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forked from qiusunshine233/hikerView 
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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
global_油猴脚本转换.js 16.32 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
const VERSION = '20.4.10';
const DEBUG = false;
const isTop = window.top === window.self;
const isNotTop = !isTop;
const PLUGIN_ATTR = 'userscript';
const PLUGIN_NAME = 'hiker';
let Href = location.href;
function log(...args) {
if (!DEBUG) return;
const message =
`${new Date().toISOString().replace(/.+T|\..+/g, '')} › ` +
args.map((v) => (typeof v === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(v) : v)).join(' ');
'%c ' + message,
'background: #d3f9d8; color: #343a40; padding: 6px; border-radius: 6px;'
function Is(regex, href = Href) {
return typeof regex === 'string'
? href.includes(regex)
: regex.test(
regex.source.includes('=http') ? href : href.replace(/=http[^&]+/, '')
function IsNot(regex, href) {
return !Is(regex, href);
const storePrefix = '海阔视界.';
const Store = {
get(key, defaultValue = null) {
let value = window.localStorage.getItem(storePrefix + key);
try {
value = JSON.parse(value);
} catch (_) {}
return value !== null ? value : defaultValue;
set(key, value = null) {
window.localStorage.setItem(storePrefix + key, JSON.stringify(value));
remove(key) {
window.localStorage.removeItem(storePrefix + key);
async function fetchUrl(url, opts = {}) {
let { name = url, version = VERSION } = opts;
if (DEBUG) {
log('fetchUrl:', url);
let data;
const matches = url.match(/\/([^\/]+)\/(\d+\.\d+[^\/]+).*(\.\w+)$/);
if (matches) {
name = matches[1] + matches[3];
version = matches[2];
const cacheData = Store.get(name);
if (cacheData && cacheData.version === version) {
data = cacheData.data;
if (!data) {
data = await window
.then((res) => res.text())
.then((data) => {
Store.set(name, { data, version });
return data;
return data;
async function addJs(url, opts) {
const data = await fetchUrl(url, opts);
async function addCssUrl(url) {
const data = await fetchUrl(url);
function addCss(styles) {
let css;
if (/^(http|\/)/.test(styles)) {
return addCssUrl(styles);
styles = styles.replace(/\n+\s*/g, ' ');
css = document.createElement('style');
if (css.styleSheet) css.styleSheet.cssText = styles;
// Support for IE
else css.appendChild(document.createTextNode(styles)); // Support for the rest
css.type = 'text/css';
const PurifyStyle = `
display: none !important;
visibility: hidden !important;
width: 0 !important;
height: 0 !important;
max-width: 0 !important;
max-height: 0 !important;
overflow: hidden !important;
position: absolute !important;
left: -99999px !important;
opacity: 0 !important;
pointer-events: none !important;`;
async function go() {
await addJs('https://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery/3.4.1/jquery.min.js');
const $ = jQuery.noConflict(true);
$(function () {
log('.install-link:', $('.install-link.is-hiker').length);
if ($('.install-link.is-hiker').length > 1) return;
$('#site-name-text a').html(
`Greasy Fork<span>海阔视界 · 油猴转换 v${VERSION}</span>`
// fork: [e8a9a09](https://github.com/dankogai/js-base64/blob/master/base64.js)
function setBase64(global = window) {
// existing version for noConflict()
global = global || {};
var _Base64 = global.Base64;
var version = '2.5.2';
// if node.js and NOT React Native, we use Buffer
var buffer;
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
try {
buffer = eval("require('buffer').Buffer");
} catch (err) {
buffer = undefined;
// constants
var b64chars =
var b64tab = (function (bin) {
var t = {};
for (var i = 0, l = bin.length; i < l; i++) t[bin.charAt(i)] = i;
return t;
var fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode;
// encoder stuff
var cb_utob = function (c) {
if (c.length < 2) {
var cc = c.charCodeAt(0);
return cc < 0x80
? c
: cc < 0x800
? fromCharCode(0xc0 | (cc >>> 6)) + fromCharCode(0x80 | (cc & 0x3f))
: fromCharCode(0xe0 | ((cc >>> 12) & 0x0f)) +
fromCharCode(0x80 | ((cc >>> 6) & 0x3f)) +
fromCharCode(0x80 | (cc & 0x3f));
} else {
var cc =
0x10000 +
