同步操作将从 Gitee 极速下载/lima 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
# Files are installed under $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)
PREFIX ?= /usr/local
DEST := $(shell echo "$(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)" | sed 's:///*:/:g; s://*$$::')
GO ?= go
TAR ?= tar
ZIP ?= zip
PLANTUML ?= plantuml # may also be "java -jar plantuml.jar" if installed elsewhere
# The KCONFIG programs are only needed for re-generating the ".config" file.
# You can install the python "kconfiglib", if you don't have kconfig/kbuild.
KCONFIG_CONF ?= $(shell command -v kconfig-conf || command -v kbuild-conf || echo oldconfig)
KCONFIG_MCONF ?= $(shell command -v kconfig-mconf || command -v kbuild-mconf || echo menuconfig)
GOARCH ?= $(shell $(GO) env GOARCH)
GOHOSTOS := $(shell $(GO) env GOHOSTOS)
GOOS ?= $(shell $(GO) env GOOS)
ifeq ($(GOOS),windows)
bat = .bat
exe = .exe
ifeq ($(GOOS),darwin)
MACOS_SDK_VERSION = $(shell xcrun --show-sdk-version | cut -d . -f 1)
ifeq ($(shell test $(MACOS_SDK_VERSION) -lt 13; echo $$?),0)
# The "vz" mode needs macOS 13 SDK or later
ifeq ($(GOHOSTOS),windows)
WINVER_MAJOR=$(shell powershell.exe "[System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major")
ifeq ($(WINVER_MAJOR),10)
WINVER_BUILD=$(shell powershell.exe "[System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Build")
WINVER_BUILD_HIGH_ENOUGH=$(shell powershell.exe $(WINVER_BUILD) -ge 19041)
GO_BUILDTAGS += no_wsl
PACKAGE := github.com/lima-vm/lima
VERSION := $(shell git describe --match 'v[0-9]*' --dirty='.m' --always --tags)
GO_BUILD_LDFLAGS := -ldflags="-s -w -X $(PACKAGE)/pkg/version.Version=$(VERSION)"
# `go -version -m` returns -tags with comma-separated list, because space-separated list is deprecated in go1.13.
# converting to comma-separated list is useful for comparing with the output of `go version -m`.
GO_BUILD_FLAG_TAGS := $(addprefix -tags=,$(shell echo "$(GO_BUILDTAGS)"|tr " " "\n"|paste -sd "," -))
# Features
.PHONY: all
all: binaries manpages
# Help
.PHONY: help
@echo ' binaries - Build all binaries'
@echo ' manpages - Build manual pages'
@echo " Use 'make help-targets' to see additional targets."
.PHONY: help-targets
@echo '# Targets can be categorized by their location.'
@echo 'Targets for files in _output/bin/:'
@echo '- limactl : Build limactl, and lima'
@echo '- lima : Copy lima, and lima.bat'
@echo '- helpers : Copy nerdctl.lima, apptainer.lima, docker.lima, podman.lima, and kubectl.lima'
@echo 'Targets for files in _output/share/lima/:'
@echo '- guestagents : Build guestagents for archs enabled by CONFIG_GUESTAGENT_ARCHS_*'
@echo '- native-guestagent : Build guestagent for native arch'
@echo '- additional-guestagents : Build guestagents for archs other than native arch'
@echo '- <arch>-guestagent : Build guestagent for <arch>: $(sort $(GUESTAGENT_ARCHS))'
@echo 'Targets for files in _output/share/lima/templates/:'
@echo '- templates : Copy templates'
@echo '- template_experimentals : Copy experimental templates to experimental/'
@echo '- default_template : Copy default.yaml template'
@echo '- create-examples-link : Create a symlink at ../examples pointing to templates'
@echo 'Targets for files in _output/share/doc/lima:'
@echo '- documentation : Copy documentation to _output/share/doc/lima'
@echo '- create-links-in-doc-dir : Create some symlinks pointing ../../lima/templates'
@echo '# e.g. to install limactl, helpers, native guestagent, and templates:'
@echo '# make native install'
.PHONY: help-artifact
@echo '# Targets for building artifacts to _artifacts/'
@echo 'Targets to building multiple archs artifacts for GOOS:'
@echo '- artifacts : Build artifacts for current OS and supported archs'
@echo '- artifacts-<GOOS> : Build artifacts for supported archs and <GOOS>: darwin, linux, or windows'
@echo 'Targets to building GOOS and ARCH (GOARCH, or uname -m) specific artifacts:'
@echo '- artifact : Build artifacts for current GOOS and GOARCH'
@echo '- artifact-<GOOS> : Build artifacts for current GOARCH and <GOOS>: darwin, linux, or windows'
@echo '- artifact-<ARCH> : Build artifacts for current GOOS with <ARCH>: amd64, arm64, x86_64, or aarch64'
@echo '- artifact-<GOOS>-<ARCH> : Build artifacts for <GOOS> and <ARCH>'
@echo '# GOOS and GOARCH can be specified with make parameters or environment variables.'
