/** @var bool $nosession */
/** @var \lib\PdoHelper $DB */
/** @var array $conf */
/** @var string $password_hash */
$nosession = true;
$act = isset($_GET['act']) ? daddslashes($_GET['act']) : null;
$url = daddslashes($_GET['url']);
$authcode = daddslashes($_GET['authcode']);
@header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8');
if ($act == 'clone') {
$key = daddslashes($_GET['key']);
if (!$key) exit('{"code":-5,"msg":"确保各项不能为空"}');
if ($key !== md5($password_hash . md5(SYS_KEY) . $conf['apikey'])) exit('{"code":-4,"msg":"克隆密钥错误"}');
$rs = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM pre_class ORDER BY cid ASC");
$class = array();
while ($res = $rs->fetch()) {
$class[] = $res;
$rs = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM pre_tools ORDER BY tid ASC");
$tools = array();
while ($res = $rs->fetch()) {
$tools[] = $res;
$rs = $DB->query("SELECT id,url,type FROM pre_shequ ORDER BY id ASC");
$shequ = array();
while ($res = $rs->fetch()) {
$shequ[] = $res;
$rs = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM pre_price ORDER BY id ASC");
$price = array();
while ($res = $rs->fetch()) {
$price[] = $res;
$result = array("code" => 1, "class" => $class, "tools" => $tools, "shequ" => $shequ, "price" => $price);
} elseif ($act == 'tools') {
$key = daddslashes($_GET['key']);
$limit = isset($_GET['limit']) ? intval($_GET['limit']) : 50;
if (!$key) exit('{"code":-5,"msg":"确保各项不能为空"}');
if ($key != $conf['apikey']) exit('{"code":-4,"msg":"API对接密钥错误,请在后台设置密钥"}');
$rs = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM pre_tools WHERE active=1 ORDER BY tid ASC LIMIT $limit");
while ($res = $rs->fetch()) {
$data[] = array('tid' => $res['tid'], 'cid' => $res['cid'], 'sort' => $res['sort'], 'name' => $res['name'], 'price' => $res['price']);
} elseif ($act == 'orders') {
$tid = intval($_GET['tid']);
$key = daddslashes($_GET['key']);
$limit = isset($_GET['limit']) ? intval($_GET['limit']) : 50;
$format = isset($_GET['format']) ? daddslashes($_GET['format']) : 'json';
if (!$key) exit('{"code":-5,"msg":"确保各项不能为空"}');
if ($key != $conf['apikey']) exit('{"code":-4,"msg":"API对接密钥错误,请在后台设置密钥"}');
if ($tid) {
$tool = $DB->getRow("SELECT tid,value FROM pre_tools WHERE tid='$tid' AND active=1 LIMIT 1");
if (!$tool) exit('{"code":-5,"msg":"商品ID不存在"}');
$sqls = " and tid='$tid'";
$value = $tool['value'] > 0 ? $tool['value'] : 1;
$data = [];
$rs = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM pre_orders WHERE status=0{$sqls} ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT $limit");
while ($res = $rs->fetch()) {
$data[] = array('id' => $res['id'], 'tid' => $res['tid'], 'input' => $res['input'], 'input2' => $res['input2'], 'input3' => $res['input3'], 'input4' => $res['input4'], 'input5' => $res['input5'], 'value' => $res['value'], 'status' => $res['status']);
if ($_GET['sign'] == 1) $DB->exec("UPDATE `pre_orders` SET status=1 WHERE `id`='{$res['id']}'");
if ($format == 'text') {
$txt = '';
foreach ($data as $row) {
