同步操作将从 Anna Catherine/GNSS 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
#ifndef RTCM_H
#define RTCM_H
#define WIN32
#define ENAGLO
#define ENAGAL
#define ENACMP
#define ENAQZS
#define ENAIRN
#pragma comment(lib,"winmm.lib")
#pragma comment(lib,"Ws2_32.lib")
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifdef WIN_DLL
#define EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) /* for Windows DLL */
#define EXPORT
/* constants -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
#define VER_RTKLIB "2.4.3" /* library version */
#define PATCH_LEVEL "b29" /* patch level */
"Copyright (C) 2007-2017 T.Takasu\nAll rights reserved."
#define PI 3.1415926535897932 /* pi */
#define D2R (PI/180.0) /* deg to rad */
#define R2D (180.0/PI) /* rad to deg */
#define CLIGHT 299792458.0 /* speed of light (m/s) */
#define SC2RAD 3.1415926535898 /* semi-circle to radian (IS-GPS) */
#define AU 149597870691.0 /* 1 AU (m) */
#define AS2R (D2R/3600.0) /* arc sec to radian */
#define OMGE 7.2921151467E-5 /* earth angular velocity (IS-GPS) (rad/s) */
#define RE_WGS84 6378137.0 /* earth semimajor axis (WGS84) (m) */
#define FE_WGS84 (1.0/298.257223563) /* earth flattening (WGS84) */
#define HION 350000.0 /* ionosphere height (m) */
#define MAXFREQ 7 /* max NFREQ */
#define FREQ1 1.57542E9 /* L1/E1 frequency (Hz) */
#define FREQ2 1.22760E9 /* L2 frequency (Hz) */
#define FREQ5 1.17645E9 /* L5/E5a frequency (Hz) */
#define FREQ6 1.27875E9 /* E6/LEX frequency (Hz) */
#define FREQ7 1.20714E9 /* E5b frequency (Hz) */
#define FREQ8 1.191795E9 /* E5a+b frequency (Hz) */
#define FREQ9 2.492028E9 /* S frequency (Hz) */
#define FREQ1_GLO 1.60200E9 /* GLONASS G1 base frequency (Hz) */
#define DFRQ1_GLO 0.56250E6 /* GLONASS G1 bias frequency (Hz/n) */
#define FREQ2_GLO 1.24600E9 /* GLONASS G2 base frequency (Hz) */
#define DFRQ2_GLO 0.43750E6 /* GLONASS G2 bias frequency (Hz/n) */
#define FREQ3_GLO 1.202025E9 /* GLONASS G3 frequency (Hz) */
#define FREQ1_CMP 1.561098E9 /* BeiDou B1 frequency (Hz) */
#define FREQ2_CMP 1.20714E9 /* BeiDou B2 frequency (Hz) */
#define FREQ3_CMP 1.26852E9 /* BeiDou B3 frequency (Hz) */
#define EFACT_GPS 1.0 /* error factor: GPS */
#define EFACT_GLO 1.5 /* error factor: GLONASS */
#define EFACT_GAL 1.0 /* error factor: Galileo */
#define EFACT_QZS 1.0 /* error factor: QZSS */
#define EFACT_CMP 1.0 /* error factor: BeiDou */
#define EFACT_IRN 1.5 /* error factor: IRNSS */
#define EFACT_SBS 3.0 /* error factor: SBAS */
#define SYS_NONE 0x00 /* navigation system: none */
#define SYS_GPS 0x01 /* navigation system: GPS */
#define SYS_SBS 0x02 /* navigation system: SBAS */
#define SYS_GLO 0x04 /* navigation system: GLONASS */
#define SYS_GAL 0x08 /* navigation system: Galileo */
#define SYS_QZS 0x10 /* navigation system: QZSS */
#define SYS_CMP 0x20 /* navigation system: BeiDou */
#define SYS_IRN 0x40 /* navigation system: IRNS */
#define SYS_LEO 0x80 /* navigation system: LEO */
#define SYS_ALL 0xFF /* navigation system: all */
#define TSYS_GPS 0 /* time system: GPS time */
#define TSYS_UTC 1 /* time system: UTC */
#define TSYS_GLO 2 /* time system: GLONASS time */
#define TSYS_GAL 3 /* time system: Galileo time */
#define TSYS_QZS 4 /* time system: QZSS time */
#define TSYS_CMP 5 /* time system: BeiDou time */
#define TSYS_IRN 6 /* time system: IRNSS time */
#ifndef NFREQ
#define NFREQ 3 /* number of carrier frequencies */
#define NFREQGLO 2 /* number of carrier frequencies of GLONASS */
#ifndef NEXOBS
#define NEXOBS 0 /* number of extended obs codes */
#define MINPRNGPS 1 /* min satellite PRN number of GPS */
#define MAXPRNGPS 32 /* max satellite PRN number of GPS */
#define NSATGPS (MAXPRNGPS-MINPRNGPS+1) /* number of GPS satellites */
#define NSYSGPS 1
#ifdef ENAGLO
#define MINPRNGLO 1 /* min satellite slot number of GLONASS */
#define MAXPRNGLO 27 /* max satellite slot number of GLONASS */
#define NSATGLO (MAXPRNGLO-MINPRNGLO+1) /* number of GLONASS satellites */
#define NSYSGLO 1
#define MINPRNGLO 0
#define MAXPRNGLO 0
#define NSATGLO 0
#define NSYSGLO 0
#ifdef ENAGAL
#define MINPRNGAL 1 /* min satellite PRN number of Galileo */
#define MAXPRNGAL 30 /* max satellite PRN number of Galileo */
#define NSATGAL (MAXPRNGAL-MINPRNGAL+1) /* number of Galileo satellites */
#define NSYSGAL 1
#define MINPRNGAL 0
#define MAXPRNGAL 0
#define NSATGAL 0
#define NSYSGAL 0
#ifdef ENAQZS
#define MINPRNQZS 193 /* min satellite PRN number of QZSS */
#define MAXPRNQZS 199 /* max satellite PRN number of QZSS */
#define MINPRNQZS_S 183 /* min satellite PRN number of QZSS SAIF */
#define MAXPRNQZS_S 189 /* max satellite PRN number of QZSS SAIF */
#define NSATQZS (MAXPRNQZS-MINPRNQZS+1) /* number of QZSS satellites */
#define NSYSQZS 1
#define MINPRNQZS 0
#define MAXPRNQZS 0
#define MINPRNQZS_S 0
#define MAXPRNQZS_S 0
#define NSATQZS 0
#define NSYSQZS 0
#ifdef ENACMP
#define MINPRNCMP 1 /* min satellite sat number of BeiDou */
#define MAXPRNCMP 35 /* max satellite sat number of BeiDou */
#define NSATCMP (MAXPRNCMP-MINPRNCMP+1) /* number of BeiDou satellites */
#define NSYSCMP 1
#define MINPRNCMP 0
#define MAXPRNCMP 0
#define NSATCMP 0
#define NSYSCMP 0
#ifdef ENAIRN
#define MINPRNIRN 1 /* min satellite sat number of IRNSS */
#define MAXPRNIRN 7 /* max satellite sat number of IRNSS */
#define NSATIRN (MAXPRNIRN-MINPRNIRN+1) /* number of IRNSS satellites */
#define NSYSIRN 1
#define MINPRNIRN 0
#define MAXPRNIRN 0
#define NSATIRN 0
#define NSYSIRN 0
#ifdef ENALEO
#define MINPRNLEO 1 /* min satellite sat number of LEO */
#define MAXPRNLEO 10 /* max satellite sat number of LEO */
#define NSATLEO (MAXPRNLEO-MINPRNLEO+1) /* number of LEO satellites */
#define NSYSLEO 1
#define MINPRNLEO 0
#define MAXPRNLEO 0
#define NSATLEO 0
#define NSYSLEO 0
#define MINPRNSBS 120 /* min satellite PRN number of SBAS */
#define MAXPRNSBS 142 /* max satellite PRN number of SBAS */
#define NSATSBS (MAXPRNSBS-MINPRNSBS+1) /* number of SBAS satellites */
/* max satellite number (1 to MAXSAT) */
#define MAXSTA 255
#ifndef MAXOBS
#define MAXOBS 64 /* max number of obs in an epoch */
#define MAXRCV 64 /* max receiver number (1 to MAXRCV) */
#define MAXOBSTYPE 64 /* max number of obs type in RINEX */
#ifdef OBS_100HZ
#define DTTOL 0.005 /* tolerance of time difference (s) */
#define DTTOL 0.025 /* tolerance of time difference (s) */
#define MAXDTOE 7200.0 /* max time difference to GPS Toe (s) */
#define MAXDTOE_QZS 7200.0 /* max time difference to QZSS Toe (s) */
#define MAXDTOE_GAL 14400.0 /* max time difference to Galileo Toe (s) */
#define MAXDTOE_CMP 21600.0 /* max time difference to BeiDou Toe (s) */
#define MAXDTOE_GLO 1800.0 /* max time difference to GLONASS Toe (s) */
#define MAXDTOE_IRN 7200.0 /* max time difference to IRNSS Toe (s) */
#define MAXDTOE_SBS 360.0 /* max time difference to SBAS Toe (s) */
#define MAXDTOE_S 86400.0 /* max time difference to ephem toe (s) for other */
#define MAXGDOP 300.0 /* max GDOP */
#define INT_SWAP_TRAC 86400.0 /* swap interval of trace file (s) */
#define INT_SWAP_STAT 86400.0 /* swap interval of solution status file (s) */
#define MAXEXFILE 1024 /* max number of expanded files */
#define MAXSBSAGEF 30.0 /* max age of SBAS fast correction (s) */
#define MAXSBSAGEL 1800.0 /* max age of SBAS long term corr (s) */
#define MAXSBSURA 8 /* max URA of SBAS satellite */
#define MAXBAND 10 /* max SBAS band of IGP */
#define MAXNIGP 201 /* max number of IGP in SBAS band */
#define MAXNGEO 4 /* max number of GEO satellites */
#define MAXCOMMENT 10 /* max number of RINEX comments */
#define MAXSTRPATH 1024 /* max length of stream path */
#define MAXSTRMSG 1024 /* max length of stream message */
#define MAXSTRRTK 8 /* max number of stream in RTK server */
#define MAXSBSMSG 32 /* max number of SBAS msg in RTK server */
#define MAXSOLMSG 8191 /* max length of solution message */
