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gulpfile.js 42.93 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
/* jshint node: true */
/* jshint esversion: 6 */
'use strict';
const gulp = require('gulp');
const filter = require('gulp-filter');
const es = require('event-stream');
const tsfmt = require('typescript-formatter');
const tslint = require('tslint');
const relative = require('relative');
const ts = require('gulp-typescript');
const cp = require('child_process');
const spawn = require('cross-spawn');
const colors = require('colors/safe');
const path = require('path');
const del = require('del');
const sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const fsExtra = require('fs-extra');
const glob = require('glob');
const _ = require('lodash');
const nativeDependencyChecker = require('node-has-native-dependencies');
const flat = require('flat');
const argv = require('yargs').argv;
const os = require('os');
const rmrf = require('rimraf');
const isCI = process.env.TRAVIS === 'true' || process.env.TF_BUILD !== undefined;
const noop = function() {};
* Hygiene works by creating cascading subsets of all our files and
* passing them through a sequence of checks. Here are the current subsets,
* named according to the checks performed on them. Each subset contains
* the following one, as described in mathematical notation:
* all ⊃ indentation ⊃ typescript
const all = ['src/**/*.ts', 'src/**/*.tsx', 'src/**/*.d.ts', 'src/**/*.js', 'src/**/*.jsx'];
const tsFilter = ['src/**/*.ts*', '!out/**/*'];
const indentationFilter = ['src/**/*.ts*', '!**/typings/**/*'];
const tslintFilter = [
gulp.task('compile', done => {
let failed = false;
const tsProject = ts.createProject('tsconfig.json');
.on('error', () => (failed = true))
.on('finish', () => (failed ? done(new Error('TypeScript compilation errors')) : done()));
gulp.task('precommit', done => run({ exitOnError: true, mode: 'staged' }, done));
gulp.task('hygiene-watch', () => gulp.watch(tsFilter, gulp.series('hygiene-modified')));
gulp.task('hygiene', done => run({ mode: 'compile', skipFormatCheck: true, skipIndentationCheck: true }, done));
gulp.series('compile', done => run({ mode: 'changes' }, done))
gulp.task('watch', gulp.parallel('hygiene-modified', 'hygiene-watch'));
// Duplicate to allow duplicate task in tasks.json (one ith problem matching, and one without)
gulp.task('watchProblems', gulp.parallel('hygiene-modified', 'hygiene-watch'));
gulp.task('hygiene-watch-branch', () => gulp.watch(tsFilter, gulp.series('hygiene-branch')));
gulp.task('hygiene-all', done => run({ mode: 'all' }, done));
gulp.task('hygiene-branch', done => run({ mode: 'diffMaster' }, done));
gulp.task('output:clean', () => del(['coverage']));
gulp.task('clean:cleanExceptTests', () => del(['clean:vsix', 'out/client', 'out/datascience-ui', 'out/server']));
gulp.task('clean:vsix', () => del(['*.vsix']));
gulp.task('clean:out', () => del(['out']));
gulp.task('clean', gulp.parallel('output:clean', 'clean:vsix', 'clean:out'));
gulp.task('checkNativeDependencies', done => {
if (hasNativeDependencies()) {
done(new Error('Native dependencies detected'));
gulp.task('check-datascience-dependencies', () => checkDatascienceDependencies());
const webpackEnv = { NODE_OPTIONS: '--max_old_space_size=9096' };
async function buildDataScienceUI() {
await spawnAsync(
await spawnAsync(
gulp.task('compile-webviews', async () => {
gulp.task('webpack', async () => {
// Build node_modules.
await buildWebPack(
['--config', './build/webpack/webpack.extension.dependencies.config.js'],
// Build DS stuff (separately as it uses far too much memory and slows down CI).
// Individually is faster on CI.
await buildWebPack(
['--config', './build/webpack/webpack.datascience-ui-notebooks.config.js'],
await buildWebPack(
['--config', './build/webpack/webpack.datascience-ui-viewers.config.js'],
// Run both in parallel, for faster process on CI.
// Yes, console would print output from both, that's ok, we have a faster CI.
