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FileSync.bas 31.82 KB
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Cm Wang 提交于 2024-09-20 11:12 . Add files via upload
' FileAct 文件处理
' Copyright (c) 2024 CM.Wang
' Freeware. Use at your own risk.
#pragma once
#include once "FileSync.bi"
Private Function FilesSync.Remove(Owner As Any Ptr, PathStr As WString) As Integer
mOwner = Owner
WLet(mPathA, PathStr)
mThreadMode = FilesSyncMode.FSM_PathRemove
mSyncThread = ThreadCreate(Cast(Any Ptr, @SyncThread), @This)
If mSyncThread = NULL Then
Return False
Return True
End If
End Function
Private Function FilesSync.Create(Owner As Any Ptr, PathStr As WString) As Integer
mOwner = Owner
WLet(mPathA, PathStr)
mThreadMode = FilesSyncMode.FSM_PathCreate
mSyncThread = ThreadCreate(Cast(Any Ptr, @SyncThread), @This)
If mSyncThread = NULL Then
Return False
Return True
End If
End Function
Private Function FilesSync.Sync(Owner As Any Ptr, SourceStr As WString, TargetStr As WString) As Integer ', ByVal cData As Long = 0, ByVal cMode As Long = 0) As Integer
mOwner = Owner
WLet(mPathA, SourceStr)
WLet(mPathB, TargetStr)
mThreadMode = FilesSyncMode.FSM_PathSync
mSyncThread = ThreadCreate(Cast(Any Ptr, @SyncThread), @This)
If mSyncThread = NULL Then
Return False
Return True
End If
End Function
Private Sub FilesSync.SyncDoing()
Select Case mThreadMode
Case FilesSyncMode.FSM_PathCreate
StepInit(1, "Path Create")
Case FilesSyncMode.FSM_PathRemove
StepInit(1, "Path Remove")
Case FilesSyncMode.FSM_PathSync
End Select
If mLogMode = 1 Then
If mFileCopyCount >-1 Then ReDim Preserve mFileCopy(mFileCopyCount)
If mFileOverwriteCount >-1 Then ReDim Preserve mFileOverwrite(mFileOverwriteCount)
If mFileSkipCount >-1 Then ReDim Preserve mFileSkip(mFileSkipCount)
If mFileDeleteCount >-1 Then ReDim Preserve mFileDelete(mFileDeleteCount)
If mFileDeleteBNotInACount >-1 Then ReDim Preserve mFileDeleteBNotInA(mFileDeleteBNotInACount)
If mPathCreateCount >-1 Then ReDim Preserve mPathCreate(mPathCreateCount)
If mPathRemoveCount >-1 Then ReDim Preserve mPathRemove(mPathRemoveCount)
If mPathRemoveBNotInACount >-1 Then ReDim Preserve mPathRemoveBNotInA(mPathRemoveBNotInACount)
If mErrorMessageCount >-1 Then ReDim Preserve mErrorMessage(mErrorMessageCount )
End If
Done = True
End Sub
Private Function FilesSync.SyncThread(ByVal pParam As Any Ptr) As Any Ptr
Dim cFS As FilesSync Ptr = Cast(FilesSync Ptr , pParam)
Return 0
End Function
Private Function FilesSync.PercentThread(ByVal pParam As Any Ptr) As Any Ptr
Dim cFS As FilesSync Ptr = Cast(FilesSync Ptr , pParam)
Return 0
End Function
Private Constructor FilesSync
End Constructor
Private Destructor FilesSync
mLogMode= 0
If mPathA Then Deallocate(mPathA)
If mPathB Then Deallocate(mPathB)
If mSyncSource Then Deallocate(mSyncSource)
If mSyncTarget Then Deallocate(mSyncTarget)
If mPercentPath Then Deallocate(mPercentPath)
If mLogFile Then Deallocate(mLogFile)
'If WStrTmpPtr Then Deallocate(WStrTmpPtr)
End Destructor
Private Sub FilesSync.SyncInit()
Erase mStepTime
mCopyTime= 0
mDeleteTime= 0
mPercentReady = False
mPercentCount = 0
mPercentStep = 0
mPathCreateCount = -1
mFileCopyCount = -1
mFileCopySize = 0
mFileDeleteSize = 0
mFileDeleteCount = -1
mPathRemoveCount = -1
mFileDeleteBNotInASize = 0
mFileDeleteBNotInACount = -1
mPathRemoveBNotInACount = -1
mFileOverwriteSize = 0
mFileOverwriteCount = -1
mFileSkipCount = -1
mFileSkipSize = 0
mErrorMessageCount = -1
mCancel = False
mDone = False
If mLogMode = 2 Then LogFileOpen()
End Sub
Private Sub FilesSync.StepInit(StepCount As LongInt, StepMsg As WString)
ReDim mStepMessage(StepCount)
ReDim mStepTime(StepCount)
mStepCount = StepCount
mStepDoing = 0
WLet(mStepMessage(mStepDoing), StepMsg)
End Sub
Private Property FilesSync.TimePass() As Double
If mDone Or mCancel Then
Return mStepTime(mStepDoing)
If mStepCount < 0 Then
Return 0
Return mTiMr.Passed
End If
End If
End Property
Private Sub FilesSync.StepInc(StepMsg As WString)
Dim t As Double
t = mTiMr.Passed
