同步操作将从 QuanHaHQuan/Magic Cube-ChatApp(聊天软件) 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <mysql/mysql.h>
#define SZREQUESTBUFFER 4194304
#define N_FDS_INIT 4096
#define SZSQLSTRING 10240
static char sqlString[SZSQLSTRING];
static char messageEsc[8192];
static char message[4096];
static char fileName[256];
static char userNameEsc[128];
static char toUserNameEsc[128];
static char fromUserNameEsc[128];
static char groupIdEsc[128];
static char passwordEsc[128];
static char userName[64];
static char toUserName[64];
static char fromUserName[64];
static char groupId[64];
static char password[64];
static char messageTime[32];
MYSQL mysql;
// #00
int handleLogout(int connectSocketFD)
MYSQL_RES* sqlResult = NULL;
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT UserName FROM UserInfo WHERE ConnectSocketFD = %d;", connectSocketFD);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow)
write(connectSocketFD, "#00|1", 6); // invalid connection
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, userNameEsc, sqlRow[0], strnlen(sqlRow[0], 63));
sprintf(sqlString, "UPDATE UserInfo SET ConnectSocketFD = -1 WHERE ConnectSocketFD = %d;", connectSocketFD);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sprintf(sqlString, "UPDATE Friends SET IsOpen = 0 WHERE UserA = '%s';", userNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sprintf(sqlString, "UPDATE InGroup SET IsOpen = 0 WHERE UserName = '%s';", userNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
write(connectSocketFD, "#00|0", 6); // successfully logged out
return -2;
write(connectSocketFD, "#99|1", 6); // logout failed due to db error
return -1;
// #01
// sign up // format: #01|UserName|Password
int qc_signUp(const char* req, int reqLen, int confd)
MYSQL_RES* sqlResult = NULL;
sscanf(req + 4, "%63[^|]|%63[^\\0]", userName, password);
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, userNameEsc, userName, strnlen(userName, 63));
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT UserName FROM UserInfo WHERE UserName = '%s';", userNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (sqlRow)
write(confd, "#01|1", 6); // username already exists
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, passwordEsc, password, strnlen(password, 63));
sprintf(sqlString, "INSERT INTO UserInfo (UserName, UserPassword) VALUES ('%s', '%s');", userNameEsc, passwordEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
write(confd, "#01|0", 6); // successfully registered
return 0;
write(confd, "#99|1", 6); // sql database error
return -1;
// #02
// login // format: #02|UserName|Password
int qc_login(const char* req, int reqLen, int confd)
MYSQL_RES* sqlResult = NULL;
sscanf(req + 4, "%63[^|]|%63[^\\0]", userName, password);
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, userNameEsc, userName, strnlen(userName, 63));
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT UserName FROM UserInfo WHERE UserName = '%s';", userNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow)
write(confd, "#02|1", 6); // user does not exist
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, passwordEsc, password, strnlen(password, 63));
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT ConnectSocketFD, ImgNo FROM UserInfo WHERE UserName = '%s' AND UserPassword = '%s';", userNameEsc, passwordEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow)
write(confd, "#02|2", 6); // password incorrect
int currentFD = atoi(sqlRow[0]), imgNo = atoi(sqlRow[1]);
if (currentFD != -1)
write(currentFD, "#02|3", 6); // force currently logged in user to logout (must respond null req)
write(confd, "#02|4", 6); // force currently user who is trying to login to retry
sprintf(sqlString, "UPDATE UserInfo SET ConnectSocketFD = %d WHERE UserName = '%s';", confd, userNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sprintf(message, "#02|0|%d", imgNo);
write(confd, message, strnlen(message, 4095) + 1); // login successful
return 0;
write(confd, "#99|1", 6); // sql database error
return -1;
// #03
// add a friend // format: #03|toUserName
int qc_addFriend(const char* req, int reqLen, int confd)
MYSQL_RES* sqlResult = NULL;
strncpy(toUserName, req + 4, 64);
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT UserName from UserInfo WHERE ConnectSocketFD = %d;", confd);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow)
write(confd, "#03|1", 6); // invalid connection
// sqlRow[0] is now "fromUserName"
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, fromUserNameEsc, sqlRow[0], strnlen(sqlRow[0], 63));
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, toUserNameEsc, toUserName, strnlen(toUserName, 63));
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT UserName FROM UserInfo WHERE UserName = '%s';", toUserNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow)
write(confd, "#03|2", 6); // user does not exist