#define MAXRAWLEN 4096 /* max length of receiver raw message */
#define MAXERRMSG 4096 /* max length of error/warning message */
#define MAXANT 64 /* max length of station name/antenna type */
#define MAXSOLBUF 256 /* max number of solution buffer */
#define MAXOBSBUF 128 /* max number of observation data buffer */
#define MAXNRPOS 16 /* max number of reference positions */
#define MAXLEAPS 64 /* max number of leap seconds table */
#define MAXGISLAYER 32 /* max number of GIS data layers */
#define MAXRCVCMD 4096 /* max length of receiver commands */
#define RNX2VER 2.10 /* RINEX ver.2 default output version */
#define RNX3VER 3.00 /* RINEX ver.3 default output version */
#define OBSTYPE_PR 0x01 /* observation type: pseudorange */
#define OBSTYPE_CP 0x02 /* observation type: carrier-phase */
#define OBSTYPE_DOP 0x04 /* observation type: doppler-freq */
#define OBSTYPE_SNR 0x08 /* observation type: SNR */
#define OBSTYPE_ALL 0xFF /* observation type: all */
#define FREQTYPE_L1 0x01 /* frequency type: L1/E1 */
#define FREQTYPE_L2 0x02 /* frequency type: L2/B1 */
#define FREQTYPE_L5 0x04 /* frequency type: L5/E5a/L3 */
#define FREQTYPE_L6 0x08 /* frequency type: E6/LEX/B3 */
#define FREQTYPE_L7 0x10 /* frequency type: E5b/B2 */
#define FREQTYPE_L8 0x20 /* frequency type: E5(a+b) */
#define FREQTYPE_L9 0x40 /* frequency type: S */
#define FREQTYPE_ALL 0xFF /* frequency type: all */
#define CODE_NONE 0 /* obs code: none or unknown */
#define CODE_L1C 1 /* obs code: L1C/A,G1C/A,E1C (GPS,GLO,GAL,QZS,SBS) */
#define CODE_L1P 2 /* obs code: L1P,G1P (GPS,GLO) */
#define CODE_L1W 3 /* obs code: L1 Z-track (GPS) */
#define CODE_L1Y 4 /* obs code: L1Y (GPS) */
#define CODE_L1M 5 /* obs code: L1M (GPS) */
#define CODE_L1N 6 /* obs code: L1codeless (GPS) */
#define CODE_L1S 7 /* obs code: L1C(D) (GPS,QZS) */
#define CODE_L1L 8 /* obs code: L1C(P) (GPS,QZS) */
#define CODE_L1E 9 /* (not used) */
#define CODE_L1A 10 /* obs code: E1A (GAL) */
#define CODE_L1B 11 /* obs code: E1B (GAL) */
#define CODE_L1X 12 /* obs code: E1B+C,L1C(D+P) (GAL,QZS) */
#define CODE_L1Z 13 /* obs code: E1A+B+C,L1SAIF (GAL,QZS) */
#define CODE_L2C 14 /* obs code: L2C/A,G1C/A (GPS,GLO) */
#define CODE_L2D 15 /* obs code: L2 L1C/A-(P2-P1) (GPS) */
#define CODE_L2S 16 /* obs code: L2C(M) (GPS,QZS) */
#define CODE_L2L 17 /* obs code: L2C(L) (GPS,QZS) */
#define CODE_L2X 18 /* obs code: L2C(M+L),B1I+Q (GPS,QZS,CMP) */
#define CODE_L2P 19 /* obs code: L2P,G2P (GPS,GLO) */
#define CODE_L2W 20 /* obs code: L2 Z-track (GPS) */
#define CODE_L2Y 21 /* obs code: L2Y (GPS) */
#define CODE_L2M 22 /* obs code: L2M (GPS) */
#define CODE_L2N 23 /* obs code: L2codeless (GPS) */
#define CODE_L5I 24 /* obs code: L5/E5aI (GPS,GAL,QZS,SBS) */
#define CODE_L5Q 25 /* obs code: L5/E5aQ (GPS,GAL,QZS,SBS) */
#define CODE_L5X 26 /* obs code: L5/E5aI+Q/L5B+C (GPS,GAL,QZS,IRN,SBS) */
#define CODE_L7I 27 /* obs code: E5bI,B2I (GAL,CMP) */
#define CODE_L7Q 28 /* obs code: E5bQ,B2Q (GAL,CMP) */
#define CODE_L7X 29 /* obs code: E5bI+Q,B2I+Q (GAL,CMP) */
#define CODE_L6A 30 /* obs code: E6A (GAL) */
#define CODE_L6B 31 /* obs code: E6B (GAL) */
#define CODE_L6C 32 /* obs code: E6C (GAL) */
#define CODE_L6X 33 /* obs code: E6B+C,LEXS+L,B3I+Q (GAL,QZS,CMP) */
#define CODE_L6Z 34 /* obs code: E6A+B+C (GAL) */
#define CODE_L6S 35 /* obs code: LEXS (QZS) */
#define CODE_L6L 36 /* obs code: LEXL (QZS) */
#define CODE_L8I 37 /* obs code: E5(a+b)I (GAL) */
#define CODE_L8Q 38 /* obs code: E5(a+b)Q (GAL) */
#define CODE_L8X 39 /* obs code: E5(a+b)I+Q (GAL) */
#define CODE_L2I 40 /* obs code: B1I (BDS) */
#define CODE_L2Q 41 /* obs code: B1Q (BDS) */
#define CODE_L6I 42 /* obs code: B3I (BDS) */
#define CODE_L6Q 43 /* obs code: B3Q (BDS) */
#define CODE_L3I 44 /* obs code: G3I (GLO) */
#define CODE_L3Q 45 /* obs code: G3Q (GLO) */
#define CODE_L3X 46 /* obs code: G3I+Q (GLO) */
#define CODE_L1I 47 /* obs code: B1I (BDS) */
#define CODE_L1Q 48 /* obs code: B1Q (BDS) */
#define CODE_L5A 49 /* obs code: L5A SPS (IRN) */
#define CODE_L5B 50 /* obs code: L5B RS(D) (IRN) */
#define CODE_L5C 51 /* obs code: L5C RS(P) (IRN) */
#define CODE_L9A 52 /* obs code: SA SPS (IRN) */
#define CODE_L9B 53 /* obs code: SB RS(D) (IRN) */
#define CODE_L9C 54 /* obs code: SC RS(P) (IRN) */
#define CODE_L9X 55 /* obs code: SB+C (IRN) */
#define MAXCODE 55 /* max number of obs code */
#define PMODE_SINGLE 0 /* positioning mode: single */
#define PMODE_DGPS 1 /* positioning mode: DGPS/DGNSS */
#define PMODE_KINEMA 2 /* positioning mode: kinematic */
#define PMODE_STATIC 3 /* positioning mode: static */
#define PMODE_MOVEB 4 /* positioning mode: moving-base */
#define PMODE_FIXED 5 /* positioning mode: fixed */
#define PMODE_PPP_KINEMA 6 /* positioning mode: PPP-kinemaric */
#define PMODE_PPP_STATIC 7 /* positioning mode: PPP-static */
#define PMODE_PPP_FIXED 8 /* positioning mode: PPP-fixed */
#define SOLF_LLH 0 /* solution format: lat/lon/height */
#define SOLF_XYZ 1 /* solution format: x/y/z-ecef */
#define SOLF_ENU 2 /* solution format: e/n/u-baseline */
#define SOLF_NMEA 3 /* solution format: NMEA-183 */
#define SOLF_STAT 4 /* solution format: solution status */
#define SOLF_GSIF 5 /* solution format: GSI F1/F2 */
#define SOLQ_NONE 0 /* solution status: no solution */
#define SOLQ_FIX 1 /* solution status: fix */
#define SOLQ_FLOAT 2 /* solution status: float */
#define SOLQ_SBAS 3 /* solution status: SBAS */
#define SOLQ_DGPS 4 /* solution status: DGPS/DGNSS */
#define SOLQ_SINGLE 5 /* solution status: single */
#define SOLQ_PPP 6 /* solution status: PPP */
#define SOLQ_DR 7 /* solution status: dead reconing */
#define MAXSOLQ 7 /* max number of solution status */
#define TIMES_GPST 0 /* time system: gps time */
#define TIMES_UTC 1 /* time system: utc */
#define TIMES_JST 2 /* time system: jst */
#define IONOOPT_OFF 0 /* ionosphere option: correction off */
#define IONOOPT_BRDC 1 /* ionosphere option: broadcast model */
#define IONOOPT_SBAS 2 /* ionosphere option: SBAS model */
#define IONOOPT_IFLC 3 /* ionosphere option: L1/L2 or L1/L5 iono-free LC */
#define IONOOPT_EST 4 /* ionosphere option: estimation */
#define IONOOPT_TEC 5 /* ionosphere option: IONEX TEC model */
#define IONOOPT_QZS 6 /* ionosphere option: QZSS broadcast model */
#define IONOOPT_LEX 7 /* ionosphere option: QZSS LEX ionospehre */
#define IONOOPT_STEC 8 /* ionosphere option: SLANT TEC model */
#define TROPOPT_OFF 0 /* troposphere option: correction off */
#define TROPOPT_SAAS 1 /* troposphere option: Saastamoinen model */
#define TROPOPT_SBAS 2 /* troposphere option: SBAS model */
#define TROPOPT_EST 3 /* troposphere option: ZTD estimation */
#define TROPOPT_ESTG 4 /* troposphere option: ZTD+grad estimation */
#define TROPOPT_ZTD 5 /* troposphere option: ZTD correction */
#define EPHOPT_BRDC 0 /* ephemeris option: broadcast ephemeris */
#define EPHOPT_PREC 1 /* ephemeris option: precise ephemeris */
#define EPHOPT_SBAS 2 /* ephemeris option: broadcast + SBAS */
#define EPHOPT_SSRAPC 3 /* ephemeris option: broadcast + SSR_APC */
#define EPHOPT_SSRCOM 4 /* ephemeris option: broadcast + SSR_COM */
#define EPHOPT_LEX 5 /* ephemeris option: QZSS LEX ephemeris */
#define ARMODE_OFF 0 /* AR mode: off */
#define ARMODE_CONT 1 /* AR mode: continuous */
#define ARMODE_INST 2 /* AR mode: instantaneous */
#define ARMODE_FIXHOLD 3 /* AR mode: fix and hold */
#define ARMODE_WLNL 4 /* AR mode: wide lane/narrow lane */
#define ARMODE_TCAR 5 /* AR mode: triple carrier ar */
#define SBSOPT_LCORR 1 /* SBAS option: long term correction */
#define SBSOPT_FCORR 2 /* SBAS option: fast correction */
#define SBSOPT_ICORR 4 /* SBAS option: ionosphere correction */
#define SBSOPT_RANGE 8 /* SBAS option: ranging */
#define POSOPT_POS 0 /* pos option: LLH/XYZ */
#define POSOPT_SINGLE 1 /* pos option: average of single pos */