$txt .= $row['input'] . ($row['input2'] ? '----' . $row['input2'] : null) . ($row['input3'] ? '----' . $row['input3'] : null) . ($row['input4'] ? '----' . $row['input4'] : null) . ($row['input5'] ? '----' . $row['input5'] : null) . '----' . $row['value'] . "\r\n";
} else {
exit(json_encode(['code' => 0, 'msg' => 'succeed', 'data' => $data]));
} elseif ($act == 'change') {
$id = intval($_GET['id']);
$key = daddslashes($_GET['key']);
$status = intval($_GET['zt']); //1:已完成,2:正在处理,3:异常,4:已退单,5:待处理
if (!$id || !$key) exit('{"code":-5,"msg":"确保各项不能为空"}');
if ($key != $conf['apikey']) exit('{"code":-4,"msg":"API对接密钥错误,请在后台设置密钥"}');
$row = $DB->getRow("SELECT id FROM pre_orders WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
if ($row) {
$sql = "UPDATE `pre_orders` SET `status`='$status' WHERE `id`='{$id}' LIMIT 1";
if ($DB->exec($sql) !== false) {
$result = array("code" => 1, "msg" => "修改成功", "id" => $id);
} else {
$result = array("code" => -2, "msg" => "修改失败", "id" => $id);
} else {
$result = array("code" => -5, "msg" => "订单ID不存在");
} elseif ($act == 'classlist') {
$rs = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM pre_class WHERE active=1 ORDER BY sort ASC");
$data = array();
while ($res = $rs->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$data[] = $res;
$result = array("code" => 0, "msg" => "succ", "data" => $data, "count" => count($data));
} elseif ($act == 'goodslistbycid') {
if (isset($_POST['user']) && isset($_POST['pass'])) {
$user = trim(daddslashes($_POST['user']));
$pass = trim(daddslashes($_POST['pass']));
$userrow = $DB->getRow("SELECT * FROM `pre_site` WHERE `user` = '{$user}' LIMIT 1");
if ($userrow && $userrow['user'] == $user && $userrow['pwd'] == $pass && $userrow['status'] == 1) {
$islogin2 = 1;
$price_obj = new \lib\Price($userrow['zid'], $userrow);
} elseif ($userrow && $userrow['status'] == 0) {
} else {
$cid = isset($_POST['cid']) ? intval($_POST['cid']) : 0;
$rs = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM pre_tools WHERE cid='$cid' AND active=1 ORDER BY sort ASC");
$data = array();
while ($res = $rs->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
if (isset($price_obj)) {
$price_obj->setToolInfo($res['tid'], $res);
$price = $price_obj->getToolPrice($res['tid']);
} else $price = $res['price'];
if ($res['is_curl'] == 4) {
$isfaka = 1;
$res['input'] = getFakaInput();
} else {
$isfaka = 0;
$data[] = array('tid' => $res['tid'], 'cid' => $res['cid'], 'sort' => $res['sort'], 'name' => $res['name'], 'value' => $res['value'], 'price' => $price, 'input' => $res['input'], 'inputs' => $res['inputs'], 'desc' => $res['desc'], 'alert' => $res['alert'], 'shopimg' => $res['shopimg'], 'validate' => $res['validate'], 'valiserv' => $res['valiserv'], 'repeat' => $res['repeat'], 'multi' => $res['multi'], 'close' => $res['close'], 'prices' => $res['prices'], 'min' => $res['min'], 'max' => $res['max'], 'sales' => $res['sales'], 'isfaka' => $isfaka, 'stock' => $res['stock']);
$result = array("code" => 0, "msg" => "succ", "data" => $data, "count" => count($data));
} elseif ($act == 'goodslist') {