mStepTime(mStepDoing) = t - mStepTimeAdd
mStepTimeAdd = t
mStepDoing += 1
WLet(mStepMessage(mStepDoing), StepMsg)
If mStepDoing = mStepCount Then mStepTime(mStepDoing) = t
End Sub
Private Sub FilesSync.ErrorInc(ErrorTitle As WString, ErrorMsg As WString Ptr)
Dim tIndex As LongInt
Select Case mLogMode
Case 1
tIndex = mErrorMessageCount + 1
If ((tIndex Mod mFileInc) = 0) Or (tIndex = 0) Then
ReDim Preserve mErrorMessage(mErrorMessageCount + mFileInc)
End If
WLet(mErrorMessage(tIndex), "Error: " & ErrorTitle & *ErrorMsg)
Case 2
LogFile("Error: " & ErrorTitle & vbTab & *ErrorMsg)
End Select
mErrorMessageCount += 1
End Sub
Private Sub FilesSync.CountInc(CntIdx As PathFileCountEnum, IncMsg As WString = "")
Dim tIndex As LongInt
Select Case mLogMode
Case 1
Select Case CntIdx
Case Count_FileCopy
tIndex = mFileCopyCount + 1
If ((tIndex Mod mFileInc) = 0) Or (tIndex = 0) Then
ReDim Preserve mFileCopy(mFileCopyCount + mFileInc)
End If
WLet(mFileCopy(tIndex), IncMsg)
Case Count_FileOverwrite
tIndex = mFileOverwriteCount + 1
If ((tIndex Mod mFileInc) = 0) Or (tIndex = 0) Then
ReDim Preserve mFileOverwrite(mFileOverwriteCount + mFileInc)
End If
WLet(mFileOverwrite(tIndex), IncMsg)
Case Count_FileSkip
tIndex = mFileSkipCount + 1
If ((tIndex Mod mFileInc) = 0) Or (tIndex = 0) Then
ReDim Preserve mFileSkip(mFileSkipCount + mFileInc)
End If
WLet(mFileSkip(tIndex), IncMsg)
Case Count_FileDelete
tIndex = mFileDeleteCount + 1
If ((tIndex Mod mFileInc) = 0) Or (tIndex = 0) Then
ReDim Preserve mFileDelete(mFileDeleteCount + mFileInc)
End If
WLet(mFileDelete(tIndex), IncMsg)
Case Count_PathCreate
tIndex = mPathCreateCount + 1
If ((tIndex Mod mFileInc) = 0) Or (tIndex = 0) Then
ReDim Preserve mPathCreate(mPathCreateCount + mFileInc)
End If
WLet(mPathCreate(tIndex), IncMsg)
Case Count_PathRemove
tIndex = mPathRemoveCount + 1
If ((tIndex Mod mFileInc) = 0) Or (tIndex = 0) Then
ReDim Preserve mPathRemove(mPathRemoveCount + mFileInc)
End If
WLet(mPathRemove(tIndex), IncMsg)
Case Count_PathRemoveBNotInA
tIndex = mPathRemoveBNotInACount + 1
If ((tIndex Mod mFileInc) = 0) Or (tIndex = 0) Then
ReDim Preserve mPathRemoveBNotInA(mPathRemoveBNotInACount + mFileInc)
End If
WLet(mPathRemoveBNotInA(tIndex), IncMsg)
Case Count_FileDeleteBNotInA
tIndex = mFileDeleteBNotInACount + 1
If ((tIndex Mod mFileInc) = 0) Or (tIndex = 0) Then
ReDim Preserve mFileDeleteBNotInA(mFileDeleteBNotInACount + mFileInc)
End If
WLet(mFileDeleteBNotInA(tIndex), IncMsg)
End Select
Case 2
LogFile(LogStr(CntIdx ) & IncMsg)
End Select
Select Case CntIdx
Case Count_FileCopy
mFileCopyCount += 1
Case Count_FileOverwrite
mFileOverwriteCount += 1
Case Count_FileSkip
mFileSkipCount += 1
Case Count_FileDelete
mFileDeleteCount += 1
Case Count_PathCreate
mPathCreateCount += 1
Case Count_PathRemove
mPathRemoveCount += 1
Case Count_PathRemoveBNotInA
mPathRemoveBNotInACount += 1
Case Count_FileDeleteBNotInA
mFileDeleteBNotInACount += 1
End Select
End Sub
Private Function FilesSync.LogStr(Index As Long) ByRef As WString
Static WStrTmpPtr As WString Ptr
Select Case Index
Case Count_FileCopy
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "FileCopy: " & Index & vbTab)
Case Count_FileOverwrite
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "FileOverwrite: " & Index & vbTab)
Case Count_FileSkip
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "FileSkip: " & Index & vbTab)
Case Count_FileDelete
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "FileDelete: " & Index & vbTab)
Case Count_PathCreate
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "PathCreate: " & Index & vbTab)
Case Count_PathRemove
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "PathRemove: " & Index & vbTab)
Case Count_PathRemoveBNotInA
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "PathRemoveBNotInA: " & Index & vbTab)
Case Count_FileDeleteBNotInA
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "FileDeleteBNotInA: " & Index & vbTab)
End Select
Return *WStrTmpPtr
End Function
