function h = timebar(message,name,update_rate)
% TIMEBAR Progress bar with estimated time remaining
% H = TIMEBAR('message','name') creates and displays a progress
% bar with alphanumeric progress percentage and estimated time
% time remaining. A user input message ('message') is displayed,
% typically to distinguish what process is being monitored, and
% 'name' is an optional figure name. The figure handle H is
% returned.
% TIMEBAR(H,X) will update the length of the progress bar, the
% percentage complete, and the estimated time remaining, where
% X is a fractional progress between 0 (initial) and 1 (complete).
% (Note that the order of H,X is opposite to waitbar.)
% TIMEBAR(H,X,RATE) will update the progress bar and information
% at a rate given by RATE in seconds. Default is 0.1 seconds.
% The estimated time remaining is linear using the initial time
% (when TIMEBAR is first opened), the current time, and the percent
% complete.
% TIMEBAR is typically used inside a FOR loop or during numerical
% simulation. A sample for loop is shown below:
% h = timebar('Loop counter','Progress')
% for i = 1:100
% % computation here %
% timebar(h,1/100)
% end
% close(h)
% A sample for numerical integration is shown below:
% % script file
% t0 = 0;
% tf = 60;
% h = timebar('Simulation integration','Progress')
% [tt,xx] = ode45('states.m',[t0 tf],initial_conditions);
% close(h)
% % states.m
% function xdot = states(t,x)
% xdot(1) = ...;
% xdot(2) = ...;
% ...
% timebar(h,(t-t0)/(tf-t0))
% Version: 2.0
% Version History:
% 1.0 2002-01-18 Initial release
% 2.0 2002-01-21 Added update rate option
% Copyright 2002, Chad English
% cenglish@myrealbox.com
if nargin < 3 % If update rate is not input
update_rate = 0.1; % set it to 0.1 seconds
if ~ishandle(message) % If first input is not a timebar handle,
% treat as new timebar
%%%%%%%%%% SET WINDOW SIZE AND POSITION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
winwidth = 300; % Width of timebar window
winheight = 75; % Height of timebar window
screensize = get(0,'screensize'); % User's screen size [1 1 width height]
screenwidth = screensize(3); % User's screen width
screenheight = screensize(4); % User's screen height
winpos = [0.5*(screenwidth-winwidth), ...
0.5*(screenheight-winheight), winwidth, winheight]; % Position of timebar window origin
%%%%%%%% END SET WINDOW SIZE AND POSITION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%% OPEN FIGURE AND SET PROPERTIES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
if nargin < 2
name = ''; % If timebar name not input, set blank
wincolor = 0.75*[1 1 1]; % Define window color
est_text = 'Estimated time remaining: '; % Set static estimated time text
h = figure('menubar','none',... % Turn figure menu display off
'numbertitle','off',... % Turn figure numbering off
'name',name,... % Set the figure name to input name
'position',winpos,... % Set the position of the figure as above
'color',wincolor,... % Set the figure color
'resize','off',... % Turn of figure resizing
'tag','timebar'); % Tag the figure for later checking
userdata.text(1) = uicontrol(h,'style','text',... % Prepare message text (set the style to text)
'pos',[10 winheight-30 winwidth-20 20],... % Set the textbox position and size
'hor','center',... % Center the text in the textbox
'backgroundcolor',wincolor,... % Set the textbox background color
'foregroundcolor',0*[1 1 1],... % Set the text color
'string',message); % Set the text to the input message
userdata.text(2) = uicontrol(h,'style','text',... % Prepare static estimated time text
'pos',[10 5 winwidth-20 20],... % Set the textbox position and size
'hor','left',... % Left align the text in the textbox
'backgroundcolor',wincolor,... % Set the textbox background color
'foregroundcolor',0*[1 1 1],... % Set the text color
'string',est_text); % Set the static text for estimated time
userdata.text(3) = uicontrol(h,'style','text',... % Prepare estimated time
'pos',[135 5 winwidth-145 20],... % Set the textbox position and size
'hor','left',... % Left align the text in the textbox
'backgroundcolor',wincolor,... % Set the textbox background color
'foregroundcolor',0*[1 1 1],... % Set the text color
'string',''); % Initialize the estimated time as blank
userdata.text(4) = uicontrol(h,'style','text',... % Prepare the percentage progress
