(disabled) = (禁用) (65534 units) =台) (32776 units) =台) (16382 units) =台) (8190 units) =台) (4094 units) =台) (2046 units) =台) (1022 units) =台) (510 units) =台) (254 units) =台)
360 speed browser = 360极速浏览器
cpu information = Cpu信息
dns2 cannot be the same as dns1 = DNS2不可与DNS1相同
idc computer room = IDC机房
ip address = IP地址
ip balance distribution = IP均衡分配
ip already exists = IP已存在
ip is empty = Ip为空
mac already exists = MAC已存在
mac is empty = Mac为空
mac address cannot be empty = Mac地址不能为空
ormhelp, isexists parameter (filter) is empty. = OrmHelp, IsExists 参数(filter)为空.
redis service is missing = Redis服务缺失
sql script = SQL脚本
ssd boot = SSD启动
tcp connections = TCP连接数
udp connections = UDP连接数
wegame internet cafe edition = WeGame网吧版
windows system icons = Windows系统图标
api:sign authentication failed = api:sign认证失败
cpu alarm temperature = cpu报警温度
gpu alarm temperature = gpu报警温度
ip address = ip地址
obj must be a pointer = obj 必须为指针
obj type must be string, ptr of obj = obj类型必须为string,obj的ptr
token cannot be empty = token不能为空
token authentication failed = token认证失败
token expired = token过期
top10 process list information = top10进程列表信息
url permission format error = url权限格式错误
value must be a pointer = value 必须为指针
[cloud update] you are logging in to the cloud computer room console. the verification code is 886641, which is valid within 30 minutes. do not disclose the verification code to others. = 【云更新】您正在登录云机房控制台,验证码 886641,30分钟内有效,切勿将验证码泄露于他人。
issue and execute = 下发并执行
downloading = 下载中
downloading (not downloaded, download queue already exists) = 下载中(未下载,已存在下载队列)
download failed (not downloaded, error queue already exists) = 下载失败(未下载,已存在错误队列)
download server ip = 下载服务器ip
download server type = 下载服务器类型
the download server type is windows and cannot be downloaded = 下载服务器类型为windows,不可下载
download index = 下载索引
download path = 下载路径
unsupported export method = 不支持的导出方式
can not be empty = 不能为空
cannot modify the default group = 不能修改默认分组
unlimited speed = 不限速
abnormal connection with idc = 与IDC连接异常
world = 世界
owner = 业主
a = 个
personal disk = 个人磁盘
in = 中
central game data acquisition failed = 中心游戏数据获取失败
the main server did not download resources = 主服未下载资源
motherboard = 主板
the main mirroring service is abnormal and the super management mode cannot be turned on or off. please contact the computer room administrator. = 主镜像服务异常,无法开启或关闭超管模式,请联系机房管理员。
event = 事件
event type = 事件类型
cloud update = 云更新
cloud update password = 云更新密码
cloud update login failure information = 云更新登录失败信息
cloud update login exception = 云更新登录异常
cloud update login status = 云更新登录状态
cloud update account = 云更新账号
cloud current version = 云端当期版本
cloud management console = 云管理控制台
cloud resource center = 云资源中心
switch id = 交换机ID
switch does not exist = 交换机不存在
switch manufacturer does not exist = 交换机厂商不存在
number of switches = 交换机台数
switch model does not exist = 交换机型号不存在
switch object does not exist = 交换机对象不存在
switch already exists = 交换机已存在
switch template file does not exist = 交换机模板文件不存在
switch configuration file is abnormal = 交换机配置文件异常
only allow up to 10 wallpapers to be uploaded = 仅允许最多上传10张壁纸
agency id is missing = 代理商id缺失
mission name = 任务名称
duplicate task name = 任务名称重复
task type = 任务类型
bit = 位
low = 低
use 3d application settings = 使用3D应用程序设置
save wallpaper = 保存壁纸
failed to save the tape drive settings, please edit "tape drive settings" in the server "management" = 保存带机设置失败,请在该服务器“管理”中编辑“带机设置”
save terminal hardware information = 保存终端硬件信息
failed to save restore point = 保存还原点失败
protection port = 保护端口
constant = 保持不变
repair = 修复
repair pnp = 修复PNP
repairing = 修复中
candidate value = 候选值
value does not meet requirements = 值不符合要求
value cannot be nil = 值不能为nil
wrong value type = 值类型错误
stop = 停止
stopping = 停止中
inbound successfully = 入库成功
full screen = 全屏
full screen and window mode = 全屏和窗口模式
full screen mode = 全屏模式
group all = 全部分组
public ip = 公网IP
public network ip = 公网ip
turn off = 关
shutdown = 关机
affiliated merchants = 关联商户
shut down = 关闭
turn off the super tube = 关闭超管
other = 其他
other service groups = 其他服务组
compatible mode udp = 兼容模式UDP
compatible with user mirrored desktop = 兼容用户镜像桌面
ram = 内存
intranet ip = 内网ip
preparing = 准备中
classification icon = 分类图标
grouping = 分组
group id is missing = 分组ID缺失
group id = 分组id
group id is missing = 分组id缺失
number of terminals under group = 分组下终端数量
group affiliated merchants are not empty and cannot be deleted = 分组关联商户不为空,不允许删除
the group associated internet cafe is not empty and cannot be deleted = 分组关联网吧不为空,不允许删除
group name = 分组名称
group name already exists = 分组名称已存在
duplicate group name = 分组名称重复
group permission denied = 分组权限拒绝
group type = 分组类型
resolution = 分辨率
paging source data must be slice pointer = 分页源数据必须为切片指针
the paging source data must be a slice pointer. = 分页源数据必须为切片指针.