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT UserA from Friends WHERE UserA = '%s' AND UserB = '%s';", fromUserNameEsc, toUserNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow) // A and B are not friends
sprintf(sqlString, "INSERT INTO Friends (UserA, UserB) VALUES ('%s', '%s');", fromUserNameEsc, toUserNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sprintf(sqlString, "INSERT INTO Friends (UserA, UserB) VALUES ('%s', '%s');", toUserNameEsc, fromUserNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
write(confd, "#03|0", 6); // friend successfully added
write(confd, "#03|3", 6); // they are already friends
return 0;
write(confd, "#99|1", 6); // sql database error
return -1;
// #04
// send message // format: #04|ToUserName|messageTime|Message
int qc_sendMessage(const char* req, int reqLen, int confd)
MYSQL_RES* sqlResult = NULL;
sscanf(req + 4, "%63[^|]|%31[^|]|%4095[^\\0]", toUserName, messageTime, message);
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT UserName FROM UserInfo WHERE ConnectSocketFD = %d;", confd);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow)
write(confd, "#04|1", 6); // invalid connection
strncpy(fromUserName, sqlRow[0], 64);
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, toUserNameEsc, toUserName, strnlen(toUserName, 63));
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT ConnectSocketFD FROM UserInfo WHERE UserName = '%s';", toUserNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow)
write(confd, "#04|2", 6); // user does not exist
int toUserFD = atoi(sqlRow[0]);
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, fromUserNameEsc, fromUserName, strnlen(fromUserName, 63));
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT IsOpen FROM Friends WHERE UserA = '%s' AND UserB = '%s';", toUserNameEsc, fromUserNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow)
write(confd, "#04|3", 6); // not friend, can't send message
if (toUserFD != -1 && atoi(sqlRow[0]))
sprintf(messageEsc, "#04|4|%s|%s|%s", fromUserName, messageTime, message);
write(toUserFD, messageEsc, strnlen(messageEsc, 4095) + 1);
write(confd, "#04|0", 6); // message successfully sent // TODO feed back?
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, messageEsc, message, strnlen(message, 4095));
sprintf(sqlString, "INSERT INTO MessageTable (MessageTime, FromUserName, ToUserName, Message) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s');", messageTime, fromUserNameEsc, toUserNameEsc, messageEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
write(confd, "#04|0", 6); // message stored to db
return 0;
write(confd, "#99|1", 6); // sql database error
return -1;
// #05
// open chat box // format: #05|whoToChat
// client->server: #05|who_to_chat
// server->client: #05|0|messageTime|message (or #05|1 for invalid connection or #05|2 for end of transmission)
// client->server: #05|who_to_chat
// ......and so on
// MessageTable (MessageTime, FromUserName, ToUserName, Message)
int qc_openChatBox(const char* req, int reqLen, int confd)
MYSQL_RES* sqlResult = NULL;
strncpy(fromUserName, req + 4, 64); //userName:FromUserName
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, fromUserNameEsc, fromUserName, strnlen(fromUserName, 63));
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT UserName FROM UserInfo WHERE ConnectSocketFD = %d;", confd);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow)
write(confd, "#05|1", 6); // invalid connection
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, toUserNameEsc, sqlRow[0], strnlen(sqlRow[0], 63));
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT MessageTime, Message FROM MessageTable WHERE FromUserName = '%s' AND ToUserName = '%s' ORDER BY MessageTime ASC;", fromUserNameEsc, toUserNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
if ((sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult)))
sprintf(message, "#05|0|%s|%s", sqlRow[0], sqlRow[1]); // #05|0|MessageTime|Message
write(confd, message, strnlen(message, 4095) + 1);
sprintf(sqlString, "DELETE FROM MessageTable WHERE MessageTime = '%s' AND FromUserName = '%s' AND ToUserName = '%s';", sqlRow[0], fromUserNameEsc, toUserNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sprintf(sqlString, "UPDATE Friends SET IsOpen = 1 WHERE UserA = '%s' AND UserB = '%s';", toUserNameEsc, fromUserNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
write(confd, "#05|2", 6); // end of transmission
return 0;
write(confd, "#99|1", 6); // sql database error
return -1;
// #06
// request friend info
// client->server:#06|0
// (db stores friend information into a temp table)
// server->client:#06|0|x|friendName|imgNo|nMessages (or #06|1 for invalid connection) ps: (x==1,friend is online,vise versa) n stands for n messages
// client->server:#06|1 (for next piece of friend info)
// server->client:#06|0|x|friendName|imgNo|nMessages (next piece of info)
// client->server:#06|1 (for next piece of friend info)
// ............
