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Rick 提交于 2022-06-15 11:01 . Update the readme file automatically (#695)
# Quick start
## Jenkins CLI
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Jenkins CLI allows you manage your Jenkins in an easy way. No matter if you're a plugin developer, administrator or just a regular user, it is made for you!
## Features
* Multiple Jenkins support
* Plugins management \(list, search, install, upload\)
* Job management \(search, build, log\)
* Configuration as Code support
* Open your Jenkins with a browser
* Restart your Jenkins
* Connection with proxy support
## Get it
We support macOS, Linux and Windows for now.
<a href="https://repology.org/project/jenkins-cli/versions">
<img src="https://repology.org/badge/vertical-allrepos/jenkins-cli.svg" alt="Packaging status" align="right">
### macOS
You can use `brew` to install jcli.
brew tap jenkins-zh/jcli
brew install jcli
Alternatively, you can use [MacPorts](https://ports.macports.org/port/jenkins-cli/summary).
sudo port install jenkins-cli
For MacPorts, add `+bash_completion` or `+zsh_completion` for shell completion.
### Linux
To install `jcli` on your Linux OS, execute the following command:
curl -L https://github.com/jenkins-zh/jenkins-cli/releases/latest/download/jcli-linux-amd64.tar.gz|tar xzv
sudo mv jcli /usr/local/bin/
### Windows
You can install `jcli` via [scoop](https://scoop.sh/) or [choco](https://chocolatey.org/packages/jcli/).
Or you can also find the latest version from the [release page](https://github.com/jenkins-zh/jenkins-cli/releases/latest/download/jcli-windows-amd64.zip).
Download the zip file and copy the uncompressed `jcli` directory into your system path.
### Other package managers
Here are other package managers:
| Install | Upgrade | Uninstall | Platform |
| `scoop install jcli` | | | `Windows` |
| `choco install jcli` | `choco upgrade jcli` | `choco uninstall jcli` | `Windows` |
| `snap install jcli` | `snap refresh jcli` | `snap remove jcli` | `Linux` |
| `sudo port install jenkins-cli`| `sudo port selfupdate && sudo port upgrade jenkins-cli` | `sudo port uninstall jenkins-cli` | `macOS`
See more about [how to download jcli](docs/book/en/download.md). You can find the download details [from here](https://tooomm.github.io/github-release-stats/?username=jenkins-zh&repository=jenkins-cli).
## Get started
Read the [official document](http://jcli.jenkins-zh.cn/) for more details on how to use `jcli`.
Or, you can take [a live interactive course](https://www.katacoda.com/jenkins-zh/scenarios/course-jcli) of Jenkins CLI.
## Plugins
Jenkins CLI could have more features by installing a plugin for it. You can install a plugin by the following command:
jcli config plugin fetch
jcli config plugin install account
All official plugins could be found at [here](https://github.com/jenkins-zh/jcli-plugins).
## Contribution
If you're interested in this project. Please go through the [contribution guide](https://github.com/jenkins-zh/jenkins-cli/tree/cb3d358df4699db11b681eb0ab9adffbfb8a7bd4/CONTRIBUTING.md). Any contributions are welcome.
Thanks to JetBrains for giving us the open source licence.
## Similar Projects
There're a few similar projects that you might be interested in:
* [jenni](https://github.com/m-sureshraj/jenni) is a Jenkins Personal Assistant
* [jenkins-job-cli](https://github.com/gocruncher/jenkins-job-cli) Easy way to run Jenkins job from the Command Line
## Stargazers over time
{{printStarHistory "jenkins-zh" "jenkins-cli"}}
## License
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