creator id = 创建人id
creation time = 创建时间
create source = 创建来源
initialization = 初始化
initialize the database, error: = 初始化数据库,错误:
initializing the database error: = 初始化数据库错误:
delete = 删除
remove pnp = 删除PNP
deleting (downloaded, delete queue already exists) = 删除中(已下载,已存在删除队列)
failed to delete historical binding relationship = 删除历史绑定关系失败
delete time = 删除时间
delete desktop icon = 删除桌面图标
delete game = 删除游戏
delete resource disk = 删除资源磁盘
failed to delete restore point = 删除还原点失败
production failed = 制作失败
successful = 制作成功
failed to refresh merchant security configuration = 刷新商户安全配置失败
refresh method = 刷新方式
refresh the computer room certification information, and the data query fails: = 刷新机房认证信息,查询数据看失败:
refresh the equipment room certification information, and some data is refreshed abnormally = 刷新机房认证信息,部分数据刷新异常
the remaining capacity = 剩余容量
encrypted request response: = 加密请求响应:
action = 动作
action association id = 动作关联id
action related display = 动作关联显示
area = 区
area id = 区域id
zone does not exist = 区域不存在
area name = 区域名称
duplicate area name = 区域名称重复
hua san = 华三
huawei = 华为
number of single machines issued = 单机发包数
factory = 厂家
historical source data = 历史源数据
original terminal name = 原始终端名称
the original scheme is set to "disabled" = 原方案设置为"禁用"
parameter error = 参数错误
release time = 发布时间
the sending time parameter is abnormal = 发送时间参数异常
cancel = 取消
change time = 变更时间
Only supports the combination of numbers, letters, Chinese characters,-or _ or spaces = 只支持数字,字母,汉字,-或_或空格的组合
Only supports the combination of numbers, letters, Chinese characters,-or _ = 只支持数字,字母,汉字,-或_的组合
only supports the combination of numbers, letters and chinese characters = 只支持数字,字母,汉字的组合
Only supports the combination of numbers, letters, _,- = 只支持数字、字母、_、-的组合
Only supports the combination of numbers, letters, Chinese characters, _-, (), and dots = 只支持数字、字母、汉字、_-、()、点的组合
only support chinese characters = 只支持汉字
can handle quantity = 可处理数量
optional startup configuration item name = 可选启动配置项名称
station = 台
synchronizing = 同步中
synchronizing (downloaded, synchronization queue already exists) = 同步中(已下载,已存在同步队列)
name = 名称
start up = 启动
starting = 启动中
start method = 启动方式
the startup method is not currently supported = 启动方式暂不支持
start the game menu minimized = 启动游戏菜单最小化
boot image configuration name = 启动镜像配置名称
employee = 员工
response code = 响应Code
response data: = 响应数据:
response data analysis result: = 响应数据解析结果:
response message = 响应消息
wake = 唤醒
merchant = 商户
merchant id = 商户ID
merchant id = 商户id
merchant id is missing = 商户id缺失
merchant does not exist = 商户不存在
merchant primary key = 商户主键
merchant group id = 商户分组id
business name = 商户名称
number of merchants = 商户数量
merchant account = 商户账号
merchant, group parameter error = 商户,分组参数错误
write back file does not exist = 回写文件不存在
write-back service = 回写服务
write-back service group = 回写服务组
write-back disk = 回写盘
write back limit, calculated by m = 回写限制,按M计
fixed wallpaper can only upload 1 picture = 固定壁纸只能上传1张图片
icon desktop configuration scheme id cannot be empty = 图标 桌面配置方案id不能为空
icon id cannot be empty = 图标id不能为空
icon name = 图标名称
icon name cannot be empty = 图标名称不能为空
duplicate icon name = 图标名称重复
icon address = 图标地址
icon outreach id cannot be empty = 图标外联id不能为空
icon type = 图标类型
icon type cannot be empty = 图标类型不能为空
icon path = 图标路径
online = 在线
number of online terminals = 在线终端数量
address = 地址
block size = 块大小
model = 型号
based on configuration plan id = 基于配置方案id
filling = 填充
high color 16 bit = 增强色16位
wallpaper no. 6 restore point = 壁纸第6号还原点
sound card pnp = 声卡PNP
sound card revision = 声卡修正版本
sound card manufacturer id = 声卡厂商ID
sound card sub version = 声卡子版本
sound card device id = 声卡设备ID
backup time = 备份时间
remarks = 备注
duplicate internet ip = 外网ip重复
subnet mask = 子网掩码
the subnet mask cannot be empty = 子网掩码不能为空
the subnet mask must be a valid ip address = 子网掩码必须为有效的IP地址
field name = 字段名称
character parsing error = 字符解析错误
there are desktop solutions with the same resolution = 存在同分辨率桌面方案
complete = 完全
full coverage = 完全覆盖
carry out = 完成
update docker data regularly, error: = 定时更新docker数据,错误:
client ip = 客户机ip
client cannot be empty = 客户机不能为空
client information does not exist = 客户机信息不存在
client group id = 客户机分组id
client resolution = 客户机分辨率
client name cannot be empty = 客户机名不能为空
client name = 客户机名称
client name cannot be empty = 客户机名称不能为空
client b disk = 客户端B盘
client game effect upload password, default is system = 客户端游戏效果上传密码,默认为system
client game effect switch, 1 is on, the default is 0 = 客户端游戏效果开关,1为开启,默认为0
client super mode password, the default is system = 客户端超级模式密码,默认为system
client mirror (b disk) = 客户端镜像(B盘)
password = 密码
password confirmation = 密码确认
password confirmation cannot be empty = 密码确认不能为空
password at least 6 digits = 密码至少6位
wrong password = 密码错误
in comparison = 对比中
import = 导入
the import scheme is set to "disabled" = 导入方案设置为"禁用"
import terminal mac = 导入终端mac
failed to import image = 导入镜像失败
centered = 居中
tool icon = 工具图标
downloaded = 已下载
stopped = 已停止
synced = 已同步
