import cv2
import mediapipe as mp
import math
def vector_2d_angle(v1, v2):
v1_x = v1[0]
v1_y = v1[1]
v2_x = v2[0]
v2_y = v2[1]
angle_ = math.degrees(math.acos(
(v1_x * v2_x + v1_y * v2_y) / (((v1_x ** 2 + v1_y ** 2) ** 0.5) * ((v2_x ** 2 + v2_y ** 2) ** 0.5))))
angle_ = 65535.
if angle_ > 180.:
angle_ = 65535.
return angle_
def hand_angle(hand_):
angle_list = []
# ---------------------------- thumb 大拇指角度
angle_ = vector_2d_angle(
((int(hand_[0][0]) - int(hand_[2][0])), (int(hand_[0][1]) - int(hand_[2][1]))),
((int(hand_[3][0]) - int(hand_[4][0])), (int(hand_[3][1]) - int(hand_[4][1])))
# ---------------------------- index 食指角度
angle_ = vector_2d_angle(
((int(hand_[0][0]) - int(hand_[6][0])), (int(hand_[0][1]) - int(hand_[6][1]))),
((int(hand_[7][0]) - int(hand_[8][0])), (int(hand_[7][1]) - int(hand_[8][1])))
# ---------------------------- middle 中指角度
angle_ = vector_2d_angle(
((int(hand_[0][0]) - int(hand_[10][0])), (int(hand_[0][1]) - int(hand_[10][1]))),
((int(hand_[11][0]) - int(hand_[12][0])), (int(hand_[11][1]) - int(hand_[12][1])))
# ---------------------------- ring 无名指角度
angle_ = vector_2d_angle(
((int(hand_[0][0]) - int(hand_[14][0])), (int(hand_[0][1]) - int(hand_[14][1]))),
((int(hand_[15][0]) - int(hand_[16][0])), (int(hand_[15][1]) - int(hand_[16][1])))
# ---------------------------- pink 小拇指角度
angle_ = vector_2d_angle(
((int(hand_[0][0]) - int(hand_[18][0])), (int(hand_[0][1]) - int(hand_[18][1]))),
((int(hand_[19][0]) - int(hand_[20][0])), (int(hand_[19][1]) - int(hand_[20][1])))
return angle_list
def h_gesture(angle_list):
# 二维约束的方法定义手势
# fist five gun love one six three thumbup yeah
thr_angle = 65. # 手指闭合则大于这个值(大拇指除外)
thr_angle_thumb = 53. # 大拇指闭合则大于这个值
thr_angle_s = 49. # 手指张开则小于这个值
gesture_str = "Unknown"
if 65535. not in angle_list:
if (angle_list[0] > thr_angle_thumb) and (angle_list[1] > thr_angle) and (angle_list[2] > thr_angle) and (
angle_list[3] > thr_angle) and (angle_list[4] > thr_angle):
gesture_str = "0"
elif (angle_list[0] > thr_angle_thumb) and (angle_list[1] < thr_angle_s) and (angle_list[2] > thr_angle) and (
angle_list[3] > thr_angle) and (angle_list[4] > thr_angle):
gesture_str = "1"
elif (angle_list[0] > thr_angle_thumb) and (angle_list[1] < thr_angle_s) and (angle_list[2] < thr_angle_s) and (
angle_list[3] > thr_angle) and (angle_list[4] > thr_angle):
gesture_str = "2"
elif (angle_list[0] > thr_angle_thumb) and (angle_list[1] < thr_angle_s) and (angle_list[2] < thr_angle_s) and (
angle_list[3] < thr_angle_s) and (angle_list[4] > thr_angle):
gesture_str = "3"
elif (angle_list[0] > thr_angle_thumb) and (angle_list[1] < thr_angle_s) and (angle_list[2] < thr_angle_s) and (
angle_list[3] < thr_angle_s) and (angle_list[4] < thr_angle_s):
gesture_str = "4"
elif (angle_list[0] < thr_angle_s) and (angle_list[1] < thr_angle_s) and (angle_list[2] < thr_angle_s) and (
angle_list[3] < thr_angle_s) and (angle_list[4] < thr_angle_s):
gesture_str = "5"
elif (angle_list[0] < thr_angle_s) and (angle_list[1] > thr_angle) and (angle_list[2] > thr_angle) and (
angle_list[3] > thr_angle) and (angle_list[4] < thr_angle_s):
gesture_str = "6"
elif (angle_list[0] < thr_angle_s) and (angle_list[1] < thr_angle_s) and (angle_list[2] > thr_angle) and (
angle_list[3] > thr_angle) and (angle_list[4] > thr_angle):
