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fido-device-onboard.spec 7.27 KB
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dpd 提交于 2024-06-01 09:47 . add longarch64 support for nix
%define dracutlibdir %{_prefix}/lib/dracut
%global __cargo_skip_build 0
%global __cargo_is_lib() false
Summary: An implementation of the FIDO Device Onboard Specification written in rust
Name: fido-device-onboard
Version: 0.4.10
Release: 6%{?dist}
License: BSD
URL: https://github.com/fedora-iot/fido-device-onboard-rs
Source0: %{url}/archive/refs/tags/v%{version}.tar.gz
Source1: %{name}-rs-%{version}-vendor-patched.tar.xz
Patch0001: fdo-fix-tss-esapi-features.patch
# After rust-1.73, bail out an error when using cargo:: in custom build script
# See https://github.com/puiterwijk/rust-openssl-kdf/pull/16
# Use this patch until openssl-kdf updates crate
Patch0002: fix_openssl-kdf_v0.4.1_print_error_after_rust-1.73.patch
Patch3000: debug-profile.patch
Patch3001: 0001-chore-update-libcryptsetup-rs-to-0.8.patch
Patch3002: fido-device-onboard-rs-add-loongarch64-support-for-nix.patch
ExclusiveArch: %{rust_arches}
BuildRequires: rust cargo golang clang-devel rust-toolset
BuildRequires: openssl-devel >= 3.0.1-12 tpm2-tss-devel cryptsetup-devel
BuildRequires: systemd-rpm-macros
%package -n fdo-init
Summary: dracut module for device initialization
Requires: openssl-libs >= 3.0.1-12
%description -n fdo-init
%package -n fdo-owner-onboarding-server
Summary: FDO Owner Onboarding Server implementation
Requires: openssl-libs >= 3.0.1-12
%description -n fdo-owner-onboarding-server
%package -n fdo-rendezvous-server
Summary: FDO Rendezvous Server implementation
%description -n fdo-rendezvous-server
%package -n fdo-manufacturing-server
Summary: FDO Manufacturing Server implementation
Requires: openssl-libs >= 3.0.1-12
%description -n fdo-manufacturing-server
%package -n fdo-client
Summary: FDO Client implementation
Requires: openssl-libs >= 3.0.1-12
Requires: clevis clevis-luks cryptsetup
%description -n fdo-client
%package -n fdo-owner-cli
Summary: FDO Owner tools implementation
%description -n fdo-owner-cli
%package -n fdo-admin-cli
Summary: FDO admin tools implementation
Requires: fdo-manufacturing-server fdo-init fdo-client
Requires: fdo-rendezvous-server fdo-owner-cli
Requires: fdo-owner-onboarding-server
%description -n fdo-admin-cli
%setup -q -n %{name}-rs-%{version}
%autopatch 0001 -p1
%autopatch -m 3000 -M 3001 -p1
%cargo_prep -V 1
%autopatch 0002 -p1
%autopatch 3002 -p1
install -D -m0755 -t %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/fdo target/release/fdo-client-linuxapp
install -D -m0755 -t %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/fdo target/release/fdo-manufacturing-client
install -D -m0755 -t %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/fdo target/release/fdo-manufacturing-server
install -D -m0755 -t %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/fdo target/release/fdo-owner-onboarding-server
install -D -m0755 -t %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/fdo target/release/fdo-rendezvous-server
install -D -m0755 -t %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/fdo target/release/fdo-serviceinfo-api-server
install -D -m0755 -t %{buildroot}%{_bindir} target/release/fdo-owner-tool
install -D -m0755 -t %{buildroot}%{_bindir} target/release/fdo-admin-tool
install -D -m0644 -t %{buildroot}%{_unitdir} examples/systemd/*
