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SdramCtrl.v 38.00 KB
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Hell-Prototypes 提交于 2013-11-06 21:13 . work on, need test
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
// 02111-1307, USA.
// ©2013 - Roman Ovseitsev <romovs@gmail.com>
// Based on code ©2011 - X Engineering Software Systems Corp. (www.xess.com)
// Single Port SDRAM controller for XuLA-200.
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module SdramCtrl (clk_i, lock_i, rst_i, rd_i, wr_i, earlyOpBegun_o, opBegun_o, rdPending_o, done_o,
rdDone_o, addr_i, data_i, data_o, status_o, sdCke_o, sdCe_bo, sdRas_bo, sdCas_bo,
sdWe_bo, sdBs_o, sdAddr_o, sdData_io, sdDqmh_o, sdDqml_o);
`include "Math.v"
parameter real FREQ = 12.0; // Operating frequency in MHz.
parameter PIPE_EN = 0; // If true, enable pipelined read operations.
//`define MULTIPLE_ACTIVE_ROWS_D // If defined allow an active row in each bank.
localparam IN_PHASE = 1; // SDRAM and controller work on same or opposite clock edge.
localparam MAX_NOPS = 10000; // Number of NOPs before entering self-refresh.
localparam ENABLE_REFRESH = 1; // If true, row refreshes are automatically inserted.
localparam MULTIPLE_ACTIVE_ROWS = 1; // If true, allow an active row in each bank.
localparam MULTIPLE_ACTIVE_ROWS = 0;
localparam DATA_WIDTH = 16; // Host & SDRAM data width.
// Parameters for Winbond W9812G6JH-6 (all times are in nanoseconds).
// Change for for Winbond W9864G6JH-6
localparam NROWS = 4096; // Number of rows in SDRAM array.
// localparam NCOLS = 512; // Number of columns in SDRAM array.
localparam NCOLS = 256; // Number of columns in SDRAM array.
localparam HADDR_WIDTH = 22; // Host-side address width.
localparam SADDR_WIDTH = 12; // SDRAM-side address width.
localparam BANK_ADDR_WIDTH = 2; // Width of the bank address. Requires additional changes
// of logic related to activeRow_r if modified.
localparam real T_INIT = 200000.0; // min initialization interval (ns).
localparam real T_RAS = 42.0; // min interval between active to precharge commands (ns).
localparam real T_RCD = 15.0; // min interval between active and R/W commands (ns).
localparam real T_REF = 64000000.0; // maximum refresh interval (ns).
localparam real T_RFC = 60.0; // duration of refresh operation (ns).
localparam real T_RP = 15.0; // min precharge command duration (ns).
localparam real T_XSR = 72.0; // exit self-refresh time (ns).
// Host side.
input wire clk_i; // Master clock.
input wire lock_i; // True if clock is stable.
input wire rst_i; // Reset.
input wire rd_i; // Initiate read operation.
input wire wr_i; // Initiate write operation.
output reg earlyOpBegun_o; // Read/write/self-refresh op has begun (async).
output wire opBegun_o; // Read/write/self-refresh op has begun (clocked).
output reg rdPending_o; // True if read operation(s) are still in the pipeline.
output reg done_o; // Read or write operation is done_o.
output reg rdDone_o; // Read operation is done_o and data is available.
input wire [HADDR_WIDTH-1:0] addr_i; // Address from host to SDRAM.
input wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_i; // Data from host to SDRAM.
output wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_o; // Data from SDRAM to host.
output reg [3:0] status_o; // Diagnostic status of the FSM .
// SDRAM side.
output sdCke_o; // Clock-enable to SDRAM.
output sdCe_bo; // Chip-select to SDRAM.
output sdRas_bo; // SDRAM row address strobe.
output sdCas_bo; // SDRAM column address strobe.
output sdWe_bo; // SDRAM write enable.
output [BANK_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] sdBs_o; // SDRAM bank address.
output [SADDR_WIDTH-1:0] sdAddr_o; // SDRAM row/column address.
inout [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sdData_io; // Data to/from SDRAM.
output sdDqmh_o; // Enable upper-byte of SDRAM databus if true.
output sdDqml_o; // Enable lower-byte of SDRAM databus if true.
localparam [0:0] OUTPUT_C = 1; // direction of dataflow w.r.t. this controller.
localparam [0:0] INPUT_C = 0;
localparam [0:0] NOP_C = 0; // no operation.
localparam [0:0] READ_C = 1; // read operation.
localparam [0:0] WRITE_C = 1; // write operation.