@echo '# e.g. to build artifact for linux and arm64:'
@echo '# make GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 artifact'
@echo 'Targets for miscellaneous artifacts:'
@echo '- artifacts-misc : Build artifacts for go.mod, go.sum, and vendor'
# convenience targets
exe: _output/bin/limactl$(exe)
.PHONY: minimal native
minimal: clean limactl native-guestagent default_template
native: clean limactl helpers native-guestagent templates
# Kconfig
config: Kconfig
menuconfig: Kconfig
# Copy the default config, if not overridden locally
# This is done to avoid a dependency on KCONFIG tools
.config: config.mk
cp $^ $@
-include .config
.PHONY: binaries
binaries: limactl helpers guestagents \
templates template_experimentals create-examples-link \
documentation create-links-in-doc-dir
# _output/bin
.PHONY: limactl lima helpers
limactl: _output/bin/limactl$(exe) lima
### Listing Dependencies
# returns a list of files expanded from $(1) excluding directories and files ending with '_test.go'.
find_files_excluding_dir_and_test = $(shell find $(1) ! -type d ! -name '*_test.go')
FILES_IN_PKG = $(call find_files_excluding_dir_and_test, ./pkg)
# returns a list of files which are dependencies for the command $(1).
dependencis_for_cmd = go.mod $(call find_files_excluding_dir_and_test, ./cmd/$(1)) $(FILES_IN_PKG)
### Force Building Targets
# returns GOVERSION, CGO*, GO*, -ldflags, and -tags build variables from the output of `go version -m $(1)`.
# When CGO_* variables are not set, they are not included in the output.
# Because the CGO_* variables are not set means that those values are default values,
# it can be assumed that those values are same if the GOVERSION is same.
# $(1): target binary
extract_build_vars = $(shell \
($(GO) version -m $(1) 2>&- || echo $(1):) | \
awk 'FNR==1{print "GOVERSION="$$2}$$2~/^(CGO|GO|-ldflags|-tags).*=.+$$/{sub("^.*"$$2,$$2); print $$0}' \
# a list of keys from the GO build variables to be used for calling `go env`.
# keys starting with '-' are excluded because `go env` does not support those keys.
# $(1): extracted build variables from the binary
keys_in_build_vars = $(filter-out -%,$(shell for i in $(1); do echo $${i%%=*}; done))
# a list of GO build variables to build the target binary.
# $(1): target binary. expecting ENVS_$(2) is set to use the environment variables for the target binary.
# $(2): key of the GO build variable to be used for calling `go env`.
go_build_vars = $(shell \
$(ENVS_$(1)) $(GO) env $(2) | \
awk '/ /{print "\""$$0"\""; next}{print}' | \
for k in $(2); do read -r v && echo "$$k=$${v}"; done \
# returns the difference between $(1) and $(2).
diff = $(filter-out $(2),$(1))$(filter-out $(1),$(2))
# returns diff between the GO build variables in the binary $(1) and the building variables.
# $(1): target binary
# $(2): extracted GO build variables from the binary
compare_build_vars = $(call diff,$(call go_build_vars,$(1),$(call keys_in_build_vars,$(2))),$(2))