up to date = 已最新
up-to-date and updated (downloaded, there is no queue) = 已最新、有更新(已下载,不存在任意队列)
cached = 已缓存
blocked by the security center = 已被安全中心拦截
loaded = 已载入
city = 市
city name = 市名称
number of services with machine = 带机服务数量
with machine = 带机量
platform creation = 平台创建
smooth polling distribution = 平滑轮询分配
balance = 平衡
tiled = 平铺
delay = 延迟时间
open = 开
turn on = 开启
turn on the super tube = 开启超管
starting time = 开始时间
boot menu = 开机启动菜单
list of exception containers = 异常容器列表
guide way = 引导方式
there is still boot task data under the current merchant, the merchant cannot be deleted, please clear the boot task first. = 当前商户下还有开机任务数据,不可删除商户,请先清理开机任务。
there is still desktop plan data under the current merchant, the merchant cannot be deleted, please clear the desktop plan first. = 当前商户下还有桌面方案数据,不可删除商户,请先清理桌面方案。
there is still terminal data under the current merchant, the merchant cannot be deleted, please clean the terminal first. = 当前商户下还有终端数据,不可删除商户,请先清理终端。
there are still mirroring configuration data under the current merchant. the merchant cannot be deleted. please clean up the mirroring configuration first. = 当前商户下还有镜像配置数据,不可删除商户,请先清理镜像配置。
the currently filled disk device or mounting path already exists, please modify it. = 当前填写磁盘设备或挂载路径已存在,请修改。
the current client cannot use this mirroring configuration to enable super = 当前客户机不能使用该镜像配置开启超级
it is forbidden to download and update resources in the current period. if you need to operate, please adjust "download settings-time limit speed limit" = 当前时段禁止下载、更新资源,若需操作请调整“下载设置--分时段限速”
there is currently a user who is using this configuration and cannot delete it = 当前有用户正在使用该配置,不可执行删除操作
there are users currently using the mirror, and the delete operation cannot be performed = 当前有用户正在使用该镜像,不可执行删除操作
the current mirror configuration in the computer room has reached the upper limit and cannot be added. please contact the computer room administrator for processing. = 当前机房内镜像配置已达上限,无法新增,请联系机房管理员处理。
the current computer room version is too low to support this function. please upgrade to the latest version of linkwo cloud. = 当前机房版本过低,不支持该功能使用,请升级至领沃云最新版本。
the current mode does not support this function = 当前模式不支持此功能
the current user has no permission to operate this computer room = 当前用户无此机房操作权限
the current resource state cannot perform this operation = 当前资源状态不可执行此操作
when the number of online networks = 当在线网络数量
must be a letter = 必须为字母
must be letters, numbers = 必须为字母、数字
Must be a letter, number,-or _ = 必须为字母、数字、-或_
must be a number = 必须为数字
must be a valid ip address = 必须为有效的IP地址
must be a valid mac address = 必须为有效的MAC地址
must be a valid landline = 必须为有效的固定电话
must be a valid mobile phone number = 必须为有效的手机号码
must be a valid email address = 必须为有效的邮箱地址
must be a valid postal code = 必须是有效的邮政编码
performance = 性能
total disaster recovery quantity = 总灾备数量
restore backup = 恢复备份
you do not have permission to perform this operation = 您没有执行该操作的权限
success = 成功
province and city cannot be empty = 所在省市不能为空
all logs = 所有日志
manual = 手动
manual backup = 手动备份
phone number = 手机号
phone number does not exist = 手机号不存在
phone number parameter is abnormal = 手机号参数异常
carried out = 执行
execution parameters = 执行参数
execute client program = 执行客户端程序
the maximum length of the executable file is 80 = 执行文件最大长度为80
execution directory = 执行目录
execute program = 执行程序
execution program path = 执行程序路径
the extension number parameter is abnormal = 扩展号参数异常
scanning = 扫描中
batch modify terminal = 批量修改终端
batch operation-add desktop icons = 批量操作-添加桌面图标
batch operation-edit desktop icons = 批量操作-编辑桌面图标
can't find computer room = 找不到机房
can't find disk = 找不到磁盘
cannot find disk information = 找不到磁盘信息
stretch = 拉伸
block ip = 拦截IP
block url = 拦截网址
hang on path = 挂在路径
hook lock = 挂机锁
mount path = 挂载路径
the mount path must be an absolute path = 挂载路径必须为绝对路径
authorization expiration time = 授权到期时间
the authorization date cannot be less than the current date = 授权日期不能小于当前日期
sort field parsing error = 排序字段解析错误
sorting source data must be slice pointer = 排序源数据必须为切片指针
the sorting source data must be a slice pointer. = 排序源数据必须为切片指针.
interface address = 接口地址
the receiving end cannot be a terminal = 接收端不能为终端
taking over = 接管中
takeover exception = 接管异常
takeover service = 接管服务
submit = 提交
submit parameter exception = 提交参数异常
submitted successfully = 提交成功
the number of slots cannot be less than the number of game disk configurations = 插槽数量不能小于游戏磁盘配置数量
operating = 操作
operator id = 操作人id
operation failed = 操作失败
operation object = 操作对象
operation log save error: = 操作日志保存错误:
operating time = 操作时间
operating users can only be agents or employees = 操作用户只能是代理商或者员工
operation result = 操作结果
data does not exist = 数据不存在
data encryption failed. = 数据加密失败.
data backup = 数据备份
data already exists = 数据已存在
database host: = 数据库Host:
database backup-delete = 数据库备份-删除
database backup-restore = 数据库备份-恢复
database backup-new backup = 数据库备份-新建备份
database backup-automatic backup settings = 数据库备份-自动备份设置
data decryption failed. = 数据解密失败.
