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rtcm3.c 30.00 KB
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Anna Catherine 提交于 2024-10-12 04:56 . SPP选星算法VS2022工程文件
#include "rtcm.h"
/* constants -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
#define PRUNIT_GPS 299792.458 /* rtcm ver.3 unit of gps pseudorange (m) */
#define PRUNIT_GLO 599584.916 /* rtcm ver.3 unit of glonass pseudorange (m) */
#define RANGE_MS (CLIGHT*0.001) /* range in 1 ms */
#define P2_10 0.0009765625 /* 2^-10 */
#define P2_34 5.820766091346740E-11 /* 2^-34 */
#define P2_46 1.421085471520200E-14 /* 2^-46 */
#define P2_59 1.734723475976810E-18 /* 2^-59 */
#define P2_66 1.355252715606880E-20 /* 2^-66 */
/* type definition -----------------------------------------------------------*/
typedef struct { /* multi-signal-message header type */
unsigned char iod; /* 数据站发行版本号 */
unsigned char time_s; /* 累计数据传输时间 */
unsigned char clk_str; /* 时钟控制指示器 */
unsigned char clk_ext; /* 外部时钟指示器 */
unsigned char smooth; /* 无偏差平滑指示器 */
unsigned char tint_s; /* 平滑间隔 */
unsigned char nsat, nsig; /* 卫星数和卫星号 */
unsigned char sats[64]; /* 卫星数组 */
unsigned char sigs[32]; /* 信号数组 */
unsigned char cellmask[64]; /* cell mask */
} msm_h_t;
/* msm signal id table -------------------------------------------------------*/
const char* msm_sig_gps[32] = {
/* GPS: ref [13] table 3.5-87, ref [14][15] table 3.5-91 */
"" ,"1C","1P","1W","1Y","1M","" ,"2C","2P","2W","2Y","2M", /* 1-12 */
"" ,"" ,"2S","2L","2X","" ,"" ,"" ,"" ,"5I","5Q","5X", /* 13-24 */
"" ,"" ,"" ,"" ,"" ,"1S","1L","1X" /* 25-32 */
const char* msm_sig_gal[32] = {
/* Galileo: ref [15] table 3.5-100 */
"" ,"1C","1A","1B","1X","1Z","" ,"6C","6A","6B","6X","6Z",
"" ,"7I","7Q","7X","" ,"8I","8Q","8X","" ,"5I","5Q","5X",
"" ,"" ,"" ,"" ,"" ,"" ,"" ,""
const char* msm_sig_cmp[32] = {
/* BeiDou: ref [15] table 3.5-106 */
"" ,"1I","1Q","1X","" ,"" ,"" ,"6I","6Q","6X","" ,"" ,
"" ,"7I","7Q","7X","" ,"" ,"" ,"" ,"" ,"" ,"" ,"" ,
"" ,"" ,"" ,"" ,"" ,"" ,"" ,""
/* get sign-magnitude bits ---------------------------------------------------*/
static double getbitg(const unsigned char* buff, int pos, int len)
double value = getbitu(buff, pos + 1, len - 1);
return getbitu(buff, pos, 1) ? -value : value;
/* adjust weekly rollover of gps time ----------------------------------------*/
static void adjweek(rtcm_t* rtcm, double tow) {
double tow_p;
int week;
/* if no time, get cpu time */
if (rtcm->time.time == 0) {
rtcm->time = utc2gpst(timeget());
rtcm->time.time = rtcm->time.time - 7 * 2 * 24 * 3600;
tow_p = time2gpst(rtcm->time, &week);
if (tow < tow_p - 302400.0) tow += 604800.0;
else if (tow > tow_p + 302400.0) tow -= 604800.0;
rtcm->time = gpst2time(week, tow);
/* adjust weekly rollover of bdt time ----------------------------------------*/
static int adjbdtweek(int week)
int w;
(void)time2bdt(gpst2bdt(utc2gpst(timeget())), &w);
if (w < 1) w = 1; /* use 2006/1/1 if time is earlier than 2006/1/1 */
return week + (w - week + 512) / 1024 * 1024;
/* adjust daily rollover of glonass time -------------------------------------*/
static void adjday_glot(rtcm_t* rtcm, double tod)
gtime_t time;
double tow, tod_p;
int week;
if (rtcm->time.time == 0) rtcm->time = utc2gpst(timeget());
time = timeadd(gpst2utc(rtcm->time), 10800.0); /* glonass time */
tow = time2gpst(time, &week);
tod_p = fmod(tow, 86400.0); tow -= tod_p;
if (tod < tod_p - 43200.0) tod += 86400.0;
else if (tod > tod_p + 43200.0) tod -= 86400.0;
time = gpst2time(week, tow + tod);
rtcm->time = utc2gpst(timeadd(time, -10800.0));