// SDRAM timing parameters converted into clock cycles (based on FREQ).
localparam INIT_CYCLES = ceil(T_INIT*FREQ/1000.0); // SDRAM power-on initialization interval.
localparam RAS_CYCLES = ceil(T_RAS*FREQ/1000.0); // active-to-precharge interval.
localparam RCD_CYCLES = pfx(ceil(T_RCD*FREQ/1000.0)); // active-to-R/W interval.
localparam REF_CYCLES = ceil(T_REF*FREQ/1000.0/NROWS);// interval between row refreshes.
localparam RFC_CYCLES = ceil(T_RFC*FREQ/1000.0); // refresh operation interval.
localparam RP_CYCLES = ceil(T_RP*FREQ/1000.0); // precharge operation interval.
localparam WR_CYCLES = 2; // write recovery time.
localparam XSR_CYCLES = ceil(T_XSR*FREQ/1000.0); // exit self-refresh time.
localparam MODE_CYCLES = 2; // mode register setup time.
localparam CAS_CYCLES = 3; // CAS latency.
localparam RFSH_OPS_C = 8; // number of refresh operations needed to init SDRAM.
// timer registers that count down times for various SDRAM operations.
reg [clog2(INIT_CYCLES):0] timer_r = 0; // current SDRAM op time.
reg [clog2(INIT_CYCLES):0] timer_x = 0;
reg [clog2(RAS_CYCLES):0] rasTimer_r = 0; // active-to-precharge time.
reg [clog2(RAS_CYCLES):0] rasTimer_x = 0;
reg [clog2(WR_CYCLES):0] wrTimer_r = 0; // write-to-precharge time.
reg [clog2(WR_CYCLES):0] wrTimer_x = 0;
reg [clog2(REF_CYCLES):0] refTimer_r = REF_CYCLES;// time between row refreshes.
reg [clog2(REF_CYCLES):0] refTimer_x = REF_CYCLES;
reg [clog2(RFSH_OPS_C):0] rfshCntr_r = 0; // counts refreshes that are needed.
reg [clog2(RFSH_OPS_C):0] rfshCntr_x = 0;
reg [clog2(MAX_NOPS):0] nopCntr_r = 0; // counts consecutive NOP_C operations.
reg [clog2(MAX_NOPS):0] nopCntr_x = 0;
reg doSelfRfsh_s; // active when the NOP counter hits zero and self-refresh can start.
// states of the SDRAM controller state machine.
localparam [2:0] INITWAIT = 3'b000; // initialization - waiting for power-on initialization to complete.
localparam [2:0] INITPCHG = 3'b001; // initialization - initial precharge of SDRAM banks.
localparam [2:0] INITSETMODE = 3'b010; // initialization - set SDRAM mode.
localparam [2:0] INITRFSH = 3'b011; // initialization - do initial refreshes.
localparam [2:0] RW = 3'b100; // read/write/refresh the SDRAM.
localparam [2:0] ACTIVATE = 3'b101; // open a row of the SDRAM for reading/writing.
localparam [2:0] REFRESHROW = 3'b110; // refresh a row of the SDRAM.
localparam [2:0] SELFREFRESH = 3'b111; // keep SDRAM in self-refresh mode with CKE low.
reg [2:0] state_r = INITWAIT; // state register and next state.
reg [2:0] state_x = INITWAIT; // state register and next state.
// commands that are sent to the SDRAM to make it perform certain operations.
// commands use these SDRAM input pins (ce_bo,ras_bo,cas_bo,we_bo,dqmh_o,dqml_o).
localparam [5:0] NOP_CMD_C = 'b111100;
localparam [5:0] ACTIVE_CMD_C = 'b001100;
localparam [5:0] READ_CMD_C = 'b010100;
localparam [5:0] WRITE_CMD_C = 'b010000;
localparam [5:0] PCHG_CMD_C = 'b001000;
localparam [5:0] MODE_CMD_C = 'b000000;
localparam [5:0] RFSH_CMD_C = 'b000100;
// SDRAM mode register.
