNSwh': "@chavy_boxjs_userCfgs.httpapi_timeout",
'WJSeA': "timeout",
'UyCjF': "cron",
'evLIU': "split",
'stalv': "*/*",
'TMZRE': "catch",
'KrjuT': "isNode",
'gKGOw': "path",
'zezEm': function (S, a) {
return S(a);
'RjPnH': "resolve",
'xXhjZ': 'dataFile',
'lkrOZ': 'existsSync',
'UXuFw': function (S, a) {
return S && a;
'KoZWa': "BwDxP",
'fPWUS': "tcvnO",
'yOzYr': "readFileSync",
'tMFnY': function (S, a) {
return S(a);
'LqimL': function (S, a) {
return S(a);
'rqfCP': "cwd",
'Bktev': "data",
'MSCAv': "writeFileSync",
'VBFSP': 'jCvBn',
'sQUUP': 'VtzwK',
'kdHtp': ".$1",
'mKOJb': "open-url",
'XReEV': function (S, a) {
return S !== a;
'whlcJ': "tAHnY",
'bACgC': 'WYytN',
'EenlS': function (S, a) {
return S !== a;
'rGDJj': "toString",
'zkpOW': 'match',
'nWjqV': "slice",
'BoyEO': "reduce",
'BRBwt': function (S, a) {
return S - a;
'Tosyp': "最大化提现",
'BzvSr': "VFxhh",
'eTTEO': function (S, a) {
return S === a;
'UTTFk': "YehTV",
'IBedw': "isDirectory",
'YBFrW': function (S, a, Y) {
return S(a, Y);
'avqsd': "rmdirSync",
'XaBsU': "test",
'kBRzH': "null",
'XGvRG': 'lodash_set',
'OuTOW': "setval",
'ZGhoB': "IWXJI",
'NvGvD': "isSurge",
'gXLLg': "isLoon",
'QEklD': "read",
'JilvT': "valueForKey",
'GvmCb': "loaddata",
'Erjln': "write",
'TEhQN': "isQuanX",
'SItKq': "writedata",
'mAQuS': "JRiyX",
'wJEVG': "VnxND",
'UnUmH': "got",
'VWREu': function (S, a) {
return S(a);
'UfFmc': 'cktough',
'KUpZH': 'ckjar',
'wbhLH': 'CookieJar',
'Ufsfg': "headers",
'EYucJ': "Cookie",
'EwYhm': 'cookieJar',
'XxBGY': function (S, a) {
return S && a;
'uZTTG': 'body',
'RacES': "statusCode",
'PWoQA': 'status',
'hwvxW': function (S, a, Y, j) {
return S(a, Y, j);
'WqVMM': "unlinkSync",
'jZbbI': "forEach",
'fruUq': "rEDBj",
'ZCHSn': "utuzS",
'jBBop': "map",
'zyxAx': "setCookieSync",
'mcwDC': "XerNB",
'bdYaD': "logErr",
'RKyIx': function (S, a, Y, j) {
return S(a, Y, j);
'mGhWK': "opts",
'pswtb': 'initGotEnv',
'uZRAe': "redirect",
'rMFJs': "then",
'pYoPM': function (S, a) {
return S && a;
'YiNrA': function (S, a, Y, j) {
return S(a, Y, j);
'wdjsG': function (S, a, Y, j) {
return S(a, Y, j);
'jSddq': function (S, a) {
return S - a;
'wQqon': function (S, a) {
return S + a;
'FZjHX': function (S, a) {
return S + a;
'QFjSh': ", 结束! 🕛 ",
'kOHbb': "method",
'fdBtA': "fetch",
'XMRkJ': "http://",
'awTOK': "/v1/scripting/evaluate",
'EtYHG': "uuOFb",
'WFTAO': "Content-Type",
'UWYCE': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
'JBlns': "post",
'Wlkha': "atBfJ",
'OgVdL': "nJAlO",
'tKavq': 'VVpAe',
'skKHu': 'YhuYF',
'qmHBe': function (S) {
return S();
'qpgdd': function (S, a) {
return S === a;
'nPTxz': "EqePu",
'gwRAk': function (S, a) {
return S && a;
'GCFnt': function (S, a, Y, j) {
return S(a, Y, j);
'nnECN': function (S, a) {
return S != a;
'sEkOb': function (S, a) {
return S != a;
'ztCQh': function (S, a, Y, j) {
return S(a, Y, j);
'oxxEd': "BQivw",
'ClDME': "HZhXn",
'NSZIb': function (S, a) {
return S === a;
'CmwsV': "Socns",
'vMYsg': 'AyGnU',
'UIfGT': "SmdtB",
'feAfW': "XnTUH",
'hLLKO': function (S, a) {
return S === a;
'OEkKP': 'getMonth',
'TAFtK': "getDate",
'QECaO': "getSeconds",
'nxqaa': 'floor',
'WqjEM': function (S, a) {
return S / a;
'txpGr': function (S, a) {
return S + a;
'jMDGH': "getMilliseconds",
'vLoad': "getFullYear",
'dPlSl': "substr",
'ZlJQz': function (S, a) {
return S + a;
'eEfWA': function (S, a) {
return S + a;
'RlKZK': "2|3|0|6|1|4|5",
'PpyVH': function (S, a) {
return S * a;
'wPjul': function (S, a) {
return S % a;
'KRplz': function (S, a) {
return S * a;
'YJetv': function (S, a) {
return S / a;
'ShnvD': function (S, a) {
return S - a;
'HyRKw': function (S, a) {
return S << a;
'qWGQE': function (S, a) {
return S >>> a;
'xDXpN': function (S, a) {
return S << a;
'izmSL': "isArray",
'PEJul': function (S, a, Y, j, Z) {
return S(a, Y, j, Z);
'BBKJc': function (S, a) {
return S(a);
'BRCNQ': "==============📣系统通知📣==============",
'Knwkb': 'push',
'XgvQO': "join",
'thwoM': "concat",
'TDfto': function (S, a) {
return S > a;
'zjgDG': function (S, a) {
return S !== a;
'GBjsa': "TrFlN",
'gDsfN': "indexOf",
'AjAMi': "GITHUB",
'xFdEV': 'exit',
'TsxVh': "toObj",
'fmALu': 'toStr',
'uJdHd': 'getjson',
'lwMvm': 'setjson',
'yYKzB': "getScript",
'YJGsn': "runScript",
'JIeBo': "time",
'eQYiN': "msg",
'OOTUt': "wait"
p["sEkOb"](p["ndkrr"], typeof process) && JSON[p["RCuQp"]](process["env"])[p['gDsfN']](p['AjAMi']) > -1 && process[p["xFdEV"]](0);
class C {
constructor(S) {
this["env"] = S;
[p["yEKyH"]](S, a = "GET") {
const Y = {
'wNCsl': function (Z, Q) {
return p["vUthb"](Z, Q);
'oaUpP': p["xansl"],
'xczlT': function (Z, Q) {
return p['zYPmU'](Z, Q);
'EhzfP': function (Z, Q) {
return p["eJcPH"](Z, Q);
'HIbzq': p["Ffwdi"],
'PQCMA': p["TZDtX"]
S = p["LLmyY"](p['YiGml'], typeof S) ? {
'url': S
} : S;
let j = this[p["ObOPk"]];
p["QMUHn"](p["zHSSq"], a) && (j = this["post"]);
p["QMUHn"](p["nKUNb"], a) && (j = this[p["BUgao"]]);
return new Promise((Z, Q) => {
Y["EhzfP"]("Jrbjx", Y["HIbzq"]) ? p = Y["wNCsl"](Y["oaUpP"], C) + '' : j[Y['PQCMA']](this, S, (U, q, i) => {
U ? Q(U) : Z(q);
[p["ObOPk"]](S) {
return this[p["yEKyH"]][p["TZDtX"]](this[p["vahvK"]], S);
["post"](S) {
if (p["dpfdF"](p["eyKhd"], p["eyKhd"])) {
a ? p["zYPmU"](Y, j) : Z(Q);
} else {
return this[p["yEKyH"]][p["TZDtX"]](this[p["vahvK"]], S, p["zHSSq"]);
[p["BUgao"]](S) {
return this[p["yEKyH"]][p["TZDtX"]](this[p["vahvK"]], S, p['nKUNb']);
return new class {
constructor(S, a) {
if (p["dpfdF"]("rZDwk", p["nyIyV"])) {
this["name"] = S;
this[p["tTZNr"]] = new C(this);
this["data"] = null;
this["dataFile"] = "box.dat";
this[p["pWUNv"]] = [];
this[p["PSfXw"]] = false;
this[p["gfRMI"]] = false;
this[p["zYZMh"]] = "\n";
this[p["GpvDT"]] = new Date()[p["rwkXM"]]();
Object[p["XlxAL"]](this, a);
this[p["EpagF"]]('', p['fSfdS'](p["gqCJK"]('🔔', this[p["Gfcja"]]), p["hekcr"]));
} else {
const [, j, Z] = /^@(.*?)\.(.*?)$/[p["EUGLY"]](a),
Q = j ? this[p["JrMHo"]](j) : '';
if (Q) {
try {
const B = i[p["YTTpc"]](Q);
J = B ? this[p["laqkM"]](B, Z, '') : I;
} catch (b) {
E = '';
[p["KrjuT"]]() {
const S = {
'UrvWd': function (a, Y) {
return p["mPAYK"](a, Y);
'PyjmZ': function (a, Y) {
return a + Y;
'ncOmw': p["PllJg"],
'tKtOU': function (a, Y) {
return p["iqado"](a, Y);
'qbEpB': function (a, Y) {
return a << Y;
'RAqSi': function (a, Y) {
return p["MzGTf"](a, Y);
'yipdK': "charCodeAt",
'tCyJQ': function (a, Y) {
return a | Y;
'Bhpih': function (a, Y) {
return a << Y;
'SEuhA': function (a, Y) {
return p["MzGTf"](a, Y);
'bPdms': function (a, Y) {
return p['MzGTf'](a, Y);
if (p["TKgVx"](p["olIIK"], "ITvHD")) {
S["UrvWd"](h, 191) && z < 224 ? (v = M["charCodeAt"](S['PyjmZ'](d, 1)), u += e[S["ncOmw"]](S["tKtOU"](S['qbEpB'](S["RAqSi"](A, 31), 6), S["RAqSi"](k, 63))), o += 2) : (g = t['charCodeAt'](S["PyjmZ"](L, 1)), X = m[S["yipdK"]](n + 2), F += w[S["ncOmw"]](S['tCyJQ'](S["Bhpih"](S['SEuhA'](G, 15), 12) | S['RAqSi'](s, 63) << 6, S["bPdms"](N, 63))), l += 3);
} else {
return p['HHxsA']("undefined", typeof module) && !!module[p["CQFuU"]];
[p["TEhQN"]]() {
if (p["uPIiE"](p['moxoN'], "yRWdM")) {
return p["HHxsA"](p["ndkrr"], typeof $task);
} else {
throw c;
["isSurge"]() {
return p["ndkrr"] != typeof $httpClient && p['abQqZ'](p["ndkrr"], typeof $loon);
["isLoon"]() {
return p['HHxsA'](p['ndkrr'], typeof $loon);
[p['TsxVh']](S, a = null) {
if (p["QXdUA"]('cYZmG', "wVRvr")) {
try {
if (p["OEsXl"](p["UAHdw"], "ILxfY")) {
return JSON[p['YTTpc']](S);
} else {
if (typeof S[p["YTTpc"]](a) == p["yNHJl"]) {
return true;
} else {
} catch {
if (p["eJcPH"](p["PnEQd"], p["PnEQd"])) {
return a;
} else {
} else {
let Q = p['zYPmU'](a, Y),
B = p["mPAYK"](j, Q[p["OakBY"]]) ? p["JeirW"](Z, Q["length"]) : 0,