#define POSOPT_FILE 2 /* pos option: read from pos file */
#define POSOPT_RINEX 3 /* pos option: rinex header pos */
#define POSOPT_RTCM 4 /* pos option: rtcm station pos */
#define POSOPT_RAW 5 /* pos option: raw station pos */
#define STR_NONE 0 /* stream type: none */
#define STR_SERIAL 1 /* stream type: serial */
#define STR_FILE 2 /* stream type: file */
#define STR_TCPSVR 3 /* stream type: TCP server */
#define STR_TCPCLI 4 /* stream type: TCP client */
#define STR_NTRIPSVR 6 /* stream type: NTRIP server */
#define STR_NTRIPCLI 7 /* stream type: NTRIP client */
#define STR_FTP 8 /* stream type: ftp */
#define STR_HTTP 9 /* stream type: http */
#define STR_NTRIPC_S 10 /* stream type: NTRIP caster server */
#define STR_NTRIPC_C 11 /* stream type: NTRIP caster client */
#define STR_UDPSVR 12 /* stream type: UDP server */
#define STR_UDPCLI 13 /* stream type: UDP server */
#define STR_MEMBUF 14 /* stream type: memory buffer */
#define STRFMT_RTCM2 0 /* stream format: RTCM 2 */
#define STRFMT_RTCM3 1 /* stream format: RTCM 3 */
#define STRFMT_OEM4 2 /* stream format: NovAtel OEMV/4 */
#define STRFMT_OEM3 3 /* stream format: NovAtel OEM3 */
#define STRFMT_UBX 4 /* stream format: u-blox LEA-*T */
#define STRFMT_SS2 5 /* stream format: NovAtel Superstar II */
#define STRFMT_CRES 6 /* stream format: Hemisphere */
#define STRFMT_STQ 7 /* stream format: SkyTraq S1315F */
#define STRFMT_GW10 8 /* stream format: Furuno GW10 */
#define STRFMT_JAVAD 9 /* stream format: JAVAD GRIL/GREIS */
#define STRFMT_NVS 10 /* stream format: NVS NVC08C */
#define STRFMT_BINEX 11 /* stream format: BINEX */
#define STRFMT_RT17 12 /* stream format: Trimble RT17 */
#define STRFMT_SEPT 13 /* stream format: Septentrio */
#define STRFMT_CMR 14 /* stream format: CMR/CMR+ */
#define STRFMT_TERSUS 15 /* stream format: TERSUS */
#define STRFMT_LEXR 16 /* stream format: Furuno LPY-10000 */
#define STRFMT_RINEX 17 /* stream format: RINEX */
#define STRFMT_SP3 18 /* stream format: SP3 */
#define STRFMT_RNXCLK 19 /* stream format: RINEX CLK */
#define STRFMT_SBAS 20 /* stream format: SBAS messages */
#define STRFMT_NMEA 21 /* stream format: NMEA 0183 */
#ifndef EXTLEX
#define MAXRCVFMT 15 /* max number of receiver format */
#define MAXRCVFMT 16
#define STR_MODE_R 0x1 /* stream mode: read */
#define STR_MODE_W 0x2 /* stream mode: write */
#define STR_MODE_RW 0x3 /* stream mode: read/write */
#define GEOID_EMBEDDED 0 /* geoid model: embedded geoid */
#define GEOID_EGM96_M150 1 /* geoid model: EGM96 15x15" */
#define GEOID_EGM2008_M25 2 /* geoid model: EGM2008 2.5x2.5" */
#define GEOID_EGM2008_M10 3 /* geoid model: EGM2008 1.0x1.0" */
#define GEOID_GSI2000_M15 4 /* geoid model: GSI geoid 2000 1.0x1.5" */
#define GEOID_RAF09 5 /* geoid model: IGN RAF09 for France 1.5"x2" */
#define COMMENTH "%" /* comment line indicator for solution */
#define MSG_DISCONN "$_DISCONNECT\r\n" /* disconnect message */
#define DLOPT_FORCE 0x01 /* download option: force download existing */
#define DLOPT_KEEPCMP 0x02 /* download option: keep compressed file */
#define DLOPT_HOLDERR 0x04 /* download option: hold on error file */
#define DLOPT_HOLDLST 0x08 /* download option: hold on listing file */
#define LLI_SLIP 0x01 /* LLI: cycle-slip */
#define LLI_HALFC 0x02 /* LLI: half-cycle not resovled */
#define LLI_BOCTRK 0x04 /* LLI: boc tracking of mboc signal */
#define LLI_HALFA 0x40 /* LLI: half-cycle added */
#define LLI_HALFS 0x80 /* LLI: half-cycle subtracted */
#define IMUFMT_KVH 1 /* imu data format KVH */
#define P2_5 0.03125 /* 2^-5 */
#define P2_6 0.015625 /* 2^-6 */
#define P2_11 4.882812500000000E-04 /* 2^-11 */
#define P2_15 3.051757812500000E-05 /* 2^-15 */
#define P2_17 7.629394531250000E-06 /* 2^-17 */
#define P2_19 1.907348632812500E-06 /* 2^-19 */
#define P2_20 9.536743164062500E-07 /* 2^-20 */
#define P2_21 4.768371582031250E-07 /* 2^-21 */
#define P2_23 1.192092895507810E-07 /* 2^-23 */
#define P2_24 5.960464477539063E-08 /* 2^-24 */
#define P2_27 7.450580596923828E-09 /* 2^-27 */
#define P2_29 1.862645149230957E-09 /* 2^-29 */
#define P2_30 9.313225746154785E-10 /* 2^-30 */
#define P2_31 4.656612873077393E-10 /* 2^-31 */
#define P2_32 2.328306436538696E-10 /* 2^-32 */
#define P2_33 1.164153218269348E-10 /* 2^-33 */
#define P2_35 2.910383045673370E-11 /* 2^-35 */
#define P2_38 3.637978807091710E-12 /* 2^-38 */
#define P2_39 1.818989403545856E-12 /* 2^-39 */
#define P2_40 9.094947017729280E-13 /* 2^-40 */
#define P2_43 1.136868377216160E-13 /* 2^-43 */
#define P2_48 3.552713678800501E-15 /* 2^-48 */
#define P2_50 8.881784197001252E-16 /* 2^-50 */
#define P2_55 2.775557561562891E-17 /* 2^-55 */
#ifdef WIN32
#define thread_t HANDLE
#define lock_t CRITICAL_SECTION
#define initlock(f) InitializeCriticalSection(f)
#define lock(f) EnterCriticalSection(f)
#define unlock(f) LeaveCriticalSection(f)
#define FILEPATHSEP '\\'
#define thread_t pthread_t
#define lock_t pthread_mutex_t
#define initlock(f) pthread_mutex_init(f,NULL)
#define lock(f) pthread_mutex_lock(f)
#define unlock(f) pthread_mutex_unlock(f)
#define FILEPATHSEP '/'
/* type definitions ----------------------------------------------------------*/
typedef struct { /* time struct */
time_t time; /* time (s) expressed by standard time_t */
double sec; /* fraction of second under 1 s */
} gtime_t;
typedef struct { /* observation data record */
gtime_t time; /* receiver sampling time (GPST) */
unsigned char sat,rcv; /* satellite/receiver number */
unsigned char SNR [NFREQ+NEXOBS]; /* signal strength (0.25 dBHz) */
unsigned char LLI [NFREQ+NEXOBS]; /* loss of lock indicator */
unsigned char code[NFREQ+NEXOBS]; /* code indicator (CODE_???) */
double L[NFREQ+NEXOBS]; /* observation data carrier-phase (cycle) */
double P[NFREQ+NEXOBS]; /* observation data pseudorange (m) */
float D[NFREQ+NEXOBS]; /* observation data doppler frequency (Hz) */
} obsd_t;
typedef struct { /* observation data */
int n,nmax; /* number of obervation data/allocated */
obsd_t *data; /* observation data records */
} obs_t;
typedef struct { /* earth rotation parameter data type */
double mjd; /* mjd (days) */
double xp,yp; /* pole offset (rad) */
double xpr,ypr; /* pole offset rate (rad/day) */
double ut1_utc; /* ut1-utc (s) */
double lod; /* length of day (s/day) */
} erpd_t;
typedef struct { /* earth rotation parameter type */
int n,nmax; /* number and max number of data */
erpd_t *data; /* earth rotation parameter data */
} erp_t;
typedef struct { /* antenna parameter type */
int sat; /* satellite number (0:receiver) */
char type[MAXANT]; /* antenna type */
char code[MAXANT]; /* serial number or satellite code */
gtime_t ts,te; /* valid time start and end */
double off[NFREQ][ 3]; /* phase center offset e/n/u or x/y/z (m) */
double var[NFREQ][19]; /* phase center variation (m) */
/* el=90,85,...,0 or nadir=0,1,2,3,... (deg) */
} pcv_t;
typedef struct { /* antenna parameters type */
int n,nmax; /* number of data/allocated */
pcv_t *pcv; /* antenna parameters data */
} pcvs_t;
typedef struct { /* almanac type */ // almanac 历书
int sat; /* satellite number */
int svh; /* sv health (0:ok) */
int svconf; /* as and sv config */
int week; /* GPS/QZS: gps week, GAL: galileo week */
gtime_t toa; /* Toa */
/* SV orbit parameters */
double A,e,i0,OMG0,omg,M0,OMGd;
double toas; /* Toa (s) in week */
double f0,f1; /* SV clock parameters (af0,af1) */
} alm_t;
typedef struct { /* GPS/QZS/GAL broadcast ephemeris type */
int sat; /* satellite number */
int iode,iodc; /* IODE,IODC */
int sva; /* SV accuracy (URA index) */
int svh; /* SV health (0:ok) */
int week; /* GPS/QZS: gps week, GAL: galileo week */
int code; /* GPS/QZS: code on L2, GAL/CMP: data sources */
int flag; /* GPS/QZS: L2 P data flag, CMP: nav type */
gtime_t toe,toc,ttr; /* Toe,Toc,T_trans */
/* SV orbit parameters */
