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main.py 21.07 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
import numpy as np
import os, math, time, collections, numpy as np
0 = all messages are logged (default behavior)
1 = INFO messages are not printed
2 = INFO and WARNING messages are not printed
3 = INFO, WARNING, and ERROR messages are not printed
Disable Logs for now '''
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.util import deprecation
import random as rn
# fix all randomness, except for multi-treading or GPU process
os.environ['PYTHONHASHSEED'] = '0'
import tensorflow.contrib.slim as slim
import sys, shutil, subprocess
from lib.ops import *
from lib.dataloader import inference_data_loader, frvsr_gpu_data_loader
from lib.frvsr import generator_F, fnet
from lib.Teco import FRVSR, TecoGAN
Flags = tf.app.flags
Flags.DEFINE_integer('rand_seed', 1 , 'random seed' )
# Directories
Flags.DEFINE_string('input_dir_LR', None, 'The directory of the input resolution input data, for inference mode')
Flags.DEFINE_integer('input_dir_len', -1, 'length of the input for inference mode, -1 means all')
Flags.DEFINE_string('input_dir_HR', None, 'The directory of the input resolution input data, for inference mode')
Flags.DEFINE_string('mode', 'inference', 'train, or inference')
Flags.DEFINE_string('output_dir', None, 'The output directory of the checkpoint')
Flags.DEFINE_string('output_pre', '', 'The name of the subfolder for the images')
Flags.DEFINE_string('output_name', 'output', 'The pre name of the outputs')
Flags.DEFINE_string('output_ext', 'jpg', 'The format of the output when evaluating')
Flags.DEFINE_string('summary_dir', None, 'The dirctory to output the summary')
# Models
Flags.DEFINE_string('checkpoint', None, 'If provided, the weight will be restored from the provided checkpoint')
Flags.DEFINE_integer('num_resblock', 16, 'How many residual blocks are there in the generator')
# Models for training
Flags.DEFINE_boolean('pre_trained_model', False, 'If True, the weight of generator will be loaded as an initial point'
'If False, continue the training')
Flags.DEFINE_string('vgg_ckpt', None, 'path to checkpoint file for the vgg19')
# Machine resources
Flags.DEFINE_string('cudaID', '0', 'CUDA devices')
Flags.DEFINE_integer('queue_thread', 6, 'The threads of the queue (More threads can speedup the training process.')
Flags.DEFINE_integer('name_video_queue_capacity', 512, 'The capacity of the filename queue (suggest large to ensure'
'enough random shuffle.')
Flags.DEFINE_integer('video_queue_capacity', 256, 'The capacity of the video queue (suggest large to ensure'
'enough random shuffle')
Flags.DEFINE_integer('video_queue_batch', 2, 'shuffle_batch queue capacity')
# Training details
# The data preparing operation
Flags.DEFINE_integer('RNN_N', 10, 'The number of the rnn recurrent length')
Flags.DEFINE_integer('batch_size', 4, 'Batch size of the input batch')
Flags.DEFINE_boolean('flip', True, 'Whether random flip data augmentation is applied')
Flags.DEFINE_boolean('random_crop', True, 'Whether perform the random crop')
Flags.DEFINE_boolean('movingFirstFrame', True, 'Whether use constant moving first frame randomly.')
Flags.DEFINE_integer('crop_size', 32, 'The crop size of the training image')
# Training data settings
Flags.DEFINE_string('input_video_dir', '', 'The directory of the video input data, for training')
Flags.DEFINE_string('input_video_pre', 'scene', 'The pre of the directory of the video input data')
Flags.DEFINE_integer('str_dir', 1000, 'The starting index of the video directory')
Flags.DEFINE_integer('end_dir', 2000, 'The ending index of the video directory')
Flags.DEFINE_integer('end_dir_val', 2050, 'The ending index for validation of the video directory')
Flags.DEFINE_integer('max_frm', 119, 'The ending index of the video directory')
# The loss parameters
Flags.DEFINE_float('vgg_scaling', -0.002, 'The scaling factor for the VGG perceptual loss, disable with negative value')
Flags.DEFINE_float('warp_scaling', 1.0, 'The scaling factor for the warp')
Flags.DEFINE_boolean('pingpang', False, 'use bi-directional recurrent or not')
Flags.DEFINE_float('pp_scaling', 1.0, 'factor of pingpang term, only works when pingpang is True')
# Training parameters
Flags.DEFINE_float('EPS', 1e-12, 'The eps added to prevent nan')
Flags.DEFINE_float('learning_rate', 0.0001, 'The learning rate for the network')
Flags.DEFINE_integer('decay_step', 500000, 'The steps needed to decay the learning rate')
Flags.DEFINE_float('decay_rate', 0.5, 'The decay rate of each decay step')
Flags.DEFINE_boolean('stair', False, 'Whether perform staircase decay. True => decay in discrete interval.')