(c.charCodeAt(0) - 0xd800) * 0x400 +
(c.charCodeAt(1) - 0xdc00);
return (
fromCharCode(0xf0 | ((cc >>> 18) & 0x07)) +
fromCharCode(0x80 | ((cc >>> 12) & 0x3f)) +
fromCharCode(0x80 | ((cc >>> 6) & 0x3f)) +
fromCharCode(0x80 | (cc & 0x3f))
var re_utob = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFFF]|[^\x00-\x7F]/g;
var utob = function (u) {
return u.replace(re_utob, cb_utob);
var cb_encode = function (ccc) {
var padlen = [0, 2, 1][ccc.length % 3],
ord =
(ccc.charCodeAt(0) << 16) |
((ccc.length > 1 ? ccc.charCodeAt(1) : 0) << 8) |
(ccc.length > 2 ? ccc.charCodeAt(2) : 0),
chars = [
b64chars.charAt(ord >>> 18),
b64chars.charAt((ord >>> 12) & 63),
padlen >= 2 ? '=' : b64chars.charAt((ord >>> 6) & 63),
padlen >= 1 ? '=' : b64chars.charAt(ord & 63),
return chars.join('');
var btoa = global.btoa
? function (b) {
return global.btoa(b);
: function (b) {
return b.replace(/[\s\S]{1,3}/g, cb_encode);
var _encode = function (u) {
var isUint8Array =
Object.prototype.toString.call(u) === '[object Uint8Array]';
return isUint8Array ? u.toString('base64') : btoa(utob(String(u)));
var encode = function (u, urisafe) {
return !urisafe
? _encode(u)
: _encode(String(u))
.replace(/[+\/]/g, function (m0) {
return m0 == '+' ? '-' : '_';
.replace(/=/g, '');
var encodeURI = function (u) {
return encode(u, true);
// decoder stuff
var re_btou = /[\xC0-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]|[\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2}|[\xF0-\xF7][\x80-\xBF]{3}/g;
var cb_btou = function (cccc) {
switch (cccc.length) {
case 4:
var cp =
((0x07 & cccc.charCodeAt(0)) << 18) |
((0x3f & cccc.charCodeAt(1)) << 12) |
((0x3f & cccc.charCodeAt(2)) << 6) |
(0x3f & cccc.charCodeAt(3)),
offset = cp - 0x10000;
return (
fromCharCode((offset >>> 10) + 0xd800) +
fromCharCode((offset & 0x3ff) + 0xdc00)
case 3:
return fromCharCode(
((0x0f & cccc.charCodeAt(0)) << 12) |
((0x3f & cccc.charCodeAt(1)) << 6) |
(0x3f & cccc.charCodeAt(2))
return fromCharCode(
((0x1f & cccc.charCodeAt(0)) << 6) | (0x3f & cccc.charCodeAt(1))
var btou = function (b) {
return b.replace(re_btou, cb_btou);
var cb_decode = function (cccc) {
var len = cccc.length,
padlen = len % 4,
n =
(len > 0 ? b64tab[cccc.charAt(0)] << 18 : 0) |
(len > 1 ? b64tab[cccc.charAt(1)] << 12 : 0) |
(len > 2 ? b64tab[cccc.charAt(2)] << 6 : 0) |
(len > 3 ? b64tab[cccc.charAt(3)] : 0),
chars = [
fromCharCode(n >>> 16),
fromCharCode((n >>> 8) & 0xff),
fromCharCode(n & 0xff),
chars.length -= [0, 0, 2, 1][padlen];
return chars.join('');
var _atob = global.atob
? function (a) {
return global.atob(a);
: function (a) {
return a.replace(/\S{1,4}/g, cb_decode);
var atob = function (a) {
return _atob(String(a).replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/]/g, ''));
var _decode = buffer
? buffer.from && Uint8Array && buffer.from !== Uint8Array.from
? function (a) {
return (a.constructor === buffer.constructor
? a
: buffer.from(a, 'base64')
: function (a) {
return (a.constructor === buffer.constructor
? a
: new buffer(a, 'base64')
: function (a) {
return btou(_atob(a));
var decode = function (a) {
return _decode(
.replace(/[-_]/g, function (m0) {
return m0 == '-' ? '+' : '/';
.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/]/g, '')
var noConflict = function () {
var Base64 = global.Base64;
global.Base64 = _Base64;
return Base64;
// export Base64
global.Base64 = {
VERSION: version,
atob: atob,
btoa: btoa,
fromBase64: decode,
toBase64: encode,
utob: utob,
encode: encode,
encodeURI: encodeURI,
btou: btou,
decode: decode,
noConflict: noConflict,
__buffer__: buffer,
async function install(isOffline, cb) {
const installUrl = Href.replace(
log('install:', installUrl);
const code = await fetchUrl(installUrl);
const TEMPLATE = `(async function () {
try {
if (EXCLUDE && EXCLUDE.test(location.href)) return;
if (MATCH.test(location.href)) {
console.log('match: NAME');
function addCss(styles) {
let css;
styles = styles.replace(/\\n+\\s*/g, ' ');
css = document.createElement('style');
if (css.styleSheet) css.styleSheet.cssText = styles;
// Support for IE