// If things fail, we can run locally separately.
if (isCI) {
const buildExtension = buildWebPack(
['--config', './build/webpack/webpack.extension.config.js'],
const buildDebugAdapter = buildWebPack(
['--config', './build/webpack/webpack.debugadapter.config.js'],
await Promise.all([buildExtension, buildDebugAdapter]);
} else {
await buildWebPack('extension', ['--config', './build/webpack/webpack.extension.config.js'], webpackEnv);
await buildWebPack('debugAdapter', ['--config', './build/webpack/webpack.debugadapter.config.js'], webpackEnv);
gulp.task('updateBuildNumber', async () => {
await updateBuildNumber(argv);
async function updateBuildNumber(args) {
if (args && args.buildNumber) {
// Edit the version number from the package.json
const packageJsonContents = await fsExtra.readFile('package.json', 'utf-8');
const packageJson = JSON.parse(packageJsonContents);
// Change version number
const versionParts = packageJson['version'].split('.');
const buildNumberPortion =
versionParts.length > 2 ? versionParts[2].replace(/(\d+)/, args.buildNumber) : args.buildNumber;
const newVersion =
versionParts.length > 1
? `${versionParts[0]}.${versionParts[1]}.${buildNumberPortion}`
: packageJson['version'];
packageJson['version'] = newVersion;
// Write back to the package json
await fsExtra.writeFile('package.json', JSON.stringify(packageJson, null, 4), 'utf-8');
// Update the changelog.md if we are told to (this should happen on the release branch)
if (args.updateChangelog) {
const changeLogContents = await fsExtra.readFile('CHANGELOG.md', 'utf-8');
const fixedContents = changeLogContents.replace(
`## $1.$2.${buildNumberPortion} (`
// Write back to changelog.md
await fsExtra.writeFile('CHANGELOG.md', fixedContents, 'utf-8');
} else {
throw Error('buildNumber argument required for updateBuildNumber task');
async function buildWebPack(webpackConfigName, args, env) {
// Remember to perform a case insensitive search.
const allowedWarnings = getAllowedWarningsForWebPack(webpackConfigName).map(item => item.toLowerCase());
const stdOut = await spawnAsync(
['run', 'webpack', '--', ...args, ...['--mode', 'production', '--devtool', 'source-map']],
const stdOutLines = stdOut
.map(item => item.trim())
.filter(item => item.length > 0);
// Remember to perform a case insensitive search.
const warnings = stdOutLines
.filter(item => item.startsWith('WARNING in '))
item =>
allowedWarnings.findIndex(allowedWarning =>
) == -1
const errors = stdOutLines.some(item => item.startsWith('ERROR in'));
if (errors) {
throw new Error(`Errors in ${webpackConfigName}, \n${warnings.join(', ')}\n\n${stdOut}`);
if (warnings.length > 0) {
throw new Error(
`Warnings in ${webpackConfigName}, Check gulpfile.js to see if the warning should be allowed., \n\n${stdOut}`
function getAllowedWarningsForWebPack(buildConfig) {
switch (buildConfig) {
case 'production':
return [
'WARNING in asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).',
'WARNING in entrypoint size limit: The following entrypoint(s) combined asset size exceeds the recommended limit (244 KiB). This can impact web performance.',
'WARNING in webpack performance recommendations:',
'WARNING in ./node_modules/vsls/vscode.js',
'WARNING in ./node_modules/encoding/lib/iconv-loader.js',
'WARNING in ./node_modules/ws/lib/BufferUtil.js',
'WARNING in ./node_modules/ws/lib/buffer-util.js',
'WARNING in ./node_modules/ws/lib/Validation.js',
'WARNING in ./node_modules/ws/lib/validation.js',
'WARNING in ./node_modules/@jupyterlab/services/node_modules/ws/lib/buffer-util.js',
'WARNING in ./node_modules/@jupyterlab/services/node_modules/ws/lib/validation.js',
'WARNING in ./node_modules/any-promise/register.js'
case 'extension':
return [
'WARNING in ./node_modules/encoding/lib/iconv-loader.js',
'WARNING in ./node_modules/ws/lib/BufferUtil.js',
'WARNING in ./node_modules/ws/lib/buffer-util.js',
'WARNING in ./node_modules/ws/lib/Validation.js',
'WARNING in ./node_modules/ws/lib/validation.js',
'WARNING in ./node_modules/any-promise/register.js'
case 'debugAdapter':
return ['WARNING in ./node_modules/vscode-uri/lib/index.js'];
throw new Error('Unknown WebPack Configuration');
gulp.task('renameSourceMaps', async () => {
// By default source maps will be disabled in the extension.