Private Sub FilesSync.ActFile(aType As PathFileActEnum, SourceStr As WString Ptr, TargetStr As WString Ptr, wfd As WIN32_FIND_DATA Ptr)
Dim st As Double = mTiMr.Passed
Select Case aType
Case Act_FileOverwrite
SetFileAttributes(*SourceStr, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)
If CopyFile(*SourceStr, *TargetStr, False) Then
CountInc(Count_FileOverwrite, *TargetStr)
mFileOverwriteSize += WFD2Bytes(wfd)
mCopyTime+= mTiMr.Passed - st
ErrorInc("Act_FileOverwrite: ", TargetStr)
End If
Case Act_FileCopy
If CopyFile(*SourceStr, *TargetStr, False) Then
CountInc(Count_FileCopy, *SourceStr)
mFileCopySize += WFD2Bytes(wfd)
mCopyTime+= mTiMr.Passed - st
ErrorInc("Act_FileCopy: ", SourceStr)
End If
Case Act_FileDelete
SetFileAttributes(*SourceStr, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)
If DeleteFile(*SourceStr) Then
CountInc(Count_FileDelete, *SourceStr)
mFileDeleteSize += WFD2Bytes(wfd)
mDeleteTime+= mTiMr.Passed - st
ErrorInc("Act_FileDelete: ", SourceStr)
End If
Case Act_FileDeleteBNotInA
SetFileAttributes(*SourceStr, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)
If DeleteFile(*SourceStr) Then
CountInc(Count_FileDeleteBNotInA, *SourceStr)
mFileDeleteBNotInASize += WFD2Bytes(wfd)
mDeleteTime+= mTiMr.Passed - st
ErrorInc("Act_FileDeleteBNotInA: ", SourceStr)
End If
End Select
End Sub
Private Function FilesSync.ActPath(aType As PathFileActEnum, SourceStr As WString Ptr) As Long
Dim st As Double = mTiMr.Passed
Select Case aType
Case Act_PathCreate
If CreateDirectory(*SourceStr, @n) Then
CountInc(Count_PathCreate, *SourceStr)
mCopyTime+= mTiMr.Passed - st
Return True
ErrorInc("Act_PathCreate: ", SourceStr)
End If
Case Act_PathRemove
If RemoveDirectory(*SourceStr) Then
CountInc(Count_PathRemove, *SourceStr)
mDeleteTime+= mTiMr.Passed - st
Return True
ErrorInc("Act_PathRemove: ", SourceStr)
End If
Case Act_PathRemoveBNotInA
If RemoveDirectory(*SourceStr) Then
CountInc(Count_PathRemoveBNotInA, *SourceStr)
mDeleteTime+= mTiMr.Passed - st
Return True
ErrorInc("Act_PathRemoveBNotInA: ", SourceStr)
End If
End Select
Return False
End Function
Private Sub FilesSync.PathCreate(PathStr As WString Ptr)
If PathFileExists(PathStr) Then Return
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim k As Long = 0
Dim l As Long = Len("\")
Dim dirs() As WString Ptr
Dim t As WString Ptr
ReDim Preserve dirs(k)
WLet(dirs(k), *PathStr)
j = -1
i = InStrRev(*PathStr, "\", j)
If i Then
j = i - l
If j Then
WLet(t, Left(*PathStr, j))
If Right(*t, 1) = ":" Then Exit Do
If Right(*t, 1) = "\" Then
k -= 1
Exit Do
End If
If PathFileExists(t) Then Exit Do
k = k + 1
ReDim Preserve dirs(k)
WLet(dirs(k), *t)
End If
End If
Loop While i
For i = k To 0 Step -1
If ActPath(Act_PathCreate, dirs(i)) = False Then
mCancel = True
Exit For
End If
If t Then Deallocate(t)
End Sub
Private Sub FilesSync.FileCopyAct(PathStr As WString Ptr, wfd As WIN32_FIND_DATA Ptr)
Dim twfd As WIN32_FIND_DATA
Dim i As Integer
If WFDGet(*mSyncTarget + *PathStr, @twfd) Then
If WFDCompare(wfd, @twfd, mCompareData, mCompareMode) Then
ActFile(Act_FileOverwrite, *mSyncSource & *PathStr, *mSyncTarget & *PathStr, wfd)
CountInc(Count_FileSkip, *mSyncTarget + *PathStr)
mFileSkipSize += WFD2Bytes(wfd)
End If
i = InStrRev(*PathStr, "\")
If i Then PathCreate(*mSyncTarget + Left(*PathStr, i - 1))
ActFile(Act_FileCopy, *mSyncSource & *PathStr, *mSyncTarget & *PathStr, wfd)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub FilesSync.DeleteBNotInA(PathStr As WString)
Dim wfd As WIN32_FIND_DATA
Dim hFind As HANDLE
Dim hNext As WINBOOL
If mCancel Then Exit Sub
hFind = FindFirstFile(*mSyncTarget + PathStr + "\*.*", @wfd)
If wfd.dwFileAttributes And FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY Then
If wfd.cFileName <> "." And wfd.cFileName <> ".." Then
DeleteBNotInA(PathStr + "\" + wfd.cFileName)
End If
If PathFileExists(*mSyncSource + PathStr + "\" + wfd.cFileName) = False Then
ActFile(Act_FileDeleteBNotInA, *mSyncTarget + PathStr + "\" + wfd.cFileName, NULL, @wfd)
End If