b = '';
for (let I = 0; I < B; I++) {
b += b;
b += Q;
return b;
[p["fmALu"]](S, a = null) {
const Y = {
'alGFV': function (j, Z) {
return j < Z;
'KpmMK': p["PllJg"],
'qVGng': function (j, Z) {
return p["BkkNj"](j, Z);
'ghuQL': function (j, Z) {
return p["njcCW"](j, Z);
'SuDaC': p['OaFOK'],
'jZCnT': function (j, Z) {
return j + Z;
'whgdf': function (j, Z) {
return p["FqswT"](j, Z);
'BqmoY': function (j, Z) {
return p["GzHCj"](j, Z);
'HpgvJ': function (j, Z) {
return p["HqOfP"](j, Z);
'xuUjQ': function (j, Z) {
return p["YvJVr"](j, Z);
'RcLsT': function (j, Z) {
return p["FqswT"](j, Z);
'tNIKw': function (j, Z) {
return p["iqado"](j, Z);
'pyVIl': function (j, Z) {
return p["cPawj"](j, Z);
'JFGjI': function (j, Z) {
return j & Z;
'wjotr': function (j, Z) {
return p["kVVAm"](j, Z);
'MBIYn': function (j, Z) {
return p['HqOfP'](j, Z);
if (p['uPIiE']("ddyeK", p["MUUEt"])) {
k = o["charCodeAt"](g);
Y["alGFV"](t, 128) ? (xx += xf[Y["KpmMK"]](xT), xc++) : Y['qVGng'](xp, 191) && Y['ghuQL'](xC, 224) ? (xS = xa[Y["SuDaC"]](Y['jZCnT'](xY, 1)), xj += xZ[Y["KpmMK"]](Y["whgdf"](Y["BqmoY"](xQ & 31, 6), Y["HpgvJ"](xB, 63))), xb += 2) : (xU = xq['charCodeAt'](Y["xuUjQ"](xi, 1)), xJ = xI['charCodeAt'](Y["xuUjQ"](xV, 2)), xE += xW[Y["KpmMK"]](Y['RcLsT'](Y["tNIKw"](Y["pyVIl"](Y["JFGjI"](xO, 15), 12), Y["wjotr"](xP & 63, 6)), Y["MBIYn"](xh, 63))), xz += 3);
} else {
try {
return JSON[p["RCuQp"]](S);
} catch {
if (p["QMUHn"](p["WigGt"], "UVTpF")) {
return a;
} else {
[p["uJdHd"]](S, a) {
const Y = {
'UQUOE': p['nkjIw'],
'jThwJ': function (Q, B) {
return p["EHEwT"](Q, B);
'fWywc': p['OakBY'],
'SULhX': p["OaFOK"],
'hDQRt': function (Q, B) {
return Q > B;
'sLeeH': "fromCharCode",
'vyFmv': function (Q, B) {
return p["ELjRv"](Q, B);
'NdAJz': function (Q, B) {
return Q >> B;
'BsAjT': function (Q, B) {
return Q | B;
'vIoXg': function (Q, B) {
return p["hiJrK"](Q, B);
'aCRNx': function (Q, B) {
return p["wSNNM"](Q, B);
'VoirO': function (Q, B) {
return p["hiJrK"](Q, B);
'imHel': function (Q, B) {
return p["icCLE"](Q, B);
let j = a;
const Z = this[p["TbLse"]](S);
if (Z) {
try {
if (p["OECAm"](p['lKqWU'], p['lKqWU'])) {
j = JSON[p['YTTpc']](this[p["TbLse"]](S));
} else {
B = b[Y['UQUOE']](/\r\n/g, "\n");
for (var B = '', b = 0; Y['jThwJ'](b, U[Y['fWywc']]); b++) {
var U = O[Y["SULhX"]](b);
Y["hDQRt"](128, U) ? B += P[Y["sLeeH"]](U) : U > 127 && Y["hDQRt"](2048, U) ? (B += h[Y["sLeeH"]](Y['vyFmv'](Y["NdAJz"](U, 6), 192)), B += z["fromCharCode"](Y["BsAjT"](63 & U, 128))) : (B += v["fromCharCode"](Y['vIoXg'](U, 12) | 224), B += M[Y["sLeeH"]](Y['aCRNx'](Y["VoirO"](U, 6) & 63, 128)), B += d["fromCharCode"](Y["imHel"](63 & U, 128)));
return B;
} catch {}
return j;
[p["lwMvm"]](S, a) {
if (p['OEsXl'](p['nkxqU'], p["nkxqU"])) {
try {
if (p['pvYcm']("fecFj", p["RtLih"])) {
try {
return this["setdata"](Y[p["RCuQp"]](j), Z);
} catch {
return false;
} else {
return this[p['OdOgo']](JSON[p["RCuQp"]](S), a);
} catch {
if (p["pYeKT"](p["Hvrfl"], "RfVYF")) {
} else {
return false;
} else {
const Q = a[p['YTTpc']](Y);
j = Q ? this[p["laqkM"]](Q, Z, '') : Q;
[p['yYKzB']](S) {
const a = {
'WoSnn': "open-url",
'OrVME': p["ojkaK"],
'UaXFA': p["lwNtd"],
'TYShR': p["fkYsv"],
'WNVFV': p["QiEkZ"],
'VuVat': p["EpagF"],
'LDUQX': "schema",
'ncDwn': function (Y, j) {
return Y === j;
'PiBtZ': p["bpiZV"],
'lXfah': p["ObOPk"]
if (p["WeMSp"] !== p["WeMSp"]) {
let j = a[a["WoSnn"]] || Y[a["OrVME"]] || j[a["UaXFA"]],
Z = Z[a["TYShR"]] || Q[a["WNVFV"]];
const Q = {
'open-url': j,
'media-url': Z
return Q;
} else {
return new Promise(j => {
const Z = {
'htHBs': a["VuVat"],
'tITiE': "data",
'UUGem': a["LDUQX"]
if (a["ncDwn"](a["PiBtZ"], 'rqroY')) {
const Q = {
'url': S
this[a["lXfah"]](Q, (B, b, U) => j(U));
} else {
[p['YJGsn']](S, a) {
const Y = {
'FKsLv': p['TbLse'],
'wmhsU': p["QOfCX"],
'NuBUr': "replace",
'kqUAs': "trim",
'xFIlW': p['YNSwh'],
'thNNu': function (j, Z) {
return j * Z;
'lDoah': p['WJSeA'],
'bzLsy': p["UyCjF"],
'ecJhK': p['evLIU'],
'crVNv': function (j, Z) {
return j + Z;
'ObJqR': "http://",
'oQCmg': "/v1/scripting/evaluate",
'vUuKS': p["stalv"],
'mlLyF': "post"
return new Promise(j => {
let Z = this[Y['FKsLv']](Y["wmhsU"]);
Z = Z ? Z[Y["NuBUr"]](/\n/g, '')[Y["kqUAs"]]() : Z;
let Q = this[Y["FKsLv"]](Y["xFIlW"]);
Q = Q ? Y["thNNu"](1, Q) : 20;
Q = a && a[Y['lDoah']] ? a[Y["lDoah"]] : Q;
const B = {
'script_text': S,
'mock_type': Y["bzLsy"],
'timeout': Q
[b, U] = Z[Y["ecJhK"]]('@'),
q = {
'url': Y["crVNv"](Y["ObJqR"] + U, Y["oQCmg"]),
'body': B,
'headers': {
'X-Key': b,
'Accept': Y["vUuKS"]
this[Y["mlLyF"]](q, (i, J, I) => j(I));
})[p["TMZRE"]](j => this["logErr"](j));
["loaddata"]() {
const S = {
'XPczb': function (a, Y) {
return a ^ Y;
if (p["pYeKT"]("FCVVc", "fnQxC")) {
if (!this[p["KrjuT"]]()) {
return {};
this['fs'] = this['fs'] ? this['fs'] : require('fs');
this[p["gKGOw"]] = this['path'] ? this["path"] : p["zezEm"](require, "path");
const a = this[p['gKGOw']][p["RjPnH"]](this[p["xXhjZ"]]),
Y = this[p["gKGOw"]][p["RjPnH"]](process['cwd'](), this["dataFile"]),
j = this['fs']['existsSync'](a),
Z = !j && this['fs'][p["lkrOZ"]](Y);
if (p["UXuFw"](!j, !Z)) {
return {};
if (p["KoZWa"] !== 'Ptvnk') {
const Q = j ? a : Y;
try {
return p['QMUHn'](p["fPWUS"], p["fPWUS"]) ? JSON[p["YTTpc"]](this['fs'][p['yOzYr']](Q)) : C ^ (S | ~a);
} catch (b) {
return {};
} else {
} else {
return new C(i => Y(i, j));
[p["SItKq"]]() {
if (this["isNode"]()) {
this['fs'] = this['fs'] ? this['fs'] : p["tMFnY"](require, 'fs');
this[p["gKGOw"]] = this[p["gKGOw"]] ? this[p["gKGOw"]] : p["LqimL"](require, p["gKGOw"]);
const S = this[p["gKGOw"]]["resolve"](this[p["xXhjZ"]]),
a = this[p["gKGOw"]]["resolve"](process[p['rqfCP']](), this['dataFile']),
Y = this['fs'][p['lkrOZ']](S),
j = !Y && this['fs'][p['lkrOZ']](a),
Z = JSON['stringify'](this[p["Bktev"]]);
Y ? this['fs']['writeFileSync'](S, Z) : j ? this['fs'][p["MSCAv"]](a, Z) : this['fs'][p['MSCAv']](S, Z);
[p["laqkM"]](S, a, Y) {
const j = {
'SJdFF': p["YTTpc"]
if (p["OECAm"](p["VBFSP"], p['sQUUP'])) {
return p[j['SJdFF']](C);
} else {
const Q = a[p["nkjIw"]](/\[(\d+)\]/g, p["kdHtp"])[p['evLIU']]('.');
let B = S;
for (const b of Q) if (B = p["zYPmU"](Object, B)[b], p["eJcPH"](void 0, B)) {
return Y;
return B;
['lodash_set'](S, a, Y) {
if (p["XReEV"](p["whlcJ"], p["bACgC"])) {
return p["EenlS"](p["LqimL"](Object, S), S) ? S : (Array['isArray'](a) || (a = a[p['rGDJj']]()[p['zkpOW']](/[^.[\]]+/g) || []), a[p["nWjqV"]](0, -1)[p["BoyEO"]]((j, Z, Q) => Object(j[Z]) === j[Z] ? j[Z] : j[Z] = Math["abs"](a[Q + 1]) >> 0 == +a[Q + 1] ? [] : {}, S)[a[p['BRBwt'](a[p["OakBY"]], 1)]] = Y, S);
} else {
let Z = C[p["ojkaK"]] || S[p["lwNtd"]] || a[p["mKOJb"]];
const Q = {
'url': Z
return Q;
["getdata"](S) {
const a = {
'MuiXv': p["Tosyp"]
if (p["uPIiE"](p["BzvSr"], "XtKaZ")) {
} else {
let j = this['getval'](S);
if (/^@/['test'](S)) {
const [, Z, Q] = /^@(.*?)\.(.*?)$/[p['EUGLY']](S),
B = Z ? this[p["JrMHo"]](Z) : '';
if (B) {
try {
const b = JSON[p["YTTpc"]](B);
j = b ? this[p["laqkM"]](b, Q, '') : j;
} catch (U) {
p["eTTEO"](p["UTTFk"], "YehTV") ? j = '' : c = a["MuiXv"];
return j;
[p['OdOgo']](S, a) {
const Y = {
'sWlbw': function (Z, Q) {
return p["gqCJK"](Z, Q);
'loGzU': "statSync",
'NrKmO': p["IBedw"],
'xSVpL': function (Z, Q, B) {
return p['YBFrW'](Z, Q, B);
'SXmIJ': "forEach",
'VLHNY': p['avqsd']
let j = false;
if (/^@/[p["XaBsU"]](a)) {
const [, Z, Q] = /^@(.*?)\.(.*?)$/[p["EUGLY"]](a),
B = this[p["JrMHo"]](Z),
b = Z ? p["OEsXl"](p["kBRzH"], B) ? null : B || '{}' : '{}';
try {
const U = JSON[p["YTTpc"]](b);
this[p['XGvRG']](U, Q, S);
j = this[p["OuTOW"]](JSON[p['RCuQp']](U), Z);
} catch (q) {