file name = 文件名
file name cannot be empty = 文件名不能为空
disk information of the file system = 文件系统的磁盘信息
file path = 文件路径
new name prefix = 新名称前缀
new password = 新密码
the new password does not match the confirmed password = 新密码和确认密码不一致
invalid = 无效
invalid resource = 无效资源
diskless boot = 无盘启动
diskless multi-system selection time = 无盘多系统选择时间
no zoom = 无缩放
log type = 日志类型
log type error = 日志类型错误
whether to allow the terminal switch to exceed the tube identification = 是否允许终端开关超管标识
whether to synchronize server and terminal time = 是否同步服务器与终端时间
whether to enable forced shutdown = 是否启用强制关机
whether to enable fast shutdown = 是否启用快速关机
whether to enable terminal usbpnp = 是否启用终端USBPNP
whether to enable terminal graphics pnp = 是否启用终端显卡PNP
whether to enable terminal display pnp = 是否启用终端显示器PNP
whether to enable terminal pre-reading = 是否启用终端预读
whether to disable hdmi sound card = 是否禁用HDMI声卡
whether to refresh the disk in advance = 是否驱动中提前刷盘
graphics card = 显卡
graphics pnp = 显卡PNP
graphics card revision = 显卡修正版本
graphics card manufacturer id = 显卡厂商ID
graphics card version = 显卡子版本
graphics device id = 显卡设备ID
monitor = 显示器
normal mode tcp = 普通模式TCP
time out = 暂停
paused = 暂停中
update = 更新
update docker data, error: = 更新docker数据,错误:
updating = 更新中
updating, repairing (downloaded, download queue already exists) = 更新中、修复中(已下载,已存在下载队列)
failed to update information = 更新信息失败
update failure, repair failure (downloaded, error queue already exists) = 更新失败、修复失败(已下载,已存在错误队列)
update time = 更新时间
failed to update server password = 更新服务器密码失败
failed to update terminal name = 更新终端名称失败
best power = 最佳功率
the last restore point cannot be merged = 最后一个还原点不能合并
last login ip = 最后登录ip
last login time = 最后登录时间
max = 最大值
maximum overflow = 最大值溢出
minimum = 最小值
minimum overflow = 最小值溢出
last 10 minutes = 最近10分钟
last day = 最近1天
last hour = 最近1小时
last 7 days = 最近7天
highest performance = 最高性能
effective = 有效
update = 有更新
boot with disk = 有盘启动
limited = 有限
server uuid = 服务器uuid
server master = 服务器主从
server master and slave nodes do not match = 服务器主从节点不匹配
number of servers = 服务器台数
server nickname = 服务器名称
server name-mount path must be unique = 服务器名称-挂载路径必须唯一
server name-disk device must be unique = 服务器名称-磁盘设备必须唯一
server notes = 服务器备注
server is not authorized = 服务器未授权
the server version is too low, please contact the computer room administrator to upgrade and then merge. = 服务器版本过低,请联系机房管理员升级后再合并。
server disabled = 服务器禁用
server offline = 服务器离线
server type = 服务器类型
server authentication key = 服务器认证秘钥
total number of services = 服务总数量
number of services = 服务数量
service group name = 服务组名称
not downloaded = 未下载
not downloaded (not downloaded, there is no queue) = 未下载(未下载,不存在任意队列)
not synced = 未同步
has not started = 未开始
not taken over = 未接管
the corresponding configuration information was not queried = 未查询到对应的配置信息
unknown = 未知
unknown source = 未知来源
terminal information is not obtained = 未获取到终端信息
local hard drive = 本地硬盘
increase in this scan: = 本次扫描增加数量:
machine name = 机器名
machine name prefix = 机器名前缀
engine room = 机房
computer room id = 机房id
computer room id; id separated by comma = 机房id;id逗号分割
the room id cannot be empty = 机房id不能为空
room id is missing = 机房id缺失
the computer room ip cannot be empty = 机房ip不能为空
the computer room uuid is missing = 机房uuid缺失
the computer room does not exist = 机房不存在
computer room area id = 机房区域id
computer room name = 机房名称
duplicate computer room name = 机房名称重复
the unique id of the computer room = 机房唯一id
the current version of the computer room = 机房当前版本
computer room administrator = 机房管理员
computer room type = 机房类型
room type cannot be empty = 机房类型不能为空
computer room is disabled = 机房被禁用
permission denied = 权限拒绝
article = 条
query data abnormal = 查询数据异常
query time range = 查询时间范围
failed to query internet cafe information in the computer room = 查询机房的网吧信息失败
query terminal list, internet cafe id is missing = 查询终端列表,网吧id缺失
failed to query role information = 查询角色信息失败
wrong format = 格式错误
desktop display mode = 桌面展现方式
desktop data permission denied = 桌面数据权限拒绝
desktop solution = 桌面方案
desktop plan id = 桌面方案ID
desktop plan name = 桌面方案名称
duplicate desktop plan name = 桌面方案名称重复
desktop solution source = 桌面方案来源
desktop configuration plan id = 桌面配置方案ID
desktop configuration scheme does not exist = 桌面配置方案不存在
slot = 槽位
slot id = 槽位id
the number of slots cannot be greater than the total number of slots = 槽位不能大于总插槽数量
slot number = 槽位号
duplicate slot = 槽位重复
module = 模块
module name = 模块名称
downloading = 正在下载
making = 正在制作
loading = 正在载入
normal = 正常
this task is not imported = 此任务不导入
this plan does not import = 此方案不导入
this computer = 此电脑
stride = 步长
step error = 步长错误
compare = 比较
no valid verification code = 没有有效验证码
number of registered terminals = 注册终端数
test start failed = 测试启动失败
speed test program is running = 测速程序正在运行
add a desktop configuration scheme, the creator id is missing = 添加桌面配置方案,创建人id缺失
add desktop configuration plan, computer room id is missing = 添加桌面配置方案,机房id缺失
clear mac = 清空mac
empty the delete queue = 清空删除队列
empty icon = 清空图标
empty mobile queue = 清空移动队列
empty the error queue = 清空错误队列
clear mac address = 清除MAC地址
game id cannot be empty = 游戏id不能为空
game icon = 游戏图标