/* adjust carrier-phase rollover ---------------------------------------------*/
static double adjcp(rtcm_t* rtcm, int sat, int freq, double cp)
if (rtcm->cp[sat - 1][freq] == 0.0);
else if (cp < rtcm->cp[sat - 1][freq] - 750.0) cp += 1500.0;
else if (cp > rtcm->cp[sat - 1][freq] + 750.0) cp -= 1500.0;
rtcm->cp[sat - 1][freq] = cp;
return cp;
/* loss-of-lock indicator ----------------------------------------------------*/
static int lossoflock(rtcm_t* rtcm, int sat, int freq, int lock)
int lli = (!lock && !rtcm->lock[sat - 1][freq]) || lock < rtcm->lock[sat - 1][freq];
rtcm->lock[sat - 1][freq] = (unsigned short)lock;
return lli;
/* s/n ratio -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
static unsigned char snratio(double snr)
return (unsigned char)(snr <= 0.0 || 255.5 <= snr ? 0.0 : snr * 4.0 + 0.5);
/* get observation data index ------------------------------------------------*/
static int obsindex(obs_t* obs, gtime_t time, int sat)
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < obs->n; i++) {
if (obs->data[i].sat == sat) return i; /* field already exists */
if (i >= MAXOBS) return -1; /* overflow */
/* add new field */
obs->data[i].time = time;
obs->data[i].sat = sat;
for (j = 0; j < NFREQ + NEXOBS; j++) {
obs->data[i].L[j] = obs->data[i].P[j] = 0.0;
obs->data[i].D[j] = 0.0;
obs->data[i].SNR[j] = obs->data[i].LLI[j] = obs->data[i].code[j] = 0;
return i;
/* test station id consistency -----------------------------------------------*/
static int test_staid(rtcm_t* rtcm, int staid)
char* p;
int type, id;
/* test station id option */
if ((p = strstr(rtcm->opt, "-STA=")) && sscanf(p, "-STA=%d", &id) == 1) {
if (staid != id) return 0;
/* save station id */
if (rtcm->staid == 0 || rtcm->obsflag) {
rtcm->staid = staid;
else if (staid != rtcm->staid) {
type = getbitu(rtcm->buff, 24, 12);
trace(2, "rtcm3 %d staid invalid id=%d %d\n", type, staid, rtcm->staid);
/* reset station id if station id error */
rtcm->staid = 0;
return 0;
return 1;
/* get signed 38bit field ----------------------------------------------------*/
static double getbits_38(const unsigned char* buff, int pos)
return (double)getbits(buff, pos, 32) * 64.0 + getbitu(buff, pos + 32, 6);
/* decode type 1019: GPS ephemerides -----------------------------------------*/
static int decode_type1019(rtcm_t* rtcm)
eph_t eph = { 0 };
double toc, sqrtA, tt;
char* msg;
int i = 24 + 12, prn, sat, week, sys = SYS_GPS;
if (i + 476 <= rtcm->len * 8) {
prn = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 6); i += 6;
week = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 10); i += 10;
eph.sva = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 4); i += 4;
eph.code = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 2); i += 2;
eph.idot = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 14) * P2_43 * SC2RAD; i += 14;
eph.iode = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8;
toc = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 16) * 16.0; i += 16;
eph.f2 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 8) * P2_55; i += 8;
eph.f1 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16) * P2_43; i += 16;
eph.f0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 22) * P2_31; i += 22;
eph.iodc = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 10); i += 10;
eph.crs = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16) * P2_5; i += 16;
eph.deln = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16) * P2_43 * SC2RAD; i += 16;
