同步操作将从 yinguobing/face-mesh-generator 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
import argparse
import logging
import traceback
import cv2
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
import fmd
from mark_guardians import check_mark_location
from mark_operator import MarkOperator
from mesh_detector import MeshDetector
from mesh_record_operator import MeshRecordOperator
# Get the command line argument.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--loglevel", type=str, default="info",
help="The logging level.")
args = parser.parse_args()
def setup_logger():
"""Setup a logger. Data processing is a long time job, which makes logging a
essential part. No need to read this function if the dataset is your only
numeric_level = getattr(logging, args.loglevel.upper(), None)
if not isinstance(numeric_level, int):
raise ValueError('Invalid log level: {}'.format(args.loglevel))
# Format setup.
log_formatter = logging.Formatter(
'%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
# Setup logs in the console.
console_hdlr = logging.StreamHandler()
# Setup logs in the log file.
file_hdlr = logging.FileHandler('data_generation.log')
# Setup the logger.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
return logger
# Data processing is a long time job, which makes logging a essential part.
logger = setup_logger()
def process(dataset, index_start_from=0):
"""Process the dataset as required, including rotating the face, crop the
face area.
dataset: a MarkDataset object.
start_from: the sample index to start from. Samples before this will be
logger.info("Starting to process dataset: {}".format(dataset.meta['name']))
# Keep a record of the current location.
current_sample_index = -1
# Count the samples considered invalid.
num_invalid_samples = 0
# Construct a mark operator to transform the marks.
mo = MarkOperator()
# Construct a face mesh detector to generate face mesh from image.
md = MeshDetector("assets/face_landmark.tflite")
# Construct a writer for TFRecord files.
tf_writer = MeshRecordOperator(
# Some dataset contains enormous samples, in which some may be corrupted
# and cause processing error. Catch these errors to avoid restarting over
# from the start.
# Enumerate all the samples in dataset.
for sample in tqdm(dataset):
# In case the job is interrupted, we can start from somwhere in
# between rather than starting over from the very begining.
current_sample_index += 1
if current_sample_index < index_start_from:
# Safety check, invalid samples will be discarded.
image = sample.read_image()
marks = sample.marks
# Security check passed, the image is ready for transformation. Here
# the face area is our region of interest, and will be cropped.
# First, move the face to the center.
image_translated, trans_vector = move_face_to_center(
image, marks, mo)
marks_translated = marks[:, :2] + trans_vector
# Second, align the face. This happens in the 2D space.
image_rotated, degrees = rotate_to_vertical(
image_translated, sample, mo)
img_height, img_width, _ = image.shape
marks_rotated = mo.rotate(
marks_translated, degrees/180*np.pi, (img_width/2, img_height/2))
# Third, try to crop the face area out. Pad the image if necessary.
image_cropped, padding, bbox = crop_face(
image_rotated, marks, scale=1.7)
mark_cropped = marks_rotated + \
padding - np.array([bbox[0], bbox[1]])
# Last, resize the face area. I noticed Google is using 192px.
image_resized = cv2.resize(image_cropped, (192, 192))
mark_resized = mark_cropped * (192 / image_cropped.shape[0])
# Show all the image processed in debug mode.
if args.loglevel.upper() == "DEBUG":
esc_key = show_debug_images(image, marks,
image_translated, marks_translated,
image_rotated, marks_rotated,
image_resized, mark_resized,
padding, bbox)
if esc_key:
# Now the cropped face and marks are available, do whatever you want.
# Generate face mesh.
face_mesh, score = md.get_mesh(image_resized)
logger.debug("Mesh score: {}".format(score))
# Save the current sample to a TFRecord file.
image_to_save = cv2.cvtColor(image_resized, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
example = tf_writer.make_example(
image_to_save, face_mesh, score, sample.image_file)
# Preview the image?
md.draw_mesh(image_resized, face_mesh, mark_size=1)
cv2.imshow("Mesh", cv2.resize(image_resized, (512, 512)))
if cv2.waitKey() == 27:
except Exception:
"Error {}. sample index: {}".format(traceback.format_exc(), current_sample_index))
# Summary
logger.info("Dataset done. Processed samples: {}, invalid samples: {}".format(
current_sample_index+1, num_invalid_samples))
def move_face_to_center(image, marks, mo):
"""This function will move the marked face to the image center.
image: image containing a marked face.
marks: the face marks.
mo: the mark operater.
a same size image with marked face at center.
img_height, img_width, _ = image.shape
face_center = mo.get_center(marks)[:2]
translation_mat = np.array([[1, 0, img_width / 2 - face_center[0]],
[0, 1, img_height / 2 - face_center[1]]])
image_translated = cv2.warpAffine(
image, translation_mat, (img_width, img_height))
translation_vector = np.array(
[img_width / 2 - face_center[0], img_height / 2 - face_center[1]])
return image_translated, translation_vector
def rotate_to_vertical(image, sample, mo):
"""Rotate the image to make the face vertically aligned.
image: an image with face to be processed.
sample: the dataset sample of the input image.
mo: the mark operator.
a same size image with aligned face.
img_height, img_width, _ = image.shape
key_marks = sample.get_key_marks()[:, :2]
vector_eye = (key_marks[3] - key_marks[0])
degrees = mo.get_angle(vector_eye, np.array([100, 0]))
rotation_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(
((img_width-1)/2.0, (img_height-1)/2.0), -degrees, 1)
image_rotated = cv2.warpAffine(
image, rotation_mat, (img_width, img_height))
return image_rotated, degrees
def crop_face(image, marks, scale=1.8, shift_ratios=(0, 0)):
"""Crop the face area from the input image.
image: input image.
marks: the facial marks of the face to be cropped.
scale: how much to scale the face box.
shift_ratios: shift the face box to (right, down) by facebox size * ratios
cropped face image.