the number of game disk configurations exceeds the limit = 游戏磁盘配置数量超限
game menu = 游戏菜单
source data = 源数据
source data structure = 源数据结构
disaster recovery has been configured = 灾备已配置数量
disaster recovery service = 灾备服务
parent id = 父级id
version number = 版本号
imprint = 版本说明
status = 状态
failed to generate verification code = 生成验证码失败
user = 用户
user id = 用户id
user does not exist = 用户不存在
user main table id = 用户主表id
user information is missing = 用户信息缺失
user name = 用户名称
user type = 用户类型
user type error = 用户类型错误
use = 用途
gaming hotel = 电竞酒店
log in = 登录
login ip = 登录IP
login ip = 登录ip
login failed = 登录失败
login password = 登录密码
login password cannot be empty = 登录密码不能为空
the login password and the confirmed password are inconsistent = 登录密码和确认密码不一致
log saving error: = 登录日志保存错误:
log in time = 登录时间
login server failed = 登录服务器失败
login result = 登录结果
drive letter = 盘符
target ip = 目标IP
target group id = 目标分组ID
destination port = 目标端口
province = 省
province name = 省名称
true color 32 bit = 真彩色32位
insufficient sms margin = 短信余量不足
sms content parsing is abnormal = 短信内容解析异常
sms verification code cannot be empty = 短信验证码不能为空
hard disk = 硬盘
confirm use disk = 确认用途磁盘
disk io usage information = 磁盘IO使用率信息
disk partition = 磁盘分区
free disk space = 磁盘剩余空间
disk pressure = 磁盘压力
disk capacity = 磁盘容量
the disk has been formatted and cannot be re-formatted = 磁盘已被格式化,不能重复格式化
total disk capacity = 磁盘总容量
disk format = 磁盘格式
disk usage is illegal = 磁盘用途不合法
disk device = 磁盘设备
no editing = 禁止编辑
disable = 禁用
disable standby = 禁用待机
disable diskless = 禁用无盘
offline = 离线
offline network card = 离线网卡
mobile = 移动
moving (downloaded, mobile queue already exists) = 移动中(已下载,已存在移动队列)
move failed = 移动失败
the maximum length of the program name is 10 = 程序名称最大长度为10
window name = 窗口名称
window name already exists = 窗口名称已存在
download now = 立即下载
port ip = 端口Ip
port number = 端口序号
port application failed = 端口申请失败
the third party has disk or no disk, and cannot close the super = 第三方有盘或无盘 不能关闭超级
the third party has a disk or does not have a disk and cannot open the super = 第三方有盘或无盘 不能开启超级
wait = 等待
waiting = 等待中
waiting to be deleted = 等待删除
waiting for comparison = 等待对比
waiting to submit = 等待提交
simple string types cannot contain characters, = 简单字符串类型不能包含字符,
constraint type = 约束类型
aspect ratio = 纵横比
termination = 终止
terminal: whether to enable temperature monitoring. 1 means enable = 终端:是否启用温度监控.1表示启用
terminal: whether to hide disk b, 1 means hidden, if not set, the default is 0 = 终端:是否隐藏B盘,1表示隐藏,未设置默认为0
terminal mac = 终端mac
terminal does not exist = 终端不存在
terminal information is missing = 终端信息缺失
terminal grouping = 终端分组
terminal group id = 终端分组id
number of terminals = 终端台数
terminal name = 终端名
terminal name = 终端名称
duplicate terminal name = 终端名称重复
terminal online = 终端在线
basic terminal information is missing = 终端基本信息缺失
failed to obtain basic terminal information = 终端基本信息获取失败
the terminal is in super mode = 终端处于超管模式
terminal is in super mode = 终端处于超级模式
the terminal is already in super mode = 终端已处于超级模式
number of terminals = 终端数量
the number of terminals cannot be empty = 终端数量不能为空
the terminal is not in super mode = 终端未处于超管模式
terminal drive letter = 终端盘符
terminal hardware information = 终端硬件信息
terminal offline = 终端离线
the terminal cannot be shut down when offline = 终端离线不能执行关机操作
the terminal cannot be restarted when it is offline = 终端离线不能执行重启操作
failed to bind role = 绑定角色失败
end = 结束
end time = 结束时间
result = 结果
statistics service = 统计服务
carry on = 继续
continue downloading = 继续下载
cache size = 缓存大小
cache settings = 缓存设置
cache reads = 缓存读取量
edit = 编辑
failed to edit mirror = 编辑镜像失败
missing port ip parameter = 缺少端口IP参数
missing port number and ip parameters = 缺少端口序号、IP参数
gateway = 网关
network card = 网卡
network card pnp = 网卡PNP
network card revision = 网卡修正版本
nic vendor id = 网卡厂商ID
network card version = 网卡子版本
nic device id = 网卡设备ID
netizens upload = 网友上传
internet cafe = 网吧
internet cafe id = 网吧Id
internet cafe id = 网吧id
internet cafe id; = 网吧id;
internet cafe id cannot be empty = 网吧id不能为空
internet cafe id is missing = 网吧id缺失
internet cafe id acquisition failed = 网吧id获取失败
internet cafe name = 网吧名称
duplicate internet cafe name = 网吧名称重复
internet cafe already exists and cannot be created = 网吧已存在,不可新建
internet cafe permission denied = 网吧权限拒绝
duplicate internet cafe account = 网吧账号重复
url already exists = 网址已存在
website link icon = 网站链接图标
network io information = 网络IO信息
the maximum length of the page name is 10 = 网页名称最大长度为10
the maximum length of the web page address is 80 = 网页地址最大长度为80
web address format is wrong = 网页地址格式错误
set at the end = 置底
top = 置顶
translation test = 翻译测试
automatic = 自动
automatic allocation = 自动分配
automatic equalization (recommended) = 自动均衡(推荐)
automatic backup = 自动备份
automatic log-in = 自动登录
custom icon = 自定义图标
custom icon cannot be empty = 自定义图标不能为空
adaptive = 自适应
select at least one piece of data to delete = 至少选择一条数据删除
select at least one data operation = 至少选择一条数据操作
range exceeded = 范围超限
failed to get ip = 获取Ip失败
failed to get oid data = 获取Oid数据失败
failed to obtain vlan data = 获取Vlan数据失败
failed to get agentid = 获取agentId失败
failed to obtain information = 获取信息失败
failed to get a single download data = 获取单条下载数据失败