// Users will need to use the command `python.enableSourceMapSupport` to enable source maps.
const extensionSourceMap = path.join(__dirname, 'out', 'client', 'extension.js.map');
const debuggerSourceMap = path.join(__dirname, 'out', 'client', 'debugger', 'debugAdapter', 'main.js.map');
await fs.rename(extensionSourceMap, `${extensionSourceMap}.disabled`);
await fs.rename(debuggerSourceMap, `${debuggerSourceMap}.disabled`);
gulp.task('verifyBundle', async () => {
const matches = await glob.sync(path.join(__dirname, '*.vsix'));
if (!matches || matches.length == 0) {
throw new Error('Bundle does not exist');
} else {
console.log(`Bundle ${matches[0]} exists.`);
gulp.task('prePublishBundle', gulp.series('webpack', 'renameSourceMaps'));
gulp.task('checkDependencies', gulp.series('checkNativeDependencies', 'check-datascience-dependencies'));
gulp.task('prePublishNonBundle', gulp.series('compile', 'compile-webviews'));
gulp.task('installPythonRequirements', async () => {
const args = [
const success = await spawnAsync(process.env.CI_PYTHON_PATH || 'python3', args, undefined, true)
.then(() => true)
.catch(ex => {
console.error("Failed to install Python Libs using 'python3'", ex);
return false;
if (!success) {
console.info("Failed to install Python Libs using 'python3', attempting to install using 'python'");
await spawnAsync('python', args).catch(ex => console.error("Failed to install Python Libs using 'python'", ex));
// See https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-python/issues/7136
gulp.task('installNewDebugpy', async () => {
// Install dependencies needed for 'install_debugpy.py'
const depsArgs = [
const successWithWheelsDeps = await spawnAsync(process.env.CI_PYTHON_PATH || 'python3', depsArgs, undefined, true)
.then(() => true)
.catch(ex => {
console.error("Failed to install new DEBUGPY wheels using 'python3'", ex);
return false;
if (!successWithWheelsDeps) {
"Failed to install dependencies need by 'install_debugpy.py' using 'python3', attempting to install using 'python'"
await spawnAsync('python', depsArgs).catch(ex =>
console.error("Failed to install dependencies need by 'install_debugpy.py' using 'python'", ex)
// Install new DEBUGPY with wheels for python 3.7
const wheelsArgs = ['./pythonFiles/install_debugpy.py'];
const wheelsEnv = { PYTHONPATH: './pythonFiles/lib/temp' };
const successWithWheels = await spawnAsync(process.env.CI_PYTHON_PATH || 'python3', wheelsArgs, wheelsEnv, true)
.then(() => true)
.catch(ex => {
console.error("Failed to install new DEBUGPY wheels using 'python3'", ex);
return false;
if (!successWithWheels) {
console.info("Failed to install new DEBUGPY wheels using 'python3', attempting to install using 'python'");
await spawnAsync('python', wheelsArgs, wheelsEnv).catch(ex =>
console.error("Failed to install DEBUGPY wheels using 'python'", ex)
// Install source only version of new DEBUGPY for use with all other python versions.