mPercentStep += 1
End If
If mCancel Then Exit Do
hNext = FindNextFile(hFind , @wfd)
Loop While (hNext)
If mCancel Then Exit Sub
If PathFileExists(*mSyncSource + PathStr) = False Then
ActPath(Act_PathRemoveBNotInA, *mSyncTarget + PathStr)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub FilesSync.PercentSub(PathStr As WString)
Dim wfd As WIN32_FIND_DATA
Dim hFind As HANDLE
Dim hNext As WINBOOL
If mCancel Or mDone Then Exit Sub
hFind = FindFirstFile(PathStr & "\*.*" , @wfd)
If wfd.dwFileAttributes And FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY Then
If wfd.cFileName <> "." And wfd.cFileName <> ".." Then
PercentSub(PathStr & "\" & wfd.cFileName)
End If
mPercentCount += 1
End If
If mCancel Or mDone Then Exit Do
hNext = FindNextFile(hFind , @wfd)
Loop While (hNext)
End Sub
Private Sub FilesSync.PercentDoing(PathStr As WString Ptr)
If PathFileExists(PathStr) Then
mPercentReady = False
mPercentCount = 0
mPercentStep = 0
End If
mPercentReady = True
End Sub
Private Sub FilesSync.ListFile()
mListFileCount = -1
mListPathCount = -1
'Erase mListWFD
If mListFileCount >-1 Then
ReDim Preserve mListFile(mListFileCount)
'ReDim Preserve mListWFD(mListFileCount)
End If
If mListPathCount >-1 Then ReDim Preserve mListPath(mListPathCount)
End Sub
Private Sub FilesSync.ListFileSub(PathStr As WString)
Dim wfd As WIN32_FIND_DATA
Dim hFind As HANDLE
Dim hNext As WINBOOL
Dim tIndex As LongInt
If mCancel Then Exit Sub
hFind = FindFirstFile(*mSyncSource + PathStr & "\*.*" , @wfd)
If wfd.dwFileAttributes And FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY Then
If wfd.cFileName <> "." And wfd.cFileName <> ".." Then
ListFileSub(PathStr + "\" + wfd.cFileName)
tIndex = mListPathCount + 1
If ((tIndex Mod mFileInc) = 0) Or (tIndex = 0) Then
ReDim Preserve mListPath(mListPathCount + mFileInc)
End If
WLet(mListPath(tIndex), PathStr + "\" + wfd.cFileName)
mListPathCount = tIndex
End If
tIndex = mListFileCount + 1
If ((tIndex Mod mFileInc) = 0) Or (tIndex = 0) Then
ReDim Preserve mListFile(mListFileCount + mFileInc)
'ReDim Preserve mListWFD(mListFileCount + mFileInc)
End If
WLet(mListFile(tIndex), PathStr + "\" + wfd.cFileName)
'memcpy(@mListWFD(tIndex), @wfd, SizeOf(wfd))
mListFileCount = tIndex
End If
If mCancel Then Exit Do
hNext = FindNextFile(hFind , @wfd)
Loop While (hNext)
If mCancel Then Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub FilesSync.PathSyncSub(PathStr As WString)
Dim wfd As WIN32_FIND_DATA
Dim hFind As HANDLE
Dim hNext As WINBOOL
If mCancel Then Exit Sub
hFind = FindFirstFile(*mSyncSource + PathStr & "\*.*" , @wfd)
If wfd.dwFileAttributes And FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY Then
If wfd.cFileName <> "." And wfd.cFileName <> ".." Then
PathSyncSub(PathStr + "\" + wfd.cFileName)
End If
FileCopyAct(PathStr + "\" + wfd.cFileName, @wfd)
mPercentStep += 1
End If
If mCancel Then Exit Do
hNext = FindNextFile(hFind , @wfd)
Loop While (hNext)
If mCancel Then Exit Sub
If mCopyEmptyPath Then PathCreate(*mSyncTarget + PathStr)
End Sub
Private Sub FilesSync.PathSync()
StepInit(1, "File Copy")
If mSyncMode Then StepInit(2, "File Copy")
If mDuplicat Then StepInit(2, "File Copy")
WLet(mPercentPath, *mPathA)
mPercentThread = ThreadCreate(Cast(Any Ptr, @PercentThread), @This)
WLet(mSyncSource, *mPathA)
WLet(mSyncTarget, *mPathB)
If mSyncMode Then
StepInc("File Sync")
WLet(mPercentPath, *mPathB)
mPercentThread = ThreadCreate(Cast(Any Ptr, @PercentThread), @This)
WLet(mSyncTarget, *mPathA)
WLet(mSyncSource, *mPathB)
End If
If mDuplicat Then
StepInc("Delete B not in A")
WLet(mPercentPath, *mSyncTarget)
mPercentThread = ThreadCreate(Cast(Any Ptr, @PercentThread), @This)
mFileDeleteBNotInACount = -1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub FilesSync.PathRemoveSub(PathStr As WString)
Dim wfd As WIN32_FIND_DATA
Dim hFind As HANDLE
Dim hNext As WINBOOL
If mCancel Then Exit Sub
hFind = FindFirstFile(PathStr & "\*.*" , @wfd)
If wfd.dwFileAttributes And FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY Then