Flags.DEFINE_float('beta', 0.9, 'The beta1 parameter for the Adam optimizer')
Flags.DEFINE_float('adameps', 1e-8, 'The eps parameter for the Adam optimizer')
Flags.DEFINE_integer('max_epoch', None, 'The max epoch for the training')
Flags.DEFINE_integer('max_iter', 1000000, 'The max iteration of the training')
Flags.DEFINE_integer('display_freq', 20, 'The diplay frequency of the training process')
Flags.DEFINE_integer('summary_freq', 100, 'The frequency of writing summary')
Flags.DEFINE_integer('save_freq', 10000, 'The frequency of saving images')
# Dst parameters
Flags.DEFINE_float('ratio', 0.01, 'The ratio between content loss and adversarial loss')
Flags.DEFINE_boolean('Dt_mergeDs', True, 'Whether only use a merged Discriminator.')
Flags.DEFINE_float('Dt_ratio_0', 1.0, 'The starting ratio for the temporal adversarial loss')
Flags.DEFINE_float('Dt_ratio_add', 0.0, 'The increasing ratio for the temporal adversarial loss')
Flags.DEFINE_float('Dt_ratio_max', 1.0, 'The max ratio for the temporal adversarial loss')
Flags.DEFINE_float('Dbalance', 0.4, 'An adaptive balancing for Discriminators')
Flags.DEFINE_float('crop_dt', 0.75, 'factor of dt crop') # dt input size = crop_size*crop_dt
Flags.DEFINE_boolean('D_LAYERLOSS', True, 'Whether use layer loss from D')
# Set CUDA devices correctly if you use multiple gpu system
# Fix randomness
my_seed = FLAGS.rand_seed
# Check the output_dir is given
if FLAGS.output_dir is None:
raise ValueError('The output directory is needed')
# Check the output directory to save the checkpoint
if not os.path.exists(FLAGS.output_dir):
# Check the summary directory to save the event
if not os.path.exists(FLAGS.summary_dir):
# custom Logger to write Log to file
class Logger(object):
def __init__(self):
self.terminal = sys.stdout
self.log = open(FLAGS.summary_dir + "logfile.txt", "a")
def write(self, message):
def flush(self):
sys.stdout = Logger()
def printVariable(scope, key = tf.GraphKeys.MODEL_VARIABLES):
print("Scope %s:" % scope)
variables_names = [ [v.name, v.get_shape().as_list()] for v in tf.get_collection(key, scope=scope)]
total_sz = 0
for k in variables_names:
print ("Variable: " + k[0])
print ("Shape: " + str(k[1]))
total_sz += np.prod(k[1])
print("total size: %d" %total_sz)
def preexec(): # Don't forward signals.
def testWhileTrain(FLAGS, testno = 0):
this function is called during training, Hard-Coded!!
to try the "inference" mode when a new model is saved.
The code has to be updated from machine to machine...
depending on python, and your training settings
desstr = os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, 'train/') # saving in the ./train/ directory
cmd1 = ["python3", "main.py", # never tested with python2...
"--output_dir", desstr,
"--summary_dir", desstr,
"--num_resblock", "%d"%FLAGS.num_resblock,
"--checkpoint", os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, 'model-%d'%testno),
"--cudaID", FLAGS.cudaID]
# a folder for short test
cmd1 += ["--input_dir_LR", "./LR/calendar/", # update the testing sequence
"--output_pre", "", # saving in train folder directly
"--output_name", "%09d"%testno, # name
"--input_dir_len", "10",]
print('[testWhileTrain] step %d:'%testno)
print(' '.join(cmd1))
# ignore signals
return subprocess.Popen(cmd1, preexec_fn = preexec)
if False: # If you want to take a look of the configuration, True
# the inference mode (just perform super resolution on the input image)
if FLAGS.mode == 'inference':
if FLAGS.checkpoint is None:
raise ValueError('The checkpoint file is needed to performing the test.')