# How large the bounding box is?
x_min, y_min, _ = np.amin(marks, 0)
x_max, y_max, _ = np.amax(marks, 0)
side_length = max((x_max - x_min, y_max - y_min)) * scale
# Face box is scaled, get the new corners, shifted.
img_height, img_width, _ = image.shape
x_shift, y_shift = np.array(shift_ratios) * side_length
x_start = int(img_width / 2 - side_length / 2 + x_shift)
y_start = int(img_height / 2 - side_length / 2 + y_shift)
x_end = int(img_width / 2 + side_length / 2 + x_shift)
y_end = int(img_height / 2 + side_length / 2 + y_shift)
# In case the new bbox is out of image bounding.
border_width = 0
border_x = min(x_start, y_start)
border_y = max(x_end - img_width, y_end - img_height)
if border_x < 0 or border_y > 0:
border_width = max(abs(border_x), abs(border_y))
x_start += border_width
y_start += border_width
x_end += border_width
y_end += border_width
image_with_border = cv2.copyMakeBorder(image, border_width,
value=[0, 0, 0])
image_cropped = image_with_border[y_start:y_end,
image_cropped = image[y_start:y_end, x_start:x_end]
return image_cropped, border_width, (x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end)
def show_debug_images(image, marks,
image_translated, marks_translated,
image_rotated, marks_rotated,
image_resized, mark_resized,
padding, bbox):
# Resconstruct the padded image.
if padding != 0:
image_padded = cv2.copyMakeBorder(image_rotated, padding,
value=[0, 0, 0])
cv2.rectangle(image_padded, (bbox[0], bbox[1]),
(bbox[2], bbox[3]), (255, 255, 255), 3)
cv2.imshow("Padded", image_padded)
cv2.rectangle(image_rotated, (bbox[0], bbox[1]),
(bbox[2], bbox[3]), (255, 255, 255), 3)
# Draw original marks.
image_original = image.copy()
fmd.mark_dataset.util.draw_marks(image_original, marks, 1)
# Draw translated marks.
fmd.mark_dataset.util.draw_marks(image_translated, marks_translated, 1)
# Draw rotated marks.
fmd.mark_dataset.util.draw_marks(image_rotated, marks_rotated, 1)
# Draw resized marks.
fmd.mark_dataset.util.draw_marks(image_resized, mark_resized, 1)
# Show them all, in an uniform manner.
height = 512
width = int(image.shape[1] * height / image.shape[0])
cv2.imshow("Original", cv2.resize(image_original, (width, height)))
cv2.imshow("Translated", cv2.resize(image_translated, (width, height)))
cv2.imshow("Rotated", cv2.resize(image_rotated, (width, height)))
cv2.imshow("Face sample", image_resized)
return cv2.waitKey() == 27
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Set the dataset directory you are going to use.
ds300w_dir = "/home/robin/data/facial-marks/300W"
ds300vw_dir = "/home/robin/data/facial-marks/300VW_Dataset_2015_12_14"
afw_dir = "/home/robin/data/facial-marks/afw"
helen_dir = "/home/robin/data/facial-marks/helen"
ibug_dir = "/home/robin/data/facial-marks/ibug"
lfpw_dir = "/home/robin/data/facial-marks/lfpw"
wflw_dir = "/home/robin/data/facial-marks/wflw/WFLW_images"
aflw2000_3d_dir = "/home/robin/data/facial-marks/3DDFA/AFLW2000-3D"
# Construct the datasets.
# # # 300W
# ds_300w = fmd.ds300w.DS300W("300w")
# ds_300w.populate_dataset(ds300w_dir)
# # 300VW
# ds_300vw = fmd.ds300vw.DS300VW("300vw")
# ds_300vw.populate_dataset(ds300vw_dir)
# # AFW
# ds_afw = fmd.afw.AFW("afw")
# ds_afw.populate_dataset(afw_dir)
# ds_helen = fmd.helen.HELEN("helen")
# ds_helen.populate_dataset(helen_dir)
# # IBUG
# ds_ibug = fmd.ibug.IBUG("ibug")
# ds_ibug.populate_dataset(ibug_dir)
# # LFPW
# ds_lfpw = fmd.lfpw.LFPW("lfpw")
# ds_lfpw.populate_dataset(lfpw_dir)
ds_wflw = fmd.wflw.WFLW(True, "wflw")
# # AFLW2000-3D
# ds_aflw2k3d = fmd.AFLW2000_3D("AFLW2000_3D")
# ds_aflw2k3d.populate_dataset(aflw2000_3d_dir)
# datasets = [ds_300vw, ds_300w, ds_aflw2k3d,
# ds_afw, ds_helen, ds_ibug, ds_lfpw, ds_wflw]
# # How many samples do we have?
# print("Total samples: {}".format(
# sum(ds.meta["num_samples"] for ds in datasets)))
# # Process all the data.
# for ds in datasets:
# process(ds)
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