eph.M0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32) * P2_31 * SC2RAD; i += 32;
eph.cuc = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16) * P2_29; i += 16;
eph.e = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 32) * P2_33; i += 32;
eph.cus = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16) * P2_29; i += 16;
sqrtA = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 32) * P2_19; i += 32;
eph.toes = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 16) * 16.0; i += 16;
eph.cic = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16) * P2_29; i += 16;
eph.OMG0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32) * P2_31 * SC2RAD; i += 32;
eph.cis = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16) * P2_29; i += 16;
eph.i0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32) * P2_31 * SC2RAD; i += 32;
eph.crc = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16) * P2_5; i += 16;
eph.omg = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32) * P2_31 * SC2RAD; i += 32;
eph.OMGd = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 24) * P2_43 * SC2RAD; i += 24;
eph.tgd[0] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 8) * P2_31; i += 8;
eph.svh = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 6); i += 6;
eph.flag = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1;
eph.fit = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1) ? 0.0 : 4.0; /* 0:4hr,1:>4hr */
else {
return -1;
if (prn >= 40) {
sys = SYS_SBS; prn += 80;
if (rtcm->outtype) {
msg = rtcm->msgtype + strlen(rtcm->msgtype);
sprintf(msg, " prn=%2d iode=%3d iodc=%3d week=%d toe=%6.0f toc=%6.0f svh=%02X",
prn, eph.iode, eph.iodc, week, eph.toes, toc, eph.svh);
if (!(sat = satno(sys, prn))) {
trace(2, "rtcm3 1019 satellite number error: prn=%d\n", prn);
return -1;
eph.sat = sat;
eph.week = adjgpsweek(week);
if (rtcm->time.time == 0) rtcm->time = utc2gpst(timeget());
tt = timediff(gpst2time(eph.week, eph.toes), rtcm->time);
if (tt < -302400.0) eph.week++;
else if (tt >= 302400.0) eph.week--;
eph.toe = gpst2time(eph.week, eph.toes);
eph.toc = gpst2time(eph.week, toc);
eph.ttr = rtcm->time;
eph.A = sqrtA * sqrtA;
if (!strstr(rtcm->opt, "-EPHALL")) {
if (eph.iode == rtcm->nav.eph[sat - 1].iode) return 0; /* unchanged */
rtcm->nav.eph[sat - 1] = eph;
rtcm->ephsat = sat;
//rtcm->ephset = 0;
return 2;
/* decode type 1046: Galileo I/NAV satellite ephemerides ---------------------*/
static int decode_type1046(rtcm_t* rtcm)
eph_t eph = { 0 };
double toc, sqrtA, tt;
char* msg;
int i = 24 + 12, prn, sat, week, e5b_hs, e5b_dvs, e1_hs, e1_dvs, sys = SYS_GAL;
if (strstr(rtcm->opt, "-GALFNAV")) return 0;
if (i + 492 <= rtcm->len * 8) {
prn = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 6); i += 6;
week = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 12); i += 12;
eph.iode = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 10); i += 10;
eph.sva = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8;
eph.idot = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 14) * P2_43 * SC2RAD; i += 14;
toc = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 14) * 60.0; i += 14;
eph.f2 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 6) * P2_59; i += 6;
eph.f1 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 21) * P2_46; i += 21;
eph.f0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 31) * P2_34; i += 31;
eph.crs = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16) * P2_5; i += 16;
eph.deln = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16) * P2_43 * SC2RAD; i += 16;