const args = [
const successWithoutWheels = await spawnAsync(process.env.CI_PYTHON_PATH || 'python3', args, undefined, true)
.then(() => true)
.catch(ex => {
console.error("Failed to install DEBUGPY using 'python3'", ex);
return false;
if (!successWithoutWheels) {
"Failed to install source only version of new DEBUGPY using 'python3', attempting to install using 'python'"
await spawnAsync('python', args).catch(ex =>
console.error("Failed to install source only DEBUGPY using 'python'", ex)
// Install the last stable version of old PTVSD (which includes a middle layer adapter and requires ptvsd_launcher.py)
// until all users have migrated to the new debug adapter + new DEBUGPY (specified in requirements.txt)
// See https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-python/issues/7136
gulp.task('installOldPtvsd', async () => {
const args = [
const success = await spawnAsync(process.env.CI_PYTHON_PATH || 'python3', args, undefined, true)
.then(() => true)
.catch(ex => {
console.error("Failed to install PTVSD using 'python3'", ex);
return false;
if (!success) {
console.info("Failed to install PTVSD using 'python3', attempting to install using 'python'");
await spawnAsync('python', args).catch(ex => console.error("Failed to install PTVSD using 'python'", ex));
gulp.task('installPythonLibs', gulp.series('installPythonRequirements', 'installOldPtvsd', 'installNewDebugpy'));
function uploadExtension(uploadBlobName) {
const azure = require('gulp-azure-storage');
const rename = require('gulp-rename');
return gulp
account: process.env.AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT,
key: process.env.AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY,
container: process.env.AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER
gulp.task('uploadDeveloperExtension', () => uploadExtension('ms-python-insiders.vsix'));
gulp.task('uploadReleaseExtension', () =>
uploadExtension(`ms-python-${process.env.TRAVIS_BRANCH || process.env.BUILD_SOURCEBRANCHNAME}.vsix`)
function spawnAsync(command, args, env, rejectOnStdErr = false) {
env = env || {};
env = { ...process.env, ...env };
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let stdOut = '';
console.info(`> ${command} ${args.join(' ')}`);
const proc = spawn(command, args, { cwd: __dirname, env });
proc.stdout.on('data', data => {
// Log output on CI (else travis times out when there's not output).
stdOut += data.toString();
if (isCI) {
proc.stderr.on('data', data => {
if (rejectOnStdErr) {
proc.on('close', () => resolve(stdOut));
proc.on('error', error => reject(error));
* Analyzes the dependencies pulled in by WebPack.
* Details on the structure of the stats json file can be found here https://webpack.js.org/api/stats/
* We go through the stats file and check all node modules that are part of the bundle(s).
* If they are in the bundle, they are used, hence they need to be registered in the `package.datascience-ui.dependencies.json` file.
* If not found, this will throw an error with the list of those dependencies.
* If a dependency is no longer use, this will throw an error with the details of the module to be removed from the `package.datascience-ui.dependencies.json` file.
async function checkDatascienceDependencies() {
await buildDataScienceUI();
const existingModulesFileName = 'package.datascience-ui.dependencies.json';
const existingModulesFile = path.join(__dirname, existingModulesFileName);
const existingModulesList = JSON.parse(await fsExtra.readFile(existingModulesFile).then(data => data.toString()));
const existingModules = new Set(existingModulesList);
const existingModulesCopy = new Set(existingModulesList);
const newModules = new Set();
const packageLock = JSON.parse(await fsExtra.readFile('package-lock.json').then(data => data.toString()));
const modulesInPackageLock = Object.keys(packageLock.dependencies);
// Right now the script only handles two parts in the dependency name (with one '/').
// If we have dependencies with more than one '/', then update this code.
if (modulesInPackageLock.some(dependency => dependency.indexOf('/') !== dependency.lastIndexOf('/'))) {
throwAndLogError("Dependencies detected with more than one '/', please update this script.");
* Processes the output in a webpack stat file.
* @param {string} statFile
async function processWebpackStatFile(statFile) {
/** @type{import("webpack").Stats.ToJsonOutput} */
const json = await fsExtra.readFile(statFile).then(data => JSON.parse(data.toString()));
json.children.forEach(child => {
child.chunks.forEach(chunk => {
(chunk.origins || []).forEach(origin => processOriginOrReason(origin));
json.chunks.forEach(chunk => {
(chunk.origins || []).forEach(origin => processOriginOrReason(origin));
* @param {string} name Name of module to find.