double A,e,i0,OMG0,omg,M0,deln,OMGd,idot;
double crc,crs,cuc,cus,cic,cis;
double toes; /* Toe (s) in week */
double fit; /* fit interval (h) */
double f0,f1,f2; /* SV clock parameters (af0,af1,af2) */
double tgd[4]; /* group delay parameters */
/* GPS/QZS:tgd[0]=TGD */
/* GAL :tgd[0]=BGD E5a/E1,tgd[1]=BGD E5b/E1 */
/* CMP :tgd[0]=BGD1,tgd[1]=BGD2 */
double Adot,ndot; /* Adot,ndot for CNAV */
} eph_t;
typedef struct { /* GLONASS broadcast ephemeris type */
int sat; /* satellite number */
int iode; /* IODE (0-6 bit of tb field) */
int frq; /* satellite frequency number */
int svh,sva,age; /* satellite health, accuracy, age of operation */
gtime_t toe; /* epoch of epherides (gpst) */
gtime_t tof; /* message frame time (gpst) */
double pos[3]; /* satellite position (ecef) (m) */
double vel[3]; /* satellite velocity (ecef) (m/s) */
double acc[3]; /* satellite acceleration (ecef) (m/s^2) */
double taun,gamn; /* SV clock bias (s)/relative freq bias */
double dtaun; /* delay between L1 and L2 (s) */
} geph_t;
typedef struct { /* precise ephemeris type */
gtime_t time; /* time (GPST) */
int index; /* ephemeris index for multiple files */
double pos[MAXSAT][4]; /* satellite position/clock (ecef) (m|s) */
float std[MAXSAT][4]; /* satellite position/clock std (m|s) */
double vel[MAXSAT][4]; /* satellite velocity/clk-rate (m/s|s/s) */
float vst[MAXSAT][4]; /* satellite velocity/clk-rate std (m/s|s/s) */
float cov[MAXSAT][3]; /* satellite position covariance (m^2) */
float vco[MAXSAT][3]; /* satellite velocity covariance (m^2) */
} peph_t;
typedef struct { /* precise clock type */
gtime_t time; /* time (GPST) */
int index; /* clock index for multiple files */
double clk[MAXSAT][1]; /* satellite clock (s) */
float std[MAXSAT][1]; /* satellite clock std (s) */
} pclk_t;
typedef struct { /* SBAS ephemeris type */
int sat; /* satellite number */
gtime_t t0; /* reference epoch time (GPST) */
gtime_t tof; /* time of message frame (GPST) */
int sva; /* SV accuracy (URA index) */
int svh; /* SV health (0:ok) */
double pos[3]; /* satellite position (m) (ecef) */
double vel[3]; /* satellite velocity (m/s) (ecef) */
double acc[3]; /* satellite acceleration (m/s^2) (ecef) */
double af0,af1; /* satellite clock-offset/drift (s,s/s) */
} seph_t;
typedef struct { /* norad two line element data type */
char name [32]; /* common name */
char alias[32]; /* alias name */
char satno[16]; /* satellilte catalog number */
char satclass; /* classification */
char desig[16]; /* international designator */
gtime_t epoch; /* element set epoch (UTC) */
double ndot; /* 1st derivative of mean motion */
double nddot; /* 2st derivative of mean motion */
double bstar; /* B* drag term */
int etype; /* element set type */
int eleno; /* element number */
double inc; /* orbit inclination (deg) */
double OMG; /* right ascension of ascending node (deg) */
double ecc; /* eccentricity */
double omg; /* argument of perigee (deg) */
double M; /* mean anomaly (deg) */
double n; /* mean motion (rev/day) */
int rev; /* revolution number at epoch */
} tled_t;
typedef struct { /* norad two line element type */
int n,nmax; /* number/max number of two line element data */
tled_t *data; /* norad two line element data */
} tle_t;
typedef struct { /* TEC grid type */
gtime_t time; /* epoch time (GPST) */
int ndata[3]; /* TEC grid data size {nlat,nlon,nhgt} */
double rb; /* earth radius (km) */
double lats[3]; /* latitude start/interval (deg) */
double lons[3]; /* longitude start/interval (deg) */
double hgts[3]; /* heights start/interval (km) */
double *data; /* TEC grid data (tecu) */
float *rms; /* RMS values (tecu) */
} tec_t;
typedef struct { /* satellite fcb data type */
gtime_t ts,te; /* start/end time (GPST) */
double bias[MAXSAT][3]; /* fcb value (cyc) */
double std [MAXSAT][3]; /* fcb std-dev (cyc) */
} fcbd_t;
typedef struct { /* SBAS message type */
int week,tow; /* receiption time */
int prn; /* SBAS satellite PRN number */
unsigned char msg[29]; /* SBAS message (226bit) padded by 0 */
} sbsmsg_t;
typedef struct { /* SBAS messages type */
int n,nmax; /* number of SBAS messages/allocated */
sbsmsg_t *msgs; /* SBAS messages */
} sbs_t;
typedef struct { /* SBAS fast correction type */
gtime_t t0; /* time of applicability (TOF) */
double prc; /* pseudorange correction (PRC) (m) */
double rrc; /* range-rate correction (RRC) (m/s) */
double dt; /* range-rate correction delta-time (s) */
int iodf; /* IODF (issue of date fast corr) */
short udre; /* UDRE+1 */
short ai; /* degradation factor indicator */
} sbsfcorr_t;
typedef struct { /* SBAS long term satellite error correction type */
gtime_t t0; /* correction time */
int iode; /* IODE (issue of date ephemeris) */
double dpos[3]; /* delta position (m) (ecef) */
double dvel[3]; /* delta velocity (m/s) (ecef) */
double daf0,daf1; /* delta clock-offset/drift (s,s/s) */
} sbslcorr_t;
typedef struct { /* SBAS satellite correction type */
int sat; /* satellite number */
sbsfcorr_t fcorr; /* fast correction */
sbslcorr_t lcorr; /* long term correction */
} sbssatp_t;
typedef struct { /* SBAS satellite corrections type */
int iodp; /* IODP (issue of date mask) */
int nsat; /* number of satellites */
int tlat; /* system latency (s) */
sbssatp_t sat[MAXSAT]; /* satellite correction */
} sbssat_t;
typedef struct { /* SBAS ionospheric correction type */
gtime_t t0; /* correction time */
short lat,lon; /* latitude/longitude (deg) */
short give; /* GIVI+1 */
float delay; /* vertical delay estimate (m) */
} sbsigp_t;
typedef struct { /* IGP band type */
short x; /* longitude/latitude (deg) */
const short *y; /* latitudes/longitudes (deg) */
unsigned char bits; /* IGP mask start bit */
unsigned char bite; /* IGP mask end bit */
} sbsigpband_t;
typedef struct { /* SBAS ionospheric corrections type */
int iodi; /* IODI (issue of date ionos corr) */
int nigp; /* number of igps */
sbsigp_t igp[MAXNIGP]; /* ionospheric correction */
} sbsion_t;
typedef struct { /* DGPS/GNSS correction type */
gtime_t t0; /* correction time */
double prc; /* pseudorange correction (PRC) (m) */
double rrc; /* range rate correction (RRC) (m/s) */
int iod; /* issue of data (IOD) */
double udre; /* UDRE */
} dgps_t;
typedef struct { /* SSR correction type */
gtime_t t0[6]; /* epoch time (GPST) {eph,clk,hrclk,ura,bias,pbias} */
double udi[6]; /* SSR update interval (s) */
int iod[6]; /* iod ssr {eph,clk,hrclk,ura,bias,pbias} */
int iode; /* issue of data */
int iodcrc; /* issue of data crc for beidou/sbas */
int ura; /* URA indicator */
int refd; /* sat ref datum (0:ITRF,1:regional) */
double deph [3]; /* delta orbit {radial,along,cross} (m) */
double ddeph[3]; /* dot delta orbit {radial,along,cross} (m/s) */
double dclk [3]; /* delta clock {c0,c1,c2} (m,m/s,m/s^2) */
double hrclk; /* high-rate clock corection (m) */
float cbias[MAXCODE]; /* code biases (m) */
double pbias[MAXCODE]; /* phase biases (m) */
float stdpb[MAXCODE]; /* std-dev of phase biases (m) */
double yaw_ang,yaw_rate; /* yaw angle and yaw rate (deg,deg/s) */
unsigned char update; /* update flag (0:no update,1:update) */
} ssr_t;
typedef struct { /* QZSS LEX message type */
int prn; /* satellite PRN number */
int type; /* message type */
int alert; /* alert flag */
unsigned char stat; /* signal tracking status */
unsigned char snr; /* signal C/N0 (0.25 dBHz) */
unsigned int ttt; /* tracking time (ms) */
unsigned char msg[212]; /* LEX message data part 1695 bits */
} lexmsg_t;
typedef struct { /* QZSS LEX messages type */
int n,nmax; /* number of LEX messages and allocated */
lexmsg_t *msgs; /* LEX messages */
} lex_t;
typedef struct { /* QZSS LEX ephemeris type */
gtime_t toe; /* epoch time (GPST) */
gtime_t tof; /* message frame time (GPST) */
int sat; /* satellite number */
unsigned char health; /* signal health (L1,L2,L1C,L5,LEX) */
unsigned char ura; /* URA index */