// server->client:#06|2 (no more info)
int qc_requestFriendInfo(const char* req, int reqLen, int confd)
MYSQL_RES* sqlResult = NULL;
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT UserName FROM UserInfo WHERE ConnectSocketFD = %d;", confd);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow)
write(confd, "#06|1", 6); // invalid connection
strncpy(toUserName, sqlRow[0], 64);
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, toUserNameEsc, toUserName, strnlen(toUserName, 63));
if (!(req[4] & 0x0f))
sprintf(sqlString, "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS TEMP_%d;", confd);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sprintf(sqlString, "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE TEMP_%d (SELECT ConnectSocketFD, UserB, ImgNo FROM Friends, UserInfo WHERE Friends.UserA = '%s' AND Friends.UserB = UserInfo.UserName);", confd, toUserNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sprintf(sqlString, "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS TEMP_%d (ConnectSocketFD INT DEFAULT -1, UserB VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, ImgNo INT DEFAULT 0);", confd);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT ConnectSocketFD, UserB, ImgNo FROM TEMP_%d;", confd);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow)
sprintf(sqlString, "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE TEMP_%d;", confd);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
write(confd, "#06|2", 6); // no more info
int fromUserFD = atoi(sqlRow[0]), imgNo = atoi(sqlRow[2]);
strncpy(fromUserName, sqlRow[1], 64);
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, fromUserNameEsc, fromUserName, strnlen(fromUserName, 63));
sprintf(sqlString, "DELETE FROM TEMP_%d WHERE UserB = '%s';", confd, fromUserNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MessageTable WHERE FromUserName = '%s' AND ToUserName = '%s';", fromUserNameEsc, toUserNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
int nMessages = atoi(sqlRow[0]);
sprintf(message, "#06|0|%c|%s|%d|%d", fromUserFD != -1 ? '1' : '0', fromUserName, imgNo, nMessages);
write(confd, message, strnlen(message, 4095) + 1);
return 0;
write(confd, "#99|1", 6); // sql database error
return -1;
// #07
// delete friend // format: #07|toUserName
int qc_deleteFriend(const char* req, int reqLen, int confd)
MYSQL_RES* sqlResult = NULL;
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT UserName FROM UserInfo WHERE ConnectSocketFD = %d;", confd);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow)
write(confd, "#07|1", 6); // invalid connection
strncpy(toUserName, req + 4, 64);
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, fromUserNameEsc, sqlRow[0], strnlen(sqlRow[0], 63));
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, toUserNameEsc, toUserName, strnlen(toUserName, 63));
sprintf(sqlString, "DELETE FROM Friends WHERE UserA = '%s' AND UserB = '%s';", toUserNameEsc, fromUserNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sprintf(sqlString, "DELETE FROM Friends WHERE UserA = '%s' AND UserB = '%s';", fromUserNameEsc, toUserNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
write(confd, "#07|0", 6); // successfully deleted
return 0;
write(confd, "#99|1", 6); // sql database error
return -1;
// #08
// delete account // format: #08
int qc_calcelAccount(int confd)
MYSQL_RES* sqlResult = NULL;
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT UserName FROM UserInfo WHERE ConnectSocketFD = %d;", confd);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow)
write(confd, "#08|1", 6); // invalid connection
strncpy(userName, sqlRow[0], 64);
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, userNameEsc, userName, strnlen(userName, 63));
sprintf(sqlString, "DELETE FROM UserInfo WHERE UserName = '%s';", userNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sprintf(sqlString, "DELETE FROM Friends WHERE UserA = '%s' OR UserB = '%s';", userNameEsc, userNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sprintf(sqlString, "DELETE FROM MessageTable WHERE FromUserName = '%s' OR ToUserName = '%s';", userNameEsc, userNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sprintf(sqlString, "DELETE FROM GroupInfo WHERE GroupOwner = '%s';", userNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sprintf(sqlString, "DELETE FROM GroupMessageTable WHERE FromUserName = '%s' OR ToUserName = '%s';", userNameEsc, userNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sprintf(sqlString, "DELETE FROM InGroup WHERE UserName = '%s';", userNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
write(confd, "#08|0", 6); // account successfully deleted
return -2;
write(confd, "#99|1", 6); // sql database error
return -1;
// #09
// set head image // format: #09|image number
int qc_setHeadImage(const char* req, int reqLen, int confd)
MYSQL_RES* sqlResult = NULL;
int imgNo = atoi(req + 4);
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT UserName FROM UserInfo WHERE ConnectSocketFD = %d;", confd);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow)