If wfd.cFileName <> "." And wfd.cFileName <> ".." Then
PathRemoveSub(PathStr & "\" & wfd.cFileName)
End If
ActFile(Act_FileDelete, PathStr & "\" & wfd.cFileName, NULL, @wfd)
mPercentStep += 1
End If
If mCancel Then Exit Do
hNext = FindNextFile(hFind , @wfd)
Loop While (hNext)
If mCancel Then Exit Sub
ActPath(Act_PathRemove, PathStr)
End Sub
Private Sub FilesSync.PathRemove(PathStr As WString Ptr)
If PathFileExists(PathStr) = False Then Return
WLet(mPercentPath, *PathStr)
mPercentThread = ThreadCreate(Cast(Any Ptr, @PercentThread), @This)
End Sub
Private Property FilesSync.Cancel() As Integer
Return mCancel
End Property
Private Property FilesSync.Cancel(ByVal nVal As Integer)
mCancel = True
End Property
Private Property FilesSync.ErrorCount() As Integer
If mErrorMessageCount < 0 Then Return False Else Return True
End Property
Private Property FilesSync.Done() As Integer
Return mDone
End Property
Private Property FilesSync.Done(ByVal nVal As Integer)
If mLogMode= 2 Then
End If
If mPercentThread Then
Do While mPercentReady = False
Loop 'wait for thread done
End If
mPercentStep = mPercentCount
mPercentThread = NULL
mDone = True
If OnDone Then OnDone(mOwner)
mSyncThread = NULL
End Property
Private Function FilesSync.ReportData(x As Long, y As Long) ByRef As WString
Static WStrTmpPtr As WString Ptr
Select Case x
Case 0 'Description
Select Case y
Case 0 'Copy
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "File Copy")
Case 1 'Overwrite
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "File Overwrite")
Case 2 'Skip
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "File Skip")
Case 3 'Delete
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "File Delete")
Case 4 'Delete B not in A
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "File Delete B not in A")
Case 5 'Create
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "Path Create")
Case 6 'Remove
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "Path Remove")
Case 7 'Remove B not in A
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "Path Remove B not in A")
Case 8 'Time
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "Time Use")
Case 9 'Step
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "Step")
Case 10 'Progress
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "Progress")
Case 11 'Information
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "Information")
Case 12 'Error
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "Error")
Case Else 'Description
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "Description")
End Select
Case 1 'count
Select Case y
Case 0 'Copy
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, Format(mFileCopyCount + 1, "#,#0"))
Case 1 'Overwrite
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, Format(mFileOverwriteCount + 1, "#,#0"))
Case 2 'Skip
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, Format(mFileSkipCount + 1, "#,#0"))
Case 3 'Delete
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, Format(mFileDeleteCount + 1, "#,#0"))
Case 4 'Delete B not in A
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, Format(mFileDeleteBNotInACount + 1, "#,#0"))
Case 5 'Create
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, Format(mPathCreateCount + 1, "#,#0"))
Case 6 'Remove
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, Format(mPathRemoveCount + 1, "#,#0"))
Case 7 'Remove B not in A
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, Format(mPathRemoveBNotInACount + 1, "#,#0"))
Case 8 'Time
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, Format(TimePass, "#,#0.000"))
Case 9 'Step
If mStepCount < 0 Then
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "Idle")
ElseIf PercentTotal < 0 Then
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "Calculating")
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, Format(mPercentStep, "#,#0") & "/" & Format(mPercentCount, "#,#0"))
End If
Case 10 'Progress
If mStepCount < 0 Then