else css.appendChild(document.createTextNode(styles)); // Support for the rest
css.type = 'text/css';
const storePrefix = '海阔视界.';
const Store = {
get(key, defaultValue = null) {
let value = window.localStorage.getItem(storePrefix + key);
try {
value = JSON.parse(value);
} catch (_) {}
return value !== null ? value : defaultValue;
set(key, value = null) {
window.localStorage.setItem(storePrefix + key, JSON.stringify(value));
remove(key) {
window.localStorage.removeItem(storePrefix + key);
const unsafeWindow = window;
const GM_addStyle = addCss;
const GM_getValue = Store.get;
const GM_setValue = Store.set;
const GM_deleteValue = Store.remove;
} catch (error) {
function parseMeta(metaString) {
log('parseMeta - metaString:', metaString);
const meta = {};
.forEach((v) => {
const matches = v.match(/\/\/\s*@(\S+)\s+(.+)/);
if (!matches) return;
const key = matches[1];
const value = matches[2];
if (!meta[key]) {
meta[key] = [];
log('parseMeta - meta:', meta);
return meta;
function getUsCode(meta, url) {
function toRegex(s) {
return new RegExp(
s.replace(/\*/g, '(.*?)').replace(/\//g, '\\/'),
let EXCLUDE = '';
if (meta.exclude) {
EXCLUDE = toRegex(meta.exclude.join('|'));
let matchUrls = [];
if (meta.match) {
matchUrls = matchUrls.concat(meta.match);
if (meta.include) {
matchUrls = matchUrls.concat(meta.include);
const MATCH = toRegex(matchUrls.join('|'));
log('MATCH:', MATCH);
let requireCode = '';
const newline = '\n ';
if (meta.require) {
requireCode = meta.require
.map((v) => `eval(request("${v}"));`)
const code = url.startsWith('http')
? `eval(request("${url}"));`
: `eval(decodeURIComponent("${encodeURIComponent(url)}"));`;
return TEMPLATE.replace('NAME', meta.name[0])
.replace(/\/\/ EXCLUDE/, `const EXCLUDE = ${EXCLUDE || '""'};`)
.replace(/\/\/ VERSION/, `const VERSION = "${VERSION}";`)
.replace(/\/\/ MATCH/, `const MATCH = ${MATCH};`)
/\/\/ CODE/,
`${requireCode}${requireCode ? newline : ''}${code}
const matches = code.match(
const metaString = matches[1];
const codeString = matches[2];
const meta = parseMeta(metaString);
const usName = meta.name && meta.name[0];
log('name:', usName);
let usCode = getUsCode(meta, isOffline ? codeString : installUrl);
usCode = `// ==UserScript==
// ==/UserScript==
// 海阔视界·油猴转换 v${VERSION} - (o˘◡˘o)
log('Base64:', Base64);
usCode = Base64.encode(usCode);
const rule = `海阔视界 · 油猴脚本转换 (o˘◡˘o) ¥js_url¥global_${usName
.replace(/\s+/g, '')
.slice(0, 32)}@base64://${usCode}`;
log(rule.slice(0, 100) + '...' + rule.slice(-100));
`<a class="install-link is-hiker is-offline">安装(本地版)</a>
<a class="install-link is-hiker is-online">安装(网络版)</a>
<a class="install-help-link" title="如何安装" rel="nofollow" href="/zh-CN/help/installing-user-scripts">?</a><p class="install-hint"><strong>网络版</strong> 会每次加载当前脚本在油猴网站上的最新版代码,加载速度取决于你访问油猴网站的网络速度。</p>`
.on('click', function (e) {
const $this = $(this);
install($this.hasClass('is-offline'), function () {
.html('安装成功 ✔');
function ready(fn) {
if (document.readyState != 'loading') {
} else {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fn);
if (isTop && Is(/greasyfork.org\/.*scripts\/\d/)) {
.hiker--hide {${PurifyStyle}}
#site-name > a {
display: none !important;
#main-header h1 {
font-size: 1.5em;
letter-spacing: 0px;
#site-name-text a {
font-size: 20px;
letter-spacing: 0;
#site-name-text span {
font-size: 12px;
letter-spacing: 0;
color: #FFC107;
position: absolute;
right: 1em;
top: 1em;
#script-info header h2 {
font-size: 1.2em;
margin-bottom: .5em;
#install-area {
font-size: 14px;
#install-area a {
border-radius: 2px;
.install-link {
margin-right: .5em;
padding: 5px 10px;
.install-link.is-offline {
background-color: #1971c2 !important;
.install-link.is-online {
background-color: #7950f2 !important;
#install-area.is-installing .install-link {
pointer-events: none;
.install-link.is-active {
background-color: #d9480f !important;
.install-link.is-success {
background-color: #2b8a3e !important;
.install-hint {
font-size: 13px;
color: #FF5722;
padding: 5px;
border-top: 1px dotted #FF5722;
border-bottom: 1px dotted #FF5722;
try {
} catch (error) {
console.error('油猴脚本转换错误:', error);
马建仓 AI 助手