write(confd, "#09|1", 6); // invalid connection
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, userNameEsc, sqlRow[0], strnlen(sqlRow[0], 63));
sprintf(sqlString, "UPDATE UserInfo SET ImgNo = %d WHERE UserName = '%s';", imgNo, userNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
write(confd, "#09|0", 6); // head image set successfully
return 0;
write(confd, "#99|1", 6); // sql database error
return -1;
// #10
// close chat box
// client->server #10|whoToClose
// server->client #10|0 success
int qc_closeChatBox(const char* req, int reqLen, int confd)
MYSQL_RES* sqlResult = NULL;
strncpy(fromUserName, req + 4, 64); // fromUserName: 被关闭者
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, fromUserNameEsc, fromUserName, strnlen(fromUserName, 63));
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT UserName FROM UserInfo WHERE ConnectSocketFD = %d;", confd);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow)
write(confd, "#10|1", 6); // invalid connection
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, toUserNameEsc, sqlRow[0], strnlen(sqlRow[0], 63)); // toUserName 关闭者
sprintf(sqlString, "UPDATE Friends SET IsOpen = 0 WHERE UserA = '%s' AND UserB = '%s';", toUserNameEsc, fromUserNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
write(confd, "#10|0", 6); // chat box successfully closed
return 0;
write(confd, "#99|1", 6); // sql database error
return -1;
// #11
// send file
// 1.sender->server: #11|0|receiverUserName|messageTime|fileName
// 2.server->receiver: #11|5|senderUserName|messageTime|fileName
// 3.receiver->server: #11|2|senderUserName (fileName received)
// 4.server->sender: #11|0|receiverUserName (success)
// 5.sender->server: #11|1|receiverUserName(64)|messageTime(20)|nCurrent(11)|nTotal(11)|nValid(11)|bytesInFile(1-4194176)
// ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
// | | | | | | |
// 4 6 71 92 104 116 128
// 6.server->receiver: #11|6|senderUserName(64)|messageTime(20)|nCurrent(11)|nTotal(11)|nValid(11)|bytesInFile(1-4194176)
// ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
// | | | | | | |
// 4 6 71 92 104 116 128
// 7.receiver->server: #11|2|senderUserName (fileContent received)
// 8.server->sender: #11|0|receiverUserName (success) (goto 5. until the file is successfully sent)
// nCurrent: current piece number
// nTotal: total number of the pieces
// nValid: valid bytes in the file from req[128] on (1 <= nValid <= 4194176) (4194176 == 2^22 - 2^7)
// errors:
// server->client (sender or receiver):
// #11|0 success
// #11|1 invalid connection
// #11|2 user does not exist
// #11|3 not friend, can't send file
// #11|4 friend not online
int qc_sendFile(char* req, int reqLen, int confd)
MYSQL_RES* sqlResult = NULL;
int reqType = req[4] & 0x0f;
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT UserName FROM UserInfo WHERE ConnectSocketFD = %d;", confd);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow)
write(confd, "#11|1", 6); // invalid connection
strncpy(fromUserName, sqlRow[0], 64);
sscanf(req + 6, "%63[^|\\0]", toUserName);
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, toUserNameEsc, toUserName, strnlen(toUserName, 63));
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT ConnectSocketFD FROM UserInfo WHERE UserName = '%s';", toUserNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow)
write(confd, "#11|2", 6); // user does not exist
int toUserFD = atoi(sqlRow[0]);
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, fromUserNameEsc, fromUserName, strnlen(fromUserName, 63));
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT IsOpen FROM Friends WHERE UserA = '%s' AND UserB = '%s';", toUserNameEsc, fromUserNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow)
write(confd, "#11|3", 6); // not friend, can't send file
if (toUserFD != -1) // friend is online
if (reqType == 2) // send feedback
sprintf(message, "#11|0|%s", fromUserName);
write(toUserFD, message, strnlen(message, 4095) + 1); // success
else if (reqType == 1) // send file content
req[4] = '6';
strncpy(req + 6, fromUserName, 64);
write(toUserFD, req, atol(req + 116) + 128);
else // send file name
sscanf(req, "#11|0|%63[^|]|%31[^|]|%255[^\\0]", toUserName, messageTime, fileName);
sprintf(message, "#11|5|%s|%s|%s", fromUserName, messageTime, fileName);
write(toUserFD, message, strnlen(message, 4095) + 1);
write(confd, "#11|4", 6); // friend is not online
return 0;
write(confd, "#99|1", 6); // sql database error
return -1;
// #12 create group
// client->server #12|groupId
// server->client #12|1 invalid connection
// #12|2 groupId has been used
// #12|0 group is created successfully
int qc_createGroup(char* req, int reqLen, int confd)
MYSQL_RES* sqlResult = NULL;
strncpy(groupId, req + 4, 64);
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT UserName FROM UserInfo WHERE ConnectSocketFD = %d;", confd);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow)
write(confd, "#12|1", 6); // invalid connection
strncpy(userName, sqlRow[0], 64);
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, groupIdEsc, groupId, strnlen(groupId, 63));