'pos',[winwidth-35 winheight-50 25 20],... % Set the textbox position and size
'hor','right',... % Left align the text in the textbox
'backgroundcolor',wincolor,... % Set the textbox background color
'foregroundcolor',0*[1 1 1],... % Set the textbox foreground color
'string',''); % Initialize the progress text as blank
userdata.axes = axes('parent',h,... % Set the progress bar parent to the figure
'units','pixels',... % Provide axes units in pixels
'pos',[10 winheight-45 winwidth-50 15],... % Set the progress bar position and size
'xlim',[0 1],... % Set the range from 0 to 1
'box','on',... % Turn on axes box (to see where 100% is)
'color',[1 1 1],... % Set plot background color to white
'xtick',[],'ytick',[]); % Turn off axes tick marks and labels
userdata.bar = patch([0 0 0 0 0],[0 1 1 0 0],'r'); % Initialize progress bar to zero area
userdata.time = clock; % Record the current time
userdata.inc = clock; % Set incremental clock to current time
set(h, 'userdata', userdata) % Allow access to the text and axes settings
% by including them with the timebar data
%%%%%%%% END OPEN FIGURE AND SET PROPERTIES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
else % If first input is a timebar handle, update
% the window
%%%%%%%%%% GET HANDLE AND PROGRESS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
pause(10e-100) % Message, bar, and static text won't display
% without arbitrary pause (don't know why)
h = message; % Set handle to first input
progress = name; % Set progress to second input
if ~strcmp(get(h,'tag'), 'timebar') % Check object tag to see if it is a timebar
error('Handle is not to a timebar window') % If not a timebar, report error and stop
%%%%%%%% END GET HANGLE AND PROGRESS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%% CALCULATE ESTIMATED TIME REMAINING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
userdata = get(h,'userdata'); % Get the userdata included with the timebar
inc = clock-userdata.inc; % Calculate time increment since last update
inc_secs = inc(3)*3600*24 + inc(4)*3600 + ...
inc(5)*60 + inc(6); % Convert the increment to seconds
if [inc_secs > update_rate] | [progress == 1] % Only update at update rate or 100% complete
userdata.inc = clock; % If updating, reset the increment clock
set(h,'userdata',userdata) % Update userdata with the new clock setting
tpast = clock-userdata.time; % Calculate time since timebar initialized
seconds_past = tpast(3)*3600*24 + tpast(4)*3600 + ...
tpast(5)*60 + tpast(6); % Transform passed time into seconds
estimated_seconds = seconds_past*(1/progress-1); % Estimate the time remaining in seconds
hours = floor(estimated_seconds/3600); % Calculate integer hours of estimated time
minutes = floor((estimated_seconds-3600*hours)/60); % Calculate integer minutes of estimated time
seconds = floor(estimated_seconds-3600*hours- ...
60*minutes); % Calculate integer seconds of estimated time
tenths = floor(10*(estimated_seconds - ...
floor(estimated_seconds))); % Calculate tenths of seconds (as integer)
%%%%%%%% END CALCULATE ESTIMATED TIME REMAINING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%% UPDATE ESTIMATED TIME AND PROGRESS TO TIMEBAR %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
if progress > 1 % Check if input progress is > 1
time_message = ' Error! Progress > 1!'; % If >1, print error to estimated time
time_color = 'r'; % in red
if hours < 10; h0 = '0'; else h0 = '';end % Put leading zero on hours if < 10
if minutes < 10; m0 = '0'; else m0 = '';end % Put leading zero on minutes if < 10
if seconds < 10; s0 = '0'; else s0 = '';end % Put leading zero on seconds if < 10
time_message = strcat(h0,num2str(hours),':',m0,...
'.',num2str(tenths),' (hh:mm:ss.t)'); % Format estimated time as hh:mm:ss.t
time_color = 'k'; % Format estimated time text as black
set(userdata.bar,'xdata',[0 0 progress progress 0]) % Update progress bar
'foregroundcolor',time_color); % Update estimated time
strcat(num2str(floor(100*progress)),'%')); % Update progress percentage
%%%%%%%% END UPDATE ESTIMATED TIME AND PROGRESS TO TIMEBAR %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%% TIMEBAR HANDLE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
if nargout == 0 % If handle not asked for
clear h % do not output it
%%%%%%%% END TIMEBAR HANDLE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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