// the SDRAM is placed in a non-burst mode (burst length = 1) with a 3-cycle CAS.
localparam [11:0] MODE_C = 'b00_0_00_011_0_000;
// the host address is decomposed into these sets of SDRAM address components.
localparam ROW_LEN_C = clog2(NROWS); // number of row address bits.
localparam COL_LEN_C = clog2(NCOLS); // number of column address bits.
reg [BANK_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] bank_s; // bank address bits.
reg [ROW_LEN_C-1:0] row_s; // row address within bank.
reg [COL_LEN_C-1:0] col_s; // column address within row.
// registers that store the currently active row in each bank of the SDRAM.
reg [ROW_LEN_C-1:0] activeRow_r [NUM_ACTIVE_ROWS_WIDTH-1:0];
reg [ROW_LEN_C-1:0] activeRow_x [NUM_ACTIVE_ROWS_WIDTH-1:0];
reg [NUM_ACTIVE_ROWS-1:0] activeFlag_r = 0; // indicates that some row in a bank is active.
reg [NUM_ACTIVE_ROWS-1:0] activeFlag_x = 0;
reg [NUM_ACTIVE_ROWS_WIDTH-1:0] bankIndex_s; // bank address bits.
reg [BANK_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] activeBank_r; // indicates the bank with the active row.
reg [BANK_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] activeBank_x;
reg doActivate_s; // indicates when a new row in a bank needs to be activated.
// there is a command bit embedded within the SDRAM column address.
localparam CMDBIT_POS_C = 10; // position of command bit.
localparam [0:0] AUTO_PCHG_ON_C = 1; // CMDBIT value to auto-precharge the bank.
localparam [0:0] AUTO_PCHG_OFF_C = 0; // CMDBIT value to disable auto-precharge.
localparam ONE_BANK_C = 0; // CMDBIT value to select one bank.
localparam ALL_BANKS_C = 1; // CMDBIT value to select all banks.
// status signals that indicate when certain operations are in progress.
reg wrInProgress_s; // write operation in progress.
reg rdInProgress_s; // read operation in progress.
reg activateInProgress_s; // row activation is in progress.
// these registers track the progress of read and write operations.
reg [CAS_CYCLES+1:0] rdPipeline_r = 0;
reg [CAS_CYCLES+1:0] rdPipeline_x = 0; // pipeline of read ops in progress.
reg wrPipeline_r = 0;
reg wrPipeline_x = 0; // pipeline of write ops (only need 1 cycle).
// registered outputs to host.
reg opBegun_r = 0;
reg opBegun_x = 0; // true when SDRAM read or write operation is started.
reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sdramData_r = 0;
reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sdramData_x = 0; // holds data read from SDRAM and sent to the host.
reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sdramDataOppPhase_r;
reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sdramDataOppPhase_x; // holds data read from SDRAM on opposite clock edge.
// registered outputs to SDRAM.
reg cke_r = 0;
reg cke_x = 0; // Clock-enable bit.
reg [5:0] cmd_r = NOP_CMD_C;
reg [5:0] cmd_x = NOP_CMD_C; // SDRAM command bits.
reg [BANK_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] ba_r;
reg [BANK_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] ba_x; // SDRAM bank address bits.
reg [SADDR_WIDTH-1:0] sAddr_r = 0;
reg [SADDR_WIDTH-1:0] sAddr_x = 0; // SDRAM row/column address.
reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sData_r = 0;
reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sData_x = 0; // SDRAM out databus.
reg sDataDir_r = INPUT_C;
reg sDataDir_x = INPUT_C; // SDRAM databus direction control bit.