failed to obtain online duration data = 获取在线时长数据失败
failed to get password = 获取密码失败
failed to get the database backup list: = 获取数据库备份列表失败:
failed to obtain automatic database backup information: = 获取数据库自动备份信息失败:
failed to obtain server ip = 获取服务器IP失败
failed to obtain basic server information = 获取服务器基本信息失败
failed to obtain the total memory of the server = 获取服务器总内存失败
failed to get the list of internet cafes in the computer room = 获取机房下的网吧列表失败
failed to get port data = 获取端口数据失败
failed to obtain terminal information = 获取终端信息失败
failed to obtain basic terminal information = 获取终端基本信息失败
get request parameter exception = 获取请求参数异常
get the mirror configuration path information is empty = 获取镜像配置路径信息为空
get verification code = 获取验证码
overwrite original task = 覆盖原任务
overwrite the original plan = 覆盖原方案
whether the rule is valid = 规则是否有效
role id is missing = 角色ID缺失
role id = 角色id
role name = 角色名称
duplicate role name = 角色名称重复
role description = 角色描述
role type = 角色类型
failed to parse oid data = 解析Oid数据失败
parse network port rate error = 解析网口速率错误
authentication failed = 认证失败
set up = 设置
failed to get the value type of the setting item = 设置项值类型获取失败
setting item constraint acquisition failed = 设置项约束获取失败
the protection process already exists = 该保护进程已存在
the same startup task already exists under this merchant = 该商户下已存在相同的开机任务
the interception process md5 already exists = 该拦截进程MD5已存在
the interception process already exists = 该拦截进程已存在
the account is already logged in from elsewhere = 该账号已从其他地方登录
this account has been disabled! = 该账号已禁用!
this mirroring configuration scheme has enabled the super-pipe mode, so you can't repeat the selection for now! = 该镜像配置方案已开启超管模式,暂不可重复选择!
address = 详细地址
please upload files = 请上传文件
request server failed = 请求server失败
request parameter cannot be empty = 请求参数不能为空
request data: = 请求数据:
total read = 读取总量
account number = 账号
duplicate account = 账号重复
quality = 质量
number of resources = 资源个数
resource size; unit kb = 资源大小;单位KB
resource service = 资源服务
resource service group = 资源服务组
resource disk = 资源盘
start ip = 起始Ip
starting a new number = 起始新编号
starting number = 起始编号
number of supertube machines = 超管机器数量
super pipe mode is using this configuration and cannot be deleted = 超管模式正在使用此配置,不能删除
super high = 超高
cross-region = 跨区
path = 路径
number of routers = 路由器台数
failed to load = 载入失败
running = 运行中
nearly 10 minutes = 近10分钟
last day = 近1天
nearly 1 hour = 近1小时
nearly 4 hours = 近4小时
restore point id = 还原点id
restore point name = 还原点名称
restore point notes = 还原点备注
restore point data does not exist = 还原点数据不存在
base; 10, 16 = 进制;10,16
no progress = 进度不存在
progress indicator = 进度标识
progress disappeared = 进度消失
progress type = 进度类型
process id = 进程id
process or driver name = 进程或驱动名称
the process or driver name is not a valid windows name = 进程或驱动名称不是有效的windows名称
process path = 进程路径
the process path is not a complete windows path = 进程路径不是完整的windows路径
the process path is not a valid windows path = 进程路径不是有效的windows路径
remote control = 远程控制
exit the platform = 退出平台
adapt = 适应
comma separated = 逗号分割
general service = 通用服务
general settings = 通用设置
mailbox = 邮箱
partial synchronization = 部分同步
configuration = 配置
configuration id = 配置id
configuration occupied size = 配置占用大小
configuration name = 配置名称
duplicate configuration name = 配置名称重复
configuration quantity = 配置数量
configuration plan id is missing = 配置方案id缺失
duplicate configuration scheme name = 配置方案名称重复
reboot = 重启
restarting = 重启中
restart terminal = 重启终端
restart process = 重启进程
rename import task = 重命名导入任务
rename import scheme = 重命名导入方案
duplicate resources = 重复资源
reset local resource ctr = 重置本地资源点击率
lock time = 锁定时间
ruijie = 锐捷
error = 错误
wrong operation = 错误操作
error is undefined = 错误未定义
error state = 错误状态
error length = 错误长度
key description = 键描述
keyboard = 键盘
mirror id = 镜像ID
mirror id = 镜像id
mirror id is missing = 镜像id缺失
mirror deletion failed = 镜像删除失败
mirror name = 镜像名
image name = 镜像名称
mirror name, used to delete parameters = 镜像名称,用于删除传参
mirror capacity = 镜像容量
total mirror size = 镜像总大小
mirroring service = 镜像服务
mirror service group = 镜像服务组
mirror state = 镜像状态
mirror disk = 镜像盘
mirror configuration = 镜像配置
failed to obtain the image configuration id = 镜像配置id获取失败
mirror configuration failed to bind internet cafe = 镜像配置绑定网吧失败
tunnel ip = 隧道ip
the tunnel address is illegal = 隧道地址不合法
tunnel port = 隧道端口
cluster global settings = 集群全局设置
need to hang = 需要挂盘
service sector statistics to be obtained = 需要获取的服务板块统计数据
not available during download = 非下载中不可操作
non-central resources = 非中心资源
non-agents or employees cannot add groups = 非代理商或员工不可添加分组
non-deactivated status, cannot be deleted = 非停用状态,不能执行删除
illegal disk type prohibits editing = 非法磁盘类型禁止编辑
illegal request = 非法请求
non-running container name = 非运行中容器名称
page = 页面
pre-comparison = 预对比
lead wo cloud account = 领沃云账号
lingwo cloud remote assistance tool.exe = 领沃云远程协助工具.exe
driver version id = 驱动版本ID
verification failed = 验证不通过
verification code = 验证码
failed to send verification code = 验证码发送失败
failed to send verification code: = 验证码发送失败:
the verification code is sent too frequently, please try again in 5 minutes! = 验证码发送过于频繁,请5分钟后重试!