# Declare the test data reader
inference_data = inference_data_loader(FLAGS)
input_shape = [1,] + list(inference_data.inputs[0].shape)
output_shape = [1,input_shape[1]*4, input_shape[2]*4, 3]
oh = input_shape[1] - input_shape[1]//8 * 8
ow = input_shape[2] - input_shape[2]//8 * 8
paddings = tf.constant([[0,0], [0,oh], [0,ow], [0,0]])
print("input shape:", input_shape)
print("output shape:", output_shape)
# build the graph
inputs_raw = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=input_shape, name='inputs_raw')
pre_inputs = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(input_shape), trainable=False, name='pre_inputs')
pre_gen = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(output_shape), trainable=False, name='pre_gen')
pre_warp = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(output_shape), trainable=False, name='pre_warp')
transpose_pre = tf.space_to_depth(pre_warp, 4)
inputs_all = tf.concat( (inputs_raw, transpose_pre), axis = -1)
with tf.variable_scope('generator'):
gen_output = generator_F(inputs_all, 3, reuse=False, FLAGS=FLAGS)
# Deprocess the images outputed from the model, and assign things for next frame
with tf.control_dependencies([ tf.assign(pre_inputs, inputs_raw)]):
outputs = tf.assign(pre_gen, deprocess(gen_output))
inputs_frames = tf.concat( (pre_inputs, inputs_raw), axis = -1)
with tf.variable_scope('fnet'):
gen_flow_lr = fnet( inputs_frames, reuse=False)
gen_flow_lr = tf.pad(gen_flow_lr, paddings, "SYMMETRIC")
gen_flow = upscale_four(gen_flow_lr*4.0)
gen_flow.set_shape( output_shape[:-1]+[2] )
pre_warp_hi = tf.contrib.image.dense_image_warp(pre_gen, gen_flow)
before_ops = tf.assign(pre_warp, pre_warp_hi)
print('Finish building the network')
# In inference time, we only need to restore the weight of the generator
var_list = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.MODEL_VARIABLES, scope='generator')
var_list = var_list + tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.MODEL_VARIABLES, scope='fnet')
weight_initiallizer = tf.train.Saver(var_list)
# Define the initialization operation
init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer()
local_init_op = tf.local_variables_initializer()
config = tf.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
if (FLAGS.output_pre == ""):
image_dir = FLAGS.output_dir
image_dir = os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, FLAGS.output_pre)
if not os.path.exists(image_dir):
with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
# Load the pretrained model
print('Loading weights from ckpt model')
weight_initiallizer.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint)
if False: # If you want to take a look of the weights, True
max_iter = len(inference_data.inputs)
srtime = 0
print('Frame evaluation starts!!')
for i in range(max_iter):
input_im = np.array([inference_data.inputs[i]]).astype(np.float32)
feed_dict={inputs_raw: input_im}
t0 = time.time()
if(i != 0):
sess.run(before_ops, feed_dict=feed_dict)
output_frame = sess.run(outputs, feed_dict=feed_dict)
srtime += time.time()-t0
if(i >= 5):
name, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(str(inference_data.paths_LR[i])))
filename = FLAGS.output_name+'_'+name
print('saving image %s' % filename)
out_path = os.path.join(image_dir, "%s.%s"%(filename,FLAGS.output_ext))
save_img(out_path, output_frame[0])
else:# First 5 is a hard-coded symmetric frame padding, ignored but time added!
print("Warming up %d"%(5-i))
print( "total time " + str(srtime) + ", frame number " + str(max_iter) )
# The training mode
elif FLAGS.mode == 'train':
# hard coded save
filelist = ['main.py','lib/Teco.py','lib/frvsr.py','lib/dataloader.py','lib/ops.py']
for filename in filelist:
shutil.copyfile('./' + filename, FLAGS.summary_dir + filename.replace("/","_"))
useValidat = tf.placeholder_with_default( tf.constant(False, dtype=tf.bool), shape=() )
rdata = frvsr_gpu_data_loader(FLAGS, useValidat)
# Data = collections.namedtuple('Data', 'paths_HR, s_inputs, s_targets, image_count, steps_per_epoch')
print('tData count = %d, steps per epoch %d' % (rdata.image_count, rdata.steps_per_epoch))
if (FLAGS.ratio>0):
Net = TecoGAN( rdata.s_inputs, rdata.s_targets, FLAGS )
Net = FRVSR( rdata.s_inputs, rdata.s_targets, FLAGS )
# Network = collections.namedtuple('Network', 'gen_output, train, learning_rate, update_list, '
# 'update_list_name, update_list_avg, image_summary')
# Add scalar summary
tf.summary.scalar('learning_rate', Net.learning_rate)
train_summary = []
for key, value in zip(Net.update_list_name, Net.update_list_avg):
# 'map_loss, scale_loss, FrameA_loss, FrameA_loss,...'
train_summary += [tf.summary.scalar(key, value)]
train_summary += Net.image_summary
merged = tf.summary.merge(train_summary)
validat_summary = [] # val data statistics is not added to average
uplen = len(Net.update_list)
for key, value in zip(Net.update_list_name[:uplen], Net.update_list):