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT GroupId FROM GroupInfo WHERE GroupId = '%s';", groupIdEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (sqlRow)
write(confd, "#12|2", 6); // groupId has been used
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, userNameEsc, userName, strnlen(userName, 63));
sprintf(sqlString, "INSERT INTO GroupInfo (GroupId, GroupOwner) VALUES ('%s', '%s');", groupIdEsc, userNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sprintf(sqlString, "INSERT INTO InGroup (GroupId, UserName) VALUES ('%s', '%s');", groupIdEsc, userNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
write(confd, "#12|0", 6); // group has been created successfully
return 0;
write(confd, "#99|1", 6); // sql database error
return -1;
// #13 apply into group
// client->server: #13|groupId
// server->client: #13|1 invalid connection
// #13|2 群聊不存在
// #13|3 已经在群内
// #13|0 申请成功
int qc_applyToGroup(char* req, int reqLen, int confd)
MYSQL_RES* sqlResult = NULL;
strncpy(groupId, req + 4, 64);
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT UserName FROM UserInfo WHERE ConnectSocketFD = %d;", confd);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow)
write(confd, "#13|1", 6); // invalid connection
strncpy(userName, sqlRow[0], 64);
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, groupIdEsc, groupId, strnlen(groupId, 63));
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT GroupId FROM GroupInfo WHERE GroupId = '%s';", groupIdEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow)
write(confd, "#13|2", 6); // group does not exist
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, userNameEsc, userName, strnlen(userName, 63));
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT GroupId, UserName FROM InGroup WHERE GroupId = '%s' AND UserName = '%s';", groupIdEsc, userNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (sqlRow)
write(confd, "#13|3", 6); // already in group
sprintf(sqlString, "INSERT INTO InGroup (GroupId, UserName) VALUES ('%s','%s');", groupIdEsc, userNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
write(confd, "#13|0", 6); // success
return 0;
write(confd, "#99|1", 6); // sql database error
return -1;
// #14
// send message in group
// client1->server: #14|groupId|messageTime|Message
// server->client1:
// #14|0 发送成功
// #14|1 非法连接
// server->client2:
// #14|2|groupId|FromWhom|Time|Message
int qc_sendMessageInGroup(const char* req, int reqLen, int confd)
MYSQL_RES* sqlResult = NULL;
MYSQL_RES* sqlResult1 = NULL;
MYSQL_ROW sqlRow1;
sscanf(req + 4, "%63[^|]|%31[^|]|%4095[^\\0]", groupId, messageTime, message);
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, groupIdEsc, groupId, strnlen(groupId, 63));
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT UserName FROM UserInfo WHERE ConnectSocketFD = %d;", confd);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow)
write(confd, "#14|1", 6); // invalid connection
strncpy(fromUserName, sqlRow[0], 64);
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, fromUserNameEsc, fromUserName, strnlen(fromUserName, 63));
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT UserName FROM InGroup WHERE GroupId = '%s' AND UserName <> '%s';", groupIdEsc, fromUserNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
while ((sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult))) // User in group
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, toUserNameEsc, sqlRow[0], strnlen(sqlRow[0], 63));
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT ConnectSocketFD, IsOpen FROM UserInfo, InGroup WHERE UserInfo.UserName = '%s' AND InGroup.UserName = '%s' AND InGroup.GroupId = '%s';", toUserNameEsc, toUserNameEsc, groupIdEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult1 = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult1)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow1 = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult1);
if (atoi(sqlRow1[0]) == -1 || atoi(sqlRow1[1]) == 0) //用户不在线或未打开群聊窗口
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, messageEsc, message, strnlen(message, 4095));
sprintf(sqlString, "INSERT INTO GroupMessageTable (GroupId, MessageTime, FromUserName, ToUserName, Message) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s');", groupIdEsc, messageTime, fromUserNameEsc, toUserNameEsc, messageEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
// #14|2|groupId|FromWhom|Time|Message
sprintf(messageEsc, "#14|2|%s|%s|%s|%s", groupId, fromUserName, messageTime, message);
write(atoi(sqlRow1[0]), messageEsc, strnlen(messageEsc, 4095) + 1);
write(confd, "#14|0", 6); // message stored to db or it has been sent successfully
return 0;
write(confd, "#99|1", 6); // sql database error
return -1;
// #15
// request group info
// client->server:#15|0
// (db stores group information into a temp table)
// server->client:#15|0|groupName|nMessages (or #15|1 for invalid connection)
// client->server:#15|1 (for next piece of group info)
// server->client:#15|0|groupName|nMessages (next piece of info)
// client->server:#15|1 (for next piece of group info)
// ............