verification code type = 验证码类型
verification code error = 验证码错误
high = 高
high performance = 高性能
high quality = 高质量
default = 默认
defaults = 默认值
default group = 默认分组
default area = 默认区域
default allocation = 默认配置
the default configuration does not allow modification = 默认配置不允许修改
the default configuration does not allow deletion = 默认配置不允许删除
the default configuration cannot enable super = 默认配置不能开启超级
default mirror = 默认镜像
mouse = 鼠标
%d data backup files = %d个数据备份档案
%d days %d hours %d minutes = %d天%d时%d分
%s cannot perform %s operation = %s 不能执行 %s 操作
%s Disk IO is too high = %s 磁盘IO过高
%s insufficient disk space = %s 磁盘空间不足
%s error: %s = %s 错误: %s
%s is not allowed to delete = %s不允许删除
%s format must be a resource disk = %s格式必须为资源盘
%s, has been running for %d days, %d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds = %s,已运行 %d天 %d小时 %d分钟 %d秒
IO pressure ≥95%, or occupancy rate is greater than ≥95% Disk = IO压力≥95%,或占用率大于≥95% 磁盘
uuid:%s, mirror configuration production, storage failure, data: %+v, error: %v = uuid:%s,镜像配置制作,入库失败,数据:%+v,错误:%v
uuid:%s, failed to create mirror configuration, the number of attempts has reached the maximum, data: %+v = uuid:%s,镜像配置制作失败,尝试次数已达最大,数据:%+v
uuid:%s, mirror configuration creation failed, progress acquisition failed, data: %+v, error: %+v = uuid:%s,镜像配置制作失败,进度获取失败,数据:%+v,错误:%+v
uuid:%s, the progress of mirror configuration production is being obtained, the number of times is: %d, the Internet cafe ID: %d, the data: %+v = uuid:%s,镜像配置制作进度获取中,次数为:%d,网吧ID:%d,数据:%+v
[Cloud Update] You are changing the login password of the cloud computer room console. Verification code: %s, valid within 30 minutes, do not disclose the verification code to others. = 【云更新】您正在更改云机房控制台登录密码,验证码:%s,30分钟内有效,切勿将验证码泄露于他人。
[Cloud Update] You are logging in to the cloud computer room console, the verification code: %s, valid within 30 minutes, do not disclose the verification code to others. = 【云更新】您正在登录云机房控制台,验证码:%s,30分钟内有效,切勿将验证码泄露于他人。
[Cloudlink Diskless] Verification code: %s, you are changing the login password of the Cloudlink Diskless Console. It is valid within 30 minutes. Do not disclose the verification code to others. = 【云领无盘】验证码:%s,您正在更改云领无盘控制台登录密码,30分钟内有效,切勿将验证码泄露于他人。
[Cloudlink Diskless] Verification code: %s, you are logging in to the Cloudlink Diskless Console. It will be valid within 30 minutes. Do not disclose the verification code to others. = 【云领无盘】验证码:%s,您正在登录云领无盘控制台,30分钟内有效,切勿将验证码泄露于他人。
[Lingwo Cloud] Verification code: %s, you are changing the login password of the cloud computer room console, which is valid within 30 minutes. Do not disclose the verification code to others. = 【领沃云】验证码:%s,您正在更改云机房控制台登录密码,30分钟内有效,切勿将验证码泄露于他人。
[Lingwo Cloud] Verification code: %s, you are logging in to the Lingwo Cloud console and it will be valid within 30 minutes. Do not disclose the verification code to others. = 【领沃云】验证码:%s,您正在登录领沃云控制台,30分钟内有效,切勿将验证码泄露于他人。
Download path: %s. = 下载路径:%s.
Unsupported base type: %s = 不支持的进制类型:%s
Failed to save user permissions Redis: %s. = 保存用户权限Redis失败:%s.
Missing grouping: %d = 分组缺失:%d
Paging error: %s = 分页错误:%s
Internet cafe [%d] resource cache deleted successfully = 删除网吧[%d]资源缓存成功
Failed to delete Internet cafe resource cache: %s = 删除网吧资源缓存失败:%s
Refresh user permissions and delete Redis data failed: %s. = 刷新用户权限,删除Redis数据失败:%s.
Refresh user permissions, database query failed: %s. = 刷新用户权限,查询数据库失败:%s.