eph.M0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32) * P2_31 * SC2RAD; i += 32;
eph.cuc = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16) * P2_29; i += 16;
eph.e = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 32) * P2_33; i += 32;
eph.cus = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16) * P2_29; i += 16;
sqrtA = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 32) * P2_19; i += 32;
eph.toes = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 14) * 60.0; i += 14;
eph.cic = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16) * P2_29; i += 16;
eph.OMG0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32) * P2_31 * SC2RAD; i += 32;
eph.cis = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16) * P2_29; i += 16;
eph.i0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32) * P2_31 * SC2RAD; i += 32;
eph.crc = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16) * P2_5; i += 16;
eph.omg = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32) * P2_31 * SC2RAD; i += 32;
eph.OMGd = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 24) * P2_43 * SC2RAD; i += 24;
eph.tgd[0] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 10) * P2_32; i += 10; /* E5a/E1 */
eph.tgd[1] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 10) * P2_32; i += 10; /* E5b/E1 */
e5b_hs = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 2); i += 2; /* E5b OSHS */
e5b_dvs = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; /* E5b OSDVS */
e1_hs = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 2); i += 2; /* E1 OSHS */
e1_dvs = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; /* E1 OSDVS */
else {
trace(2, "rtcm3 1046 length error: len=%d\n", rtcm->len);
return -1;
trace(4, "decode_type1046: prn=%d iode=%d toe=%.0f\n", prn, eph.iode, eph.toes);
if (rtcm->outtype) {
msg = rtcm->msgtype + strlen(rtcm->msgtype);
sprintf(msg, " prn=%2d iode=%3d week=%d toe=%6.0f toc=%6.0f hs=%d %d dvs=%d %d",
prn, eph.iode, week, eph.toes, toc, e5b_hs, e1_hs, e5b_dvs, e1_dvs);
if (!(sat = satno(sys, prn))) {
trace(2, "rtcm3 1046 satellite number error: prn=%d\n", prn);
return -1;
if (strstr(rtcm->opt, "-GALFNAV")) {
return 0;
eph.sat = sat;
eph.week = week + 1024; /* gal-week = gst-week + 1024 */
if (rtcm->time.time == 0) rtcm->time = utc2gpst(timeget());
tt = timediff(gpst2time(eph.week, eph.toes), rtcm->time);
if (tt < -302400.0) eph.week++;
else if (tt >= 302400.0) eph.week--;
eph.toe = gpst2time(eph.week, eph.toes);
eph.toc = gpst2time(eph.week, toc);
eph.ttr = rtcm->time;
eph.A = sqrtA * sqrtA;
eph.svh = (e5b_hs << 7) + (e5b_dvs << 6) + (e1_hs << 1) + (e1_dvs << 0);
eph.code = (1 << 0) + (1 << 2) + (1 << 9); /* data source = I/NAV+E1+E5b */
eph.iodc = eph.iode;
if (!strstr(rtcm->opt, "-EPHALL")) {
if (eph.iode == rtcm->nav.eph[sat - 1].iode) return 0; /* unchanged */
rtcm->nav.eph[sat - 1] = eph;
rtcm->ephsat = sat;
//rtcm->ephset = 0; /* I/NAV */
return 2;
/* decode type 1042/63: Beidou ephemerides -----------------------------------*/
static int decode_type1042(rtcm_t* rtcm)
eph_t eph = { 0 };
double toc, sqrtA, tt;
char* msg;
int i = 24 + 12, prn, sat, week, sys = SYS_CMP;
if (i + 499 <= rtcm->len * 8) {
prn = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 6); i += 6;
week = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 13); i += 13;
eph.sva = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 4); i += 4;
eph.idot = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 14) * P2_43 * SC2RAD; i += 14;