# returns "force" if the GO build variables in the binary $(1) is different from the building variables.
# $(1): target binary. expecting ENVS_$(1) is set to use the environment variables for the target binary.
force_build = $(if $(call compare_build_vars,$(1),$(call extract_build_vars,$(1))),force,)
# returns the file name without .gz extension. It also gunzips the file with .gz extension if exists.
# $(1): target file
gunzip_if_exists = $(shell f=$(1); f=$${f%.gz}; test -f "$${f}.gz" && (set -x; gunzip -f "$${f}.gz") ; echo "$${f}")
# call force_build with passing output of gunzip_if_exists as an argument.
# $(1): target file
force_build_with_gunzip = $(call force_build,$(call gunzip_if_exists,$(1)))
force: # placeholder for force build
# _output/bin/limactl$(exe)
# dependencies for limactl
LIMACTL_DEPS = $(call dependencis_for_cmd,limactl)
ifeq ($(GOOS),darwin)
LIMACTL_DEPS += vz.entitlements
# environment variables for limactl. this variable is used for checking force build.
ENVS__output/bin/limactl$(exe) = CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=$(GOOS) GOARCH=$(GOARCH) CC=$(CC)
_output/bin/limactl$(exe): $(LIMACTL_DEPS) $$(call force_build,$$@)
# If the previous cross-compilation was for GOOS=windows, limactl.exe might still be present.
ifneq ($(GOOS),windows) #
@rm -rf _output/bin/limactl.exe
@rm -rf _output/bin/limactl
# The hostagent must be compiled with CGO_ENABLED=1 so that net.LookupIP() in the DNS server
# calls the native resolver library and not the simplistic version in the Go library.
$(ENVS_$@) $(GO_BUILD) -o $@ ./cmd/limactl
ifeq ($(GOOS),darwin)
codesign -f -v --entitlements vz.entitlements -s - $@
LIMA_CMDS = $(sort lima lima$(bat)) # $(sort ...) deduplicates the list
LIMA_DEPS = $(addprefix _output/bin/,$(LIMA_CMDS))
lima: $(LIMA_DEPS)
HELPER_CMDS = nerdctl.lima apptainer.lima docker.lima podman.lima kubectl.lima
HELPERS_DEPS = $(addprefix _output/bin/,$(HELPER_CMDS))
helpers: $(HELPERS_DEPS)
_output/bin/%: ./cmd/% | _output/bin
cp -a $< $@
MKDIR_TARGETS += _output/bin
# _output/share/lima/lima-guestagent
LINUX_GUESTAGENT_PATH_COMMON = _output/share/lima/lima-guestagent.Linux-
# How to add architecure specific guestagent:
# 1. Add the architecture to GUESTAGENT_ARCHS
# 2. Add ENVS_$(LINUX_GUESTAGENT_PATH_COMMON)<arch> to set GOOS, GOARCH, and other necessary environment variables
GUESTAGENT_ARCHS = aarch64 armv7l riscv64 x86_64
$(info Guestagents are unzipped each time to check the build configuration; they may be gunzipped afterward.)
# guestagent path for the given architectures. it may has .gz extension if CONFIG_GUESTAGENT_COMPRESS is enabled.
# $(1): list of architectures
guestaget_path = $(foreach arch,$(1),$(LINUX_GUESTAGENT_PATH_COMMON)$(arch)$(gz))
NATIVE_GUESTAGENT_ARCH = $(shell uname -m | sed -e s/arm64/aarch64/)
# config_guestagent_arch returns expanded value of CONFIG_GUESTAGENT_ARCH_<arch>
# $(1): architecture
# CONFIG_GUESTAGENT_ARCH_<arch> naming convention: uppercase, remove '_'
config_guestagent_arch = $(filter y,$(CONFIG_GUESTAGENT_ARCH_$(shell echo $(1)|tr -d _|tr a-z A-Z)))
# guestagent_path_enabled_by_config returns the path to the guestagent binary for the given architecture,
# or an empty string if the CONFIG_GUESTAGENT_ARCH_<arch> is not set.
guestagent_path_enabled_by_config = $(if $(call config_guestagent_arch,$(1)),$(call guestaget_path,$(1)))
GUESTAGENTS = $(foreach arch,$(GUESTAGENT_ARCHS),$(call guestagent_path_enabled_by_config,$(arch)))
.PHONY: guestagents native-guestagent additional-guestagents
guestagents: $(GUESTAGENTS)
native-guestagent: $(NATIVE_GUESTAGENT)
additional-guestagents: $(ADDITIONAL_GUESTAGENTS)
@[ "$(findstring $(*),$(GUESTAGENT_ARCHS))" == "$(*)" ] && make $(call guestaget_path,$*)