* @param {string} moduleName1 Another name of module to find.
* @param {string} moduleName2 Yet another name of module to find.
* @returns
function findModule(name, moduleName1, moduleName2) {
// If the module name contains `?`, then its a webpack loader that can be ignored.
if (name.includes('loader') && (name.includes('?') || name.includes('!'))) {
const matchedModules = modulesInPackageLock.filter(
dependency => dependency === moduleName2 || dependency === moduleName1 || dependency === name
switch (matchedModules.length) {
case 0:
`Dependency not found in package-lock.json, Dependency = '${name}, ${moduleName1}, ${moduleName2}'`
case 1:
default: {
throwAndLogError(`Exact Dependency not found in package-lock.json, Dependency = '${name}'`);
const moduleName = matchedModules[0];
if (existingModulesCopy.has(moduleName)) {
if (existingModules.has(moduleName) || newModules.has(moduleName)) {
* Processes webpack stat Modules.
* @param modules { Array.<import("webpack").Stats.FnModules> }
* @returns
function processModules(modules) {
(modules || []).forEach(processModule);
* Processes a webpack stat Module.
* @param module { import("webpack").Stats.FnModules }
* @returns
function processModule(module) {
const name = module.name;
if (!name.includes('/node_modules')) {
let nameWithoutNodeModules = name.substring('/node_modules'.length);
// Special case expose-loader.
if (nameWithoutNodeModules.startsWith('/expose-loader')) {
nameWithoutNodeModules = nameWithoutNodeModules.substring(
nameWithoutNodeModules.indexOf('/node_modules') + '/node_modules'.length
let moduleName1 = nameWithoutNodeModules.split('/')[1];
moduleName1 = moduleName1.endsWith('!.') ? moduleName1.substring(0, moduleName1.length - 2) : moduleName1;
const moduleName2 = `${nameWithoutNodeModules.split('/')[1]}/${nameWithoutNodeModules.split('/')[2]}`;
findModule(name, moduleName1, moduleName2);
* Processes a origin or a reason object from a webpack stat.
* @param {*} origin
* @returns
function processOriginOrReason(origin) {
if (!origin || !origin.name) {
const name = origin.name;
if (!name.includes('/node_modules')) {
let nameWithoutNodeModules = name.substring('/node_modules'.length);
// Special case expose-loader.
if (nameWithoutNodeModules.startsWith('/expose-loader')) {
nameWithoutNodeModules = nameWithoutNodeModules.substring(
nameWithoutNodeModules.indexOf('/node_modules') + '/node_modules'.length
let moduleName1 = nameWithoutNodeModules.split('/')[1];
moduleName1 = moduleName1.endsWith('!.') ? moduleName1.substring(0, moduleName1.length - 2) : moduleName1;
const moduleName2 = `${nameWithoutNodeModules.split('/')[1]}/${nameWithoutNodeModules.split('/')[2]}`;
findModule(name, moduleName1, moduleName2);
* Processes the `reasons` property of a webpack stat module object.
* @param {*} reasons
function processReasons(reasons) {
reasons = (reasons || [])
.map(reason => reason.userRequest)
.filter(item => typeof item === 'string' && !item.startsWith('.'));
reasons.forEach(item => processOriginOrReason(item));
await processWebpackStatFile(path.join(__dirname, 'out', 'datascience-ui', 'notebook', 'notebook.stats.json'));
await processWebpackStatFile(path.join(__dirname, 'out', 'datascience-ui', 'viewers', 'viewers.stats.json'));
const errorMessages = [];
if (newModules.size > 0) {
`Add the untracked dependencies '${Array.from(newModules.values()).join(
', '
)}' to ${existingModulesFileName}`
if (existingModulesCopy.size > 0) {
`Remove the unused '${Array.from(existingModulesCopy.values()).join(
', '
)}' dependencies from ${existingModulesFileName}`
if (errorMessages.length > 0) {
function throwAndLogError(message) {
if (message.length > 0) {
throw new Error(message);
function hasNativeDependencies() {
let nativeDependencies = nativeDependencyChecker.check(path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules'));
if (!Array.isArray(nativeDependencies) || nativeDependencies.length === 0) {
return false;
const dependencies = JSON.parse(spawn.sync('npm', ['ls', '--json', '--prod']).stdout.toString());
const jsonProperties = Object.keys(flat.flatten(dependencies));
nativeDependencies = _.flatMap(nativeDependencies, item =>
path.dirname(item.substring(item.indexOf('node_modules') + 'node_modules'.length)).split(path.sep)
.filter(item => item.length > 0)
.filter(item => !item.includes('zeromq')) // This is a known native. Allow this one for now
item =>
jsonProperties.findIndex(flattenedDependency =>
) >= 0
if (nativeDependencies.length > 0) {
console.error('Native dependencies detected', nativeDependencies);
return true;
return false;
* @typedef {Object} hygieneOptions - creates a new type named 'SpecialType'
* @property {'changes'|'staged'|'all'|'compile'|'diffMaster'} [mode=] - Mode.
