' convert it with additional command line argument -DRELATIVE_INCLUDE="relative/absolute" to use locally
!if %variable_exists("RELATIVE_INCLUDE")
!include ./C4_Component.puml
!include https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plantuml-stdlib/C4-PlantUML/master/C4_Component.puml
' Scope: Interactions in an enterprise, software system or container.
' Primary and supporting elements: Depends on the diagram scope -
' enterprise - people and software systems Related to the enterprise in scope
' software system - see system context or container diagrams,
' container - see component diagram.
' Intended audience: Technical and non-technical people, inside and outside of the software development team.
' Sequence diagram introduces (automatically) numbered interactions:
' (lowercase) increment($offset=1): increase current index (procedure which has no direct output)
' (lowercase) setIndex($new_index): set the new index (procedure which has no direct output)
' (Uppercase) LastIndex(): return the last used index (function which can be used as argument)
' (Uppercase) Index($offset=1): returns current index and calculates next index (function which can be used as argument)
' (Uppercase) SetIndex($new_index): returns new set index and calculates next index (function which can be used as argument)
' enables multi-level boxes
!pragma teoz true
' Legend redefintion
' ##################################
' sequence has no dashed boxes
!if ($LEGEND_DASHED_BOUNDARY == "dashed")
UpdateBoundaryStyle("", $bgColor=$BOUNDARY_BG_COLOR, $fontColor=$BOUNDARY_COLOR, $borderColor=$BOUNDARY_COLOR)
UpdateBoundaryStyle("enterprise", $bgColor=$ENTERPRISE_BOUNDARY_BG_COLOR, $fontColor=$ENTERPRISE_BOUNDARY_COLOR, $borderColor=$ENTERPRISE_BOUNDARY_COLOR, $type="Enterprise")
UpdateBoundaryStyle("system", $bgColor=$SYSTEM_BOUNDARY_BG_COLOR, $fontColor=$SYSTEM_BOUNDARY_COLOR, $borderColor=$SYSTEM_BOUNDARY_COLOR, $type="System")
UpdateBoundaryStyle("container", $bgColor=$CONTAINER_BOUNDARY_BG_COLOR, $fontColor=$CONTAINER_BOUNDARY_COLOR, $borderColor=$CONTAINER_BOUNDARY_COLOR, $type="Container")
' Styling and Layout
' ##################################
!global $display_element_description = %false()
' typically the element/participant descriptions are not displayed in a sequence diagram, but it can be activated with this call
!unquoted procedure SHOW_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTIONS($show="true")
!if ($show == "true")
!global $display_element_description = %true()
!global $display_element_description = %false()
' typically the foot boxes descriptions are not displayed in a sequence diagram, but it can be activated with this call
!unquoted procedure SHOW_FOOT_BOXES($show="true")
!if ($show == "true")
show footbox
hide footbox
!global $show_index = %false()
' All relation specific (default) ordinary index numbers can be shown with this call
!unquoted procedure SHOW_INDEX($show="true")
!if ($show == "true")
!global $show_index = %true()
!global $show_index = %false()
' ======= if no theme is defined hide foot box and activate C4_blue styles
!if (%variable_exists("$THEME"))
' $BOUNDARY_BG_COLOR... have to be defined in theme itself that it can be used in styles,...