gesture_str = "8"
elif (angle_list[0] > thr_angle_thumb) and (angle_list[1] > thr_angle) and (angle_list[2] > thr_angle) and (
angle_list[3] > thr_angle) and (angle_list[4] < thr_angle_s):
gesture_str = "Pink Up"
elif (angle_list[0] < thr_angle_s) and (angle_list[1] > thr_angle) and (angle_list[2] > thr_angle) and (
angle_list[3] > thr_angle) and (angle_list[4] > thr_angle):
gesture_str = "Thumb Up"
elif (angle_list[0] > thr_angle_thumb) and (angle_list[1] > thr_angle) and (angle_list[2] < thr_angle_s) and (
angle_list[3] > thr_angle) and (angle_list[4] > thr_angle):
gesture_str = "Fuck"
elif (angle_list[0] > thr_angle_thumb) and (angle_list[1] > thr_angle) and (angle_list[2] < thr_angle_s) and (
angle_list[3] < thr_angle_s) and (angle_list[4] < thr_angle_s):
gesture_str = "Princess"
elif (angle_list[0] < thr_angle_s) and (angle_list[1] < thr_angle_s) and (angle_list[2] < thr_angle_s) and (
angle_list[3] > thr_angle) and (angle_list[4] > thr_angle):
gesture_str = "Bye"
elif (angle_list[0] < thr_angle_s) and (angle_list[1] < thr_angle_s) and (angle_list[2] > thr_angle) and (
angle_list[3] > thr_angle) and (angle_list[4] < thr_angle_s):
gesture_str = "Spider-Man"
elif (angle_list[0] > thr_angle_thumb) and (angle_list[1] < thr_angle_s) and (angle_list[2] > thr_angle) and (
angle_list[3] > thr_angle) and (angle_list[4] < thr_angle_s):
gesture_str = "Rock'n'Roll"
return gesture_str
mp_drawing = mp.solutions.drawing_utils
mp_hands = mp.solutions.hands
hands = mp_hands.Hands(
# 参数:1、颜色,2、线条粗细,3、点的半径
DrawingSpec_point = mp_drawing.DrawingSpec((0, 0, 255), 2, 6)
DrawingSpec_line = mp_drawing.DrawingSpec((0, 255, 0), 2, 2)
def handDetect(img):
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
img = cv2.flip(img, 1)
results = hands.process(img)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
gesture_str = "Unknown"
finger_navigation = False
middle_point = [0,0]
if results.multi_hand_landmarks:
for hand_landmarks in results.multi_hand_landmarks:
mp_drawing.draw_landmarks(img, hand_landmarks, mp_hands.HAND_CONNECTIONS, DrawingSpec_point,
hand_local = []
for i in range(21):
x = hand_landmarks.landmark[i].x * img.shape[1]
y = hand_landmarks.landmark[i].y * img.shape[0]
hand_local.append((x, y))
if hand_local:
angle_list = hand_angle(hand_local)
gesture_str = h_gesture(angle_list)
# print(gesture_str)
# 获取拇指指尖坐标
thumb_finger_tip_x = hand_local[4][0]
thumb_finger_tip_y = hand_local[4][1]
# 获取食指指尖坐标
index_finger_tip_x = hand_local[8][0]
index_finger_tip_y = hand_local[8][1]
# 中间点
middle_point[0] = int((thumb_finger_tip_x + index_finger_tip_x) / 2)
middle_point[1] = int((thumb_finger_tip_y + index_finger_tip_y) / 2)
# 画2点连线
# cv2.line(img, (int(hand_local[4][0]), int(hand_local[4][1])),
# (int(hand_local[8][0]), int(hand_local[8][1])), (255, 0, 255), 1)
# 勾股定理计算长度
line_len = math.hypot((index_finger_tip_x - thumb_finger_tip_x),
(index_finger_tip_y - thumb_finger_tip_y))
# 当拇指和食指合拢时
if line_len < 40:
cv2.circle(img, (middle_point[0],middle_point[1]), 20, (255, 0, 255), -1)
finger_navigation = True
# 因为此时图像是翻转的,所以x坐标需要换算
middle_point[0] = img.shape[1] - middle_point[0]
finger_navigation = False
frame = cv2.flip(img, 1)
return frame, gesture_str, finger_navigation, middle_point
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