# environment variables for linx-guestagent. these variable are used for checking force build.
$(ALL_GUESTAGENTS_NOT_COMPRESSED): $(call dependencis_for_cmd,lima-guestagent) $$(call force_build_with_gunzip,$$@) | _output/share/lima
$(ENVS_$@) $(GO_BUILD) -o $@ ./cmd/lima-guestagent
chmod 644 $@
$(LINUX_GUESTAGENT_PATH_COMMON)%.gz: $(LINUX_GUESTAGENT_PATH_COMMON)% $$(call force_build_with_gunzip,$$@)
@set -x; gzip $<
MKDIR_TARGETS += _output/share/lima
# _output/share/lima/templates
TEMPLATES = $(addprefix _output/share/lima/templates/,$(filter-out experimental,$(notdir $(wildcard examples/*))))
TEMPLATE_EXPERIMENTALS = $(addprefix _output/share/lima/templates/experimental/,$(notdir $(wildcard examples/experimental/*)))
.PHONY: default_template templates template_experimentals
default_template: _output/share/lima/templates/default.yaml
templates: $(TEMPLATES)
template_experimentals: $(TEMPLATE_EXPERIMENTALS)
$(TEMPLATES): | _output/share/lima/templates
$(TEMPLATE_EXPERIMENTALS): | _output/share/lima/templates/experimental
MKDIR_TARGETS += _output/share/lima/templates _output/share/lima/templates/experimental
_output/share/lima/templates/%: examples/%
cp -aL $< $@
# returns "force" if GOOS==windows, or GOOS!=windows and the file $(1) is not a symlink.
# $(1): target file
# On Windows, always copy to ensure the target has the same file as the source.
force_link = $(if $(filter windows,$(GOOS)),force,$(shell test ! -L $(1) && echo force))
# _output/share/lima/examples
.PHONY: create-examples-link
create-examples-link: _output/share/lima/examples
_output/share/lima/examples: _output/share/lima/templates $$(call force_link,$$@)
# remove the existing directory or symlink
rm -rf $@
ifneq ($(GOOS),windows)
ln -sf templates $@
# copy from templates built in build process
cp -aL $< $@
# _output/share/doc/lima
DOCUMENTATION = $(addprefix _output/share/doc/lima/,$(wildcard *.md) LICENSE SECURITY.md VERSION)
.PHONY: documentation
documentation: $(DOCUMENTATION)
_output/share/doc/lima/SECURITY.md: | _output/share/doc/lima
echo "Moved to https://github.com/lima-vm/.github/blob/main/SECURITY.md" > $@
_output/share/doc/lima/VERSION: | _output/share/doc/lima
echo $(VERSION) > $@
_output/share/doc/lima/%: % | _output/share/doc/lima
cp -aL $< $@
MKDIR_TARGETS += _output/share/doc/lima
.PHONY: create-links-in-doc-dir
create-links-in-doc-dir: _output/share/doc/lima/templates _output/share/doc/lima/examples
_output/share/doc/lima/templates: _output/share/lima/templates $$(call force_link,$$@)
# remove the existing directory or symlink
rm -rf $@
ifneq ($(GOOS),windows)
ln -sf ../../lima/templates $@
# copy from templates built in build process
cp -aL $< $@
_output/share/doc/lima/examples: _output/share/doc/lima/templates $$(call force_link,$$@)
# remove the existing directory or symlink
rm -rf $@
ifneq ($(GOOS),windows)
ln -sf templates $@
# copy from templates built in build process
cp -aL $< $@
# returns difference between GOOS GOARCH and GOHOSTOS GOHOSTARCH.
cross_compiling = $(call diff,$(GOOS) $(GOARCH),$(GOHOSTOS) $(GOHOSTARCH))
# returns true if cross_compiling is empty.
native_compiling = $(if $(cross_compiling),,true)