eph.iode = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 5); i += 5; /* AODE */
toc = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 17) * 8.0; i += 17;
eph.f2 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 11) * P2_66; i += 11;
eph.f1 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 22) * P2_50; i += 22;
eph.f0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 24) * P2_33; i += 24;
eph.iodc = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 5); i += 5; /* AODC */
eph.crs = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 18) * P2_6; i += 18;
eph.deln = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16) * P2_43 * SC2RAD; i += 16;
eph.M0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32) * P2_31 * SC2RAD; i += 32;
eph.cuc = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 18) * P2_31; i += 18;
eph.e = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 32) * P2_33; i += 32;
eph.cus = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 18) * P2_31; i += 18;
sqrtA = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 32) * P2_19; i += 32;
eph.toes = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 17) * 8.0; i += 17;
eph.cic = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 18) * P2_31; i += 18;
eph.OMG0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32) * P2_31 * SC2RAD; i += 32;
eph.cis = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 18) * P2_31; i += 18;
eph.i0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32) * P2_31 * SC2RAD; i += 32;
eph.crc = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 18) * P2_6; i += 18;
eph.omg = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32) * P2_31 * SC2RAD; i += 32;
eph.OMGd = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 24) * P2_43 * SC2RAD; i += 24;
eph.tgd[0] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 10) * 1E-10; i += 10;
eph.tgd[1] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 10) * 1E-10; i += 10;
eph.svh = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1;
else {
trace(2, "rtcm3 1042 length error: len=%d\n", rtcm->len);
return -1;
trace(4, "decode_type1042: prn=%d iode=%d toe=%.0f\n", prn, eph.iode, eph.toes);
if (rtcm->outtype) {
msg = rtcm->msgtype + strlen(rtcm->msgtype);
sprintf(msg, " prn=%2d iode=%3d iodc=%3d week=%d toe=%6.0f toc=%6.0f svh=%02X",
prn, eph.iode, eph.iodc, week, eph.toes, toc, eph.svh);
if (!(sat = satno(sys, prn))) {
trace(2, "rtcm3 1042 satellite number error: prn=%d\n", prn);
return -1;
eph.sat = sat;
eph.week = adjbdtweek(week);
if (rtcm->time.time == 0) rtcm->time = utc2gpst(timeget());
tt = timediff(bdt2gpst(bdt2time(eph.week, eph.toes)), rtcm->time);
if (tt < -302400.0) eph.week++;
else if (tt >= 302400.0) eph.week--;
eph.toe = bdt2gpst(bdt2time(eph.week, eph.toes)); /* bdt -> gpst */
eph.toc = bdt2gpst(bdt2time(eph.week, toc)); /* bdt -> gpst */
eph.ttr = rtcm->time;
eph.A = sqrtA * sqrtA;
if (!strstr(rtcm->opt, "-EPHALL")) {
if (timediff(eph.toe, rtcm->nav.eph[sat - 1].toe) == 0.0 &&
eph.iode == rtcm->nav.eph[sat - 1].iode &&
eph.iodc == rtcm->nav.eph[sat - 1].iodc) return 0; /* unchanged */
rtcm->nav.eph[sat - 1] = eph;
//rtcm->ephset = 0;
rtcm->ephsat = sat;
return 2;
/* ssr 3 and 7 signal and tracking mode ids ----------------------------------*/
static const int codes_gps[] = {
static const int codes_glo[] = {
static const int codes_gal[] = {
static const int codes_qzs[] = {
static const int codes_bds[] = {
static const int codes_sbs[] = {
/* get signal index ----------------------------------------------------------*/