double pos[3]; /* satellite position (m) */
double vel[3]; /* satellite velocity (m/s) */
double acc[3]; /* satellite acceleration (m/s2) */
double jerk[3]; /* satellite jerk (m/s3) */
double af0,af1; /* satellite clock bias and drift (s,s/s) */
double tgd; /* TGD */
double isc[8]; /* ISC */
} lexeph_t;
typedef struct { /* QZSS LEX ionosphere correction type */
gtime_t t0; /* epoch time (GPST) */
double tspan; /* valid time span (s) */
double pos0[2]; /* reference position {lat,lon} (rad) */
double coef[3][2]; /* coefficients lat x lon (3 x 2) */
} lexion_t;
typedef struct { /* stec data type */
gtime_t time; /* time (GPST) */
unsigned char sat; /* satellite number */
double ion; /* slant ionos delay (m) */
float std; /* std-dev (m) */
float azel[2]; /* azimuth/elevation (rad) */
unsigned char flag; /* fix flag */
} stec_t;
typedef struct { /* trop data type */
gtime_t time; /* time (GPST) */
double trp[3]; /* zenith tropos delay/gradient (m) */
float std[3]; /* std-dev (m) */
} trop_t;
typedef struct { /* ppp corrections type */
int nsta; /* number of stations */
char stas[MAXSTA][8]; /* station names */
double rr[MAXSTA][3]; /* station ecef positions (m) */
int ns[MAXSTA],nsmax[MAXSTA]; /* number of stec data */
int nt[MAXSTA],ntmax[MAXSTA]; /* number of trop data */
stec_t *stec[MAXSTA]; /* stec data */
trop_t *trop[MAXSTA]; /* trop data */
} pppcorr_t;
typedef struct { /* navigation data type */
int n,nmax; /* number of broadcast ephemeris */
int ng,ngmax; /* number of glonass ephemeris */
int ns,nsmax; /* number of sbas ephemeris */
int ne,nemax; /* number of precise ephemeris */
int nc,ncmax; /* number of precise clock */
int na,namax; /* number of almanac data */
int nt,ntmax; /* number of tec grid data */
int nf,nfmax; /* number of satellite fcb data */
eph_t *eph; /* GPS/QZS/GAL ephemeris */
geph_t *geph; /* GLONASS ephemeris */
seph_t *seph; /* SBAS ephemeris */
peph_t *peph; /* precise ephemeris */
pclk_t *pclk; /* precise clock */
alm_t *alm; /* almanac data */
tec_t *tec; /* tec grid data */
fcbd_t *fcb; /* satellite fcb data */
erp_t erp; /* earth rotation parameters */
double utc_gps[4]; /* GPS delta-UTC parameters {A0,A1,T,W} */
double utc_glo[4]; /* GLONASS UTC GPS time parameters */
double utc_gal[4]; /* Galileo UTC GPS time parameters */
double utc_qzs[4]; /* QZS UTC GPS time parameters */
double utc_cmp[4]; /* BeiDou UTC parameters */
double utc_irn[4]; /* IRNSS UTC parameters */
double utc_sbs[4]; /* SBAS UTC parameters */
double ion_gps[8]; /* GPS iono model parameters {a0,a1,a2,a3,b0,b1,b2,b3} */
double ion_gal[4]; /* Galileo iono model parameters {ai0,ai1,ai2,0} */
double ion_qzs[8]; /* QZSS iono model parameters {a0,a1,a2,a3,b0,b1,b2,b3} */
double ion_cmp[8]; /* BeiDou iono model parameters {a0,a1,a2,a3,b0,b1,b2,b3} */
double ion_irn[8]; /* IRNSS iono model parameters {a0,a1,a2,a3,b0,b1,b2,b3} */
int leaps; /* leap seconds (s) */
double lam[MAXSAT][NFREQ]; /* carrier wave lengths (m) */
double cbias[MAXSAT][3]; /* satellite dcb (0:p1-p2,1:p1-c1,2:p2-c2) (m) */
double rbias[MAXRCV][2][3]; /* receiver dcb (0:p1-p2,1:p1-c1,2:p2-c2) (m) */
double wlbias[MAXSAT]; /* wide-lane bias (cycle) */
double glo_cpbias[4]; /* glonass code-phase bias {1C,1P,2C,2P} (m) */
char glo_fcn[MAXPRNGLO+1]; /* glonass frequency channel number + 8 */
pcv_t pcvs[MAXSAT]; /* satellite antenna pcv */
sbssat_t sbssat; /* SBAS satellite corrections */
sbsion_t sbsion[MAXBAND+1]; /* SBAS ionosphere corrections */
dgps_t dgps[MAXSAT]; /* DGPS corrections */
ssr_t ssr[MAXSAT]; /* SSR corrections */
lexeph_t lexeph[MAXSAT]; /* LEX ephemeris */
lexion_t lexion; /* LEX ionosphere correction */
pppcorr_t pppcorr; /* ppp corrections */
} nav_t;
typedef struct { /* station parameter type */
char name [MAXANT]; /* marker name */
char marker [MAXANT]; /* marker number */
char antdes [MAXANT]; /* antenna descriptor */
char antsno [MAXANT]; /* antenna serial number */
char rectype[MAXANT]; /* receiver type descriptor */
char recver [MAXANT]; /* receiver firmware version */
char recsno [MAXANT]; /* receiver serial number */
int antsetup; /* antenna setup id */
int itrf; /* ITRF realization year */
int deltype; /* antenna delta type (0:enu,1:xyz) */
double pos[3]; /* station position (ecef) (m) */
double del[3]; /* antenna position delta (e/n/u or x/y/z) (m) */
double hgt; /* antenna height (m) */
} sta_t;
typedef struct { /* solution type */
gtime_t time; /* time (GPST) */
double timebuff;
double rr[6]; /* position/velocity (m|m/s) */
/* {x,y,z,vx,vy,vz} or {e,n,u,ve,vn,vu} */
float qr[6]; /* position variance/covariance (m^2) */
/* {c_xx,c_yy,c_zz,c_xy,c_yz,c_zx} or */
/* {c_ee,c_nn,c_uu,c_en,c_nu,c_ue} */
float qv[6]; /* velocity variance/covariance (m^2/s^2) */
double dtr[6]; /* receiver clock bias to time systems (s) */
unsigned char type; /* type (0:xyz-ecef,1:enu-baseline) */
unsigned char stat; /* solution status (SOLQ_???) */
unsigned char ns; /* number of valid satellites */
float age; /* age of differential (s) */
float ratio; /* AR ratio factor for valiation */
float thres; /* AR ratio threshold for valiation */
} sol_t;
typedef struct { /* solution buffer type */
int n,nmax; /* number of solution/max number of buffer */
int cyclic; /* cyclic buffer flag */
int start,end; /* start/end index */
gtime_t time; /* current solution time */
sol_t *data; /* solution data */
double rb[3]; /* reference position {x,y,z} (ecef) (m) */
unsigned char buff[MAXSOLMSG+1]; /* message buffer */
int nb; /* number of byte in message buffer */
} solbuf_t;
typedef struct { /* solution status type */
gtime_t time; /* time (GPST) */
unsigned char sat; /* satellite number */
unsigned char frq; /* frequency (1:L1,2:L2,...) */
float az,el; /* azimuth/elevation angle (rad) */
float resp; /* pseudorange residual (m) */
float resc; /* carrier-phase residual (m) */
unsigned char flag; /* flags: (vsat<<5)+(slip<<3)+fix */
unsigned char snr; /* signal strength (0.25 dBHz) */
unsigned short lock; /* lock counter */
unsigned short outc; /* outage counter */
unsigned short slipc; /* slip counter */
unsigned short rejc; /* reject counter */
} solstat_t;
typedef struct { /* solution status buffer type */
int n,nmax; /* number of solution/max number of buffer */
solstat_t *data; /* solution status data */
} solstatbuf_t;
typedef struct { /* RTCM control struct type */
int staid; /* 测站ID */
int stah; /* 测站健康度 */
int seqno; /* sequence number for rtcm 2 or iods msm */
int outtype; /* output message type */
gtime_t time; /* message time */
gtime_t time_s; /* message start time */
obs_t obs; /* observation data (uncorrected) */
nav_t nav; /* satellite ephemerides */
sta_t sta; /* station parameters */
dgps_t *dgps; /* output of dgps corrections */
ssr_t ssr[MAXSAT]; /* output of ssr corrections */
char msg[128]; /* special message */
char msgtype[256]; /* last message type */
char msmtype[6][128]; /* msm signal types */
int obsflag; /* obs data complete flag (1:ok,0:not complete) */
int ephsat; /* update satellite of ephemeris */
double cp[MAXSAT][NFREQ+NEXOBS]; /* carrier-phase measurement */
unsigned short lock[MAXSAT][NFREQ+NEXOBS]; /* lock time */
unsigned short loss[MAXSAT][NFREQ+NEXOBS]; /* loss of lock count */
gtime_t lltime[MAXSAT][NFREQ+NEXOBS]; /* last lock time */
int nbyte; /* 信息缓存中的bytes数 */
int nbit; /* number of bits in word buffer */
int len; /* message length (bytes) */
unsigned char buff[1200]; /* message buffer */
unsigned int word; /* word buffer for rtcm 2 */
unsigned int nmsg2[100]; /* message count of RTCM 2 (1-99:1-99,0:other) */
unsigned int nmsg3[400]; /* message count of RTCM 3 (1-299:1001-1299,300-399:2000-2099,0:ohter) */
char opt[256]; /* RTCM dependent options */
int sys;
int timeflag;
} rtcm_t;
typedef struct { /* rinex control struct type */
gtime_t time; /* message time */