# _output/share/man/man1
.PHONY: manpages
# Set limactl.1 as explicit dependency.
# It's uncertain how many manpages will be generated by `make`,
# because `limactl` generates them without corresponding source code for the manpages.
manpages: _output/share/man/man1/limactl.1
_output/share/man/man1/limactl.1: _output/bin/limactl$(exe)
@mkdir -p _output/share/man/man1
ifeq ($(native_compiling),true)
# The manpages are generated by limactl, so the limactl binary must be native.
$< generate-doc _output/share/man/man1 \
--output _output --prefix $(PREFIX)
.PHONY: docsy
# Set limactl.md as explicit dependency.
# It's uncertain how many docsy pages will be generated by `make`,
# because `limactl` generates them without corresponding source code for the docsy pages.
docsy: website/_output/docsy/limactl.md
website/_output/docsy/limactl.md: _output/bin/limactl$(exe)
@mkdir -p website/_output/docsy
ifeq ($(native_compiling),true)
# The docs are generated by limactl, so the limactl binary must be native.
$< generate-doc --type docsy website/_output/docsy \
--output _output --prefix $(PREFIX)
.PHONY: diagrams
diagrams: docs/lima-sequence-diagram.png
docs/lima-sequence-diagram.png: docs/images/lima-sequence-diagram.puml
$(PLANTUML) ./docs/images/lima-sequence-diagram.puml
.PHONY: install
install: uninstall
mkdir -p "$(DEST)"
# Use tar rather than cp, for better symlink handling
( cd _output && $(TAR) c * | $(TAR) -xv --no-same-owner -C "$(DEST)" )
if [ "$(shell uname -s )" != "Linux" -a ! -e "$(DEST)/bin/nerdctl" ]; then ln -sf nerdctl.lima "$(DEST)/bin/nerdctl"; fi
if [ "$(shell uname -s )" != "Linux" -a ! -e "$(DEST)/bin/apptainer" ]; then ln -sf apptainer.lima "$(DEST)/bin/apptainer"; fi
.PHONY: uninstall
@test -f "$(DEST)/bin/lima" || echo "lima not found in $(DEST) prefix"
rm -rf \
"$(DEST)/bin/lima" \
"$(DEST)/bin/lima$(bat)" \
"$(DEST)/bin/limactl$(exe)" \
"$(DEST)/bin/nerdctl.lima" \
"$(DEST)/bin/apptainer.lima" \
"$(DEST)/bin/docker.lima" \
"$(DEST)/bin/podman.lima" \
"$(DEST)/bin/kubectl.lima" \
"$(DEST)/share/man/man1/lima.1" \
"$(DEST)/share/man/man1/limactl"*".1" \
"$(DEST)/share/lima" "$(DEST)/share/doc/lima"
if [ "$$(readlink "$(DEST)/bin/nerdctl")" = "nerdctl.lima" ]; then rm "$(DEST)/bin/nerdctl"; fi
if [ "$$(readlink "$(DEST)/bin/apptainer")" = "apptainer.lima" ]; then rm "$(DEST)/bin/apptainer"; fi
.PHONY: check-generated
@test -z "$$(git status --short | grep ".pb.desc" | tee /dev/stderr)" || \
((git diff $$(find . -name '*.pb.desc') | cat) && \
(echo "Please run 'make generate' when making changes to proto files and check-in the generated file changes" && false))
.PHONY: lint
lint: check-generated
golangci-lint run ./...
yamllint .
find . -name '*.sh' ! -path "./.git/*" | xargs shellcheck
find . -name '*.sh' ! -path "./.git/*" | xargs shfmt -s -d
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf _output vendor
.PHONY: install-tools
go install google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-go@v1.28
go install google.golang.org/grpc/cmd/protoc-gen-go-grpc@v1.2
.PHONY: generate
go generate ./...