if (p["QXdUA"](p["ZGhoB"], "IWXJI")) {
const J = {
'sjjjj': function (I, V) {
return Y["sWlbw"](I, V);
'jzopb': Y["loGzU"],
'jKnzC': Y["NrKmO"],
'fzMdl': function (I, V, E) {
return Y['xSVpL'](I, V, E);
b[Y["SXmIJ"]](function (A) {
var k = J["sjjjj"](J["sjjjj"](z, '/'), A);
v[J["jzopb"]](k)[J["jKnzC"]]() ? J["fzMdl"](M, k, true) : d['unlinkSync'](k);
V == E && W && O[Y["VLHNY"]](P);
} else {
const J = {};
this[p['XGvRG']](J, Q, S);
j = this[p["OuTOW"]](JSON[p["RCuQp"]](J), Z);
} else {
j = this["setval"](S, a);
return j;
[p["JrMHo"]](S) {
return this[p['NvGvD']]() || this[p["gXLLg"]]() ? $persistentStore[p["QEklD"]](S) : this["isQuanX"]() ? $prefs[p["JilvT"]](S) : this[p['KrjuT']]() ? (this[p["Bktev"]] = this[p["GvmCb"]](), this[p["Bktev"]][S]) : this[p['Bktev']] && this[p["Bktev"]][S] || null;
['setval'](S, a) {
return this["isSurge"]() || this[p['gXLLg']]() ? $persistentStore[p["Erjln"]](S, a) : this[p["TEhQN"]]() ? $prefs["setValueForKey"](S, a) : this[p['KrjuT']]() ? (this["data"] = this[p["GvmCb"]](), this[p["Bktev"]][a] = S, this[p["SItKq"]](), true) : this[p["Bktev"]] && this[p["Bktev"]][a] || null;
[p["pswtb"]](S) {
if (p["eTTEO"](p["mAQuS"], p["wJEVG"])) {
} else {
this[p["UnUmH"]] = this[p["UnUmH"]] ? this[p['UnUmH']] : p["VWREu"](require, p['UnUmH']);
this[p["UfFmc"]] = this[p["UfFmc"]] ? this[p["UfFmc"]] : p['LqimL'](require, "tough-cookie");
this["ckjar"] = this[p['KUpZH']] ? this[p["KUpZH"]] : new this[p['UfFmc']][p["wbhLH"]]();
S && (S[p["Ufsfg"]] = S["headers"] ? S[p["Ufsfg"]] : {}, p["eTTEO"](void 0, S[p['Ufsfg']][p["EYucJ"]]) && p["eTTEO"](void 0, S['cookieJar']) && (S[p["EwYhm"]] = this["ckjar"]));
[p["ObOPk"]](S, a = () => {}) {
const j = {
'X-Surge-Skip-Scripting': false
Z = {
'hints': false
S[p["Ufsfg"]] && (delete S[p["Ufsfg"]]['Content-Type'], delete S[p['Ufsfg']]["Content-Length"]);
this[p["NvGvD"]]() || this[p["gXLLg"]]() ? (this[p["NvGvD"]]() && this[p["gfRMI"]] && (S[p["Ufsfg"]] = S[p["Ufsfg"]] || {}, Object[p['XlxAL']](S["headers"], j)), $httpClient[p["ObOPk"]](S, (Q, B, b) => {
if (p["pYeKT"]("IitXF", "DdGjk")) {
p["XxBGY"](!Q, B) && (B[p["uZTTG"]] = b, B[p["RacES"]] = B[p['PWoQA']]);
p["hwvxW"](a, Q, B, b);
} else {
})) : this[p["TEhQN"]]() ? (this[p["gfRMI"]] && (S[p["mGhWK"]] = S[p["mGhWK"]] || {}, Object[p["XlxAL"]](S[p["mGhWK"]], Z)), $task['fetch'](S)['then'](Q => {
const {
'statusCode': B,
'statusCode': b,
'headers': U,
'body': q
} = Q,
i = {
'status': B,
'statusCode': b,
'headers': U,
'body': q
a(null, i, q);
}, Q => a(Q))) : this[p['KrjuT']]() && (this[p["pswtb"]](S), this['got'](S)['on'](p["uZRAe"], (Q, B) => {
const b = {
'xrYJU': function (U, q, i) {
return p["YBFrW"](U, q, i);
'ddLYY': p['WqVMM'],
'QvLaM': "length",
'AjWNp': p["jZbbI"],
'YAnmU': function (U, q) {
return p["LLmyY"](U, q);
'RIjTK': "rmdirSync"
try {
if (Q['headers']["set-cookie"]) {
if (p["fruUq"] !== p["ZCHSn"]) {
const U = Q["headers"]["set-cookie"][p["jBBop"]](this[p['UfFmc']]['Cookie'][p["YTTpc"]])["toString"]();
this[p["KUpZH"]][p["zyxAx"]](U, null);
B[p["EwYhm"]] = this[p["KUpZH"]];
} else {
const i = {
'wxwCX': function (E, W, O) {
return b['xrYJU'](E, W, O);
'HllKf': b["ddLYY"]
var J = U["readdirSync"](q),
I = J[b["QvLaM"]],
V = 0;
I > 0 ? (J[b["AjWNp"]](function (w) {
var G = o + '/' + w;
g['statSync'](G)["isDirectory"]() ? i["wxwCX"](t, G, true) : J[i["HllKf"]](G);
}), b["YAnmU"](I, V) && e && A[b["RIjTK"]](k)) : I == 0 && o && g[b['RIjTK']](t);
} catch (i) {
p["mcwDC"] === p["mcwDC"] ? this[p['bdYaD']](i) : p['unlinkSync'](C);
})[p["rMFJs"]](Q => {
const {
'statusCode': B,
'statusCode': b,
'headers': U,
'body': q
} = Q,
i = {
'status': B,
'statusCode': b,
'headers': U,
'body': q
p['RKyIx'](a, null, i, q);
}, Q => {
const {
'message': B,
'response': b
} = Q;
p["RKyIx"](a, B, b, b && b[p['uZTTG']]);
[p['JBlns']](S, a = () => {}) {
const Y = {
'zaYxC': p["YTTpc"],
'TOgZX': 'getdata',
'ohScP': '@chavy_boxjs_userCfgs.httpapi',
'WWQur': p["nkjIw"],
'LEVtq': p["WJSeA"],
'jcOBp': p["evLIU"],
'ZRqwK': p['XMRkJ'],
'JjtpA': p["awTOK"],
'HOEmq': p["stalv"],
'fQPWQ': function (j, Z) {
return p["OECAm"](j, Z);
'fmOEc': p['EtYHG'],
'fmpOD': "sVRtC",
'GQodK': function (j, Z, Q, B) {
return p["hwvxW"](j, Z, Q, B);
const j = {
'X-Surge-Skip-Scripting': false
Z = {
'hints': false
if (S[p["uZTTG"]] && S[p["Ufsfg"]] && !S[p["Ufsfg"]]["Content-Type"] && (S[p["Ufsfg"]][p["WFTAO"]] = p['UWYCE']), S[p['Ufsfg']] && delete S["headers"]["Content-Length"], this[p['NvGvD']]() || this[p['gXLLg']]()) {
this["isSurge"]() && this[p["gfRMI"]] && (S[p["Ufsfg"]] = S[p["Ufsfg"]] || {}, Object["assign"](S[p['Ufsfg']], j));
$httpClient[p["JBlns"]](S, (Q, B, b) => {
p["pYoPM"](!Q, B) && (B["body"] = b, B["statusCode"] = B[p["PWoQA"]]);
p['YiNrA'](a, Q, B, b);
} else {
if (p["Wlkha"] !== p["OgVdL"]) {
if (this[p['TEhQN']]()) {
S[p["kOHbb"]] = p["zHSSq"];
this[p['gfRMI']] && (S[p['mGhWK']] = S['opts'] || {}, Object[p["XlxAL"]](S["opts"], Z));
$task[p["fdBtA"]](S)[p['rMFJs']](Q => {
const {
'statusCode': B,
'statusCode': b,
'headers': U,
'body': q
} = Q,
i = {
'status': B,
'statusCode': b,
'headers': U,
'body': q
a(null, i, q);
}, Q => a(Q));
} else {
if ('XZGLm' === p['tKavq']) {
try {
Y = j[Y["zaYxC"]](this[Y["TOgZX"]](Z));
} catch {}
} else {
if (this[p["KrjuT"]]()) {
if (p["EenlS"](p['skKHu'], "oWXez")) {
const {
'url': B,
} = S;
this[p["UnUmH"]]["post"](B, b)[p["rMFJs"]](U => {
const q = {
'wEyUS': "getdata",
'iZCwa': Y["ohScP"],
'pRYGo': Y["WWQur"],
'WWpqJ': "trim",
'vXtIs': Y["LEVtq"],
'WgwrY': 'cron',
'rghXN': Y["jcOBp"],
'rbIKF': function (i, J) {
return i + J;
'cebFV': Y["ZRqwK"],
'Jaljl': Y["JjtpA"],
'rPJFm': Y['HOEmq']
if (Y["fQPWQ"](Y["fmOEc"], Y["fmpOD"])) {
let I = this[q["wEyUS"]](q["iZCwa"]);
I = I ? I[q["pRYGo"]](/\n/g, '')[q["WWpqJ"]]() : I;
let V = this[q["wEyUS"]]("@chavy_boxjs_userCfgs.httpapi_timeout");
V = V ? 1 * V : 20;
V = a && Y[q['vXtIs']] ? j["timeout"] : V;
const E = {
'script_text': Z,
'mock_type': q["WgwrY"],
'timeout': V
[W, O] = I[q["rghXN"]]('@'),
P = {
'url': q["rbIKF"](q["rbIKF"](q["cebFV"], O), q["Jaljl"]),
'body': E,
'headers': {
'X-Key': W,
'Accept': q['rPJFm']
this["post"](P, (h, z, v) => I(v));
} else {
const {
'statusCode': J,
'statusCode': I,
'headers': V,
'body': E
} = U,
W = {
'status': J,
'statusCode': I,
'headers': V,
'body': E
a(null, W, E);
}, U => {
const {
'message': q,
'response': i
} = U;
p['wdjsG'](a, q, i, i && i[p["uZTTG"]]);
} else {
return {};
} else {
const i = new C()[p["rwkXM"]](),
J = p["jSddq"](i, this[p["GpvDT"]]) / 1000;
this['log']('', p["wQqon"](p["FZjHX"](p['fSfdS']('🔔', this["name"]), p["QFjSh"]), J) + "");
(this["isSurge"]() || this[p["TEhQN"]]() || this[p["gXLLg"]]()) && S(a);
[p["BUgao"]](S, a = () => {}) {
const Y = {
'nNtGF': function (Q, B) {
return p["sEkOb"](Q, B);
'mTITD': p["ndkrr"],
'oaObh': function (Q, B, b, U) {
return p['ztCQh'](Q, B, b, U);
'gIylR': p["PllJg"],
'Uuxwi': p["oxxEd"],
'QSGzX': p["ClDME"],
'rrTpo': p["UnUmH"],
'UnXkB': p["UfFmc"],
'cAMVP': function (Q, B) {
return Q(B);
'mFpUE': p["KUpZH"],
'LTxZc': "CookieJar",
'VJjUU': p["Ufsfg"],
'vrsHI': function (Q, B) {
return p['qpgdd'](Q, B);
'QOMQZ': p["EYucJ"],
'SoJiS': function (Q, B) {
return p["NSZIb"](Q, B);
'yJigh': "cookieJar"
j = {
'X-Surge-Skip-Scripting': false
Z = {
'hints': false
if (S[p["uZTTG"]] && S[p["Ufsfg"]] && !S['headers']["Content-Type"] && (S[p['Ufsfg']][p["WFTAO"]] = p["UWYCE"]), S[p['Ufsfg']] && delete S["headers"]['Content-Length'], this[p['NvGvD']]() || this[p['gXLLg']]()) {
if (p["CmwsV"] !== p["vMYsg"]) {
this[p["NvGvD"]]() && this[p["gfRMI"]] && (S[p["Ufsfg"]] = S[p["Ufsfg"]] || {}, Object[p["XlxAL"]](S[p["Ufsfg"]], j));