' (no default values which are defined in C4.puml)
' If skinparams and styles are defined with concrete values no variables are required
!$BOUNDARY_BG_COLOR ?= "transparent"
!$BOUNDARY_COLOR ?= "#444444"
!$ARROW_COLOR ?= "#666666"
' replace transparent with concrete background that it can be used as font color too
!if ($BOUNDARY_BG_COLOR == "transparent")
' "C4 styled" default is no foot boxes
hide footbox
' "C4 styled" default is that lifeline is arrow color
skinparam SequenceLifelineBorderColor $ARROW_COLOR
skinparam SequenceGroupBodyBackgroundColor $SEQUENCE_BG_COLOR
skinparam SequenceGroupFontColor $BOUNDARY_COLOR
skinparam SequenceGroupBackgroundColor $BOUNDARY_COLOR
skinparam SequenceGroupHeaderFontColor $SEQUENCE_BG_COLOR
skinparam SequenceGroupBorderColor $BOUNDARY_COLOR
skinparam SequenceReferenceBackgroundColor $SEQUENCE_BG_COLOR
skinparam SequenceReferenceFontColor $BOUNDARY_COLOR
skinparam SequenceReferenceHeaderBackgroundColor $BOUNDARY_COLOR
' skinparam SequenceReferenceHeaderFontColor $SEQUENCE_BG_COLOR
referenceHeader {
skinparam SequenceReferenceBorderColor $BOUNDARY_COLOR
skinparam SequenceDividerBackgroundColor $SEQUENCE_BG_COLOR
skinparam SequenceDividerFontColor $BOUNDARY_COLOR
skinparam SequenceDividerBorderColor $BOUNDARY_COLOR
' skinparam SequenceDelayFontColor green
sequenceDiagram {
delay {
' ======= if no theme is defined hide foot box and activate C4_blue styles
' Elements redefinition
' ##################################
' all elements have to be displayed as participant
' participants requires ` %newline()` instead of `\n`
!unquoted function $breakWithNewline($text, $lineEnd, $lineStart, $widthStr="-1")
!$width = %intval($widthStr)
!$multiLine = ""
!if (%strpos($text, "\n") >= 0)
!while (%strpos($text, "\n") >= 0)
!$brPos = %strpos($text, "\n")
!if ($brPos > 0)
!$multiLine = $multiLine + %substr($text, 0, $brPos) + $lineEnd + %newline() + $lineStart
' <U+00A0> non breaking change that newLine breaks with formats can be used with \n\n
!$multiLine = $multiLine + "<U+00A0>" + $lineEnd + %newline() + $lineStart
!$text = %substr($text, $brPos+2)
!if (%strlen($text) == 0)
!$text = "<U+00A0>"
!while ($width>0 && %strlen($text) > $width)
!$brPos = $width
!while ($brPos > 0 && %substr($text, $brPos, 1) != ' ')
!$brPos = $brPos - 1
!if ($brPos < 1)
!$brPos = %strpos($text, " ")
!if ($brPos > 0)
!$multiLine = $multiLine + %substr($text, 0, $brPos) + $lineEnd + %newline() + $lineStart
!$text = %substr($text, $brPos + 1)
!$multiLine = $multiLine+ $text
!$text = ""
!if (%strlen($text) > 0)
!$multiLine = $multiLine + $text
!return $multiLine
!unquoted function $breakNewLineLabel($text)
!$multiLine = $breakWithNewline($text, "", "==")
!return $multiLine
!unquoted function $breakNewLineDescr($text)
!return $breakWithNewline($text, "", "", $REL_DESCR_MAX_CHAR_WIDTH)
!unquoted function $breakNewLineTechn($text)
!$lineStart = "</size>//"
!$lineEnd = '//<size:'+$TECHN_FONT_SIZE+'>'
!return $breakWithNewline($text, $lineStart, $lineEnd, $REL_TECHN_MAX_CHAR_WIDTH)
' properties are not displayed in sequence diagram (size would be too big)
' $breakLabel() not required by participant
!procedure $getParticipant($elementType, $alias, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link)
!$sprite=$toElementArg($sprite, $tags, "ElementTagSprite", $elementType)
!$techn=$toElementArg($techn, $tags, "ElementTagTechn", $elementType)
!$stereo = $toStereos($elementType,$tags)
!$calcLabel = "== " + $breakNewLineLabel($label)
!$calcTech = "//<size:" + $TECHN_FONT_SIZE + ">[" + $breakNewLineTechn($techn) + "]</size>//"
!$calcDescr = $breakNewLineDescr($descr)
!$calcLink = $getLink($link)
participant $alias $stereo $calcLink [
!if ($sprite != "")
!if ($label != "")
!if ($techn != "")
!if ($display_element_description == %true() && $descr != "")
!unquoted procedure Person($alias, $label, $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="", $type="")
' $type reuses $techn definition of $tags
$getParticipant("person", $alias, $label, $type, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link)
!unquoted procedure Person_Ext($alias, $label, $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="", $type="")
' $type reuses $techn definition of $tags
$getParticipant("external_person", $alias, $label, $type, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link)
!unquoted procedure System($alias, $label, $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="", $type="", $baseShape="rectangle")
' $type reuses $techn definition of $tags
$getParticipant("system", $alias, $label, $type, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link)
!unquoted procedure SystemDb($alias, $label, $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="", $type="")
' $type reuses $techn definition of $tags
$getParticipant("system", $alias, $label, $type, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link)
!unquoted procedure SystemQueue($alias, $label, $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="", $type="")
' $type reuses $techn definition of $tags
$getParticipant("system", $alias, $label, $type, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link)
!unquoted procedure System_Ext($alias, $label, $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="", $type="", $baseShape="rectangle")
' $type reuses $techn definition of $tags
$getParticipant("external_system", $alias, $label, $type, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link)
!unquoted procedure SystemDb_Ext($alias, $label, $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="", $type="")
' $type reuses $techn definition of $tags
$getParticipant("external_system", $alias, $label, $type, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link)