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "Idle")
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, IIf(mStepDoing < mStepCount, mStepDoing + 1 , mStepCount) & "/" & mStepCount)
End If
Case 11 'Information
If mStepCount < 0 Then
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "Idle")
ElseIf Cancel Then
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "Cancel")
ElseIf Done Then
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "Done")
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "NA")
End If
Case 12 'Error
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, Format(mErrorMessageCount + 1, "#,#0"))
Case Else 'count
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "Count")
End Select
Case 2 'size
Select Case y
Case 0 'Copy
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, Format(mFileCopySize, "#,#0") & " | " & Bytes2Str(mFileCopySize))
Case 1 'Overwrite
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, Format(mFileOverwriteSize, "#,#0") & " | " & Bytes2Str(mFileOverwriteSize))
Case 2 'Skip
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, Format(mFileSkipSize, "#,#0") & " | " & Bytes2Str(mFileSkipSize))
Case 3 'Delete
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, Format(mFileDeleteSize, "#,#0") & " | " & Bytes2Str(mFileDeleteSize))
Case 4 'Delete B not in A
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, Format(mFileDeleteBNotInASize, "#,#0") & " | " & Bytes2Str(mFileDeleteBNotInASize))
Case 5 'Create
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "")
Case 6 'Remove
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "")
Case 7 'Remove B not in A
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "")
Case 8 'Time
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, Sec2Time(TimePass, , , "#00.000"))
Case 9 'Step
If mStepCount < 0 Then
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "Idle")
ElseIf PercentTotal < 0 Then
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "Calculating")
If PercentStep < 0 Then
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, Format(100, "0.00") & "%")
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, Format(PercentStep, "0.00") & "%")
End If
End If
Case 10 'Progress
If mStepCount < 0 Then
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "Idle")
ElseIf PercentTotal < 0 Then
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "Calculating")
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, Format(PercentTotal, "0.00") & "%")
End If
Case 11 'Information
If mStepCount < 0 Then
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "Idle")
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, *mStepMessage(mStepDoing))
End If
Case 12 'Error
If mStepCount < 0 Then
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "Idle")
ElseIf mErrorMessageCount < 0 Then
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "Passed")
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "Failed")
End If
Case Else 'size
WLet(WStrTmpPtr, "Size")
End Select
End Select
Return *WStrTmpPtr
End Function
Private Property FilesSync.Summary() ByRef As WString
Static WStrTmpPtr As WString Ptr
Dim a() As WString Ptr
Dim b() As WString Ptr
Dim y As Long
Dim x As Long
ReDim a(13)
ReDim b(2)
For x = 0 To 2
WLet(b(x), ReportData(x, -1))
TitleWStr(a(0), 70, "-", *b(0), *b(1), *b(2))
For y = 0 To 12
For x = 0 To 2
WLet(b(x), ReportData(x, y))
TitleWStr(a(y + 1), 70, " ", *b(0), *b(1), *b(2))
Next y
JoinWStr(a(), vbCrLf, WStrTmpPtr)
Return *WStrTmpPtr
End Property
Private Property FilesSync.Setting() ByRef As WString
Dim a() As WString Ptr
ReDim a(7)
Dim b As String
TitleWStr(a(0), 70, "-", "Setting Item", , "Set")
Select Case mThreadMode
Case 1
b = "Sync "
Case 2
b = "Remove "
Case 3
b = "Create "
Case Else
b = "Not Set "
End Select
TitleWStr(a(1), 70, " ", "Work Mode", , b & mThreadMode)
If mSyncMode Then b = "Synchronization " Else b = "Duplication "
TitleWStr(a(2), 70, " ", "Sync Mode", , b & mSyncMode)