// server->client:#15|2 (no more info)
int qc_requestGroupInfo(const char* req, int reqLen, int confd)
MYSQL_RES* sqlResult = NULL;
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT UserName FROM UserInfo WHERE ConnectSocketFD = %d;", confd);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow)
write(confd, "#15|1", 6); // invalid connection
strncpy(toUserName, sqlRow[0], 64);
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, toUserNameEsc, toUserName, strnlen(toUserName, 63));
if (!(req[4] & 0x0f))
sprintf(sqlString, "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS TEMPGroup_%d;", confd);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sprintf(sqlString, "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE TEMPGroup_%d (SELECT GroupId FROM InGroup WHERE UserName = '%s');", confd, toUserNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sprintf(sqlString, "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS TEMPGroup_%d (GroupId VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL);", confd);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT GroupId FROM TEMPGroup_%d;", confd);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow)
sprintf(sqlString, "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE TEMPGroup_%d;", confd);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
write(confd, "#15|2", 6); // no more info
strncpy(groupId, sqlRow[0], 64);
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, groupIdEsc, groupId, strnlen(groupId, 63));
sprintf(sqlString, "DELETE FROM TEMPGroup_%d WHERE GroupId = '%s';", confd, groupIdEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GroupMessageTable WHERE GroupId = '%s' AND ToUserName = '%s';", groupIdEsc, toUserNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
int nMessages = atoi(sqlRow[0]);
sprintf(message, "#15|0|%s|%d", groupId, nMessages);
write(confd, message, strnlen(message, 4095) + 1);
return 0;
write(confd, "#99|1", 6); // sql database error
return -1;
// #16
// open group chat box
// client->server #16|groupId
// server->client #16|0|whoSentIt|Time|Message
// #16|1 invalid connection
// #16|2 end of transmission
// client->server: #16|groupId
// ......and so on
int qc_openGroupChatBox(const char* req, int reqLen, int confd)
MYSQL_RES* sqlResult = NULL;
strncpy(groupId, req + 4, 64);
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT UserName FROM UserInfo WHERE ConnectSocketFD = %d;", confd);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow)
write(confd, "#16|1", 6); // invalid connection
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, groupIdEsc, groupId, strnlen(groupId, 63));
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, toUserNameEsc, sqlRow[0], strnlen(sqlRow[0], 63));
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT FromUserName, MessageTime, Message FROM GroupMessageTable WHERE GroupId = '%s' AND ToUserName = '%s' ORDER BY MessageTime ASC;", groupIdEsc, toUserNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
if ((sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult)))
sprintf(message, "#16|0|%s|%s|%s", sqlRow[0], sqlRow[1], sqlRow[2]); // #16|0|whoSentIt|Time|Message
write(confd, message, strnlen(message, 4095) + 1);
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, fromUserNameEsc, sqlRow[0], strnlen(sqlRow[0], 63));
sprintf(sqlString, "DELETE FROM GroupMessageTable WHERE GroupId = '%s' AND MessageTime = '%s' AND FromUserName = '%s' AND ToUserName = '%s';", groupIdEsc, sqlRow[1], fromUserNameEsc, toUserNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sprintf(sqlString, "UPDATE InGroup SET IsOpen = 1 WHERE GroupId = '%s' AND UserName = '%s';", groupIdEsc, toUserNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
write(confd, "#16|2", 6); // end of transmission
return 0;
write(confd, "#99|1", 6); // sql database error
return -1;
// #17
// close group chat box
// client->server #17|groupIdToClose
// server->client #17|1 invalid connection
// #17|0 success
int qc_closeGroupChatBox(const char* req, int reqLen, int confd)
MYSQL_RES* sqlResult = NULL;
strncpy(groupId, req + 4, 64);
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT UserName FROM UserInfo WHERE ConnectSocketFD = %d;", confd);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow)
write(confd, "#17|1", 6); // invalid connection
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, groupIdEsc, groupId, strnlen(groupId, 63));
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, userNameEsc, sqlRow[0], strnlen(sqlRow[0], 63)); // userName 关闭者
sprintf(sqlString, "UPDATE InGroup SET IsOpen = 0 WHERE GroupId = '%s' AND UserName = '%s';", groupIdEsc, userNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
write(confd, "#17|0", 6); // group chat box successfully closed
return 0;
write(confd, "#99|1", 6); // sql database error
return -1;
// #18
// request group member info
// client->server:#18|0|GroupId
// (db stores friend information into a temp table)
// server->client:#18|0|isOnline|userName|imgNo|isGroupOwner (or #18|1 for invalid connection)
// client->server:#18|1|GroupId (for next piece of friend info)
// server->client:#18|0|isOnline|userName|imgNo|isGroupOwner (next piece of info)
// client->server:#18|1|GroupId (for next piece of friend info)
// ............