!unquoted procedure SystemQueue_Ext($alias, $label, $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="", $type="")
' $type reuses $techn definition of $tags
$getParticipant("external_system", $alias, $label, $type, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link)
!unquoted procedure Container($alias, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="", $baseShape="rectangle")
$getParticipant("container", $alias, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link)
!unquoted procedure ContainerDb($alias, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="")
$getParticipant("container", $alias, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link)
!unquoted procedure ContainerQueue($alias, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="")
$getParticipant("container", $alias, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link)
!unquoted procedure Container_Ext($alias, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="", $baseShape="rectangle")
$getParticipant("external_container", $alias, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link)
!unquoted procedure ContainerDb_Ext($alias, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="")
$getParticipant("external_container", $alias, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link)
!unquoted procedure ContainerQueue_Ext($alias, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="")
$getParticipant("external_container", $alias, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link)
!unquoted procedure Component($alias, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="", $baseShape="rectangle")
$getParticipant("component", $alias, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link)
!unquoted procedure ComponentDb($alias, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="")
$getParticipant("component", $alias, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link)
!unquoted procedure ComponentQueue($alias, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="")
$getParticipant("component", $alias, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link)
!unquoted procedure Component_Ext($alias, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="", $baseShape="rectangle")
$getParticipant("external_component", $alias, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link)
!unquoted procedure ComponentDb_Ext($alias, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="")
$getParticipant("external_component", $alias, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link)
!unquoted procedure ComponentQueue_Ext($alias, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="")
$getParticipant("external_component", $alias, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link)
' Boundary redefinition
' ##################################
' all boundaries have to be displayed as box and
' !!! important changes: without { at the end; and boundary ends with Boundary_End() instead of }
' alias ignored
' $breakLabel() not required by participant
!unquoted procedure Boundary($alias, $label, $type="", $tags="", $link="", $descr = "")
!$boundaryTags = $addBoundaryPostfix($tags)
' boundary $type reuses $techn definition of $boundaryTags
!$type=$toElementArg($type, $boundaryTags, "ElementTagTechn", "boundary")
!$sprite=$toElementArg("", $boundaryTags, "ElementTagSprite", "boundary")
!if ($sprite != "")
' add sprite in label line that it is more compact
!$labelSprite = $getSprite($smallVersionSprite($sprite, $BOUNDARY_IMAGE_SIZE_FACTOR)) + ' '
!if ($link != "")
!$usedNewLine = ']]\n== [[' + $link + ' '
!$labelType = '== [[' + $link + ' ' + $labelSprite + $breakText($label, $usedNewLine) + ']]'
!$usedNewLine = '\n== '
!$labelType = $labelSprite + $breakText($label, $usedNewLine)
!if (type != "")
!$labelType = $labelType + '\n<size:' + $TECHN_FONT_SIZE + '>[' + $type + ']</size>'
!if ($display_element_description == %true() && $descr != "")
!$labelType = $labelType + '\n\n' + $breakDescr($descr, $BOUNDARY_DESCR_MAX_CHAR_WIDTH)
box "$labelType" $toStereos("boundary", $boundaryTags)
!procedure Boundary_End()
end box
!unquoted procedure Enterprise_Boundary($alias, $label, $tags="", $link="", $descr = "")
!if ($tags != "")
!$allTags = $tags + '+enterprise'
!$allTags = 'enterprise'
' $type defined via $tag style
Boundary($alias, $label, "", $allTags, $link, $descr)
!unquoted procedure System_Boundary($alias, $label, $tags="", $link="", $descr = "")
!if ($tags != "")
!$allTags = $tags + '+system'
!$allTags = 'system'
' $type defined via $tag style
Boundary($alias, $label, "", $allTags, $link, $descr)
!unquoted procedure Container_Boundary($alias, $label, $tags="", $link="", $descr = "")
!if ($tags != "")
!$allTags = $tags + '+container'
!$allTags = 'container'
' $type defined via $tag style
Boundary($alias, $label, "", $allTags, $link, $descr)
' Relationship (redefinition)
' ##################################
' only Rel is supported in sequence diagram
' first Rel() supports the $index and $rel argument too; second Rel() overwrites C4.puml definition
' don't add empty lines in procedure otherwise & calls are not working anymore '& a -> b: call' are not working anymore
!unquoted procedure Rel($from, $to, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="", $index="", $rel="")
!if ($show_index == %true())
!$pre = $getPrefix($index)
!$pre = ""
!if ($rel == "")
!$rel = "->"
$getRel($rel, $from, $to, $pre + $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link)
!unquoted procedure Rel($from, $to, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="")
Rel($from, $to, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link, "", "")
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