// attach registered SDRAM control signals to SDRAM input pins
assign {sdCe_bo, sdRas_bo, sdCas_bo, sdWe_bo, sdDqmh_o, sdDqml_o} = cmd_r; // SDRAM operation control bits
assign sdCke_o = cke_r; // SDRAM clock enable
assign sdBs_o = ba_r; // SDRAM bank address
assign sdAddr_o = sAddr_r; // SDRAM address
assign sdData_io = (sDataDir_r == OUTPUT_C) ? sData_r : 16'bz; // SDRAM output data bus
// attach some port signals
assign data_o = sdramData_r; // data back to host
assign opBegun_o = opBegun_r; // true if requested operation has begun
// compute the next state and outputs
always @(rd_i, wr_i, addr_i, data_i, sdramData_r, sdData_io, state_r, opBegun_x, activeFlag_r,
activeBank_r, rdPipeline_r, wrPipeline_r, sdramDataOppPhase_r, nopCntr_r,
lock_i, rfshCntr_r, timer_r, rasTimer_r, wrTimer_r, refTimer_r, cmd_r, col_s, ba_r, cke_r,
rdInProgress_s, activateInProgress_s, wrInProgress_s, doActivate_s, doSelfRfsh_s,
activeRow_r[1], activeRow_r[0]
) begin
// setup default values for signals
opBegun_x = 0; // no operations have begun
earlyOpBegun_o = opBegun_x;
cke_x = 1; // enable SDRAM clock
cmd_x = NOP_CMD_C; // set SDRAM command to no-operation
sDataDir_x = INPUT_C; // accept data from the SDRAM
sData_x = data_i; // output data from host to SDRAM
state_x = state_r; // reload these registers and flags
activeFlag_x = activeFlag_r; // with their existing values
activeRow_x[0] = activeRow_r[0];
activeRow_x[1] = activeRow_r[1];
activeRow_x[0] = activeRow_r[0];
activeBank_x = activeBank_r;
rfshCntr_x = rfshCntr_r;
// setup default value for the SDRAM address
// extract bank field from host address
ba_x = addr_i[BANK_ADDR_WIDTH + ROW_LEN_C + COL_LEN_C - 1 : ROW_LEN_C + COL_LEN_C];
if (MULTIPLE_ACTIVE_ROWS == 1) begin
bank_s = 0;
bankIndex_s = ba_x;
end else begin
bank_s = ba_x;
bankIndex_s = 0;
// extract row, column fields from host address
row_s = addr_i[ROW_LEN_C + COL_LEN_C - 1 : COL_LEN_C];
col_s[COL_LEN_C-1 : 0] = addr_i[COL_LEN_C-1 : 0];
// by default, set SDRAM address to the column address with interspersed
// command bit set to disable auto-precharge
sAddr_x = {1'b0, AUTO_PCHG_OFF_C, col_s[COL_LEN_C-1 : 0]};
// manage the read and write operation pipelines
// determine if read operations are in progress by the presence of
// READ flags in the read pipeline
if (rdPipeline_r[CAS_CYCLES+1 : 1] != 0) begin
rdInProgress_s = 1;
end else begin
rdInProgress_s = 0;
rdPending_o = rdInProgress_s; // tell the host if read operations are in progress
// enter NOPs into the read and write pipeline shift registers by default
rdPipeline_x = {NOP_C, rdPipeline_r[CAS_CYCLES+1 : 1]};
wrPipeline_x = NOP_C;
// transfer data from SDRAM to the host data register if a read flag has exited the pipeline
// (the transfer occurs 1 cycle before we tell the host the read operation is done)
if (rdPipeline_r[1] == READ_C) begin
sdramDataOppPhase_x = sdData_io[DATA_WIDTH-1:0]; // gets value on the SDRAM databus on the opposite phase
if (IN_PHASE == 1) begin
// get the SDRAM data for the host directly from the SDRAM if the controller and SDRAM are in-phase
sdramData_x = sdData_io[DATA_WIDTH-1:0];
end else begin
// otherwise get the SDRAM data that was gathered on the previous opposite clock edge
sdramData_x = sdramDataOppPhase_r[DATA_WIDTH-1:0];
end else begin
// retain contents of host data registers if no data from the SDRAM has arrived yet
sdramDataOppPhase_x = sdramDataOppPhase_r;
sdramData_x = sdramData_r;
done_o = rdPipeline_r[0] | wrPipeline_r; // a read or write operation is done
rdDone_o = rdPipeline_r[0]; // SDRAM data available when a READ flag exits the pipeline
// manage row activation
// request a row activation operation if the row of the current address
// does not match the currently active row in the bank, or if no row
// in the bank is currently active
if ((bank_s != activeBank_r) || (row_s != activeRow_r[bankIndex_s]) || (activeFlag_r[bankIndex_s] == 0)) begin
doActivate_s = 1;
end else begin
doActivate_s = 0;
// manage self-refresh
// enter self-refresh if neither a read or write is requested for MAX_NOP consecutive cycles.
