(function (R) {
R.prototype.reset = function () {
var oDiv = this.canvas, scale = this._scale;
scale.w = oDiv.width.baseVal.value;
scale.h = oDiv.height.baseVal.value;
scale.x = 0;
scale.y = 0;
scale.vari = 0.02;
scale.zoom = 1;
this._scale = scale;
this.setViewBox(scale.x, scale.y, scale.w, scale.h, false);
R.prototype._scale = { vari: 0.1, zoom: 1, w: 0, h: 0, x: 0, y: 0,maxZoom:6,minZoom:0.5 };
R.prototype.getId = function (){
this.parent = $(this.canvas).parent();
this.parentId = this.parent[0].id;
return this.parentId;
R.prototype.zoomEnable = function () {
var oDiv = this.canvas, scale = this._scale, that = this;
scale.w = oDiv.width.baseVal.value;
scale.h = oDiv.height.baseVal.value;
this.parent = $(this.canvas).parent();
this.parentId = this.parent[0].id;
var $svgTest = this.parent[0];
$svgTest.onmousewheel = function (e) {
var cw = oDiv.width.baseVal.value, ch = oDiv.height.baseVal.value;
var w = scale.w, h = scale.h, x = scale.x, y = scale.y;
var vari = scale.vari - 0;
e = e || window.event;
var cx = e.clientX - offset($svgTest).left;
var cy = e.clientY - offset($svgTest).top;
var dtl = e.wheelDelta ? e.wheelDelta : e.detail;
var px, py, nx, ny;
var posv = 1 / scale.zoom;
px = cx * posv;
py = cy * posv;
if (dtl < 0) {
if (scale.zoom <= scale.minZoom) return;
scale.zoom -= vari;
} else {
if (scale.zoom >= scale.maxZoom) return;
scale.zoom += vari;
posv = 1 / scale.zoom;
w = cw * posv;
h = ch * posv;
nx = cx * posv;
ny = cy * posv;
var dx = px - nx;
var dy = py - ny;
x += dx;
y += dy;
scale.w = w;
scale.h = h;
scale.x = x;
scale.y = y;
that.setViewBox(scale.x, scale.y, scale.w, scale.h, false);
that._scale = scale
R.el.draggable = function (move, start, up) {
this._ui = this._ui || {};
var that = this;
this._ui.onMove = R.is(move, 'function') ?
move : function (distanceX, distanceY, x, y, deltaX, deltaY) {
that.translate(deltaX, deltaY);
this._ui.onStart = R.is(start, 'function') ? start : function (x, y) {
this._ui.onUp = R.is(up, 'function') ? up : function (x, y) {
function onMove(distanceX, distanceY, x, y) {
var deltaX = x - that._ui.lastX;
var deltaY = y - that._ui.lastY;
that._ui.lastX = x;
that._ui.lastY = y;
that._ui.onMove(distanceX, distanceY, x, y, deltaX, deltaY);
function onStart(x, y) {
R.prototype._draging = true;
that._ui.lastX = x;
that._ui.lastY = y;
that._ui.onStart(x, y);
function onUp(x, y) {
R.prototype._draging = false;
return this.drag(onMove, onStart, onUp);
function offset(elem){
var o = {};
o.left = elem.offsetLeft;
o.top= elem.offsetTop;
elem = elem.offsetParent;
o.left += elem.offsetLeft;
o.top += elem.offsetTop;
return o;
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