$httpClient[p["BUgao"]](S, (Q, B, b) => {
p['qpgdd'](p["nPTxz"], p['yRDNE']) ? c() : (p["gwRAk"](!Q, B) && (B[p["uZTTG"]] = b, B[p["RacES"]] = B[p["PWoQA"]]), p["GCFnt"](a, Q, B, b));
} else {
return Y["nNtGF"](Y["mTITD"], typeof c);
} else {
if (p['dpfdF'](p["UIfGT"], p['feAfW'])) {
if (this["isQuanX"]()) {
S[p["kOHbb"]] = p['nKUNb'];
this[p["gfRMI"]] && (S[p["mGhWK"]] = S[p["mGhWK"]] || {}, Object[p["XlxAL"]](S[p["mGhWK"]], Z));
$task["fetch"](S)[p['rMFJs']](B => {
const {
'statusCode': b,
'statusCode': U,
'headers': q,
'body': i
} = B,
J = {
'status': b,
'statusCode': U,
'headers': q,
'body': i
Y['oaObh'](a, null, J, i);
}, B => a(B));
} else {
if (p["hLLKO"]("eulTN", "qGPjT")) {
return p['nnECN'](p["ndkrr"], typeof c);
} else {
if (this['isNode']()) {
const {
'url': b,
} = S;
this[p["UnUmH"]]["put"](b, U)[p["rMFJs"]](q => {
const i = {
'Mhphk': Y["gIylR"]
if (Y["Uuxwi"] === Y['QSGzX']) {
C += S[i['Mhphk']](a);
} else {
const {
'statusCode': I,
'statusCode': V,
'headers': E,
'body': W
} = q,
O = {
'status': I,
'statusCode': V,
'headers': E,
'body': W
Y['oaObh'](a, null, O, W);
}, q => {
const {
'message': i,
'response': J
} = q;
a(i, J, J && J[p["uZTTG"]]);
} else {
this[Y['rrTpo']] = this[Y["rrTpo"]] ? this[Y['rrTpo']] : Q(Y["rrTpo"]);
this[Y["UnXkB"]] = this[Y["UnXkB"]] ? this["cktough"] : Y["cAMVP"](B, "tough-cookie");
this[Y["mFpUE"]] = this[Y["mFpUE"]] ? this[Y["mFpUE"]] : new this[Y["UnXkB"]][Y["LTxZc"]]();
b && (U[Y["VJjUU"]] = q[Y["VJjUU"]] ? i[Y["VJjUU"]] : {}, Y['vrsHI'](void 0, J[Y['VJjUU']][Y["QOMQZ"]]) && Y["SoJiS"](void 0, I[Y['yJigh']]) && (V[Y["yJigh"]] = this[Y['mFpUE']]));
[p["JIeBo"]](S) {
let a = {
'M+': p["fSfdS"](new Date()[p["OEkKP"]](), 1),
'd+': new Date()[p["TAFtK"]](),
'H+': new Date()["getHours"](),
'm+': new Date()["getMinutes"](),
's+': new Date()[p["QECaO"]](),
'q+': Math[p["nxqaa"]](p["WqjEM"](p["txpGr"](new Date()["getMonth"](), 3), 3)),
'S': new Date()[p["jMDGH"]]()
/(y+)/[p['XaBsU']](S) && (S = S['replace'](RegExp['$1'], p["wQqon"](new Date()[p["vLoad"]](), '')[p["dPlSl"]](p['JeirW'](4, RegExp['$1'][p['OakBY']]))));
for (let Y in a) new RegExp(p['vUthb']('(' + Y, ')'))[p['XaBsU']](S) && (S = S["replace"](RegExp['$1'], p["LLmyY"](1, RegExp['$1'][p["OakBY"]]) ? a[Y] : p['ZlJQz']('00', a[Y])["substr"](p["eEfWA"]('', a[Y])[p["OakBY"]])));
return S;
[p["eQYiN"]](S = T, a = '', Y = '', j) {
const Z = {
'wMqeN': p["RlKZK"],
'WCRGY': function (b, U) {
return p["PpyVH"](b, U);
'iUZhn': function (b, U) {
return b % U;
'qffcN': function (b, U) {
return p["jSddq"](b, U);
'aOhEf': function (b, U) {
return p["kVVAm"](b, U);
'MiEod': p['OakBY'],
'zvDrH': function (b, U) {
return p["wPjul"](b, U);
'KDQsK': function (b, U) {
return p['KRplz'](b, U);
'DjhXb': function (b, U) {
return p["wQqon"](b, U);
'zHrJR': function (b, U) {
return p["mPAYK"](b, U);
'MJnpc': function (b, U) {
return p["YJetv"](b, U);
'jUtTe': function (b, U) {
return p["ShnvD"](b, U);
'hhLSV': function (b, U) {
return p['ELjRv'](b, U);
'dmtuI': function (b, U) {
return p["HyRKw"](b, U);
'ldZhU': p["OaFOK"],
'VTwAq': function (b, U) {
return b - U;
'hPmmG': function (b, U) {
return p['qWGQE'](b, U);
'YDHRy': function (b, U) {
return p['xDXpN'](b, U);
'bKDWx': function (b, U) {
return b !== U;
'LZHXt': p["izmSL"],
'EoLOn': "toString",
'hwIWL': p["zkpOW"],
'EfgPP': p["nWjqV"],
'dGjDt': p['BoyEO'],
'OGhYm': function (b, U) {
return b == U;
'cnJkv': function (b, U) {
return b === U;
'teEEH': "xISDc",
'OxMya': p["gXLLg"],
'JlvfM': "isQuanX",
'bfFaI': p["NvGvD"],
'ITWFr': p["yNHJl"],
'qMTjB': p['lwNtd'],
'TwJbk': p["ojkaK"],
'yzszi': p["mKOJb"],
'Dxbdp': p["QiEkZ"],
'JqtGl': "CaRgg",
'dnnui': p["fkYsv"]
Q = b => {
if (!b) {
return b;
if (Z["OGhYm"]("string", typeof b)) {
if (Z["cnJkv"](Z["teEEH"], "lwRTd")) {
const J = Z["wMqeN"]["split"]('|');
let I = 0;
while (true) {
switch (J[I++]) {
case '0':
z = Z["WCRGY"](Z["iUZhn"](v, 4), 8);
case '1':
h[Z["qffcN"](P, 2)] = Z['aOhEf'](E, 3);
case '2':
for (var V, E = C[Z['MiEod']], W = E + 8, O = Z["qffcN"](W, Z['zvDrH'](W, 64)) / 64, P = Z["KDQsK"](16, Z["DjhXb"](O, 1)), h = new S(P - 1), z = 0, v = 0; Z['zHrJR'](E, v);) {
V = Z["MJnpc"](Z["jUtTe"](v, Z["zvDrH"](v, 4)), 4);
z = Z["WCRGY"](Z["zvDrH"](v, 4), 8);
h[V] = Z['hhLSV'](h[V], Z["dmtuI"](Y[Z["ldZhU"]](v), z));
case '3':
V = Z["MJnpc"](Z["VTwAq"](v, v % 4), 4);
case '4':
h[Z["qffcN"](P, 1)] = Z["hPmmG"](E, 29);
case '5':
return h;
case '6':
h[V] = Z["hhLSV"](h[V], Z["YDHRy"](128, z));
} else {
return this[Z["OxMya"]]() ? b : this[Z['JlvfM']]() ? {
'open-url': b
} : this[Z['bfFaI']]() ? {
'url': b
} : void 0;
if (Z["OGhYm"](Z["ITWFr"], typeof b)) {
if (this["isLoon"]()) {
let q = b[Z["qMTjB"]] || b[Z['TwJbk']] || b[Z["yzszi"]],
i = b[Z["Dxbdp"]] || b["media-url"];
const J = {
'openUrl': q,
'mediaUrl': i
return J;
if (this["isQuanX"]()) {
if (Z["cnJkv"](Z["JqtGl"], "CaRgg")) {
let I = b[Z["yzszi"]] || b[Z["TwJbk"]] || b["openUrl"],
V = b[Z["dnnui"]] || b["mediaUrl"];
const E = {
'open-url': I,
'media-url': V
return E;
} else {
return Z["bKDWx"](E(W), O) ? P : (h[Z["LZHXt"]](z) || (v = M[Z['EoLOn']]()[Z['hwIWL']](/[^.[\]]+/g) || []), d[Z["EfgPP"]](0, -1)[Z['dGjDt']]((l, R, r) => m(l[R]) === l[R] ? l[R] : l[R] = n["abs"](F[r + 1]) >> 0 == +w[r + 1] ? [] : {}, o)[g[t["length"] - 1]] = L, X);
if (this["isSurge"]()) {
let O = b[Z["TwJbk"]] || b[Z["qMTjB"]] || b["open-url"];
const P = {
'url': O
return P;
this["isMute"] || (this[p['NvGvD']]() || this['isLoon']() ? $notification[p["JBlns"]](S, a, Y, p["zYPmU"](Q, j)) : this["isQuanX"]() && p["PEJul"]($notify, S, a, Y, p["BBKJc"](Q, j)));
let B = ['', p["BRCNQ"]];
a && B[p["Knwkb"]](a);
Y && B[p["Knwkb"]](Y);
this[p["pWUNv"]] = this[p["pWUNv"]][p["thwoM"]](B);
[p["EpagF"]](...S) {
p["TDfto"](S[p["OakBY"]], 0) && (this[p["pWUNv"]] = [...this[p["pWUNv"]], ...S]);
[p["bdYaD"]](S, a) {
const Y = !this[p["NvGvD"]]() && !this[p["TEhQN"]]() && !this[p["gXLLg"]]();
Y ? this["log"]('', p["wQqon"]('❗️', this[p["Gfcja"]]) + ", 错误!", S["stack"]) : this["log"]('', p["gqCJK"]('❗️' + this[p["Gfcja"]], ", 错误!"), S);
[p["OOTUt"]](S) {
if (p['zjgDG'](p["GBjsa"], p["GBjsa"])) {
this[p['vahvK']] = c;
} else {
return new Promise(Y => setTimeout(Y, S));
["done"](S = {}) {
const a = new Date()[p["rwkXM"]](),
Y = p['YJetv'](p['BRBwt'](a, this[p["GpvDT"]]), 1000);
this[p["EpagF"]]('', p['vUthb'](p["YvJVr"](p['wQqon']('🔔' + this[p["Gfcja"]], p["QFjSh"]), Y), ""));
(this[p['NvGvD']]() || this[p["TEhQN"]]() || this[p["gXLLg"]]()) && $done(S);
}(T, c);
function FxPCnMKLw7() {
_keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
this["encode"] = function (c) {
var S = '';
var a, Y, j, Z, Q, B, b;
var U = 0;
c = _utf8_encode(c);
while (U < c["length"]) {
a = c['charCodeAt'](U++);
Y = c["charCodeAt"](U++);
j = c["charCodeAt"](U++);
Z = a >> 2;
Q = (a & 3) << 4 | Y >> 4;
B = (Y & 15) << 2 | j >> 6;
b = j & 63;
isNaN(Y) ? B = b = 64 : isNaN(j) && (b = 64);
S = S + _keyStr["charAt"](Z) + _keyStr['charAt'](Q) + _keyStr["charAt"](B) + _keyStr["charAt"](b);
return S;
this["decode"] = function (c) {
var a = '';
var B, b, U;
var Y, j, Z, Q;
var S = 0;
c = c["replace"](/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, '');
while (S < c["length"]) {
Y = _keyStr["indexOf"](c["charAt"](S++));
j = _keyStr["indexOf"](c["charAt"](S++));
Z = _keyStr["indexOf"](c["charAt"](S++));
Q = _keyStr["indexOf"](c["charAt"](S++));
B = Y << 2 | j >> 4;
b = (j & 15) << 4 | Z >> 2;
U = (Z & 3) << 6 | Q;
a = a + String["fromCharCode"](B);
Z != 64 && (a = a + String["fromCharCode"](b));
Q != 64 && (a = a + String["fromCharCode"](U));
a = _utf8_decode(a);
return a;
_utf8_encode = function (c) {