static void sigindex(int sys, const unsigned char* code, const int* freq, int n,
const char* opt, int* ind)
int i, nex, pri, pri_h[8] = { 0 }, index[8] = { 0 }, ex[32] = { 0 };
/* test code priority */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (!code[i]) continue;
if (freq[i] > NFREQ) { /* save as extended signal if freq > NFREQ */
ex[i] = 1;
/* code priority */
pri = getcodepri(sys, code[i], opt);
/* select highest priority signal */
if (pri > pri_h[freq[i] - 1]) {
if (index[freq[i] - 1]) ex[index[freq[i] - 1] - 1] = 1;
pri_h[freq[i] - 1] = pri;
index[freq[i] - 1] = i + 1;
else ex[i] = 1;
/* signal index in obs data */
for (i = nex = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (ex[i] == 0) ind[i] = freq[i] - 1;
else if (nex < NEXOBS) ind[i] = NFREQ + nex++;
else { /* no space in obs data */
trace(2, "rtcm msm: no space in obs data sys=%d code=%d\n", sys, code[i]);
ind[i] = -1;
#if 0
trace(2, "sig pos: sys=%d code=%d ex=%d ind=%d\n", sys, code[i], ex[i], ind[i]);
/* save obs data in msm message ----------------------------------------------*/
static void save_msm_obs(rtcm_t* rtcm, int sys, msm_h_t* h, const double* r,
const double* pr, const double* cp, const double* rr,
const double* rrf, const double* cnr, const int* lock,
const int* ex, const int* half)
const char* sig[32];
double tt, wl;
unsigned char code[32];
char* msm_type = "", * q = NULL;
int i, j, k, type, prn, sat, fn, index = 0, freq[32], ind[32];
type = getbitu(rtcm->buff, 24, 12);
switch (sys) {
case SYS_GPS: msm_type = q = rtcm->msmtype[0]; break;
case SYS_GAL: msm_type = q = rtcm->msmtype[2]; break;
case SYS_CMP: msm_type = q = rtcm->msmtype[5]; break;
/* id to signal */
for (i = 0; i < h->nsig; i++) {
switch (sys) {
case SYS_GPS: sig[i] = msm_sig_gps[h->sigs[i] - 1]; break;
case SYS_GAL: sig[i] = msm_sig_gal[h->sigs[i] - 1]; break;
case SYS_CMP: sig[i] = msm_sig_cmp[h->sigs[i] - 1]; break;
default: sig[i] = ""; break;
/* signal to rinex obs type */
code[i] = obs2code(sig[i], freq + i);
/* freqency index for beidou */
if (sys == SYS_CMP) {
if (freq[i] == 5) freq[i] = 2; /* B2 */
else if (freq[i] == 4) freq[i] = 3; /* B3 */
if (code[i] != CODE_NONE) {
if (q) q += sprintf(q, "L%s%s", sig[i], i < h->nsig - 1 ? "," : "");
else {
if (q) q += sprintf(q, "(%d)%s", h->sigs[i], i < h->nsig - 1 ? "," : "");
trace(2, "rtcm3 %d: unknown signal id=%2d\n", type, h->sigs[i]);
//printf("rtcm3 %d: signals=%s ", type, msm_type);
/* get signal index */
sigindex(sys, code, freq, h->nsig, rtcm->opt, ind);
for (i = j = 0; i < h->nsat; i++) {
prn = h->sats[i];
if (sys == SYS_QZS) prn += MINPRNQZS - 1;
else if (sys == SYS_SBS) prn += MINPRNSBS - 1;
if ((sat = satno(sys, prn))) {
tt = timediff(rtcm->obs.data[0].time, rtcm->time);
if (rtcm->obsflag || fabs(tt) > 1E-9) {
rtcm->obs.n = rtcm->obsflag = 0;
index = obsindex(&rtcm->obs, rtcm->time, sat);
else {
trace(2, "rtcm3 %d satellite error: prn=%d\n", type, prn);
for (k = 0; k < h->nsig; k++) {
if (!h->cellmask[k + i * h->nsig]) continue;
if (sat && index >= 0 && ind[k] >= 0) {
/* satellite carrier wave length */
wl = satwavelen(sat, freq[k] - 1, &rtcm->nav);
/* glonass wave length by extended info */
if (sys == SYS_GLO && ex && ex[i] <= 13) {
fn = ex[i] - 7;
wl = CLIGHT / ((freq[k] == 2 ? FREQ2_GLO : FREQ1_GLO) +
(freq[k] == 2 ? DFRQ2_GLO : DFRQ1_GLO) * fn);
/* pseudorange (m) */
if (r[i] != 0.0 && pr[j] > -1E12) {
rtcm->obs.data[index].P[ind[k]] = r[i] + pr[j];
/* carrier-phase (cycle) */
if (r[i] != 0.0 && cp[j] > -1E12 && wl > 0.0) {