double ver; /* rinex version */
char type; /* rinex file type ('O','N',...) */
int sys; /* navigation system */
int tsys; /* time system */
char tobs[7][MAXOBSTYPE][4]; /* rinex obs types */
obs_t obs; /* observation data */
nav_t nav; /* navigation data */
sta_t sta; /* station info */
int ephsat; /* ephemeris satellite number */
char opt[256]; /* rinex dependent options */
} rnxctr_t;
typedef struct { /* download url type */
char type[32]; /* data type */
char path[1024]; /* url path */
char dir [1024]; /* local directory */
double tint; /* time interval (s) */
} url_t;
typedef struct { /* option type */
const char *name; /* option name */
int format; /* option format (0:int,1:double,2:string,3:enum) */
void *var; /* pointer to option variable */
const char *comment; /* option comment/enum labels/unit */
} opt_t;
typedef struct { /* extended receiver error model */
int ena[4]; /* model enabled */
double cerr[4][NFREQ*2]; /* code errors (m) */
double perr[4][NFREQ*2]; /* carrier-phase errors (m) */
double gpsglob[NFREQ]; /* gps-glonass h/w bias (m) */
double gloicb [NFREQ]; /* glonass interchannel bias (m/fn) */
} exterr_t;
typedef struct { /* SNR mask type */
int ena[2]; /* enable flag {rover,base} */
double mask[NFREQ][9]; /* mask (dBHz) at 5,10,...85 deg */
} snrmask_t;
typedef struct { /* processing options type */
int mode; /* positioning mode (PMODE_???) */
int soltype; /* solution type (0:forward,1:backward,2:combined) */
int nf; /* number of frequencies (1:L1,2:L1+L2,3:L1+L2+L5) */
int navsys; /* navigation system */
double elmin; /* elevation mask angle (rad) */
snrmask_t snrmask; /* SNR mask */
int sateph; /* satellite ephemeris/clock (EPHOPT_???) */
int modear; /* AR mode (0:off,1:continuous,2:instantaneous,3:fix and hold,4:ppp-ar) */
int glomodear; /* GLONASS AR mode (0:off,1:on,2:auto cal,3:ext cal) */
int bdsmodear; /* BeiDou AR mode (0:off,1:on) */
int maxout; /* obs outage count to reset bias */
int minlock; /* min lock count to fix ambiguity */
int minfix; /* min fix count to hold ambiguity */
int armaxiter; /* max iteration to resolve ambiguity */
int ionoopt; /* ionosphere option (IONOOPT_???) */
int tropopt; /* troposphere option (TROPOPT_???) */
int dynamics; /* dynamics model (0:none,1:velociy,2:accel) */
int tidecorr; /* earth tide correction (0:off,1:solid,2:solid+otl+pole) */
int niter; /* number of filter iteration */
int codesmooth; /* code smoothing window size (0:none) */
int intpref; /* interpolate reference obs (for post mission) */
int sbascorr; /* SBAS correction options */
int sbassatsel; /* SBAS satellite selection (0:all) */
int rovpos; /* rover position for fixed mode */
int refpos; /* base position for relative mode */
/* (0:pos in prcopt, 1:average of single pos, */
/* 2:read from file, 3:rinex header, 4:rtcm pos) */
double eratio[NFREQ]; /* code/phase error ratio */
double err[5]; /* measurement error factor */
/* [0]:reserved */
/* [1-3]:error factor a/b/c of phase (m) */
/* [4]:doppler frequency (hz) */
double std[3]; /* initial-state std [0]bias,[1]iono [2]trop */
double prn[6]; /* process-noise std [0]bias,[1]iono [2]trop [3]acch [4]accv [5] pos */
double sclkstab; /* satellite clock stability (sec/sec) */
double thresar[8]; /* AR validation threshold */
double elmaskar; /* elevation mask of AR for rising satellite (deg) */
double elmaskhold; /* elevation mask to hold ambiguity (deg) */
double thresslip; /* slip threshold of geometry-free phase (m) */
double maxtdiff; /* max difference of time (sec) */
double maxinno; /* reject threshold of innovation (m) */
double maxgdop; /* reject threshold of gdop */
double baseline[2]; /* baseline length constraint {const,sigma} (m) */
double ru[3]; /* rover position for fixed mode {x,y,z} (ecef) (m) */
double rb[3]; /* base position for relative mode {x,y,z} (ecef) (m) */
char anttype[2][MAXANT]; /* antenna types {rover,base} */
double antdel[2][3]; /* antenna delta {{rov_e,rov_n,rov_u},{ref_e,ref_n,ref_u}} */
pcv_t pcvr[2]; /* receiver antenna parameters {rov,base} */
unsigned char exsats[MAXSAT]; /* excluded satellites (1:excluded,2:included) */
int maxaveep; /* max averaging epoches */
int initrst; /* initialize by restart */
int outsingle; /* output single by dgps/float/fix/ppp outage */
char rnxopt[2][256]; /* rinex options {rover,base} */
int posopt[6]; /* positioning options */
int syncsol; /* solution sync mode (0:off,1:on) */
double odisp[2][6*11]; /* ocean tide loading parameters {rov,base} */
exterr_t exterr; /* extended receiver error model */
int freqopt; /* disable L2-AR */
char pppopt[256]; /* ppp option */
} prcopt_t;
typedef struct { /* solution options type */
int posf; /* solution format (SOLF_???) */
int times; /* time system (TIMES_???) */
int timef; /* time format (0:sssss.s,1:yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.s) */
int timeu; /* time digits under decimal point */
int degf; /* latitude/longitude format (0:ddd.ddd,1:ddd mm ss) */
int outhead; /* output header (0:no,1:yes) */
int outopt; /* output processing options (0:no,1:yes) */
int outvel; /* output velocity options (0:no,1:yes) */
int datum; /* datum (0:WGS84,1:Tokyo) */
int height; /* height (0:ellipsoidal,1:geodetic) */
int geoid; /* geoid model (0:EGM96,1:JGD2000) */
int solstatic; /* solution of static mode (0:all,1:single) */
int sstat; /* solution statistics level (0:off,1:states,2:residuals) */
int trace; /* debug trace level (0:off,1-5:debug) */
double nmeaintv[2]; /* nmea output interval (s) (<0:no,0:all) */
/* nmeaintv[0]:gprmc,gpgga,nmeaintv[1]:gpgsv */
char sep[64]; /* field separator */
char prog[64]; /* program name */
double maxsolstd; /* max std-dev for solution output (m) (0:all) */
} solopt_t;
typedef struct { /* file options type */
char satantp[MAXSTRPATH]; /* satellite antenna parameters file */
char rcvantp[MAXSTRPATH]; /* receiver antenna parameters file */
char stapos [MAXSTRPATH]; /* station positions file */
char geoid [MAXSTRPATH]; /* external geoid data file */
char iono [MAXSTRPATH]; /* ionosphere data file */
char dcb [MAXSTRPATH]; /* dcb data file */
char eop [MAXSTRPATH]; /* eop data file */
char blq [MAXSTRPATH]; /* ocean tide loading blq file */
char tempdir[MAXSTRPATH]; /* ftp/http temporaly directory */
char geexe [MAXSTRPATH]; /* google earth exec file */
char solstat[MAXSTRPATH]; /* solution statistics file */
char trace [MAXSTRPATH]; /* debug trace file */
} filopt_t;
typedef struct { /* RINEX options type */
gtime_t ts,te; /* time start/end */
double tint; /* time interval (s) */
double ttol; /* time tolerance (s) */
double tunit; /* time unit for multiple-session (s) */
double rnxver; /* RINEX version */
int navsys; /* navigation system */
int obstype; /* observation type */
int freqtype; /* frequency type */
char mask[7][64]; /* code mask {GPS,GLO,GAL,QZS,SBS,CMP,IRN} */
char staid [32]; /* station id for rinex file name */
char prog [32]; /* program */
char runby [32]; /* run-by */
char marker[64]; /* marker name */
char markerno[32]; /* marker number */
char markertype[32]; /* marker type (ver.3) */
char name[2][32]; /* observer/agency */
char rec [3][32]; /* receiver #/type/vers */
char ant [3][32]; /* antenna #/type */
double apppos[3]; /* approx position x/y/z */
double antdel[3]; /* antenna delta h/e/n */
char comment[MAXCOMMENT][64]; /* comments */
char rcvopt[256]; /* receiver dependent options */
unsigned char exsats[MAXSAT]; /* excluded satellites */
int scanobs; /* scan obs types */
int outiono; /* output iono correction */
int outtime; /* output time system correction */
int outleaps; /* output leap seconds */
int autopos; /* auto approx position */
int halfcyc; /* half cycle correction */
int sep_nav; /* separated nav files */
gtime_t tstart; /* first obs time */
gtime_t tend; /* last obs time */