if (rd_i == 1 || wr_i == 1) begin
// any read or write resets NOP counter and exits self-refresh state
nopCntr_x = 0;
doSelfRfsh_s = 0;
end else if (nopCntr_r != MAX_NOPS) begin
// increment NOP counter whenever there is no read or write operation
nopCntr_x = nopCntr_r + 1;
doSelfRfsh_s = 0;
end else begin
// start self-refresh when counter hits maximum NOP count and leave counter unchanged
nopCntr_x = nopCntr_r;
doSelfRfsh_s = 1;
// update the timers
// row activation timer
if (rasTimer_r != 0) begin
// decrement a non-zero timer and set the flag
// to indicate the row activation is still inprogress
rasTimer_x = rasTimer_r - 1;
activateInProgress_s = 1;
end else begin
// on timeout, keep the timer at zero and reset the flag
// to indicate the row activation operation is done
rasTimer_x = rasTimer_r;
activateInProgress_s = 0;
// write operation timer
if (wrTimer_r != 0) begin
// decrement a non-zero timer and set the flag
// to indicate the write operation is still inprogress
wrTimer_x = wrTimer_r - 1;
wrInProgress_s = 1;
end else begin
// on timeout, keep the timer at zero and reset the flag that
// indicates a write operation is in progress
wrTimer_x = wrTimer_r;
wrInProgress_s = 0;
// refresh timer
if (refTimer_r != 0) begin
refTimer_x = refTimer_r - 1;
end else begin
// on timeout, reload the timer with the interval between row refreshes
// and increment the counter for the number of row refreshes that are needed
refTimer_x = REF_CYCLES;
if (ENABLE_REFRESH == 1) begin
rfshCntr_x = rfshCntr_r + 1;
end else begin
rfshCntr_x = 0; // refresh never occurs if this counter never gets above zero
// main timer for sequencing SDRAM operations
if (timer_r != 0) begin
// decrement the timer and do nothing else since the previous operation has not completed yet.
timer_x = timer_r - 1;
status_o = 'b0000;
end else begin
// the previous operation has completed once the timer hits zero
timer_x = timer_r; // by default, leave the timer at zero
// compute the next state and outputs
(* parallel_case *) case (state_r)
// let clock stabilize and then wait for the SDRAM to initialize
if (lock_i == 1) begin
// wait for SDRAM power-on initialization once the clock is stable
timer_x = INIT_CYCLES; // set timer for initialization duration
state_x = INITPCHG;
end else begin
// disable SDRAM clock and return to this state if the clock is not stable
// this insures the clock is stable before enabling the SDRAM
// it also insures a clean startup if the SDRAM is currently in self-refresh mode
cke_x = 0;
status_o = 'b0001;
// precharge all SDRAM banks after power-on initialization
cmd_x = PCHG_CMD_C;
sAddr_x[CMDBIT_POS_C] = ALL_BANKS_C; // precharge all banks
timer_x = RP_CYCLES; // set timer for precharge operation duration
rfshCntr_x = RFSH_OPS_C; // set counter for refresh ops needed after precharge
state_x = INITRFSH;
status_o = 'b0010;
// refresh the SDRAM a number of times after initial precharge
cmd_x = RFSH_CMD_C;
timer_x = RFC_CYCLES; // set timer to refresh operation duration
rfshCntr_x = rfshCntr_r - 1; // decrement refresh operation counter
if (rfshCntr_r == 1) begin
state_x = INITSETMODE; // set the SDRAM mode once all refresh ops are done
status_o = 'b0011;
// set the mode register of the SDRAM
cmd_x = MODE_CMD_C;
sAddr_x[11:0] = MODE_C; // output mode register bits on the SDRAM address bits
timer_x = MODE_CYCLES; // set timer for mode setting operation duration
state_x = RW;
status_o = 'b0100;
// process read/write/refresh operations after initialization is done
RW: begin
// highest priority operation: row refresh
// do a refresh operation if the refresh counter is non-zero
if (rfshCntr_r != 0) begin
// wait for any row activations, writes or reads to finish before doing a precharge
if (activateInProgress_s == 0 && wrInProgress_s == 0 && rdInProgress_s == 0) begin
cmd_x = PCHG_CMD_C; // initiate precharge of the SDRAM
sAddr_x[CMDBIT_POS_C] = ALL_BANKS_C; // precharge all banks
timer_x = RP_CYCLES; // set timer for this operation
activeFlag_x = 0; // all rows are inactive after a precharge operation
state_x = REFRESHROW; // refresh the SDRAM after the precharge
status_o = 'b0101;
// do a host-initiated read operation
end else if (rd_i == 1) begin
// Wait one clock cycle if the bank address has just changed and each bank has its own active row.