rtcm->obs.data[index].L[ind[k]] = (r[i] + cp[j]) / wl;
/* doppler (hz) */
if (rr && rrf && rrf[j] > -1E12 && wl > 0.0) {
rtcm->obs.data[index].D[ind[k]] = (float)(-(rr[i] + rrf[j]) / wl);
rtcm->obs.data[index].LLI[ind[k]] =
lossoflock(rtcm, sat, ind[k], lock[j]) + (half[j] ? 3 : 0);
rtcm->obs.data[index].SNR[ind[k]] = (unsigned char)(cnr[j] * 4.0);
rtcm->obs.data[index].code[ind[k]] = code[k];
/* decode type msm message header --------------------------------------------*/
static int decode_msm_head(rtcm_t* rtcm, int sys, int* sync, int* iod,
msm_h_t* h, int* hsize) {
msm_h_t h0 = { 0 };
double tow, tod;
char* msg;
int i = 24, j, dow, mask, staid, type, ncell = 0;
type = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 12);
i += 12;
*h = h0;
if (i + 157 <= rtcm->len * 8) {
staid = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 12); i += 12;
if (sys == SYS_CMP) {
tow = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 30) * 0.001; i += 30;
tow += 14.0; /* BDT -> GPST */
adjweek(rtcm, tow);
else {
tow = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 30) * 0.001; i += 30;
adjweek(rtcm, tow);
*sync = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1;
*iod = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 3); i += 3;
h->time_s = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 7); i += 7;
h->clk_str = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 2); i += 2;
h->clk_ext = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 2); i += 2;
h->smooth = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1;
h->tint_s = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 3); i += 3;
for (j = 1; j <= 64; j++) {
mask = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1);
i += 1;
if (mask) h->sats[h->nsat++] = j;
for (j = 1; j <= 32; j++) {
mask = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1);
i += 1;
if (mask) h->sigs[h->nsig++] = j;
else {
trace(2, "rtcm3 %d length error: len=%d\n", type, rtcm->len);
return -1;
/* test station id */
if (!test_staid(rtcm, staid)) return -1;
if (h->nsat * h->nsig > 64) {
printf("rtcm3 %d number of sats and sigs error: nsat=%d nsig=%d\n",
type, h->nsat, h->nsig);
return -1;
if (i + h->nsat * h->nsig > rtcm->len * 8) {
trace(2, "rtcm3 %d length error: len=%d nsat=%d nsig=%d\n", type,
rtcm->len, h->nsat, h->nsig);
return -1;
for (j = 0; j < h->nsat * h->nsig; j++) {
h->cellmask[j] = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1);
i += 1;
if (h->cellmask[j]) ncell++;
*hsize = i;
//printf("decode_head_msm: time=%s sys=%d staid=%d nsat=%d nsig=%d sync=%d iod=%d ncell=%d\n",
// time_str(rtcm->time, 2), sys, staid, h->nsat, h->nsig, *sync, *iod, ncell);
if (rtcm->outtype) {
msg = rtcm->msgtype + strlen(rtcm->msgtype);
sprintf(msg, " staid=%4d %s nsat=%2d nsig=%2d iod=%2d ncell=%2d sync=%d",
staid, time_str(rtcm->time, 2), h->nsat, h->nsig, *iod, ncell, *sync);
return ncell;
}//返回 8
/* decode msm 7: full pseudorange and phaserange plus cnr --------------------*/
static int decode_msm7(rtcm_t* rtcm, int sys)
msm_h_t h = { 0 };
double r[64], rr[64], pr[64], cp[64], rrf[64], cnr[64];
int i, j, type, sync, iod, ncell, rng, rng_m, rate, prv, cpv, rrv, lock[64];
int ex[64], half[64];
type = getbitu(rtcm->buff, 24, 12);
/* decode msm header */
if ((ncell = decode_msm_head(rtcm, sys, &sync, &iod, &h, &i)) < 0) {
return -1;
if (i + h.nsat * 36 + ncell * 80 > rtcm->len * 8) {
trace(2, "rtcm3 %d length error: nsat=%d ncell=%d len=%d\n", type, h.nsat,
ncell, rtcm->len);
rtcm->obsflag = !sync; /* header ok, so return sync bit */
return sync ? 0 : 1;