// server->client:#18|2 (no more info)
int qc_requestGroupMemberInfo(const char* req, int reqLen, int confd)
MYSQL_RES* sqlResult = NULL;
int gidlen = strnlen(strncpy(groupId, req + 6, 64), 63);
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT UserName FROM UserInfo WHERE ConnectSocketFD = %d;", confd);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow)
write(confd, "#18|1", 6); // invalid connection
for (int k = 0;k < gidlen;++k)
fromUserNameEsc[k << 1] = ((groupId[k] >> 4) + 1) | 0x40;
fromUserNameEsc[(k << 1) + 1] = ((groupId[k] & 0x0f) + 1) | 0x40;
fromUserNameEsc[gidlen << 1] = 0;
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, groupIdEsc, groupId, strnlen(groupId, 63));
if (!(req[4] & 0x0f))
sprintf(sqlString, "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS TEMPGroup_%d_%s;", confd, fromUserNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sprintf(sqlString, "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE TEMPGroup_%d_%s (SELECT UserName, ConnectSocketFD, ImgNo FROM InGroup, UserInfo WHERE InGroup.UserName = UserInfo.UserName AND InGroup.GroupId = '%s');", confd, fromUserNameEsc, groupIdEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sprintf(sqlString, "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS TEMPGroup_%d_%s (UserName VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, ConnectSocketFD INT DEFAULT -1, ImgNo INT DEFAULT 0);", confd, fromUserNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT UserName, ConnectSocketFD, ImgNo FROM TEMPGroup_%d_%s;", confd, fromUserNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
if (!sqlRow)
sprintf(sqlString, "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE TEMPGroup_%d_%s;", confd, fromUserNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
write(confd, "#18|2", 6); // no more info
int userFD = atoi(sqlRow[1]), imgNo = atoi(sqlRow[2]);
strncpy(userName, sqlRow[0], 64);
mysql_real_escape_string(&mysql, userNameEsc, userName, strnlen(userName, 63));
sprintf(sqlString, "DELETE FROM TEMPGroup_%d_%s WHERE UserName = '%s';", confd, fromUserNameEsc, userNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sprintf(sqlString, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GroupInfo WHERE GroupId = '%s' AND GroupOwner = '%s';", groupIdEsc, userNameEsc);
if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlString))
printf("sql query error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlResult = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
if (!sqlResult)
printf("sql result error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
goto errlbl;
sqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(sqlResult);
int isGroupOwner = atoi(sqlRow[0]) ? 1 : 0;
sprintf(message, "#18|0|%c|%s|%d|%d", userFD != -1 ? '1' : '0', userName, imgNo, isGroupOwner);
write(confd, message, strnlen(message, 4095) + 1);
return 0;
write(confd, "#99|1", 6); // sql database error
return -1;
int handleRequest(char* req, int reqLen, int confd)
printf("%s\n", req);
if (!reqLen)
return -2; // logout
int reqType;
sscanf(req, "#%2d|", &reqType);
switch (reqType)
case 0:return handleLogout(confd);
case 1:return qc_signUp(req, reqLen, confd);
case 2:return qc_login(req, reqLen, confd);
case 3:return qc_addFriend(req, reqLen, confd);
case 4:return qc_sendMessage(req, reqLen, confd);
case 5:return qc_openChatBox(req, reqLen, confd);
case 6:return qc_requestFriendInfo(req, reqLen, confd);
case 7:return qc_deleteFriend(req, reqLen, confd);
case 8:return qc_calcelAccount(confd);
case 9:return qc_setHeadImage(req, reqLen, confd);
case 10:return qc_closeChatBox(req, reqLen, confd);
case 11:return qc_sendFile(req, reqLen, confd);