c = c["replace"](/\r\n/g, "\n");
var C = '';
for (var S = 0; S < c['length']; S++) {
var a = c["charCodeAt"](S);
a < 128 ? C += String["fromCharCode"](a) : a > 127 && a < 2048 ? (C += String["fromCharCode"](a >> 6 | 192), C += String["fromCharCode"](a & 63 | 128)) : (C += String["fromCharCode"](a >> 12 | 224), C += String["fromCharCode"](a >> 6 & 63 | 128), C += String['fromCharCode'](a & 63 | 128));
return C;
_utf8_decode = function (c) {
var C = '',
S = 0,
a = c1 = c2 = 0;
while (S < c["length"]) {
a = c["charCodeAt"](S);
a < 128 ? (C += String["fromCharCode"](a), S++) : a > 191 && a < 224 ? (c2 = c["charCodeAt"](S + 1), C += String["fromCharCode"]((a & 31) << 6 | c2 & 63), S += 2) : (c2 = c["charCodeAt"](S + 1), c3 = c["charCodeAt"](S + 2), C += String["fromCharCode"]((a & 15) << 12 | (c2 & 63) << 6 | c3 & 63), S += 3);
return C;
function rc4(T, c) {
var C = Array(256),
S = Array(T["length"]);
for (var a = 0; a < 256; a++) {
C[a] = a;
var Y = (Y + C[a] + c["charCodeAt"](a % c["length"])) % 256,
j = C[a];
C[a] = C[Y];
C[Y] = j;
for (var a = 0; a < T["length"]; a++) {
S[a] = T["charCodeAt"](a);
for (var Z = 0; Z < S["length"]; Z++) {
var a = (a + 1) % 256,
Y = (Y + C[a]) % 256,
j = C[a];
C[a] = C[Y];
C[Y] = j;
var Q = (C[a] + C[Y] % 256) % 256;
S[Z] = String["fromCharCode"](S[Z] ^ C[Q]);
return S["join"]('');
function Envcc(T, c) {
const p = {
'wRnuE': "env",
'PDrmV': function (S, a) {
return S(a);
'FapYM': function (S, a) {
return S(a);
'WvfSd': 'call',
'OoXTZ': "map",
'cdqvA': "parse",
'zmrLt': "toString",
'YPnZK': 'ckjar',
'UpyIA': 'logErr',
'PXCCW': function (S, a) {
return S === a;
'pqblD': "qAsGn",
'WbeEC': function (S, a) {
return S == a;
'vIUQB': "POST",
'zptFf': "log",
'EcJAc': '账号[',
'hxvZu': "name",
'boRCj': "]查询抽奖页定时奖励情况失败:",
'VwoKu': function (S, a) {
return S !== a;
'Htjiv': "EJKGE",
'GMguY': 'send',
'NEcdZ': function (S, a, Y) {
return S(a, Y);
'HNDsZ': function (S, a, Y) {
return S(a, Y);
'JpIGP': function (S, a) {
return S === a;
'aApbK': function (S, a) {
return S != a;
'hRXNr': function (S, a) {
return S == a;
'okFDC': "undefined",
'Zwxxh': 'MTepH',
'Mzgbt': "HMwTv",
'oeVnq': "11|6|3|8|1|9|10|5|2|7|4|0",
'UAuSH': function (S, a) {
return S + a;
'Fjqqa': "utf-8",
'bJyZO': "data",
'jQefX': "assign",
'xzBCS': 'http',
'imQKp': 'startTime',
'jbVZH': "getTime",
'wCvXJ': 'isMute',
'dkryr': "isNeedRewrite",
'kkbnz': function (S, a) {
return S != a;
'qIGuz': "exports",
'nmBmt': function (S, a) {
return S != a;
'Zzmyf': function (S, a) {
return S == a;
'gioVk': function (S, a) {
return S === a;
'CnEfG': "HxKxD",
'QtKtG': function (S, a) {
return S != a;
'fpuZw': function (S, a) {
return S === a;
'FgZlD': "AHzwK",
'DgwhA': "lHXBK",
'PiSmr': "NLWYM",
'OgQON': "zRrSp",
'vzzEN': 'getdata',
'vaAWG': 'abcdef0123456789',
'aSWQu': function (S, a) {
return S < a;
'cYctR': "charAt",
'uEvTH': function (S, a) {
return S * a;
'KBoeX': "random",
'WnFvT': "hLdMl",
'mIfvu': "xULcc",
'yglKX': 'stringify',
'RKmAs': "get",
'QwtqA': function (S, a) {
return S >= a;
'LTEld': "version",
'AVAsN': '现在运行的脚本版本是:1.07,最新脚本版本:',
'prrOr': "latestVersion",
'EqCpB': "msg",
'Qdwtu': "status",
'NSIoc': "versionMsg",
'DAJch': "@chavy_boxjs_userCfgs.httpapi",
'EdUvM': "trim",
'AVPvJ': "@chavy_boxjs_userCfgs.httpapi_timeout",
'LTJuQ': function (S, a) {
return S * a;
'ZlfGt': "timeout",
'WSLCy': 'split',
'Dwexk': function (S, a) {
return S + a;
'gSLSA': "http://",
'iesQr': "/v1/scripting/evaluate",
'QxIbu': "cron",
'ccPna': "*/*",
'NOwog': "MkvhJ",
'MMyiS': "catch",
'ZBOFC': "isNode",
'wUYJJ': function (S, a) {
return S(a);
'pmWBT': "path",
'QXGGz': function (S, a) {
return S(a);
'KvgPB': "resolve",
'QspTd': "dataFile",
'ySAzz': "cwd",
'BXaOH': "existsSync",
'VuYEk': function (S, a) {
return S && a;
'tQZbc': "readFileSync",
'rBckB': function (S, a) {
return S === a;
'VyRiM': 'UEraE',
'jBDZB': "hkbyF",
'ahFam': "fromCharCode",
'kAQmo': function (S, a) {
return S !== a;
'FMTfD': 'kDzql',
'hJxpZ': "eQWjE",
'sPEzq': "bnOhL",
'PCnUE': function (S, a) {
return S(a);
'KHYMh': function (S, a) {
return S(a);
'GOITo': "writeFileSync",
'RDxrj': "5|4|3|1|0|2",
'BjSlF': "length",
'ZlUFa': "0|8|3|1|5|6|2|7|4",
'VjGXc': "charCodeAt",
'VmoGf': function (S, a) {
return S & a;
'qomwh': "_keyStr",
'LpZyx': function (S, a) {
return S | a;
'TeveR': function (S, a) {
return S << a;
'Ibluv': function (S, a) {
return S & a;
'TkIxf': function (S, a) {
return S << a;
'wUfba': "_utf8_encode",
'aLzlr': function (S, a) {
return S !== a;
'guzpm': "CrMaX",
'vrSbp': "bRRDZ",
'oxSDa': 'replace',
'OAKFP': ".$1",
'lCgzA': function (S, a) {
return S(a);
'iLgkV': function (S, a) {
return S === a;
'GlHrm': function (S, a) {
return S !== a;
'CeFwA': 'BoyRi',
'AoWvA': "NVuvf",
'kjSki': function (S, a) {
return S !== a;
'NdcoI': "isArray",
'FSxYT': "reduce",
'klehG': "test",
'sOCit': "exec",
'KpXSW': "getval",
'cfFUW': "lodash_get",
'wRgjR': "]签到失败:",
'TtNvJ': "error_msg",
'vnBXj': function (S, a) {
return S + a;
'JfCen': function (S, a, Y, j) {
return S(a, Y, j);
'wNPNi': function (S, a) {
return S !== a;
'TcHpJ': "prbsh",
'Tmahj': "ozouY",
'jubRa': "null",
'LMtso': function (S, a) {
return S || a;
'zrOJZ': function (S, a) {
return S === a;
'zFqyz': "qJWLK",
'WWoXF': "lodash_set",
'CMAOs': "setval",
'dceom': 'ijzfe',
'JighY': 'updateMsg',
'uwDzR': "https://ghproxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HarbourJ/Temp/main/backUp/ks.json",
'CvmUM': function (S, a) {
return S === a;
'QfLFC': "JwVvM",
'pFleU': "isLoon",
'tDtzG': "read",
'iQFDW': "isQuanX",
'Dixqr': "valueForKey",
'oaHVG': "loaddata",
'SjPNS': function (S, a) {
return S > a;
'grcPA': function (S, a) {
return S | a;
'byKEy': function (S, a) {
return S + a;
'lEwQp': function (S, a) {
return S | a;
'VRRCq': function (S, a) {
return S << a;
'OwlMa': function (S, a) {
return S & a;
'bigyF': function (S, a) {
return S & a;
'trKFz': function (S, a) {
return S === a;
'pXFEM': "aVSMM",
'otPpW': "isSurge",
'vZbwI': 'write',
'VLgNd': "setValueForKey",
'sqZqT': "writedata",
'QWjjK': "got",
'DkbBH': function (S, a) {
return S(a);
'UiSpV': "cktough",
'XKCmp': "CookieJar",
'CnQpI': 'headers',
'TtnJv': function (S, a) {
return S === a;
'RMosR': 'Cookie',
'YNyqr': function (S, a) {
return S === a;
'yVUhK': "cookieJar",
'wIaAf': function (S, a) {
return S == a;
'zbicl': "QKHhJ",
'xxCGx': "body",
'OILzj': "statusCode",
'Artlm': function (S, a, Y, j) {
return S(a, Y, j);
'GELSz': "]余额不足0.3元,不提现",
'wxdsy': 'LjfqP',
'whkmH': 'CzBPb',
'LnFLI': "bymqF",
'AZIgJ': function (S, a) {
return S === a;
'yVGro': "BmuZC",
'YwLUJ': "KmvgX",
'mwHZH': "set-cookie",
'tePDi': 'setCookieSync',
'eXpjG': function (S, a) {
return S !== a;
'JUiUY': "yDiix",
'gsqaw': "decode",
'FhEjN': "rawBody",
'RFRMI': "encoding",
'LeKWn': function (S, a) {
return S === a;
'etbIn': 'post',
'joTdF': "XSULk",
'IVzJq': 'IrpfA',
'TmduP': "Content-Length",
'vqIld': "JOXaJ",
'DSYHW': 'opts',
'AVdeR': "fetch",
'dpyRy': "iconv-lite",
'NZKvT': 'initGotEnv',
'DtvFl': "redirect",
'oyxHj': "then",
'PGeLw': function (S, a) {
return S === a;
'eOJgE': "AsThB",
'BiCfK': function (S, a) {
return S && a;
'PONzR': function (S, a, Y, j) {
return S(a, Y, j);
'jwBsW': function (S, a) {
return S | a;
'QuYWg': function (S, a) {
return S & a;
'VjinD': function (S, a) {
return S + a;
'XdkAK': function (S, a) {
return S & a;
'BIiQy': "bJLXK",
'UYJcj': "==============📣系统通知📣==============",
'GyCOW': "concat",
'sgTIG': function (S, a, Y, j) {
return S(a, Y, j);
'COyHl': function (S, a) {
return S === a;
'FqyOv': "jYEvO",
'XqpKL': "method",
'YiMkm': "toLocaleLowerCase",
'GPTjE': "Content-Type",
'KGaQY': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'uxKuS': 'HGUEt',