# 'map_loss, scale_loss, FrameA_loss, FrameA_loss,...'
validat_summary += [tf.summary.scalar("val_" + key, value)]
val_merged = tf.summary.merge(validat_summary)
# Define the saver and weight initiallizer
saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=50)
# variable lists
all_var_list = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES)
if (FLAGS.checkpoint is not None) and (FLAGS.pre_trained_model is True):
model_var_list = tf.get_collection(tfflag, scope='generator') + tf.get_collection(tfflag, scope='fnet')
assign_ops = get_existing_from_ckpt(FLAGS.checkpoint, model_var_list, rest_zero=True, print_level=1)
print('Prepare to load %d weights from the pre-trained model for generator and fnet'%len(assign_ops))
if FLAGS.ratio>0:
model_var_list = tf.get_collection(tfflag, scope='tdiscriminator')
dis_list = get_existing_from_ckpt(FLAGS.checkpoint, model_var_list, print_level=0)
print('Prepare to load %d weights from the pre-trained model for discriminator'%len(dis_list))
assign_ops += dis_list
if FLAGS.vgg_scaling > 0.0: # VGG weights are not trainable
vgg_var_list = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope='vgg_19')
vgg_restore = tf.train.Saver(vgg_var_list)
print('Finish building the network.')
# Start the session
config = tf.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
# init_op = tf.initialize_all_variables() # MonitoredTrainingSession will initialize automatically
with tf.train.MonitoredTrainingSession(config=config, save_summaries_secs=None, save_checkpoint_secs=None) as sess:
train_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(FLAGS.summary_dir, sess.graph)
if FLAGS.ratio>0:
if FLAGS.vgg_scaling > 0.0:
printVariable('vgg_19', tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES)
vgg_restore.restore(sess, FLAGS.vgg_ckpt)
print('VGG19 restored successfully!!')
if (FLAGS.checkpoint is not None):
if (FLAGS.pre_trained_model is False):
print('Loading everything from the checkpoint to continue the training...')
saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint)
# this will restore everything, including ADAM training parameters and global_step
print('Loading weights from the pre-trained model to start a new training...')
sess.run(assign_ops) # only restore existing model weights
print('The first run takes longer time for training data loading...')
# get the session for save
_sess = sess
while type(_sess).__name__ != 'Session':
# pylint: disable=W0212
_sess = _sess._sess
save_sess = _sess
if 1:
print('Save initial checkpoint, before any training')
init_run_no = sess.run(Net.global_step)
saver.save(save_sess, os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, 'model'), global_step=init_run_no)
testWhileTrain(FLAGS, init_run_no) # make sure that testWhileTrain works
# Performing the training
frame_len = (FLAGS.RNN_N*2-1) if FLAGS.pingpang else FLAGS.RNN_N
max_iter, step, start = FLAGS.max_iter, 0, time.time()
if max_iter is None:
if FLAGS.max_epoch is None:
raise ValueError('one of max_epoch or max_iter should be provided')
max_iter = FLAGS.max_epoch * rdata.steps_per_epoch
for step in range(max_iter):
run_step = sess.run(Net.global_step) + 1
fetches = { "train": Net.train, "learning_rate": Net.learning_rate }
if (run_step % FLAGS.display_freq) == 0:
for key, value in zip(Net.update_list_name, Net.update_list_avg):
fetches[str(key)] = value
if (run_step % FLAGS.summary_freq) == 0:
fetches["summary"] = merged
results = sess.run(fetches)
if(step == 0):
print('Optimization starts!!!(Ctrl+C to stop, will try saving the last model...)')
if (run_step % FLAGS.summary_freq) == 0:
print('Run and Recording summary!!')
train_writer.add_summary(results['summary'], run_step)
val_fetches = {}
for name, value in zip(Net.update_list_name[:uplen], Net.update_list):
val_fetches['val_' + name] = value
val_fetches['summary'] = val_merged
val_results = sess.run(val_fetches, feed_dict={useValidat: True})
train_writer.add_summary(val_results['summary'], run_step)
print('-----------Validation data scalars-----------')
for name in Net.update_list_name[:uplen]:
print('val_' + name, val_results['val_' + name])
if (run_step % FLAGS.display_freq) == 0:
train_epoch = math.ceil(run_step / rdata.steps_per_epoch)
train_step = (run_step - 1) % rdata.steps_per_epoch + 1
rate = (step + 1) * FLAGS.batch_size / (time.time() - start)
remaining = (max_iter - step) * FLAGS.batch_size / rate
print("progress epoch %d step %d image/sec %0.1fx%02d remaining %dh%dm" %
(train_epoch, train_step, rate, frame_len,
remaining // 3600, (remaining%3600) // 60))
print("global_step", run_step)
print("learning_rate", results['learning_rate'])
for name in Net.update_list_name:
print(name, results[name])
if (run_step % FLAGS.save_freq) == 0:
print('Save the checkpoint')
saver.save(save_sess, os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, 'model'), global_step=int(run_step))
testWhileTrain(FLAGS, run_step)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if step > 1:
print('main.py: KeyboardInterrupt->saving the checkpoint')
saver.save(save_sess, os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, 'model'), global_step=int(run_step))
testWhileTrain(FLAGS, run_step).communicate()
print('main.py: quit')
print('Optimization done!!!!!!!!!!!!')
马建仓 AI 助手