If mCopyEmptyPath Then b = "True " Else b = "False "
TitleWStr(a(3), 70, " ", "Copy Empty Path", , b & mCopyEmptyPath)
If mDuplicat Then b = "True " Else b = "False "
TitleWStr(a(4), 70, " ", "Delete B Not In A", , b & mDuplicat)
Select Case mCompareData
Case 0
b = "Size "
Case 1
b = "Write Time "
Case 2
b = "Creation Time "
Case 3
b = "Access Time "
End Select
TitleWStr(a(5), 70, " ", "Overwrite Compare Data", , b & mCompareData)
Select Case mCompareData
Case 0
Select Case mCompareMode
Case 0
b = "Larger "
Case 1
b = "Smaller "
Case 2
b = "Not Equal "
Case 3
b = "Equal "
End Select
Case Else
Select Case mCompareMode
Case 0
b = "Newer "
Case 1
b = "Older "
Case 2
b = "Not Equal "
Case 3
b = "Equal "
End Select
End Select
TitleWStr(a(6), 70, " ", "Overwrite Compare Mode", , b & mCompareMode)
Select Case mLogMode
Case 0
b = "None "
Case 1
b = "Memory "
Case 2
b = "File "
End Select
TitleWStr(a(7), 70, " ", "Log Mode", , b & mLogMode)
Static WStrTmpPtr As WString Ptr
JoinWStr(a(), vbCrLf, WStrTmpPtr)
Return *WStrTmpPtr
End Property
Private Property FilesSync.Speed() ByRef As WString
If mStepCount < 0 Then Return "NA"
Dim i As Long
Dim d As Double
Dim d2 As Double = TimePass
Dim a() As WString Ptr
Dim s() As LongInt
ReDim a(mStepDoing + 8)
ReDim s(8)
s(0) = (mFileCopySize + mFileOverwriteSize + mFileSkipSize) / d2
s(1) = (mFileCopyCount + mFileOverwriteCount + mFileSkipCount + mPathCreateCount) / d2
s(2) = (mFileDeleteSize + mFileDeleteBNotInASize) / d2
s(3) = (mFileDeleteCount + mFileDeleteBNotInACount + mPathRemoveCount + mPathRemoveBNotInACount) / d2
If mCopyTime Then
s(4) = (mFileCopySize + mFileOverwriteSize) / mCopyTime
s(5) = ((mFileCopyCount + mFileOverwriteCount + mPathCreateCount)) / mCopyTime
End If
If mDeleteTime Then
s(6) = (mFileDeleteSize + mFileDeleteBNotInASize) / mDeleteTime
s(7) = (mFileDeleteCount + mFileDeleteBNotInACount + mPathRemoveCount + mPathRemoveBNotInACount) / mDeleteTime
End If
If s(1) < 0 Then s(1) = 0
If s(3) < 0 Then s(3) = 0
If s(5) < 0 Then s(5) = 0
If s(7) < 0 Then s(7) = 0
TitleWStr(a(0), 70, "-", "Step" , "Seconds", "Times")
For i = 0 To mStepDoing
If i = mStepDoing Then
If mStepDoing = mStepCount Then
d = mStepTime(i)
d = d2 - mStepTimeAdd
End If
d = mStepTime(i)
End If
TitleWStr(a(i + 1), 70, " ", *mStepMessage(i), Format(d, "#,#0.000"), Sec2Time(d, , , "#00.000"))
TitleWStr(a(mStepDoing + 3), 70, "-", "Description", "Size/Sec.", "Count/Sec.")
TitleWStr(a(mStepDoing + 4), 70, " ", "Copy Speed", Bytes2Str(s(4)), Format(s(5), "#,#0"))
TitleWStr(a(mStepDoing + 5), 70, " ", "Delete Speed", Bytes2Str(s(6)), Format(s(7), "#,#0"))
TitleWStr(a(mStepDoing + 7), 70, " ", "Total Copy Speed", Bytes2Str(s(0)), Format(s(1), "#,#0"))
TitleWStr(a(mStepDoing + 8), 70, " ", "Total Delete Speed", Bytes2Str(s(2)), Format(s(3), "#,#0"))
Static WStrTmpPtr As WString Ptr
JoinWStr(a(), vbCrLf, WStrTmpPtr)
Erase s
Return *WStrTmpPtr
End Property
Private Property FilesSync.DetialInfo() ByRef As WString
If mLogMode<> 1 Then Return "NA"
Dim a() As WString Ptr
ReDim a(25)
Dim b() As WString Ptr
ReDim b(2)
Dim y As Long
For y = 0 To 7
WLet(b(0), ReportData(0, y))
WLet(b(1), ReportData(1, y))
WLet(b(2), ReportData(2, y))
TitleWStr(a(y * 3), 70, "-", *b(0), *b(1), *b(2))
y = 12
WLet(b(0), ReportData(0, y))
WLet(b(1), ReportData(1, y))
WLet(b(2), ReportData(2, y))
TitleWStr(a(24), 70, "-", *b(0), *b(1), *b(2))
If mDone Then
JoinWStr(mFileCopy(), vbCrLf, a(1), , mFileCopyCount)
JoinWStr(mFileOverwrite(), vbCrLf, a(4), , mFileOverwriteCount)
JoinWStr(mFileSkip(), vbCrLf, a(7), , mFileSkipCount)
JoinWStr(mFileDelete(), vbCrLf, a(10), , mFileDeleteCount)
JoinWStr(mFileDeleteBNotInA(), vbCrLf, a(13), , mFileDeleteBNotInACount)
JoinWStr(mPathCreate(), vbCrLf, a(16), , mPathCreateCount)
JoinWStr(mPathRemove(), vbCrLf, a(19), , mPathRemoveCount)
JoinWStr(mPathRemoveBNotInA(), vbCrLf, a(22), , mPathRemoveBNotInACount)
JoinWStr(mErrorMessage(), vbCrLf, a(25), , mErrorMessageCount)
For y = 0 To 7
WLet(a(y * 3 + 1), WStr("Ongoing..."))