'YflCp': "bZxCy",
'SzLrO': "yeYDk",
'iLBMM': "LTQaE",
'TlowU': function (S, a) {
return S(a);
'VDccZ': "brNJU",
'eAvjM': "getMonth",
'holXm': "getHours",
'xDdDr': 'getMinutes',
'BhRez': "getSeconds",
'TvWRe': "floor",
'eORan': "getMilliseconds",
'vbWqg': "getFullYear",
'tqfVj': "substr",
'JXjvz': function (S, a) {
return S - a;
'fVzdw': function (S, a) {
return S + a;
'TzKdY': function (S, a) {
return S + a;
'CjPRq': function (S, a) {
return S + a;
'fbhqs': function (S, a) {
return S !== a;
'StGXT': "znjmL",
'DqQSs': function (S, a) {
return S == a;
'xzljc': "string",
'GbhIY': "object",
'oWRuK': function (S, a) {
return S !== a;
'iKVwy': 'WWFLo',
'YwySq': "ckHuL",
'PHvoA': 'url',
'YrFOy': "open-url",
'qHwIR': "mediaUrl",
'neFMM': "openUrl",
'AmYlh': "media-url",
'QcLsp': "uiCEd",
'lTwok': function (S, a) {
return S | a;
'PWzGA': function (S, a) {
return S >> a;
'RQlYQ': function (S, a) {
return S | a;
'dnKxP': function (S, a) {
return S >> a;
'MuZQP': function (S, a) {
return S | a;
'LUylu': function (S, a) {
return S & a;
'MwUVs': function (S, a) {
return S(a);
'DlZAG': function (S, a, Y, j, Z) {
return S(a, Y, j, Z);
'Ofyag': "isMuteLog",
'QJAuk': function (S, a) {
return S === a;
'gbJiu': "YYdDH",
'hVYZM': 'push',
'WWffZ': "join",
'gIXmD': "logs",
'BLLLJ': function (S, a) {
return S !== a;
'qOijJ': "fkRGREUCFRNfMCtqKj0lLiE/OXowLTRz",
'NjfUP': "eYFZF",
'PLJvd': ", 错误!",
'yObaT': 'stack',
'fkDrB': function (S, a) {
return S + a;
'UiWzb': "pxcPd",
'uoqhc': function (S, a) {
return S + a;
'EREtS': function (S, a) {
return S + a;
'MvbJz': "toObj",
'mzrfF': "toStr",
'IaSsp': "getjson",
'uUAlE': "getScript",
'QrmhW': 'runScript',
'gpnqP': 'time',
'TymXe': 'fwcaas',
'imxhs': "fwur",
'BkHGP': "wait",
'YOrWi': "done"
class C {
constructor(S) {
this[p["wRnuE"]] = S;
[p["GMguY"]](S, a = "GET") {
const Y = {
'XdGrR': 'set-cookie',
'CPaVV': p['OoXTZ'],
'XBELw': p["cdqvA"],
'gcPYo': p["zmrLt"],
'glnQd': p["YPnZK"],
'FFtYF': "setCookieSync",
'HXLpy': p["UpyIA"]
if (p["PXCCW"]("qAsGn", p["pqblD"])) {
S = p["WbeEC"]('string', typeof S) ? {
'url': S
} : S;
let j = this["get"];
p["PXCCW"](p['vIUQB'], a) && (j = this["post"]);
return new Promise((Z, Q) => {
j[p["WvfSd"]](this, S, (b, U, q) => {
b ? Q(b) : Z(U);
} else {
try {
if (Y["headers"][Y['XdGrR']]) {
const Q = Q['headers']["set-cookie"][Y["CPaVV"]](this["cktough"]["Cookie"][Y["XBELw"]])[Y["gcPYo"]]();
Q && this[Y["glnQd"]][Y['FFtYF']](Q, null);
B["cookieJar"] = this[Y["glnQd"]];
} catch (B) {
[p["RKmAs"]](S) {
const a = {
'eHCcS': p['zptFf'],
'xkDzr': function (Y, j) {
return Y + j;
'FCjiY': function (Y, j) {
return Y + j;
'uQLSO': p["EcJAc"],
'QGlfp': p["hxvZu"],
'MBRoi': p["boRCj"]
if (p["VwoKu"](p["Htjiv"], "EJKGE")) {
p[a["eHCcS"]](a['xkDzr'](a["FCjiY"](a['uQLSO'] + this[a["QGlfp"]], a["MBRoi"]), C["error_msg"]));
} else {
return this[p["GMguY"]][p["WvfSd"]](this[p["wRnuE"]], S);
[p["etbIn"]](S) {
return p['JpIGP']("KhBhn", "cXwUb") ? (I = V(E, W(O(P(h, z, v), M), d)), u(e(A, k), o)) : this["send"][p["WvfSd"]](this["env"], S, p['vIUQB']);
return new class {
constructor(S, a) {
if (p["VwoKu"](p['Zwxxh'], p["Mzgbt"])) {
const Y = p['oeVnq']["split"]('|');
let j = 0;
while (true) {
switch (Y[j++]) {
case '0':
this[p["zptFf"]]('', p["UAuSH"]('🔔' + this[p["hxvZu"]], ", 开始!"));
case '1':
this["logs"] = [];
case '2':
this['encoding'] = p['Fjqqa'];
case '3':
this[p["bJyZO"]] = null;
case '4':
Object[p["jQefX"]](this, a);
case '5':
this["logSeparator"] = "\n";
case '6':
this[p["xzBCS"]] = new C(this);
case '7':
this[p['imQKp']] = new Date()[p["jbVZH"]]();
case '8':
this["dataFile"] = 'box.dat';
case '9':
this[p["wCvXJ"]] = false;
case '10':
this[p['dkryr']] = false;
case '11':
this[p['hxvZu']] = S;
} else {
return p["aApbK"]('undefined', typeof p) && p["hRXNr"](p["okFDC"], typeof C);
[p["ZBOFC"]]() {
return p["kkbnz"](p["okFDC"], typeof module) && !!module[p["qIGuz"]];
[p['iQFDW']]() {
return p["nmBmt"](p["okFDC"], typeof $task);
[p["otPpW"]]() {
return p["okFDC"] != typeof $httpClient && p["Zzmyf"]("undefined", typeof $loon);
[p["pFleU"]]() {
return p["gioVk"](p['CnEfG'], p["CnEfG"]) ? p["QtKtG"](p['okFDC'], typeof $loon) : "undefined" != typeof c;
["isShadowrocket"]() {
const S = {
'caZdA': p["cdqvA"],
'QhDXD': 'getdata'
if (p["fpuZw"](p["FgZlD"], "AHzwK")) {
return p["QtKtG"](p["okFDC"], typeof $rocket);
} else {
try {
Y = j[S["caZdA"]](this[S['QhDXD']](Z));
} catch {}
[p['MvbJz']](S, a = null) {
try {
return JSON[p["cdqvA"]](S);
} catch {
return a;
[p['mzrfF']](S, a = null) {
if (p["DgwhA"] !== p["PiSmr"]) {
try {
return JSON["stringify"](S);
} catch {
return a;
} else {
let Z = C["url"] || S["openUrl"] || a["open-url"];
const Q = {
'url': Z
return Q;
[p['IaSsp']](S, a) {
const Y = {
'rKyTe': p["cdqvA"]
let j = a;
const Z = this["getdata"](S);
if (Z) {
if (p['JpIGP'](p["OgQON"], p["OgQON"])) {
try {
j = JSON[p['cdqvA']](this[p["vzzEN"]](S));
} catch {}
} else {
const b = a[Y["rKyTe"]](Y);
j = b ? this["lodash_get"](b, Z, '') : Q;
return j;
["setjson"](S, a) {
const Y = {
'wliis': p["vaAWG"],
'JRSbt': 'length',
'pjdTB': function (j, Z) {
return p["aSWQu"](j, Z);
'fDJEf': p["cYctR"],
'diDAp': "floor",
'gaxPI': function (j, Z) {
return p["uEvTH"](j, Z);
'FyMTl': p['KBoeX']
try {
if (p['VwoKu'](p["WnFvT"], p['mIfvu'])) {
return this["setdata"](JSON[p["yglKX"]](S), a);
} else {
let Z = Y["wliis"],
Q = Z[Y["JRSbt"]],
B = '';
for (Y = 0; Y["pjdTB"](j, Z); Q++) {
B += Z[Y["fDJEf"]](U[Y["diDAp"]](Y["gaxPI"](q[Y["FyMTl"]](), Q)));
return B;
} catch {
return false;
[p["uUAlE"]](S) {
return new Promise(a => {
const Y = {
'url': S
this[p["RKmAs"]](Y, (j, Z, Q) => a(Q));
[p["QrmhW"]](S, a) {
if (p["JpIGP"]('ViWHE', p["NOwog"])) {
if (p["QwtqA"](q, i[p["LTEld"]])) {
d = true;
u = "https://ghproxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HarbourJ/Temp/main/backUp/ks.json";
t["log"](p["UAuSH"](p["AVAsN"], L[p['prrOr']]));
} else {
} else {
return new Promise(j => {
let Z = this[p["vzzEN"]](p["DAJch"]);
Z = Z ? Z["replace"](/\n/g, '')[p["EdUvM"]]() : Z;
let Q = this['getdata'](p["AVPvJ"]);
Q = Q ? p["LTJuQ"](1, Q) : 20;
Q = a && a[p["ZlfGt"]] ? a[p["ZlfGt"]] : Q;
const [B, b] = Z[p["WSLCy"]]('@'),
U = {
'url': p['Dwexk'](p["gSLSA"], b) + p["iesQr"],
'body': {
'script_text': S,
'mock_type': p['QxIbu'],
'timeout': Q
'headers': {
'X-Key': B,
'Accept': p["ccPna"]
this["post"](U, (q, i, J) => j(J));
})[p['MMyiS']](j => this['logErr'](j));
["loaddata"]() {
if (!this[p["ZBOFC"]]()) {
return {};
this['fs'] = this['fs'] ? this['fs'] : p['wUYJJ'](require, 'fs');
this[p["pmWBT"]] = this["path"] ? this[p["pmWBT"]] : p['QXGGz'](require, p["pmWBT"]);
const S = this[p["pmWBT"]][p['KvgPB']](this[p['QspTd']]),
a = this["path"][p["KvgPB"]](process[p["ySAzz"]](), this[p["QspTd"]]),
Y = this['fs'][p["BXaOH"]](S),
j = !Y && this['fs'][p['BXaOH']](a);
if (p['VuYEk'](!Y, !j)) {
return {};
const Z = Y ? S : a;
try {
return JSON[p["cdqvA"]](this['fs'][p["tQZbc"]](Z));
} catch (Q) {
return p["rBckB"](p["VyRiM"], p["jBDZB"]) ? c : {};
[p["sqZqT"]]() {
const S = {
'ouYdd': function (a, Y, j, Z) {
return a(Y, j, Z);
if (p["kAQmo"](p['FMTfD'], p["hJxpZ"])) {
if (this[p["ZBOFC"]]()) {
if (p["fpuZw"](p["sPEzq"], p["sPEzq"])) {
this['fs'] = this['fs'] ? this['fs'] : p["PCnUE"](require, 'fs');
this[p["pmWBT"]] = this["path"] ? this[p["pmWBT"]] : p["KHYMh"](require, p["pmWBT"]);
const a = this[p['pmWBT']][p["KvgPB"]](this[p["QspTd"]]),
Y = this["path"]["resolve"](process[p['ySAzz']](), this[p["QspTd"]]),
j = this['fs'][p["BXaOH"]](a),
Z = !j && this['fs'][p["BXaOH"]](Y),
Q = JSON[p["yglKX"]](this[p["bJyZO"]]);