// This gives extra time for the row activation circuitry.
if (ba_x == ba_r || MULTIPLE_ACTIVE_ROWS == 0) begin
// activate a new row if the current read is outside the active row or bank
if (doActivate_s == 1) begin
// activate new row only if all previous activations, writes, reads are done
if (activateInProgress_s == 0 && wrInProgress_s == 0 && rdInProgress_s == 0) begin
cmd_x = PCHG_CMD_C; // initiate precharge of the SDRAM
sAddr_x[CMDBIT_POS_C] = ONE_BANK_C; // precharge this bank
timer_x = RP_CYCLES; // set timer for this operation
activeFlag_x[bankIndex_s] = 0; // rows in this bank are inactive after a precharge operation
state_x = ACTIVATE; // activate the new row after the precharge is done
// read from the currently active row if no previous read operation
// is in progress or if pipeline reads are enabled
// we can always initiate a read even if a write is already in progress
end else if (rdInProgress_s == 0 || PIPE_EN == 1) begin
cmd_x = READ_CMD_C; // initiate a read of the SDRAM
// insert a flag into the pipeline shift register that will exit the end
// of the shift register when the data from the SDRAM is available
rdPipeline_x = {READ_C, rdPipeline_r[CAS_CYCLES+1 : 1]};
opBegun_x = 1; // tell the host the requested operation has begun
status_o = 'b0110;
// do a host-initiated write operation
end else if (wr_i == 1) begin
// Wait one clock cycle if the bank address has just changed and each bank has its own active row.
// This gives extra time for the row activation circuitry.
if ((ba_x == ba_r) || (MULTIPLE_ACTIVE_ROWS == 0)) begin
// activate a new row if the current write is outside the active row or bank
if (doActivate_s == 1) begin
// activate new row only if all previous activations, writes, reads are done
if ((activateInProgress_s == 0) && (wrInProgress_s == 0) && (rdInProgress_s == 0)) begin
cmd_x = PCHG_CMD_C; // initiate precharge of the SDRAM
sAddr_x[CMDBIT_POS_C] = ONE_BANK_C; // precharge this bank
timer_x = RP_CYCLES; // set timer for this operation
activeFlag_x[bankIndex_s] = 0; // rows in this bank are inactive after a precharge operation
state_x = ACTIVATE; // activate the new row after the precharge is done
// write to the currently active row if no previous read operations are in progress
end else if ((rdInProgress_s == 0) && (wrInProgress_s == 0)) begin
cmd_x = WRITE_CMD_C; // initiate the write operation
sDataDir_x = OUTPUT_C; // turn on drivers to send data to SDRAM
// set timer so precharge doesn't occur too soon after write operation
wrTimer_x = WR_CYCLES;
// insert a flag into the 1-bit pipeline shift register that will exit on the
// next cycle. The write into SDRAM is not actually done by that time, but
// this doesn't matter to the host
wrPipeline_x = WRITE_C;
opBegun_x = 1; // tell the host the requested operation has begun
status_o = 'b0111;
// do a host-initiated self-refresh operation
end else if (doSelfRfsh_s == 1) begin
// wait until all previous activations, writes, reads are done
if ((activateInProgress_s == 0) && (wrInProgress_s == 0) && (rdInProgress_s == 0)) begin
cmd_x = PCHG_CMD_C; // initiate precharge of the SDRAM
sAddr_x[CMDBIT_POS_C] = ALL_BANKS_C; // precharge all banks
timer_x = RP_CYCLES; // set timer for this operation
activeFlag_x = 0; // all rows are inactive after a precharge operation