.PHONY: artifact
# returns the capitalized string of $(1).
capitalize = $(shell echo "$(1)"|awk '{print toupper(substr($$0,1,1)) tolower(substr($$0,2))}')
# returns the architecture name converted from GOARCH to GNU coreutils uname -m.
to_uname_m = $(foreach arch,$(1),$(shell echo $(arch) | sed 's/amd64/x86_64/' | sed 's/arm64/aarch64/'))
ifeq ($(GOOS),darwin)
# returns the architecture name converted from GOARCH to macOS's uname -m.
to_uname_m = $(foreach arch,$(1),$(shell echo $(arch) | sed 's/amd64/x86_64/'))
else ifeq ($(GOOS),linux)
# CC is required for cross-compiling on Linux.
CC = $(call to_uname_m,$(GOARCH))-linux-gnu-gcc
else ifeq ($(GOOS),windows)
# artifact in zip format also provided for Windows.
# artifacts: artifacts-$(GOOS)
ARTIFACT_OS = $(call capitalize,$(GOOS))
ARTIFACT_UNAME_M = $(call to_uname_m,$(GOARCH))
ARTIFACT_DES = _output/bin/limactl$(exe) $(LIMA_DEPS) $(HELPERS_DEPS) \
$(TEMPLATES) $(TEMPLATE_EXPERIMENTALS) _output/share/lima/examples \
$(DOCUMENTATION) _output/share/doc/lima/templates _output/share/doc/lima/examples \
# file targets
$(ARTIFACT_PATH_COMMON).tar.gz: $(ARTIFACT_DES) | _artifacts
$(TAR) -C _output/ --no-xattrs -czvf $@ ./
cd _output && $(ZIP) -r ../$@ *
# generate manpages using native limactl.
manpages-using-native-limactl: GOOS = $(GOHOSTOS)
manpages-using-native-limactl: GOARCH = $(GOHOSTARCH)
manpages-using-native-limactl: manpages
# returns "manpages-using-native-limactl" if $(1) is not equal to $(GOHOSTOS).
# $(1): GOOS
generate_manpages_if_needed = $(if $(filter $(if $(1),$(1),$(GOOS)),$(GOHOSTOS)),,manpages-using-native-limactl)
# build native arch first, then build other archs.
artifact_goarchs = arm64 amd64
goarchs_native_and_others = $(GOHOSTARCH) $(filter-out $(GOHOSTARCH),$(artifact_goarchs))
# artifacts is artifact bundles for each OS.
# if target GOOS is native, build native arch first, generate manpages, then build other archs.
# if target GOOS is not native, build native limactl, generate manpages, then build the target GOOS with archs.
.PHONY: artifacts artifacts-darwin artifacts-linux artifacts-windows
artifacts: $$(addprefix artifact-$$(GOOS)-,$$(goarchs_native_and_others))
artifacts-darwin: $$(call generate_manpages_if_needed,darwin) $$(addprefix artifact-darwin-,$$(goarchs_native_and_others))
artifacts-linux: $$(call generate_manpages_if_needed,linux) $$(addprefix artifact-linux-,$$(goarchs_native_and_others))
artifacts-windows: $$(call generate_manpages_if_needed,windows) $$(addprefix artifact-windows-,$$(goarchs_native_and_others))
# set variables for artifact variant targets.
artifact-darwin% artifact-darwin: GOOS = darwin
artifact-linux% artifact-linux: GOOS = linux
artifact-windows% artifact-windows: GOOS = windows
artifact-%-amd64 artifact-%-x86_64 artifact-amd64 artifact-x86_64: GOARCH = amd64
artifact-%-arm64 artifact-%-aarch64 artifact-arm64 artifact-aarch64: GOARCH = arm64
# build cross arch binaries.
artifact-%: $$(call generate_manpages_if_needed)
make artifact GOOS=$(GOOS) GOARCH=$(GOARCH)
.PHONY: artifacts-misc
artifacts-misc: | _artifacts
go mod vendor
$(TAR) --no-xattrs -czf _artifacts/lima-$(VERSION_TRIMMED)-go-mod-vendor.tar.gz go.mod go.sum vendor
MKDIR_TARGETS += _artifacts
.PHONY: codesign
codesign: _output/bin/limactl
ifeq ($(GOOS),darwin)
codesign --entitlements vz.entitlements -s - $<
# This target must be placed after any changes to the `MKDIR_TARGETS` variable.
# It seems that variable expansion in Makefile targets is not done recursively.
mkdir -p $@
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