* @property {boolean=} skipIndentationCheck - Skip indentation checks.
* @property {boolean=} skipFormatCheck - Skip format checks.
* @property {boolean=} skipLinter - Skip linter.
* @param {hygieneOptions} options
function getTsProject(options) {
return ts.createProject('tsconfig.json');
let configuration;
* @param {hygieneOptions} options
function getLinter(options) {
configuration = configuration ? configuration : tslint.Configuration.findConfiguration(null, '.');
const program = tslint.Linter.createProgram('./tsconfig.json');
const linter = new tslint.Linter({ formatter: 'json' }, program);
return { linter, configuration };
let compilationInProgress = false;
let reRunCompilation = false;
* @param {hygieneOptions} options
* @returns {NodeJS.ReadWriteStream}
const hygiene = (options, done) => {
done = done || noop;
if (compilationInProgress) {
reRunCompilation = true;
return done();
const fileListToProcess = options.mode === 'compile' ? undefined : getFileListToProcess(options);
if (
Array.isArray(fileListToProcess) &&
fileListToProcess !== all &&
fileListToProcess.filter(item => item.endsWith('.ts')).length === 0
) {
return done();
const started = new Date().getTime();
compilationInProgress = true;
options = options || {};
let errorCount = 0;
const indentation = es.through(function(file) {
.forEach((line, i) => {
if (/^\s*$/.test(line) || /^\S+.*$/.test(line)) {
// Empty or whitespace lines are OK.
} else if (/^(\s\s\s\s)+.*/.test(line)) {
// Good indent.
} else if (/^[\t]+.*/.test(line)) {
file.relative +
'(' +
(i + 1) +
',1): Bad whitespace indentation (use 4 spaces instead of tabs or other)'
this.emit('data', file);
const formatOptions = { verify: true, tsconfig: true, tslint: true, editorconfig: true, tsfmt: true };
const formatting = es.map(function(file, cb) {
.processString(file.path, file.contents.toString('utf8'), formatOptions)
.then(result => {
if (result.error) {
let message = result.message.trim();
let formattedMessage = '';
if (message.startsWith(__dirname)) {
message = message.substr(__dirname.length);
message = message.startsWith(path.sep) ? message.substr(1) : message;
const index = message.indexOf('.ts ');
if (index === -1) {
formattedMessage = colors.red(message);
} else {
const file = message.substr(0, index + 3);
const errorMessage = message.substr(index + 4).trim();
formattedMessage = `${colors.red(file)} ${errorMessage}`;
} else {
formattedMessage = colors.red(message);
cb(null, file);
let reportedLinterFailures = [];
* Report the linter failures
* @param {any[]} failures
function reportLinterFailures(failures) {
return (
.map(failure => {
const name = failure.name || failure.fileName;
const position = failure.startPosition;
const line = position.lineAndCharacter ? position.lineAndCharacter.line : position.line;
const character = position.lineAndCharacter
? position.lineAndCharacter.character
: position.character;
// Output in format similar to tslint for the linter to pickup.
const message = `ERROR: (${failure.ruleName}) ${relative(__dirname, name)}[${line +
1}, ${character + 1}]: ${failure.failure}`;
if (reportedLinterFailures.indexOf(message) === -1) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
.filter(reported => reported === true).length > 0
const { linter, configuration } = getLinter(options);
const tsl = es.through(function(file) {
const contents = file.contents.toString('utf8');
if (isCI) {
// Don't print anything to the console, we'll do that.
