Development framework for extending the JS Native Module | 原生模块扩展开发框架
Window Manager | 窗口管理框架
System ability framework | 系统服务框架定义
Peripheral driver of the Hardware Driver Foundation (HDF) | HDF外设驱动
Launcher system app | 系统桌面
init process for startup | 启动模块init进程
Window manager and compositor | 图形窗口合成器
Patches of Linux kernel 4.19 for the embedded devices running the standard system | 支持适用于标准系统的嵌入式设备的linux-4.19内核的补丁
Configuration files of Linux kernel 4.19 for the embedded devices running the standard system | 支持适用于标准系统的嵌入式设备的linux-4.19内核的配置文件
all-in-one Linux command line
Third-party open-source software libuv | 三方开源软件libuv
Compilation and building framework and scripts | 编译构建框架和脚本
Hardware platforms emulation by QEMU | QEMU模拟不同的硬件单板
Device debug connector that provides the device connection capability and a command line tool | 设备调试连接器,提供了连接设备的能力,并提供了对外的命令行工具
该仓库托管OpenHarmony社区开发的,而非某个厂商单独开发的典型产品样例代码,主要 包括类似QEMU(Quick Emulator)的图形、软总线等特性产品的开发。