gtime_t trtcm; /* approx log start time for rtcm */
char tobs[7][MAXOBSTYPE][4]; /* obs types {GPS,GLO,GAL,QZS,SBS,CMP,IRN} */
int nobs[7]; /* number of obs types {GPS,GLO,GAL,QZS,SBS,CMP,IRN} */
} rnxopt_t;
typedef struct { /* satellite status type */
unsigned char sys; /* navigation system */
unsigned char vs; /* valid satellite flag single */
double azel[2]; /* azimuth/elevation angles {az,el} (rad) */
double resp[NFREQ]; /* residuals of pseudorange (m) */
double resc[NFREQ]; /* residuals of carrier-phase (m) */
unsigned char vsat[NFREQ]; /* valid satellite flag */
unsigned char snr [NFREQ]; /* signal strength (0.25 dBHz) */
unsigned char fix [NFREQ]; /* ambiguity fix flag (1:fix,2:float,3:hold) */
unsigned char slip[NFREQ]; /* cycle-slip flag */
unsigned char half[NFREQ]; /* half-cycle valid flag */
int lock [NFREQ]; /* lock counter of phase */
unsigned int outc [NFREQ]; /* obs outage counter of phase */
unsigned int slipc[NFREQ]; /* cycle-slip counter */
unsigned int rejc [NFREQ]; /* reject counter */
double gf; /* geometry-free phase L1-L2 (m) */
double gf2; /* geometry-free phase L1-L5 (m) */
double mw; /* MW-LC (m) */
double phw; /* phase windup (cycle) */
gtime_t pt[2][NFREQ]; /* previous carrier-phase time */
double ph[2][NFREQ]; /* previous carrier-phase observable (cycle) */
} ssat_t;
typedef struct { /* ambiguity control type */
gtime_t epoch[4]; /* last epoch */
int n[4]; /* number of epochs */
double LC [4]; /* linear combination average */
double LCv[4]; /* linear combination variance */
int fixcnt; /* fix count */
char flags[MAXSAT]; /* fix flags */
} ambc_t;
typedef struct { /* RTK control/result type */
sol_t sol; /* RTK solution */
double rb[6]; /* base position/velocity (ecef) (m|m/s) */
int nx,na; /* number of float states/fixed states */
double tt; /* time difference between current and previous (s) */
double *x, *P; /* float states and their covariance */
double *xa,*Pa; /* fixed states and their covariance */
int nfix; /* number of continuous fixes of ambiguity */
ambc_t ambc[MAXSAT]; /* ambibuity control */
ssat_t ssat[MAXSAT]; /* satellite status */
int neb; /* bytes in error message buffer */
char errbuf[MAXERRMSG]; /* error message buffer */
prcopt_t opt; /* processing options */
} rtk_t;
typedef struct half_cyc_tag { /* half-cycle correction list type */
unsigned char sat; /* satellite number */
unsigned char freq; /* frequency number (0:L1,1:L2,2:L5) */
unsigned char valid; /* half-cycle valid flag */
char corr; /* half-cycle corrected (x 0.5 cyc) */
gtime_t ts,te; /* time start, time end */
struct half_cyc_tag *next; /* pointer to next correction */
} half_cyc_t;
typedef struct { /* receiver raw data control type */
gtime_t time; /* message time */
gtime_t tobs[MAXSAT][NFREQ+NEXOBS]; /* observation data time */
obs_t obs; /* observation data */
obs_t obuf; /* observation data buffer */
nav_t nav; /* satellite ephemerides */
sta_t sta; /* station parameters */
int ephsat; /* sat number of update ephemeris (0:no satellite) */
sbsmsg_t sbsmsg; /* SBAS message */
char msgtype[256]; /* last message type */
unsigned char subfrm[MAXSAT][380]; /* subframe buffer */
lexmsg_t lexmsg; /* LEX message */
double lockt[MAXSAT][NFREQ+NEXOBS]; /* lock time (s) */
double icpp[MAXSAT],off[MAXSAT],icpc; /* carrier params for ss2 */
double prCA[MAXSAT],dpCA[MAXSAT]; /* L1/CA pseudrange/doppler for javad */
unsigned char halfc[MAXSAT][NFREQ+NEXOBS]; /* half-cycle add flag */
char freqn[MAXOBS]; /* frequency number for javad */
int nbyte; /* number of bytes in message buffer */
int len; /* message length (bytes) */
int iod; /* issue of data */
int tod; /* time of day (ms) */
int tbase; /* time base (0:gpst,1:utc(usno),2:glonass,3:utc(su) */
int flag; /* general purpose flag */
int outtype; /* output message type */
unsigned char buff[MAXRAWLEN]; /* message buffer */
char opt[256]; /* receiver dependent options */
half_cyc_t *half_cyc; /* half-cycle correction list */
int format; /* receiver stream format */
void *rcv_data; /* receiver dependent data */
} raw_t;
typedef struct { /* stream type */
int type; /* type (STR_???) */
int mode; /* mode (STR_MODE_?) */
int state; /* state (-1:error,0:close,1:open) */
unsigned int inb,inr; /* input bytes/rate */
unsigned int outb,outr; /* output bytes/rate */
unsigned int tick_i; /* input tick tick */
unsigned int tick_o; /* output tick */
unsigned int tact; /* active tick */
unsigned int inbt,outbt; /* input/output bytes at tick */
lock_t lock; /* lock flag */
void *port; /* type dependent port control struct */
char path[MAXSTRPATH]; /* stream path */
char msg [MAXSTRMSG]; /* stream message */
} stream_t;
typedef void fatalfunc_t(const char *); /* fatal callback function type */
/* global variables ----------------------------------------------------------*/
extern const double chisqr[]; /* chi-sqr(n) table (alpha=0.001) */
extern const double lam_carr[]; /* carrier wave length (m) {L1,L2,...} */
extern const prcopt_t prcopt_default; /* default positioning options */
extern const solopt_t solopt_default; /* default solution output options */
extern const sbsigpband_t igpband1[9][8]; /* SBAS IGP band 0-8 */
extern const sbsigpband_t igpband2[2][5]; /* SBAS IGP band 9-10 */
extern const char *formatstrs[]; /* stream format strings */
extern opt_t sysopts[]; /* system options table */
/* satellites, systems, codes functions --------------------------------------*/
EXPORT int satno (int sys, int prn);
EXPORT int satsys (int sat, int *prn);
EXPORT int satid2no(const char *id);
EXPORT void satno2id(int sat, char *id);
EXPORT unsigned char obs2code(const char *obs, int *freq);
EXPORT char *code2obs(unsigned char code, int *freq);
EXPORT int satexclude(int sat, int svh, const prcopt_t *opt);
EXPORT int testsnr(int base, int freq, double el, double snr,
const snrmask_t *mask);
EXPORT void setcodepri(int sys, int freq, const char *pri);
EXPORT int getcodepri(int sys, unsigned char code, const char *opt);
/* matrix and vector functions -----------------------------------------------*/
EXPORT double *mat (int n, int m);
EXPORT int *imat (int n, int m);
EXPORT double *zeros(int n, int m);
EXPORT double *eye (int n);
EXPORT double dot (const double *a, const double *b, int n);
EXPORT double norm(const double *a, int n);
EXPORT void cross3(const double *a, const double *b, double *c);
EXPORT int normv3(const double *a, double *b);
EXPORT void matcpy(double *A, const double *B, int n, int m);
EXPORT void matmul(const char *tr, int n, int k, int m, double alpha,
const double *A, const double *B, double beta, double *C);
EXPORT int matinv(double *A, int n);
EXPORT int solve (const char *tr, const double *A, const double *Y, int n,
int m, double *X);
EXPORT int lsq (const double *A, const double *y, int n, int m, double *x,
double *Q);
EXPORT int filter(double *x, double *P, const double *H, const double *v,
const double *R, int n, int m);
EXPORT int smoother(const double *xf, const double *Qf, const double *xb,
const double *Qb, int n, double *xs, double *Qs);
EXPORT void matprint (const double *A, int n, int m, int p, int q);
EXPORT void matfprint(const double *A, int n, int m, int p, int q, FILE *fp);
EXPORT void add_fatal(fatalfunc_t *func);
/* time and string functions -------------------------------------------------*/
EXPORT double str2num(const char *s, int i, int n);
EXPORT int str2time(const char *s, int i, int n, gtime_t *t);
EXPORT void time2str(gtime_t t, char *str, int n);
EXPORT gtime_t epoch2time(const double *ep);
EXPORT void time2epoch(gtime_t t, double *ep);
EXPORT gtime_t gpst2time(int week, double sec);
EXPORT double time2gpst(gtime_t t, int *week);
EXPORT gtime_t gst2time(int week, double sec);
EXPORT double time2gst(gtime_t t, int *week);
EXPORT gtime_t bdt2time(int week, double sec);
EXPORT double time2bdt(gtime_t t, int *week);