$result['code'] = 0;
if (isset($_POST['user']) && isset($_POST['pass'])) {
$user = trim(daddslashes($_POST['user']));
$pass = trim(daddslashes($_POST['pass']));
$userrow = $DB->getRow("SELECT * FROM `pre_site` WHERE `user` = '{$user}' LIMIT 1");
if ($userrow && $userrow['user'] == $user && $userrow['pwd'] == $pass && $userrow['status'] == 1) {
$islogin2 = 1;
$price_obj = new \lib\Price($userrow['zid'], $userrow);
} elseif ($userrow && $userrow['status'] == 0) {
} else {
$rs = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM `pre_tools` WHERE `active` = 1 ORDER BY `cid` ASC,`sort` ASC");
while ($res = $rs->fetch()) {
if ($islogin2 == 1 && isset($price_obj)) {
$price_obj->setToolInfo($res['tid'], $res);
$price = $price_obj->getToolPrice($res['tid']);
} else {
$price = $res['price'];
if ($res['is_curl'] == 4) {
$count = $DB->getColumn("SELECT count(*) FROM pre_faka WHERE tid='{$res['tid']}' AND orderid=0");
$isfaka = 1;
} else {
$count = $res['stock'];
$isfaka = 0;
$data[] = array('tid' => $res['tid'], 'cid' => $res['cid'], 'name' => $res['name'], 'shopimg' => $res['shopimg'], 'close' => $res['close'], 'price' => $price, 'isfaka' => $isfaka, 'stock' => $count);
$result['data'] = $data;
} elseif ($act == 'goodsdetails') {
$result['code'] = 0;
$tid = intval($_POST['tid']);
if (!$tid) exit('{"code":-1,"message":"商品ID不能为空"}');
if (isset($_POST['user']) && isset($_POST['pass'])) {
$user = trim(daddslashes($_POST['user']));
$pass = trim(daddslashes($_POST['pass']));
$userrow = $DB->getRow("SELECT * FROM `pre_site` WHERE `user` = '{$user}' LIMIT 1");
if ($userrow && $userrow['user'] == $user && $userrow['pwd'] == $pass && $userrow['status'] == 1) {
$islogin2 = 1;
$price_obj = new \lib\Price($userrow['zid'], $userrow);
} elseif ($userrow && $userrow['status'] == 0) {
} else {
$tool = $DB->getRow("SELECT * FROM `pre_tools` WHERE `tid` = {$tid} LIMIT 1");
if (!$tool) exit('{"code":-1,"message":"商品不存在"}');
if ($islogin2 == 1 && isset($price_obj)) {
$price_obj->setToolInfo($tid, $tool);
$price = $price_obj->getToolPrice($tid);
} else {
$price = $tool['price'];
if ($tool['is_curl'] == 4) {
$count = $DB->getColumn("SELECT count(*) FROM pre_faka WHERE tid='{$tool['tid']}' AND orderid=0");
if ($count == 0) $tool['close'] = 1;
$isfaka = 1;
$tool['input'] = getFakaInput();
} else {
$count = $tool['stock'];
$isfaka = 0;
if (empty($tool['input'])) $tool['input'] = '下单账号';
$data = array('tid' => $tool['tid'], 'cid' => $tool['cid'], 'sort' => $tool['sort'], 'name' => $tool['name'], 'value' => $tool['value'], 'price' => $price, 'prices' => $tool['prices'], 'input' => $tool['input'], 'inputs' => $tool['inputs'], 'desc' => $tool['desc'], 'alert' => $tool['alert'], 'shopimg' => $tool['shopimg'], 'repeat' => $tool['repeat'], 'multi' => $tool['multi'], 'min' => $tool['min'], 'max' => $tool['max'], 'close' => $tool['close'], 'isfaka' => $isfaka, 'stock' => $count);
$result['data'] = $data;
} else if ($act == 'getleftcount') {
if (!isset($_GET['tid'])) {
exit(json_encode(['code' => -1, 'message' => 'tid参数不存在!']));