Failure: %s = 失败:%s
Number of clients: %d\n = 客户机数量:%d\n
Operation prohibited in container %s = 容器%s中,禁止操作
Start network speed test, unknown status code: %d = 开始网络测速,未知状态码:%d
Number of boot tasks: %d\n = 开机任务数量:%d\n
Sorting failed: %s = 排序失败:%s
The sort field is parsed incorrectly, the sort command only supports: %s, %s = 排序字段解析错误,排序指令只支持:%s,%s
Operation log %s.csv = 操作日志%s.csv
Quantity: %v = 数量:%v
The maximum is %v = 最大为%v
The maximum length is %v = 最大长度为%v
The minimum is %v = 最小为%v
The minimum length is %v = 最小长度为%v
Server: %s %s provides takeover service = 服务器:%s %s 提供接管服务
The number of registered terminals of this merchant %d can also add %d = 本商户注册终端数%d台还可添加%d台
The number of registered terminals in this merchant is %d. This time, %d terminals can be imported. The current import file %d has exceeded the limit. Please edit and try again. = 本商户注册终端数%d台,本次可导入终端%d台,当前导入文件%d台已超出限制,请编辑后重试。
This time a total of %s %d %s, success %d %s, failure %d %s, reason analysis: %s = 本次共计%s %d %s,成功 %d %s,失败 %d %s,原因分析:%s
Uuid does not exist in the computer room: %s = 机房不存在uuid:%s
Computer room server is offline or not connected: %s = 机房服务器离线或未连接:%s
Computer room resource refresh timer: %s = 机房资源刷新定时器:%s
Computer room resource refresh timer exited abnormally: %v = 机房资源刷新定时器异常退出:%v
Redis read failed to query user permissions: %s. = 查询用户权限Redis读取失败:%s.
Desktop plan: %d, number of icons: %d, number of wallpapers: %d\n = 桌面方案:%d ,图标数量:%d,壁纸数量:%d\n
Number of desktop plans: %d\n = 桌面方案数量:%d\n
%S automatically backs up the database to %s every day = 每天%s自动备份数据库至%s
The number of registered terminals %d is less than the current total number of terminals %d. = 注册终端数%d台小于当前终端总数%d台。
Empty delete queue error: %d = 清空删除队列错误:%d
Error emptying mobile queue: %d = 清空移动队列错误:%d
Error emptying error queue: %d = 清空错误队列错误:%d
Game id: %d, delete failed node: = 游戏id:%d,删除失败的节点:
Login log %s.csv = 登录日志%s.csv
The number of TCP connections on the terminal %s (%s) has reached the upper limit = 终端%s(%s)TCP连接数已达上限
The number of UDP connections on the terminal %s (%s) has reached the upper limit = 终端%s(%s)UDP连接数已达上限
Terminal %s (%s) protection process %s (%s) was closed abnormally = 终端%s(%s)保护进程%s(%s)被异常关闭
Terminal %s (%s) has reached the upper limit of the number of single-machine sending packages = 终端%s(%s)单机发包数已达上限
Terminal %s (%s) has been defended against ARP attacks = 终端%s(%s)已防御ARP攻击
Terminal %s (%s) access is disabled. IP address %s has been blocked = 终端%s(%s)访问禁用IP地址%s已拦截
Terminal %s (%s) access disabled window %s has been blocked = 终端%s(%s)访问禁用窗口%s已拦截
Terminal %s (%s) access disabled port %s has been blocked = 终端%s(%s)访问禁用端口%s已拦截
Terminal %s (%s) access to prohibited URL %s has been blocked = 终端%s(%s)访问禁用网址%s已拦截
Terminal: %s, restore point: %s = 终端:%s,还原点:%s
The terminal name number is out of range, please modify it to be between 001-%d. = 终端名称编号超出范围,请修改为001-%d之间。
Internet cafe [%d], resource refresh successfully = 网吧[%d],资源刷新成功
Internet cafe [%d] resource refresh failed: %s = 网吧[%d]资源刷新失败:%s
Internet cafe: %d\n = 网吧:%d\n
Network speed test query result, unknown error code: %d = 网络测速查询结果,未知错误码:%d
Range is %v to %v = 范围为%v到%v
Redis read failed to obtain user permissions: %s. = 获取用户权限Redis读取失败:%s.
Failed to obtain resources from Internet cafe %d: %s = 获取网吧%d 资源失败:%s
Get Internet cafe [%d] resources, hit cache = 获取网吧[%d]资源,命中缓存
The process (%s) has added a boot task = 该进程(%s)已添加开机任务
Resource disk format must be %s = 资源盘格式必须为%s
The length must be %v = 长度必须为%v
Failed to generate verification code: %s = 验证码生成失败:%s
The verification code type is wrong: %d = 验证码类型有误:%d
[Cloudlink Diskless] Verification code: %s, thank you for registering Cloudlink Diskless. We will serve you wholeheartedly. This verification code is valid within 30 minutes. = 【云领无盘】验证码:%s,感谢您注册云领无盘,我们将竭诚为您服务,此验证码30分钟内有效。
Shanghai Province = 上海省
Cancel takeover = 取消接管
Only supports combination of numbers and letters = 只支持数字、字母组合
Sichuan Province = 四川省
Captcha = 图形验证码
Graphic verification code key = 图形验证码key
Graphic verification code error = 图形验证码错误
Shandong Province = 山东省
Guangdong Province = 广东省
Must be a combination of numbers, letters, Chinese characters,-or _ = 必须是数字,字母,汉字,-或_的组合
Must be a combination of numbers, letters, and Chinese characters = 必须是数字,字母,汉字的组合
Must be a valid mac address = 必须是有效的mac地址
Takeover: %s = 接管:%s
Jiangsu Province = 江苏省
Hebei Province = 河北省
Zhejiang Province = 浙江省
Hubei Province = 湖北省
Hunan Province = 湖南省
Disaster recovery management-takeover, cancel takeover = 灾备管理-接管、取消接管
percentage = 百分比
SMS verification code = 短信验证码
Fujian Province = 福建省
Terminal alias = 终端别名
Internet cafe administrator rights = 网吧管理员权限
Failed to obtain monitoring data = 获取监控数据失败
Failed to obtain the role of Internet cafe administrator = 获取网吧管理员角色失败
Account has been registered = 账号已被注册
Collection terminal blue screen failure = 采集终端蓝屏故障
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。