import pandas as pd
import re
import collections
import jieba
from pyecharts.charts import WordCloud
from pyecharts import options as opts
def wordc(facode):
# 1.处理数据
# 读取数据
data = pd.read_excel('./file/基金'+facode+'的前100页评论.xlsx')# 读取数据
data_cy = data.copy()#拷贝
string_data = ''
for i in data_cy['title']:
string_data += str(i)# 去除空格
pattern = re.compile(u'\t|\n| |;|\.|。|:|:\.|-|:|\d|;|、|,|\)|\(|\?|"')#定义正则表达式匹配模式,其中的|代表或
string_data = re.sub(pattern, '', string_data)# 将符合模式的字符去除,re.sub代表替换,把符合pattern的替换为空
seg_list_exact = jieba.cut(string_data, cut_all=False) # 精确模式分词
object_list = []
with open('./stopword.txt', 'r', encoding="utf-8") as fp:# 读取过滤词表
remove_words = fp.read().split()
for word in seg_list_exact:# 循环读出每个分词
if word not in remove_words and word != ' ' and word != '\xa0':#看每个分词是否在常用词表中或结果是否为空或\xa0不间断空白符,如果不是再追加
object_list.append(word) # 分词追加到列表
word_counts = collections.Counter(object_list) # 对分词做词频统计
word_counts_top = word_counts.most_common(100) # 获取前100最高频的词
c = (WordCloud().add("", word_counts_top).render("./file/基金"+facode+"词云图.html"))#根据词频最高的词生成页面https://gallery.pyecharts.org/#/WordCloud/wordcloud_custom_mask_image
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