// Yes this is a hack, but tslinter doesn't provide an option to prevent this.
const oldWarn = console.warn;
console.warn = () => {};
linter.failures = [];
linter.fixes = [];
linter.lint(file.relative, contents, configuration.results);
console.warn = oldWarn;
const result = linter.getResult();
if (result.failureCount > 0 || result.errorCount > 0) {
const reported = reportLinterFailures(result.failures);
if (result.failureCount && reported) {
errorCount += result.failureCount;
if (result.errorCount && reported) {
errorCount += result.errorCount;
this.emit('data', file);
const tsFiles = [];
const tscFilesTracker = es.through(function(file) {
tsFiles.push(file.path.replace(/\\/g, '/'));
this.emit('data', file);
const tsProject = getTsProject(options);
const tsc = function() {
function customReporter() {
return {
error: function(error, typescript) {
const fullFilename = error.fullFilename || '';
const relativeFilename = error.relativeFilename || '';
if (tsFiles.findIndex(file => fullFilename === file || relativeFilename === file) === -1) {
console.error(`Error: ${error.message}`);
errorCount += 1;
finish: function() {
// forget the summary.
console.log('Finished compilation');
const reporter = customReporter();
return tsProject(reporter);
const files = options.mode === 'compile' ? tsProject.src() : getFilesToProcess(fileListToProcess);
const dest = options.mode === 'compile' ? './out' : '.';
let result = files.pipe(filter(f => f && f.stat && !f.stat.isDirectory()));
if (!options.skipIndentationCheck) {
result = result.pipe(filter(indentationFilter)).pipe(indentation);
result = result.pipe(filter(tslintFilter));
if (!options.skipFormatCheck) {
// result = result
// .pipe(formatting);
if (!options.skipLinter) {
result = result.pipe(tsl);
let totalTime = 0;
result = result
sourcemaps.mapSources(function(sourcePath, file) {
let tsFileName = path.basename(file.path).replace(/js$/, 'ts');
const qualifiedSourcePath = path
.replace('out/', 'src/')
.replace('out\\', 'src\\');
if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(qualifiedSourcePath, tsFileName))) {
const tsxFileName = path.basename(file.path).replace(/js$/, 'tsx');
if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(qualifiedSourcePath, tsxFileName))) {
console.error(`ERROR: (source-maps) ${file.path}[1,1]: Source file not found`);
} else {
tsFileName = tsxFileName;
return path.join(path.relative(path.dirname(file.path), qualifiedSourcePath), tsFileName);
.pipe(sourcemaps.write('.', { includeContent: false }))
es.through(null, function() {
if (errorCount > 0) {
const errorMessage = `Hygiene failed with errors 👎 . Check 'gulpfile.js' (completed in ${new Date().getTime() -
} else {
`Hygiene passed with 0 errors 👍 (completed in ${new Date().getTime() - started}ms).`
// Reset error counter.
errorCount = 0;
reportedLinterFailures = [];
compilationInProgress = false;
if (reRunCompilation) {
reRunCompilation = false;
setTimeout(() => {
hygiene(options, done);
}, 10);
.on('error', ex => {
exitHandler(options, ex);
return result;
* @typedef {Object} runOptions
* @property {boolean=} exitOnError - Exit on error.
* @property {'changes'|'staged'|'all'} [mode=] - Mode.
* @property {string[]=} files - Optional list of files to be modified.
* @property {boolean=} skipIndentationCheck - Skip indentation checks.
* @property {boolean=} skipFormatCheck - Skip format checks.
* @property {boolean=} skipLinter - Skip linter.
* @property {boolean=} watch - Watch mode.
* Run the linters.