for (j = 0; j < h.nsat; j++) {
r[j] = rr[j] = 0.0; ex[j] = 15;
for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) {
pr[j] = cp[j] = rrf[j] = -1E16;
/* decode satellite data */
for (j = 0; j < h.nsat; j++) { /* range */
rng = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8;
if (rng != 255) {
r[j] = rng * RANGE_MS;
for (j = 0; j < h.nsat; j++) { /* extended info */
ex[j] = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 4); i += 4;
for (j = 0; j < h.nsat; j++) {
rng_m = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 10); i += 10;
if (r[j] != 0.0) {
r[j] += rng_m * P2_10 * RANGE_MS;
for (j = 0; j < h.nsat; j++) { /* phaserangerate */
rate = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 14); i += 14;
if (rate != -8192) {
rr[j] = rate * 1.0;
if (strstr(rtcm->opt, "-INVPRR")) rr[j] = -rr[j];
/* decode signal data */
for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) { /* pseudorange */
prv = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 20); i += 20;
if (prv != -524288) pr[j] = prv * P2_29 * RANGE_MS;
for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) { /* phaserange */
cpv = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 24); i += 24;
if (cpv != -8388608) cp[j] = cpv * P2_31 * RANGE_MS;
for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) { /* lock time */
lock[j] = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 10); i += 10;
for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) { /* half-cycle amiguity */
half[j] = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1;
for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) { /* cnr */
cnr[j] = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 10) * 0.0625; i += 10;
for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) { /* phaserangerate */
rrv = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 15); i += 15;
if (rrv != -16384) {
rrf[j] = rrv * 0.0001;
if (strstr(rtcm->opt, "-INVPRR")) rrf[j] = -rrf[j];
/* save obs data in msm message */
save_msm_obs(rtcm, sys, &h, r, pr, cp, rr, rrf, cnr, lock, ex, half);
rtcm->obsflag = !sync;
return sync ? 0 : 1;
/* decode rtcm ver.3 message -------------------------------------------------*/
extern int decode_rtcm3(rtcm_t* rtcm,int posflag) {
double tow;
int ret = 0, type = getbitu(rtcm->buff, 24, 12), week;
//if (rtcm->outtype) {
// sprintf(rtcm->msgtype, "RTCM %4d (number of bytes:%4d):", type, rtcm->len);
//printf("RTCM %4d (number of bytes:%4d):\n", type, rtcm->len); //RTCM类型和一帧的长度
/* real-time input option */
if (strstr(rtcm->opt, "-RT_INP")) {
tow = time2gpst(utc2gpst(timeget()), &week);
rtcm->time = gpst2time(week, floor(tow));
switch (type) {
char s1[32]; //定义字符数组,用来将gtime_t 时间变为 字符
double pos[3]; //定义BLH;
case 1019: ret = decode_type1019(rtcm); //GPS nav
case 1042: ret = decode_type1042(rtcm); //BDS nav
case 1046: ret = decode_type1046(rtcm); //GAL nav
case 1077: ret = decode_msm7(rtcm, SYS_GPS);
rtcm->timeflag += rtcm->time.sec;
case 1097: ret = decode_msm7(rtcm, SYS_GAL);
rtcm->timeflag += rtcm->time.sec;
case 1127: ret = decode_msm7(rtcm, SYS_CMP);
rtcm->timeflag += rtcm->time.sec;
if (ret >= 0) {
type -= 1000;
if (1 <= type && type <= 299) rtcm->nmsg3[type]++; /* 1001-1299 */
else if (1000 <= type && type <= 1099) rtcm->nmsg3[type - 700]++; /* 2000-2099 */
else rtcm->nmsg3[0]++;
//if ((rtcm->sys == 2) && rtcm->tflag == rtcm->time.sec * 2) {
// return 3;
//&& rtcm->sys == 3 && rtcm->timeflag == rtcm->time.sec * 3
return 3;
// return ret;
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