* Copyright 2002-2020 Intel Corporation.
* This software is provided to you as Sample Source Code as defined in the accompanying
* End User License Agreement for the Intel(R) Software Development Products ("Agreement")
* section 1.L.
* This software and the related documents are provided as is, with no express or implied
* warranties, other than those that are expressly stated in the License.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include "pin.H"
using std::cerr;
using std::ofstream;
using std::ios;
using std::string;
using std::endl;
using std::vector;
ofstream OutFile;
// Convenience data structure
typedef uint32_t reg_t;
struct Registers
vector<reg_t> read;
vector<reg_t> write;
// Global variables
// The array storing the distance frequency between two dependant instructions
UINT64 *insDependDistance;
INT32 maxSize;
INT32 insPointer = 0;
INT32 lastInsPointer[1024] = { 0 };
// This function is called before every instruction is executed.
// You have to edit this function to determine the dependency distance
// and populate the insDependDistance data structure.
VOID updateInsDependDistance(VOID *v)
// Update the instruction pointer
// regs contains the registers read and written by this instruction.
// regs->read contains the registers read.
// regs->write contains the registers written.
Registers *regs = (Registers*)v;
/* TODO:
A. 遍历regs->read向量, 利用lastInsPointer数组计算当前指令的被读寄存器的依赖距离,
即对任意的r属于regs->read, 其依赖距离 = 当前PC值 - lastInsPointer[r].
B. 遍历regs->write向量, 利用lastInsPointer数组记录当前指令的被写寄存器所对应的PC值,
即对任意的r属于regs->write, 将当前PC值赋值给lastInsPointer[r].
思考: A和B哪个应该先执行? 请通过举例来说明理由.
// Update the lastInstructionCount for the written registers
for (vector<reg_t>::iterator it = regs->write.begin(); it != regs->write.end(); it++)
lastInsPointer[*it] = // TODO
for (vector<reg_t>::iterator it = regs->read.begin(); it != regs->read.end(); it++)
reg_t reg = *it;
if (lastInsPointer[reg] > 0)
// Compute the dependency distance
INT32 distance = // TODO
// Populate the insDependDistance array
if (distance <= maxSize)
// Pin calls this function every time a new instruction is encountered
VOID Instruction(INS ins, VOID *v)
// regs stores the registers read, written by this instruction
Registers* regs = new Registers();
// Find all the register written
for (uint32_t iw = 0; iw < INS_MaxNumWRegs(ins); iw++)
// 获取当前指令中被写的寄存器(即目的寄存器)
REG wr = INS_RegW(ins, iw);
// 获取寄存器名
wr = REG_FullRegName(wr);
if (!REG_valid(wr))
// 将被写寄存器保存到regs向量当中
if (std::find(regs->write.begin(), regs->write.end(), wr) == regs->write.end())
// Find all the registers read
for (uint32_t ir = 0; ir < INS_MaxNumRRegs(ins); ir++)
REG rr = /* TODO */
// Insert a call to the analysis function -- updateInsDependDistance -- before every instruction.
// Pass the regs structure to the analysis function.
INS_InsertCall(ins, IPOINT_BEFORE, (AFUNPTR)updateInsDependDistance, IARG_PTR, (void*)regs, IARG_END);
// This knob sets the output file name
KNOB<string> KnobOutputFile(KNOB_MODE_WRITEONCE, "pintool", "o", "insDependDist.csv", "specify the output file name");
// This knob will set the maximum distance between two dependant instructions in the program
KNOB<string> KnobMaxDistance(KNOB_MODE_WRITEONCE, "pintool", "s", "100", "specify the maximum distance between two dependant instructions in the program");
// This function is called when the application exits
VOID Fini(INT32 code, VOID *v)
// Write to a file since cout and cerr maybe closed by the application
for (INT32 i = 0; i < maxSize; i++)
OutFile << insDependDistance[i] << ",";
/* ===================================================================== */
/* Print Help Message */
/* ===================================================================== */
INT32 Usage()
cerr << "This tool counts the number of dynamic instructions executed" << endl;
cerr << endl << KNOB_BASE::StringKnobSummary() << endl;
return -1;
/* ===================================================================== */
/* Main */
/* ===================================================================== */
/* argc, argv are the entire command line: pin -t <toolname> -- ... */
/* ===================================================================== */
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
// Initialize pin
if (PIN_Init(argc, argv)) return Usage();
maxSize = atoi(KnobMaxDistance.Value().c_str());
// Initializing depdendancy Distance
insDependDistance = new UINT64[maxSize];
memset((void*)insDependDistance, 0, sizeof(UINT64) * maxSize);
// Register Instruction to be called to instrument instructions
INS_AddInstrumentFunction(Instruction, 0);
// Register Fini to be called when the application exits
PIN_AddFiniFunction(Fini, 0);
// Start the program, never returns
return 0;
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