if (is_array($_GET['tid'])) {
$tidRows = array_values($_GET['tid']);
} else {
$tidRows = explode(',', $_GET['tid']);
$tidRows = array_filter(array_map('intval', $tidRows));
if (count($tidRows) > 20) {
exit(json_encode(['code' => -2, 'message' => '每次最多只能查询20个商品的库存!']));
$data = array_map(function ($id) use ($DB) {
if (!$tool = $DB->find('tools', ['tid', 'name', 'cid', 'close', 'active', 'is_curl'], ['tid' => $id])) {
return ['tid' => $id, 'err' => '商品不存在!'];
} else if ($tool['close'] == 1) {
return ['tid' => $id, 'err' => '商品已下架!'];
$count = null;
if ($tool['is_curl'] == 4) {
$count = $DB->getColumn('SELECT count(`kid`) FROM `pre_faka` WHERE `tid` = ? AND `orderid` = 0', [$id]);
} else if (!is_null($tool['stock'])) {
$count = $tool['stock'];
return ['tid' => $id, 'stock' => $count];
}, $tidRows);
exit(json_encode(['code' => 0, 'message' => 'succeed', 'data' => $data]));
} elseif ($act == 'pay') {
$result['code'] = -1;
$tid = intval($_POST['tid']);
if (!$tid) exit('{"code":-1,"message":"商品ID不能为空"}');
$user = trim(daddslashes($_POST['user']));
$pass = trim(daddslashes($_POST['pass']));
$input1 = isset($_POST['input1']) ? htmlspecialchars(trim(strip_tags(daddslashes($_POST['input1'])))) : exit('{"code":-1,"message":"首个参数值不能为空"}');
$input2 = htmlspecialchars(trim(strip_tags(daddslashes($_POST['input2']))));
$input3 = htmlspecialchars(trim(strip_tags(daddslashes($_POST['input3']))));
$input4 = htmlspecialchars(trim(strip_tags(daddslashes($_POST['input4']))));
$input5 = htmlspecialchars(trim(strip_tags(daddslashes($_POST['input5']))));
$num = isset($_POST['num']) ? intval($_POST['num']) : 1;
$tool = $DB->getRow("SELECT * FROM `pre_tools` WHERE `tid` = {$tid} LIMIT 1");
if ($tool && $tool['active'] == 1) {
if ($tool['close'] == 1) exit('{"code":-1,"message":"当前商品维护中,停止下单!"}');
$inputs = explode('|', $tool['inputs']);
if ($inputs[0] && empty($input2) || $inputs[1] && empty($input3) || $inputs[2] && empty($input4) || $inputs[3] && empty($input5)) {
if (!$inputs[0] && !empty($input2) || !$inputs[1] && !empty($input3) || !$inputs[2] && !empty($input4) || !$inputs[3] && !empty($input5)) {
$userrow = $DB->getRow("SELECT * FROM `pre_site` WHERE `user` = '{$user}' LIMIT 1");
if ($userrow && $userrow['user'] == $user && $userrow['pwd'] == $pass && $userrow['status'] == 1) {
$result['code'] = 0;
if (in_array($input1, explode("|", $conf['blacklist']))) exit('{"code":-1,"message":"你的下单账号已被拉黑,无法下单!"}');
if ($tool['is_curl'] == 4) {
$count = $DB->getColumn("SELECT count(*) FROM pre_faka WHERE tid='$tid' AND orderid=0");
$nums = ($tool['value'] > 1 ? $tool['value'] : 1) * $num;
if ($count == 0) exit('{"code":-1,"message":"该商品库存卡密不足,请联系站长加卡!"}');
if ($nums > $count) exit('{"code":-1,"message":"你所购买的数量超过库存数量!"}');
} elseif ($tool['stock'] !== null) {
if ($tool['stock'] == 0) exit('{"code":-1,"message":"该商品库存不足,请联系站长增加库存!"}');
if ($num > $tool['stock']) exit('{"code":-1,"message":"你所购买的数量超过库存数量!"}');
} elseif ($tool['repeat'] == 0) {
$thtime = date("Y-m-d") . ' 00:00:00';