j ? this['fs'][p["GOITo"]](a, Q) : Z ? this['fs']['writeFileSync'](Y, Q) : this['fs']["writeFileSync"](a, Q);
} else {
const {
'statusCode': b,
'statusCode': U,
'headers': q,
'body': i
} = p,
J = {
'status': b,
'statusCode': U,
'headers': q,
'body': i
S["ouYdd"](C, null, J, i);
} else {
S += a[p["ahFam"]](Y);
[p["cfFUW"]](S, a, Y) {
if (p["aLzlr"](p["guzpm"], p['vrSbp'])) {
const j = a[p["oxSDa"]](/\[(\d+)\]/g, p["OAKFP"])["split"]('.');
let Z = S;
for (const Q of j) if (Z = p['lCgzA'](Object, Z)[Q], p['iLgkV'](void 0, Z)) {
return p['GlHrm'](p['CeFwA'], p["CeFwA"]) ? c : Y;
return Z;
} else {
const U = p["RDxrj"]["split"]('|');
let q = 0;
while (true) {
switch (U[q++]) {
case '0':
while (p['aSWQu'](i, U[p["BjSlF"]])) {
const z = p["ZlUFa"]["split"]('|');
let t = 0;
while (true) {
switch (z[t++]) {
case '0':
J = E[p["VjGXc"]](i++);
case '1':
E = J >> 2;
case '2':
P = p['VmoGf'](V, 63);
case '3':
V = O[p["VjGXc"]](i++);
case '4':
h = p["Dwexk"](p["UAuSH"](h, this[p["qomwh"]]["charAt"](E)) + this[p["qomwh"]]['charAt'](W), this[p["qomwh"]][p["cYctR"]](O)) + this[p["qomwh"]][p["cYctR"]](P);
case '5':
W = p['LpZyx'](p["TeveR"](p["Ibluv"](J, 3), 4), I >> 4);
case '6':
O = p["TkIxf"](p['Ibluv'](I, 15), 2) | V >> 6;
case '7':
P(I) ? O = P = 64 : p["PDrmV"](z, V) && (P = 64);
case '8':
I = W[p["VjGXc"]](i++);
case '1':
Q = B[p['wUfba']](b);
case '2':
return h;
case '3':
var i = 0;
case '4':
var J, I, V, E, W, O, P;
case '5':
var h = '';
['lodash_set'](S, a, Y) {
const j = {
'ujMyN': p["zptFf"],
'DFNRZ': function (Z, Q) {
return p['UAuSH'](Z, Q);
'HmUaP': p['EcJAc'],
'DHfZI': p["hxvZu"],
'IKngy': "]今天已提现"
if ("qTlGs" === p['AoWvA']) {
c[j["ujMyN"]](j["DFNRZ"](j["HmUaP"] + this[j["DHfZI"]], j['IKngy']));
} else {
return p['kjSki'](p["QXGGz"](Object, S), S) ? S : (Array[p['NdcoI']](a) || (a = a[p["zmrLt"]]()["match"](/[^.[\]]+/g) || []), a['slice'](0, -1)[p['FSxYT']]((Q, B, b) => Object(Q[B]) === Q[B] ? Q[B] : Q[B] = Math["abs"](a[b + 1]) >> 0 == +a[b + 1] ? [] : {}, S)[a[a["length"] - 1]] = Y, S);
["getdata"](S) {
let a = this["getval"](S);
if (/^@/[p['klehG']](S)) {
const [, Y, j] = /^@(.*?)\.(.*?)$/[p["sOCit"]](S),
Z = Y ? this[p["KpXSW"]](Y) : '';
if (Z) {
try {
const Q = JSON[p["cdqvA"]](Z);
a = Q ? this[p["cfFUW"]](Q, j, '') : a;
} catch (B) {
a = '';
return a;
["setdata"](S, a) {
const Y = {
'CsmMy': p["zptFf"],
'izhWR': function (j, Z) {
return p["UAuSH"](j, Z);
'QMsKl': function (j, Z) {
return p["vnBXj"](j, Z);
'SYuBn': p["EcJAc"],
'uYRqB': p["TtNvJ"],
'oDRpX': function (j, Z, Q) {
return j(Z, Q);
'IRevg': function (j, Z, Q, B) {
return p["JfCen"](j, Z, Q, B);
'HQQnZ': function (j, Z, Q) {
return p["HNDsZ"](j, Z, Q);
'uIqgU': function (j, Z, Q) {
return p['HNDsZ'](j, Z, Q);
if (p["wNPNi"](p["TcHpJ"], p["TcHpJ"])) {
p[Y["CsmMy"]](Y['izhWR'](Y["izhWR"](Y["QMsKl"](Y["SYuBn"], this["name"]), "]查询抽奖次数失败:"), C[Y["uYRqB"]]));
} else {
let Z = false;
if (/^@/["test"](a)) {
if (p["Tmahj"] === "ozouY") {
const [, Q, B] = /^@(.*?)\.(.*?)$/[p["sOCit"]](a),
b = this[p["KpXSW"]](Q),
U = Q ? p["iLgkV"](p["jubRa"], b) ? null : p['LMtso'](b, '{}') : '{}';
try {
if (p['zrOJZ'](p['zFqyz'], p['zFqyz'])) {
const q = JSON[p["cdqvA"]](U);
this[p["WWoXF"]](q, B, S);
Z = this[p["CMAOs"]](JSON['stringify'](q), Q);
} else {
c = '';
} catch (J) {
if (p["dceom"] !== p["dceom"]) {
p[p["zptFf"]](p['EcJAc'] + this["name"] + p["wRgjR"] + C[p["TtNvJ"]]);
} else {
const V = {};
this[p['WWoXF']](V, B, S);
Z = this[p["CMAOs"]](JSON['stringify'](V), Q);
} else {
I = V(E, Y['oDRpX'](W, O(Y["IRevg"](P, h, z, v), M), d));
return Y["HQQnZ"](u, Y["uIqgU"](e, A, k), o);
} else {
Z = this[p["CMAOs"]](S, a);
return Z;
[p['KpXSW']](S) {
if (p["CvmUM"]("JwVvM", p["QfLFC"])) {
return this["isSurge"]() || this[p["pFleU"]]() ? $persistentStore[p["tDtzG"]](S) : this[p["iQFDW"]]() ? $prefs[p["Dixqr"]](S) : this[p["ZBOFC"]]() ? (this[p["bJyZO"]] = this[p["oaHVG"]](), this[p["bJyZO"]][S]) : this[p['bJyZO']] && this['data'][S] || null;
} else {
Q = true;
B = p['uwDzR'];
I["log"](p["UAuSH"]("现在运行的脚本版本是:1.07,最新脚本版本:", V[p["prrOr"]]));
[p["CMAOs"]](S, a) {
if (p["trKFz"]("RncrN", p['pXFEM'])) {
p["SjPNS"](h, 191) && z < 224 ? (v = M[p["VjGXc"]](p["Dwexk"](d, 1)), u += e[p['ahFam']](p["grcPA"](p['TkIxf'](p["Ibluv"](A, 31), 6), p['VmoGf'](k, 63))), o += 2) : (g = t[p["VjGXc"]](L + 1), X = m[p["VjGXc"]](p['byKEy'](n, 2)), F += w[p['ahFam']](p['lEwQp'](p['lEwQp'](p['VRRCq'](G & 15, 12), p['VRRCq'](p["OwlMa"](s, 63), 6)), p["bigyF"](N, 63))), l += 3);
} else {
return this[p["otPpW"]]() || this["isLoon"]() ? $persistentStore[p['vZbwI']](S, a) : this[p['iQFDW']]() ? $prefs[p["VLgNd"]](S, a) : this[p['ZBOFC']]() ? (this[p['bJyZO']] = this["loaddata"](), this[p["bJyZO"]][a] = S, this[p['sqZqT']](), true) : this[p['bJyZO']] && this[p['bJyZO']][a] || null;
["initGotEnv"](S) {
this['got'] = this["got"] ? this[p["QWjjK"]] : p["DkbBH"](require, p['QWjjK']);
this[p["UiSpV"]] = this[p["UiSpV"]] ? this[p["UiSpV"]] : p["KHYMh"](require, "tough-cookie");
this[p["YPnZK"]] = this[p['YPnZK']] ? this['ckjar'] : new this[p["UiSpV"]][p["XKCmp"]]();
S && (S[p['CnQpI']] = S["headers"] ? S["headers"] : {}, p["TtnJv"](void 0, S["headers"][p['RMosR']]) && p["YNyqr"](void 0, S[p['yVUhK']]) && (S[p["yVUhK"]] = this["ckjar"]));
[p["RKmAs"]](S, a = () => {}) {
const Y = {
'UdqGV': p['mwHZH'],
'TUnPR': p["OoXTZ"],
'HoMdV': p["RMosR"],
'avXXf': p['cdqvA'],
'BnDZw': p["zmrLt"],
'fpIJD': "ckjar",
'LrKBU': p["oxSDa"],
'rmuqQ': p['OAKFP'],
'IASLT': p['WSLCy'],
'UklYl': function (j, Z) {
return p["wUYJJ"](j, Z);
'LSabO': function (j, Z) {
return p['LeKWn'](j, Z);
'yBIqC': function (j, Z) {
return j !== Z;
'vOTVx': function (j, Z, Q, B) {
return j(Z, Q, B);
'hLwIM': p["vzzEN"],
'VzDKz': p['EdUvM'],
'hAFKC': p['AVPvJ'],
'WnPLs': function (j, Z) {
return j * Z;
'ZHxxG': p["ZlfGt"],
'zuzuu': p["gSLSA"],
'KkMcq': "/v1/scripting/evaluate",
'iJpXR': 'cron',
'HQpIg': p['etbIn'],
'vUGiE': 'stringify',
'oihlA': p["joTdF"],
'RihlV': p["IVzJq"]
if (S["headers"] && (delete S[p["CnQpI"]]['Content-Type'], delete S[p["CnQpI"]][p["TmduP"]]), this[p["otPpW"]]() || this['isLoon']()) {
const j = {
'X-Surge-Skip-Scripting': false
this[p["otPpW"]]() && this[p["dkryr"]] && (S["headers"] = S[p["CnQpI"]] || {}, Object[p['jQefX']](S[p['CnQpI']], j));
$httpClient["get"](S, (Z, Q, B) => {
const b = {
'fUVto': function (U, q) {
return U != q;
'RCqYy': p["okFDC"],
'shSaQ': function (U, q) {
return p['wIaAf'](U, q);
if (p["zbicl"] !== "QKHhJ") {
return b['fUVto'](b['RCqYy'], typeof p) && b["shSaQ"](b["RCqYy"], typeof C);
} else {
!Z && Q && (Q[p["xxCGx"]] = B, Q[p["OILzj"]] = Q[p["Qdwtu"]]);
p["Artlm"](a, Z, Q, B);
} else {
if (this[p["iQFDW"]]()) {
if (p['aLzlr'](p["vqIld"], p["vqIld"])) {
const Q = p['headers'][Y["UdqGV"]][Y["TUnPR"]](this["cktough"][Y["HoMdV"]][Y["avXXf"]])[Y["BnDZw"]]();
Q && this[Y['fpIJD']]["setCookieSync"](Q, null);
C['cookieJar'] = this["ckjar"];
} else {
const Q = {
'hints': false
this[p['dkryr']] && (S[p["DSYHW"]] = S["opts"] || {}, Object[p["jQefX"]](S[p["DSYHW"]], Q));
$task[p['AVdeR']](S)["then"](B => {
if (Y["yBIqC"]("cAblz", "BdVDO")) {
const {
'statusCode': b,
'statusCode': U,
'headers': q,
'body': i
} = B,
J = {
'status': b,
'statusCode': U,
'headers': q,
'body': i
Y["vOTVx"](a, null, J, i);
} else {
const V = S[Y["LrKBU"]](/\[(\d+)\]/g, Y["rmuqQ"])[Y["IASLT"]]('.');
let E = a;
for (const W of V) if (E = Y['UklYl'](Z, E)[W], Y["LSabO"](void 0, E)) {
return B;
return E;
}, B => a(B));
} else {
if (this[p["ZBOFC"]]()) {
let B = require(p["dpyRy"]);
this[p["QWjjK"]](S)['on'](p["DtvFl"], (b, U) => {
const q = {
'yBbNL': function (i, J) {
return i + J;
'xEwDY': p['EcJAc'],