install -D -m0644 -t %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/fdo examples/config/*
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/fdo
install -D -m0755 -t %{buildroot}%{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/52fdo dracut/52fdo/module-setup.sh
install -D -m0755 -t %{buildroot}%{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/52fdo dracut/52fdo/manufacturing-client-generator
install -D -m0755 -t %{buildroot}%{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/52fdo dracut/52fdo/manufacturing-client-service
%post -n fdo-owner-onboarding-server
%systemd_post fdo-owner-onboarding-server.service
%systemd_post fdo-serviceinfo-api-server.service
%preun -n fdo-owner-onboarding-server
%systemd_preun fdo-owner-onboarding-server.service
%systemd_post fdo-serviceinfo-api-server.service
%postun -n fdo-owner-onboarding-server
%systemd_postun_with_restart fdo-owner-onboarding-server.service
%systemd_postun_with_restart fdo-serviceinfo-api-server.service
%post -n fdo-rendezvous-server
%systemd_post fdo-rendezvous-server.service
%preun -n fdo-rendezvous-server
%systemd_preun fdo-rendezvous-server.service
%postun -n fdo-rendezvous-server
%systemd_postun_with_restart fdo-rendezvous-server.service
%post -n fdo-manufacturing-server
%systemd_post fdo-manufacturing-server.service
%preun -n fdo-manufacturing-server
%systemd_preun fdo-manufacturing-server.service
%postun -n fdo-manufacturing-server
%systemd_postun_with_restart fdo-manufacturing-server.service
%post -n fdo-client
%systemd_post fdo-client-linuxapp.service
%preun -n fdo-client
%systemd_preun fdo-client-linuxapp.service
%postun -n fdo-client
%systemd_postun_with_restart fdo-client-linuxapp.service
%post -n fdo-admin-cli
%systemd_post fdo-aio.service
%preun -n fdo-admin-cli
%systemd_preun fdo-aio.service
%postun -n fdo-admin-cli
%systemd_postun_with_restart fdo-aio.service
%files -n fdo-init
%license LICENSE
%files -n fdo-owner-onboarding-server
%license LICENSE
%dir %{_docdir}/fdo
%files -n fdo-rendezvous-server
%license LICENSE
%dir %{_docdir}/fdo
%files -n fdo-manufacturing-server
%license LICENSE
%files -n fdo-client
%license LICENSE
%files -n fdo-owner-cli
%license LICENSE
%files -n fdo-admin-cli
%license LICENSE
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/fdo
* Sat Jun 1 2024 Pengda Dou <doupengda@loongson.cn> - 0.4.10-6
- [Type] other
- [DESC] add longarch64 support for nix
* Mon Dec 25 2023 luffyluo <luffyluo@tencent.com> - 0.4.10-5
- Rebuilt for llvm 17.0.6
* Tue Oct 24 2023 Wang Guodong <gordonwwang@tencent.com> - 0.4.10-4
- fix openssl-kdf v0.4.1 print error after rust-1.73
* Fri Sep 08 2023 OpenCloudOS Release Engineering <releng@opencloudos.tech> - 0.4.10-3
- Rebuilt for OpenCloudOS Stream 23.09
* Fri Aug 18 2023 cunshunxia <cunshunxia@tencent.com> - 0.4.10-2
- Rebuilt for tpm2-tss 4.0.1
* Mon Jul 17 2023 Shuo Wang <abushwang@tencent.com> - 0.4.10-1
- update to 0.4.10
* Fri Apr 28 2023 OpenCloudOS Release Engineering <releng@opencloudos.tech> - 0.4.5-5
- Rebuilt for OpenCloudOS Stream 23.05
* Mon Apr 03 2023 cunshunxia <cunshunxia@tencent.com> - 0.4.5-4
- use rust-toolset instead of rust-packaging.
* Fri Mar 31 2023 OpenCloudOS Release Engineering <releng@opencloudos.tech> - 0.4.5-3
- Rebuilt for OpenCloudOS Stream 23
* Thu Dec 8 2022 Wang Guodong <gordonwwang@tencent.com> - 0.4.5-2
- rebuild for cargo-1.64.0(rust-1.64.0).
* Mon Nov 28 2022 cunshunxia <cunshunxia@tencent.com> - 0.4.5-1
- initial build
马建仓 AI 助手