state_x = SELFREFRESH; // self-refresh the SDRAM after the precharge
status_o = 'b1000;
// no operation
end else begin
state_x = RW; // continue to look for SDRAM operations to execute
status_o = 'b1001;
// activate a row of the SDRAM
cmd_x = ACTIVE_CMD_C;
sAddr_x = 0; // output the address for the row to be activated
sAddr_x[ROW_LEN_C - 1:0] = row_s;
activeBank_x = bank_s;
activeRow_x[bankIndex_s] = row_s; // store the new active SDRAM row address
activeFlag_x[bankIndex_s] = 1; // the SDRAM is now active
rasTimer_x = RAS_CYCLES; // minimum time before another precharge can occur
timer_x = RCD_CYCLES; // minimum time before a read/write operation can occur
state_x = RW; // return to do read/write operation that initiated this activation
status_o = 'b1010;
// refresh a row of the SDRAM
cmd_x = RFSH_CMD_C;
timer_x = RFC_CYCLES; // refresh operation interval
rfshCntr_x = rfshCntr_r - 1; // decrement the number of needed row refreshes
state_x = RW; // process more SDRAM operations after refresh is done
status_o = 'b1011;
// place the SDRAM into self-refresh and keep it there until further notice
if (doSelfRfsh_s == 1 || lock_i == 0) begin
// keep the SDRAM in self-refresh mode as long as requested and until there is a stable clock
cmd_x = RFSH_CMD_C;// output the refresh command; this is only needed on the first clock cycle
cke_x = 0; // disable the SDRAM clock
end else begin
// else exit self-refresh mode and start processing read and write operations
cke_x = 1; // restart the SDRAM clock
rfshCntr_x = 0; // no refreshes are needed immediately after leaving self-refresh
activeFlag_x = 0; // self-refresh deactivates all rows
timer_x = XSR_CYCLES; // wait this long until read and write operations can resume
state_x = RW;
status_o = 'b1100;
// unknown state
default: begin
state_x = INITWAIT; // reset state if in erroneous state
status_o = 'b1101;
end // else
end // always
// update registers on the appropriate clock edge
always @(posedge clk_i or posedge rst_i) begin
if (rst_i == 1) begin
// asynchronous reset
state_r <= INITWAIT;
activeFlag_r <= 0;
rfshCntr_r <= 0;
timer_r <= 0;
refTimer_r <= REF_CYCLES;
rasTimer_r <= 0;
wrTimer_r <= 0;
nopCntr_r <= 0;
opBegun_r <= 0;
rdPipeline_r <= 0;
wrPipeline_r <= 0;
cke_r <= 0;
cmd_r <= NOP_CMD_C;
ba_r <= 0;
sAddr_r <= 0;
sData_r <= 0;
sDataDir_r <= INPUT_C;
sdramData_r <= 0;
end else begin
state_r <= state_x;
activeBank_r <= activeBank_x;
activeRow_r[0] = activeRow_x[0];
activeRow_r[1] = activeRow_x[1];
activeRow_r[0] = activeRow_x[0];
activeFlag_r <= activeFlag_x;
rfshCntr_r <= rfshCntr_x;
timer_r <= timer_x;
refTimer_r <= refTimer_x;
rasTimer_r <= rasTimer_x;
wrTimer_r <= wrTimer_x;
nopCntr_r <= nopCntr_x;
opBegun_r <= opBegun_x;
rdPipeline_r <= rdPipeline_x;
wrPipeline_r <= wrPipeline_x;
cke_r <= cke_x;
cmd_r <= cmd_x;
ba_r <= ba_x;
sAddr_r <= sAddr_x;
sData_r <= sData_x;
sDataDir_r <= sDataDir_x;
sdramData_r <= sdramData_x;
// The register that gets data from the SDRAM and holds it for the host
// is clocked on the opposite edge. We don't use this register if IN_PHASE=TRUE.
always @(negedge clk_i or posedge rst_i) begin
if (rst_i == 1) begin
// asynchronous reset
sdramDataOppPhase_r <= 0;
end else begin
sdramDataOppPhase_r <= sdramDataOppPhase_x;
马建仓 AI 助手