WLet(a(25), WStr("Ongoing..."))
End If
Static rtnWstr As WString Ptr
JoinWStr(a(), vbCrLf, rtnWstr)
Return *rtnWstr
End Property
Private Property FilesSync.Report(Index As Integer) ByRef As WString
Static WStrTmpPtr As WString Ptr
Select Case Index
Case 0 'copy
If mFileCopyCount < 0 Or mLogMode<> 1 Then Return "NA"
JoinWStr(mFileCopy(), vbCrLf, WStrTmpPtr, , mFileCopyCount)
Case 1 'overwrite
If mFileOverwriteCount < 0 Or mLogMode<> 1 Then Return "NA"
JoinWStr(mFileOverwrite(), vbCrLf, WStrTmpPtr, , mFileOverwriteCount)
Case 2 'skip
If mFileSkipCount < 0 Or mLogMode<> 1 Then Return "NA"
JoinWStr(mFileSkip(), vbCrLf, WStrTmpPtr, , mFileSkipCount)
Case 3 'delete
If mFileDeleteCount < 0 Or mLogMode<> 1 Then Return "NA"
JoinWStr(mFileDelete(), vbCrLf, WStrTmpPtr, , mFileDeleteCount)
Case 4 'deletebnotina
If mFileDeleteBNotInACount < 0 Or mLogMode<> 1 Then Return "NA"
JoinWStr(mFileDeleteBNotInA(), vbCrLf, WStrTmpPtr, , mFileDeleteBNotInACount)
Case 5 'create
If mPathCreateCount < 0 Or mLogMode<> 1 Then Return "NA"
JoinWStr(mPathCreate(), vbCrLf, WStrTmpPtr, , mPathCreateCount)
Case 6 'remove
If mPathRemoveCount < 0 Or mLogMode<> 1 Then Return "NA"
JoinWStr(mPathRemove(), vbCrLf, WStrTmpPtr, , mPathRemoveCount)
Case 7 'removebnotina
If mPathRemoveBNotInACount < 0 Or mLogMode<> 1 Then Return "NA"
JoinWStr(mPathRemoveBNotInA(), vbCrLf, WStrTmpPtr, , mPathRemoveBNotInACount)
Case 8 'time use
Return Speed
Case 9 'step
Return Setting
Case 10 'progress
Return Summary
Case 11 'information
Return Information
Case 12 'error
If mErrorMessageCount < 0 Or mLogMode<> 1 Then Return "NA"
JoinWStr(mErrorMessage(), vbCrLf, WStrTmpPtr)
Case Else
Return "Unknow"
End Select
Return *WStrTmpPtr
End Property
Private Property FilesSync.Information() ByRef As WString
Dim a() As WString Ptr
ReDim a(10)
TitleWStr(a(0), 80, "=", "Setting")
TitleWStr(a(3), 80, "=", "Speed")
TitleWStr(a(6), 80, "=", "Summary")
TitleWStr(a(9), 80, "=", "Detials")
WLet(a(1), Setting)
WLet(a(4), Speed)
WLet(a(7), Summary)
WLet(a(10), DetialInfo)
Static WStrTmpPtr As WString Ptr
JoinWStr(a(), vbCrLf, WStrTmpPtr)
Return *WStrTmpPtr
End Property
Private Property FilesSync.PercentTotal() As Double
Static s As Double
Static t As Double
If mStepCount < 0 Then Return - 3
If mCancel Then Return t
If mDone Then Return 100
If mPercentCount = 0 Then Return -1
If mPercentReady = False Then Return - 2
s = mPercentStep / mPercentCount
t = (mStepDoing + s) / mStepCount * 100
Return t
End Property
Private Property FilesSync.PercentStep() As Double
If mPercentReady = False Then Return - 1
Return mPercentStep / mPercentCount * 100
End Property
Private Sub FilesSync.LogFile(LogMsg As WString)
Print #mLogFileNum, LogMsg
End Sub
Private Sub FilesSync.LogFileOpen()
If PathFileExists(mLogFile) Then Kill(*mLogFile)
mLogFileNum = FreeFile
Open *mLogFile For Append As #mLogFileNum
End Sub
Private Sub FilesSync.LogFileClose()
Close #mLogFileNum
End Sub
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