case 12:return qc_createGroup(req, reqLen, confd);
case 13:return qc_applyToGroup(req, reqLen, confd);
case 14:return qc_sendMessageInGroup(req, reqLen, confd);
case 15:return qc_requestGroupInfo(req, reqLen, confd);
case 16:return qc_openGroupChatBox(req, reqLen, confd);
case 17:return qc_closeGroupChatBox(req, reqLen, confd);
case 18:return qc_requestGroupMemberInfo(req, reqLen, confd);
return -1; // invalid request
int main()
if (!mysql_real_connect(&mysql, "localhost", "root", "123456", "qq", 33060, NULL, 0))
printf("connection error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
return 0;
if (mysql_query(&mysql, "UPDATE UserInfo SET ConnectSocketFD = -1;")
|| mysql_query(&mysql, "UPDATE Friends SET IsOpen = 0;")
|| mysql_query(&mysql, "UPDATE InGroup SET IsOpen = 0;"))
printf("sql query error (in main): %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
return 0;
int serverSocketFD = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
if (serverSocketFD == -1)
printf("error in socket()\n");
return 0;
struct sockaddr_in serverAddr;
memset(&serverAddr, 0, sizeof(serverAddr));
serverAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
serverAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); // inet_addr("");
serverAddr.sin_port = htons(1234);
if (bind(serverSocketFD, (struct sockaddr*)&serverAddr, sizeof(serverAddr)) == -1)
printf("error in bind()\n");
return 0;
if (listen(serverSocketFD, SOMAXCONN) == -1)
printf("error in listen()\n");
return 0;
struct pollfd* allFDs = (struct pollfd*)malloc(N_FDS_INIT * sizeof(struct pollfd));
nfds_t allFDsLen = 1, allFDsCap = N_FDS_INIT, nConnections = 0, i;
allFDs[0].fd = serverSocketFD;
allFDs[0].events = POLLIN;
if (!allFDs)
printf("error in malloc()\n");
return 0;
struct sockaddr_in* connectAddrs = (struct sockaddr_in*)malloc(N_FDS_INIT * sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
socklen_t connectAddrLen;
if (!connectAddrs)
printf("error in malloc()\n");
return 0;
int connectSocketFD;
static char requestBuffer[SZREQUESTBUFFER];
while (1)
int nReady = poll(allFDs, allFDsLen, -1);
if (nReady == -1)
printf("error in poll()\n");
if (allFDs[0].revents & POLLIN)
for (i = 1;allFDs[i].fd != -1 && i < allFDsLen;++i);
connectAddrLen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
connectSocketFD = accept(serverSocketFD, (struct sockaddr*)(connectAddrs + i), &connectAddrLen);
if (connectSocketFD == -1)
printf("error in accept()\n");
allFDs[i].fd = connectSocketFD;
allFDs[i].events = POLLIN;
if (i == allFDsLen)
if (allFDsLen == allFDsCap)
allFDsCap <<= 1;
allFDs = (struct pollfd*)realloc(allFDs, allFDsCap * sizeof(struct pollfd));
connectAddrs = (struct sockaddr_in*)realloc(connectAddrs, allFDsCap * sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
if (!(allFDs && connectAddrs))
printf("error in realloc()\n");
return 0;
printf("Connected to client. Client address: %s, port: %d, nConnections: %ld\n", inet_ntoa(connectAddrs[i].sin_addr), ntohs(connectAddrs[i].sin_port), nConnections);
for (i = 1;i < allFDsLen;++i)
if (allFDs[i].revents & POLLIN)
connectSocketFD = allFDs[i].fd;
int nRead = read(connectSocketFD, requestBuffer, SZREQUESTBUFFER);
if (nRead == -1)
printf("error in read()\n");
requestBuffer[nRead] = 0;
int rv = handleRequest(requestBuffer, nRead, connectSocketFD);
if (rv == -2)
allFDs[i].fd = -1;
while (allFDsLen && allFDs[allFDsLen - 1].fd == -1)
printf("Connection closed. Client address: %s, port: %d, nConnections: %ld\n", inet_ntoa(connectAddrs[i].sin_addr), ntohs(connectAddrs[i].sin_port), nConnections);
if (rv == -1)
printf("An error occurred when handling the request.\n");
return 0;
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