EXPORT char *time_str(gtime_t t, int n);
EXPORT gtime_t timeadd (gtime_t t, double sec);
EXPORT double timediff (gtime_t t1, gtime_t t2);
EXPORT gtime_t gpst2utc (gtime_t t);
EXPORT gtime_t utc2gpst (gtime_t t);
EXPORT gtime_t gpst2bdt (gtime_t t);
EXPORT gtime_t bdt2gpst (gtime_t t);
EXPORT gtime_t timeget (void);
EXPORT void timeset (gtime_t t);
EXPORT double time2doy (gtime_t t);
EXPORT double utc2gmst (gtime_t t, double ut1_utc);
EXPORT int read_leaps(const char *file);
EXPORT int adjgpsweek(int week);
EXPORT unsigned int tickget(void);
EXPORT void sleepms(int ms);
EXPORT int reppath(const char *path, char *rpath, gtime_t time, const char *rov,
const char *base);
EXPORT int reppaths(const char *path, char *rpaths[], int nmax, gtime_t ts,
gtime_t te, const char *rov, const char *base);
/* coordinates transformation ------------------------------------------------*/
EXPORT void ecef2pos(const double *r, double *pos);
EXPORT void pos2ecef(const double *pos, double *r);
EXPORT void ecef2enu(const double *pos, const double *r, double *e);
EXPORT void enu2ecef(const double *pos, const double *e, double *r);
EXPORT void covenu (const double *pos, const double *P, double *Q);
EXPORT void covecef (const double *pos, const double *Q, double *P);
EXPORT void xyz2enu (const double *pos, double *E);
EXPORT void eci2ecef(gtime_t tutc, const double *erpv, double *U, double *gmst);
EXPORT void deg2dms (double deg, double *dms, int ndec);
EXPORT double dms2deg(const double *dms);
/* input and output functions ------------------------------------------------*/
/* debug trace functions -----------------------------------------------------*/
EXPORT void traceopen(const char *file);
EXPORT void traceclose(void);
EXPORT void tracelevel(int level);
EXPORT void trace (int level, const char *format, ...);
EXPORT void tracet (int level, const char *format, ...);
EXPORT void tracemat (int level, const double *A, int n, int m, int p, int q);
EXPORT void traceobs (int level, const obsd_t *obs, int n);
EXPORT void tracenav (int level, const nav_t *nav);
EXPORT void tracegnav(int level, const nav_t *nav);
EXPORT void tracehnav(int level, const nav_t *nav);
EXPORT void tracepeph(int level, const nav_t *nav);
EXPORT void tracepclk(int level, const nav_t *nav);
EXPORT void traceb (int level, const unsigned char *p, int n);
/* platform dependent functions ----------------------------------------------*/
EXPORT int execcmd(const char *cmd);
EXPORT int expath (const char *path, char *paths[], int nmax);
EXPORT void createdir(const char *path);
/* positioning models --------------------------------------------------------*/
EXPORT double satwavelen(int sat, int frq, const nav_t *nav);
EXPORT double satazel(const double *pos, const double *e, double *azel);
EXPORT double geodist(const double *rs, const double *rr, double *e);
EXPORT void dops(int ns, const double *azel, double elmin, double *dop);
EXPORT void csmooth(obs_t *obs, int ns);
/* atmosphere models ---------------------------------------------------------*/
EXPORT double ionmodel(gtime_t t, const double *ion, const double *pos,
const double *azel);
EXPORT double ionmapf(const double *pos, const double *azel);
EXPORT double ionppp(const double *pos, const double *azel, double re,
double hion, double *pppos);
EXPORT double tropmodel(gtime_t time, const double *pos, const double *azel,
double humi);
EXPORT int iontec(gtime_t time, const nav_t *nav, const double *pos,
const double *azel, int opt, double *delay, double *var);
EXPORT int ionocorr(gtime_t time, const nav_t *nav, int sat, const double *pos,
const double *azel, int ionoopt, double *ion, double *var);
EXPORT int tropcorr(gtime_t time, const nav_t *nav, const double *pos,
const double *azel, int tropopt, double *trp, double *var);
/* antenna models ------------------------------------------------------------*/
EXPORT int readpcv(const char *file, pcvs_t *pcvs);
EXPORT pcv_t *searchpcv(int sat, const char *type, gtime_t time,
const pcvs_t *pcvs);
EXPORT void antmodel(const pcv_t *pcv, const double *del, const double *azel,
int opt, double *dant);
EXPORT void antmodel_s(const pcv_t *pcv, double nadir, double *dant);
/* earth tide models ---------------------------------------------------------*/
/* geiod models --------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* datum transformation ------------------------------------------------------*/
/* rinex functions -----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* ephemeris and clock functions ---------------------------------------------*/
EXPORT double eph2clk (gtime_t time, const eph_t *eph);
EXPORT int satpos(gtime_t time, gtime_t teph, int sat, int ephopt,
const nav_t *nav, double *rs, double *dts, double *var,
int *svh);
EXPORT void satposs(gtime_t time, const obsd_t *obs, int n, const nav_t *nav,
int sateph, double *rs, double *dts, double *var, int *svh, FILE* recpos);
/* receiver raw data functions -----------------------------------------------*/
EXPORT unsigned int getbitu(const unsigned char *buff, int pos, int len);
EXPORT int getbits(const unsigned char *buff, int pos, int len);
EXPORT void setbitu(unsigned char *buff, int pos, int len, unsigned int data);
EXPORT void setbits(unsigned char *buff, int pos, int len, int data);
EXPORT unsigned int rtk_crc24q (const unsigned char *buff, int len);
EXPORT int decode_word (unsigned int word, unsigned char *data);
EXPORT int input_lexr (raw_t *raw, unsigned char data);
EXPORT int input_lexrf (raw_t *raw, FILE *fp);
EXPORT int gen_lexr(const char *msg, unsigned char *buff);
/* rtcm functions ------------------------------------------------------------*/
EXPORT int init_rtcm (rtcm_t *rtcm);
EXPORT void free_rtcm (rtcm_t *rtcm);
EXPORT int input_rtcm3 (rtcm_t *rtcm, unsigned char data);
EXPORT int input_rtcm3f(rtcm_t *rtcm, FILE *fp);
/* solution functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
/* google earth kml converter ------------------------------------------------*/
/* gpx converter -------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* sbas functions ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* options functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
/* stream data input and output functions ------------------------------------*/
/* integer ambiguity resolution ----------------------------------------------*/
/* standard positioning ------------------------------------------------------*/
EXPORT int pntpos(const obsd_t* obs, int n, const nav_t* nav
, sol_t* sol, double* azel,ssat_t* ssat,FILE* recpos, FILE* satpos);
/* precise positioning -------------------------------------------------------*/
/* precise point positioning -------------------------------------------------*/
/* post-processing positioning -----------------------------------------------*/
EXPORT int postpos(gtime_t ts, gtime_t te, double ti, double tu,
const prcopt_t *popt, const solopt_t *sopt,
const filopt_t *fopt, char **infile, int n, char *outfile,
const char *rov, const char *base);
/* stream server functions ---------------------------------------------------*/
/* rtk server functions ------------------------------------------------------*/
/* downloader functions ------------------------------------------------------*/
/* gis data functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
/* imu functions -------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* qzss lex functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
/* application defined functions ---------------------------------------------*/
extern int showmsg(char *format,...);
extern void settspan(gtime_t ts, gtime_t te);
extern void settime(gtime_t time);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* RTKLIB_H */
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