'qJZGH': p["hxvZu"],
'HVYFG': p["GELSz"]
if ("PZtyq" !== p['wxdsy']) {
try {
if (p['GlHrm'](p["whkmH"], p["LnFLI"])) {
if (b[p["CnQpI"]]['set-cookie']) {
if (p['AZIgJ'](p['yVGro'], p["YwLUJ"])) {
let J = this[Y["hLwIM"]]('@chavy_boxjs_userCfgs.httpapi');
J = J ? J['replace'](/\n/g, '')[Y['VzDKz']]() : J;
let I = this[Y["hLwIM"]](Y["hAFKC"]);
I = I ? Y["WnPLs"](1, I) : 20;
I = a && Y[Y["ZHxxG"]] ? j[Y["ZHxxG"]] : I;
const [V, E] = J[Y["IASLT"]]('@'),
W = {
'url': Y["zuzuu"] + E + Y['KkMcq'],
'body': {
'script_text': Z,
'mock_type': Y["iJpXR"],
'timeout': I
'headers': {
'X-Key': V,
'Accept': "*/*"
this[Y['HQpIg']](W, (O, P, h) => J(h));
} else {
const J = b[p['CnQpI']][p["mwHZH"]][p['OoXTZ']](this['cktough'][p['RMosR']][p["cdqvA"]])[p["zmrLt"]]();
J && this[p['YPnZK']][p["tePDi"]](J, null);
U[p["yVUhK"]] = this[p["YPnZK"]];
} else {
c(q["yBbNL"](q["yBbNL"](q['xEwDY'], this[q['qJZGH']]), q["HVYFG"]));
} catch (V) {
if (p["eXpjG"](p["JUiUY"], p['JUiUY'])) {
} else {
} else {
try {
return Y[Y['vUGiE']](j);
} catch {
return Q;
})[p["oyxHj"]](b => {
if (Y["oihlA"] !== Y["RihlV"]) {
const {
'statusCode': U,
'statusCode': q,
'headers': i,
'rawBody': J
} = b,
I = {
'status': U,
'statusCode': q,
'headers': i,
'rawBody': J
a(null, I, B["decode"](J, this["encoding"]));
} else {
p = C = 64;
}, b => {
const {
'message': U,
'response': q
} = b;
a(U, q, q && B[p['gsqaw']](q[p["FhEjN"]], this[p["RFRMI"]]));
['post'](S, a = () => {}) {
const Y = {
'pLfKc': 'accessSync',
'ddZwC': p['UYJcj'],
'OamBD': "push",
'CLqeE': p["zptFf"],
'bgNwO': "join",
'vEcGs': "logs",
'HCUts': p["GyCOW"],
'IQzDf': function (j, Z, Q, B) {
return p["sgTIG"](j, Z, Q, B);
'HyodB': p["gsqaw"],
'FnWHf': p["xxCGx"],
'FYnHG': p["vzzEN"]
if (p["COyHl"](p["FqyOv"], p['FqyOv'])) {
const j = S["method"] ? S[p["XqpKL"]][p['YiMkm']]() : p["etbIn"];
if (S['body'] && S["headers"] && !S[p["CnQpI"]][p["GPTjE"]] && (S[p["CnQpI"]][p["GPTjE"]] = p["KGaQY"]), S[p['CnQpI']] && delete S["headers"]["Content-Length"], this[p["otPpW"]]() || this[p["pFleU"]]()) {
const Z = {
'X-Surge-Skip-Scripting': false
this[p["otPpW"]]() && this['isNeedRewrite'] && (S[p["CnQpI"]] = S[p["CnQpI"]] || {}, Object[p['jQefX']](S[p["CnQpI"]], Z));
$httpClient[j](S, (Q, B, b) => {
if (p["PGeLw"](p["eOJgE"], "qKXOs")) {
try {
Y[Y["pLfKc"]](j, Z["F_OK"]);
} catch (q) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
p['BiCfK'](!Q, B) && (B[p["xxCGx"]] = b, B[p["OILzj"]] = B["status"]);
p["Artlm"](a, Q, B, b);
} else {
if (this["isQuanX"]()) {
if (p['eXpjG'](p["uxKuS"], p["YflCp"])) {
S["method"] = j;
const Q = {
'hints': false
this[p["dkryr"]] && (S["opts"] = S[p["DSYHW"]] || {}, Object[p["jQefX"]](S[p['DSYHW']], Q));
$task["fetch"](S)["then"](B => {
const {
'statusCode': b,
'statusCode': U,
'headers': q,
'body': i
} = B,
J = {
'status': b,
'statusCode': U,
'headers': q,
'body': i
p["PONzR"](a, null, J, i);
}, B => a(B));
} else {
let b = ['', Y["ddZwC"]];
j && b[Y["OamBD"]](Z);
Q && b[Y["OamBD"]](B);
this[Y["vEcGs"]] = this[Y["vEcGs"]][Y["HCUts"]](b);
} else {
if (p["SzLrO"] === p["iLBMM"]) {
var U = '',
q = 0,
i = I = V = 0;
while (p["aSWQu"](q, E["length"])) {
i = g['charCodeAt'](q);
i < 128 ? (U += r[p['ahFam']](i), q++) : i > 191 && i < 224 ? (D = K["charCodeAt"](p["Dwexk"](q, 1)), U += y[p["ahFam"]](p['jwBsW'](p["VRRCq"](p["QuYWg"](i, 31), 6), p["QuYWg"](H, 63))), q += 2) : (x0 = x1[p["VjGXc"]](p["VjinD"](q, 1)), x2 = x3[p["VjGXc"]](q + 2), U += x4[p["ahFam"]](p["lEwQp"](p["bigyF"](i, 15) << 12 | p["TeveR"](p['OwlMa'](x5, 63), 6), p["XdkAK"](x6, 63))), q += 3);
return U;
} else {
if (this["isNode"]()) {
let U = p['TlowU'](require, p["dpyRy"]);
const {
'url': q,
} = S;
this[p["QWjjK"]][j](q, i)[p['oyxHj']](J => {
const {
'statusCode': I,
'statusCode': V,
'headers': E,
'rawBody': W
} = J,
O = {
'status': I,
'statusCode': V,
'headers': E,
'rawBody': W
Y["IQzDf"](a, null, O, U[Y['HyodB']](W, this["encoding"]));
}, J => {
if (p["kjSki"](p["BIiQy"], p["BIiQy"])) {
!B && b && (U[Y['FnWHf']] = q, i["statusCode"] = J['status']);
I(V, E, W);
} else {
const {
'message': V,
'response': E
} = J;
a(V, E, E && U[p["gsqaw"]](E[p['FhEjN']], this["encoding"]));
} else {
let I = S;
const V = this[Y["FYnHG"]](a);
if (V) {
try {
I = B["parse"](this[Y["FYnHG"]](b));
} catch {}
return I;
[p['gpnqP']](S, a = null) {
if (p["trKFz"]("brNJU", p['VDccZ'])) {
const j = a ? new Date(a) : new Date();
let Z = {
'M+': j[p["eAvjM"]]() + 1,
'd+': j["getDate"](),
'H+': j[p["holXm"]](),
'm+': j[p["xDdDr"]](),
's+': j[p["BhRez"]](),
'q+': Math[p["TvWRe"]]((j['getMonth']() + 3) / 3),
'S': j[p["eORan"]]()
/(y+)/[p["klehG"]](S) && (S = S[p["oxSDa"]](RegExp['$1'], (j[p['vbWqg']]() + '')[p['tqfVj']](p["JXjvz"](4, RegExp['$1'][p["BjSlF"]]))));
for (let Q in Z) new RegExp(p['fVzdw'](p['UAuSH']('(', Q), ')'))[p['klehG']](S) && (S = S["replace"](RegExp['$1'], p['wIaAf'](1, RegExp['$1'][p["BjSlF"]]) ? Z[Q] : p["TzKdY"]('00', Z[Q])["substr"](p["CjPRq"]('', Z[Q])["length"])));
return S;
} else {
return "undefined"(typeof c);
[p["EqCpB"]](S = T, a = '', Y = '', j) {
const Z = {
'EJUwx': p["yglKX"]
Q = B => {
if (p["fbhqs"](p["StGXT"], p['StGXT'])) {
return {};
} else {
if (!B) {
return B;
if (p["DqQSs"](p["xzljc"], typeof B)) {
return this[p["pFleU"]]() ? B : this["isQuanX"]() ? {
'open-url': B
} : this["isSurge"]() ? {
'url': B
} : void 0;
if (p["wIaAf"](p["GbhIY"], typeof B)) {
if (p["oWRuK"](p["iKVwy"], p["YwySq"])) {
if (this[p["pFleU"]]()) {
let U = B["openUrl"] || B[p['PHvoA']] || B[p['YrFOy']],
q = B[p['qHwIR']] || B["media-url"];
const i = {
'openUrl': U,
'mediaUrl': q
return i;
if (this[p["iQFDW"]]()) {
let J = B['open-url'] || B["url"] || B[p["neFMM"]],
I = B[p["AmYlh"]] || B[p["qHwIR"]];
const V = {
'open-url': J,
'media-url': I
return V;
if (this['isSurge']()) {
if (p["oWRuK"]('dWToQ', p['QcLsp'])) {
let E = B[p["PHvoA"]] || B[p['neFMM']] || B[p["YrFOy"]];
const W = {
'url': E
return W;
} else {
return p[Z["EJUwx"]](C);
} else {
if (this[p["wCvXJ"]] || (this[p["otPpW"]]() || this[p["pFleU"]]() ? $notification[p["etbIn"]](S, a, Y, p['MwUVs'](Q, j)) : this[p["iQFDW"]]() && p['DlZAG']($notify, S, a, Y, p['DkbBH'](Q, j))), !this[p["Ofyag"]]) {
if (p["QJAuk"](p["gbJiu"], "YYdDH")) {
let B = ['', p["UYJcj"]];
a && B[p["hVYZM"]](a);
Y && B[p['hVYZM']](Y);
this[p["gIXmD"]] = this[p['gIXmD']]["concat"](B);
} else {
var U = i["charCodeAt"](J);
p['aSWQu'](U, 128) ? e += A["fromCharCode"](U) : U > 127 && p["aSWQu"](U, 2048) ? (k += o[p["ahFam"]](p["lTwok"](p["PWzGA"](U, 6), 192)), g += t[p['ahFam']](p["lEwQp"](p['VmoGf'](U, 63), 128))) : (L += X[p["ahFam"]](p["PWzGA"](U, 12) | 224), m += n["fromCharCode"](p['RQlYQ'](p["dnKxP"](U, 6) & 63, 128)), F += w[p["ahFam"]](p["MuZQP"](p['LUylu'](U, 63), 128)));
[p["TymXe"]]() {
return p["BLLLJ"]("RQyes", "RQyes") ? {} : p["qOijJ"];
[p["zptFf"]](...S) {}
[p["UpyIA"]](S, a) {
if (p["NjfUP"] === p["NjfUP"]) {
const Y = !this[p["otPpW"]]() && !this[p['iQFDW']]() && !this[p["pFleU"]]();
Y ? this[p["zptFf"]]('', '❗️' + this[p["hxvZu"]] + p["PLJvd"], S[p["yObaT"]]) : this['log']('', p["fkDrB"](p["CjPRq"]('❗️', this[p["hxvZu"]]), p['PLJvd']), S);
} else {
return p - C;
[p["imxhs"]]() {
if (p['GlHrm'](p["UiWzb"], p["UiWzb"])) {
return c;
} else {
var S = new FxPCnMKLw7();
return S[p["gsqaw"]](this['fwcaas']());
[p['BkHGP']](S) {
return new Promise(a => setTimeout(a, S));
[p['YOrWi']](S = {}) {
const a = new Date()["getTime"](),
Y = p["JXjvz"](a, this[p["imQKp"]]) / 1000;
this["log"]('', p["uoqhc"](p["uoqhc"](p['uoqhc'](p['EREtS']('🔔', this[p["hxvZu"]]), ", 结束! 🕛 "), Y), ""));
(this[p['otPpW']]() || this[p["iQFDW"]]() || this[p['pFleU']]()) && $done(S);
}(T, c);
马建仓 AI 助手