$row = $DB->getRow("SELECT id,input,status,addtime FROM pre_orders WHERE tid=:tid AND input=:input ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1", [':tid' => $tid, ':input' => $inputvalue]);
if ($row['input'] && $row['status'] == 0)
exit('{"code":-1,"message":"您今天添加的' . $tool['name'] . '正在排队中,请勿重复提交!"}');
elseif ($row['addtime'] > $thtime)
exit('{"code":-1,"message":"您今天已添加过' . $tool['name'] . ',请勿重复提交!"}');
if ($tool['validate'] == 1 && is_numeric($input1)) {
if (validate_qzone($input1) == false) exit('{"code":-1,"message":"你的QQ空间设置了访问权限,无法下单!"}');
if ($tool['multi'] == 0 || $num < 1) $num = 1;
if ($tool['multi'] == 1 && $tool['min'] > 0 && $num < $tool['min']) exit('{"code":-1,"message":"当前商品最小下单数量为' . $tool['min'] . '"}');
if ($tool['multi'] == 1 && $tool['max'] > 0 && $num > $tool['max']) exit('{"code":-1,"message":"当前商品最大下单数量为' . $tool['max'] . '"}');
$islogin2 = 1;
$price_obj = new \lib\Price($userrow['zid'], $userrow);
$price_obj->setToolInfo($tid, $tool);
$price = $price_obj->getToolPrice($tid);
$price = $price_obj->getFinalPrice($price, $num);
if (!$price) exit('{"code":-1,"message":"当前商品批发价格优惠设置不正确"}');
$i = 2;
$neednum = $num;
foreach ($inputs as $inputname) {
if (strpos($inputname, '[multi]') !== false && isset(${'inputvalue' . $i}) && is_numeric(${'inputvalue' . $i})) {
$val = intval(${'inputvalue' . $i});
if ($val > 0) {
$neednum = $neednum * $val;
$need = $price * $neednum;
if ($need == 0) exit('{"code":-2,"message":"不支持免费商品对接"}');
if ($userrow['rmb'] < $need) exit('{"code":-2,"message":"余额不足,购买此商品还差' . ($need - $userrow['rmb']) . '元"}');
$trade_no = date("YmdHis") . rand(111, 999) . 'RMB';
$input = $input1 . ($input2 ? '|' . $input2 : null) . ($input3 ? '|' . $input3 : null) . ($input4 ? '|' . $input4 : null) . ($input5 ? '|' . $input5 : null);
$sql = "INSERT INTO `pre_pay` (`trade_no`,`type`,`tid`,`zid`,`input`,`num`,`name`,`money`,`ip`,`userid`,`addtime`,`blockdj`,`status`) VALUES (:trade_no, :type, :tid, :zid, :input, :num, :name, :money, :ip, :userid, NOW(), :blockdj, 0)";
$data = [':trade_no' => $trade_no, ':type' => 'rmb', ':tid' => $tid, ':zid' => $userrow['zid'], ':input' => $input, ':num' => $num, ':name' => $tool['name'], ':money' => $need, ':ip' => $clientip, ':userid' => $userrow['zid'], ':blockdj' => $blockdj ? $blockdj : 0];
if ($DB->exec($sql, $data)) {
if ($DB->exec("UPDATE `pre_site` SET `rmb` = `rmb` - {$need} WHERE `zid` = '{$userrow['zid']}'") && $DB->exec("UPDATE `pre_pay` SET `status` = 1 WHERE `trade_no` = '{$trade_no}'")) {
addPointRecord($userrow['zid'], $need, '消费', 'API购买 ' . $tool['name']);
$srow['tid'] = $tid;
$srow['num'] = $num;
$srow['input'] = $input;
$srow['zid'] = $userrow['zid'];
$srow['money'] = $need;
$srow['trade_no'] = $trade_no;
$srow['userid'] = $userrow['zid'];
if ($orderid = processOrder($srow)) {
$result['code'] = 0;
$result['message'] = 'success';
$result['orderid'] = $orderid;
$djzt = $DB->getColumn("SELECT djzt FROM pre_orders WHERE id = '$orderid' LIMIT 1");
if ($djzt == 3) {