* @param {runOptions} options
* @param {Error} ex
function exitHandler(options, ex) {
if (ex) {
if (options.exitOnError) {
* Run the linters.
* @param {runOptions} options
function run(options, done) {
done = done || noop;
options = options ? options : {};
options.exitOnError = typeof options.exitOnError === 'undefined' ? isCI : options.exitOnError;
process.once('unhandledRejection', (reason, p) => {
console.log('Unhandled Rejection at: Promise', p, 'reason:', reason);
// Clear screen each time
const startMessage = `Hygiene starting`;
hygiene(options, done);
function git(args) {
let result = cp.spawnSync('git', args, { encoding: 'utf-8' });
return result.output.join('\n');
function getStagedFilesSync() {
const out = git(['diff', '--cached', '--name-only']);
return out.split(/\r?\n/).filter(l => !!l);
function getAddedFilesSync() {
const out = git(['status', '-u', '-s']);
return out
.filter(l => !!l)
l =>
['A', '?', 'U'],
.substring(0, 2)
).length > 0
.map(l => path.join(__dirname, l.substring(2).trim()));
function getAzureDevOpsVarValue(varName) {
return process.env[varName.replace(/\./g, '_').toUpperCase()];
function getModifiedFilesSync() {
if (isCI) {
const isAzurePR = getAzureDevOpsVarValue('System.PullRequest.SourceBranch') !== undefined;
const isTravisPR = process.env.TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST !== undefined && process.env.TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST !== 'true';
if (!isAzurePR && !isTravisPR) {
return [];
const targetBranch = process.env.TRAVIS_BRANCH || getAzureDevOpsVarValue('System.PullRequest.TargetBranch');
if (targetBranch !== 'master') {
return [];
const repo = process.env.TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG || getAzureDevOpsVarValue('Build.Repository.Name');
const originOrUpstream =
repo.toUpperCase() === 'MICROSOFT/VSCODE-PYTHON' ||
? 'origin'
: 'upstream';
// If on CI, get a list of modified files comparing against
// PR branch and master of current (assumed 'origin') repo.
try {
cp.execSync(`git remote set-branches --add ${originOrUpstream} master`, {
encoding: 'utf8',
cwd: __dirname
cp.execSync('git fetch', { encoding: 'utf8', cwd: __dirname });
} catch (ex) {
return [];
const cmd = `git diff --name-only HEAD ${originOrUpstream}/master`;
const out = cp.execSync(cmd, { encoding: 'utf8', cwd: __dirname });
return out
.filter(l => !!l)
.filter(l => l.length > 0)
.map(l => l.trim().replace(/\//g, path.sep))
.map(l => path.join(__dirname, l));
} else {
const out = cp.execSync('git status -u -s', { encoding: 'utf8' });
return out
.filter(l => !!l)
l =>
['M', 'A', 'R', 'C', 'U', '?'],
.substring(0, 2)
).length > 0
.map(l =>
.replace(/\//g, path.sep)
function getDifferentFromMasterFilesSync() {
const out = git(['diff', '--name-status', 'master']);
return out
.filter(l => !!l)
.map(l => path.join(__dirname, l.substring(2).trim()));
* @param {hygieneOptions} options
function getFilesToProcess(fileList) {
const gulpSrcOptions = { base: '.' };
return gulp.src(fileList, gulpSrcOptions);
* @param {hygieneOptions} options
function getFileListToProcess(options) {
const mode = options ? options.mode : 'all';
const gulpSrcOptions = { base: '.' };
// If we need only modified files, then filter the glob.
if (options && options.mode === 'changes') {
return getModifiedFilesSync().filter(f => fs.existsSync(f));
if (options && options.mode === 'staged') {
return getStagedFilesSync().filter(f => fs.existsSync(f));
if (options && options.mode === 'diffMaster') {
return getDifferentFromMasterFilesSync().filter(f => fs.existsSync(f));
return all;
exports.hygiene = hygiene;
// this allows us to run hygiene via CLI (e.g. `node gulfile.js`).
if (require.main === module) {
run({ exitOnError: true, mode: 'staged' }, () => {});
马建仓 AI 助手