$rs = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM pre_faka WHERE tid='$tid' AND orderid='$orderid' ORDER BY kid ASC");
$kmdata = array();
while ($res = $rs->fetch()) {
if (!empty($res['pw'])) {
$kmdata[] = array('card' => $res['km'], 'pass' => $res['pw']);
} else {
$kmdata[] = array('card' => $res['km']);
$result['faka'] = true;
$result['kmdata'] = $kmdata;
} else {
$result['message'] = '下单失败 : ' . $DB->error();
} else {
$result['message'] = '下单失败 : ' . $DB->error();
} else {
$result['message'] = '下单失败 : ' . $DB->error();
} elseif ($userrow && $userrow['status'] == 0) {
$result['message'] = '该账户已被封禁';
} else {
$result['message'] = '用户名或密码不正确';
} else {
$result['message'] = '商品ID不存在';
} elseif ($act == 'search') {
$result['code'] = -1;
$id = isset($_POST['id']) ? intval($_POST['id']) : intval($_GET['id']);
$row = $DB->getRow("SELECT * FROM `pre_orders` WHERE `id` = {$id} LIMIT 1");
if ($row) {
$tool = $DB->getRow("SELECT * FROM pre_tools WHERE tid='{$row['tid']}' LIMIT 1");
if ($tool['is_curl'] == 2) {
$shequ = $DB->getRow("SELECT * FROM pre_shequ WHERE id='{$tool['shequ']}' LIMIT 1");
$list = third_call($shequ['type'], $shequ, 'query_order', [$row['djorder'], $tool['goods_id'], [$row['input'], $row['input2'], $row['input3'], $row['input4'], $row['input5']]]);
if ($list && is_array($list)) {
if (($list['order_state'] == '已完成' || $list['order_state'] == '订单已完成' || $list['订单状态'] == '已完成' || $list['订单状态'] == '已发货' || $list['订单状态'] == '交易成功' || $list['订单状态'] == '已支付') && $row['status'] == 2) {
$DB->exec("UPDATE `pre_orders` SET `status`=1 WHERE id='{$id}'");
$row['status'] = 1;
if ((strpos($list['order_state'], '异常') !== false || strpos($list['order_state'], '退单') !== false || $list['订单状态'] == '异常' || $list['订单状态'] == '已退单') && $row['status'] < 3) {
$DB->exec("UPDATE `pre_orders` SET `status`=3 WHERE id='{$id}'");
$row['status'] = 3;
} else {
$list = false;
if ($row['result']) {
$list['订单结果'] = $row['result'];
$result['code'] = 0;
$result['message'] = 'success';
$result['type'] = $tool['is_curl'];
$result['status'] = $row['status'];
$result['data'] = $list;
} else {
$result['message'] = '订单不存在';
} elseif ($act == 'siteinfo') {
$count1 = $DB->getColumn("SELECT count(*) from pre_orders");
$count2 = $DB->getColumn("SELECT count(*) from pre_orders where status>=1");
$count3 = $DB->getColumn("SELECT count(*) from pre_site");
$result = array('sitename' => $conf['sitename'], 'kfqq' => $conf['qq'] ? $conf['qq'] : $conf['kfqq'], 'anounce' => $conf['anounce'], 'modal' => $conf['modal'], 'bottom' => $conf['bottom'], 'alert' => $conf['alert'], 'gg_search' => $conf['gg_search'], 'gg_panel' => $conf['gg_panel'], 'version' => VERSION, 'build' => $conf['build'], 'orders' => $count1, 'orders1' => $count2, 'sites' => $count3, 'appalert' => $conf['appalert']);
} elseif ($act == 'token') {
$key = isset($_GET['key']) ? $_GET['key'] : exit('No key');
$result = array('token' => get_app_token($key), 'time' => time());
} else {
$result = array("code" => -5, "msg" => "No Act!");
echo json_encode($result);
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。